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szlez · 5 months ago
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Monster Mash
Since tumblr morality police is on the prowl again apparently 🙄 I opted for posting a cropped version of the image. Check my ao3 to see Dean and Benny enjoying each other's company thorougly 🥵🔥.
13th art for Suptober 2024 Remixed by @wigglebox and @thepagemistress based on Suptober by @winchester-reload.
Prompt 13. Monster Mash
My other arts for the event:
Prompt 1. Autumn, Prompt 2. Spa Day, Prompt 3. Royalty, Prompt 4. Birthday, Prompt 5. Scars, Prompt 6. Electric, Prompt 7. Thankful, Prompt 8. Witch’s Brew, Prompt 9. Moon, Prompt 10. Mushrooms, Prompt 11. Myth, Prompt 12. Harvest Festival.
Pls DM me if you want to be added to tag list or removed from it.
@aniona29, @denimshortsdean, @famouskidangel, @malicmalic, @squirrelsarecool, @writteninthestarsinyoureyes
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thenameisgul · 6 months ago
Tumblr had me so convinced of dean and benny’s tryst in the forests of purgatory, that I didn’t even know they tried to make the gay southern vampire who was in love with dean, a straight guy until I watched the show 😂
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6 Reasons I Think Dean Winchester Is Bi:
1. He checks out a soldiers ass in 1944.
2. He got flustered as hell when Aaron Bass flirted with him.
3. He got MORE flustered when he met "Dr Sexy." Later pointing out, "I thought what made Dr Sexy, sexy was the cowboy boots" - bro loves Westerns/cowboy movies. He loves Clint Eastwood. He loves Dr Sexy. Tell me there isn't a direct link there.
4. There's mourning the loss of a friend, and then there's Dean mourning the loss of Cas. Repeatedly. His mental health plummets. Every time.
5. Have you SEEN the way he looks at Cas??? Tell me you stand that close to and/or gaze that longingly at your friends.
6. Benny. I mean. Do I really need to elaborate on this one??? You cannot tell me they didn't have a thing in Purgatory.
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stillwinchester · 1 year ago
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it's funny how spn tried pretending dean is straight. and yet they gave him specific taste in men
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wallissa · 7 months ago
(Inspired by @theangiediary's DeanBenny tag on this post)
“You sure about this?” Benny shifts just a little closer, until Dean's shoulder brushes his chest.
Dean can't feel his breath, but the fine hair at the back of his neck stand up anyways. Hunter instincts, probably. That, or the fact that nobody has gotten this close to him in however long he's been in this twilight place. That's a thought he does not need right now, so he huffs, shifts. "You want a written agreement?"
That gets him a little exhale of laughter and alright, he felt that. Right against the side of his throat, making him hyperaware of how close Benny is already. Fabric rustles and he's closer, still. “Alright, Sugar. You just tell me when you change your mind.” That malt-sweet voice this close to the shell of Dean's ear seeps right into his bloodstream, making him a little dizzy. It's that mild distraction that has him jumping when Benny reaches out to touch him, cool fingertips on his neck.
"Sorry, sorry. All good, brother. Just making a little adjustment for your comfort, here." Dean wants to tell him that he doesn't need shushing, but his cheeks are burning and he bites his tongue instead. He closes his eyes and tilts his head, hopes that's enough of a sign for Benny to get a move on.
This time, he holds himself still as a damn statue when the cool fingers brush his throat. Benny is gentle, careful, like he's trying not to spook Dean. It's stupid. Dean trusts Benny. He knows he's not going to get killed. All that's going to happen is that Benny is going to lean in - Dean can feel the subtle press of another body against his - and brush his lips over Dean's pulse, before piercing his skin with his sharp teeth and sucking him down one mouthful at a time. Dean can feel his pulse in his throat, feels the heat in his cheeks, all the way down to his chest. He tries to tilt his chin, a little "go ahead" so Benny will just get with the damn program already.
That gets him a soft "That's good", right against his throat, Benny's beard brushing his skin. Heat right down his spine, sweet as sugar, and right then the subtle brush against the back of his neck tightens, Benny's palm against his overheated skin, cool and strong, a steadying grip, practised. Dean feels it, feels how that minuscule, gentle little tilt exposes the entire line of his throat, feels the strength, feels that he can't move, feels pinned in place with Benny's lips on his pulse, feels his blood rushing, down, down.
"Brother," Benny says, liquorice. Lips brushing his skin. "You might wanna count to ten, there. Might get a little dizzy."
Dean has half a mind to tell him to just kill him right on the spot.
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angel-fruitcake · 8 months ago
when one of my mutuals posts about a ship i don't love but i still support them and their opinions
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haley-harrison · 1 year ago
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transthatmasc · 11 months ago
Eric Kripke is gonna look me in the face and tell me that Dean Winchester, son of legendary hunter and jackass John Winchester, did not find out until the ripe age of 27 that VAMPIRES ARE REAL??? I get the whole “demons are more than most people deal with” thing, but VAMPIRES??? An absolute STAPLE of the other 14 seasons???
Every fucking thing they hunt in this goddamn season is a fucking ghost. Ffs they fight a group of fucking hillbillies and a wendigo but vampires are a new fucking deal? Jesus. And to think that in just a few years Dean will be fucking one.
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atlash0ur · 6 months ago
Danny Gonzales and Kurtis Connor made "I'm in love with a creeper" because they watched the s8 purgatory flashbacks. Cas is Danny, Benny is Kurtis, and Dean is the creeper.
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therulerofallpotatos · 7 months ago
If Dean and Benny were allowed to be openly queer we could've had so much of Sam making fun of Dean for falling in love with a vampire which would've been 100x more fun than Sam suddenly being vamp phobic
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cannibalizecastiel · 2 years ago
dean & benny // international small arms traffic blues
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inthemourninglight · 17 hours ago
Something about Dean/Benny is almost gayer than Destiel
(Pls destiel people don’t yell at me I love them too)
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inalandofsadclowns · 2 years ago
Benny: You're in his dms, I'm in his left arm, running through his veins. We are not the same.
Cas: You're in his dms, I'm the god in his prayers. We are not the same.
Dean: Alright. Okay. Stop measuring dicks.
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anyreiart · 1 year ago
Tiny Miracles
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Dean Winchester is fed up after losing one of his beloved socks in the washing machine. He prays the other will come back and for some reason… it works. Or: Kid angels are responsible for granting small miracles. Cas and Inias are chosen to make Dean Winchester’s life a little easier. (if you read this anywhere other than ao3, this was stolen)
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53013859
Pairings: Castiel/Inias, Benny Lafitte/Dean Winchester
Written by @anyreiart, banner by @zissilein
This is a Happy Birthday fic for my lovely friend @eyesofatragedy67
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dragon1d · 2 years ago
Obsessed with how Sam tells Bobby that Benny is a buddy of Dean's and Benny goes "a GOOD buddy 😏"
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year ago
for the spotify fic meme, dean/benny + 15? :)
He doesn't call often. It's not fair and he knows it. Strange, though, after all those decades alone in that grey endless forest, to be alone again. Got too used to company in too little time. Especially the kind of company that likely would've killed him as soon as buy him a drink, back in the bad old days. Is that ironic? Maybe so.
He had a string of good days before these last few and it should be enough to lean on. Should and is are two different things, though, as he's learned a few dozen times over, and on a sunny day with not enough cloud cover and families out thrumming with blood and the world strange and new and unfamiliar he goes back out into the woods, green with spring, his ears picking up the rush of water somewhere distant and small animals scurrying through leaf-litter. No humans in reach for at least a mile. Safe.
Call's answered after two rings. Benny? More than a mile away, maybe a thousand miles, and in his voice still that tight worry, always. Like Benny's calling to bring new trouble to his door. Exactly what he never again wants to do.
"Good to hear your voice, brother," Benny says, relaxed, and hears Dean sigh on the other end. Relief maybe. He closes his eyes and there's the forest and the sound of water and when he can't see the living color there's that sense of being in that other place, beset on all sides but nevertheless they'd managed to build a space between them that was safe. Even through the phone he's brought back there. That quiet relief.
He's quiet too long. You just calling to call? Dean says. Not keeping his voice low or rushing him; he must be alone, too, in some other part of the country. I mean, I know I got these dulcet tones.
"Keep telling yourself that," Benny says, and gets a soft laugh, somewhere. In his head the forest is dark and grey and he's built a fire and Dean's sitting before it. The light on his living face. His hands near his blade but his shoulders relaxing, slowly, in the quiet, in the warm they've made. Sometimes Benny wishes they'd never left.
Okay, Dean says, while Benny's silent, and then, in a different tone, he says, I'm replacing a belt in the Impala and it's being a real pain in the ass -- sorry, baby. Had to go to the local mechanic -- and Benny stays there, in the warm, listening. In other times. If the call lasts long enough he'll get to live there a while longer.
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