Crushed Pumpkins & Delicate Hope
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Pairing: Stucky x Plus Size Reader OFC
Warnings: ABO Verse, SMUT, knotting, all that kinky ABO stuff, fluff, a bit of angst
Summary: This is the first outing Bucky makes with his and Steve’s new mate. After months of working with the newest member of he and Steve’s home an outing to the local pumpkin patch almost ends in disaster, but we get a perfect end to a rough day.
A/N: The OFC, or reader, was taken in by Steve and Bucky to help her work her way back into the real world after she is found in the basement of shield, or what was once HYDRA. All this said the two end up falling for her and making her part of their family. Steve is an omega that they serum turned into an alpha, but he still is prone to heats but not like extreme in most ABO verses. I explain throughout the writing and tried not to info dump. There is more to this fic as well, this is just an excerpt. My first Stucky x Reader fic! I went more with a seasonal, fall feeling fluff and smut than spooky. This got away from me, not sorry.
Writing Challenge: @devilbat Halloween Marvel Madness
Prompt: 25. “Are you telling me I have an obsession with pumpkins?”
Words: +4,500
 This had been the first time Bucky had ventured out with he and Steve’s freshly bonded, and very timid alpha mate. Normally it was the three of them or Steve himself who took her out alone, the blond seemed better at reassuring the hesitant creature it was OK to be out in the open since having been cooped up in a basement for God knew how long.
Bucky still felt awkward, the two of them being alpha’s was tricky in itself, but after months of slowly bonding and Steve’s heat less than a few days ago, it appeared she and Bucky bonded well after a quickie in the shower.
Pulled tight into the soldiers side, Bucky felt she was trying to appear small despite her larger frame. Walking with his metal arm outstretched behind him to tug along a flat cart while he looped the other around thick middle, not minding the closeness nor the heavy cart he tugged without any effort. Every now and then, her stronger alpha aroma mingled perfectly with Steve’s subdued omega scent wafted towards him, making the brunet smile.
It was a shock when passing a pile of ornamental pumpkins she paused their walk, even pulling away to look the colorful gourds over. Stopping the cart and assuring it wouldn’t roll away, Bucky paused and watched her close, curious to her plans.
“You’ve already picked out two pie pumpkins bigger than us doll,” Bucky began, carefully stepping behind her, making sure his moves were unhurried, and running flesh hand over the small of her back as he pulled close.
“What are you planning with these,” he asked quietly, hinting to the greenish-grey gourds that appeared more for decoration than anything else. 
“I don’t know, I think there pretty,” she admitted, titling her head as he dipped to scent along her jaw, pressing his nose into the glands there. 
The flood of pheromones told Bucky this was progress, having been working hard to help the shy alpha gain back the confidence she had been robbed of. “You're obsessed with the things doll,” Bucky chuckled, but if it made her happy, the alpha would eagerly buy the entire stand out to see her smile. 
“Are you telling me I have an obsession with pumpkins,” she spoke as if hurt, Bucky had drawn attention to a possible nervous habit. She had been trying to break all the odd coping mechanisms with the help of her alpha and omega but began to worry she had let them down.  
Taking a quick look around to salvage the situation, Bucky noted the hay bales done up with pumpkins and corn stalks. That would work, anything to let her know it was OK and she had done no wrong. The brunet scented the change in her pheromones, one he knew all too well as stress over wrongdoing. She was very timid for an alpha and he hated to fathom what they had done to make her this insecure. 
“Pick out what you want doll. I have an idea,” he whispered against her neck, feeling tense body relax into his. Bucky was glad he brought the truck at this point, releasing the shy alpha who proceeded to pick out five more pumpkins to add to the cart. 
Tugging close to his side after loading the pumpkins, Bucky rubbed along her flannel covered side as they walked towards the booth to pay. The brunet sure to add two bales of hay along with two large bundles of corn stalks. He didn’t want to think about how much he paid for items that were going to rot, but if it made their shy alpha happy it was worth it. Bucky was glad for this chance to bond with her minus Steve.
The blond appeared to have bonded with her quicker, but then again Steve was the omega of the three though the serum made him scent alpha. Seemed like it was hard to break the nurturing side in the omega. 
Tugging the wagon to the truck with her happily carrying yet another bright orange and white stripped gourd beside him, Bucky paused to let the tailgate down. Giving the quiet creature a reassuring smile, he informed her to stay put while he went to grab the bales of hay and corn stalks. It was less than 20 foot away and wouldn’t take long. 
But it was just long enough for a young alpha to catch scent of her and decide to show out to say the least. Hurrying back the moment he seen the other approach, Bucky heard the timid creature let out a low warning growl when the younger alpha stepped almost flush to scent of her.
Instantly it dawned on Bucky the shirt she wore belonged to Steve, the blond had just gone out of heat a day or so ago. It had been a habit of hers to take one thing from which ever mate wasn’t with them as comfort. 
Dropping the bales, Bucky was at her side in moments, but she had managed to forcefully throw the young male into the dirt on his ass. The younger alpha realized his mistake when she moved to retaliate, rushing to his feet to attack the once hesitant alpha that was now standing her ground.  
“Hey,” Bucky snarled, tugging her behind him protectively before the other could reach her. The shock of the other was truly hilarious the moment he noted she was mated to another alpha. 
Quickly the other backed off and left. Bucky hurriedly turned to lift her thick frame effortlessly onto the tailgate, wrapping his hands around her face to assure she was OK. Lovingly the brunet nuzzled over her, marking the shy alpha blush at his care before pressing his forehead to hers. 
“Ok,” he questioned quietly noting she scented perfectly of all three of them. A smiled tugged at his lips, noting the blush heating her face, it was obvious she had never had another alpha care for her this way.  
“I’m ok,” she breathed, nervously letting out a breath she didn’t know she held and glancing down to his feet were a pumpkin sat splattered on the hard ground.
Shaky hands went to his forearms, grounding herself as Bucky pulled close, his scent engulfing her in a since of serenity. Quietly he let out a low rumble, almost a purr from his chest that made her calm even more. 
“Let’s get this loaded and we will walk back to pick out another one,” he reassured before moving to load the rest as she remained on the tailgate.
Once loaded he gave a smile to the nervous creature before helping her down and guiding her back to the stand, an arm tight around her thick waist. 
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Pulling up into the driveway, Bucky wasn’t surprised Steve was waiting for them on the front porch. They both got out to head to the back of the truck, the shy woman grabbing one of the massive pie pumpkins to carry into the house. 
Once sitting foot on the top landing, Steve stepped close for her to pause. Gingerly he pulled flush to her side while facing Bucky and she faced the front door, dipping close along her jaw. The blond was worried about her, but it appeared it was just the outing needed, her scent clouded with both of theirs made his heart flutter.
This wasn’t the way he envisioned bringing her here would play out but was glad it did. Carefully Steve released the woman as she returned the nuzzling and gave her own low reassuring purr that he had come to love about her as well.
Propping on the post as their shy alpha went inside, Steve watched as Bucky started to pull more things from the back of the truck.  
“Get your ass out here and help punk,” Bucky yelled to Steve who stepped off the porch with a smirk as he went to help unload. 
“Jeez Buck you buy out the place,” Steve chuckled helping with the pumpkins and hay bales. 
“She enjoyed it. It’s all that matters,” Bucky murmured as he and Steve carried what they had next to the front walk. 
“Good to hear,” Steve admitted, setting down what he held as Bucky stopped before him.
The brunet pulled close to Steve, scenting the last of the blonds heat had finally dissipated to the usual alpha scent. Carefully Steve nudged under Bucky’s jaw. “Go check on her, I’ll finish up,” the blond admitted wanting to give the two a little more time. 
“There was an altercation with another alpha, but it wasn’t her fault,” Bucky admitted, stepping back to note Steve’s worry.
“It only cost another pumpkin, and she took up for herself was all. You would have been proud of her and me for not tearing the guys throat out,” Bucky tried to make light of the situation, catching Steve smirking at the fact Bucky didn’t kill the younger alpha or rip him to pieces.
“She shaken up,” Steve asked quietly, realizing why she scented strongly of alpha more than usual.
“Yeah, stayed buried in my side the entire way back,” the brunet admitted, looking to the front door worriedly.
Steve had noted Bucky worried over her the first time they brought the timid creature home. Having been with the brunet alpha basically their entire lives, Steve knew when the other was concerned and as of late it had been her. “Go on Buck,” Steve spoke up, hinting he go check on the other. “I know what she means to you as well us, it's OK.”  
Hearing Bucky step through the kitchen where she was studying over the oversized pumpkin and at this point trying to decide what to do with it. She really hadn’t thought this through, the thing was huge and was going to take a while to process, and when Bucky sat the other one next to it she really did realize she hadn’t thought this through.
Looking to the alpha who inched close, the timid creature gave a small smile. “I didn’t think this through,” she admitted as Bucky slipped behind her to pull flush, resting his chin on her shoulder.  
“It’s fine, Steve and I know what to do with them,” he breathed across her shoulder, nosing the soft flesh under her ear before giving it a chaste kiss. “These can wait, but you can’t doll,” his gravelly voice echoed before tugging her from the counter.
Bucky was far gentler with than Steve, the brunets lips pressed to the flesh under her ear, making her shiver. Pressing back into him apprehensively, Bucky gave a reassuring kiss to his bond mark along her hairline. “You did perfect, no need to be anxious,” he cooed, turning her to face him and shyly she buried her head into his shoulder. 
Lovingly he ran his hands down plump sides to thick thighs, looping his hands around the warm flesh before jerking them around his waist. He chuckled at her small yelp of surprise, legs wrapping tight around his hips and arms around his neck as he kissed pebbled flesh, metal arm looped under buttocks and the other around her torso.
Carrying her back to the sitting room, they were met by Steve who appeared to have finished and came to check on them. Without a thought the blond stepped towards them with a knowing smirk, pressing the shy alpha between them while Steve reached out to wrap a hand around Bucky’s neck to pull the alpha close.
Tenderly the blond pressed his nose into Bucky’s throat to flood his senses with an urgency to knot the alpha clinging to him, and Steve had no words for how excited this made him. Releasing Bucky, Steve done the same to her, except the blond raked fangs along her jaw, flooding his senses with even more longing that made his own need coil tight in his lower abdomen.  
“Such a shy alpha,” Steve chuckled low next to her ear, nuzzling at his own mark on her flesh. 
Both males were thankful this wasn’t the 40’s, and this was no longer illegal or frowned upon. As long as it was consensual, in certain states, fortunately New York; two males were allowed to mate one female, or one male allowed to mate two females.
Their situation was odd; not because they appeared as three alphas sharing the same space but were in reality a male and female alpha with a male omega in disguise.
There literally weren’t male omegas any longer thanks to genetic research. Male omegas accounted for many birth related fatalities in the world. Thankfully the rate of male omegas had dwindled but it caused a spike in female alphas, but none like the creature pressed between them. The two men had S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA to thank for that.
Easily, Steve guided them to the fireplace, the three sinking to their knees in front of the hearth where Steve had gone to keeping a fluffy pile of blankets and pillows for them. It appeared the blond had refreshed the small nest with clean blankets, last night having found the three a tangled mess of sweaty naked limbs in the pile. 
“You’ve had her all through your heat,” Bucky spoke hotly but still didn’t take her away from the blond whose hand found the hem of her shirt to run it along plump side. 
“As I remember, so did you,” Steve chuckled, meeting the others gaze as she kept her face buried in Bucky’s shoulder. 
“Don’t be such a punk,” Bucky snipped playfully taking the kiss Steve offered. 
“When it comes to her I will,” the blond smirked as they parted to give all attention to the shy creature between them. 
"Would you like me to knot you doll," Bucky spoke, feeling her nipping along his jaw and grinding against him. Bucky hadn't knotted her yet, not even when he took her with him to the shower after both helped Steve through his heat.
They both had been tired when the brunet had led her to the shower; Bucky knew she was sore. Her knot internal, locking Steve’s cock deep in her core while the brunet knotted Steve from behind. Bucky assured he himself was clean before turning to the naked female alpha with him in the shower, the two pulled close to scent one another, silently asking for permission as he done now. 
"Please, knot me," she whispered, moving as it was Steve who tugged the flannel off her and she leaned back on the blond to look up at Bucky with lust blown orbs.
"You don't know how long I have wanted you to tell him that," Steve spoke darkly in her ear, the blonds hand slipping into the back of the leggings she wore, toying with wet hole as Bucky’s fingers looped in the band.
Leaning down to place his lips to hers, Bucky whispered across them he would buy her another pair, making her gasp as he ripped them from her lower half while Steve pressed two digits into her. She whimpered and keened her neediness before Steve removed them, the zipper of Bucky’s pants exciting her.
"Alpha," Steve uttered quietly, meeting Bucky’s lust blown gaze, the blonds hand wrapping around the brunets cock to give it a stroke before lining it up with the shy alphas core. "Allow me to help."
Bucky lunged forward, taking Steve’s lips with a tang of copper as his cock sank into the woman pinned between them. The kiss only broke so the brunet to take her lips next, nipping hard with fangs to make them part.
Slowly Steve settled into the nest, holding to the alpha female who was panting heavily as Bucky fucked into the writing creature slowly. Bracing back on his heels, Steve rucked up the shirt along with the bra she wore to expose heaving breast, pinching and teasing a pert buds while nipping along her jaw to flood his senses with her ecstasy. 
She had never been knotted before, the thoughts of finally finishing the bond with Bucky had her begging for more as the brunet rocked his hips between thick thighs and Steve kneaded her breast. Impatiently, plump hips moved, panting when Bucky released her lips, stormy blue gaze holding hers until Steve uttered something ecstasy clouded brain didn't catch, but had Bucky looking to where his cock fucked into her. Hips jolted when warm fingers pressed against her clit, eliciting a wonton cry.
Gazing up drunkenly, watching a kiss between Steve and Bucky break before her head was jerked back for the blond to take her lips harshly enough to taste copper and Bucky. Steve was always needy, a bit rough at times but still gentle compared to others. The blonds tongue pressed it's way past sore lips to caress over her own tenderly while Bucky nipped the flesh along her jaw before Steve broke the kiss.
"Were going to finally make you ours sweetheart, you like that," Steve panted, fingers pressing harder over needy nerve to make her whimper while his other hand continued to knead her breast. Feeling the blond rut against her back as Bucky’s knot began to press into her made the desire to be knotted overwhelming.
"Yes," she whimpered, arms unraveling from Bucky’s neck for hands to brace against Steve’s thighs as the brunet moved more erratic, desperate, as she turned attention to the alpha before her. 
"Our shy alpha, all ours, all mine," Bucky growled across heated flesh before moving to take her lips, his hips slapping between thick thighs and feeling him nudge her cervix. Bucky was all alpha, Steve had nothing on the brunet who pressed her head back into the others hard chest as his knot finally worked its way in, making her break the kiss to whimper out at the burn it caused.
"Ok," Bucky panted in question, feeling her nod she was. Tenderly Bucky forced himself to slow, he didn’t want to hurt her, it was the last he wanted to do; to either of them.
Pushing back so the brunet could watch the woman close, Bucky was unprepared for the affection between their omega and the shy alpha he rocked his hips into. Tenderly Bucky observed Steve lean close to her ear, the blond cooing to the whimpering creature, assuring she was OK, encouraging her and pressing gentle kisses along marked neck. This was calming to Bucky, their omega being so caring over the other alpha in the group, it was an omega’s nature, and no cubs appeared to make nurturing stronger. 
The feel of her moving against his hips as before eased the brunets anxiety. Bucky moved to press his head into the crook of her neck opposite Steve who was still talking to her kindly. 
"I'm gonna-," she spoke so low neither almost heard. This was the first time ever not being able to control the need to cum. The care, the gentle motion of the alpha between her thighs, fingers pressing delicate nub and Bucky’s knot filling her was mind blowing.
"Go ahead doll," Bucky’s voice gritted, the alpha had been holding back for her.
The feel of velvet walls fluttering around his knot had Bucky spilling deep as they became locked together. This wasn't at all like either had been told this would go. First knots, they had been told were terrible, painful, but it appeared if an alpha cared enough he could disprove that.
She saw stars, breath hanging in her throat as thick body arched uncontrollably into Bucky and Steve who lessened pressure on overstimulated nerve. The feel of Bucky collapsing onto her shivering form had her going lax into Steve while the brunet peppered kisses along reddened and marked neck.
A shaky hand laced into her sweat matted hair, massaging the scalp as they felt Steve shifting from behind her for Bucky to lay them to their sides. Gingerly the brunet cradled her close, nuzzling under her neck, marking himself with her scent before doing the same to mark her.
The shy alpha was still except for her panting, Bucky feeling Steve moving her leg over his hip, assuring she was comfortable. Both had a feeling this had worn her out, first knots could do that. Tenderly Bucky shifted to watch Steve fret over her, the blond moving to mark her in his own scent and placing a hand to the one Bucky had laced into her hair to give it a squeeze.
Sitting back on his knees, Steve assured she was covered before getting up and disappearing down the hall. Moving to kiss over the shivering creature before him, Bucky couldn’t help but smile at the fact the bond was complete. The brunet couldn’t express how calm this made him, the shy creature nesting deeper into him to press her nose into his throat made him hold tighter.
In moments Steve returned, kneeling behind Bucky to speak to him. "I'm going to start dinner," the blond spoke, petting over her shivering form. “There’s clothes in the bathroom for both of you.”
Letting out a grunt he heard, Bucky only tugged her tight as if she was an omega in heat. Steve couldn’t explain how happy he was the two were taking to one another. So happy in fact, the blond had to change his own pants. Getting to his feet, Steve kept it quiet when he reached the kitchen so the two could rest.
As Bucky’s knot subsided, the brunet slowly rolled to his back, tugging the dozing alpha with him. Bucky looked up as the sleepy creature pushed up on his chest, the blanket pooling behind her as she sat up straddling his hips, hair a fuzzed mess that made him smile.
Looking around the room drunkenly, she spotted Steve in the kitchen cutting up a pumpkin. Heated hands flexed out over the alpha’s clothed chest under her, feeling him chuckle as she looked to Bucky and bed hair fell into her eyes.  
“Come here doll,” Bucky rasped, sitting up with cock still buried inside her to tug the shirt over her head and unclasp the bra bunched up under her chin. 
He could only smile as plump hips ground against him, the motion making him hard in moments. Tenderly Bucky wrapped a hand around the nape of her neck to pull her lips to his, the kiss gentle as hips rocked slowly. This time was slow, Bucky working his swiftly swelling knot back in place, making her pant out but this time she didn't tense in his hold as both finally came.
"God I can't get enough of you doll," Bucky whispered as she feel limp into his chest again, locked together once more. Slowly he nipped along her trembling jaw to flood senses and make him want more.
The flesh along her jaw was tender due to the men having nipped it every chance they had gotten when tangled together. It was to taste her arousal, nature's way of assuring the other was taking to the bond, scent mingling perfectly with theirs.
"I’ll go get you cleaned up when we release," Bucky murmured, feeling her nod against his chest. Kissing her fuzzed head as he tugged the blanket back over her naked body, calloused hand rubbing along sweat soaked spine for the shy alpha to melt in his touch.
It was a relief she was finally allowing the brunet to touch, let alone knot her. Leaning on the pile of pillows, Bucky rubbed over thick curves covered in the thin blanket, massaging the flesh and noting her dozing off once more. Laying his head back on the cushions, the shy alpha moved to rest so her nose pressed into stubbled cheek while Bucky looked into the kitchen to note Steve had made quick work of one of the pumpkins.
Stormy blue watched the blond as he moved about the area to realize both alphas had been at it for close to two hours. Giving a lopsided smile as he met Steve’s gaze, the brunet cradled the limp, dozing creature close as their omega stepped into the room to check on them.
"You done with her yet," Steve spoke up, stepping beside them to kneel, brushing disheveled hair out of her face. Steve leaned in to place his forehead to both theirs, nuzzling at the two gently.
"Sorry 'mega," Bucky whispered to Steve who paused, sensing the others apprehension at the thought he may have just betrayed their bond.
"For what? I love sharing you with her, this is perfect, you're both perfect," Steve reassured pressing a kiss to Bucky’s lips before doing the same to her. 
"Could you be any sappier," Bucky’s voice rasped, hand going to the nape of her neck to massage the flesh as she nudged along his jaw.
"I can actually, but I need you two to go get cleaned up. Dinner is almost ready," he smiled getting to his feet.
"Ready doll," Bucky asked the quiet alpha laying on his chest. Carefully she nodded as he placed metal arm under plump buttocks and another around her back as he got to his feet to head to the bathroom.
His knot releasing in the shower, the brunet fretted and worried over the shaky creature held close. Ensuring she was clean and clothed comfortably, Bucky scooped her into his arms to carry back to the kitchen. Without hesitation, she cuddled into the alpha as he done so.
Giving a gentle kiss, Bucky placed her on the bench next to Steve as he took a seat on her opposite side, positioning their new mate between them. 
"Pumpkin soup," Steve spoke up, wrapping his hand around her neck, careful of reddened flesh as she turned to take the kiss offered. The woman not expecting it to be so deep but went with it.
Reaching out to wrap her fist in the shirt Steve wore, the blond pressed her into Bucky who could only smirk. Steve could be aggressive like an alpha when the mood arose and apparently she warranted it.
"I'm the lady killer," Bucky chuckled as Steve released her to meet the brunets gaze.
"Hey, I love the ladies as much as you, her especially,” the blond spoke, remaining close so his lips tickled over hers. “Sorry alpha, I may love her more than you," Steve spoke, giving puffy lips another kiss before Bucky wrapped a hand around the front of her throat, stroking the soft flesh as he wrapped the other around Steve’s neck to take a hasty kiss before placing his lips to hers.
"It's just fine," Bucky began, pulling away but kept close, not releasing she nor Steve as stormy blue held her gaze. "She deserves it all," Bucky smiled, the three sharing a quiet moment before turning to the food on the table before them, their shy alpha nestled safely between them.
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It’s The Avengers (Halloween)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Halloween Special
For @devilbat ‘s Halloween Saga
Warnings: spoopy stuff?
Word Count: You ever have one of those days when you feel like ‘okay, I can live with my mental ailments. I’ll try to work on them and make the most of everything one day at a time.’ I had that. But then you know what my body did? It did ‘darn it! She’s gonna live normally through this? Oh noooo. We should do something! How about we make her tooth hurt incontrollably for the next one year! *cheer in a stadium* (-_-) Yeah. that happened.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The camera found Bucky walking out of the Dorms and into the lounge, his eyes on his phone as he walked right into a cobweb, his fight response suddenly bursting out as he flailed his hands to get rid of this cursed thing.
Bucky: *looks at the camera with a very tired yet deadly stare* Halloween.
Another camera by the entrance to the lounge caught Scott and Sam strutting in, a chortle leaving their lungs on watching Bucky struggle with the web. "Aha!" Sam clapped his hand in pure delight. "Looks like the web took its first victim."
"What the hell is this?!" Clearly, Bucky wasn't finding any of this funny, trying to jerk away remnants of the web stuck in his hair and on his metal arm.
"Your personal hell," Sam quipped.
"Shut up, Sam," Bucky hissed, while Scott tiptoed back to grab a ghoul mask from the kitchenette counter and put it on and come back to scare an unaware Sam.
Bucky furrowed his brows at Scott but didn't say anything, clearly wanting to see how it unfurled.
Sam was still teasing Bucky when Scott tapped on his shoulder and made Sam turn around to scream one high-pitched scream and punch him right in the nose.
Bucky: *smiles at the camera* Halloween
The Lounge, Later
"Oh my God! Ugh!"
You walked out in your PJs still not fully awake from sleep. The camera swivelled to the seating area to show Peter showing Loki how to make spooky pumpkins and ghoul jars. Both of them looked up to watch you shake your hand vigorously to get the cobwebs off them before walking towards them.
"Happy Halloween, Y/N!" Peter announced at the same time when Tony and Nat walked in with cartons of booze and snacks for the evening.
You rubbed your eyes and yawned a 'whatever' before coming to sit down next to Loki and take his mug of hot tea- which, as usual, was technically yours.
"Don't like Halloween?" Natasha asked you as she set down the stuff on the counter and took out a bottle of Kale juice from the mix.
"That juice is definitely scary," you replied, making Loki chuckle without looking up.
You: I've never celebrated Halloween before? Like partied or decorated with such fervour? I mean, *gestures at her surrounding* it's Halloween. The dead are supposed to rise today. What is the point of celebrating if you don't even get to see at least one ghost today?
*shrugs and shakes head* *sips tea*
Loki: I thought she was scared of ghosts. She had to sleep with Natasha the day we watched that movie about that scandalously ugly doll that... for some reason, a mother thought would be a good present for her daughter. *furrows brows with judgment and looks at the camera*
You: Oh! I'm definitely scared of ghosts. I just have no sense of self-preservation and love to make myself wet my pants in fear. Demons would be cool too. *nods*
"I'd rather see the dead rise," you commented.
"Keep up that attitude and one day all your exes will rise from their graves to pursue you once again," Tony stated, clinking his Kale juice bottle with Nat's. You turned to the camera and shuddered while Peter just shared a look of pure confusion.
"What about you, Loki?" Nat sat down and pointed her bottle at the God. "Ever celebrated Halloween before?"
Loki was already busy with a knife on the pumpkin in front of him. "Well, I have had the unfortunate luck of seeing my brother and father naked-" Tony looked at the camera with eyebrows raised in delightful surprise- "and also having to find out I was adopted, so...yes! I can say I have had the pleasure of celebrating all things terrifying.
You: *surprise still colouring your cheeks* *whispers* You really saw them naked?!
Loki: *looks at you before turning to the camera* I know I shouldn't have said that out loud.
You: *gasps* Can you still recall that memory? *winks at the camera* *presses her lips*
Loki: Oh my G- *scrunches her nose* *closes his eyes*
You: *giggles* Bet it's still vivi-
Loki: It's just like you walking in on Tony naked.
You: *goes blank for a second*
Loki: *smirks at the camera*
You: Oh my God! Ew! LOKI! *frowns with disgust*
Loki: *stands up and walks away*
You: Ew! Ew! Ew! I'm gonna kill you!
"We really need to get some Halloween juice in the two of you," Tony stressed.
"Oh, I'm already on it," Peter added, "Loki's helping me carve the pumpkins. Y/N is gonna take care of the decorations here in the lounge and then both of them are going to help Scott with the punch for the evening party."
You raised your mug in acknowledgement and leaned Loki's way to see what was going on with his pumpkin. The camera did not miss Tony's dad instinct on alert when he saw the space closing between the two of you.
"Huh," you affirmed the pumpkin carving, making Peter and the camera turn to watch Loki having carved a demonic face with the most daunting details- right down to the screaming faces on the horns.
"I love it," you complimented softly with a tender smile on your face turned towards the God, who mirrored your expression.
Peter, on the other hand, had his eyes wide at the pumpkin art.
Peter: *eyes still popping out* Well, that was not scary. At all. *chuckles* I can't believe I love it. *still chuckling* Even though it terrifies me so much.
Tony was literally counting the number of seconds you and Loki had been staring at each other since your compliment. "Okay-" he broke on the twenty-first second- "Y/N, decorations. Chop-chop."
"Right," you responded, your eyes still stuck on Loki, so was that smile, "I would need a Roomba. For...for decoration purposes. Ahem."
Loki raised his brow. Peter went blank with confusion. Natasha narrowed her eyes. Only Tony was the one who exhaled and tilted his head while looking at you.
"You're not drawing an ouija board on the floor," he declared and got up to leave the lounge.
"Mm-hmm." You replied flat.
You: I'm drawing an ouija board and the Roomba is calling ghosts tonight. *evil grin*
Tony: She's definitely drawing that ouija board if she's my daughter. *smiles in amusement* *looks at a distant void* *inhales* She really got my genes. *looks at the camera* *camera pans in* We're all gonna be royally screwed tonight. *chuckles*
 Three Hours Before The Party
The camera followed you towards the dorms with the generous amount of chunky black webs in your hands that glowed in the dark. Passing Loki's room you- and the camera along with you- saw the God sitting on his bed reading one chunky book, making you stop short and reverse to his room.
"What are you doing?" You came in and closed the door behind you and threw the question on him without any warning before jumping to sit on his bed.
Loki looked at you with his arched brow, still not putting the book down. "Don't you know how to knock?"
"Nope, I was raised without the concept of privacy," you responded flatly before pulling the book towards yourself. "So, why are you not out there helping Peter with...something?"
"I think Peter is doing fine on his own-" he pulled his book back, never even flinching the rest of his lazily- yet somehow still sophisticatedly- placed body on the bed- "and besides I don't see a point in being a part of this evening."
You screwed your nose in confusion.
You: *shouts* I hate Halloween *turns to camera* *normal voice* says the guy who made freaking amazing pumpkin art, two bowls of punch, with and without alcohol which look like the most disgusting liquids on this planet yet somehow taste like punch! Not to mention, he also created the most horrendous spiders and beetles for the spooky display while adding his magic thingy to make the bowls and cups of beverages to make them brew like freaking potions!!!!
*tries to take a lungful of breath*
And he has the audacity to say he doesn't like Halloween?! What the f-
"Who hurt you?" you had to ask.
Loki: A power-hungry figure who adopted me, a mother who didn't stand up against his selfish intents, a titan who wanted to take over the world, his army with daddy-issues that called themselves his children and the green guy who stomped me into the gravel five times like a rag doll. *smiles for the camera*
"No one," Loki replied, burying himself in his book.
"You sure?"
He didn't look up.
The camera watched you look at him with narrowed eyes before turning to look at the shelf of books, getting up from the bed, picking up one and coming back to lie on the bed with a floomf.
Loki lowered his book to watch you spread out on his bed with his copy of The Scarlet Pimpernel. A few seconds of him observing you be extremely quiet went by before he could not take it anymore.
"What are you doing?" he almost sang the question like a threat.
"Hm?" you aced answering the question innocently, "Nothing just reading."
"Oh, no reason. I'm really tired suddenly. I don't think I'll join others at the party tonight."
The book finally dropped.
"What is it with you?"
You pressed your lips and pretended not to hear anything, flipping the page.
Loki clearly had his patience tested for he took your book and held it in his grasp to get your full attention.
"I was reading that," you stated.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Because I like old adventure stories!"
"Now you're just getting on my nerves," he quipped, throwing both his and your copy on the bedside table, "stop acting like a tick just to make me scratch you where it itches."
You gasped quite lewdly, much to his surprise. "Kinky," you sang, making him look at you with equal amounts of disgust and amusement.
"Sweety," you addressed him, sitting up and moving close enough to have your knees brush with his, "I’m that itch that you can’t scratch all on your own. We both know that you can’t resist it much longer. Just give in, and let me make it all better."
Loki only blinked, the camera zooming in on his face that was trying to hide the trepidation behind that mild shock he just felt. It happened for only a second but his eyes darted towards your lips- that were stretched in a tender smile- before coming back to your eyes.
"So," you whispered to him, removing stray lint from his t-shirt, "what do you say, Loki?"
Loki looked up for a micro-moment, pursing his lips before wrinkling his brows. "I say we should probably worry you didn't just give a heart attack to someone outside that do-"
The bedroom door clicked open with a strong force, barging in a sweaty Clint being held at the legs by Peter and Scott- all of them toppling onto the floor in no graceful way.
"Woah," you gasped, "what's going on here?"
Scott and Peter groaned, helping a very reluctant- and angry- Clint up.
All three of them blurted out in unison, making no sense whatsoever.
"Who said demons?" Loki wondered out loud with pure judgment.
All three of them looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders.
"Just checking in that you guys are...okay," Clint explained with a burst of very discomforting laughter.
Loki cocked his brow at Clint, casually sitting up straight and extending his arm behind you like he was going to embrace you any moment. Clint, of course, noticed it all too well. "Why would we not be okay?"
"Yeah, Clint," Scott asked the archer, mirroring Loki with the crossed arms, "why would they not be okay?"
Clint looked at Scott with a burning bitch face that was ready to obliterate him right that second- something that made Scott back away with his tail between his legs.
"Because," he still had his eyes out for Scott, "I smelled something on fire."
"Your heart," Peter coughed. Loki snorted. You sat there trying to make sense of what was going on.
"Weeell," Peter stressed to grab your and Loki's attention, "you two suddenly went AWOL when you were supposed to help me out with the party planning so we thought we better check on you two."
"So," you intervened, looking at some distant void to make sense of it all, "why were you two at Clint's feet like you were dragging him away?"
"Oh-" Scott waived his hand indifferently- "we were getting him away from the door to give you two some privacy."
You mouthed an 'oh' in realisation while Loki looked at the camera.
Loki: At this point, I'm not sure if Y/N truly doesn't know what's going on or she just elects to ignore it. And this point I'm not sure if Clint is really that unlucky or he just waits in the vents somewhere to pop out the moment he thinks something's that's a big no-no is about to go down. *shrugs* And! At this point, I am very sure I am enjoying every bit of it. *smirks*
Y/N: I'm kinda worried about Clint. Does he miss his alone time with Natasha? Because that poor guy just tries to keep finding excuses to hang out with Loki. The other day Loki and I were trying to complete a Marlyn Monroe puzzle and we were just about to finish it. So, Loki was like, 'I'll give you the fingers, you give me the mouth,' coz we divided the whole thing in half. And I'm about to do it when suddenly *imitates explosion sounds* Clint is walking in with burning eyes, saying, 'I'll break your hand if you...' *pauses* that's it. He looked at the pieces and then looked at us and then stood there for quite some time before asking if he could play with us.
*turns her lips* *whispers* Poor guy.
 Halloween Party
The mix of orange lights and dim-lit corners truly brought up the flare of all the Halloween decorations. Wanda and Vision- dressed as Arwen and Aragorn- mixed up drinks for everyone. Tony showed off his post-workout torso in a Roman getup in gold- with the glasses. Pepper graced her swollen belly with a matching Roman dress in red- truly an eye-turner. Sam was G.I. Joe. Bucky was Jon Snow. Steve went for a serum-enhanced Sherlock Holmes- quite famous amongst the ladies the entire night. Pietro went for a Wild Wild West look while Clint was dressed as Captain America for the fun of it. Bruce chose to dress up as Fury- regretting it later that night when Fury showed up (which he did only because he was told about that dress up. Thor dressed up as one of the Valkyries. Rhodey brought in the party with his version of Hades- quite the attention grabber this one, especially with the crown made of small horns glowing like lava. Scott and Peter turned out to be huge fanboys of Captain Marvel, donning the look exactly to the star in the middle of her chest. Natasha graced the lounge with her presence and everyone howled and hooted for her take on Tony Stark- for which, Tony said, ‘he had never looked so hot and deadly ever before’. And you impressed everyone with the classic ensemble of Morticia Addams- bringing in the true queen of the darkness with your attire and that killer red lipstick.
"Ooh," Scott whistled, making heads turn towards the dorms, "and he is the Gomez to your Morticia?"
Loki was all decked up in the most perfect three-piece suit, all black with red inner lining and a tie to go with it.
"Wow," Wanda exclaimed, "you two make a great c-"
"Okay everyone," Tony announced, "time to get those spooky moves on the floor."
"Wait, no," Loki called out after Tony, "I'm Dracula. I'm supposed to be Bram Stoker's Dracula."
"But you look more like Gomez than Dracula, man," Sam responded, earning a nod from Bucky- a rare sight for the camera. And Sam.
"No, but I am Dracula," Loki stressed, gesturing at his costume, "though I'm not sure who added this tie and took away the cape."
Scott: *looking at Peter* Did you?
Peter: *shakes head* Did you?
Scott: *shakes head*
Both: *look at each other in confusion*
Scott: Did someone deliberately wanted him to look like Gomez?
Peter: *gasp of realisation* you mean to say there's a third shipper in town?
Scott: *gasps* *looks at an already panning camera with sheer thrill*
Pepper, who was busy with her glass of Safe Sex on The Beach, looked up to see Loki, her eyes going wide in excitement. "Oh my Gosh!" she shouted from the sofa where she was relaxing with a bowl of nachos, "you guys are the Addams! Morticia and Gomez Addams!! Hohohooo!"
"Oh, for the last time-" Loki rolled his eyes- "I am Dracula."
Pepper's smile was still frozen on her face- not as much in her eyes, though- when she replied in the flattest tone, "Did I fucking stutter?"
Tony shared a look with the camera, stretching one corner of his lips in fear.
The camera panned in on Loki's face drained of all emotions.
"I'm Gomez Addams," he finally announced, getting a cheer around the room.
"That's the same man who was in the movie we saw last night, isn't it?" Loki asked you in a whisper once he had taken you aside.
"Mm-hmm. Though the real Gomez is a really handsome husband with always the right words on his tongue to charm his dear wife."
Loki couldn't help but smirk.
"Aaand he's shorter than Morticia."
"Well, then allow me to make your night worth remembering my wonderful wife, Morticia, the most beautiful thing in this horrid night," Loki announced just like Gomez as he took your hands and kissed them.
"Oh Gomez," you responded with the same subtleness and whispering moans as Morticia, mimicking her movements to perfection, "you always know what to say."
"Come, dance with me my love," Loki carried on the character, adding to your joy, "let's show everyone else how it's done."
"Oh, Gomez! You irresistible fool!"
"Only for you, my love."
Both of you passed Tony, who tried his best to smile at the two of you, never letting that emotion reach his eyes before he caught the camera on him, changing the smile to a blank stare.
 You: *tousled hair* *buzzed on cocktails made by Wanda and Vision* *smiling like a goofball* *half laid out on the chair* *chuckles* *looks at the camera* Morticia to his Gomez. *flushed with embarrassment* *chuckles into hands*
Loki's Voice: Okay, come on. Let's get you to bed.
You: *happily opens arms for Loki to pick you up*
Loki: *walks into the frame without his suit jacket or dinner jacket* *helps you up* *watches you wobble* *decides to just carry you bridal style* *walks out of the frame* By the Norns, you're heavy!
Your voice: *angrily* Oye!
Loki: I'm never letting you do shots with my brother again.
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tarithenurse · 5 years
Cookies and Chaos - Halloween Challenge
Pairing: Loki x reader Prompt: 10 - “Okay, who’s raising the dead when I’m trying to sleep.” Contents: Quoted lyrics from James Brown’s “I feel good”, maybe some swearing, angst and panic, sweet and fluffy compensation, hints at smut. A/N: I’m not an expert on Halloween because it’s relatively new in the country I live in. Also I don’t bake because…the results are frankly disastrous. Still I hope this little treat is okay ;) Thanks to Devilbat for creating a challenge with fun prompts!
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Cookies and Chaos
Bustling around in the kitchen with the earplugs delivering your favourite tunes, it’s hard to keep the pessimism up. The scents of pumpkin cookies is starting to spread through the Tower’s shared kitchen as a sweet compensation for the creepy decorations Loki full-heartedly has adopted the use of – the entire holiday is perfectly suited for the god’s esthetic. Perfect, the time of year and doubly so Asgardian. Loathe as you might be to admit it, a huge motivation for your efforts today are fueled by him and an irrational craving for his approval and…well why think of his love when it’s out of reach?
*Woah!* The next song starts with a cheer that makes your hips swing. Oh yeah, you feel good. Brushing with milk and lemon. *Like sugar and spice* Sprinkles of cinnamon sugar. The “wizard hats” are ready to go into the oven with a promise of chocolate-oozing perfection.
You gather the dirty utensils, each item plonking into the sink on time with the beat as it fills with hot water. Soap bubbles dance on the surface, and you mimic them through the room to make sure nothing’s forgotten.
*And when I hold you –* James Brown croons and you join, “- in my aaaarms, my love can’t do me no ha-arm –“ The dish brush is a perfect mic as you and Mister Brown have a private kitchen-party. “And I feeeeeel ni-ice –“ You twirl joyfully.
You twirl joyfully straight into the hard chest of Loki.
Shit! You were supposed to have kept quiet, the guy’d been called in last minute by Strange for something and you’d promised yourself to let him sleep in after getting back at 7AM. Glancing up at his face with the perfectly sharp cheekbones, you can see how annoyed he is.
Cool hands reach out and pluck the music from your ears. “I woke up to a ruckus, little mortal, and I thought to myself…’Who is raising the dead when I’m trying to sleep?’”
Partially ashamed of having been singing out loud, but mostly pissed at his belittling comment on the quality, you ignore the voice in the back of the head which tells you to be meek. God or not, don’t come and insult me on my singing. Not that it is good, but it’s one of the things that brings you joy and makes you feel normal.
“Well, I’m sorry, bud!” You poke his chest with a bubbled finger (only then realizing the man is shirtless). “But I happen to be enjoying some baking time while singing. There are no death rituals or ghouls or whatever here…just delicious treats.”
An eyebrow arches and his calculative gaze takes in you and the surroundings. Oh damn. A smirk, dangerous and tantalizing, forms to show those perfect teeth and you know you’ve gone much too far. If only you could go back, but it’s too late now.
“Is that so?” he purrs, “the sounds I heard could be the wails of the souls eternally trapped in damnation…however a real summoning ritual would be much…much…different.”
With a snap of the fingers, the light leaves the room even though it’s the middle of the day and plunges the place into an unnatural darkness only broken by an acid-green glow from Loki’s hands. What? Is he for real?? A pattern appears on the floor as he motions with a sweep for you to stay still, and you do because you’re much too nervous to step on the glowing runes. Suddenly you recall how Thor once talked about Hela, the goddess of death, being their sister. Tony’s gonna kill me.
“You mortals have always been obsessed with death. With what lies beyond life,” the god hisses into your ear, raising the hairs on your body, “You do not fathom the true power of necromancy.” Deep-purple, translucent blobs are rising from the floor. “A few have been close to harness it but we, your gods, know the secrets.” Each blob is a skull that grins at you with empty eye sockets and clicking jaws and you know Loki has lost his mind and gone back to his old ways again. “The living do not control the dead…the dead tolerates the mortals.”
Step by step, you back away from the menacing god and the skeletons reaching for you with the boney hands. Poisonous colours flicker like demonic fire meant to melt the flesh from your bones, the heat already too much. But Loki advanced. Tall. Powerful. Dangerous.
“No…” It’s just a whimper leaving your lips. “Y-you can’t…you’re not a necro-“
“Necromancer? Perhaps not,” he grins menacingly, “but do not forget who my sister is or the purpose I had when I first came to this measly, little planet.”
There’s a gleam in his eyes you’ve never seen before in real life…but now it’s clear. The footage from Stuttgard. The madness is the same and it’s a craze that cannot be reasoned with, forcing you to turn to flee…right into Loki’s open arms. Thrashing in gut-freezing panic, your heart threatens to stop as his grip tightens around you and every thought in your mind is crushed with the exception of one: I just wanted him to make him happy.
Laughter withers, overgrown by soft murmurs – your name, apologies – and the embrace is no longer aggressively possessive but rather a gentle rocking interspersed by soothing strokes. Gone is the darkness along with the unnatural fire and the skeletons that had seemed to lust for your soul or…or…
“Shhh, my dove, shhh,” Loki kisses the words against the top of your head, “I am sorry. I did not mean to frighten you so, please forgive me.” He’s cradling you, sat on the floor with you in his lap. “I beg, do not cry…I love your smile and your voice…I love your wits and companionship…please forgive me.”
The words tremble, causing your to quiet down with surprise at the realization that you’ve never heard him sound so broken before. This is not a trick. No, Loki apparently does care deeply about your wellbeing, that he can see the error in his ways, and the normally sharp-tongued god is searching for a way to say that…
“With my life I will protect you and shield you from harm…I love you.”
What? The world stops along with your heart and breathing. Too afraid to believe it’s true, you force yourself to find his gaze and be swept into the whirl of pain, fear, hope, truth. Love. Nose to nose, forehead to forehead, his sincerity permeates the air you breath and seeps into your lungs, diffuses into your body to change away every lingering grain from the living nightmare he’d conjured, leaving behind a warmth that stands in contrast to the cool chest you’re pressed against. Reaching for his jaw with a trembling hand, you act without thinking and kiss him. Slow at first and so light that lips barely meet, but then you feel the response shudder his body and the press deepens to allow Loki’s tongue taste the seem before delving past your lips. Tasting. Exploring.
Allowing himself to accept reality, the god effortlessly repositions you to straddle his legs stretched out on the floor and he allows you to set the pace, to push him into a lying position free for you to admire while your hands create ripples of goosebumps and your lips swallow the softest of sighs.
Loki’s eyes are closed when you glance away for the briefest moment. “Hold the thought.”
A quick maneuver, a few steps, and the oven’s clock beeps just as you grab the mitt to pull out the finished pastries to cool. Oh! Cool hands skirt your waist, already skimming underneath the shirt.
“Do…am I forgiven?” Loki whispers in your ear and you can’t help but roll your eyes a bit because isn’t it obvious?
Letting him wait, you finish securing the kitchen from any mishaps in case you get distracted (while trying to stay as close to Loki as possible so he can feel your body against his). When you finally do turn to face him, his eyes are dark with need, but brows pinched with insecurity.
“You still need to prove just how sorry you are, my love.”
Your words are absorbed slow enough to see the stages he passes through before he pulls you close and steels your breath away with his lips, tongue, hands, and…oh god.
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dreams-in-blxck · 5 years
This is my entrance for @devilbat​ Halloween Marvel Madness Writing Challenge! 
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Pairing: Sebastian x reader
Prompt: #8 “You forgot to lock the cage.” “So?” “Darling, he’s a werewolf.”
Just fluff <3
New York’s autumn was always a mesmerizing season. Central Park painted with different shades of orange all over the place. The faint cold breeze touching your skin while walking down your street. One more block and you’ll be back in your apartment. You fixed your stuff that almost fell and kept walking. Opening the door you walked to the kitchen, leaving the groceries in the counter. Two arms wrapped around you “Hi baby” Sebastian whispered to your neck. “I got us some doughnuts” you said facing him and smiling. “God yes, thank you” he kissed you and let go of you. Sebastian was in a little break before going to start the production of another movie. “Let me call Blake” he said before going to your little boy’s bedroom. You served to cups of coffee and one of milk. You heard a pair of feet running towards you. “Mommy!” Blake called your name while hugging your legs and resting his head in your hips. “Hi baby! How was your day big boy?” You grabbed him by his abdomen and picked him up. “It was awesome, daddy and I played all day!” He said while explaining himself whit his hands. You sat him in the chair next to you. Sebastian sat after bringing the cups and doughnuts. “There you go little man” Sebastian sat next to you giving you a kiss in the head. You smiled to him. “Look mommy! I’m a fly!” Blake had to doughnuts as eyes while he was pretending to fly. Sebastian and you just laughed. You ate your doughnuts and kept talking about your day. 
It was Saturday, your day off, so Sebastian decided to take you and Blake downtown. You were walking down the street with Sebastian by your hand while his other was intertwined with your son’s. “Daddy! Daddy a Halloween store, can we go in? Please?” Blake stopped in front of the store “Yes buddy, let’s go” Sebastian walked you to the store. You saw Blake running to the funny costumes, while Sebastian and you looked over him. “Look this one” Sebastian gave you a sexy nurse costume and kept walking. You looked at it and rolled your eyes, you jogged to him and hit him playfully with the costume. “Smooth insinuation, Stan” you laughed and left the costume in a shelf before hugging Sebastian by his middle and went back to your son. “You like that one buddy?” You saw the werewolf costume he had in his little hands. “Yes mommy” “Let’s buy it then” Sebastian grabbed his hand and went to buy it while you walked in the store looking at the costumes. You looked again at the sexy nurse one and chuckled. 
It was almost midnight, you were all hanging in the couch watching a movie, Blake siting in the rug by your feet and Sebastian holding you close to him, your head in his chest. His hand caressing your back. You were going to grab some popcorn but the bowl was empty. “You want anything?” Sebastian shook his head before you went to the kitchen. You opened the cabinet and grabbed the popcorn bag pouring some in the bowl. You came back to the living room to find it empty. “Guys?” You called them out. The tv still playing in the background. “Boo” you jumped at your now werewolf son. “Oh my god! A werewolf!” Blake started to howl and run behind you. “Seb, help me!” Sebastian came out of your son’s room with a cape on his back and a plastic sword. “What are you doing to my wife?” Sebastian was chasing Blake now, he was all giggles. Suddenly Sebastian grabbed Blake and throw him on his shoulder. “No!” He was laughing while trying to tickle Sebastian. You all went to your son’s room and Sebastian throw him in his crib. You turned around back facing Blake“Oh, thank you my beloved husband” you throw yourself to Sebastain. “You’re my hero!” You both smiled when you heard the little grunts of Blake while he was escaping his crib. “Seb, you forgot to lock the cage?” He had his hands on your hips. “So?” “Darling, he’s a werewolf” Blake howl and started to run after you. You ran and laughed. 
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redfoxwritesstuff · 5 years
600 years (Loki x ofc)
Hello! As you likely noticed, I mucked up my posting schedule so Dust is getting a skip week. This is for @devilbat and their Halloween Marvel Madness Writing Challenge using the prompt:  “You look the same as you did 600 years ago.” “Thanks. I have a great skin care routine.”
Loki x ofc, Rating: Mature 
warnings: aftermath of extreme violence
This one shot picks up right after Loki’s end in Infinity War. 
Summary: Thor was picked up by a passing ship however the rescuers assumed everyone else was dead. Loki floated, clinging to life in the void of space. A better time to think over his greatest regrets and remember the warm smile of the woman he had cared for 600 years ago? It is with her memory he intends to comfort himself as he waits for death. Turns out, death had a scheduling conflict.
600 Years
When one’s neck is broken and their bodily systems barely functioning, there is little else to do but think while one waits for death. He couldn’t close his eyes, it seemed his whole body was paralyzed. It made sense, he could remember the sound his neck had made when it snapped. Time seemed endless, no different than the vast nothing around him. With so much nothing, he had nothing to do but think while he waited for death to take him.  
He didn’t want to think of the pain he’d suffered in the last ten years. It wasn't worth the heartache to think of the betrayal of the man he thought of as his father. It wouldn't do to dwell on how unfair it was that he should die only now, when he was beginning to rebuild a relationship with his brother.
He didn’t want to think of the horrors he had seen. Not in what he expected would be his final moments. Instead, he turned his mind back through the years and settled on one of the few truly happy memories he had. By the gods, he could still see her face as clearly as if it were yesterday.  
“Come, Loki.” She ran, fingers wrapped around his hand.  
Her red hair was a mess of waves, tied back with a green ribbon he had gifted her a few days prior. Odin would surely chastise him for letting a human drag him about by his hand but Loki couldn’t find it in himself to care in the moment. Her green eyes sparkled as she ran along. He could overtake her, out run her with hardly any effort but he allowed himself to be dragged along just the same.   
She had something she wished to show him. It was likely mundane but he couldn’t managed to be annoyed with her. Aileen was something unique, even among her people. While Thor, Loki and Odin were worshiped as Gods by these people, Aileen was different. Her devotion was to Loki alone and maybe that was why he was so forgiving of her eagerness to waste his time.  
Loki wasn’t an idiot. Far from it, even so long ago. If he could smile, floating in the void of space while his mind was in the distant past, he would have. Even then, Loki had known he was telling himself lies.
She had dragged him to a field of wild flowers. The deep green of the grass stretched out in front of them as the trees gave way. The sky was a bright blue and the sun was shining down on the field. Blue flowers of all shades dotted the ground. Some were small, others rather large. The field went on until the cliff face dropped, giving way to peaceful rolling ocean.  
It was beautiful, even Loki could admit it but there was something far more beautiful in the field.  
She had been brought to his attention almost ten years ago, dancing on the line of a woman and a child at the time. She was the only of her village to declare herself to Loki and only Loki. She didn’t bow to Thor, nor to Odin or even Frigga. She bowed to him alone, though she faced ridicule for it.  
Loki had always showed her favor whenever Odin would bring them to Midgard and that was fairly often at the moment. For whatever reason, their father was going through a benevolent period in regards to the youngest of his subject realms. Once Loki had her, he found himself minding these trips less and less.  
“It’s a field.” His voice was lost in the wind, yet the way she smiled at him left no doubt that she had heard him.  
“It’s been blessed.” Her voice was soft, far softer than any flower’s petal.
“Not by I.” She pulled him out, fingers still wrapped around his hand.
“Not by any god.” She laughed.
Even now, floating in that cold void, waiting for his brain to shut down, his heart to beat the last time, he could hear her laugh. It was more akin to the sound of bells tinkling than the hearty laugh of many of the women in her village.  
“Than how has it been blessed?” He asked. They were at the center of the field now and finally she let go of his hand. He watched as she spun and danced in a sea of flowers.  
“By the sun.” She held her hand above her. The long, flowing sleeve of her dark green dress fell to expose her slender pale arm. She then cast her arm out, waving at the ocean waters beyond the cliff. “By the great sea.”  
“Those are but the natural forces of the world.” Loki was well aware she knew better.
“And yet, are we not a blessed people to have them?” She smiled and he shook his head. He wouldn’t say it, but he knew it was she her people were blessed to have.  
He wondered what had ever become of her. For a few short years, they had visited Midgard every few months. Than it became every few years. He had watched as she grew from a girl at the cusp of womanhood and into a young woman any man would have been lucky to have.  
Had she married? The last time he had seen her, she hadn’t yet though she was well of age. He’d only gotten to see her a handful of times after she had shown him the field of flowers.
Once he had told her he’d loved her. She had said she loved him and he had known it was more than the way the rest of the villagers loved the Gods. She had loved him in the way a woman loved a man. And he, her. He’d sworn that he would go to Asgard, speak to his father and they would be together. She would be his High Priestess and he, her God. She would be his wife and he, her husband.
But war came to Asgard. A few days had become weeks and months before he even noticed. Human lives were fleeting and he had spent what would amount to years of her life on the battle field offering strategic aid that more often than not was ignored.  
When he next found himself standing in the field of blue flowers, she was surely bouncing grandchildren on her knee. Or at least, Loki had hoped. Now, floating and waiting for death to take him, Loki found himself wishing he had been strong enough to make sure she had at least had a good life.  
Black consumed his vision or perhaps it was simply that he had shifted in the void and no longer could see any distant stars. It didn’t matter. He’d had a long life. A hard life and maybe he was ready for it to be over.  
He was aware of warmth before any other senses came to him. It confused him but it could be that what came after death was warmth. There was no way to know how long he was aware of only warmth but he paid time no mind. Time didn’t really matter anymore.  
Sometime later, how long he couldn’t even begin to say, he became aware of sound. First it was a slight breeze running through the space, though he could not feel it. Than it was a voice, familiar and yet he couldn’t place it. It didn’t feel important enough to place, in the moment as it hummed a sweet song. The sound was hardly there, as if carried on a fleeting breeze and gone the next moment.  
He became aware of the weight of a blanket over his form, a soft mattress under him and a too fluffy pillow propping his head. He realized he was in fact somehow alive. The aches in his body had returned but they felt dull and far away though he still couldn't open his eyes or twitch a finger. Sometimes, coppery liquid would drip into his mouth, cool and wet.  
He was beyond weak still and spent much of his time unaware and asleep. When he was swimming so close to consciousness, he would wonder how long he had been where ever he was. It felt safe. Surely, Thanos wouldn’t give him a soft bed and nurse him to health after breaking his neck.  
Eventually, there was a lucidity when he woke that was a stark contrast to what had been. There was light and dark that he could pick up even through his closed eyelids. It felt like it took all the strength he had to crack open his eyelids.
The room was sparsely furnished and that was putting it rather kindly. A groan slipped out of him as he pushed himself up. Casting his eyes around, he found that rather than just a room, he found himself in what appeared to be a two room hut. There was a lamp in the corner with one dim bulb casting light into the space.  
Through a door standing open was a bathroom though he hesitated to call it as such. From where he propped himself up on the bed, it looked to hardly have enough room to serve its most basic purpose. There was a two burner stove that looked to run off gas. A small chill box was next to a thin counter and a sink with a board balanced across.  
The space was small and cramped- just hardly big enough for one person to live in though in most cases he would hesitate to call it living. A chair was piled high with clothes and assorted personal items. Except for that and the bed he was on, there wasn’t anywhere else to sit.
The bookshelf next to him offered no clues about who had been caring for him. The writing on the books told him he was likely in Midgard, though how he had ended up there was a mystery. Hell, he didn’t even know how he could be alive yet somehow here he appeared to be.  
His limbs felt like they had weights attached as he dragged himself and swung his feet to the ground. The soft fabric of loose pants clung to his legs. The ground wasn’t offensively cold as his feet touched the worn wood floor.  
A breeze pushed the airy curtains through a window with no glass, caressing his exposed chest. The breeze was clean and fresh, something he missed when in many places through Midgard. He could feel how badly his hair needed a wash and would give anything to bathe but first- he needed to find answers.  
When he stood, black swam through his vision for a moment and he was sure he was going to hit the bed again. When it receded, he made his way through the small room, inching toward the door. Everything hurt. Every muscle ached.  
Stepping outside, he found a field of dark green grass that stretched to the drop of a cliff that looked achingly familiar. Above him, clouds moved lazily by in black masses against the velvet blue night sky. The moon was full between the clouds, casting her cold light on the world below.
Blue flowers dotted the ground on either side of the worn path he was dragging himself along. The coastline felt so much closer than it should have been. His heart pounded in his chest as he told himself he couldn’t be here. Anywhere but this cliff.  
For so long he had avoided this place, though he wouldn’t have admitted it to anyone. Perhaps it was another cliff, somewhere similar.  
He almost didn’t see the woman standing at the cliff. Though he regretted to admit it, his attention was far more focused on taking in the surroundings. She was standing so still that she was easy to miss.  
But when the coastal wind blew,  loose waves of red hair floated to the side. The skirt of her dress, a green that almost matched the grass she stood on, danced above her knees. One slender arm reached up, pulled the waves from in front of her face and tucked it behind her shoulder and ear. He could see nails painted dark and a ribbon tied around her wrist with a neat bow.  
“Who are you?” He called out and when she didn’t answer he added, “Where am I?”
“You’re awake.” She finally answered without turning to face him as he drew closer still. The sound of her voice made ice run through his veins only to be replaced by a rage fueled fire an instant later. “I’d worried that you’d not wake at all.”
“Face me.” He ordered and she did but he didn't believe what he saw. “Show your true face, witch.”
“I’m no witch though that would indeed be useful.” She mused, eyeing him. “Relax, won’t you? You’re so very weak still.”
“Who are you?” She stepped closer, unafraid even as a dagger shimmered into existence. He’d not show it, but the small magic alone left him feeling drained.  
“Who do you believe me to be?”  
“She’s dead, has been for centuries.”
“Have I been?” She asked, cocking her head to the side only to have the wind shift and blow more strands of red across her face, destroying the moment of elegance. He couldn’t begin to explain it but she appeared wholly unconcerned with his dagger. Instead, she looked around her and smiled. “This field has been blessed. Not by you, my God but by the Sun and the Sea. Most importantly, it has been blessed by me.”
“Aileen.” The name slipped from his lips without his consent. There were beings who could do terrible things with a name alone. “Who told you that?”  
“I told you that.” She walked up to him, unafraid. “You fell from the sky and landed in the ocean not far from here. It was simple curiosity that drew me out to see what caused the splash and I’m beyond thankful that I did. You’ve been asleep for almost three weeks.”
“How am I still alive?” He didn’t expect her to have am answer, truly.
“I do not know how you survived getting here or from where you came. I wasn’t sure you’d survive the first few days, then I feared you wouldn’t wake at all.” She admitted and Loki wondered how it was possible that she was there. “I’d never thought I would see you again, after centuries. Then you where there, in New York and gone again. I’m sure once you’re healed, you’ll be gone once again.”
“How am I still alive?” She finished when the words seemed to catch in his throat. “It doesn’t matter right now. You should be resting more, you’re still weak.”
He didn’t want to admit that she was right. Still, when her delicate hand wrapped around his arm, he allowed her to lead him back inside the small hut. His mind was far too busy trying to piece together what was happening and what it meant. This couldn't be real.
“Your hands are cold.”
“As is your arm.” She said as they crossed the threshold. “You’ve always been colder than most.”
“But you were not.”  
She sighed and admitted, “You’re right. I am different now. I have been for a very long time.”
“Tell me, how is it possible that you look the same now as you did 600 years ago?” Loki again pressed as he sat heavily on the bed.  
“Thanks, I’ve got a great skincare routine.” She laughed at her own joke before understanding that he wasn’t going to let it go. “Shortly after you left, our village was attacked by beasts of the night. They would come and steal the lifeblood from their prey, night after night. Our numbers dwindled as others fled.” She sat on the bed next to him, picking at her fingers.
“I remained, even as my father abandoned me. You had said you would return for me and I couldn’t bring myself to leave. One night, the beast came for me. I prayed as he sank his teeth into me. I prayed to my god to give me strength and rolled the man beast off of me. He landed in the fireplace and my life was spared.”
“And how are you still alive now?” Loki pressed. “What does that have to do with now?”
“I was the only one to survive the beast’s attacks. I thought that was the end of it, and for a while it seemed to be. But then, I began to change and became the monster that had driven my friends and family from our home. I wasn’t always able to retain my sanity and at times I was no better than the beast who attacked me. Years ticked by and I waited for you. Soon, centuries passed and I remained standing in place as time moved on without me.”
“What medicine had you given me?” Loki watched as she tensed up.  
“It’s unimportant. It healed you. I couldn’t stomach the thought of watching you die.”
“I assumed you’d grown old and died.” Loki admitted. It pained him to think that she had suffered this condition he only was now learning of for so long alone.  
“Why did you not come back? Had you changed your mind?” She asked before shaking her head. “It doesn’t matter, forget I asked.”
“Asgard went to war for nearly a century. When I was able to return- I assumed it was too late.” She nodded at his words.  
“You should rest. There is food should you hunger. I must leave for now but I’ll return by morning.”
“Why?” Loki felt weariness pull him down. He didn’t want to sleep now but his energy was draining. There was an ache in his neck that went deep down to the bone and the longer he sat, the harder holding his head up became.  
“To feed.” She answered as she stood.  
“I don’t understand. You said there was food here?” With a firm hand she guided Loki back on the bed as he spoke.  
“You need not worry, all will be clear in time. The food here does nothing for me. I am a beast now.”
Once he settled on the bed, she spread the blanket over him. With another urge to get rest, she turned and pulled the shutters closed on the window before stepping out into the night. Part of Loki wondered if he should be gone before she returned but sleep claimed him again before he could give it much thought. 
Tag List: @0-0-0-0-0-0-0-7, @theoneanna, @alexakeyloveloki, @toozmanykids, @j-u-s-t-4, @missaphrodite23, @winterisakiller, @bambamwolf87, @queenoftheunderdark, @nonsensicalobsessions, @tinchentitri, @xoxabs88xox, @wegingerangelica, @myoxisbroken
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devilbat · 5 years
Halloween Marvel Madness master list
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This is Halloween by @lucantis
Cookies and Chaos by @tarithenurse
Horror Movies Are Not My Cup Of Tea by @mandywholock1980
It’s The Avengers (Halloween) by @maladaptive-ninja-returns
600 years by @redfoxwritesstuff
Tom Hiddleston:
Many Parts by @catsladen
Steve Rogers:
Not in Kansas anymore. By @multifxndomtrxsh
Werewolf by @dreams-in-blxck
You Smell like a Corpse By @alex-wriets
Crushed Pumpkins & Delicate Hope by @lokikingofasgardslover713
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devilbat · 5 years
Halloween Marvel Madness.
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This year I’ve decided to host A writing Challenge. Devilbats Halloween Marvel Madness Writing Challenge. Just pick your character or actor and then choose what you are going to write, and I can’t wait to read them. Let’s get the rules out of the way.
You don’t have to follow me to join the fun, but it would be awesome if you did!
Drop me an Ask with who you would like, the numbers and if you want it spoky-ish, angst, fluff and or smut.
Due date is November 1st
When you post send me a message and tag me @devilbat as well as #dbhalloweenmadness
Only two people per-prompt/Movie This may change later on. Smut is aloud just put the proper warnings in(like dub-con, non-con, trigger warnings etc.)Just NO Thorki, or under aged (if writing smut) characters.
Please reblog this, signal boost is alway awesome.
After everything is said and done, not only I will make a master list and post it to my blog but I’ll read and reblog each entry. I’m looking forward to reading what you wrote. I love the autumn/Halloween. Can’t wait to see what everyone writes.
Promt List:
1. You smell like a corpse. Trust me, I’d know.” @just-a-borb-author with Clint and Natasha
2 “No, I don’t tend to keep cyanide in my pantry, let alone in the amounts you’re after.” @jpat82
3 “How long have you been dead?” “300 years.” “Damn. Guess I missed the funeral then.”
4 . “Have you lived under a rock the past three years?” “YES! I WAS LITERALLY UNDER A GRAVESTONE.”
5 “Bite me!” “No thanks. I’m trying to go on a diet.”
6 “How did you manage to get us lost in a corn maze?”
7 “You have to go! Run!” “From what?” “Me.”
8 You forgot to lock the cage.” “So?”“Darling, he’s a werewolf.” @dreams-in-blxck with Sebastian
9 “What are you so afraid of? You’re already Dead!”
10 “Okay, who’s raising the dead when I’m trying to sleep.” @tarithenurse
11 “Wait! Don't move, that's a perfect picture of you laying in the leaves!” @cookie-cherry with Peter Parker
12 “Who’s hands are these!”
13 “I came in here expecting a trick, but you’re a real treat.”
14 “Dancing upon those graves, might not be a good idea.”
15 “Can you help me pick out my costume for the Halloween bash?”
16 "NO WAY! You are not kissing me with clown make up on."
17 "Where did I put my costume? I can't answer the door in my underwear." "Well you do look rather scary."
18 “I can see it in your eyes. Smell it on you even. You’re terrified of me. How pretty.” @klbates22 with Hiddleston/Loki
20 “Trick or Treat!”“Oh, hello! We have a bunch of bowls here, so just pick whatever treat you want and put it in your sack--”“Can...can I put you in the bag?”
21 “Is that a pumpkin carving tool in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” @multifxndomtrxsh with Steve Rogers
22 “Tea is way better than cocoa,”
23 “Honey, I’m all Pumpkin Spice lattes and plastic bats,”
24 “If you say Halloween one more time-” “You’ll kiss me,” @lucantis with Loki
25 “Are you telling me I have an obsession with pumpkins?” @lokikingofasgardslover713 with Steve and Bucky
26 “I’m that itch that you can’t scratch all on your own. We both know that you can’t resist it much longer. Just give in, and let me make it all better.” @maladaptive-ninja-returns with Loki
27 “Don’t ask how much i spent on my costume, just appreciate it,”
28 “How many caramel apples do we need? Two? Twenty? Four hundred? I’m buying four hundred.”
29 “I drank a gallon of cider all by myself. I regret nothing.”
30 "I don't do horror movies- no, puppy dog eyes are against the rules, you can't make me- fine, I'll watch a scary movie with you" @mandywholock1980 with Steve
31 “why do we have flea dip? We don’t own a pet.” “Yeah and the full moon is tonight.”
32 “You look the same as you did 600 years ago.” “Thanks. I have a great skin care routine.” @redfoxwritesstuff with Loki
33 “Did you seriously injure yourself carving a pumpkin?”
34“Can you please help me carry this pumpkin inside my house. It’s like three times bigger than me.”
35“Oh, pumpkin spice. You make me so happy. You’re the love of my life.”
36 “There’s nothing quite as satisfying as stepping on a super crunchy leaf.”
37 “I’m going to presume that dead body in our garden is a decoration.”
38 “If you carve a dick on this pumpkin, I swear to god.”
Classic Horror Movies: (like the song prompts)(on another note I will be writing one shots to these aswell.)
1. Phantom of the opera
2. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
3. Frankenstein
4. Creature from the Black Lagoon
5. The Wolfman
6. The Mummy
7. The invisible Man
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