#deaf craig tucker
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fennecfiree · 3 months ago
YESS!! i actually love this hc so much i might start putting it into my art!!
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sorry if u cant tell much but i SUCK at drawing ears in gen so ya
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dietdoubledewme · 2 months ago
Craig tucker with hearing aid………,,.,,.. ok bye..,.
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im sure this has been done before but I like this hc a lot its pretty cute
also bonus warmup doodles:
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everythingwasnormalhere · 2 months ago
Stupidtsupidstupid but could you draw Craig with hearing aid… ILTIYLYLYILYLTLFKFNNF D
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as you can see the date of this picture is december thirteenth SO WHY THE EVERLOVING FUCK DID IT TAKE ME THIS LONG TO POST IT 😭
anyways this guy is an asshole and would use any disability he was given in his favor because he's just Like That (i love him)
yes this was drawn in a school notebook. during greek class specifically. i think the teacher scolded me for that lol
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angelicyouth · 2 years ago
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Youth ; Chapter 3
⇢ pairing: kenny mccormick x marsh!reader x craig tucker
⇢ synopsis: ❝Growing up with the boys as the sole girl of the group, it was only natural for them to grow protective over their pseudo-little sister as the years went by.❞
⇢ warning: descriptions of a panic attack
⇢ [AO3 link] ; [series masterlist] ; [previous] ; [next]
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A cacophony of voices fight to be heard over the other, everyone shit talking around the game of Mario Kart that’s currently set up in our living room. The boys and I watch as the four players duke it out on the big screen, witnesses to a friendship-breaking competition.
Loud stomping abruptly interrupts the taunts, “Y/N! What the hell? Is that my fucking shirt that you’re wearing?” My brother violently hollers from his spot, standing halfway down the stairs to peer down at the rest of us.
“The one you’ve been looking for all morning? Yup.” I lazily drawl from my spot on the couch, obnoxiously popping the “p” in my reply. My head slightly shifts as Tweek attempts to neatly braid my hair, Butters gently coaching him from the side.
“You’re a fucking asshole, you know that? Made me waste a bunch of time looking for nothing.” Stan continues as he finishes his journey down the stairs.
“You act like you have better things to do, loser. No girlfriend, no job—nada. So I don’t see what the big deal is. Are you on your period or something?” An accidental sharp tug makes me wince, Tweek muttering apologies as he quickly kisses the top of my head in repentance for his mistake.
“Shut up! Quit stealing my shit!” He's standing off to the side of the couch now, eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed.
I glare at Stan and say around a mouthful of orange chicken at the top of my lungs. “Quit stealing my weed then!”
”God, you’re such a fucking pothead!” He shouts, fists clenching in anger.
”Says the alcoholic who starts his day with a shot!” It’s a low blow but all I can see is red.
“Bro, quit being a whiny bitch. You’re not dirt poor like Kinny. Just buy a new one.” Said blonde flashes Cartman his middle finger so he rolls his eyes and attempts to correct himself. “What? Fine, at least you weren’t born ginger and a Jew like Kahl. Talk about a double whammy, I’d honestly kill myself.”
”You don’t need a reason to kill yourself, Cartman. Make all of us happy for once and just do it. If you really need a reason, just think about how fat you are and how much wasted space you take up.”
The match concludes with Jimmy coming out on top and the boys deciding to abandon the game entirely. They resume eating the Chinese takeout that’s laid out on the coffee table in front of them and half-heartedly listen to the sibling’s routine bickering.
“Take it off.” He scoffs at me, face heated with anger. Tolkien rolls his eyes so hard that I’m surprised a headache doesn’t occur.
“C’mon, Y/N. You’re stupid, not deaf. Want me to ask mom to get you hearing aids? I said: take. It. Off.” Comes out of my brother’s gritted teeth, each word growing more impatient and strained.
“Big deal, Stan! There’s so many other fucking shirts in this house. Feel free to get one from my closet if you need one so bad.” I retort in exasperation, clenching the denim on Tweeks legs that lay on either side of my body in frustration.
“Ack!” The frenzied blond yelps from behind me and I let go, fiddling with the creases on his jeans instead.
“No! Didn’t you hear me, r-tard? It’s mine, I bought it. Now, take it off!” Kyle closes his eyes at the elder Marsh’s words, tired beyond his years.
“Able to throw some money away for a dumb shirt but you can’t even pay me back my hundred dollars.” The local space enthusiast mumbles to himself, a chorus of ‘shut up, Craig!’ resounds from the boys in Team Stan.
“Fine!” I smirk and get off from my perch on the couch, a sly yet very bold idea pops up into my head. The perfect little thing to piss my dear older brother off. If you want petty, I’ll give you petty.
I grab my shirt from the hem and start to slowly lift it off of my frame, quirking a smug eyebrow and taunting my brother with a smile when more skin starts to show.
“Woohoo!” Kenny hollers excitedly at me, his hands in the air.
“F-f-fuck! No! Quit it, will you?! Don’t fucking do that!” Stan pushes those in his way aside and the boys make it hard for him on purpose by sticking out their legs to trip him. My brother scrambles over to me, forcing my hands down.
“Aw. What’s wrong, Stanley? You’re starting to sound a lot like Jimmy, how cute. I thought you wanted your stupid shirt?” I jeer at him. It’s like what Bebe always says: boys never know what they want and that’s the problem with them. Amen, sister.
“Ewww, Marsh. No one wants to see your underdeveloped body.” Craig socks Cartman on the arm, hard and the larger teen squeals like a dying pig.
“Don’t listen to them, sexy! Keep on going!” Clyde joins in laughing, sliding off his jacket and twirling it over his head in support of the apparent stripping going on.
“You’re voluptuous! Curvaceous! I’m already down on my knees at the sight of you, sweet thang!” Clyde continues to exaggeratedly hype me up, comically imitating the sound of a barking dog afterwards.
“I don’t know how you guys can take her seriously when her hair’s only halfway done. Looks like a damn hippie.” Cartman mumbles, more focused on inhaling his food and rubbing his now sore arm.
“Pffft, b-buh-baby Marsh gone w-wild!” Kung pao chicken accompanies Jimmy’s words of encouragement and he grabs one of his arm crutches, twirling it above his head too. My hands are still at the hem of my shirt, lifted up slightly and exposing a sliver of skin, even when my brother lets go.
I turn my head and catch Craig’s eyes trailing down as he smirks at me, his eyebrows lifted up playfully. A glint in his deep blues as he nonchalantly says, “I wouldn’t mind.”
While I’d normally giggle in amusement at the normally stoic teen and the contribution towards further riling my brother up, my face immediately flushes red after my talk with the girls at the party. I’d say that butterflies are invading my stomach, struggling to break free but it honestly feels like a whole damn zoo down there.
Feeling the adrenaline rush from my brother’s anger, the boys egging me on, and Craig’s attention, my heart beats at record breaking speed and I can feel my cheeks shyly heat up. This development doesn’t go by unnoticed as Kenny stops his playful cheering and laughing, watching the interaction between us two with furrowed brows.
“Fuck off, Tucker. Actually, fuck both of you all the way to hell.” My brother grumbles, angrily throwing himself onto an unoccupied space on the couch with his arms crossed. “It’s the fucking principle of things.”
“Big word, Stanley. Is that your word of the day? Did you learn it from this week’s episode of Sesame Street?” I mock him with a pout in fake sympathy.
“Shut the fuck up before I kick your fucking teeth in!” My brother’s stupid face goes red with anger.
He pouts when Kyle holds him back and rolls his eyes, ever the voice of reason. “They were just joking, Stan.”
“Yeah, Stanley. I was just joking.” My eyes continue to follow Craig as he lifts a bite of food towards his handsome face, wooden chopsticks pressed against his still smirking plush lips.
“Craig.” My brother says sharply this time, straightening up his back to glare at the teen over Cartman’s bigass head. I’m slightly confused as to what’s happening but still loving the attention Craig is giving me.
“Relax, Marsh.” Craig chuckles with a challenging look in his eyes. Tension begins to grow in the room and I’m lost because the other guys would normally laugh at suave shit like that and instigate a fight.
I roll my eyes and figure that it’s just them being overly protective, going back to my spot in between the cute coffee addict’s legs so that he can finish his attempt at doing my hair. Butters has a small braid done in between tufts of silky blonde from when I demonstrated the process to Tweek. He rubs his knuckles together, nervous energy exuding from his body as I return next to him.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
The girls excitedly informed me of tryouts and the process, which involves practice with the already established team and the new potential recruits. A week and a half is given to learn a few cheers before the day they hold the official tryouts, which was today. It’s here where I finally meet Nichole Daniels, Tolkien’s girlfriend. It would’ve been nice if he brought her over from time to time but I can understand his vehement refusal of bringing her anywhere near a number of dumb boys. Trouble seems to follow the guys wherever they go.
As promised to the parentals, I attended and it’s not as bad as I thought it would be with the friends I’ve already made being here. I’ve never had problems with dancing as it comes easy to me so it’s nice to just hang out and bask in the feminine energy.
My parent’s request has continued to go under the radar as the boys have been busy with the football season starting. Their practice allows me to not have to think of an excuse for staying out late since they’re already busy, extracurricular activities taking up their time after school as they prepare for the season.
I shove the heavy front doors of the school open, the sun almost fully set as a gradient of red, yellow, and orange bathe me in their hues. The girls always remember to offer me a ride home from their parents but I always politely reject, my guilt not allowing any of them to go out of their way and use their gas on me.
My hands are shoved into my pockets, trying to accumulate as much heat as possible while I begin the journey home. Wisps of fleeting, misty clouds escape from my mouth after each puff of breath I let out and I watch them disappear. I bask in the rare moment of solitude and the quiet that comes with it.
I’m colder than I normally would be tonight because a freshman accidentally spilled her gatorade onto the duffel bag that I’ve been using for cheer. Not only were the sweats that I usually throw on over my shorts drenched in sticky sweetness, but the clothes I wore to school earlier were also an unlucky casualty to the liquid electrolytes.
I wonder if I’ll make the cheer team, I ponder to myself.
The rhythmic sound of my steps on the concrete sidewalk accompany me on my walk and I hum to myself until I hear sharp, rambunctious laughter. I’m startled as my head shoots up and see that across from me in the distance are a group of boisterous, older teens. Fear resounds within me when I faintly remember them terrorizing my brother and friends when they were in the fourth grade, them having been in the sixth at the time.
I pray in my head that they don’t notice me but my prayers go unanswered as they cross the street, now joining me on the same sidewalk. I know I can’t outrun them so I panic and impulsively decide to take a detour, turning right into an alleyway until I dreadfully notice that I can still hear them from behind. What was once just the sound of obnoxious laughter is now the noise of thundering footsteps following closely, beginning to get louder and louder.
My feet hastily pick up their pace and I can feel the tremors reverberate through my now sweating hands, anxiety filling me to the very core. My trembling makes the process of pulling out my phone agonizingly slow and I silently curse at my misfortune.
The white puffs of air that once brought me entertainment on my walk now serve as a reminder of the danger I’m in. Unlike before, they come out of my mouth in quick intervals and I clench my teeth to bid them away.
Out of nowhere, someone roughly yanks on my ponytail and they’re quick to cut off my yelp as a rough hand forces itself onto my mouth. The assailant painfully holds onto my other arm, both grips enforcing excruciating pain.
“Hey, I recognize you. You go to our school, always around those dumb boys.” One of the perpetrators in front of me sneers as he brings his face up to mine, his rancid breath invading my senses and making me feel even sicker than before.  
“Lucky, aren’t we? We got baby Marsh!” Their eyes lighten up in both delight and recognition. I can feel upcoming bile trying to force its way up my throat from hearing the term of endearment the boys call me used like this, the connotation eerie in this situation.
Trying to make a sound is futile as all my cries for help are muffled, my captor getting annoyed at my squirming and relocating his hold on my arm to my neck instead. He squeezes and I whimper in fear, my breathing becomes more desperate when my kicking and elbows do nothing to deter him.
“Why’re you crying? You’re just asking for it when you walk around in fucking shorts. We live in South Park. No one would dress that way outside in the snow if they weren’t a total slut.” They all degradingly mock me, laughter resounding throughout the cold air as foreign fingers begin to play along the edge of my shorts.
“Pffft, dumb bitch.” One of them slaps me just because they have the power to do so in my vulnerable state before squeezing both of my cheeks together with one hand, hard.
“Who wants to go first?” They all fight over the answer to the question and I clench my eyes shut in dread, the color draining from my face.
Before they can do anything, yelling can be heard and I’m dropped by my captor. I stumble to the dirty ground of the alleyway at the loss of my previous support. On the floor, I painfully dig my nails onto my thighs. My breath hitches and my chest tightens, my panicking intensifying despite finally being free.
Short breaths rake through my trembling body and my nails dig deeper. Crescent moons appear on soft skin, invoking blood. My head starts to feel a little light and I try my hardest to calm myself down but it’s to no avail, my attempts prove to be futile. My unoccupied hand trembles as they reach up to touch wet, stinging cheeks. I didn’t even notice that I‘ve begun to sob as every gasp for air racks my body.
“Holy shit.” Varying voices can be heard from around me but my mind barely registers their words as my head continues to feel even lighter than before.
Even though I’m unable to determine whether or not I’m safe, I don’t flinch when someone crouches next to me and hastily crushes me against their hard chest. I’m numb to my surroundings and everything feels distorted. It’s as if I’m underwater, drowning.
“Ack! She’s hyperventilating! Gyah!”
“No fucking shit captain obvious!”
“Shut the fuck up!” The chest I’m against rumbles and my brain finally registers it as the sound of Kenny’s voice. I muster up what little strength I have to look up and see my boys around me. My brother is directly crouched in front of me and from my peripherals, I can just barely see that it’s Kyle in the same position next to him, eyes wide in panic.
“Shit, shit, shit!”
“Fuck! What should we do?!” It’s Tolkien this time but I can’t look away from my brother. My eyes are begging him to do something, anything to make it stop. Oh how I wish twin telepathy were real.
“Breathe, baby. You need to breathe for me.” The world tilts around me as a soothing voice near my ear urges. A resounding gasp of air struggles to be inhaled but it’s too shaky and tears of frustration continue to fall. My breathing isn’t slowing and I just want this to be over.
“Someone needs to do something before her heart gives out!” Someone loudly kicks what sounds to be a trash can in anger, messily spilling its contents all over the floor and I flinch at the blow.
“Y/N, breathe.” Stan coaches me, taking my hand and placing it on his chest. His large hand encompasses my smaller one, exerting slight pressure until I can feel his heartbeat.
“Just focus on the sound of my voice and follow me. In, and out. In, and out. I’m here. You see me, right? You’re here with me at this very moment and you’re safe. You’re always safe with me. Big brothers always got you, yeah?”
I can’t do it anymore, I just can’t.
I’ve been trying and nothing is happening.
It won’t stop and I can’t fucking breathe.
I don’t want to disappoint everyone but I’m tired.
“Shh, shh. You can, love, you can. I know you can.” Kenny patiently encourages me as he gently brushes strands of my hair away from my sticky, tear-stained cheeks. Heavily disoriented, I didn’t seem to realize that I was verbalizing all of my thoughts.
“You know why? Because my girl is the absolute best—the best girl ever and everyone who's anybody knows that. She’s resilient and just so, so strong. As long as she tries her best, I’ll always be proud of her no matter what and nothing she can do will ever disappoint me. Literally, nothing. She could put a bullet through my head and I’d just pass away in euphoria because my last living memory is of a goddess with ethereal beauty.” Kenny continues and ever so slightly, a corner of my lip lifts up.
This is familiar. This is comforting. I know this. The playful flirting and cheesy, over the top exaggeration. His soothing voice helps guide me back down to Earth as I focus on the rising chest of my brother under my fingertips. This is familiar, too. It’s a sound I’ve always known, even before I was born. Whenever I’m feeling sad or scared, my big brother will always hug me to his chest, my ear pressed against the faint beating of his heart. The rhythmic sound let’s me know that I’m safe, I always am when he’s here. This sound is the other half of me.
“Good girl, you’re doing great. Really great. You always do great and I knew you would.” It’s the voice near my ear again and this time, I’m finally able to look away from my brother to see that the voice belongs to Craig. It appears he had a hand on my shoulder throughout the whole ordeal, his thumb rubbing comforting circles over my jacket.
I now notice that Butters has my other hand firmly in his, tears streaking down both his and Clyde’s faces. They all must have found me after practice and I’m thankful that I wasn’t too far from the school before everything went down.
When they ask me what I was doing out so late, in athletic shorts no less, I mumble an excuse about the girls inviting me to workout in the weight room back at school. They don’t know that it’s not just today that I’ve been trekking home alone at night and I don't want to correct their assumption when they sternly lecture me on how dangerous it is.
After taking me home and getting myself cleaned up, they decide on an impromptu movie night filled with blankets, pillows, and snacks. Last minute texts are sent to their parents, notifying them of an emergency sleepover. They place me in the middle, a cocoon of softness, warmth, and comfort. They let me choose all the movies for the rest of the night and the food we order for delivery.
Our faces are colored a pale green from the clay mask I put on everyone, those with longer hair having mini palm trees at the top of their head from being tied up away from their faces.
Self care, they told me.
This isn’t edible so don’t try to lick it off your face, I told Cartman.
I slowly look around and take in the bright light of the television reflecting off of their individual faces. Some people, like Tolkien and Kyle, are starting to nod off, fighting the last dredges of sleep for my sake. On the other end of the spectrum, Butters and Clyde jump at every loud sound that accompanies the suspenseful music, paranoia painting their faces white. Tweek catches my eye and gently feeds me a kernel of popcorn.
Surrounded by my boys, I smile knowing I’m safe whenever I’m with them.
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I’m sitting in front of my vanity, carefully applying some makeup to cover the faint bruising on my cheek, the process therapeutic. The occasional clicking of buttons could be heard, Craig lounging on my bed with a handheld gaming console in his hands. I softly mouth along to the words of the low music playing from my phone while faint laughter can be heard from downstairs.
I chance a glance up and catch Craig’s reflection from the corner of my eyes, but I don’t turn my head around as we make eye contact through the mirror. My lips unconsciously quirk up, fondness of the boy behind me fills my entire being from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. “Hmm? What’s up, Tucker?”
He doesn’t say anything, only a thoughtful look adorning his attractive features. Ever since the night the boys found me, I’ve been catching their lingering gazes on me from time to time. Eyes distant, as if they’re looking past me.
I settle both of my elbows onto the tabletop, my hands carefully framing both of my cheeks lest I smudge my hard work. My smile doesn’t falter, never when I’m with him, and I lightheartedly tease him, “What? Never seen a good looking Marsh before? I know you’re around my brother all the time but he's not that ugly.”
I’m successful in getting a reaction from him because I’m soon rewarded with a twinkle of mirth in his eyes, his expression softening, “Come here.”
His deep voice is firm, filling my room with its gentle demand and I blindly obey. With Craig, I’d do just about anything for him. He’s now seated upright and has positioned himself at the edge of my bed, legs open and his thumb tapping a beat onto his thigh.
When I’m close enough, the boy grabs both of my hands, interlocking our fingers together. He gives the intertwined digits a swift, reassuring squeeze before guiding me to him to close the short distance between us. I stand in between his legs and he elicits sudden goosebumps along my arms as he carefully drags his long fingers down the length of it, slowly before finding purchase at my hips.
I instinctively loop my arms around his neck, bringing us closer together and he gently squeezes in response. He murmurs so quietly, “Are you okay?”
I softly reply, my thumbs rubbing soothing circles onto the back of his neck, catching strands of smooth black hair. “You’re here, aren’t you?”
Our voices are hushed. There’s no need to be quiet but it feels like we’re in a bubble and at any disruption, no matter how slight, might pop it.
“Yeah… You know I’m always here for you, right?” I softly nod in response, a slight shift in this space of intimacy we’ve created.
“You know you have me, right?” Again, I nod as I hang onto his words.
“Because I’d do anything for you, Y/N. It doesn’t matter what it is—big or small. At the asscrack of dawn or in the middle of the night. I'd drop whatever I was doing if it meant getting to you when you need me.” His long fingers reach up to lightly smooth his thumb at the area where soft skin meets makeup.
“If you ever have any doubts or feel upset about anything, just talk to me, okay? And I promise that I’ll do whatever I can to erase those doubts and remind you of how much you mean to me. I don’t ever want you to feel alone or less of anything, not when you mean everything to me.” The ravenette continues as he moves his hand, this time tucking silky strands of hair away from my face and behind my ear.
I shyly giggle in bliss at his soft touch and even lighter voice. “Where is this coming from, Craig?”
He ignores my question, persistent to convey his message to me. “You do know that, right, Y/N?”
“Of course, I’ve never doubted it or thought otherwise.”
“Good.” The teen says, satiated before bringing us down onto the bed.
My hands lay themselves against his chest to keep myself upright and he caresses my head with both hands, angling my head down to give my forehead a soft kiss. His lips lingers before pulling away.
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It wasn’t hard for the girls to see the slight traces of lingering purple under my attempted camouflage. I tried to reassure them that it wasn’t anyone’s fault but mine, yet they persisted in trying to make up for it due to the guilt they all felt.
I had just finished applying my daily cover up and was adding the final touches to my hair, making sure that every single strand was in place. Satisfied, I turn the brightness of my computer screen back up until the reflection of myself on the glass disappears. I had time before I was due to head out so I loosely curled every lock cascading down my shoulders, braids adorning either side of my head. The girls wanted to take me out later in the day as an otherwise unnecessary apology and I hummed to myself in excitement.
“Wow, doll. Is this all for me?” I look up from the boss battle I was currently engaged in, pausing to identify the intruder that let out a low whistle.
Kenny leans off from his laidback position on my door frame and lazily walks up behind me, the end of his lips quirked up. He gives me an appreciative hum as he takes his time scanning my appearance, indulging his eyes on my figure. I patiently smile at his appreciation.
“Ah, scratch that. That was a stupid question, you’re beautiful every single day to anyone who lays their eyes on you. You don’t even need to try so I meant to say that this is a welcomed treat.” I turn around in my seat to face him, giggling at his words of praise. I greedily drink them in as I loop my arms around his waist.
“Beautiful?” I seek more of his validation, a deepening blush rising on my cheeks as I parrot back his compliment.
He takes a small section of my hair and gently guides his hand to his face, kissing the soft locks in his possession. He hums to me, “Beautiful, bewitching, alluring… You’re every synonym and every iteration of the word, babe. You define beautiful, you’re the very embodiment of it. That word was created because of you—if I were to look under the definition of it, your name would be there.”
My smile grows wider and my cheeks start to hurt from the action, resulted by the constant influx of euphoria that the blonde never fails to provide me. Whether from being drunk on the male’s compliments or shyness, the color red has made its permanent residence onto my cheeks.
He lets go of my hair and gently cups his large hands on either side of my face, angling it up towards his taller figure.
“Pretty.” He quietly utters to my skin, kissing my forehead.
“Gorgeous.” A kiss to my nose this time.
“Irresistible.” A kiss to my left cheek.
“Ravishing.” A firmer kiss to my right cheek with a playful growl, melodic laughter gets pulled out of me.
“Lovely.” He says much softer this time, watching me with gentle eyes. He keeps his devoted gaze onto my visage, his thumb lightly goes over my lips once. “Everything a guy could ever ask for in a person. Everything that I could ever want in life. If I could have one wish, it’d be you.”
My eyes flicker between bright azure orbs, the air between us charged. Before I can say anything, the sound of muffled yelling from my brother’s room startles us. I hastily look away embarrassed, the moment between us broken.
“Can I make you pretty, too?” I flash him a toothy grin and he playfully rolls his eyes, seeking refuge onto my bed. That’s all the answer I need before I push at his shoulders to guide his back down before I settle myself onto his lower stomach, giggling with an eyeshadow palette in one hand and a makeup brush in the other.
Washing flecks of glittery white over his eyelids, I bring my face closer to his and take the time to study the teen under me while his eyes are closed. His slender hands find purchase at my hips and I find myself mesmerized at the mini constellations that adorn his handsome face. Albeit not many, every freckle looks like a tiny star, accentuating the blonde’s mesmerizing features.
I lean in closer to get a better look as I carefully paint a streak of black, a steady hand making a line. I inspect my latest stroke when his hand gently grabs the wrist of the hand I have hovering over his face, the same one holding my eyeliner brush. His eyes slowly open as to not disturb my art, our faces close to one another. Kenny showcases his boyish smile, flashing me with deep dimples at the lack of space between us and my eyes inadvertently lower, seeking plush lips.
“Haven’t you noticed that yeah, the boys are overprotective over you. But when it comes to Kenny and Craig, it’s different?”
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bbqdadvibes · 2 years ago
Last of the main three families: the Tuckers
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Craig Tucker
49, gay man
Worked at NASA in TX for the last five years
Family man
Tweek Tucker
49, gay man
Head nurse at Hells Pass Hospital
Occasionally helps his mom at Tweak Bros
So supportive of Craig and his NASA dreams, stayed in South Park while Craig went to Texas for work (had to help his mom out and the girls just started school, they didn’t want to uproot them)
Big on the whole caretaker role
Actually left South Park for a while
Adopted their goddaughter after a freak car accident killed her parents, she was adopted at four years old
Moved back to SP after Tweeks dad died and his mom had a breakdown trying to keep the shop open
They literally have the healthiest relationship/family in all of South Park
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Julia Tucker
16 years old, tenth grade, demisexual girl
Adopted at 4 years old
Moved to SP at 7ish years old
Big big soccer fan
Loves watching sports with Craig
Big sister of the trio, keeps the boys in line
Can’t stand Isaac Broflovski, thinks he’s a little bitch
Loves her dads, bullied them into getting her a sibling
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Sophie Tucker
13 years old, right grade, bisexual girl
Adopted at 5 years old
Mostly deaf
Loves to bake with Tweek
Shy and sweet
BFFs with Hannah Broflovski
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impcraig · 6 years ago
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Craig and Kenny meet in middle school for the first time. Craig has been deaf since birth and has a supervisor who helps him with school and communicating with other students and teachers. Kenny found him interesting, and the fact that Craig was home schooled first, it was hard to start a ‚conversation‘ or get his interest. But the adult helps out and teaches Kenny basics of sign language and the two interact for the first time. It keeps going on more often and the two start to get along and become friends. At some point, Kenny knows sign language so well, both can tell jokes and secretly chat in class.
Some time, Craig and Kenny meet up and the deaf teenager signs him „I love you.“ as a confession. Kenny gets flustered, squeals and speaks extremely flustered before he realizes it‘s no use and accepts.
Later, Tweek joins too. He was really shy and scared about actually asking the two first, but he got it done and it was the right choice!! ;0 Eventually, Tweek struggles at the beginning with refreshing his knowledge of sign-language, but he’s a fast learner!!
I might wanna bring a little awareness towards deaf people, cause they deserve attention too 💖🐀
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parti-pooper · 6 years ago
Craig is Michael Bay where he makes bad movies, but gets big money. I just like when characters have flaws or are “losers” in some way. It’s why South Park is so appealing to me.
To be honest, Anon? That right there is a Big Same;; 👌👌👌 These characters are much more appealing to me when they’re fucked, fucking people, haha! 😂
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yandere-southpark · 4 years ago
I just realized you mentioned Tweek in your last head canon with Kenny. Would you do a team-up of Craig and Tweek? :P
HCs for Platonic and Romantic Yandere Craig & Tweek Team-Up
A.N. - Don't drink the coffee.
Craig Tucker & Tweek Tweak
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One never leaves, and the other is barely present. Tweek cannot take a single step without asking their friend if it was in the right direction, while Craig prefers to skulk in the shadows and keep an eye on them from a distance.
Obsession has not made his social skills any less abysmal, for he has no plans to make small talk anytime soon. The apathetic chap would be perfectly fine with leaving their friend to their own devices if it were not for Tweek's unrelenting paranoia and dependence on them prompting many an unpleasant scene.
They most likely requested some space or mingled with another friend for a little too long, and now the anxious lad is pleading with them not to abandon him. He starts rambling about the other person's murderous agenda and the government conspiracy to isolate him from them so they can abduct him in the dead of night and erase all evidence of his existence.
The theories become increasingly desperate and nonsensical until Craig intervenes and suggests a parley at his house. Any onlookers are given a front-row seat to the extension of his middle finger as he guides Tweek and their friend to a more secluded location and reminds Tweek that he was on the cusp of digging both of them into an early grave.
There is no such thing as life outside Tweek and Craig. Every social gathering is an opportunity for betrayal, every invitation a trap of sour words, and anyone their friend thought was on their side is biding their time until the perfect moment to strike.
Tweek confuses them and skews their sense of reality with his endless stream of falsehoods and sinister theories while Craig quietly disposes of anyone who would tell them otherwise. The former is joined at the hip with them, but the latter remains as cold as ever.
At times, Tweek is the only one their friend sees because Craig has resigned to tailing them. He memorizes their daily schedule and discreetly tags along to ensure it all runs smoothly but harbours little interest in actually interacting with them.
When Tweek phones him at three in the morning obsessing over something he did or said to their friend weeks ago that upset them, Craig barely represses a sigh. He assures him that they do not hate his guts and he should get some rest, but all the while Tweek is rambling about being lower than dirt and never having the nerve to show his face again.
The instances in which their friend hangs out with someone and does not notify Tweek results in the anxious lad screaming bloody murder to Craig about how they are going to die and the men in black are coming for him, but the apathetic chap says they will deal with all that later.
Just as Tweek is convinced that he is not worried enough, Craig suggests they crash the party and rid themselves of one more interloper.
A cacophony of mixed signals. Tweek cannot be without their partner for more than a few minutes or he will assume that they have been killed or kidnapped. Craig is on speed-dial as he screams into the phone about how space aliens and the government are conspiring to bust up the relationship.
The whole town is in on it, everyone is a spy, and his phone is bugged. Tweek, on the brink of a panic attack, hangs up and proceeds to tear out chunks of his hair. By the time Craig enters the scene, Tweek has either barricaded himself in his bedroom or is sprinting crazily through the streets and shouting their partner's name.
The wild goose chase commences, and Craig is more irritated than worried. His attempts at logic fall on deaf ears as Tweek rants incessantly about how his life is falling apart and the prospect of surviving without them is inconceivable.
Craig is all too aware of how suffocating Tweek's clinginess can be and does not blame their partner for coveting a break, but he puts his foot down and says 'tough' once it escalates to him having to spend most of his day playing therapist. He is willing to let them off with a slap on the wrist, knowing that Tweek's renewed need to stay latched onto them for every waking moment will be ample punishment.
Their word trumps all. Craig lacks the patience to deal with any sort of rebellion in a non-cruel and uncaring manner, and Tweek falls to pieces at the slightest sign of rejection.
The latter will have a meltdown in public and beg their partner to reconsider whenever they want to hang out with anyone else, while the former is more inclined to forcefully prevent them from leaving and threaten their friends into alienating them. There is no sympathy in Craig's voice when he tells them that they are not allowed to leave his or Tweek's house without at least one of them by their side.
Tweek already dreads the idea of going outside and exposing himself to the prying eyes of South Park's residents for even a second, but the thought of their partner doing so has him chugging drugged coffee as if he has never had a drink in his life and double-checking the lock on the front door twenty-six times. As he is pulling out the nails and hammer, Craig begrudgingly steps in and talks him down.
The two reach a compromise between Tweek's outlandish extremes and Craig's apathetic cruelty, but the endgame is still not particularly favourable. Their partner is looking at a future where Tweek will fight to the death to keep them inside while Craig is estranging them from each friend and family member one by one until they are naught but a fading memory.
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
The 20 Best Horror Movies on Netflix UK – Scary Films to Watch Right Now
Netflix is an ever-changing, constantly growing treasure trove of hidden gems and secret delights (here’s everything new on Netflix UK this month). Sometimes, a teeny bit too secret though.
Who hasn’t sat down to watch a horror movie and found themselves scrolling endlessly, either not being able to find something they’re in the mood for, or not really knowing what half the titles are, or if they’re any good?
We’ve scoured the full current catalogue available to watch in the UK now and picked out the best scary movies. It’s a mix of classic and new, and a range of slashers, horror-coms, mumblegore, monster movies and more to hopefully scratch that itch with ease.
We’ll keep this updated as and when titles drop in and out of the service.
Hereditary (2018)
If you haven’t seen this slice of trauma, the feature debut of Ari Aster, you probably should. If you have seen it, you probably won’t want to again. Toni Collette stars as a woman whose controlling mother has just passed away setting of a series of horrible events. Aster says the film was partly inspired by his own sense of his family being cursed – this a movie absolutely drenched in grief and pain with astonishing performances all round. It’s tough going, but it’s a masterpiece. Read our review.
The Platform (2019)
This existential Spanish horror made a splash at the start of lockdown with it’s tale of prisoner trapped in an enormous vertical prison with a platform at it’s centre which delivers food to the inmate floor by floor starting at the top, so that each floor only gets what the floor above has left over. It’s political, allegorical, it’s clever and it’s very violent.
The Endless (2017)
Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead’s gorgeous sci-fi horror stars the two as brother who escaped from a cult ten years ago and are drawn back in in search of answers when a strange videotape arrives. This is their third movie after Resolution and Spring and the two are only growing in strength as directors – The Endless is rammed with indelible imagery and deeply unsettling moments within a plot that is a joy to unpick.
What Keeps You Alive (2018)
Couple Jackie and Jules head to a remote woodland cabin to celebrate their first wedding anniversary but things go bad… Ok this sounds like the most generic slasher in the world but trust us it’s not. Twists hit early on (that we’d hate to spoil) and the tension ramps up fast in a very effective cat and mouse chase with a female bent. This comes from Colin Minihan who made Grave Encounters – this isn’t similar but both have a disorientating sense of place. Read our review.
Orphan (2009)
Released during the heyday of Dark Castle’s mid-budget horror splurge, Orphan is one of those genre films with an absolutely ludicrous (and therefore thoroughly enjoyable) twist, which we will not spoil for you. Peter Sarsgaard and Vera Farmiga star as a couple mourning the loss of their baby, who decided to adopt a little Russian girl called Esther from the local orphanage. Things quickly start to go very, very wrong as the pair start to suspect that wee Esther – who insists on dressing like a spooky doll – isn’t all she appears to be. Check out our review.
Insidious (2010)
The many sequels may have yielded diminishing returns but the first of this franchise, about a couple (Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne) whose comatose son appeared to be trapped in another realm by a evil spirit, is a very effective chiller. Horror genius James Wan directs, and the first half of this movie at least is pretty much guaranteed to make you jump out of your skin.
Annihilation (2018)
An all star cast including Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Tessa Thompson, plus the quality direction of Alex Garland wasn’t enough to secure this horror sci-fi based on Jeff Vandermeer’s novel a theatrical release in the UK. Nevermind, that just means you can watch it for free on Netflix. Portman joins a crew of women exploring the mysterious Area X where he husband ventured some time before and came back changed. It’s a weird, unfamiliar landscape of beautiful flora and terrifying fauna defying explanation until the strange, indelible finale (not sure what it means? Have a read of this explainer). And you can check out our review, too if you like.
Daybreakers (2009)
You’ll get a little bit of everything with this Spierig Brothers curio. It was the film that really got the directing team noticed and it’s not hard to see why. Set in a dystopian world where basically everyone has been turned into a vampire, one corporation thinks it’d be a bloody (sorry) good idea to track down all the surviving humans and…well, basically milk them. Ethan Hawke stars as a vampire haematologist who starts to think there might be another way for this story to go after he’s collared by a former vampire (Willem Dafoe), who can cure everyone. (Living) dead good. Check out our review.
The Bar (2017)
Slightly bonkers Spanish horror thriller which sees a bunch of strangers stuck in a busy Madrid cafe when snipers begin shooting anyone who tries to leave. Confusion and personality clashes abound in this economical single location chiller with a dark sense of human as the inhabitants slowly discover what’s going on, who’s responsible and try to work out if and how they will survive.
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Netflix UK: What’s New in April 2020?
By Kirsten Howard
21 underappreciated films to watch on Netflix UK
By Paul Bradshaw and 2 others
The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon’s love/hate letter to the horror genre felt like something of a game changer when it finally arrived (it was shelved for several years because of financial issue with original distributor MGM). Chris Hemsworth and Haley Bennett star in a double layer story about ordinary kids vacationing in a woodland cabin, with Bradley Whitford and Richard Jenkins as very particular kinds of bureaucrats up to something in the background. No spoilers, just watch. Here’s our review.
Cargo (2017)
Martin Freeman stars in this Netflix original developed from a short directed by Ben Howling and Yolanda Ramke. Set in the Australian outback, Freeman is a father trying to find someone to protect his child in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. More wistful and emotional than that sounds on paper, there’s a fascinating subplot about an Aboriginal girl mourning her father and the final set piece is unforgettable. Check out our review.
Lifeforce (1985)
A Cannon Films classic directed by late Texas Chain Saw legend Tobe Hooper, people are still discovering the ’80s madness that is Lifeforce. Originally entitled Space Vampires, it’s exactly what you’d expect, and so much more. Nude, energy sucking bat creatures are brought back to Earth after an interstellar mission finds a gaggle of them lying dormant in Halley’s Comet, and it all goes very badly for the planet. You can expect a scenery-chewing Patrick Stewart to pop up in between the tits and gore. Not literally! Although, sometimes literally.
Creep (2014)
No, not the one set on the tube, this ‘mumblegore’ horror is far weirder than that. Director Patrice Brice plays Aaron, a videographer hired by Mark Duplass’s Josef to make a video for his kid to watch after he’s died of a terminal illness. Or does he? Playing on the power of politeness and the awkwardness of male relationships this is a highly original, itchily uncomfortable watch. Creep 2 is also on Netflix, and also good!
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17 of the best TV series on Netflix UK
By Louisa Mellor
Underappreciated comedy movies on Netflix UK to watch now
By Mark Harrison and 1 other
Hush (2016)
Another smart sensory-based horror, this time from Oculus and Doctor Sleep man Mike Flanagan. This home invasioner sees deaf writer Maddie (Kate Siegel) attacked in her woodland retreat by a masked stranger. He uses her inability to hear to sneak around and terrorise her, but she has tricks of her own up her sleeve. Check out our review.
The Invitation (2015)
Karyn Kusama (Jennifer’s Body, Destroyer) just keeps knocking it out of the park (and she’s recently been attached to a Dracula movie from Blumhouse Productions), and with The Invitation she continued to secure her place as one of the best directors around. Here, Will (Logan Marshall-Green) and his girlfriend go to a party held by his formerly suicidal ex-wife, and discover that she seems to be happier than she ever was, but Will starts to suspect that rather than healthily coping with her mental illness, she may well have joined a doomsday cult instead, and be planning to kill them all. Paranoia and tension are at the max in this bad boy. Here’s our review.
Little Evil (2017)
Comedy horror from Eli Craig who made the wonderful Tucker and Dale Vs Evil. This time he’s playing on creepy kid tropes, particular those from The Omen movies. Adam Scott plays a man who discovers his new wife’s (Evangeline Lilly) son might actually be the anti-christ. And because it’s Eli Craig, of course it’s funny and very good natured as well as playing with the genre.
Gerald’s Game (2017)
Another Mike Flanagan offering here – what can we say? he’s damn good! – as Jessie (a spectacular Carla Guigino) and her husband Gerald drive to a remote house to try and spice up their marriage with a bit of gentle BDSM. One problem: Jessie is not into it. At all. Two problems: Gerald carks it, leaving her tied up with only her cunning to help her free herself from her prone, handcuffed predicament. Three problems: a mythical, supernatural killer may be in the house. Stephen King, you’ve done it again. Read our review.
Ravenous (2017)
Unusual Canadian zombie movie (in French) which sees remaining stragglers after an outbreak of the infected band together in disparate groups travelling to find other survivors. Ravenous sets up its infected as worshipping a sort of new religion of found items (chairs, TVs etc.) making comment on the zombification of society. It’s also funny and quite scary, so there’s that.
Veronica (2017)
Loosely based on a true story, Veronica is set in Madrid in 1991 and follows a young woman who messes with a Ouija board who thinks she’s accidentally summoned an evil spirit. Director by Paco Plaza, one of the two directors behind [REC], the movie gained minor notoriety when it first landed on Netflix because of a few viewers finding it overly scary. It’s true there are some seriously creepy bits (but you’ll be fine!).
The Perfection (2018)
Get Out‘s Allison Williams and Dear White People‘s Logan Browning star in this twisty, trashy but nonetheless enjoyable tale of two musical prodigies hothoused at a mysterious academy. It’s lurid and lavish (and it’s got some fairly dodgy sexual politics, we’d warn you) but great lead performances and a tricksy three act structure that keeps you guessing, make this an entertaining and unusual Friday night pick. Read our review.
Want more horror? Here’s our list of 81 genuinely creepy horror movies. Here are some horror movies it’s safe to watch with your kids. And here are some underappreciated Scream-inspired horror movies of the 90s.
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cryleweek · 6 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: South Park Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kyle Broflovski/Craig Tucker, Craig Tucker & Tweek Tweak Characters: Craig Tucker, Tweek Tweak, Kyle Broflovski Additional Tags: Deaf Character, Explicit Language, Sexual Humor, Comedy, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Cryle Week 2019, Alternate Universe - Teenagers Summary:
Craig Tucker is deaf from an accident that is totally those guys fault. Everything is their fault, or it's Tweek's fault. So being asked about Kyle Broflovski is worse then being asked about open faced sandwiches and sausages.
Written for day two of Cryle Week, Alternative Universe. (Shared per the request of the author)
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A Bastard Grandchild Isn't Good For the Coffee Business, Tweek: Chapter 6
Read on Ao3
Tweek yawned, scribbling something down on an order form. They needed more pumpkin spice. They always needed more pumpkin spice, enough of it that the shop would exude it until December, and that still wouldn’t be enough. It had been in almost every drink he served since the leaves started changing, and he was already sick of hearing the phrase ‘pumpkin spice latte.’ At least the smell of the stuff didn’t make his stomach churn, unlike half of everything else behind the counter.
His mom had been the one to shoo him off to the backroom, thankfully taking pity on him after noticing how green around the gills he looked. It made him happy to be in the back, taking inventory; a chore he usually hated. It gave him too much time to think, to worry, and often left him a frazzled mess by the time he was through.
For now, though, it offered him a reprieve from retching at the smell of what used to be his liquid lifeline, and more importantly, from the prying eyes of everyone in town. Tweek could feel how people had been silently assessing him all morning like he was a specimen under a microscope, like they were waiting for him to let something slip. Judgement radiated off them, making him wonder if his little secret was somehow obvious. Oh Jesus, what if the whole town already figured it out and it’s all his fault for being too easy to read?! Tweek knew they wouldn’t be able to hide it for very long, but he thought he’d at least have time to wrap his head around it all before word got out! Hell, he still couldn’t quite understand how Craig’s folks found out so quickly, the shouting match between the Tucker family last night still a blur.
The blonde shook his head, trying to focus back on the task at hand. The sooner he finished, the sooner he could leave for the day. The door behind him opened, and he shrieked with a startled flinch. He clutched at his chest before letting out a sigh of relief when he realized it was just his mother. She smiled softly at him.
“Sweetie, I have to step out for a minute. Do you think you could handle watching the front of the house for a bit?”
“Nng, sure, Mom. N-no problem.” Tweek held back a grimace as the once comforting thick smell of coffee filled his senses the moment he left the backroom, sending a pulse of nausea through him. He swallowed it back, forcing a smile as he started taking down and prepping orders as a crowd of customers started queuing up.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the baby mama himself.”
He cringed at the loudness of it. Why was he here?! Why did he have to do this in the middle of a rush? Fuck, who told Eric fucking Cartman of all people? His life was fucking over; now, everyone would find out in the most humiliating way possible. Of course, he’d pull this shit in the one place he couldn’t fight back. He felt paralyzed, wanting to say something, anything, but his treasonous body refused to listen to him.
“What? Did getting knocked up make you deaf or something?” The larger boy’s tone was smug, gloating even, clearly enjoying the fear radiating off the omega.
Finally, Tweek was able to spit something out, “Can you, nng, not cause, cause a scene here? Y-you can rip on me all you want later.”
Cartman sighed overdramatically. “Fine, get me a large salted caramel latte with extra whip and a bag of cookies then. Just don’t forget to bring lube on Monday, cuz you are so fucked, Twitch.”
Tweek tried to get a grip on himself as he made the drink, trying to steady his trembling hands. He rushed it, wanting the alpha out of the shop as soon as possible, barely being able to breathe with his overbearing presence. Cartman snatched up his order, leaving with a loud “Good luck with the gayby, asshole.” He tried to push it all to the back of his mind; after all, his mom would be back soon, and he could retreat back to the storeroom.
Another lurch in his stomach left him reeling. Going back to doing inventory was going to have a wait a bit.
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fennecfiree · 25 days ago
thats right, i leik cryle.. heh
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everythingwasnormalhere · 3 months ago
deaf Craig who refuses to wear hearing aid. Tahts what I got for you
his ass is too lazy to learn sign language so he just struggles listening and speaks weirdly. (Half of the kids don’t know what he is talking about)
Tweek gets him hearing aid, Craig knows it’s expensive so he uses it.
the end (I don’t know how to write fanfiction thanks for being the person k go to to infordumb))))
(its been 4 days sry ib kicking my ass lmfao) (yes i have much older asks but shhh)
okok his ass would indeed NOT learn sign because hes an idiot but he WOULD however make his own sign language. middle fingers mostly. but yeah made up stuff only lmao
im not sure if hes deaf since forever cuz then the deaf accent does make a LOT of sense, or if its something he gets later in life cuz then his voice would stay mostly-normal? i think??? (im very not in touch with D/deaf community for someone who goes to sign class... help)
but also this asshole he will be very much a dick about it. like. he will purposefully not listen to people. and if they're like "craig are you hearing me????" he will be like. no actually. i am not. who knows if hes genuine but it works and its hilarious to him the little bitch<3
ALSO AGAIN HC THAT DEPENDS ON IF HE WAS BORN DEAF- bc if im not wrong theres actually many ppl who were born deaf and just. dont wanna hear shit. they dont want hearing aids nor cochlear implants they're just chilling and thats a-okay :3 however within ppl who became deaf later in life this happens a lot less so idkkkkk
((like. the point where he dont wanna use hearing aids but in the end he does anyway is what's kinda... idk icky to me. its not like mobility aids where without them the person would probably collapse (or not! arm protheses my behated), its just. hearing. if he's better off not doing it, maybe that's fine too. but idk. i am again not close with D/deaf community so))
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ao3feed-creek · 7 years ago
Watch Me Love You
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2fIwmxw
by dontbeajakeass
Tweek Tweak has spent a lot of his life in solitude. He keeps to himself, keeps his secrets and holds any friends he has dear to him. However, there's a slight problem.
Tweek is deaf.
Words: 2066, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: South Park
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tweek Tweak, Craig Tucker, Token Black, Clyde Donovan, Stan Marsh, Kenny McCormick, Eric Cartman, Kyle Broflovski, Jimmy Valmer
Relationships: Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak
Additional Tags: Deaf Character, au ig, it will be super sweet i promise
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2fIwmxw
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movietvtechgeeks · 8 years ago
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/nra-comes-hard-elites-clenched-fist-truth/
NRA comes hard for elites with 'clenched fist of truth'
As America continues being divided by Donald Trump, the NRA is quickly taking advantage to stir thing up more with their latest series of #counterresistance and #clenchedfistoftruth ads. The election of President Donald Trump and Republican control of Congress meant the National Rifle Association could probably rest easy that gun laws wouldn't change for at least four years. But the NRA has begun a campaign not against pending legislation, but what it sees as liberal forces bent on undoing the progress it's made - and the political powerhouse is resorting to language that some believe could incite violence. Using the hashtags #counterresistance and #clenchedfistoftruth, the NRA has put out a series of videos that announce a "shot across the bow," and say the gun-rights group is "coming for you" and that "elites ... threaten our very survival," terms that suggest opponents are enemy combatants. "The times are burning, and the media elites have been caught holding the match," NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch says in one video aired on NRATV, the gun lobby's web video site, as it shows footage of people fighting police, breaking storefront glass and burning the American flag. Later, she specifically calls out The New York Times: "We've had it with your narratives, your propaganda, your fake news. We've had it with your constant protection of your Democrat overlords, your refusal to acknowledge any truth that upsets the fragile construct that you believe is real life. And we've had it with your tone-deaf assertion that you are in any way truth or fact-based journalism," Loesch says. "Consider this the shot across your proverbial bow. ... In short? We're coming for you." Kathleen Hall Jamieson, the director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, said the tone and language is "overwrought rhetoric" that, viewed by the wrong person, could lead to violence. The kicker on one of the videos - "We're coming for you" - is straight out of the movies, she said, and "that phrase means that violence is imminent and we will perpetrate it." The NRA is taking a page from the Trump playbook. The friction between the gun lobby and the media isn't new. But critics of the NRA contend the organization is relying on the "fake news" mantra started by Trump to whip up its followers after a dip in gun sales that has taken place since Trump succeeded President Barack Obama, who favored stricter gun-control laws. "They're not inventing this hyperangry, nasty partisan tone but piggybacking on Trump's approach. Of course, NRA voters, by and large, are Trump voters, so they would be sympathetic to that kind of message," said Robert Spitzer, chairman of the political science department at the State University of New York at Cortland, who has examined the firearms industry and Second Amendment issues extensively. Spitzer, a member of the NRA as well as the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said it's a pattern the NRA has exhibited as the group evolved from an almost exclusive focus on gun safety into a political beacon for conservatives who fear changes to the Second Amendment and the gun industry. "It was Bill Clinton in the 1990s. In the early 2000s, it was John McCain. It was Hillary Clinton. It was the United Nations. They've held up the U.N. as ready to swoop in and take everybody's guns," Spitzer said. "The focus of their ire has changed, but the basic message has been the same." The NRA declined to comment on the videos to media outlets. But the NRA has produced videos saying the left and the media are out of control and feeding a false narrative that tea party conservatives are racists and Trump supporters are "toothless hillbillies." Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the NRA, said this month: "There is no longer any difference between our politicians and the elite media who report on them. ... These elites threaten our very survival, and to them we say: We don't trust you, we don't fear you, and we don't need you. Take your hands off our future." Erich Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, said it's been a longtime frustration with journalists who, he contends, "ignore the violence and harsh rhetoric on the left while magnifying and twisting the words of those on the right." The NRA videos prompted Mike Nelson, a Democratic congressional candidate in Arkansas and self-described hunter and gun-rights supporter, to label them as "hate speech." Nelson, whose website lists the NRA among more than two dozen organization he's supported, said he can no longer back the NRA. In a Facebook post, Nelson wrote: "If the NRA does not stop their hate campaign, I will call them out on sedition. Sedition is the willful undermining of the legal authority, the Incitement of Violence." Some gun owners have cheered the videos and said they give voice to conservatives weary of media attacks on Trump; others say the videos stray from the NRA's original mission and that the NRA is inviting violence. Joe Plenzler, a Marine veteran who served overseas and sometimes had reporters accompanying his unit, joined two other veterans in writing an opinion piece for The Daily Beast criticizing the videos. "The NRA props up the Second Amendment by undermining and vilifying the protections afforded in the First, and paints everyone who may disagree with the current administration, our country's justice system, or the NRA's partisan political position with a very dark and unjust broad brush," Plenzler wrote with Marine veterans Craig Tucker and Kyleanne Hunter. Plenzler, who has since dropped his NRA membership, said he was disturbed by the videos. "Lately, it seems like they've gone well out of the bounds of any sort of sane responsible behavior. If you want to advocate for the Second Amendment, which I unapologetically believe in, that's fine," he said. "But I think at the point where you are going to demonize half the American population in a recruitment effort to get more members, I've got a big problem with that."
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psychictrashmoon · 3 years ago
I never even thought of this as a ship before and I kinda love it???
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Craig and Kenny meet in middle school for the first time. Craig has been deaf since birth and has a supervisor who helps him with school and communicating with other students and teachers. Kenny found him interesting, and the fact that Craig was home schooled first, it was hard to start a ‚conversation‘ or get his interest. But the adult helps out and teaches Kenny basics of sign language and the two interact for the first time. It keeps going on more often and the two start to get along and become friends. At some point, Kenny knows sign language so well, both can tell jokes and secretly chat in class.
Some time, Craig and Kenny meet up and the deaf teenager signs him „I love you.“ as a confession. Kenny gets flustered, squeals and speaks extremely flustered before he realizes it‘s no use and accepts.
Later, Tweek joins too. He was really shy and scared about actually asking the two first, but he got it done and it was the right choice!! ;0 Eventually, Tweek struggles at the beginning with refreshing his knowledge of sign-language, but he’s a fast learner!!
I might wanna bring a little awareness towards deaf people, cause they deserve attention too 💖🐀
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