learn-from-the-pain · 6 years
[deathsuffers, pre-fall] "Hey uh," Gabe pokes a head through the doorway, expression carefully nonchalant, "If Morrison asks, you haven't seen me." There's a distant /clattering/, and a very distinct snarl of R E Y E S somewhere down the corridor: Gabe doesn't bat an eyelid. "Good talk! Say nice things at my funeral!"
Cool and calm as ever, the pace at which the captain looked up from her desk towards her visitor could be described as nothing less than ‘unimpressed.’
“Lie to the Strike Commander?” Ana inquired back incredulously, narrowing her eyes critically. “Hmph, Gabriel – it’s insulting you believe I would do such a thing.”
She paused, sternly frowning at the man as if to reaffirm her point – only to lean forward over her desk, a small mischievous smirk forming along her lips
“But,” Captain Amari continued, resting her elbows on her desk and holding up her chin with her palms, “if you were to, say, go out and buy me lunch”–she slowly swayed her head from side to side as she kept her eyes on him, as if it was only the most innocent of suggestions–“it wouldn’t be a lie to say I didn’t know where you were if you never told me to which restaurant you were heading.”
Another moment was spared smile a sickly sweet expression at Reyes – the kind of smile one only receives upon making a monkey’s paw-esque pact – before she leaned back, closing her eyes and gesturing with one hand to shoo him away.
“But that’s all just hypothetical, of course.” 
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
[deathsuffers] "i don’t have to know everything. just what you’re comfortable telling me." gabriel's hands are warm over his.
He turns his wrists, runs his thumbs along the back of Gabriel’s hands. “Thank you,” he mutters, even as his brows are pulled together in a pensive frown. “I…am not sure ‘comfort’ is the correct metric here.” He tries to laugh–but the sound draws out the misery that was lodged in his chest, eyes shining. He lifts Gabriel’s hands, guides them to his face–
“If I share too much, it is a mistake wholly my own,” he says, calm tone in contrast to intermittent tears. “I trust you not to pry.”
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💭 [deathsuffers]
Send “💭” for my characters thoughts on yours.Status - Accepting
I know everyone’s afraid of Reyes, but really he’s such a softie. He takes care of me when I forget how to do that, including bringing me food and demanding I sleep.
He’s carried me to bed a few times too, which is annoying but caring.
Honestly, despite the age gap (and the fact that he’s mean at times), I think he’s one of my best friends.
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[deathsuffers @ steph] “You could be brilliant. But you’re a coward.”
“Says the man who runs from death white wearing its mask.” a scoff, her tone cold as her gaze went unbroken from her work.
A moment of silence, thinking.
“If you want me to test the work the world’s not ready for, why don’t you be my subject? Seems like you’ve done it before. Unless you’re just as cowardly as I am.”
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👏 [deathsuffers]
Touch Starved MemeStatus - Accepting
👏 - Ruffle my muse’s hair
“Uncle Gabe!” Fareeha complained, trying to fix her hair. “I’m not a little kid anymore. I’m thirteen, I’m practically an adult now!”
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blindsoldier · 7 years
PSA - low activity.
hey! so! i’ve cut my following list down to like, less than 40 so that i’m basically only following people i’m friends with OOC and have interacted with IC so if i’ve unfollowed you or haven’t followed back, it’s not personal. i just don’t have the energy for writing in general lately and i’d like this to remain a hobby, not an obligation.
blindsoldier is now a private & selective blog. my sideblogs (deathsuffers & suzumesoul) aren’t private purely because sideblogs make being mutuals-only complicated, but they are both selective.
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deathsuffers · 7 years
lovexgame replied to your post “(For the touch Meme) His hands are cold, but still somehow warmer then...”
oh boy im gunna continue this hurt i LOVE GABE AND IM SORRY I ALWAYS HURT HIM BUT
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profxisajerk · 7 years
[deathsuffers] 👊 [ who fuckin knows YOU'RE GOOD AT IMPROV ]
The blow rattles Charles’ metal chassis. He is unmoved. “You should be careful, Gabriel,” he says, calmly. “Your Talon masters will not be pleased if you seriously damage their telepathic trump card.”
It’s not that it doesn’t hurt. It does. Whether it was a cruel invention of Kurt Marko’s, a necessary part of creating a sentient being, or simply some psychological result of being raised as a human, Charles can certainly feel pain when he’s damaged. But he refuses to show it, not here, not now, not to these people. Not while he’s sitting helpless in a Talon cell, knowing that the outside world has forgotten him, being tortured by a man he once saw as a hero.
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learn-from-the-pain · 7 years
[deathsuffers, pre-fall] Leans in. Leans in closer. Puts his chin directly on top of her head with the smuggest cat smirk imaginable (second only to Ana's). "Hey, /best friend/." [ gabriel PLEASE ]
As she often did on mornings like these, Ana had the earbuds of her clunky, old music player already in as she watched the newest recruits train on the grassy fields, her arms crossed; after all, why listen to the obnoxious, grating shouting of drill instructors - or, in this case, the footsteps of an approaching commander - when one can listen to the voices of singers that have been dead for half a century?
Just as the drums began to really kick in for the chorus, Ana jolted as an unexpected - albeit light - force came down upon her head, to which her immediate reaction was to reach up and grab at the back of the unknown individual’s neck. Her fingers, of course, were greeted by the sensation of an all too familiar knit cap.
“Gabriel,” Ana scolded - although she could only maintain her indignation for so long, as always. “Is it really so difficult to warn an old woman when you’re about to remind her she’s the shortest, non-Swedish friend you have?”
She gave a huff, leaning her head to the side and tilting it upwards to address him.
“Although I can’t fault you on your timing,” she remarked, holding up her music device so that Reyes could view the current item on the playlist - “Doom and Gloom” by the Rolling Stones, one of their mutual favorites from the band.
“Either that,” she continued, that all too characteristic half-lidded smirk creeping onto her face that signaled an in-coming quip, “or the song simply summons you on command.”
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
[deathsuffers, v: dream team] "I remember you." Gabriel leans in the doorway, arms folded, hood still pulled up even indoors. It's the orbs that have his attention: he remembers one extended to him, glowing with warmth and light, how the only thing he could think to do was flee from it, both afraid that it wouldn't help and fearing that it /might/. "Tried to give me one of those balls. Years ago. Small world."
What an odd group he’d found himself in. Not that his own presence is any less strange; but it’s difficult not to consider that fact with the specter–former?–looming in the doorway. Overwatch’s greatest enemy and Jack’s greatest friend.
Much more of a friend, now.
“I did,” he agrees, tone conversational. It’s not an encounter he will forget any time soon. “I apologize, it seems I overstepped.”
He tilts his head at him, curious about his new state. “You found something else to help you.” It’s not his business, so he won’t ask.
Not directly.
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excineris-a-blog · 7 years
@blindsoldier replied to your post “[deathsuffers] “I have three words for you: Burn. In. Hell.” [ how...”
this physically pained me but your writing is SO GOOD
// you have no idea how nice that is to hear when i just feel so rusty tbh, thank you bb
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blindsoldier replied to your post “�� [deathsuffers]”
Gabe is the reason hat Angie didn’t die in her first 5 years at OW. He’s the one who’s like
“Oh, this small person does not remember to eat or sleep or function when she’s concentrating. We should... make sure she does those things. No one else is willing to help? Okay, I should make sure she does those things.”
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[deathsuffers] ❝ The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. ❞
◆ ◆   (   AN  ASSORTED  SENTENCE  STARTER  PACK.Status - Accepting
“What does that mean, Uncle Gabe?” Fareeha asked, frowning and twisting on his lap to look up at him. “I don’t wanna go to Hell…”
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blindsoldier · 7 years
g-d i gotta. sleep. but reminder i can also be found on sideblogs @deathsuffers and @suzumesoul !! they’re a reaper and genji, respectively. 
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deathsuffers · 7 years
tekhearthazenyatta replied to your post “tekhearthazenyatta: deathsuffers: [MSG: Zenjamin] i got the water ru...”
// Y O U
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the dark ⋆ fire ⋆ open water ⋆ deep water ⋆ being alone ⋆ crowded spaces ⋆ confined spaces ⋆ change ⋆ failure ⋆ war ⋆ loss of control ⋆ powerlessness ⋆ prison ⋆ blood ⋆ drowning ⋆ suffocation ⋆ public speaking ⋆ natural animals ⋆ the supernatural ⋆ heights ⋆ death ⋆ dying ⋆ intimacy ⋆ rejection ⋆ abandonment ⋆ loss ⋆ the unknown ⋆ the future ⋆ not being good enough ⋆ scary stories ⋆ speaking to new people ⋆ poverty ⋆ loud noises ⋆ being touched
the dark ⋆ fire ⋆ open water ⋆ deep water ⋆ being alone ⋆ crowded spaces ⋆ confined spaces ⋆ change ⋆ failure ⋆ war ⋆ loss of control ⋆ powerlessness ⋆ prison ⋆ blood ⋆ drowning ⋆ suffocation ⋆ public speaking ⋆ natural animals ⋆ the supernatural ⋆ heights ⋆ death ⋆ dying ⋆ intimacy ⋆ rejection ⋆ abandonment ⋆ loss ⋆ the unknown ⋆ the future ⋆ not being good enough ⋆ scary stories ⋆ speaking to new people ⋆ poverty ⋆ loud noises ⋆ being touched
the dark ⋆ fire ⋆ open water ⋆ deep water ⋆ being alone ⋆ crowded spaces ⋆ confined spaces ⋆ change ⋆ failure ⋆ war ⋆ loss of control ⋆ powerlessness ⋆ prison ⋆ blood ⋆ drowning ⋆ suffocation ⋆ public speaking ⋆ natural animals ⋆ the supernatural ⋆ heights ⋆ death ⋆ dying ⋆ intimacy ⋆ rejection ⋆ abandonment ⋆ loss ⋆ the unknown ⋆ the future ⋆ not being good enough ⋆ scary stories ⋆ speaking to new people ⋆ poverty ⋆ loud noises ⋆ being touched
tagged by @deathsuffers
tagging: whoever wants idk
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