Supernatural final season....
It’s been a while since I lurked and posted on here, but I came back cos I need a place to vent about this final season. Catching up with the new season and the episode Proverbs 17:3 opening sequence had me screaming. 
The dreams Sam keeps having are prophetic, just like they were in the earlier season (about season one/two), about how things are going to end between him and Dean. One way or another I think Sam is going to end up killing Dean or they both destroy each other.  I have a slight clue(Lilith’s  speech on foreshadowing). Just the whole middle end of the episode that’s where I see it heading. 
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mickythefucker · 2 years
sam: what will i do without you?
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y5kmusic · 7 years
The four songs of our November 2017 EP. One more to go.
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violetvalyrian · 11 years
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Osric Chau and I are imitating pikachus. :D His response to this was 'I'm sorry, I tried'. 
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sourwolf · 11 years
jay rec me star trek kirkspock fic pls
Something Rich and Strange (AU)
A Beautiful(ly Illogical) Mind (Slight AU)
Streetlight People (AU)
Through Blind Men's Eyes (PONFARR)
Papers in the Roadside (AU)
Bragging Rights
Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours)
How We Are (but not how we're going to be)
Hellooo, Nurse! (AU)
Of Sentinels and Anchors (Slight AU)
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ofeons · 11 years
~whispers into the night
i love you
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fairy-changeling · 11 years
Written for deadchester. High Fantasy AU, slightly GoT inspired. 
Disclaimer: I don't watch GoT. 
Their marriage is supposed to be one of convenience.
Dean will gain an army with which to avenge his father’s death. Castiel will gain the legitimacy of marriage with the Winchester line. No one will doubt their joint claim on the throne.
Castiel always knew he would marry for duty, not love. He marries to advance his family’s position. Dean is of royal blood, even if his family is out of favour. Castiel’s family has been wandering in the wilderness for years, waiting for someone to support their claim.
Castiel meets Dean once before their marriage. Dean inspects him and confirms that Castiel is suitable.
Castiel is proud and his heart beat does not quicken when Dean smiles at him.
Their marriage is hurried, hardly a fitting ceremony for two nobles, but they have to marry quickly. There is no feast afterwards, no celebration of their union. They saddle up and march on, heading towards their first battle.
There is no wedding night either.
“I won’t ask anything of you unless you want it,” Dean says when they finally catch a few minutes alone. He is different to the way he was in front of Castiel’s brothers when Castiel was being bartered to him. He is softer, kinder and he kisses Castiel’s forehead and tells him he’s sorry that things have to be this way.
Castiel does not expect that. He knows his duty. He knows that if their marriage remains unconsummated it could cause trouble later, but he is grateful to Dean that there is no pressure.
Dean wins the first battle and they travel on together.
This time they have more time alone, there are more stops, more nights camped out in tents beneath the stars. Castiel lies wide awake as his husband describes his life before he met Castiel.
Dean had a family, a mother and a father who are now dead, and a brother who is held captive somewhere. Dean’s struggle for the throne is as much a struggle for his brother’s freedom and safety as it is for revenge. Castiel is spellbound.
Slowly, surely, he realises he is falling in love with Dean. It worries him.
This is not a love match. Dean will not be faithful to him; will not cherish him as something to hold dear. Castiel is setting himself up to have his heart broken and yet he cannot stop himself.
The second battle goes badly.
Castiel watches from a position of safety, high above on a hill top, as their forces are decimated. He sees Dean, riding under a banner bright, attacked from all sides.
It would be easy to watch his husband die, to return to being a pawn in the game of power his brothers are playing. He would weep and wear black, but end up married to another Lord in the end.
Castiel does not want to be a pawn any longer though. He does not want to watch as the rest of the world decides his fate for him.
He picks up a sword and shield and goes down to defend Dean on the field of battle.
He is nimble and agile, burning hot with the rage of love and he crosses the field, striking down all those who come before him.
He reaches Dean’s side to find him wounded, but not badly.
“Castiel?” Dean asks, as if he can’t believe his eyes. He reaches for Castiel, pulling him near. “Are you an angel? Am I dead?”
“I am real,” Castiel answers. “And you will not die.”
Castiel is true to his word. They win the battle.
He nurses Dean through his aliment, tending his wound and loving him with more devotion that he could have thought possible. Dean teases him gently, calls Castiel his little nursemaid and catches his fingers to kiss. Hope blossoms in Castiel’s heart and he cannot budge it no matter how hard he tries.
“Castiel,” Dean says one day while Castiel is sat at his bedside, combing out the knots in Dean’s hair. “Could you ever come to love me?”
“I could,” Castiel replies quietly, with as much neutrality as he can muster.
“Then I have hope,” Dean murmurs. He turns to look at Castiel. “I have loved you from the first moment I saw you. I have loved you more since you saved my life. I thought you were the angel of death when I saw you on that battlefield; I thought you had come in the form most pleasing to me.”
Castiel feels heat bloom in his cheeks. Dean is still weak from his injury. It will be a little while yet before he is fully recovered but Castiel sinks down onto the bed beside him, cups Dean’s face in his hands and kisses him.
He is certain there are ways they can consummate their marriage that will not require too much strain on Dean’s part. 
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damonsaviour · 11 years
happy birthday! x
thank you :) 
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kimbeekitty · 11 years
deadchester replied to your post: Castiel is the greedy greedy evil prince. But ofc...
om g pLS
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jenarcherwood · 11 years
deadchester answered your question: Hey, PP friends...
ritual. cas telling dean he loves him. cas and dean meeting for the first time since dean gets back to town. :D
Another for the ritual. I think that one's a definite, for sure.
But ugh, the "I love you scene." Sads. Perfect. Thank you! 
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rahulkohli · 12 years
Can we talk about how excited I was when I woke up to find Laura AND Sage followed me like omg such freaking quality
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