contranymss · 7 years
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     I can't talk about this to Sammy. You know, I gotta keep my game face on. But, uh, the truth is I'm not handling it very well. Feel like I have this-- ---Hole inside you? And it just gets bigger and bigger and darker and darker? Good. You can use it. Keeps you hungry.
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nottherealdean · 10 years
i guess there's a lot your dad never told you (but i'll tell you)
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moonbittern · 11 years
i know gordon was supposed to be a sort of john surrogate but whenever dean was around him he acted like a mix between my 13-year-old brother trying to impress a friend and a teenager with their first crush
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contranymss · 8 years
001 dean/gordon and dean/alastair
when I started shipping it if I did: i don’t think i really knew what shipping was when i first saw season two. i think it was during one of my rewatches after i’d already joined the fandom on tumblr that i was like y e s
my thoughts: *screams uncontrollably*
What makes me happy about them: they had such an easy connection. dean had someone he could confide in, open up to. he seemed so keen to work with gordon. and gordon had someone who thought he was awesome and badass and who seemed to see the world like he did.
What makes me sad about them: Because of Gordon’s desire to kill Sam, Dean’s opinion of him kind of soured. ): Also there’s the whole death thing.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Gordon is almost always villainized in fic. He’s not even used as an awful ex, he’s just reduced to nothing but an evil son of a bitch that has little to nothing to do with who Gordon actually is. (And don’t even get me started on that prison AU that said it was Gordon/Dean/Victor that was not at all what I wanted/expected and left me feeling a little sick.) Beyond that, there’s pretty much nothing but sexy time fics for them. Which isn’t the worst thing, but it just kind of further shows that most people don’t give a shit about Gordon. He’s so much more than most fic writers make him out to be.
things I look for in fanfic: Showing that they have a connection. Giving them a relationship that’s about more than just sex. Also throwing in some references/allusions to John related things definitely won’t hurt. Also seeing a gentler side of Gordon, even just briefly. Because he’s not just sharp edges and hard angles. He’s human. Even after he was turned, he was still human. Just with a more black and white view of the world, and who had a hard time letting people in, or finding people that didn’t push him away.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: With Dean, it’s pretty obvious that I wouldn’t have a problem with him ending up with any number of people. With Gordon I?? Don’t??? Know???? Except maybe Kubrick.
My happily ever after for them: OH LORD. Okay, so, I’m not going to do like with Dean and Victor and go on this whole shpiel about how things could go if he didn’t die. Because with Gordon!!!! He’s in purgatory!!! I would have loved it if Dean had run into him there. I would have loved to see Dean’s reaction to Gordon being the one to save him from Leviathans in Purgatory, loved to see him grow to trust him even after everything they’d been through on earth, loved to see him remember why he’d grown so fond of him so quickly. Would have loved to see Dean defend him and his friendship with him from Sam. And if that could happen while still having Benny there, that’d be even better. Vampire boyfriends.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Most of the time, Dean is the little spoon, because it’s Dean and little spoon is his middle name. But there are times where Gordon just needs to be held man.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: OH GOSH. They love researching and figuring things out for cases together. And talking about lore and nerding out about classic ghost stories and legends about old hunters. They’re mega nerds who are spectacular at their job and it’s great. OH GOSH CAN YOU IMAGINE the two of them being at some hunter bar or something and being ogled at by other hunters like do you know who those two are? because we all know the Winchesters are legen-wait for it, hope you’re not lactose intolerant because the second part is-dary, but people often forget that there were multiple times when Gordon was touted as an amazing badass hunter, and, like, the vamp in Fresh Blood even referred to him as one of the greatest living vampire hunters. So.
when I started shipping it if I did: who even knows
my thoughts: their dynamic is one of the most fascinating on the show and we were robbed of a proper resolution
What makes me happy about them: alastair’s fav protege :DDDDDDDD fucking amazing actinggggggggg and they very briefly dealt with dean’s hell experience. briefly.
What makes me sad about them: WE WERE ROBBER OF A PROPER RESOLUTION
things done in fanfic that annoys me: very few people write alastair well. i mean, in their defense, it’s pretty damn difficult, but it’s still disappointing. also the fact that he’s usually just reduced to, big shock, a shitty ex. (but tbh if you’re going to give dean a shitty ex and it’s a character from canon, there are choices that would piss me off more.)
things I look for in fanfic: OH GOD I DON’T EVEN KNOW. There are things I look for in fic with the two of them, but I don’t really know how to put it into words. I just know when I’ve found it. I have a very specific idea of their warped relationship in my head. And it also depends on if we’re talking hell fic, post-hell, or just a straight up au. If you want a vague idea of my thoughts on them in image and quote form, check out my Dean/Alastair aesthetic blog, @deanalastair.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Again, anyone with Dean. But also like.......I don’t want them to end up together together. I just like their dynamic super bunches.
My happily ever after for them: Dean getting to kill Alastair :D
who is the big spoon/little spoon: I can’t picture them spooning. Alastair carving out Dean’s innards and climbing inside his hollowed out husk Tauntaun style? Maybe. Cuddling? Not so much.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Alastair used to love watching Dean tear the still beating hearts out of souls in hell, but then that feather brained dickface had to go ruin it.
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contranymss · 8 years
Can you imagine teen Dean ending up in Gordon's home town around the time Gordon's sister got turned, because John heard reports of a vamp nest in the area? Dean's out running an errand - maybe picking up some cereal for Sammy's breakfast in the morning, and runs into this gorgeous boy with gentle eyes and the sweetest smile he's seen in a long time.
And there's that feeling again. It’s so similar to what he feels with pretty girls, but it can’t be the same, can it? But it’s there nonetheless, only with added nerves. When it comes to girls, he can flirt and smooth talk like the best of them. But he’s never flirted with another guy before, and shudders to think what John would say if he knew the thought even occurred to him.
But then that damn smile is directed right at him, with a soft “Hey,” and an “I haven’t seen you around before.” Dean tells the kid - who introduces himself as Gordon - that he’s just passing through while his dad works a job nearby. Gordon doesn’t ask what Dean’s dad does, and Dean doesn’t offer up the information.
They end up walking around town a little after Gordon offers to give him the lay of the land. Instead of really paying attention to where they’re going, they talk about cars and Clint Eastwood movies and Star Trek and younger siblings - Gordon mentions a younger sister who he feels mostly responsible for because of how often his parents aren’t home, and Dean can definitely relate.
It’s the nicest - and longest - talk Dean’s had in a while, and Dean finds himself hoping that something about the case has them staying in town a little longer so that he can see Gordon again.
Gordon walks Dean back to the motel - they’ve wandered far enough that Dean would have no idea how to get back on his own - and before saying goodnight, Gordon leans in and presses a gentle, almost hesitant kiss to Dean’s lips, pulling away before Dean gets the chance to really reciprocate. Gordon looks sheepish at first, when he pulls away, like he’s about to apologize for being totally out of line, but when he sees the look of awe on Dean’s face, he flashes him that brilliant smile again, and Dean feels like he might pass out. They say goodbye, and Gordon waits until Dean’s safely in the motel room before stuffing his hands in the pocket of his jacket with a new bounce in his step, the breath that puffs out of him along with his lighthearted laugh is visible in the cold night air.
Dean watches him walk away through the blinds of the hotel room (he feels a little creepy watching him like that, but he’s not sure if he’ll ever get to see this guy again, and, well, he never did get a good look at his ass before) and once Gordon’s out of sight, he leans back against the window and lets out a fucking sigh, giddy and full of some feeling he’s not sure he’s ever had before.
He snaps out of it when Sammy’s sleepy voice asks “Did you get my cereal?” Dean lets out a quiet curse and tells Sammy he’ll be right back.
The next morning, John tells Dean that a girl in town has gone missing, and it looks like the vamp skipped town. On their way out of town, they drive past a house surrounded by cop cars, officers questioning the family, and among them is Gordon, looking like his heart’s been torn out of his chest. They lock eyes for the briefest moment through the window of the Impala, and instead of the light, happy feeling Dean felt the first time Gordon looked at him, all he feels this time is guilt.
Years later, Dean meets a man named Gordon. His eyes are hardened, and his smile is lovely, but not carefree at all. He smiles as though, if he doesn’t, it’s like admitting he’s been beaten. It’s not until Gordon mentions what happened to his sister, what happened to get him to start hunting, that Dean is sure it’s that same boy he met so many years ago.
If Gordon remembers Dean at all, he doesn’t let on.
This time, when Gordon kisses him, it’s not gentle, and any sense of hesitation is gone. One kiss turns into two, then three, hands pushing and pulling, skin against skin, soft moans and hushed encouragements shared in the space between them.
Like that first kiss, it’s still over too quickly, and soon enough, they find each other on opposing sides of the battle. That sweet, gorgeous boy, the first boy that Dean kissed, is gone, a hardened man and a new adversary left in his place.
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contranymss · 9 years
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Dean/Gordon AU
Dean Winchester, a young FBI agent, is assigned watchdog duty over another agent, Gordon Walker, a brilliant investigator with a notorious reputation for his undying belief in the paranormal. Their cases together follow a series of mysterious, and possibly supernatural, events, and the more Dean sees, the harder it is for him to remain a skeptic.
As their partnership continues, Agent Winchester learns that when his partner was young, he witnessed his sister get abducted by (according to Gordon) extra-terrestrials, and in turn, Dean tells Gordon that his alcoholic father believed that alien’s were at fault for Dean’s mother’s death. His whole life, Dean thought that was nothing more than the drunken ravings of a grief-stricken man, but it’s hard to deny the similarities between her death and some of the cases they’ve investigated.
Their work together brings them closer and closer to the truth, but also closer to each other, and soon enough, Dean is pretty sure he wants Gordon to be his partner in more than just the professional sense.
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contranymss · 10 years
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contranymss · 10 years
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Or I did last time I checked
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contranymss · 10 years
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Doesn't seem like your brother's much like us. I'm not saying he's wrong, just different. But you and me? We were born to do this. It's in our blood.
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contranymss · 11 years
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You're not like your brother.
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