grimoireology · 8 years
Noun | Day·MON·oh·ma·jik |\dēməno,majik\
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Simple Definition of Deamonomagic
: The magic that deals with the beings of a higher existence.
Full Definition of Deamonomagic
: The magic that deals with the communication and/or control of beings of a greater existence.
: The manipulation of magic by use of dark spirits, devils or demons.
: The use of magical contracts with higher magical beings.
Personal notes:
A kind of magic that deals with higher beings, typically dark spirits, devils or even demons, from here on called Deamonomorphs. This kind of magic is related to Theomagic with it’s use of contacting and/or controlling higher beings like deamonomophs, yet the only clear distinction is whether a higher being is benevolent or malevolent.
Angels, or Theomorphs, are just like Deamonomorphs, though the practice to summon and deal with them can very drastically.
Deamonomorphs tend to be Malevolent to mischievous to indifferent. Their concerns are mainly selfish, and they like to toy with nature and destiny for their amusement.
Deamonomagic can be very dangerous as deamonomorphs may only be summoned out of benign interest or curiosity. Deamonomorphs differ from Theomorphs only by their interests and intent. As theromorphs act to maintain the balance and well-being of the world and more, deamonomorphs act off their own interests and amusement. A demonomage must be cautious in the act of communing, summoning or contracting with demonomorphs. An accomplished demonomage is normally contracted with a sympathetic demonomorph, this contract can allow them to do many things such as deamonomancy, deamononjury and if a deamonomage is brave or powerful enough, weredeamoncy. Daemonomagic is easier to cast than Theomagic, however results very from being simply ignored to being completely destroyed.
Complete control over a deamonomorph is extraordinarily rare occurrence as a contract must be made for a deamonomorph to be completely subservient to the deamanomage, such contracts tend to have a heavy price that must be paid either beforehand or after it’s service is complete.
Deamonomorphs may sometimes intervene with the acts and art of Theomagic, mostly out of self interest.
Deamonomorphs are not strictly evil however, just selfish. Some deamonomages are normal people or mages who have caught the interest of a demonomorph, some may have even befriended a demonomorph. With such interests and friendships a deamonomorph may become a dark guardian over a particular person, a subtle one will work to act in such a way to protect their charges that those they protect will never even know they needed protection; others might only act when danger is near and immediate.
It is possible to change the nature of a Demonomorph into that of a Theomorph, though such instances so rare that in all known history, it has happened  maybe enough times to count on a single hand.
Deamonomagic, is among the strongest forms of magic there is, on par with Theomagic, however, it is so dangerous that many who attempt to practice it, do not survive.
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