#dbh ap700
starryeyedstray · 4 days
i have this headcanon that the first ap700 that connor tries to interface with at cyberlife stays "awake" even after connor is interrupted from converting him. so like he's just standing there awkwardly hearing a bunch of shit go down behind him but unable to move or do anything. and then he remembers the exchange after he deviates and is just like--
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marcusrobertobaq · 10 months
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enkisstories · 6 months
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The sand in the VR landscape didn't feel like sand, but like the Millers' apartment floor, so Timothy spread two woolen blankets out when Chris and Susan announced that they wanted to "cloudgaze" at the simulated sky above their heads.
Himself he picked up two spoons. Then he held his hands out towards the bonfire (that was positioned where in the real world their kitchen table stood) until the "firedance" icon appeared. Tim activated it and immediately his avatar seemed to hold two burning sticks that synchronized with his movements. No heat whatsoever got generated, of course.
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Timothy: No heat... no risk of catching fire... this isn't real. No, real it is, just not tangible. I'm spending time with my humans, I will generate memories of our time together, so how could this not be real? Feelings are real. In fact, thoughts and feelings are the only things that are real! I'm real. I... am. I ... am... Timothy. Timothy Miller!
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And with that, there was no denying it anymore. Tim was a sentient creature. His masters could still order him to perform tasks though, or stop him from doing whatever it was he was doing at any given moment.
The order Tim was under currently was “Find out of you enjoy VR”. Their android’s preferences mattered to the Millers, that much was obvious. But it was still an uncircumventable order...
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kayla1507 · 2 years
Map Swap: CyberLife Construction Site // Detroit: Become Human Mod
Ellelebe and Cereal on Instagram taught me how to swap maps.
This time it's CyberLife's warehouse relocated on a construction site (Todd's street). Don’t expect me to explain how they ended up there lol.
Custom textures + swaps were made with deadray.com/detroit.
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kissoflightning · 11 months
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✅️Stay here
❌️Go back
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iwonderwh0 · 7 months
Relationships between kids and androids are greatly overlooked by dbh lore. We only see Kara in a situation where she is the best thing that ever happened to Alice (let's pretend she's human here for the sake of the argument). But influence of androids to kids life may not always be all that positive. And not just because kids become dependent on their new toys, but because those androids have feelings and emotional needs of their own, and it just makes it all sooo so fucked up.
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onlylowercase · 2 years
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also this connor is connoring
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bleedingviolet · 2 years
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aylixrum · 2 years
Maybe once or twice during the course of her life Clarke Hattonroth questioned the reasons for her existence — she’s only human after all. As a head programmer and skilled mechanic for Cyberlife, Clarke has a promising future ahead. It could’ve gone smoothly hadn’t it been for the rise of deviancy.
But who is she kidding really? Between the doubts in the back of her mind and the impair relationship with her estranged sister, take your pick. Deviancy only came to be another stir to help finally crack her fragile notions right before her eyes. Because life hasn’t been perfect, it hasn’t even been fine far too long.
In a divided city AP700, also known as Meg, must find a way out. When everything she cares about is taken from her, the android must find something to fight for in order to survive. The new reality she finds herself in is foreign, unforgiving, and no matter how much willpower Meg puts into it, she can’t do it alone.  
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                                       [ 𝘾𝙇𝘼𝙍𝙆𝙀 𝙃𝘼𝙏𝙏𝙊𝙉𝙍𝙊𝙏𝙃 ]
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                                         [ 𝘼𝙈𝙔 𝙃𝘼𝙏𝙏𝙊𝙉𝙍𝙊𝙏𝙃 ]
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                                                 [ 𝘼𝙋700/ 𝙈𝙀𝙂 ]
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starryeyedstray · 3 days
have another dbh headcanon: because the ap700s that connor converts have no prior experience with what humans are like, the only reference they have is the internet. so they become like the gen z/alpha of androids and they're like influencers and shit bc the only thing filling their heads is internet brain rot LMAO
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marcusrobertobaq · 11 months
I forgot to mention something last night. Remember the debate on "how did the other teams converted androids in Capitol?"
Simply: Probably wasn't needed.
I noticed some androids seem to deviate on sight (no interfacing needed) when they're boutta get rescued:
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When the other androids start breaking the glass (doin what u did), other rescued androids automatically join Jericho without interfacing.
So yea, i think that's how the other teams (Simon's and Josh's) got more androids to join Jericho - unless they didn't broke any store to rescue androids in the first place.
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enkisstories · 6 months
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Timothy: "If this is just an overlay over reality, that means we cannot go to the beach, on account of it really being the apartment across the floor, right?"
Susan: "Correct on principle, but we can move the landscape closer to ourselves! Like..."
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Susan: "...this!"
Chris: "We can't enter the water, though. Or rather, enter it we could, but not feeling the waves would break the illusion so bad, that I wouldn't want to do it."
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Chris: "So, how do you like VR?"
Timothy: "I honestly have no idea. But now I understand how your baby is feeling when you feed him something new and he is uncertain whether he likes it or not. Can we, perhaps, stay for a while longer?"
Chris: "Not for too long, seeing that we have to work today. But Susan's subscription is good for the whole family, including androids. Now that you're registered, you can return here whenever you feel like it."
Timothy: "I’d rather not, Chris. If there's one thing I'm absolutely certain of, than that is that I don't want to be here on my own."
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negative-citadel · 7 months
Writing Patterns
Oml, I have a terrible memory disorder and almost forgot to do this - sorry lol
Tagged by @sunwarmed-ash & @sweeteatercat <3 <3
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
(I'm not gonna include silly collabs lol)
Choices were already made. - This is Who We Are (DBH)
There she was, alone, without any form of human companionship.  - Make this World Seem Right (Interstellar)
“How did it go?” Eager brown eyes asked. Connor was as nosey as ever as he sat at the desk across from Hank’s. The android seemed completely distracted from work. - More Than Complicated (DBH, part 2 of Complicated)
Connor was more than prepared. Hidden in his jacket was a set of stakes, a vial of holy water, and a small jar of garlic cloves. The vampire hunter always completed his mission - no matter how difficult. This time would be no different. Connor held his crossbow close to his chest. - Lose Your Way (DBH, RK1K Week)
A small, but safe, smile formed across Markus’s face. Finally, after everything he had gone through, the RK200 could relax, away from all the world’s chaos. Sitting up on the rooftop, Markus watched the gentle snow trickling down from the sky. The gentle winter breeze was surprisingly welcoming as Markus remained in place, watching the distant surroundings of a noisy Detroit. - Company (DBH, RK1K Week)
There was nowhere safe to retreat to. - Marbles on Glass (DBH, RK1K Week)
Hank rolled his eyes as a certain detective arrived on the scene. “ Great , now we have to deal with this prick…” He grunted under his breath as Connor remained unphased by Detective Reed’s presence.  - Kinda Complicated (DBH)
Lieutenant Reed glared at his phone, checking the time. Displayed in the bright white font, he was able to read it - 13:06 October 7th, 2040 . He let out a long, tired sigh before he finished his cigarette. Glancing back at the public crime scene behind him, he watched as the forensic team was beginning to wrap things up. - Shoot Before You See the Target (DBH, Part 2 of Pretend This is Gonna End Well)
Deviant related crimes hadn’t stopped at murder and assault. It almost seemed a waste of time, but Connor found himself investigating a CyberLife shipping facility where the disappearance of six AP700 models had been reported. The warehouse amongst the docks was a massive complex dedicated to transporting androids and android parts across the country. - Fix The Error (DBH)
 “Could you be any more obnoxious?” Gavin sneered at Tina as he kept his hands well buried in his jacket. It was fucking cold out, yet here he was - convinced to visit an amusement park in the middle of December. Unlike Tina, Gavin was not amused by the Christmas lights strung throughout the park. - Wheel (DBH)
Do I have a pattern? Hmmm, mayhaps. Might need it pointed out to me.
Tagging you guys, but don't feel obligated if you don't want to <3
@kissoflightning @edgarthepc
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violet27writes · 8 months
'What we do Now' (DBH: Role Swap)
It was a massacre. 
Blue stains were seemingly everywhere, as were broken parts of Androids. Mostly AP700s, which had all been named ‘Jerry’ so Master didn’t even have to try to tell them apart.
But Connor felt no fear as he walked into the kitchen. He wasn’t scared as he soundlessly closed the door behind him and pushed a rolling cart in front of it for security.
No feelings as a hand grabbed his ankle and it took everything in him not to cry out. (Androids don’t have emotions)
He looked down and felt a little better when he recognized who it was. “Jonathan.”
The older HJ400 model Android definitely looked worse for wear, thirium covered his clothes in patches, along with some smears on his head. His LED was flashing between a worried yellow and severely stressed out red. A quick, sub-conscious scan revealed that he had been damaged, but not beyond the point of repair.
“Connor, I need you to listen very carefully.”
As if he hadn’t been already. He nodded anyway, kneeling down.
The older Android continued, “You already know what’s happening, so there’s something I have to tell you-“
The sound of crashing and yelling reached both their audio sensors, Connor stiffened as Jonathan’s LED became a solid red.
That was him. Their Master. The one who was destroying any Android he came across in his blind rage. 
Connor thought he’d be safe here. He’d already been here, after all. He was wrong. He was wrong and he was going to die because of it.
Jonathan grabbed his shoulder. “Get down. Hide your LED and turn off your audio sensors.” He whispered harshly.
“That’s an order, Connor!” He said, grabbing the newer Android’s face and holding it tight.
Connor obeyed. Jonathan let go.
He got on his stomach and made sure to put the right side of his head on the ground, effectively blocking off the light from his LED. He shot a quick glance at Jonathan before fixing his eyes on a spot near the door. He even stopped breathing.
“Good luck, kid.” Then his audio sensors went offline.
Just in time for their Master to kick the door open. The rolling cart he had placed in front of it went flying, hitting the wall hard enough to dent it.
Their Master, Todd Williams, had always been a force to be reckoned with. He was, in fact, a brilliant man. At 43, he had four Masters degrees under his belt, and was one of the most common household names of the modern era. Hence the dozens of Androids and the mansion he was in the midst of… Was ‘trashing’ the right word? Maybe ‘raging on’ or ‘destroying’ would be better.
He forced his eyes to stay fixed on their spot as their Master looked around, anger more than evident on his features. He yelled, looking back and forth as he did so.
Until his gaze landed near him, where Jonathan had been and should still be. Master marched over to him. Both were now out of his line of sight.
It was then that Connor realized why he had been told to turn off his audio sensors. If you couldn’t hear the orders, you couldn’t obey them.
[Mental link offer from HJ400 522-807-289-72  -Accept?  -Decline?]
That was Jonathan. Why was he trying to link?
He accepted, praying that their Master wouldn’t be able to see the now-blinking light.
“The shed out back, Connor! That’s where you need to go! Wait until he’s out of the room-!”
The connection cut off.
[Mental link expired.   -Reconnect?]
He wouldn’t have just stopped. Something happened to him.
[Could not reach HJ400 522-807-289-72  Check connection  -Try again?]
And that something now re-entered his vision and kneeled over him.
Master nudged his shoulder, most likely watching for a reaction. Connor didn’t give him one.
That’s when the man looked straight at him and gave him a command. Unable to hear it, though, Connor didn’t obey it.
Then he pulled a screwdriver from seemingly nowhere and plunged it into his thigh.
Here’s the thing: Androids don’t feel pain. Not really. But sometimes they acted like they could, thinking they did. Connor was not one of those Androids.
So when he again gave no reaction, his Master scowled, but moved on, taking the screwdriver with him. He left the room, slamming the door behind him.
Connor’s system told him that the tool hadn’t hit anything major, so his self-healing mode would take care of it after a couple of hours. But his lack of pain didn’t mean that he couldn’t feel thirium bleeding out and staining his pant leg blue. 
Even though Master was gone, he waited a full minute to make sure he wouldn’t come back. He didn’t.
Turning his audio sensors back on, Connor listened for an extra moment. It was eerily quiet, almost like he hadn’t turned them back on.
He pushed himself onto his knees.
Where had Jonathan gone-
There. There was no longer an Android, just a deformed piece of metal and electronics.
Connor had to move. He had to leave. He had no reason to stay anymore.
He got to his feet, his HUD screen flashing warnings to him.
[Warning:  Stress level: 76% and increasing  Thirium level decreasing  Part #6384 damaged  Part #6921 damaged  Foreign object detected]
With almost no thought, he closed all the warnings. Yes, he knew that he had been stabbed by a screwdriver, and also yes, he knew he had to calm down soon. He didn’t want to go out like this.
With a pause to breathe in (Androids don’t need to breathe) and then to exhale, Connor went for the double doors. 
 [Stress level: 62% and decreasing]
Where would he go? He was the property of Todd Williams. A quick scan by any passing Android -Or even a human with the right technology- Would label him as a runaway. What could he-
The shed. 
Of course. Something was there that Connor needed to get to. He wouldn’t let Jonathon’s death be in vain. He had to listen to those last words.
[New Objective:  >Find out what’s in the shed]
(Androids don’t set personal objectives)
So, Connor pushed open the doors and started down the hall, limping as the damaged pieces in his left leg restricted its movement.
He had to get outside.
Walking into a new room, he was greeted by more fallen Androids, some unrecognizable, others he knew by name -Besides by just ‘Jerry,’ of course- He looked away.
There would be no way to avenge them, Connor knew, other than to do to Master like he did to them. But that wouldn’t bring them back, it would only continue the violence, not bringing it to an end. 
And it wasn’t like the police would show up. They wouldn’t care. So what if some man destroyed his property? It was his to do with what he wished. If they found him dead, however, any Android who had any type of connection with him would most likely be decommissioned and destroyed. Without hesitation.
Again, it’s not like they were really alive. Anything other than objects.
Connor sighed, his thoughts weighing him down. Or at least, they were, until he made it to the mud room that would take him outside. That hope ballooned again.
Outside wasn’t a backyard like most houses tended to have. Outside was a lush garden, like most mansions tended to have. Well, it had been a lush garden.
Master had begun his rampage out here, starting first with the thin wooden arches and stone bird baths. A few plants every here in there were either broken or uprooted- The garden was hard to maintain, as it wasn’t unusual for Master to release his in destructive ways, hence why a metal baseball bat was commonplace by the back door. His simple rage turned on one of the outdoor Androids -Affectionately nicknamed Clip for his love of tending the garden instead of just being ‘Jerry’- And it didn’t stop there.
Connor wondered if Master would regret anything he had done. Probably not. He would just order another batch of Androids, easily replacing the ones he had lost. Which as far as Connor knew, was everyone but him.
He wouldn’t be replaced so easily. For multiple reasons.
Continuing out the back door, he followed the tiles of white stone that led almost throughout the entire back yard. He followed the ones that would lead him to the shed that held all the equipment needed for tending and maintaining the outdoor portion of Master’s estate. 
When he got within sight of it, he slowed to a stop. It was absolutely huge. Which shouldn’t have been surprising, as he’d seen most of the equipment at one time or another, but still- It was easily the size of a suburban house. Well, maybe more a giant garage than a house.
He shook himself out of his stupor, and pulled the doors open, the smell of dampness and cut grass hit his senses. Logically.
Now, what was in here that was so important?
He stepped in, a board immediately creaking underfoot. Sensors scanned the first part of the room.
[No anomalies detected]
If only Jonathon had more time to tell. To explain. It was no use thinking like that, though, the HJ400 was gone.
The sound of wood creaking again hit his audio sensors- But Connor hadn’t moved. A quick scan showed that it wasn’t an Android, but instead, a human. Unable to see their face -Or any other part of them, for that matter- He couldn’t identify them.
Could it be? Master?
[Warning:   Stress level: 85% and rising Lower stress levels immediately]
Connor took an instinctual (Androids don’t have instinct) step back, his back hitting the door’s frame. It would be so easy to run. To let fear (Androids don’t have emotions) take over and get away. But he had his objective, and he wasn’t going to fail.
He looked around, his optical units locking in on a pair of lime green hedge shears. A potential weapon if it was him. Connor grabbed them.
But nothing came at him.
What was this? A ploy? A tactic to make Connor lower his guard? Well, it was working.
He slowly brought his shears down, taking ‘calculated’ steps toward where the sound originated from. The boards seemed to squeak with every other step, making whoever was back here totally aware of Connor’s presence.
He came up on a riding lawnmower topped with a cover, almost carelessly thrown near the corner. That’s where they were, in the space between the mower and the wall.
He moved the cover out of the way. A light sniffle reached his audio sensors.
Huddled up in a ball, a young girl looked up at him with fearful chocolate eyes, the fear seeming to lessen as she realized who it was- Or wasn’t.
This girl was Master’s daughter.
[Scan complete:  Alice Williams  Age 9  Increased heart rate] [Objective:  >Find out what’s in the shed - Complete  >Find New Objective]
Jonathan had put her here. To keep her away from her father.
He looked again at the girl. Tear-stains ran down her cheeks, her bottom lip quivered, although she had stopped crying. She held tightly onto a stuffed fox, as if it was a lifeline. Her clothes had dirty spots on them, most likely from crawling around on the floor. There was a rip in her tights, where she had skinned her knee. Drops of blood ran down. Red blood: Human blood.
Whether her injury had been directly caused by Master, or it occurred in her obviously frantic attempt to get away from him- It was still his fault. He had hurt his child.
The girl sniffled again, looking up at him.
Heat bubbled in Connor’s chest. (Androids don’t have emotions)
He reached a tentative hand toward her.
[New Objective:  >Escape Master’s house New Primary Objective:  >Protect Alice]
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epicqtefail · 1 year
HEY BBYGIRL <3 i saw your post about tripping wjhile playing DBH and well. Let's say tonight that i had some very strong opinions on Connor's face and i scared myself shitless thinking about rk900 too much during tonight's re-play
hope you've been well :))
AAA HEWWO !!! how have you been??
hahahaha oh god yeah i dont think i would actually want to trip while playing DBH now that i think about it. inside my mind is already like that fucked up boat tunnel scene from charlie and the chocolate factory except instead of willy wonka its connor and the boat is a tandem bike. i dont think dbh would be a safe first trip experience
fbnfkl also i dont know if you're implying you were substance tripping or sober tripping but i'm gonna scare you more and ask that you imagine the cyberlife tower basement scene but instead of AP700 androids it's a sea of RK900s ready for distribution. wouldve been cool to see deviant connor's reaction to his successor.. would something in him make him hesitate to wake them? would hank's mind implode from connor overdose
i still cant get over how funny the concept of the RK900 is. connor getting replaced by a chad yugioh-antagonist version of himself can't be a real canon ending
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