salveticn · 3 years
-ˏˋ ☆ — @deadly-heavens​ || cont.
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     The company was treasured , and so did those delicacies that were offered to him as a warm welcome and a thank you for his presence , sweets to which Elidibus did not say no to -- and how could he ? Especially when Azem knew of his sweet tooth ... but so did everyone who knew him . There wasn’t even the embarassment of choice : he simply took whichever treat fell upon his grab and gladly accepted it .
     But the time was running short . When the clock ticked past noon , the Emissary , alerted , was ready to withdraw into his office for the rest of the day and finish his tasks . Enough dwelling on tea and snacks -- although he did grab some for later -- it was time to work ! Hastly on his feet , the youth thanked Azem with a bow and made his way out . Only that , if it wasn’t for Azem grabbing his arm like that , his face would have met the floor . His foot stepped on his own robe , making him trip and nearly fall .
     “ Woah--!! ”   exclaimed the youth before letting out a sigh of relief at the realization that he had been saved .   “ Ah , thank you Azem ! I stumbled in my own steps , I’m afraid . But I really have to go back to work , or I won’t have anything to submit by tomorrow morning . ”
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maskedmuses · 4 years
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send my muse “will you be my valentine?” to see their reaction ! || Still accepting
@deadly-heavens​​ asked:  “will you be my valentine?” (Lona to urianger?)
The forwardness of the statement from Fedarlona was surprising, the man taken back by the way she spoke it. However, perhaps it had been more his own doing; she had mumbled something unintelligible before him and when prodded for her to speak up, the words had flung at him faster than anything he could have caught. Slowly the information began to seep in, golden eyes wide upon the woman as she seemed bashful in every other sense.
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“Fedarlona.” He spoke out, Urianger’s tone rumbling her name with a gentle tenor. “Prophecies didst not forewarn of such a thing, yet I find myself timely prepared.” Often did he check his cards when it came to the woman, simply to ensure things would go well for her for the day, yet the heavens seemed to keep this development from his sight with glee. However, despite the cryptic nature of his utterance, a smile tugged at his countenance, a hand lifted in gesticulation for her to wait a moment.
Turning, the jewelry on his person softly jingling with the motion, he approached a small desk he often placed his belongings within when researching endless hours within the Rising Stones. A drawer was opened and he procured a small box, sealing the drawer shut and returning to face her, offering out the gift.
“A token of mine affections, and acceptance of thine request.” Urianger confirmed, placing the container within her hands. Within the red wrapping, a metal bookmark within, fashioned with scarlet flowers and glimmering jewels that were akin to the stars upon his breast. “Something to mark our spots within the tomes we share. Mine mind thought to get a matched pair for it, but I fear the goldsmith’s guild is taking time with mine portion.”
Shaking his head, the elezen glanced up towards her, only minutely apprehensive. “Mine hopes lay that thou finds it useful?”
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demonslayvr · 5 years
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@deadly-heavens​  --   “ this is my duty. this is what i was made for. ” from Avy
                                              the path of a hero
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                >> 🔥 <<                 ❝                 YEAH WELL   . .   duties ‘n bindings t’things are meant to be broken    ---------   y’can have a break right   ??   it won’t   KILL YA    if y’don’ do yer duty for a   HALF DAY,   pal.            ❞                
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allageyed-archive · 5 years
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@deadly-heavens​ said:  ❝ maybe when people die, the people they leave behind die too. ❞
 Downcast beneath his hood, he wishes he could ease her suffering. Seeing people die hurt. He had seen strong people break down time and time again. And while he was not as strong as others, he knew the weight of it well. Many times, he felt like he would die. Over and over, when the waves of sorrow crashed over him. When he lost those he loved. Ah, everything had turned to dust. And he still remained. The world would be easier if it was true. A piece of your soul does die, however. And that is why it hurts so much.
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“You have suffered enough, my friend. I hope... you do not have to lose anymore.” 
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salveticn · 3 years
Like she promised (to herself), the 14th seat have left on his office a small, crystal box full of grapes, just like the ones she got from the isle she saved with ifrita and small note with a badly drawing of a small, winking azem on it “take care of yourself while I’m gone” and a ps at the end of the note “ps: you can take more from my office, just ask Hythlodaeus”
     It was always a joy for the young Emissary to receive gifts from the inhabitants of Amaurot, and especially from the members of the Convocation of Fourteen — who until then had treated him like a brother and made him feel part of a family. It was a warm sensation and his little heart throbbed with excitement as the sun rose.
     However, whenever Azem had to leave the city to wander, as her role dictated, Elidibus was left with one less family member for a few moons and with an unbridgeable void in his heart. As much as he liked that box of grapes, he couldn't help but think of her.
     For this he found himself smiling.
     Azem was a nice thought, not just melancholy. And in squeezing that piece of paper between his fingers, the young man pressed it to his chest as if in love. In reality he was overflowing with emotions!
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     “I’ll see you soon, Azem! Be safe!” although Azem wasn’t nearby, he knew that she heard him ... wherever she was.
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salveticn · 3 years
azem puts a flower crown on eli's head
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     Say what you will about Elidibus’s hair , call it unmanageable   ( and he would undoubtedly agree with you on that part )   , but when it came to flower crowns , no hair could hold it perfectly like his !   A subtle smile blossomed on his lips , slender digits tenderly lacing with Azem’s , in a way to demonstrate his appreciation . “ I would cretae one for you but it will not be as beautiful . ”
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salveticn · 3 years
❝  tell you what else is looking sparkly !  it’s legit you ,  elidibus !  spring is WAY your season !  ❞ (from laurel)
-ˏˋ ☆ — ac . sentence starters || @deadly-heavens
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     Taken by surprise , but with a tender smile on his face , the youth , caressed by the words uttered by the other , couldn’t help but instinctively paint his cheeks of a brighter , redder hue . “ Thank you , Laurel ! ”   he chirped subtly , words spoken with sincerity at the tip of his tongue .   “ Though I always believed Summer was my season ! I can gorge myself on popsicles without needing an excuse , because the temperatures are unbearable ! ”   as if he ever needed excuses for that ...
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salveticn · 3 years
azem: hey elidibus, i have a joke!... what do you call a funny group of cows? a laughing stock!
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     As the joke ended , the Emissary found himself joining the laughing stock , letting out a genuine chuckle in return as a positive feedback ... and nearly choking on the grape juice he was drinking . “ Heh , nice one , Azem ! ”
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salveticn · 3 years
panacea raises eli's head with her hand on his chin and begins to move it while looking for any cut or wound before making him look at her again, giving him a soft smile "it has been far too long, my dear friend. how have you been? you have done well, but it's time to rest and leave everything to the scions now. your job is done, i'm sure hades and the others are proud of you"
     The battle was tiring and Elidibus admitted that he walked out of it with more scratches and bruises than he had when he engaged . He was not even trying to hide them when Panacea held his chin up to have a look , but instead he let her examine him , at the same time calling away his concept created weaponries . Aside of it , nothing of importance was damaged ; his body felt a little sore , but everything was still perfectly functional . He had to thank Alphinaud’s impeccable healing skills for that !
     “ No ! ”   the youth frowned , setting his foot down .   “ I cannot rest and leave everything up to the Scions , Panacea ! I want to help , I must ! Though Lunar Bahamut is no longer a threat , we must not let our guards down . ”
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     Holding her hands within his palms , he drew her touch away from his face and gently curled his slender digits with hers .   “ Don’t you worry about me , I am fine ! But I will not rest until my duty is done . ”
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salveticn · 3 years
*fedarlona pats elidubus' head after putting down a plate full of cookies baked by her and tea*
     His attention shifted from the book to the plate of cookies in less than a second , as soon as the sweet scent reached his nostrils . He didn’t seem particularly invested in the warm beverage , but it was a delightful accompanist to the snack . His attention was completely fixated upon the snack itself . Looking up , the youth was joyous to be in the company of Fedarlona ; he hadn’t the chance to properly grow acquainted with her , but he believed it was never too late . If she was willing to share a cookie or two with him , Elidibus considered a friend , alright ! He even acknowledged the pat on his head -- and made it clear by showing a subtle slime .
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     He reached forward and grabbed a cookie from the plate . “ I hope you do not mind if I take one , do you ? ”
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salveticn · 3 years
the roegadyn timidly raises her hand for the ascian to high five after a job well done.
     It took him a high leap to reach that palm , but he managed to hit it nevertheless . And with it resounded the pleasant clap of two palms meeting as a silent cheer for a job well done ! While Elidibus could pull off any class , he could be considered an all-rounder , even if he liked to fill in the tank role the most   ( because it had to do about protecting the team , and the youth seemed particularly fond of such a role )   ; but he was told to focus on a damager role that day and Elidibus obliged . It was entertaining to cast spells and strike down enemies alongside Alisaie , at least !
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     “ Yes ! Duty complete , Lona ! ” chirped the youth with joy , returning with his feet on the ground after the leap to give the Roegadyn a sonorous high-five . “ We are unbeatable ! ”
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allageyed-archive · 5 years
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 “I must admit I am less than familiar with this settlement.” He confesses. Laurel had insisted they return to town to eat something. Now that they were almost to the gates, he tells her. He was excited to learn about this town of adventurers. In his dreams, he could be an adventurer as well. Sadly, he had other obligations. Mayhap when he was finished with uncovering the truth of his eye. “I trust you can lead the way?” 
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demonslayvr · 5 years
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@deadly-heavens​  -   “ wood - fired pizza ? that sounds pretty good. ”   (  from avyanna  )
                                                   call me carson tweets
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               >> 🔥 <<             ❝      IT IS   real good   --------   ah   . .  hey jus’  . .  try some,  i’ve got a few boxes t’go through   ;    ONE    box half eatin’ isn’t gonna kill no one let alone   me.   give a   FEW SLICES   a try,  av.     ❞            
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allageyed-archive · 5 years
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@deadly-heavens​ said:  Laurel coughed to catch his attention, even though her eyes were on the floor of the Ocular and not on him, she didn't know how to come up to him with the box of chocolate that she was hiding behind her back but decided to show it to him, even push it to his chest so he couldn't reject her chocolates while in low voice, really shyly said "Happy Valentione's day..."
 He turns to her instantly. Was everything okay? She wasn’t looking at him. Before he could even ask if something had happened, he suddenly finds and box thrust at his chest. Once it is safe in his hands, her voice registers. His face turns a similar shade to his hair. Had she...? Truly? “Ah... Laurel... I had not expected...” 
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  Given how shy she’s behaving, he drops it. He tries not to dig too deeply into the meaning behind this. Mayhap she felt bad because he was alone. She certainly did not harbor any feelings for him. At all. Right? To save her from feeling more nervous, he smiles warmly. Despite his blushing cheeks. 
  “Thank you. Laurel. I...” He stops short. He doesn’t want to say the wrong thing in such a seemingly delicate moment. What if this was just a friendly act and nothing more? Suddenly responding to this like some sort of confession would be bad. Holding the box in his normal hand, he buries his face in the crystal one. He was just getting more flustered and his cheeks were burning at this point.
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demonslayvr · 5 years
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@deadly-heavens​  --   “ it’s got a death curse.” from Avyanna
                                              friday the 13th (  1980  )
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                >> 🔥 <<                 ❝       WELL YEAH,   s’why i tried t’kill it   ----------   why’d y’stop me from   FINISHING TH’ JOB   by th’ way   ??   y’know somethin’ i don’t   ??     ❞                
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allageyed-archive · 5 years
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@deadly-heavens​ said:  “Why wouldn’t I be here for you, you idiot?” from angery lizard  [ Frustrated Friends && accepting ]
 He averts his gaze. He angered her, hadn’t he? He hadn’t meant to imply she would not be there for him. He was simply used to dealing with things alone now. He had been mostly alone for a long time. Even those close to him here were not allowed the full truth. It was... easy to get used to being alone. He stays silent for a moment. What could he even say?
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  “..... Sorry.” He was used to being alone, but it wasn’t like that anymore... Was it? He is an idiot. 
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