“Sorry I’m late. I accidentally apparated to the wrong place.” Colin said quietly, coming up behind the person he’d spotted from the doorway as he’d walked by. He’d been distracted when he’d left for the party and at ended up at their apartment instead of the house. Pulling out the bottle of whiskey he’d grabbed while in London, he held it out towards them. “Think this is enough to make up for it?” 
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serena-lacroix · 8 years
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Serena took a sip of her beer, trying hard not to roll her eyes as the boy leaning against the wall next to her continued to drone on about Qudditch. Unlike most of the wizarding populace, Serena didn’t much care for the sport. And while she’d never minded listening to Lexington or her other friends go on about it, he did not have the same luxury. Glancing around, she managed to catch someone’s eye and sent them a look, hoping they would understand it and come to rescue her. 
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andrew-davies · 8 years
Andrew took his usual role at a party, he stuck to the outskirts of the party, watching for any suspicious activity. He was deep in thought when he heard someone walk up to him. “I hope you’re having fun,” he said without turning to look at them. Merlin know’s everyone needed it.
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audeliaxprince · 8 years
It had taken a lot of thought whether she wanted to attend the party or not. On one hand, she didn’t really want to be surrounded by drunken strangers. On the other, work had been tough and if she wanted a break, what better way than to allow herself a bit more freedom? After all, apparently the party was going to be huge so the chances of her running into anyone of importance was low. That was how she found herself in the Brighton house, wearing a dress that didn’t quite reach her knees (far shorter than her usual attire), and having yet another glass of wine. A soft giggle left her lips as a stranger started up a round of toasts and she joined in. She turned to toast with the other person beside her and realized they were familiar. “I know you.” 
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averypucey · 8 years
      She couldn’t stop smiling. It probably looked stupid, walking around with a silly grin on her face - especially when she was completely sober. There was only one person to blame for her happiness, though, and Avery coudln’t quite bring herself to hold it against him. Even now she was still having trouble paying attention to anything, which was probably why she found herself walking headfirst into someone else, nearly knocking them both over. ‘ Oh, hi, ‘ she said, looking up at them, smiling if a little confused. ‘ I didn’t see you there. ‘
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Ramona finally stepped off the dance floor, heart pounding and wiping sweat from her brow. She’d been dancing for nearly an hour, and she was in need of a drink. When she’d finally procured a bottle of some unfamiliar British wizarding alcohol, she collapsed into a seat and turned to the person next to her. “Well, England certainly knows how to have a good time.”
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alice-ii · 8 years
Alice was for perhaps the first time and most regrettably late to a party. Shifts at the Leaky Cauldron were hard to change once she got them, especially so last minute. The irony was that she was more sober than she wanted to be even though she had spent the whole day at a bar. It was hectic, having to change in the back room while pulling shots from her flask. She was more than grateful for the early start once she walked into the almost chaos that seemed to have begun without her.
Grabbing a cup of what seemed to be some sort of dark-ale beer, Alice tipped it back in a practiced fashion before wiping the foam from her upper lip. With a strangely happy sigh she set the cup down. Alice could handle seeing everybody now, she could be okay with forgetting the things tearing everything apart. “What do you think, another drink or a smoke?” She asked the person next to her casually. “Whatever it is though, you have to join.” It was her new policy when going out, a clever way to make friends, get crazy, and forget your problems.
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rcsexweasley-blog · 8 years
After dancing most of her alcohol off with Molly, Rose was beginning to nurse a headache from how much she'd already had to drink. So the only logical solution was to go and find more alcohol to drink and stave off the headache until morning. Heading into the kitchen, Rose poured herself another drink and quickly downed it feeling the headache beginning to subside. Smiling to herself Rose took a bottle of firewhiskey off the table and started walking around the party looking for to rest her tired feet after dancing.
She was about to give up her search and just sit on the grass outside when she spotted a familiar face. Smiling Rose made her way through the people gathered on the dance floor to sit down next to Blandon. Smiling she motioned to the empty seat next to him. “This seat taken?” She asked before plopping down next to Blandon. “Enjoying the party so far?”
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beauty in everything || briolet
Briony edged her way through the crowd, two cups of punch held tightly in her hands. She’d almost made it to her destination when a body suddenly smacked into hers, causing her to jostle the cups and slosh liquid out over her hands. “Oh for Merlin’s sake.” She shot a dirty look towards the person that had run into her as she carried on back to her girlfriend’s side. “Here. There was more in it but people can’t seem to watch where they’re going.”
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daniel-abbott-blog · 8 years
Little Birdie
“told me that there was a house party!” Daniel grinned, coming into Lexi’s house. Looking around, he searched for familiar faces. Arching a brow, he asked, “What did I miss?”
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fayetravers-blog · 8 years
Wherever there was a party, Faye could be found at the heart of it, dancing along to the pumping beat. She was all giggles and smiles thanks to the shots she’d downed with her friends, now working off as she spun and swayed her hips. But the liquor came with a buzz and even her normally balanced nature was challenged as another party-goer bumped her. Immediately, Faye tumbled back but instead of finding the floor, she found herself in the lap of Chryson Nott. Her natural reaction was to giggle. “Hi there.” A polite girl would have apologized and cleared from his lap. Not her. Looking at him, Faye couldn’t help but we stunned by how pretty he was up close, and the alcohol only seemed to back her up, her bluntness intensified. “I’d offer to get up but I think I’m quite good here.”
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stubbornasrox · 8 years
Roxanne had been convinced to take a few shots, which was evident in the way her jacket hung from her arms and she swayed to the music. A few more moments of swaying caused her to bump into somebody, her hands immediately moving to their arms. “Oh my--I’m so sorry!” She giggled, covering her mouth. “Bella! Don’t tell anyone, but I had a few drinks.”
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hugo-xx-weasley · 8 years
To say that Hugo is feeling uncomfortable would be the understatement of the millennium. He had heard from his cousin that there’d be a little party going on, so he took it as there will be a few people there. Boy was he shocked to walk in and see a bunch of people he’s never really seen before. It felt odd not having someone he knew with him. He awkwardly headed towards wherever they where holding the booze and guzzled down some vodka straight from the bottle in hopes of loosening himself up.
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maddkilojules · 8 years
Between looking for a job, attending some pureblood function against his wishes, taking care of his new pet, and spending some quality time with his siblings, Julian has had little time to unwind and actually have some fun. So when news of a party nearby at his former housemate’s pad he knew he had to attend. After pregamming at his place and several shots he took at the party, Julian starts to drunkenly dance somewhat close to the beat of the current song playing.
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annahiggs · 8 years
Anna should’ve been more affected when Briony entered the room, interrupted her and Chryson. But she wasn’t. She was much more affected the second a warm body wasn’t on her’s, when she had to sit with what she’d just done. Had he not been Darius’s brother, it wouldn’t have been an issue. Not at all. But, Merlin, was she just making terrible choices tonight. Reaching for both the bottle she’d brought in and the bottle he’d left behind, she alternated between the two, needing to drown out the rest of the world with the liquid. The door opened behind her, and the ex-Hufflepuff turned to tell someone that the room was occupied when she saw who it was. Putting down the bottles, she attempted to stand up so she could try and dodge the other girl and leave, but fell down. Damn all that alcohol. Still, she crawled a little bit backwards, looking to put some space between her and the older girl. She’d heard stories about fights when she was upset, and she wasn’t in the mood for a fight. A small part of her just wanted to keep drinking until she passed out, be left alone so she could stop fucking up everything she touched. “Serena, I’m so sorry,” she started, her voice speeding and slurring, too freaked out to slow down and try to sound less fucked up than she was. “I was really drunk and it was an accident and I’m so, so sorry about it. It won’t happen again, I promise. I swear.” Were Lexi and Serena back together again? How badly had she really fucked up?
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purebloodxpucey · 8 years
The night had begun to taper off, the liveliness the party had once known existing only in the stragglers that fought to keep fun from going extinct. The moment they were gone, the moment the party truly ended, the real world they all so stubbornly ignored would once again be their reality. Xander had no time for that privilege. His appearance at the party- guise to remain noticed and undetected- was strictly that of business. As he maneuvered his way through the trashed home, past littered cups and passed out bodies, his eyes swept side to side looking for one individual in particular.
It wasn’t until he made it to the kitchen that he’d found her. Instantly, the determined face of a soldier dropped, replaced by a concerned facade. Stepping forward, Xander broke into the conversation, ignoring all other persons except Lucy. “You’re Molly Weasley’s sister, yea?”
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