#dean winchester anst
Map for The Quicksilver Princess
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Just wanted to share my progress with everyone. I have a complete outline of the last two chapters written, as well as most of Chapter 5. I've created this map to help both myself as I'm writing and hopefully you guys while you're reading.
It was a lot of fun to see the world I was imagining in my head take shape. Hope you have fun looking it over too. ❤️
(Misola isn't mentioned in the story, I just wanted to give context to Sanso'ye within the world, in regards to it's geographical location and it's size.)
The last two chapters, 5 and 6, will be posted together sometime before next Friday.
The Quicksilver Princess Master List
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☁️: Fluff 👩: fem reader
🥀: anst 👨: male reader
❤️‍🔥: smut 🧑: gn reader
⭐: imagines
💀: headcanons
Jeff The Killer
Random Headcanons 💀
Ticci Toby
Jason The Toymaker
Candy pop
Eyeless Jack
Laughing Jack
Jane the Killer
Jason Voorhees
Michael Myers
Bubba Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Chop Top
Nubbins Sawyer
Vincent Sinclair
Bo Sinclair
Jennifer Check
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Maze Runner
Cedric Diggory
Luna Lovegood
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Natasha Nomanoff
Peter Quill
Peter Parker
Johnny Depp Characters
Willy Wonka
Edward Scissorhands
Gilbert Grape
Sweeney Todd
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Kevin Tran
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Banner: Me
Divider: @attxnt
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demondeanismybaby · 7 years
A Devil and Angel Sitting on my Shoulder (part 5)
Pairing: Demon!Dean x Reader, Cas x Reader, Crowley, Sam, Hannah (future parts) 
Word Count: 1650
Summary: You meet Dean’s boss, which makes you feel even less certain about leaving the bar with him but you also know that you have very few options, could you end up seeing a different side of him? 
Warnings: none for this chapter, slight angst in the beginning fluffy towards the end
A/N: This is part 5 of my series, the next part is pretty different because it is from Hannah’s perspective and not the readers. Anyway if you like it and want to be tagged in future parts just let me know. 
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It didn’t take too long for Dean to grab the things he deemed important and sling it in his pack over his shoulder, all of his possessions fitting easily into one fairly small bag. It gave you a fleeting moment of frustration knowing that everything you cared about was back at your old place and would undoubtedly end up taking a huge confrontation with Christopher to get any of it back. So literally the only thing you had now was the clothes you were wearing. You smiled faintly as you thought about the wad of cash you had tucked into the bottom of your faded black biker boots. You didn’t really stop to think that the somewhat shady man you were now with might have managed to take everything you had saved fairly easily if you had proceeded to get far enough with him to remove your shoes.
“You ready?” Dean asked, he was looking back at you where you were standing alone and honestly pretty scared in the middle of the hotel room, as he already stood half out of the door.
You weren’t sure if anything could make you feel prepared enough to leave with him. You took a deep breath and steadied yourself before you followed him, ducking underneath his arm as you stepped outside. The slam of the crappy plywood echoed as it closed in the openness of the combined parking lot and you started in the direction of the bar knowing that Dean still needed to tell his boss he was leaving. He caught up with you easily even though you had made it halfway to the bar’s entrance, you noticed how his eyes drifted over the throng of men standing around the grouping of motorcycles parked outside, it looked like he was trying to see if the man in charge of him was among them.
When he seemed satisfied that the man he was looking for must be inside he walked in the side door to the small drinking establishment and without pausing to hold the door open for you, it almost shut right in your face and you rushed to push it back open, he strode up to the bar where an older man in a suit was sitting drinking something out of a martini glass, it was pink and orange and had toothpicks with cherries stabbed onto them floating inside of it, and a tiny green umbrella propped on the rim. It didn’t suit him at all.
As his face turned to peer over at Dean you took in the heavy scruff on his chin and the smart crisp suit he was wearing, he was older than Dean by several years but still handsome, but he seemed must more out of place in this establishment whose specialty beverage of choice was probably Pabst blue ribbon and not Lagavulin.
Dean’s dusty blond head was bent down close to the other man whispering something in his ear, you clenched your teeth when he pointed back in your direction causing his boss to glance over where you were standing awkwardly by the jukebox as it flashed its neon blue and pink lights onto your face. The boss twitched a finger in your direction, calling you over to the bar where they were sitting.
When you got closer to them you caught the end of something Dean was trying his best to whisper, in an attempt you figured to keep you from hearing, “I don’t think we should get her involved in this, she hasn’t done anything to deserve this,” you shuddered.
You knew it could only be about you, and part of you didn’t truly want to know what it might mean.
“Hello sweetheart, name’s Crowley,” the man introduced himself as you walked up to them, “I hear our lovely Dean here is going to make sure you get somewhere safe for the night.”
You tried your best to ignore the strange gleam in his eye when he had said the word safe, “yeah,” you gulped doing your best not to let it show just how nervous you felt, “I am sure there is probably a Motel 6 or something nearby.”
“Yes, this place never seems to have rooms available,” he smiled slyly at you.
You already knew this place was booked, the first thing you had done was try and get a room here and even though the motel that Dean had taken you to seemed almost vacant the old shifty-eyed manager had told you that there wasn’t an open room. You were stuck with nowhere to sleep and here in the desert plains you knew all too well just how cold and unrelenting the nights could get, you didn’t want to die from exposure or something.
Dean was looking at you but staying fairly silent as Crowley spoke to you about nothing in particular, asking where you were from and other pretty typical questions. Things that Dean had deemed unimportant in trying to just hook up with you but as you gave out a few tidbits of your life his face became more and more of a scowl.  You weren’t sure why questions like did you have any brothers or sisters or what your last job would be so upsetting to him. His gaze started to make you so uncomfortable you knew you needed a break before getting into a car with him.
You put your hand up in an effort to stop the older man’s next question, considering once again that everything from his British accent to his wool coat was completely out of place, and excused yourself to the bathroom.
Glad as you pushed open the little door at the back of the bar that this was one of those single room things because even if it was dingy and disgusting at least for the moment you had a place to yourself. Glancing in the mirror above the gray and brown stained sink, you ran a hand through your hair, trying your best to get it to lay flat, and noticing the large crack in the glass broke your reflection directly in two.  You decided that you should probably pee and squatted over the eerily marked porcelain toilet, refusing to touch any part of your body on it, and even through the strain in your thighs you still figured this was better than asking Dean later on in the night to pull off to the side of the road so you could squat by a bush.
A boom shook the door in the frame, and your whole body jerked at the unexpected sound, you tried to steady your rapidly beating heart telling yourself it was probably just some drunk college girl desperate to pee. You buttoned your jeans back up and washed your hands quickly trying your best to ignore the repeated bangs on the door.
Pulling on the handle, you readied yourself to give some witty response to the most likely pissed off person that had been waiting on you, but the words died in your throat as you came face to face with none other than Dean.
“Hey you were taking a while, just wanted to make sure you still wanted that ride,” Dean was looking down at you and you saw a softness in his face for the first time since you had met him. A look that made him seem momentarily open and vulnerable.
“Yeah, for sure,” seeing him like that built your confidence about leaving with him slightly.
You weren’t the best at reading people and Dean was throwing a total wrench in any ability you did have, one minute he was cool and collected and seemed like nothing more than some hot vain guy looking to get laid, to a frightening monster ready to strike, to this person standing in front of you looking just as lost and confused as you had felt starting your night.
You did something not even you expected, you picked up his hand which was hanging limply at his side, and wound your fingers in his. You ignored the way his eyebrow raised at you in an expression of total confusion and pulled his arm slightly back towards the parking lot.
“Actually,” he stopped walking, “my ride is out back.”
He lead you around the pool tables where frat aged guys were throwing back beers and clapping each other on the back, to the more hardened looking drinkers sitting alone in the darkened tables set far away from the main door, to a small exit at the back of the bar. You took one last fleeting look at where his boss, Crowley, had been enjoying his drink but the man in the expensive suit had seemingly vanished.
A tug on your arm had you looking back at the green eyed man you were connected to and you felt freer as you stepped outside. There weren’t any streetlights back here so the only light was the clouded over the bit of moonlight that was able to get through you saw the shape of a car set back a few hundred yards but it was nondescript and nothing to write home about. You briefly thought it didn’t seem like the type of rig that suited someone like Dean.
You couldn’t help the slight blush that crept across your cheeks as he dropped your hand so he could hold open the car door for you. It was an unexpected gentlemanly gesture and had you surging up to kiss him again.
“What was that for?” He asked bewildered as you pulled away.
“That was for the ride,” you beamed up at him but in the dark as a cloud shifted over the last bit of light that illuminated his face the last thing you were able to see was a frown pulling down the edges of the plump lips you couldn’t get enough of.
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of-wounds-and-woes · 7 years
Finding Bambi
Fandom: Supernatural
Link to story
Author: Dizzo
Summary: This is a tale of hurt and comfort pure and simple.  The brothers have coped with a lot over the years; how will they cope with the most devastating injury that either of them has ever sustained?
Words: 31,140
Genre: Family, hurt and comfort
Main character in turmoil: Dean Winchester
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