thevioletcaptain · 4 years
Number 1 from the get to know your writer post, please.
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
Yes... quite a lot of them, in fact. 
Below is a screenshot of my fic WIP file. All the folders with asterisks are the things I’ve committed to finishing & posting before I’m allowed to do any more work on anything else.
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I’m determined to complete all of my partially published WIP fics this year, and this is actually possible thanks to a recent discovery of a bunch of files I thought had been forever lost to a computer malfunction a million years ago. When I’m done with the stuff that people have been waiting on, the things I’m most looking forward to working on are The Coda Project, Tiger!Fic, and Kind of a Buddy of Mine.
However! That’s just fic, which should really only take up about a third of my allotted writing time 😅
I also have these partially completed pilots/series pitches to finish, and I’m not touching any of the others until I’m done with The Apiarist, Darlings, and Side Effects.
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Basically, there are only ever three reasons why I hold off on writing anything once I’ve had the idea--it needs to percolate in my head a little longer, I need to do further research before I feel I can do the idea justice, or there’s something else that I need to work on first.
[the get to know your writer ask meme]
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ghostalservice · 2 years
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Tagged (sort of) by @chuckwinchester: Top 9 TV characters of all time
1. Dana Scully - X-Files
2. John Sheppard - Stargate Atlantis
3. Captain Janeway - Star Trek - Voyager
4. Jack O’Neill - Stargate SG-1
5. Blackbeard - Our Flag Means Death
6. B’Elanna Torres - Star Trek: Voyager
7. Data - Star Trek: TNG
8. Fox Mulder - X-Files
9. Alec Harrison - Leverage
Stuck to live action and limited myself to no more than 2 per show, otherwise this’d just be the cast of Voyager (minus Neelix). I like forceful small women with bobs and smart guys who get underestimated!
Tagging @demonbloodsausagedog @deanhugchester @sassygwaine @bomberqueen17 @lightsaroundyourvanity
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myfanfictionrecs · 4 years
by MajorEnglishEsquire on archiveofourown (Romance | 7,325 | T | Dean/Cas)
deanhugchester: I want fics about Dean and Cas eating each other’s food.
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ladymalchav · 6 years
30 questions
Name / nickname: Patricia/Tricia (my mom and brother call me Bug, but NO ONE ELSE IS ALLOWED)
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′3″
Hair / Eye Color: Brown / Hazel (usually green)
Song stuck in my head: I can’t remember the name of the song, but it’s by Louden Swain
My talisman: idk what this means :0
Last film I saw at the cinema: Bohemian Rhapsody
Favorite color: azure
My hobbies: blogging, crochet, cross-stitch, photography, drawing...
What I value most about myself: I think I’m a good friend
What I value most about other people: Sense of humor, kindness, open-mindedness, quick-wittedness
Best country to live is… idk, I’ve only experienced living in America
I want to master these skills… listening, emphasizing, comforting
Dream job: Writing/author
Dream trip: Iceland! Australia! Japan! All places I can never go it!
Dream date: pff, like I know
Play any instruments: played french horn in middle school... that’s it
Language(s) I know / wanna learn: I know English and some Spanish and ASL. I would really like to be fluent in ASL
Favorite food & drinks: COFFEE! anything italian! SUSHI! PIZZA!
Favorite songs: She Waits by Louden Swain, Breathe (2am) by Anna Nalick, Don’t Take the Girl by Tim McGraw, all of Florance + the Machine’s first two albums, anything by Ludo...
Favorite books: Ender’s Game, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Invitation to the Game, Alas Babylon, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy...
Favorite clothes: anything big and comfy
Favorite historical period: the classics? ionno, I’m not into history as much as I once was
My element is: ionno
The best gift for me is: something utterly useless but pretty
I would like to have shapeshifting as my superpower.
My main goal for this year is Buying a car
Favorite quote: “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” Kahlil Gibran.
I wanna meet: omg SO MANY INTERNET FRIENDS!  @deanhugchester comes to mind...
I often think about: ugh, everything. my brain DOES NOT STOP
I tag, uhhhh: @navajolovesdestiel, @deanhugchester, @icecreamsavant, @citrusapples, and @highermagic
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End of Year Meme
(This is not really a meme and that’s bothering me.)
I was tagged by @rcmclachlan who is AMAZING btw.
Rules: Tag 9 people you would like to know/catch up with.
Last song: Wax Fang - Majestic. By the time I finished this I’d switched to Fall Out Boy - Novocaine. 
Last movie: Wonder Woman 1984.
Currently watching: So many things. Uhhhhhhh.... Raven and I worked through Lovecraft Country and The Watchmen, so I’m kinda stuck on those mentally.
Currently reading: To Raise a Clenched Fist to the Sky by T. Thorn Coyle. It’s really good, but I’m having problems concentrating on things so it’s taking longer than usual. ADHD, babes!
Currently playing: I’m adding this one because I play video games a lot and it means a lot to me. Anyway, Saints Row 4 and Monster Hunter World.
Currently craving: I don’t know what I’m craving, tbh. I know I’m hungry, but for what? Who knows. And I’m a broke mofo so I have to either get the spoons together to cook, or just kinda let it be. (Well, I crave a Rockstar but I’m trying to wean myself off of them.)
Tagging: @betsybugaboo, @ben-wisehart, @amy-really, @nevadawolfe, @eriquin, @thesunsoclear, @mischievousart, @deanhugchester, @midnightazalea And anyone else who wants to do it - Feel free to say I tagged you. :)
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I got tagged by @trekchik to post the first line of a work in progress and tag as many people as there are words in it.
This is great. Since I’ve had problems moving forward with my WIP, it feels nice to write something.
“The mulberry trees in Jennings were famous.”
(Sentence from Siofra, WIP for DCBB)
@clpolk, @supernaturallynoble, @cliffnotesofanerd, @deanhugchester, @gillasue345, @robotmango, @unforth-ninawaters
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whitmerule · 8 years
captainhaterade replied to your post “pathsofpassion: deanhugchester: mrbenwyatt: thesoftestbunny: i...”
That's how we pronounce it in the US (well, there are variants, but that's the primary one): https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/calzone
yes it is recent enough that I can reject the whole ‘language develops’ thing and say YOU IMPORTED A FOREIGN WORD AND INSIST ON PRONOUNCING IT WRONG
like using ‘panini’ as a singular when it is OBVIOUSLY A PLURAL
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ghostalservice · 3 years
tagged by @demonbloodsausagedog, who knows my music library TOO WELL
rules: put your music library on shuffle, list the first 10 songs that come up, and tag 10 people! or don’t, i’m not your dad/mom. 
1. We Are the Resistance - Ramin Djawadi (Pacific Rim Soundtrack)
2. Oh, Maker - Janelle Monae 
3. Hips Don’t Lie - Shakira ft. Wyclef Jean
4. Where Do You Go To (My Lovely) - Peter Sarsedt
5. It’s You I Like - Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers - It’s Such a Good Feeling: The Best of Mr. Rogers)
6. مشروع ليلى - شم الياسمين (Shim el Yasmine - Mashrou’ Leila)
7. Misery Is the River of the World - Tom Waits
8. So What - Cabaret Soundtrack
9. You’re Welcome - Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (Moana Soundtrack)
10. Money - Pink Floyd
Shocking there’s not pop punk on here?? Way to skip all my Avril and Linkin Park, iTunes, RUDE.
tagging @neroslyre, @bomberqueen17, @brinnanza, @majorenglishesquire, @deanhugchester, and @guusana! SHOW ME YOUR MUSICS
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xylodemon · 8 years
I don't have a question so much as a statement. I miss you!
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ozonecologne · 9 years
@deanhugchester replied to your photo: aw :’)
I got Dean!
Sweet let’s go on a road trip!
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ladymalchav · 6 years
how did you come up with your blog name?
It’s a miss spelling of Malkavian, a clan in Vampire: the Masquerade.  My brother’s PHB was sitting my the computer and I needed a ‘throwaway’ name, lol
why did you make your blog?  
cause my old blog got NUKED
how long have you had it?
like, two months
how many followers do you have? 
what do you share/post about most? 
supernatural, my cat, random shit
what do you share/post the about the least?
idk... politics?
what do you think your followers think of you? 
idk... I hope they like me to some degree
add a gif or photo and explain why you chose it.
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it was there
I tag whoever wants to do it... and @deanhugchester
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tiptoe39 · 9 years
april fools bodyswap fanart: destiel
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here’s a total spoiler for the end of season 11 :)
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dear god it’s hideous why did i encourage making me draw kisses
somewhere @hils79 is trembling in fear
(Make me draw things!)
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bakasara · 9 years
Happy birthday!
Thank you hon :>
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powerfulweak · 9 years
hot or not: Jensen, Jared, Misha
All of Them are hot. ALL OF THEM.
There’s not even a way to rank them because it’s a different type of hot for each of them. Like Jensen is that Supermodel Hot and Jared is that goofy and sexy-but-he-doesn’t-really-get-how-sexy hot and Misha is that Sexy-even-in-situations-where-he-rightfully-shouldn’t-be hot.
I’m not making sense. Sorry.
Sleepover Saturday
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frodandproud · 9 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
Go follow my favorite people damn it! You know you want to.
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Bless You
I recently discovered one of the things I’m allergic to is feathers. So I decided to repost this for reasons, even though it’s an old story!
“Atchoo!”  The sneeze caught Dean off guard and he reeled backward from the force of it.  
Sam looked up at him from the table and laughed.  “Dude, I hope you covered your mouth.  I do not want your snot in my dinner.”
Dean flipped Sam off before looking into the dutch oven full of chile he was standing over, pulling a sturgeon face for his brother’s benefit.  
“Oh, gross, man!  That’s it.  I’m making a salad.”
Dean laughed, “Relax, I’m just kidding.”  He looked to Cas, who had walked into the kitchen to investigate what Dean was cooking less than a minute before the epic sneeze.  Rather than looking amused, he eyed Dean with concern.  “Are you feeling alright, Dean? You aren’t coming down with a cold are you?”
Dean waved his hand in the air, dismissing Cas’s concerns.  “Nah, it’s nothing to worry about.  Probably just picked up some dust.  It will take us at least a decade to get that under control around here.”
Cas nodded and moved to the table to sit with Sam and wait for the meal to be ready.  True to his word, Dean didn’t sneeze again.  
Until he sat down to eat.  
After three successive sneezes, both Sam and Cas were looking at him with identical worried expressions on their faces.
And that’s just great, because now his nose was starting to get stuffy.  He was not about to mention that to either of the mother hens eyeing him down from across the table though.  “Guys, really, you don’t need to - ATCHOO!”
Dean couldn’t prevent the pathetic “ungh” noise from the back of his throat when he finished.  
“That’s it, Dean.  I’m taking you to bed.”
It was a testament to how crappy he was feeling in such a short period of time that Dean didn’t make more of the implied innuendo in Cas’s statement.  Instead, he just stood up and let Cas take him back to their room.  
Cas helped him out of his clothes and actually tucked him under the covers before leaning over to kiss him.  
“Don’ wanna ged you sick, man,” Dean protested, his words slightly garbled by the rapidly increasing congestion in his sinuses.  
“Angel, Dean.  We don’t get colds.” Cas ruffled Dean’s hair affectionately on the way out.  
Dean didn’t actually fall asleep right away, but he closed his eyes and just focused on relaxing.  After about an hour, he genuinely started to feel better.  As his nose cleared, he was able to breathe properly and he dropped off to a dreamless slumber.
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