#de aging original character
mad2001-4 · 10 months
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Posting a commission piece done by https://www.deviantart.com/letsfalltogether on Deviantart and https://www.furaffinity.net/user/zombineko/ on another profile. I highly recommend checking them out if you like the picture! They do SFW and NSFW commissions and YCH (which I have also ordered and may post later, but my profile picture is another example of one).
It's of a rp I've done with character. AI with a character from the Chronicles of the Host series (Grolus) and my OC cherub Atlas.
Grolus decided the easiest way to bring Atlas to work with him was for him to be de-aged down to a little baby.
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mirabritart · 5 months
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"A Song of Ice and Fire" sounds like it could be a magical girl anime c'mon let's be real
Individuals below the cut!
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fluffypigeonsandowls · 3 months
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Just some little drawings I did for fun because tumblr made me want to draw my past hyperfixations (they still kind of are and I enjoy their little fandoms on this app/platform :D) and my favorite character from each of them :)
characters from top to bottom:
Astérix (from “Astérix” ofc)
Geronimo (from “Geronimo Stilton” ofc :) )
Laval (from “Legends of Chima”)
and Farran Leafshade (from “Secrets of Elvendale”)
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I liked this article. I particularly agree with how it said that Dragon Age's besetting sin is its inability to deal with the elements it introduces with nuance yet somehow its characters are exempt. I believe that's true of its world building too though. The world feels like a world. The nations and cultures feel real. And, yeah, its characters feel like people— completely complicated and flawed. Which is probably where a lot of the dissonance comes from for many. I saw someone say once that the issue with Dragon Age is it co-opted the language of civil rights without real understanding of how to speak it and I can see it struggling with that in Inquisition (which I'm replaying).
I don't think DA4 will have as much of that problem though. It has been 10 years and there's an almost scrappy feel to the new companions that reminds me of DA2, the closest the story has been to awareness of its own themes and allegories.
Side note: I love how high on the list Vivienne is, and not because my stomach flips a little whenever she calls me, "My dear." She hardly ever gets a nuanced reading and she does deserve one. I was always struck with how afraid she was, which isn't mentioned here. A lot of her motivation is drenched in fear, maybe especially her dogged desire for power.
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asterroses · 3 months
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yayyy my rook ^_^ her name is odessa ! she's an antivan crow , and shes been in my head for 2 years
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loustica-lucia · 9 hours
Planning Rooks for The Veilguard
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A little summary of my Rook concepts to fit my four canon World States:
◈ Calico Aldwir: Veil Jumper, Rogue (Veil Ranger), Romancing Lace Harding
◇ She/They ◇ Personality: Curious, kind, humorous, reserved. ◇ Trivia: She was planned to be an elf at first, but I love the concept of a dwarf Veil Jumper, looking for elven artifacts to hopefully understand the dwarven past and what happened to the Titans.
You may have seen her in this post already!
◈ Alba De Riva: Antivan Crow, Mage (Probably Evoker, mainby Spellblade?), Romancing Lucanis Dellamorte ◇He/They
◇ Personality: Sarcastic, theatrical, likes to be the center of the attention. ◇ Trivia: Alba was a character I made in 2022 for a fun idea: a mage using their staff to pole-dance XD A show-performer working in Antiva to scam the rich people: they look at him, while his friends steal their pockets haha I also drew him kissing Viago De Riva so the fact our Antivan Crow Rook is from his House too is soooo funny to me XD Beautiful coincidence haha
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◈ Kataqun Ingellvar: Mourn Watch, Warrior (Reaper), Romancing Davrin
◇They/Them ◇ Personality: Warm, has a big heart, a little too stoic at times due to past habits. ◇ Trivia: Their name is based on the Qunlat for "Death" (Kata) and "Balance" (Aqun), raised by Mourn Watch to respect death and perform it as a Reaper.
◈ Priscilla Thorne: Grey Warden, Mage (Death Caller), Romancing Emmrich Volkarin
◇She/Her ◇ Personality: Angry grandma, rambling, loud, aggressive ◇ Trivia: Priscilla means venerable, like her old age lol
I might interchange the last two Rooks, we'll see. The two first are pretty much already done! Can't wait to play them at launch!
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Zevran propaganda:
“The bisexual elf man”
Liam propaganda:
“400 and something year old vampire who DESPISES anything mainstream. 
He hates the sun, because it's "too mainstream".. oh, and it'll kill him.
All the blood he drinks is ethically sourced.
Probably left handed! 
Was in a K-pop band at some time (probably forced into it) 
A rather silly bloke in general”
“I just like yaoi vampire nerd”
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stark-illerbase · 1 year
Running a pt atm with Warden Tabris where my whole plan was making choices I normally avoid (mostly.) I planned from the beginning to keep Loghain alive and gave him Maric's shield right after the landsmeet just to get a good chunk of the dialogue and man does this man switch up so fucking fast.
Sehara said "Im giving you a chance"
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transmasc-tabris · 3 months
Okay I don't know if anyone will answer this but I've seen multiple people worry about Neve becoming Vivienne 2.0 and... I'll admit all I know of Neve is what you see of her in The Missing and in the gameplay reveal but... they seem quite different? Besides both being mages who aren't white there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of overlap (obviously there could be when the game comes out, just going off one comic and one video). So why are people worried about this or why would people interpret her this way? Am I missing something about either her or Vivienne?
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incognito-lionbeast · 6 months
finally plugged plotholes in a daydream AU I've never shared with anyone B)
which is to say, if PIDW is the original, SVSSS is the in-universe canonical revision, then SY's sister gets isekai'd into an AU Self-Insert Fix-It Fic uwu
bc I have a lot of HCs for her & can't be stopped tbh
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jettvector · 2 years
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sunshine kind of guy
smiling with warmth
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mad2001-4 · 2 years
Bit and Hop woke feeling disoriented. Bit had a much easier time adjusting knowing he'd felt this way before. The fog in his head cleared as he looked down finding himself again about three-years-old. Hop, however, was still groggily rubbing his eyes with a soft little whine. Bit's stomach rolled at this new realization, someone had targeted them both. They both now were mere helpless tots. He reached a hand out gently shaking Hop, as if that would stir the other quicker, "B-Bunny.. Bunny! Cmon! We gotta find a way outta hewe," he insisted, lisped voice near frantic.
Hop furrowed his brows lightly slowly removing his hand from his eyes, taking a moment to actually process the situation and his partner's words. He took note of his voice being childish again but then why was he so close to his height this time? This made him look down at himself, panic seizing him in an almost paralyzed state near instantly, he couldn't even utter a noise of surprise.
"B-bit... wha-"
Before the question could be finished a door opened, both demons snapping their heads in that direction, paling a little at the sight of the King of Hell there. The blonde fallen angel offered an almost teasing smirk, "Ah, my favorite little pets are awake," they hummed, strolling closer and leaning against the edge of the bed, a bed they both realized quickly that was a crib, "I'm sure you're trying to rack your adorable, fuzzy little brains for answers, no? Shall I enlighten you?"
Hop felt his heart drop, he couldn't remember much, surely they hadn't been on a job.... had they? He couldn't remember, but the mere thought of it, of what they would surely face in the fact they'd failed Lucifer, was more than enough to make his lip tremble slightly. Lucifer's mocking expression only grew, tutting, but they pushed themself off the crib bar, heading over to a dresser. Bit watched them with a glare, whereas Hop was currently focused on calming himself down. This meant Bit was able to see what was being grabbed first and immediately, he tightly shut his lips. Hop blinked in confusion finally looking up himself right as Lucifer returned to the cribside, producing two pacifiers, a lavender one with 'Bunny' written on the handle that was promptly pushed into Hop's mouth. Then a red one with 'Kitten' which was put in Bit's mouth, albeit with a tad more struggle.
"There now, a pacifier to settle one tot, and hopefully help the other keep his mouth shut while I explain," they grinned, condescending tone still clear as day under the expression. They leaned against the infantile bed once more, "Are we ready to begin?"
Before even offering a chance to answer, the devil clasped their hands together, chuckling, "Oh, who am I kidding? You're babies now! And babies just listen, hm?"
Despite being posed as a question, there was an underlying obviousness that 'no' wasn't the right answer. Lucifer hummed, tapping their finger as they thought, "Well, I thought my little assailant was so cute this tiny... but I couldn't push all that responsibility off on my errand boy again, no matter how humorous and how well he did with it last time.... so, I took it upon myself to gift myself two adorable little babies.... and oh you two didn't disappoint," they chuckled, reaching over to pinch both de-aged demons' cheeks.
Hop heaved out a shaky but so relieved breath, remaining stiff, not wanting to provoke the devil, especially in such a vulnerable state. Bit, however, growled trying to wiggle away and pushed at their hand, spitting out its pacifier, "Y-you fuckin' insane?" he demanded, "We can't do nofin wike fis!" Bit scolded.
"Ohhh," Lucifer cooed, "someone's fussy... let me make one thing clear to you, Allister, and you too Sirius.... Sirius may have been kind enough to spare you from too much embarrassment... but I'm not. You two are here for my entertainment alone. When I'm bored, I'll fix you... probably," they shrugged, "or I could pass you two off to the highest bidder. I'm sure there's others in Hell that would love to torment you in these feeble states...."
Hop's heart leapt out, quickly shaking his head, letting the pacifier fall from his mouth in attempt to sound more clear despite the lisp he knew would come, "N-no Word! Bit didn' mean it!" he assured before glaring at the red haired demon, "'powogize!"
Bit grunted in frustration, but did look to Lucifer, "I'm... sowwy, Lowd Lucifew..."
Lucifer chuckled again nodding, "That's much better. Two well behaved rugrats.... now then, shall we have some fun?" they smirked, picking up the two, only pausing to replace the pacifiers before they were brought back up to their chest.
Bit sulkily crossed his arms as Hop watched on warily, with a bit of attempt to cover the nervousness, "Um... what fun we gonna haves?"
"Well, I think lunch is an excellent place to start, goodness knows when you ate last," they chuckled again, despite a cheery tone, the smirk was all the two demons needed to be nervous as to what their lord had planned for them.
Worry was the right emotion, Bit decided. While no legitimate torture devices waited for them, it may as well been close enough as far as their prides and dignity, what little they had left, were considered. Lucifer strapped the two demons into highchairs, smirk remaining everlasting it seemed.
"A bit much fow some 'fun' Lowd?" Bit asked, brow arched.
Lucifer chuckled a bit, "Oh little kitty cat, this is part of the fun!" they hummed delightedly, "Seeing you two helpless to my whims," they motioned to the highchairs, "its a true delight. Just the adorable entertainment I was looking for," they hummed, "of course I'd say seating arrangements are the least of your worries," with a mere flick of their hand, two filled sippy cups appeared on each tray, "as you see, I intend to subject you two to all the childish items I so please. I'd say consider yourselves lucky I don't want to be changing any diapers," they hummed.
Bit scrunched his nose at the cup, as Hop watched his own carefully, wondering if Lucifer would be cruel enough to spike the drinks with something while they were in this state. A glance shared between the two demons was all it took for Hop's concerns to be expressed. Before any planning could be done however, Bit swallowed his pride, bringing the cup to his lips in a sudden movement, gulping down some of the liquid, eyes tightly shut as he awaited some cruel painfulness.... but none came, even as he lowered his cup. Hop looked shocked, eyes widened in worried fear. Bit looked back perplexed.
"It... it jus' milk.."
Lucifer chuckled heartedly at this, brow arched, "You thought I'd hurt my toys? Goodness me, here I thought I treated you two well!"
Bit glared at Lucifer, "We're free-years-old 'ight now. You fink dis is 't'eating us well'?"
"Oh yes, I could do a lot worse," they cooed.
Hop sighed, figuring Lucifer was right there. They'd certainly done worse to others, physically worse anyways, "Yeah... jus'... odd I guessh.. why dis? I didn' eben fink you wiked kids."
"Ohhh I have my moments," Lucifer shrugged, snapping their fingers to have macaroni and cheese appear on the trays as well.
Hop nodded hesitating a moment before getting a bite of the food, more at ease when having seen the drinks had nothing done to them. But scrunched his nose, just watching the food.
"So what, we 'pected to p'ay dis wole for you till you get bored?" the redheaded tot demanded, eyes narrowed in an unimpressed manner.
Lucifer hummed shrugging, "I mean, between the two of you, I'd say you have the most experience acting that way on a normal basis, but I certainly won't stop you. I won't force you either. I know I'll get my entertainment one way or another... now if you're offering, Kitty, I can certainly spoonfeed you, if you so need..."
Bit's face ran red, huffing softly, but it was encouraging enough to have him start eating. Lunch, from there, went smoothly, Lucifer gleefully watching the two feed themselves, what with some intentional interruptions ending with them having some mess around their mouths. Clearly, however, this was what Lucifer wanted as they gladly wiped the two demons' mouths clean afterwards, cooing tauntingly about having 'messy babies'. Afterwards, Lucifer apparently deemed it playtime, with some added pacifier clips to the childishly printed outfits they adorned, Hop with blocks and teddy bears on his shirt and Bit with a cheerful, cartoon sun right in the middle of his shirt.
With infantile toys scattered about and a, rather insulting, cartoon playing in the background teaching about the kinds of demons in Hell. Lucifer still clearly found humor in the two's boredom, having banished them to the floor where 'Little ones are supposed to play'. Bit sulked, clutching a rabbit to his chest and flicking at some noise making toy with the least amount of interest.
"You 'Kay, Bunny?" he eventually murmured.
Hop looked over then sighed, nodding a little bit, "Yeah... 'm fiwne... 'till don' unde'stand but..." the gray haired toddler shrugged loosely, "we won' be wike dis foweber. Bes' to jus' go wif it."
"Guessh so..." Bit mumbled, "I think it 'tupid," he added in a huff.
"Someone's starting to sound grumpy," Lucifer cooed with a smirk, "is it my pets nap time?"
Both demons blushed darkly, but figuring it would be some time away from the humiliation, Hop nodded. Lucifer chuckled scooping the two up easily to carry them back to the crib. But grunted a little bit.
"We can walk, Lowd..."
"Not very good, I bet," they hummed, "just leave it to me, little ones," sure enough Lucifer was rather gentle in tucking the two in side by side, making sure they had pacifiers and stuffed animals before turning on a mobile overhead letting it play lullabies. While not tired when first laid down, Bit and Hop both found themselves drifting off.
When they woke again, Hop quickly noticed there were no crib bars, looking around to find them both back in their appointment and in their usual bed. Hop heaved out a sigh as Bit sat up, "That had to be a fucked up dream, right?"
"I doubt we'd share a dream, Bit. Or that Morphepus would conjure something so cruel..." Hop shook his head, pausing at something on the nightstand. He sighed in confirmation finding the toys they'd gone to sleep with and a note reading 'That was fun. Should you two or I need some adorable, relaxing entertainment, I know where to look. -Prince Lucifer' .
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Stiles had always complained about being the middle child. It didn’t matter that it was only two years between him and his older brother and less than four years between him and his younger brother. He did not like it. However, he wouldn’t trade his brothers for anything.
Peter was his older brother and a complete asshole. Theo was his younger brother and…also a complete asshole. Still, they were family and like Oma always said, Family is like chocolate, sweet with a few nuts. He wondered how their mother felt knowing she got all the nuts. 
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Stiles had always complained about being the middle child. It didn't matter that it was only two years between him and his older brother and less than four years between him and his younger brother. He did not like it. However, he wouldn't trade his brothers for anything.
Peter was his older brother and a complete asshole. Theo was his younger brother and...also a complete asshole. Still, they were family and like Oma always said, Family is like chocolate, sweet with a few nuts. He wondered how their mother felt knowing she got all the nuts.
"Come on squirt!" Peter hollered. "We gotta go!"
"Calm your tits!" Stiles hollered back. "I'm coming when I'm good and ready to."
Peter popped his head into the room, startling Stiles despite his were hearing. "Doesn't look like you're cumming at all."
Stiles glared at his older brother, getting the middle finger in response along with a smug smirk. Did he mention that his older brother was an asshole? So, of course, Stiles gave a completely reasonable and totally mature response. He stuck his tongue out.
Fifteen minutes later, the two brothers left the room with rapidly healing bruises and satisfied grins on their faces. Theo was already in the car, eyeing them with a huff of faux annoyance. He rolled his eyes at his older brothers as they got in and then they were off to school.
Theo got dropped off at the middle school since he was a fifth grade. His older brothers went to the high school, Peter a junior and Stiles a freshman. Stiles sure loved his brothers and that would never change, no matter how many times they acted like assholes. After all, Stiles was an asshole too.
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Peter was barely breathing. His body was weak, despite wolf healing and Stiles just knew he was going to die. His eyes burned with unshed tears as he cradled his older brother's head in his lap. His wolf was whining but he began to softly sing uncaring of the way it cracked and shook. Peter's eyes closed and his chest stopped moving. For a moment, it was silent and then Stiles's eyes snapped open, and he lunged.
Ruby eyes were never supposed to be in his future, let alone in his reflection but as Stiles stared in the mirror of his bathroom, he guessed it was his future now. The glowing rubies stared back him, his mind taking pleasure in taunting him as if to say, 'You got us, but you couldn't save him. You couldn't save your own brother. You're not fit to be an alpha.'
Quickly, Stiles shook the thoughts away. He had to accept that he was an alpha now and Peter was dead. Peter. He choked back a sob, hanging his head as his arms braced against the counter. His knuckles were white, and he could hear the groan of the marble counter as his strength sought to bend it or perhaps crack it.
A week.
That was all the time that had passed since the rogue alpha attacked. She had been a lover of Peter's that, when rejected, went feral. Stiles knew his brother was seeing someone, they had in fact found out not long ago. He and Theo had often teased their older brother about it. Stiles had not known however who it was. Kali was her name.
She had plans of grandeur, plans to kill their mother and take over the territory to impress her father Alpha Deucalion Adolphus. He was the alpha of a territory to the south of Hale Territory and had been coveting their land for years. Slowly, Kali had been turning Peter toward her side and if not for breaking things off when he met his mate—a woman named Anyla—she would've had him and she would have succeeded with her plan. Yeah, so, Peter met his mate and then he died.
So, Stiles was minus one brother, and he was now an alpha. His mother hadn't been happy nor had his father, but he knew it was because they were worried. Stiles didn't blame them. It was like they were all missing a limb or a vital organ. Losing a pack mate, not to mention a brother was agony. Without their eldest son, Stiles would be groomed to take over as the alpha of the pack. He didn't want the mantle, but Theo wasn't ever meant to be alpha either.
Theo hadn't come out of his room in over a week. They hadn't spoken since their fight right after Peter died. Oh, and Stiles won the fight but of course that meant Theo submitted. Theo submitting to Stiles meant that on top of all the other shit, Stiles was now a brand new alpha with a beta.
Theo was not only his first beta but his younger brother. Stiles could feel their bond, but it was slightly muted on Theo's end. Stiles hated this limbo state they were in. It was like their wolves were restless, pacing in anticipation. It was as if their instincts knew something Stiles and Theo didn't.
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Peter was alive? Stiles's wolf was frantic to get to him and that was the only thing that mattered. He and Theo arrived at the same time, colliding harshly as they got to the clearing. Stiles had to fight his instincts demanding he show the pup, his brother, who was in charge. He settled for flashing his eyes instead. Theo whined and growled but still bared his neck and flashed his eyes in return. Satisfied, Stiles turned away from his younger brother and scanned the area. Right now, Peter was what mattered. The beta was fully shifted and watched them approach. He flashed electric blue eyes at them, and Stiles frowned. When did Peter's eyes turn blue?
"Omega," Stiles whispered.
Peter growled, a whimper lining the sound and looked away. It startled Stiles as his older brother never showed any signs of submission or omegahood. He rumbled in his chest and let his wolf guide him forward.
Two betas.
Stiles now had two betas and it was both strange and not strange how easy it was. Of course, Peter came back—somehow—changed. He was no less snarky, but all traces of Kali's manipulation were gone. Stiles felt like a fool for not seeing the change in his brother before he died. Their parents were hovering, their mother always in the same room as her children, fussing over them except for at night and their father's eyes were often glistening with unshed tears. Stiles wasn't bothered by it and of course he didn't blame them. He knew they needed to be near their son just as badly as Stiles needed to be near his older brother.
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Theo was missing and nothing Stiles attempted was helping the alpha find him. When he finally caught the scent of his little brother, he was one second too late. He skidded to a stop just as the hole his blue eyed baby brother had slipped into closed up. The last thing he had seen was terror in normally mischievous eyes.
Peter had to pull Stiles back from the edge as the loss of his younger brother was driving him feral. It was happening again. First Peter, and then Theo. Why not Stiles? Was it because of his alpha spark? If that was it, they could have it. He would give anything to get Theo back home safely. He tore out the throat of the dark kitsune whose sword was used to open a portal to hell or rather to purgatory.
Obviously—though Stiles thought it was speciest—weres don't get to go to hell or fucking heaven. No. They all ended up in purgatory, a place, a plane of existence made specifically for "monsters". Wasn't that just lovely?
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Theo was back? The ground shook and Stiles had to grab Peter's scruff in his jaws to keep his older brother from being flattened by a tree. They had been training in their full shift forms both holding their own. Then, right after Peter had gotten the alpha pinned, there was a loud booming crack that echoed throughout the trees. A to their right tree started to split in half and Stiles acted on instinct, saving his older brother.
They raced to the origin of the earthquake and—"Theo!" Stiles cried out as he tore across the grass to pull his little brother into his arms. The beta was shaking, sniffling and whimpering. With a soft cooing sound, Stiles comforted his brother. The alpha growled and scented his beta, his little brother, tears falling down both of their cheeks. It was even worse losing Theo than it had been losing Peter. Said wolf whimpers and Stiles slings an arm around his older brother too, drawing him into the embrace. The three of them stayed huddled together for hours.
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Stiles had no idea why, but both of his brothers had been reset in a way. Peter was calmer and more settled now. He met up with Anyla and had several date nights, several coffee dates and several midnight runs under the light of the moon. Stiles wouldn't be surprised if she ended up joining their pack. At least she was from Satomi's pack and not Deucalion's.
Theo was less settled and calm but had more peace at his core. He made his first best friend, a boy named Liam. He came out to Stiles and after being assured it didn't matter to the alpha, Theo asked Liam over to play video games. Their parents told Theo that he could maybe date once he was a freshman.
As for Stiles? Well, he didn't really have time to date or make friends. He spent most of his time training with his father on his role as an alpha. His mother would look at him with a sadness in her eyes as if she knew it was necessary but hated that he was so isolated. Stiles was anchored and centered, at ease with himself and his place in not only his life but in his pack as well.
It made no sense to the alpha why he wasn't like his brothers. He was an asshole like them but then again, his core had always been that of their mother's...magic in origin. He wondered if that had kept him from the kind of fate his brothers had faced.
Peter had died. Peter came back.
Theo had died. Theo came back.
Stiles hadn't died. Stiles never left.
There was always tomorrow. Perhaps one day, Stiles too would face death, but for now, he wouldn't worry about it. Before he could get lost in what ifs—"Alpha come on!" Peter called out. "We're gonna be late and you promised!"
Stiles chuckled and zipped his bag closed. He grabbed the passport and stuck it in his carry on bag. For a moment, he thought about what he had promised. The three brothers were headed to London to see their twin cousins, Malia and Jackson, Erica and Isaac. they would be spending some time with their aunt, Celia and uncle, Thaddeus's pack there. It would be good for them and hopefully they would be able to relax.
"Alpha!" Theo called out. "You coming?!"
"Right behind ya!" Stiles called back.
"Suuuuuuuure!!" Peter and Theo called back teasingly.
A low growl sounded, and three sets of pounding footsteps echoed as the two betas ran from their alpha. All three of them were laughing, feeling weightless and carefree in a way they hadn't been in a long time.
Stiles no longer minded being the middle child nor did he mind being the alpha. He would never resent either again. It meant he would always be able to protect his pack, his family and most of all Peter and Theo, Theo and Peter, his asshole brothers who he loved so fiercely and always would. 
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Note: The packs and characters are below to help clarify any confusion. In this fic: Malia, Jackson, Erica and Isaac are Stiles, Peter and Theo's cousins. Rosemary Hale and Celia Thatcher are sisters.
Hale Pack
Carson Hale [Alpha] Rosemary Hale [Alpha Mate] Stiles Stilinski [Alpha Heir/Alpha] Peter Hale [Beta] Theo Raeken [Beta] Anyla (OC) [Beta] Liam Dunbar [Beta]
⟡ ✦ 🐺 ✦ ⟡
Thatcher Pack: [Rosemary's Former Pack]
Celia Thatcher [Alpha] Thaddeus Thatcher [Alpha Mate] Erica Reyes [Alpha Heir] Isaac Lahey [Beta] Malia Tate [Beta] Jackson Whittemore [Beta]
⟡ ✦ 🐺 ✦ ⟡
Adolphus Pack:
Deucalion Adolphus [Alpha] Kali Adolphus [Alpha Heir]
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jessicamariana · 2 years
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AMILA DE CHANSON : Invaluable / Priceless
female : she / her  |  civilian 29th kingsway 9:15  |  halamshiral, orlais
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crackinglamb · 2 years
Chapters: 131/? Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Female Inquisitor/Solas (Dragon Age), Solas (Dragon Age)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Solas|Fen'Harel, Rogue Inquisitor, Varric Tethras, Cassandra Pentaghast, Vivienne (Dragon Age), Sera (Dragon Age), Gereon Alexius, Dorian Pavus, The Iron Bull (Dragon Age), Blackwall (Dragon Age), Leliana (Dragon Age), Cullen Rutherford, Josephine Montilyet, Lace Harding, Cole (Dragon Age), Sky Watcher (Dragon Age), Wisdom (Dragon Age), Female Hawke (Dragon Age), Male Mahariel (Dragon Age), Morrigan (Dragon Age), Ameridan (Dragon Age) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Modern Girl in Thedas, not a self-insert, Non-Canon Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Diary/Journal, Alcohol, Swearing, Snark, Pining, Emotional Slow Burn, Explicit Sexual Content, Friends With Benefits To Lovers, Solas Being Solas (Dragon Age), Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Additional Characters to Be Added As They Show Up, NOW WITH VISUALS Series: Part 1 of Wicked Things Summary:
Imogen McLean is glad she's played the series before. She's read the novels, she's flipped through the comics. She knows what's going to happen. She's got secrets to spill and canon to break. Now if she could just keep her hands off the Dread Wolf, this might all go a bit easier. Besides, he's got plans of his own. He's not the staying kind, and she knows better than to get attached.
You hear that, Thedas? She's not going to get attached. She's not.
 Beta'd by Iron_Angel. NSFW will be marked with **. Updates on Wednesdays.
*This fic now has embedded images. More will be added as I take/receive them. Most chapters have something in them, some have several. Screenshots were taken by me, any art is credited to its artist.*
Chapter 131 - Feast of Fools
In a lull between knots of nobles trying to garner favors, Ser Barris handed her a drink in a frosty glass and let his gaze wander over the crowd in a way that kept them away for the moment.  “Is it always like this for you?”
“Pretty much,” she replied, sipping her drink.  It was slightly sweet and more than slightly spicy.  Like cinnamon schnapps.  It hit her system hard enough to make her gasp, but it wasn't unpleasant.  She found herself drinking it faster than was probably wise for the setting, but she needed something to put up with all this nonsense.  And honestly, it was Satinalia.  If she made a spectacle of herself, it was to be expected.
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septembersghost · 2 years
I'm glad you still take questions about BCS and SPN 🥺
awww! of course i do, i've never gotten over a single thing in my life, and that goes double for anything i've ever loved, and continue to love. ❤ i rarely discard old interests ever tbh, i simply accumulate new ones to join the old and they all grow together. questions are always open about most anything, especially when it's regarding topics i still reblog daily!
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