#dean wincehster x female reader
elementalwriter67 · 7 years
The Good, the Bad, and Everything in Between
Pairings: Dean x reader
Word Count: 6216
A/N: Hey guys! Alright, two things. First thing; this series is going to be the middle bits between the 16 years of Written on the Soul. Second thing; chances are there won’t be a post next week because I’m on vacation right now and I haven’t really had any time to sit down and write. So yeah probably nothing next week but I’ll let you guys know if things change.
Summary: John finds out. Sam runs away to college.
~ A month after Dean and (Y/N) meet~
~John finds out~
Dean was pacing around the back of the library racking his fingers through his hair repeatedly as he tried to figure out what he was going to do. They were leaving in two days, his dad had been very firm about that fact and there was no changing it. Dean had already gotten Sammy to push their stay to this long insisting to their father that there were really grade important tests coming up within the coming weeks and they couldn’t leave yet. That had been over two weeks ago and their time was up. Dean had tried the night before to desperately find a hunt that was close enough to town for John to leave them again but he’d come up short. So now here he was trying desperately to figure out what he was going to do because even though he knew how dangerous their life was and how bad it all was he couldn’t leave (Y/N) behind he just couldn’t. He had only known her for a month but he was already addicted and in love with this woman which was a miracle all on its own.
For a brief moment, he entertained the idea of asking (Y/N) to come with him and his family, to travel around with them, to stay by Dean’s side but he pushed the idea away. He couldn’t do that too (Y/N), he couldn't expose her to this life, just her knowing about put her in enough danger as it was to take her with them he may as well sign her death certificate right now. No he was just going to tell her that him and his family were leaving in a bit and that he would keep in touch, it’s not like that would be any harder than it already was since his father didn’t know he had met his soulmate yet (him and Sam had made sure that he hadn’t) so all he had to do was be the same cautious person he was before. Simple enough. But the gnawing feeling of dread and fear ate away at him as he thought about all the things that could happen to (Y/N) if he wasn’t here or if he couldn’t get here fast enough because what if someone from his life found out that she was his soulmate and came after her? What if he didn’t get here fast enough to save her? He couldn’t lose her, he couldn’t. That was when the idea of taking her with them reentered his mind and he went back to circling around the subject.
“Dean, here you are.” (Y/N)’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he stopped pacing as he watched her walk up to him the most beautiful smile on her face. God how the smile made his heart beat a little faster if there was one thing in his life that he was sure about was the fact that he would never get tired of seeing her smile especially if she was smiling because of him. “Hey, baby.” Dean greeted her, his voice soft like it always was when she was around. There was something about her that had affected Dean over the month of knowing her, whenever she was around it was like he was a new person. He was softer, he was kinder, he felt like a lot of his worries were lifted off of his shoulders for just a short amount of time whenever she was around and he loved that she did this to him because when it was her doing that to him he didn’t feel vulnerable. He felt safe around her like he could finally be himself which was something he never felt not even with Sam.
(Y/N) smiled up at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and popped up on her toes placing a quick kiss on his lips as he wrapped his arms around her in response.
“What are you doing here?” She asked him her head tilted to the side in the most adorable way and his arms tightened around her.
“Just thinking.” He answered and she pursed her lips as she looked at him.
“Thinking about what?” She asked and he stared at her for a minute before sighing.
“I and my family are skipping out of town in two days and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us?” Dean’s eyes widened slightly he hadn’t meant to say that. He stared down at (Y/N) his stomach churning in nerves as he waited for her to say something instead of just staring at him in shock. God, he should have never asked her that. He was asking her to leave her life and family behind here there was no way she would do that just to be with him, he should have thought about that before he made an ass of himself.
Dean’s eyes widened, even more, when he felt her lips connect with him and his stomach dropped when she pulled away, that was a goodbye kiss wasn’t it? It certainly felt like it.
“I would love to come with you, Dean.” (Y/N) answered and Dean’s brain hadn’t fully processed what she had said before he was speaking.
“I understand that this is a lot to ask of you and that I should have thought about your family and your life here because of course, you wouldn’t want to leave it all behind for me-wait what did you say?” Dean cut himself off as he stared at her and she giggled while she shook her head at his antics.
“I said I would love to go with you.” She answered and Dean couldn’t stop the large smile from spreading across his face as he stared down at her.
“You mean it?” He asked and she nodded.
“Of course I mean it.” She said and Dean’s smile grew a little before falling as he looked at her.
“But wait what about your family and your friends and your life here?” He asked and she frowned a little.
“I’ll miss them but Dean, I know the kind of life that you live, I’ve got the scars on my body to prove it, and I know that in your kind of life that there’s a very high chance that if you leave this town, leave me, behind then I may never see you again and instead of taking the very slim chance that maybe I’ll see you again I’d rather just go with you because then at least I know you're alive and I’m with you instead of sitting at home desperately waiting for you to call or write or show up again.” (Y/N) stated as he stared at her and she stared right back at him.
“So you really mean that? You really want to come with us? With me? Even though you’ll be leaving your entire life behind here?” He asked still unsure because there was no way he’s done something to deserve someone as amazing as her. (Y/N) nodded her head as she unwrapped her arms from his neck and grabbed his face.
“Yes Dean, I really mean that I want to go with you.” She stated and that smile spread across Dean’s face again as he kissed her again, quickly pulling away though.
“Good, but you’ll have to meet my father first.” Dean nearly kicked himself at that. His father didn’t know that he had met (Y/N), hell didn’t even know that Dean was bringing her along, oh god he was going to get his ass beat he already knew that. His father had been very clear when he drilled it into his head and Sam’s, along with everything else, that they couldn’t have their soulmates in this life no matter what because their life was too dangerous and they could get killed plus their soulmates would distract them from their jobs. And here Dean was wanting to grab his soulmates hand and drag her along with him like his father wasn’t going to be a big problem.
“Son of a bitch.” Dean breathed out pulling away from (Y/N) and running his fingers through his hair as he went back to his pacing. (Y/N) looked at him in confusion as he paced.
“What’s wrong Dean?” She asked and he looked at her like he just remembered that she was there.
“I...I...ah...it’s nothing don’t worry about it, come on let’s get to class,” Dean said as the bell rang and (Y/N)’s face scrunched up in suspicion but she didn’t say anything, taking the hand Dean offered her as the two of them walked out of the library to head to third period. The rest of the day Dean was unable to focus on school he couldn’t stop thinking about how his father would react and the dread and fear that was slowly building in his stomach the more the thought about it. Because what if his father lost it and force him to stop talking to (Y/N), forced him into the Impala and drove away just like that. Thoughts like that kept circling around his head as the day past and he came to stand in the front lobby with (Y/N) and Sam both of them staring at him expectantly waiting for him so they could go.
“Hey! Anyone in there?!” Sam shouted as he snapped his fingers and Dean shook his head focusing on Sam and (Y/N).
“What?” Dean asked giving Sam an annoyed look but Sam just rolled his eyes in response.
“What’s going on with you Dean? You’ve been acting distant all day.” (Y/N) answered and Dean looked at her, his eyes widened slightly. She was standing there with a worried/hurt expression on her face and one hand reaching across her body to grab at her other arm as she refused to look at Dean and he knew that he was the reason for that expression. He felt guilt wash over him as his eyes darted to the ground.
“If it’s because of what you asked me this morning Dean then never mind, I should have known you didn’t mean it.” (Y/N) muttered as she started walking away from them. Sam glared at Dean but Dean ignored him as he took two large strides and grabbed (Y/N)’s hand before she could get any farther away.
“(Y/N) I swear to whatever god is up there that I do not regret asking you to come with us, I could never regret asking you to come with us. You’re my soulmate and I want you by my side forever and always.” Dean stated firmly as he squeezed her hand and she looked up at him, that expression on her face diminishing slightly.
“Do you mean that?” She asked and he nodded.
“I would never lie to you (Y/N),” Dean stated firmly, putting as much meaning and confidence into those words that he could manage because he already knew that the one person on this planet that he would never dare to lie to was (Y/N)...well not in a major way anyways Dean wasn’t stupid. A small smile spread across (Y/N)’s face as she looked at him and she opened her mouth to say something but Sam stopped her.
“Hang on, you asked her to come with us?” Sam asked as he stared at his brother in disbelief and Dean looked back at him nodding.
“Yes. I asked her to come along.” Dean stated.
“Dad’s going to kill you!” Sam shouted and Dean shrugged. Was he terrified of his father’s reaction? Yes. Was he going to change his mind? Not a chance in hell. He had made up his mind that he wanted (Y/N) to come and if that meant he was going to have to fight his father in order to get him to let her come then so fucking be it. When it came to (Y/N) he wasn’t going to let his father get in the way, amazing what knowing your soulmate for a month will do to you confidence-wise.
“I know Sam, I also don’t care, (Y/N) is coming with us. I can’t leave her behind, I can’t not with the possibility that I’ll never see her again.” Dean said his hand tightening around (Y/N)’s as she squeezed back.
“Oh come on, you guys your dad can’t be that bad.” (Y/N) commented and both of them looked at her long and hard and she gulped. “Ok, maybe he is.” She added on and they nodded.
“When are you going to tell dad?” Sam asked and Dean sighed.
“I don’t know, tomorrow probably give (Y/N) enough time to gather her things and for me to prepare for dad,” Dean said and Sam nodded in agreement. Dean sighed again dread filling his stomach as he gently pulled (Y/N) to him.
“I’ll see you outside Sam,” Dean said and that was Sam’s queue to leave which he took expertly, bidding goodbye to (Y/N) as he passed her.
“I guess that means I’ll be telling my parents tonight that I plan to run away with my soulmate.” (Y/N) said as she wrapped her arms around Dean’s middle as he pulled her against him with his hands on her waist.
“Write me if you need any help with them alright?” He asked concern and determination in his voice, (Y/N) smiled softly at him as she leaned up and pecked his cheek.
“I will promise, be careful with your dad alright?” She asked and Dean smiled, for the first time feeling confident because even though it wasn’t going to be easy he was sure that he was going to win.
“I will, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Dean said as he leaned down and pecked her lips.
“See you tomorrow Dean.” She said as the two of them parted ways. (Y/N) began the walk home as Dean and Sam began the walk back to the Impala that was parked off to the side their dad sitting there irritably waiting for his kids. Dean’s gut churned in dread the closer he got to the car, tomorrow was not going to be fun.
~Tomorrow after school~
“Dean, you going to be ok?” (Y/N) asked as she sat on the crappy couch in the motel room watching as Dean paced back and forth in front of her and Sam. Dean stopped pacing long enough to look at her and give her a reassuring smile.
“Of course I am, sweetheart, don’t worry. Sam remember once dad gets here to bring the stuff out to the car I’ll handle the conversation with him.” Dean said as he looked towards Sam and Sam nodded.
“Are you sure you don’t want me here for backup?” Sam asked and Dean shook his head as he looked towards the clock, they had five minutes or less until their dad got back from the supply run he left on before they got back.
“No, it’ll be easier if I do this alone so (Y/N) that means you’ll have to get in the Impala with Sam,” Dean said as he looked towards her and she nodded a look of concern crossing her face as Dean resumed his pacing. If he was being completely honest he was terrified of how this was going to go. His father had made it very clear that they couldn’t meet their soulmates because this life was dangerous because they could get killed because they could be used as leverage against them. And while Dean knew those were understandable and sound reasons as to why he should never have talked to (Y/N) after he found out she was his soulmate, he also knew that he would never actually be able to leave here without her.
“I don’t understand is your father really going to be this bad about it all?” (Y/N) asked, the concern in her voice snapping Dean from his thoughts as he stopped pacing and glanced at Sam who shrugged his shoulders. Both of them knew how bad their father could be, especially Dean, but neither of them had ever had to explain how bad he could be to another person before. Luckily though they were both saved from having to explain when the roar of the Impala was heard outside.
“Sam,” Dean said and Sam nodded pulling (Y/N) up to her feet as the two of them went and grabbed their bags, as John walked through the door. A heavy silence instantly fell over the room as John looked from (Y/N) and Sam to Dean in confusion, (Y/N) and Sam slipped past John as he stared at Dean in confusion. John took a step forward and instinctively Dean’s body tensed as he waited for his father to say the first word.
“What have I told you about having girls over?” John asked the confusion replaced with anger as he looked at Dean and Dean took a deep breath, steadying his heartbeat.
“That’s not just a girl sir, that’s my soulmate,” Dean stated as he stood up a little straighter and John stared at him for the space of two heartbeats before saying anything.
“Your what?” John asked.
“My soulmate.” Dean tried his best not to squirm under the harsh and stern gaze his father was giving him, he couldn’t show any weaknesses in front of his father he had to prove he was serious about this which he was.
“Now I know I didn’t hear you right because that would mean that you disobeyed a direct order to not go searching for your soulmate and to not talk to them if they should be in the same town.” John’s voice was full of a quiet rage as he continued to give Dean that stern look and Dean nodded.
“Yes, sir that is exactly what it means,” Dean confirmed and he took another calming breath as he met his father’s look.
“Why the hell would you do that Dean? Haven’t I told you enough times what can happen?! And yet you go and disobey me anyway?!” John shouted.
“Yes, sir,” Dean confirmed and John glared at him.
“Why is she hear Dean? Does she know what we do?” John asked annoyance now mixing with the rage and Dean bit the inside of his lip before answering.
“Yes she knows what we do and she’s here because she’s coming with us.” Dean stated his voice as firm as he could get it and John stared at him for a long hard minute in dead silence. Dean finally shifted slightly waiting for his dad to blow his top and lash out him like he usually did because now this was the John that Dean saw whenever he messed up a hunt or didn’t watch Sam close enough or just wasn’t careful in general. This was the John that Dean was really afraid of, the one that Dean hardly ever disobeyed and yet here he was doing just that.
“You told her?! How could you tell her?! Rule number fucking one Dean tells no one about the life we live! And you go and tell someone who you only think is your soulmate! Are you stupid son?! I raised you better than that! And like hell, she’s coming with us! She’s staying here.” John shouted and Dean felt anger rise up in his chest for the first time in a long time as he glared at his father.
“She has a right to fucking know what I do for a living!! And I don’t think she’s my soulmate dad! (Y/N) is she’s got the fucking scars on her body to fucking prove it!” Dean shouted and he stood his ground when John took a step towards him.
“That doesn’t matter Dean! She’s still not coming with us! You shouldn’t have disobeyed me!” John shouted and Dean’s hands balled into fists the more his anger rose.
“Why can’t she?!” Dean shouted back anger and stubbornness in his voice.
“Because the life we live isn’t meant for people like her! It’s too dangerous! She could get killed!” John shouted their voices seeming to rise and it’s a good thing they were leaving today because Dean was sure they would have gotten kicked out with all the yelling they were doing.
“Don’t you think I know that?! Of course, I know she could die! But I’m not leaving her! I won’t leave her!” Dean screamed and John was silent for a heartbeat looking at the stubbornness in his son’s eyes.
“She’s not coming Dean I will not have some poor innocent defenseless girl traveling with us, putting her life at risk or dying. I will not be watching out for some girl who doesn’t even know how to use a gun.” John stated and Dean’s hands tightened as he looked at him.
“Well then it’s a good thing you wouldn’t be the one to look after her then, isn’t it? I’ll look after her and I’ll protect her just like I look after and protect Sam. I’m not going to lose her like you lost mom.” It was a cheap shot Dean knew that and he regretted it the minute he said it but he didn’t make any move to take it back and apologize because deep down he knew it was the only way to get his father to see how serious he was about this. John was silent for what felt like an eternity and Dean stood there his anger nothing but ashes now as he waited for John to do something, say something, raise a hand anything but he never did which surprised Dean a little. Instead of shouting more at Dean John just growled and huffed out an annoyed sigh after.
“Fine. But if she fucks up in the slightest way, causes trouble in even the smallest way anywhere, then that’s it. She’s out and she’s back here faster than you can blink. And you’re responsible for her well being so if she dies it’s on your head.” John pointed a finger at Dean and Dean nodded his head, fighting a smile. The first, and probably last time, he stands up to his father and his father agrees with him to say that he was a little excited would be an understatement.
“Yes, sir.” Dean said and John grunted.
“Good now get in the fucking car, we’re leaving now,” John demanded as he walked over to get his bag and Dean waited until his back was turned before he hurried out of the room and into the passenger seat of the Impala.
“Well?” Sam asked as he slid forward so he was sitting on the edge of the seat looking at Dean.
“What’d he say?” (Y/N) asked as she sat on the edge of the back seat with her hands on the front seat, Dean turned around to face her a smile on his face.
“He said she could come,” Dean said and a large smile spread across (Y/N)’s face as she leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on his lips while Sam cheered a little.
“Yay!” (Y/N) said after she pulled away and Dean chuckled. The three of them fell silent as John got into the Impala all of them looking at him as he looked at the three of them.
“What’s your name?” John asked as he stared directly at (Y/N) and Dean was both proud and shocked when she didn’t waver under the look that his father was giving her.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), sir.” (Y/N) answered her voice steady and John nodded.
“Nice to meet you (Y/N), hope you like long car rides,” John said as he started the Impala. (Y/N) gave Dean another happy smile before sitting back in the seat and getting comfy.
“Love them, sir.” She responded and Dean’s eyes widened slightly when he saw the faintest tick of a smile on his father’s face as he pulled out of the parking lot. Dean cast a glance back at Sam with a silent laughing smile and Sam nodded his head in approval as he sat back with (Y/N). Dean turned around to face the front as their dad pulled out onto the road.
~4 years later~
~Sam runs away to college~
~(Y/N)’s P.O.V~
(Y/N) bit her bottom lip, dread pooling in her stomach as she watched Dean have a literal freak out that would be nothing compared to what was going to come from John. This was the fourth time this month that Sam had run away while John was gone on a separate hunt and while Dean and she had been gone to get food. And well neither of them were looking forward to having John come home. They had gotten lucky a couple of the other times that Sam ran away in which they found him relatively quickly before he could get too far, this time they hadn’t been so lucky. On the way back to the abandoned house they were staying in they had gotten stuck in traffic, an accident had happened on the major road to get back and it took a while before they could get to a side road but it had been enough time for Sam to slip out of the house. Part of (Y/N) was glad that Sam had run away, she knew where he was going the both did, and secretly they were proud of him but god (Y/N) did not want to see John when he got back because that was not going to be pretty. It never was when John returned home to find that Sam had run away on their watch, this time though it was going to be worse.
Hours earlier John and Sam had had their worse fight yet after John found the acceptance letter to Stanford Sam had hidden in his duffle and it wasn’t hard to deduce what he was going to do after that. The fight had been ugly things had been said that never should have been said especially what John said before he stormed out of the house to go drown himself in alcohol. (Y/N) had done her best to comfort Dean who was hurt that his brother didn’t trust him enough to tell him that he got into college and angry at his brother for wanting to abandon him, well he said everyone but (Y/N) knew what he meant. She had even tried to calm Sam down but nothing she did worked and eventually, after that, her and Dean left and well here they were.
“Dean calm down, we’ll find him we always do.” (Y/N) said as she went to stand in front of Dean, grabbing his hands as he looked at her. Her heart broke at the look on his face, he looked so hurt and betrayed.
“No we won’t (Y/N), we know where he’s going and the kids smart he’s probably halfway there by now, we’re never going to see him again,” Dean muttered, hurt lacing his voice and (Y/N) bit her bottom lip as she let go of his hands and reached up and gently grabbed his face.
“Don’t say that Dean, we’ll see him again.” (Y/N)’s voice was soft as she lifted his head so he was looking at her and her heart broke a little more at the broken look in his eyes. She liked Sam she really did but she could feel an intense anger that she felt towards John building towards Sam now, she hated how much Dean’s family seemed to not care about him. Hated how they pushed him around and used him but then tossed him to the side when they didn’t need him anymore, she hated it to the point where if she didn’t watch her tongue around John they would get into screaming matches which she knew Dean hated so she tried not to get into too many of them.
“What did I do wrong (Y/N)? Was it something I said? Something I did? What did I do to make Sam hate me so much?” Dean’s voice was broken and vulnerable in only a way he got when it was just her and him. Her chest constricted tightly when he asked those questions and she shook her head as she looked at him.
“Dean you didn’t do anything. This isn’t your fault. Sam didn’t run away because of you, you know that. You’ve done nothing but raise that boy and treat him right. Sam ran away because of himself and because of your father not because of you.” She spoke in as firm and as reassuring of a tone as she could manage as she looked him straight in the eye. Dean managed a weak nod in return but she knew he didn’t believe her.
“I failed, I didn’t protect Sam, I didn’t watch over Sam, god dad is going to be so pissed,” Dean muttered as he pulled away from (Y/N) to go back to pacing but she hugged him before he could get away. Dean wrapped his arms around her almost instantly after she hugged him and he squeezed her tightly, holding on to her for dear life as he buried her face in her neck. She hugged him as tightly as she could manage to comfort him as best she could.
“You didn’t fail him, Dean. You protected Sam, there was nothing you could have done to prevent this.” (Y/N) spoke in that same reassuring tone as she hugged Dean. They sprang apart though when they heard the sound of John’s truck pull up outside the house, Dean spun around to face the door blocking (Y/N) from seeing anything. She placed her hands on his back as she leaned to the side, looking around him as John stomped into the house. Her nose crinkled, over the week that they had been her she had gotten used to the smell or rotting everything but John smelled worse than the house, he smelled like he had spent an entire night in a bar.
“Where’s your brother?” Despite him being hammered he still spoke like he was sober which surprised (Y/N) a little. She felt Dean tense under her hands and she pressed her hands into his back giving him a silent comfort.
“Sam’s gone. He ran away.” Dean’s voice was hoarse and (Y/N) tensed when she saw the anger flash across John’s face.
“You lost him again?! I thought I told you to watch him! You can’t do anything I ask can you?!” John shouted and it happened fast one minute John was still standing by the door the next he was in front of Dean and (Y/N). (Y/N) stumbled back when Dean did, she had to catch herself to stop herself from falling. The two of them stood there frozen staring at John in shock as he glared at the two of them, John had never hit Dean before well never outside of training sure he had raised a hand a couple of times but he never actually swung at Dean. (Y/N)’s stomach churned in disgust and her chest burned in rage when he didn’t even look sympathetic or shocked at what he had done, her hands balled into fists as she stepped up to them. Pushing Dean’s arm down when he went to stop her.
“You can’t do anything right can you?! One simple thing! I ask you to do one simple thing for me Dean and that is watch out for your brother and you can’t even do that!” John shouted and (Y/N) growled when she stepped between him and Dean. She wasn’t going to let him hit Dean again, she’d had enough of the way John treated her soulmate.
“Shut up you drunk asshole! Dean does everything you ask of him everything!! It’s not his fault that Sam ran away!! It’s yours!!” (Y/N) shouted as she shoved John and to everyone’s surprise, he actually stumbled back a few steps.
“Step aside (Y/N) this isn’t about you,” John growled as he glared at her.
“(Y/N) don’t I can handle this.” Dean said as he places a hand on her arm but she shook him off getting in John’s face.
“Bullshit this doesn’t concern me!! This is about my soulmate so that means this is about me and you can kiss my ass you good for nothing drunk! Where do you get off hitting Dean because Sam ran away?! Sam didn’t run away because of Dean he ran away because he couldn’t take any more of your controlling self-righteous ass!!” (Y/N) shoved him again but this time he didn’t stumble back, this time he grabbed ahold of her wrists in a bruisingly tight hold.
“I’ve had just about enough of your interference in how I raise my boys, I never should have taken you along! I should have left you back in that no-name town!” John shouted and (Y/N) struggled against him trying to get away from him.
“And we should have left you in that shitty bar we found you in back in Texas!!” (Y/N) screeched back.
“Dad let go of her!!” Dean shouted as he pried his father off of (Y/N) and pushed John away from her, putting himself once again in between her and John. (Y/N) stepped around so she was standing beside Dean and glaring at John a fire still burning in her chest. They couldn’t stay here, not with John like this, they had to go somewhere safe while John cooled the fuck down. Grabbing Dean’s hand (Y/N) pulled Dean towards the door.
“Come on Dean, let’s go.” (Y/N) said as they got to the door.
“Where the fuck do you two think you’re going? You’re not going anywhere until we find Sam and then you’re all grounded!” John shouted after them and (Y/N) stopped in the open doorway her hand never leaving Dean’s as she turned to face John.
“We’re leaving so you can sober the fuck up and calm the fuck down you piece of shit!” (Y/N) shouted as she pulled Dean out onto the barely standing front porch and slammed the door closed while the two of them made their way to the Impala.
“(Y/N) we can’t just leave him.” Dean protested as they walked to the car but he made no attempt to let go of (Y/N)’s hand and she didn’t let go of his hand until they were standing beside the Impala.
“Yes, we can Dean. We have to. We can’t stay there not with him pissed off and drunk he hit you, Dean! He hit you! And I’m sorry I pulled you out of the house and got into another fight with your dad but I can’t stand the way he treats you and him hitting you was the last straw.” (Y/N) shook her head as she spoke as she tried to pat down the fire that was still inside her.
“Hey it’s fine you don’t have to say sorry I know you were just standing up from me, I’m sorry that he hurt you,” Dean said a guilty expression crossing his face and (Y/N) gave him a small smile.
“Don’t worry about it, besides now we’ll have matching bruises.” She said trying to joke about it but he gave her a serious look and the smile on her face faded.
“Don’t worry about it? He hurt you (Y/N)?!” Dean shouted and she rolled her eyes.
“And he hurt you to Dean which is why I still think we should leave, we can’t stay here. God knows how long it’ll take him to chill the fuck out.” She said and Dean looked back at the house a mixture of anger and hurt in his eyes, he looked back at (Y/N) after a few seconds and nodded.
“Where do you want to go?” He asked.
“Bobby’s it’s about a days drive from here.” She said and Dean’s lips twitched as he looked at her before bending down and placing a swift kiss on her lips. She smiled up at him, both of them greatly preferred Bobby’s over anywhere else they were staying because with Bobby at least they got somewhat home cooked meals and plus Bobby was just generally nicer to the two of them in general. That in over the times that she had met Bobby he had become a sort of second father to her, an area in which John was failing.
“To Bobby’s we go then,” Dean said and (Y/N) nodded walking around to the passenger seat and the two of them drove off into the night to hopefully spend a couple of days at Bobby’s.
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