#dean's meta
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supernaturallyafreak · 2 months ago
Those sweet sweet innocent arms need to be wrapped around Castiel softly while he lays there dead awake staring at the wall waiting for Dean to wake up because he refuses to move in fear of waking the angry sleeper. Also I drew y'all a pic of them- do you like my editing skills?
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strawlessandbraless · 13 days ago
Dean: *suicidal and more depressed than we’ve ever seen him*
Cas: I’ll handle this *rushes to closet for a little outfit*
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the going gets tough & the angel dresses up as one of dean’s sexual fantasies so he won’t kill himself
Supernatural is a show
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deancasforcutie · 3 months ago
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"your angel" with such little context is another way of saying "your sweetheart" romantically and well. they're not wrong
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snevinsspn · 1 month ago
don’t get me wrong i am a finale hater at my core but there’s something poetic about how it’s thoroughly established throughout the show that cas was the “malfunction” in the system that caused the story not to go the way chuck wanted it to by developing free will and rebelling from heaven and then the moment he dies the story ends with dean dying and sam living an “regular life” the way it would’ve if the series never happened at all
like the series spends a lot of time saying cas is NOT the way he’s supposed to be. he rebelled the moment he saved dean from hell. he turns the narrative on its head by developing free will and making his own decisions. chuck even tells him that this is the only universe in which cas “didn’t do as he was told”. he ruins chucks plan for the brothers at every turn by caring about them.
then moment cas was gone the story went back to the way it would’ve ended if the show never happened and he had never affected anything. like the “error” was deleted and it reverted to the way it “should be”. dean died tragically and stupidly on a hunt way too young doing a job for his father. sam got out and lived an “apple pie life” and died old. they went to heaven with their family and it’s all The Way It Should Be, not matching up with the message of found family the show developed and instead returning to the blood family vibe of the early seasons pre cas. like he died and the story stopped resisting chucks wishes. idk i’m just yapping but it feels like something
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wigglebox · 9 months ago
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Destiel Pride - Day 8; Against the odds
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t00muchheart · 1 year ago
I’m sorry the fact that when Castiel pulled Dean out of Hell he proclaimed “Dean Winchester has been saved” with such force that it broke through Anna’s humanity to the angelic part of her mind is something we don’t talk about enough actually
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alfalfapie · 1 year ago
my new Destiel theory: Dean couldn't say I love you not because of his own denial of the fact but because Chuck refused to write it like Chuck's weird psycho-sexual obsession with Dean made him so twisted that rather than allow his character to follow a natural arc that the character itself wanted to follow (see s8 rewrite of "I love you" into "I need you"), he just kept dodging it through increasingly ridiculous and pathetic ploys. he couldn't bear to watch Dean choose free will (Cas) over his heavenly ordained plan, so he just kept fucking with their relationship (see every divorce/widower arc, and all the other will they/won't they shit). really puts Cas's "What's real? We are." into context. like they are, in fact, the only real thing, despite Chuck's attempts to dismantle their relationship.
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drulalovescas · 11 months ago
when you realize cas never got a chance to see dean mourn him. to see what his death did to dean. how it broke him completely. SHATTERED. he never saw dean's utter despair. anger. complete hopelessness. he only ever saw dean's joy when he came back. and so cas figured that his death simply didn't affect dean all that much. that dean could be happy with Cas gone. that Dean could go on. Move on. cas never understood that this joy, this hope, this smile on dean's face after he came back was ONLY BECAUSE HE CAME BACK. CAME BACK TO DEAN.
Cas was the REASON.
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 8 months ago
Me too gurl, me too...🥺
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winchester-co · 3 months ago
i know this narrative has been beaten to death, but dean settling into the bunker and immediately nesting like a bird versus sam keeping his room empty and working like a dog is so interesting to me. dean wants to belong somewhere, lay down roots the moment he gets the opportunity. sam doesn't think he belongs anywhere, can't get comfortable, can't bring himself to see the bunker as anything but a transient space.
dean the drifter, desperate for a home. sam the escapee, who doesn't know how to settle. it's tragic really.
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fallout-lou-begas · 25 days ago
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read @ikroah btw (ft. guest art for a forthcoming issue by @rad-roche so if you catch up now then you can look forward to that)
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ilovejohnwinchester · 10 months ago
Thinking about early days on the road before John started leaving Sam with Dean and was still going around and talking to hunters trying to learn everything he could. Imagine you’re some hunter and you get a call that the new guy in town wants to meet at the roadhouse and talk demons or werewolves or witches or whatever, then he shows up with a 4-year-old and a baby. He’s real serious and writes down everything you say in his journal but he also has to get up halfway through to sing and bounce a cranky baby to sleep on his shoulder while the kid stares at you with a mouth full of French fries. No wonder every hunter in John’s generation seems to remember Dean and Sam whether Dean and Sam know them or not.
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strawlessandbraless · 4 months ago
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Supernatural 6x18 // 14x18 // 15x09
I love when the angel is down to his final straw
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deancasforcutie · 3 months ago
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Cas' fluster when Dean tells him how aesthetically gifted he is
if Dean heard "still beautiful still Dean Winchester" he would simply be more blushy and adorable and unable to words than ever
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follows-the-bees · 6 months ago
Let's talk about the two Dean and Cas hugs in S11 & 12.
These are the two hugs were Cas puts both of his arms higher than Dean, essentially engulfing him.
Dean usually is the one who does this or the split arm hug with all people he hugs. This is because he uses hugs to comfort others. But in the case of these two hugs, it is Cas who needs the comfort and who wants to comfort Dean. Dean knows this and let's his guard down, his vulnerability, and let's Cas take control of the hug. Their knowledge of each other's emotional needs, their ability to be vulnerable with each other, their need to comfort each other is unmatched.
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In S11 hug, they hug thinking it will be the last time seeing each other. Cas clings on with a pained look on his face. Dean smiles at first, sending comfort to Cas and to himself. The smile drops a bit as Dean realizes this could be the last time he touches Cas.
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After the hug, Dean even drops his eyesight and looks Cas up and down like he's trying to memorize what Cas looks like. He then offers more comfort to Cas by putting a hand on his shoulder and asks Cas to take care of Sam. The amount of trust in that.
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S12 after saving Cas, Dean approaches him arms out, waiting for Cas to hug him. This is a reunion hug, Dean smiles even with Mary being there seeing how vulnerable Dean is at the moment. Not caring cause it's Cas.
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Sidenote: you will never convince me this isn't Mary realizing her son is gay! It's okay Mary, you're already lesbian-coded, my love.
These two hugs hit differently for me than the others. And I think they are unique because both Cas and Dean allow themselves to be truly vulnerable in them with people around to see them, and Dean gives up control, let's himself really feel his emotions.
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Originally posted here.
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t00muchheart · 1 year ago
do you understand?? dean winchester, trained since he was a child to hone & trust his instincts and be suspicious of the world because it was dangerous fought against those instincts and against bobby and sam’s belief that cas was working against them because he wanted SO BADLY to believe in cas, he cared SO MUCH about his friend and chose to put his faith in him do you understand how wild that is ??
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