#dca wild west au
chimkin-samich · 3 months
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Blood and Oil pt 3/3.
Previous one here.
Guys don't mind him he's lost it a long while ago.
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☀️Yall want some more of them?🌙
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copperfoxandfriends · 23 days
Possible Fanfic in the works: Wranglers!AU
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Just some silly cow boys that catch monsters what more could anyone want :33
One of my many school doodles of this AU ⬇️
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alynwrench · 22 days
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Sheriff Sun? Outlaw Moon?
One's a widow trying to move forward and the other's running from his dark past?
Your honor, Married.
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pluck-heartstrings · 5 months
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I can tell you without a single doubt that I would easily fall for Doll face’s wiles. I am weak but so are the boys
This is @overly-dramatic-artist ‘s Wild West AU!! Their costumes designs are insane /pos I am a million years envious. I love this au and I think about it all the time!! I want these three to have a whirlwind relationship/marriage and ride off into the western sunset 🌅 but before then I want to see them kiss a thousand times. ❤️❤️❤️
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robinette-green · 1 year
Late Night Day Dreams: Astrological Bullets
A Wild West story.
You’re tied to a set of railroad tracks somewhere in the desert. You’ve accepted your fate, waiting for either the heat or a train to take you, when a strange metal individual happens by.
I may do more with this… not sure yet.
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knightcorqueen · 2 years
Wild West AU Snippet (WIP)
Alesyin pushed open the doors to the saloon, pulling a toothpick out of her mouth and gaping in surprise at Sun who had a revolver pointed at a man behind the bar. Her gaze dropped lower and widened as she took notice of Moon, who was also behind the bar, pulling wads of cash from drawers and dropping them into bags.
Moon looked up and grinned when he saw Alesyin. “Why, Sheriff, ain’t this a pleasant surprise…."
Sun turned his head over his shoulder, smiling as well once he caught sight of Alesyin’s expression.
Alesyin’s eyes narrowed in suspicion at the town’s most wanted criminals.
“I better have not just stumbled upon a robbery in progress…”
Sun switched his gun to his other hand, keeping it trained on the owner as he leaned against the bar’s counter, giving the Sheriff his full attention.
“It was a peaceful robbery, Sheriff- No one was hurt."
Alesyin arched an eyebrow.
“Peaceful robbery- my ass. You have a weapon pointed at that poor gentleman while your partner robs him blind."
Alesyin gestured towards Moon's form from behind the counter. Moon stopped what he was doing and leaned foward, resting his faceplate on his chin while he grinned in amusement.
“And yet I don't see any injuries~"
The comment earns a small tug at Alesyin’s lips, before she flattens them into a firm line.
“Nice try, but playtime’s over. We can do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice.”
A sly grin spreads across Moon’s face and his eyes lower temptingly.
“Well, since yer offering sheriff, I think i’d prefer the hard way, myself~ Moon winked.
Sun began to nod his head in agreement.
“As would I.”
Alesyin’s face flushed in embarrassment and she smacks a gloved hand over her face.
“You two are utter menaces-”
“You know you love us~”
A grin spreads across Alesyin’s face before she lifts up a small section of her poncho to cover the lower half of her face.
“Alright, hard way it is-”
While one hand keeps the cloth held up, her other hand curls around the handle of a gun that rests in a holster slung low on her hips. It only takes a few moments for Alesyin to whip out the small pistol and aim it straight in the air, shooting up into the ceiling.
Wood, plaster, and other bits of debris begin raining down and the patrons within the bar let out shouts of panic and begin racing for the doors. Alesyin stands still, arm raised up high while people rush around her. She takes notice of the owner using the distraction as an escape opportunity, and nods as he runs past her out the door.
Only once everyone had evacuated the building, did she then lower her arm, keeping the gun out but hanging loosely at her side, finger off of the trigger.
In the silence of the room, the click of a hammer being cocked back causes Alesyin to jerk her gaze towards the solar criminal.
Sun was grinning, reclined backwards as if he didn’t have a care in the world, gun trained on the sheriff.
Moon however, stood up and began walking out from behind the counter.
“Oh dear, Sheriff. It seems you’ve scared away our quarry!”
“I fear you’ll have to make it up to us now~” Sun chimes in from his spot.
“I wonder….” Sun pushes himself off of the bar and joins his brother as they both approach Alesyin.
A mischievous glint shines in Sun’s eye.
“Does the lovely sheriff wear any jewelry?
A raspy chuckle sounds from Moon’s voice box as he takes a hold of the wrist Alesyin was using to keep her poncho up. He leans in closer, breath ghosting across Alesyin’s neck as he speaks in low tones.
“Why don’t we take a look and see~ You won’t object, will you sheriff?”
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naffeclipse · 11 months
Have you considered writing a cowboy DCA au? Or a vampire AU?
I have ideas for both! I mention my Vampire AU in my Laundry List of AUs Post, but I haven't talked about a Cowboy AU yet!
For my cowboy AU, Y/N owns a prairie house and a small patch of land out in the wild west. You work hard and make do even though you're falling behind on payments and falling deeper into debt and danger of the bank taking your property back. It's a tough life. You know that.
Nothing exciting happens around here until one day you see a figure riding in from the distance. An animatronic on a horse. You're a bit weary of strangers, especially out here, where cattle rustlers and outlaws are aplenty, so you greet the rider with a shotgun. He's all smiles and hand waves, his sun rays partly hidden underneath his hat. There's a shiny pistol in the holster on his belt and a rifle hanging off his back. A large bag is strapped to the saddle. He's careful to not reach for something he shouldn't, and you let him dismount to talk to you, lowering your weapon.
He reassures you he means no trouble and that he just needs shelter for the night, if you don't mind. He's more than willing to offer a helping hand in exchange. He's a talker, sweet and charming, and you're not in a position to refuse extra farm help. You put him to work. He does it all without complaint which you appreciate.
There's a moment when you take a break from the back-breaking work to lie down in the field, staring up at the sky. Your eyes end up closing. You feel a gentle shadow over you. When you look up, Sun is there, casting blissfully cool shade and asking if it's alright for him to stand here. You tell him it's just fine. You ask him if there's any worry of him overheating. He says no, but thank you kindly for the concern.
Later, when you check in the barn, you notice that the large bag that was on his horse is now gone.
You don't want any trouble.
At sundown, when you call for him to come inside, you're greeted with a different animatronic, still smiling and soothing and promising that it's the same cowboy, please put the shotgun down. You've never met an animatronic like him. Sun. Moon. You let him come inside.
You spend a quiet night with the cowboy. He helps you clean up your dishes even though he had no part in the mess-making. There's little talk of where he came from or where he's going, but he mentions lying low for a while. You don't want to know. You don't ask. He asks if he might touch the guitar you have there in the corner. You tell him that's fine. You haven't played it in a long time. He serenades the night with plucked chords and twaining strings, and somehow, you fall asleep listening to the gentle strums and wake up the next morning in your bed.
Sun greets you all cheerful. You don't know what to feel about having another around to talk to... but you're adjusting. He asks for another day's work for another night's lodging. You agree. He smiles so big you're afraid he'll burst.
You get a visit from a fellow farmer (Sun makes himself scarce on the rare chance a visitor comes) who talks about the news, the gangs rolling through the valley, the cattle missing, and a distant bank just recently robbed. You shake your head.
Later, in the barn, you're shifting hay on the hayloft when you step back and expect to find solid flooring but there's nothing but air and you're falling—then caught in solid arms. Sun exclaims how you have to be careful! You would have gotten hurt. You wish he would put you down already, holding you like this turns you all red and embarrassed. Even when he sets you on your feet, Sun insists he finishes with the hay up top. Your pride is awfully stung but the ghost of his arms around you chases you outside and it's only there that you can finally think clearly after all the excitement.
When night falls, Moon helps you deal with a fox in the chicken pen but in chasing off the fiend, something snaps along his arm when he hops a fence and you know that ugly sound means something's broken. Wires spark in the dark. You rush to his side faster than you've ever run. You gingerly hold his arm and guide him back home to fix the damage done even though you're only a support to his injury, and he, thankfully, can tend to himself. He says he's learned how to take care of little problems like these since he's been running by himself for a while. You almost ask what he did before he came here but you don't dare. You told yourself you didn't want trouble. Getting attached will do nothing but stir up your feelings. There will be no one else to blame if your heart gets broken.
He picks at the guitar strings to test his repair and sings a little song that you swear you won't fall asleep to but, again, you wake up in your bed when you know you didn't tuck yourself in. Sun is already outside, getting a jumpstart on the day's chores.
The cowboy stays another night, then another, and then a few weeks have flown by. You get a visitor from the bank asking for payment or else they're taking your land and everything on it. You chase off the man, spitting mad, but you're still in troubled waters. You're going to lose all you have. Sun witnesses the encounter from a distance but you don't speak of it all day. Then, Sun finds you when the sun burns red across the sky.
He talks softly to you and before you know it, he's leading you by the hand and spinning you in a little dance you've never danced before. Sun leads, and you follow because he's the last light you have, and when he dips you low, you rise with the Moon in the near darkness, dancing and dancing on dirt. You've never held a hand that felt so right with his arms twirling you around and around—you almost forget you're going to lose it all.
Besides the crackle of the fire in your hearth that night, Moon coaxes you to talk about the money you owe and your pride almost bites your tongue off but you do it anyway. Moon asks when the bank man is going to come again. You tell him in the morning but you don't want charity. You don't need it. You owe enough debts as it is. He gives you a grin that is too mischievous for his own good.
That night, you lean against his shoulder when he plays a gentle song, a ballad about lovers falling and magnolias blooming. You wake up in your bed but it's still dark out and Moon is gone. You get up to find him but he's already at the door, holding a large bag—the one that was missing from his saddle. He tells you to pay the bank when they come and get a receipt. You ask him what in blue blazes he's doing with a bag full of money but he shoves it in your hands. Morning spills across the land. Then it's Sun winking at you. The bank is coming. He tells you he needs to go now, but he promises to come back for you.
You tell him you can't owe him like this—you'll never be able to repay it. Sun promises that you won't owe him anything, he'll get the money back.
You can hardly be angry before he's on his horse and taking off into the distance. You curse yourself out for being a fool and having a heart that wants to stick roots into anything that lingers longer for a day and for having this bag of money that isn't yours and for letting that cowboy dance and serenade you, but when the bank sends another man to collect, you pay it all. You get that receipt. The man accepts the payment and goes on his merry way, back to the bank that can no longer hound you. All of your debts are erased, thanks to the cowboy.
You don't know where he was hiding the money. You remember the news of a distant bank that was robbed.
It's only a few days later that you learn from a fellow farmer that the man carrying back your money to the bank was ambushed. An animatronic outlaw caught him alone. He stole the entire bag of cash. The farmer laughs when he says the bank man was madder than a wet hen. He also remarks that he's surprised they didn't come after you for more money, but you had a receipt. They can't touch you.
After the farmer leaves, you sit in a daze and then curse the cowboy out again. You still owe him.
You didn't want trouble, yet here you are, all twitterpated and waiting for when he comes down from the horizon.
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phoenixdaneko · 5 months
Oh shit uhhhhhh
I'm going with DCA OCS here but if you wanted something else lemme know
King, Solunis and Sirius by @darthsuki, love those guys sm
Sunbeam and Moonbeam by Shy on discord (I don't know if they have a Tumblr)
All the Gitm boys by @venomous-qwille
Totality by @amberluvsbugs (hope you don't mind the tag Amber!)
The Wild West AU boys by @/overly-dramatic-artist
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beps-brainrot · 2 years
Any good fanfics you read recently? Can be just Sun & Moon, or SAMS related. Just braindump about some works so that I can dash and read them plz
Your art is gorgeous btw just thought I’d let u know
Ahh thank you, thank you! That's so nice of you to say, and I really appreciate it<3 Unfortunately, I haven't read many DCA fics, and even more unfortunate than that is I haven't been keeping up with the ones that I'm in the middle of. I'm also wanting to read more fics, so if anyone has any that they want to share about, please feel free to! Still, I'll take the opportunity to ramble a bit.
The most recent fics I've read: Missions Under the Sun by the wonderful and thorough @chaotikanvas. This is a fic based on @lavenoon's Accidentally Undercover AU, and it's such a satisfying read. You get to follow Sun's point of view as he finds himself in the frustrating predicament of being in love with you, his coworker, which he can't breach many boundaries with due to the nature of your jobs. It's such a perfect fic of pining with a capital P that portrays Sun's thoughts and feelings in an indescribably real way. Even if you aren't familiar with Lavenoon's story, this fic is still easy to understand and enjoy. And! As I understand it, Lavenoon has many things to read up on too. If Kanvas' piece is any indication, their stories are captivating and well worth a check out.
Thread Carefully also by Chaotikanvas. This is a red string of fate AU where fate has decided to screw over the poor reader. Basically, the reader has a form of automatonophobia, the fear of animatronics, and is tied to the DCA by the red string of fate. Neither parties can stray too far away from each other without the red string preventing them from leaving. This sets up the exploration of an interesting dynamic between the Attendants and the reader as they have to make do with their new and permanent(?) situation. The way the reader's deep distress and anxiety is portrayed is perfect as Kanvas has an excellent way of detailing a character's introspection. Right now, only one chapter is available, but in my opinion it's enough to hook you and get you invested in what's to come.
Fics I've fallen behind on and am sure you know about: Holler If You Need Us by the incredible @castercassette. It's the wild west, and Sun and Moon are outlaws who run circles around you, the Sheriff. What more could you want? You don't know you need it until you see it, and my love for Caster's work can never be fully expressed.
Solar Lunacy by the imaginative @bamsara. The favorite slow burn with a compelling story! Need I say more about it?
Celestial Omens also by Bamsara. "Get a boat," they said. "It'll be fun," they said.
Twin Animatronics With Too Much Time On Their Hands by the awesome @twinanimatronics. The longest 24 hours you'll ever experience. A very hurty hurt/comfort fic that's eventually greatly rewarding.
Lofi Beats to Capture Children to by the brilliant and meticulous @dana-chan-the-control-brain. Sun and Moon's turbulent relationship in this can be quite upsetting especially if you're like me, someone who only desires fluff and wholesomeness for the boys. However, Dana's characters and intricately woven story are so good that simply reading it is its own reward.
I Can't Handle it also by Dana-chan. A spin off fic about Dana's OC from Lofi and Twin Animatronics, Ted, otherwise known as Dadler. He is my favorite wet sandwich of a person. I can't help but resonate with his deep self-loathing and melancholy. I miss him. I seriously need to catch up on these fics.
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chimkin-samich · 4 months
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Blood and Oil.
Part 1 / Part 2 (you are here) / Part 3 coming soon
I'm telling you guys, our sweet old Sunny ain't that really that alright in the head, and it doesn't get any better from here on...
Next 2 panels under the cut for... Suggestive reasons.
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Don’t percieve me.
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chimkin-samich · 4 months
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Blood and Oil
Part 1/3
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chimkin-samich · 6 months
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Wild West AU my beloved!
In order:
their first interaction (cause as we all know, she doesn't spare a glance to them on their actual first meeting)
Moon and The Lioness hiding while Sun baits their targets-
A little banter in the Saloon with some of The Lioness' old acquaintances , specialized in technology and quite flabbergasted to see such advanced automatons "in the hands of a criminal"
+ a little bonus under the cut
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Did you know that apparently Mary Jane was much cheaper and used as a substitute for tobacco often in the wild west? I didn't either but I read that fact a few days ago and I couldn't stop thinking about it-
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☀️Save a horse, ride a cowboy🌙
…or two.
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☀️ 🌙 Wild West Bounty Hunters Sun and Moon 🌙 ☀️
Aptly given the monikers of “Angel Eyes” and “The Dark Rider,” Sun and Moon have taken on the lucrative and thrilling career of bounty hunting. After years of torment and degradation, they escape their creator together and become a deadly team working for the highest bidder across the West.
Sun is the charmer. He’s easy to talk to, so much so that he can manipulate you into paying more than you anticipated. He likes to keep his hands, or gloves, clean, but is not above using brute force to get what he wants.
Moon likes the “dead or alive” cases, as he prefers dealing with targets that wont talk back or put up a fight. He’s an incredible marksman, being previously ‘employed’ as security by his creator, but will occasionally indulge in Sunny’s desire to play around with their prey by striking fear with a shot that is mere centimeters from hitting.
And what are you to do when a poster demanding you be brought to justice catches the attention of Angel Eyes and The Dark Rider?
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chimkin-samich · 25 days
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We are very forgetful and constantly forget to post art weve made from months back 😭
Heres some size charts and refs of the boys,Tari and their horses for those that may have been curious about them, if not we’ll still a proper ref for what the boys and Tari look like at the very least. And also one meme a friend made when she saw the progress of Sun 😭
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