alice-ii · 7 years
There was a soft chuckle that surpassed Kingsley’s lips in which he couldn’t help but let pass at Alice’s exasperation. At her next words, however, Kingsley gave a small shrug, “Just because I enjoy the fineries of the Wizarding world, does not mean I can’t appreciate the ones of the Muggle world. Besides, they do happen to make great wine.” A smile came to his lips, following her, “Although this better not be a trap, Longbottom.”
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“Fineries. You know the word just makes you sound like a twat?” Alice jested, their opinion of what the finer things were in life being a bit different. Maybe a lot. “It’ll probably be a normal pub, with pints, some average fish and chips and horrible lighting.” Even in her version of this, there would be no wine. Well, maybe a little if coerced. “Excuse me, what about this could possibly be a  trap?”
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Looking for Trouble
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alice-ii · 7 years
Kingsley chuckled. He still found the whole thing funny - more so because of how ridiculous he must have seemed at the time. “That was a special occasion, Alice. And for charity.” he tried to reason for only a moment. Kingsley then hummed, “Well, we’re in London…how about you take me to one of those Muggle bars your cousin is always blabbering about.”
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“Yes, yes, we’ve discussed.” They’d exhausted the point really, but it still worked its way into conversation every so often. “Really? You’re going to let me take you to some Muggle bar?” Arching her brow, she let a bit of a smile slip onto her face. “Alright then, out of the Alley.” Walking in his direction, toward the Alley exit to London, she considered where to take him.
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Looking for Trouble
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alice-ii · 7 years
“You never know until you try,” she said with a laugh, but decided to let it drop. “One of these days, though, I will convince you to let me style your wardrobe. I love you, but that doesn’t mean I love your fashion sense.”
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“What’s so wrong about my fashion sense?” Alice questioned, looking down to her outfit now. A pair of jeans, more ripped than not hung high at her waist. A shirt that looked shrunk from a bad wash draped over her smaller chest, baring a little mid-drift. A large bomber jacket topped it all off along with her broken down leather boots. “Maybe I should style your wardrobe?”
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alice-ii · 7 years
“Ah,” Kingsley made a sound of realization quickly accompanied with a nod, “Of course.” It had occurred to him since their last encounter that he needed to be careful about visiting, because, as she said, it would appear to be something that perhaps he didn’t want to convey. Even if he did have certain feelings regarding her. Smiling, Kingsley gave a small chuckle, “All right. No hundred-galleon worthy sort of extravaganza,” he joked, mocking himself for such a ridiculous gesture he had made while still in school.
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“Yes, yes, exactly what I was implying.” Without so many words, she was able to refer to the moment they would likely still bicker over if brought up. Wealth was only one of the many differences between them, even if it was a topic for people far older then they were. Alice never talked about anything like she was seventeen however. “With that in mind then, any suggestions?” It was not some test, but she was curious what he would come up with.
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Looking for Trouble
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alice-ii · 7 years
“You know what I mean,” Violet laughed, nudging Alice gently with her arm. “And as your friend, thank you. But I can’t just let you stand by watch me get into trouble. You’re gonna be right there with me when I do and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
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“What do you think I mean by support? I am no cheerleader Violet, I am a team player Right in the thick of it.” Standing by and watching was never something Alice was able to do. No matter the event or discussion, there was always one thing or another that drew her in.
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alice-ii · 7 years
She pulled at the curl until it was taut and then let it go, feeling it brush against her neck. “You never know until you try it. There’s straightening spells, I’m sure we could find one to show you what you’d look like with curls.”
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Alice looked at Roxy as if she were mental before giving another shake of her head. “I’m sure there are, but imagine if it stuck like that. You’ve got the face for it, Rox, I think I’d look like a scrappy dog or something.” She ran her fingers through her hair, much shorter these days as it hung just below her shoulders. When it grew long you could see her waves, but they always made Alice feel so young.
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alice-ii · 7 years
He should have expected it. Kingsley really should have seen that coming. His abandonment thrown into his face. He tried his best not to let hi distaste show and gave a small shrug, “I hardly think anyone but you knows about that, Longbottom.” A smile curved on his lips, “Well we can always do drinks and dinner. That is an option, you know.”
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“And by somebody, I meant me.” Alice never withheld her opinion from others, especially those she considered friends. Even as she was growing less forgiving and more hardened by the days, she still attempted to joke at the interaction. “I guess. But nothing nice, really. Something greasy and heavy sounds just fine.” Given the chance she was sure Kingsley would attempt to make some lavish night of it.
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Looking for Trouble
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alice-ii · 7 years
“I think that as long as you’re enjoying what you’re doing and you’re enjoying being busy then there is such a thing as good busy.” Levi returned her small smile. He knew exactly what she was talking about though he disagreed on her definition. With a slight chuckle he replied, “I think that’s what numb means.”
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“At least we can all still have that.” That was not something that could be taken away from them in all this, which all gave them something to fight for. “I think if the pain starts to lessen, or stop, then I’ll worry. But it all still feels just as fresh as the first day.” It had been when her father nearly died that she was kicked into such a state that never seemed to stop. 
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alice-ii · 7 years
Arching a brow, Kingsley tilted his head slightly with curiosity, “Compensating for what, exactly?” A small chuckle escaped his lips. Since their last true encounter a while back, things had been…cordial to say the least. However when it came to Alice, he seemed to feel the need to tread lightly at times. “Any chance of relaxing any time soon? Or care to get a drink tonight?”
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“For abandoning friendship.” Alice retorted, referring to the absence he had in her life for months. Stalking or compensating for the mistake, who was to say? Luckily they had found a bit of civility mixed with light mocking, a pleasant middle ground. “Well, I was planning on sneaking in dinner or a shower before going out tonight, but I think I could maybe swing a drink.” One of the things in her life she made time for.
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Looking for Trouble
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alice-ii · 7 years
Her voice was something that Kingsley could probably recognize even if he were underwater, as it was so distinct. As well as full of a quick wit. Facing Alice, Kingsley gave a small shrug, “Wasn’t really aiming for anywhere in particular. Besides, I wouldn’t want you to think i’d started stalking you or something if I always ended up at the Leaky Cauldron during your shift.” His lips curved into a smirk, “How’ve you been, Alice?”
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“That’s right. Somebody might think you were compensating for something.” It was hard to say entirely what ground they stood on, some part of Alice particularly capable of holding grudges as of recent. She couldn’t quite forget Kingsley’s disappearing act, but she didn’t chance to mention it nearly as much. Sighing at the question, she only thought for a moment. “Busy, would be the right word.” It was the best thing to be, leaving time for little else.”
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Looking for Trouble
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alice-ii · 7 years
Alice loved to the days her shifts ended on the early side, meaning there was more of the night for her to enjoy and less of it watching other people drink their night away instead of her. She might even get a chance to shower or eat before heading out again. The alley wafted with smells of something smoked, making it easy to decide she would look for food instead. Turning toward the stretch of alley she spotted a familiar stature. Pausing, she almost decided to say nothing, let him slip by unaddressed, but Alice spoke up. “I’d say you missed my shift today, Kingsley, but looks like you’re just skipping this fine establishment all together.”
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Looking for Trouble
For one reason or another, there was always some sort of social encounter that got Kingsley into trouble whenever he visited London. Especially if he went to the Leaky Cauldron. With that in mind, he had left Quidditch practice to go find some entertainment for the night, waiting to visit the establishment last. For now, he leaned on a wall in an alleyway, grinning as though he was better than everyone else; because, well, in Kingsley’s eyes, he was. Although he soon grew bored, and walked a bit down the pavement. A voice then caught his attention, turning around.
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alice-ii · 7 years
“Oh, nothing, I love it!” Alice quickly explained,turning her vacant stare into a smile. I was more thinking what my hair would like that way, or if I could even do it, but I decided you’re probably the only person who would like amazing with the curls.”
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“What?” Roxanne looked at the other person, but became slightly uncomfortable at their staring. She reached up and twirled a curl around her finger, shrugging. “I got tired of using those straightening spells and potions.”
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alice-ii · 7 years
“Eh, I might have come out tonight with the goal of making more than a few regrettable decisions. And hoepfully drinking enough to forget about some of them,” Violet smiled lopsidedly over at the other girl as she spoke. “But, yeah, I don’t often go out just to blackout. I’d rather just have fun with my friends most of the time.”
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“Hmm most of the time? Not all the time?” Alice teased lightly, arching her brow in a mischievous questioning kind of way. “Well as a friend I’m here to support your choice, but also make sure the decisions aren’t too regrettable or too many.” Enabler was likely the wrong word, but she was getting dangerously close it.
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alice-ii · 7 years
It was clear by her stumbling she was drunker than she had originally let on and he couldn’t help but laugh as he watched her try to take off her pants. “See, those skinny jeans are quite dangerous,” he chuckled walking over to her. He leaned over putting her arm on his shoulder so she could steady herself then grabbed the offending pant leg and tugged it the rest of the way off. Tossing it in the pile with the rest of their clothes he made sure she was still steady before he took off toward the water. Jumping in he grimaced at the initial impact of the cold water, but after a moment it felt nice on his overheated skin. The fountain had jets of water spouting from higher up and it reminded him a bit of the effect of a muggle sprinkler as he ran beneath them.
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So focused on the menacing pants at hand, she didn’t notice she was stable until it had happened, feeling the support of Fergus at her side. As the pant leg was no longer made a burden, she feigned a dramatic sigh of relief. “Fergus the liberator, every skinny jean shall quiver in fear.” With the impulse came dramatics tonight, something that made her feel almost her age for once. Finally catching her speed again, it wasn’t long before the water made Alice yelp loudly as she waded forward through the cold of it. “Merlin’s beard.” Cupping her hands, she splashed the water up on to her hair, trying to embrace it as best she could before splashing some water Fergus’s way.
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alice-ii · 7 years
“Fucking shit up sounds like exactly what I need right now,” Daniella replied, smirking. She took another large swig of her beer. “Whatever happens, I think more alcohol is required.”
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“It’s sort of the foundation for general fuckery and tomfoolery. Like a canvas for a disturbing piece of art.” Squinting her eyes as she thought over whether the analogy even worked, she simply shook it off, took a swig to match Daniella’s.
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alice-ii · 7 years
levi-yaxley:“It’s going well. It’s certainly keeping me busy, but I knew that going into this.” Levi chuckled with a slight nod. “But I love it and I don’t regret any of it.” He looked over at Alice with concern. “And are you becoming numb to it?”
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“A good kind of busy then I hope. If there can really be a thing called good busy.” A happy distraction even, something to drive purpose into life while others tried to strip you of it. “Glad to hear.” Alice nodded with a half a smile, almost not able to crack an expression at all. “I don’t know if numb is the word, because I always feel in pain, but I... expect it.”
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alice-ii · 7 years
“You’re always good at finding the fun, Alice,” Daniella pointed out, musing for a moment before finishing her thought, “It’s nice to… I dunno, see that you’ve still got that knack even if Hogwarts is closed.” Affection had never been Daniella’s strong suit but her former roommate did have a place in her heart. There was something about living with someone like Alice Longbottom for six years that would endear anyone to her.
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“You,” Alice mused in return, raising her finger up to point at Daniella. “ Are just too kind to me, lay off.” Chuckling, she gently poked the girl’s shoulder before relaxing her body against the bar edge. “You’ve got the knack too, give yourself some credit. The two of us back together, we could fuck some real shit up.”
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