#daz draws stuff
odies-doodles · 2 years
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I drew my murder horse and I like this image a lot even though the recorded file gave me a HEART ATTACK because I thought it BROKE but luckily I am Snart so here is speep link
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17-poprocks · 2 years
Comms are Open!!
As usual links to more of my examples can be found towards the bottom of the post! Here's some stuff I am currently offering :D
I'll probably take on 2-3 slots per commission type, just so I don't overwhelm myself too much, and so I can get these done in a reasonable amount of time!
Chibi Style Fullbodies - $35
Your OC in a my chibi style! These are simple shaded fullbodies, and any additional characters will be an extra $15!
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Icons - $20
Classic personal favorite, pixel icons! These are fully shaded headshots of your character! I have TONS of examples, but here's a handful of favorites <3
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Ref Sheets - $20-125
The price range here is HUGE because I offer a few different kinds of ref sheets! You'll find more in-depth info in my toyhouse, but here's some examples in order of cheapest to most expensive!
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*I do use my regular old handwriting for anything written, but I'm more than willing to use a font upon request!
For those who may be interested in a Custom Adopt, feel free to hit me up!
I ADORE character design, but the pricing on these vary WIDELY due to different factors, such as complexity, ref sheet layout/design, outfits, etc.! You can find most of the designs I've done on my toyhouse!
Here's the links for those who want 'em!
Chibi Examples - https://toyhou.se/9936836.commission-info/13173803.chibi
Icon Examples - https://toyhou.se/9936836.commission-info/10155628.icons
Ref Sheet Info/Examples - https://toyhou.se/9936836.commission-info/9936844.ref-sheets / https://toyhou.se/9936836.commission-info/9936844.ref-sheets/gallery
Designs I've done! - https://toyhou.se/17-poprocks/created
Please please PLEASE be sure to read through my T.O.S. as this contains important information!
You can find a link to that right here! - https://popsinfo.carrd.co/#home
Thank you so much for reading!
If you're interested in getting a commission from me, please send me a dm through here, and I'll give you my Discord so we can discuss details further!
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dreamnexusart · 2 years
I am attempting to gather up enough oomph to art today.
Wish me luck.
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dazzelmethat · 5 months
Me: -folds my hands in front of me all seriously- I think I'm ready .. to return to the world of lit rp.
I'll likely go back to RPrepository but before I do that I wanted to send out an ad to mutuals;
If you're 20+ years old and interested in lit rp with me send me a private message. I mostly rp ocs but I don't mind if my rp partner writes with ocs or preexisting characters.
More information for requirements below the cut:
About me: I'm 29, you can call me Daz (she/they) and live in the a Central Time zone.
Length requirement: at least one paragraph (5 sentences) per post. Most of my own posts will be around 4ish paragraphs.
Posting requirement: At least once a week. I can either post once every three days or a few times a day depending on my energy and mood.
Writing preferences: I write my posts in third person Ask me as a dm to send a writing sample if you need one. Any triggers can be discussed over pms once we have set up how to communicate.
Communication: I have rped over both Google docs and discord. We will have to set up a chat over discord either way to plot and chat.
Setting preference: I prefer fantasy or historical as a setting because I find researching history for rps fun. I can be convinced to do rps in modern or future settings.
Rating preference: I'm still a bit shy when getting to know new friends so the rps will be SFW. Any sexual scene would fade to black. Once we are good friends we can talk about NSFW stuff if you'd like.
Character preference: All of my own characters will be preexisting. I very rarely create ocs just for an rp. But I don't mind if your oc is new or old. If your own ocs live in a world you worldbuilt I might eventually create ocs for it or make aus for my preexisting ones. All of my ocs are humans/humanoid.
OcXCannon?: As stated above I am more interested in roleplaying my own ocs. I do not mind if my rp partner decides to roleplay a cannon character they are fixating on.
Plot preference: I'm more interested in meeting other creator's ocs first. Seeing who gets along with or hates my own characters. Once we find out who gets along or conflicts with who it'd be easier to come up with more intricate plots. It is easiest for me to write in a romance, horror, buddy comedy genre. Though I can try to write other genres I would probably lean back onto those three.
Bonus for artist rpers: I'm autistic so speaking through drawings is an easy way to get to bond with me quickly. Sending doodles back and forth gets me immersed in the world. Drawing isn't a requirement however, I just thought I'd mention.
Send me a message on tumblr so we can exchange discords if you're interested!
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infinitethree · 17 days
Given the nature of the information they're dealing with, the decision was made to drag Vio and Lucid into the mix as well.
Aster is relieved that Daz agreed to do so. He’s even more relieved that because Lucid is involved, they can't meet in the secluded bunker of the Council HQ.
It's a dual-purpose meeting. Firstly and most importantly, they need to share the information they learned about the Showrunner. 
Not just the new stuff– though those bombshells are, of course, the driving force of this. The older information that the Council is aware of will have to be shared, too.
Secondly, though…they need to figure out how to free Innit.
Regardless of Daz’s stance on the matter, leaving Innit trapped isn't an option.
For one, it's unimaginably inhumane. Innit clearly just wants to be able to do basic things. Its willing to be enchanted with loyalty to be able to do something as simple as look where it wants to and read books.
Daz and Innit being forced to stay together like that is a recipe for disaster, too. Innit can't get therapy when it doesn't have a voice, after all.
Plus its already proven willing to punish Daz. If it decided to go nuclear…what could they really do to stop it, bar putting Daz in a coma?
So, yeah. Innit deserves to be free, and Daz deserves to have his head to himself again.
…Even if that’s a bit hypocritical for Aster to want for him.
Their chosen gathering place is the Welcome Wagon. It's meant for discussions, there aren't currently any people in the rooms upstairs, and all four employees are a part of the meeting.
The first matter of business is to give Vio a brief rundown of Daz, the Council, and associated information.
Daz is the one who starts the main topic, and he does so by projecting a drawing of the Showrunner on the screen.
Raine’s style is immediately obvious, at least to Aster.
Deadly serious, Daz says, “This is the Showrunner. What we knew as the Scribe– that entity is someone else entirely. Their name was just…borrowed. Aster and I– we met the Showrunner.”
Aster adds, “Innit, too.” “Are you seriously still– this is fucking important!”
He snaps back, “Can you stop being petty for like five seconds? Its presence there was kind of a big deal! The Showrunner likes your admin half, asshole! We can't ignore that fact!”
Daz glares at him a moment, then turns to the others. “The bigger piece of info is that Time isn't real.”
Day, Vio, and Theo all look incredulous. “They’re very fuckin’ real, don't say shit like that,” Theo tells them. It’s a warning, because to Theo that kind of disrespect is liable to earn the wrath of a god.
Since Theo is not only a mythology buff but has met several gods…if anyone has reason to be twitchy about that sort of thing, it's him.
He is the that started the knock-on-wood trend of assuring Time that any potentially negative thing is said without any negativity, too.
“I'll humor this if you can explain who the fuck we've done– everything for. If you can't, I'm walking out right now,” Day warns. 
It’s clear he’s not kidding about that.
Aster takes a deep breath and says, “The Scribe, apparently. The Showrunner claimed that Time was just a ‘sockpuppet’ to be used as the Scribe needed.”
He grimaces. “Which, I mean…if the two of them are working together, and the Showrunner is the one behind the questions and Observers…”
Theo suddenly straightens up in a way that Aster realizes means he’s actually using his head. When he wants to, Theo can be smart…he just generally doesn’t bother to want that.
“Are you fuckin’ sure the one who was chatting with us was the Showrunner? Not the Observers, but the fuckin’-- the other shit. You two must know what I mean, yeah?”
Daz’s expression is grim. “There’s no doubt in my mind.”
A soft hiss escapes from Theo as he slumps backwards. He scrubs a hand down his face and looks to Day.
“They fuckin’-- first time we heard them, you remember what they said? We fuckin’ pointed out that Time would be pissed, n’--”
Realization visibly washes over Day as he finishes, “And they laughed. That we ‘weren’t supposed to know’, but it was still funny that we’d try to get Time involved.”
“Fuckin’ shit.”
That’s a sentiment that Aster can fully get behind. None of this is remotely fun to learn, and in fact radically alters what they assumed were core facets of their lives.
Lucid looks stricken. “What are we even supposed to do with this info, anyway?”
Rolling his eyes, Daz tells him, “You? Nothing. But given your position and how big of a deal this is, I can’t justify keeping you out of the loop.”
There’s a long beat, and then Daz adds, “And I wasn’t going to bring anyone else to the Council rooms. If it’s not a full secret from you, it’s pointless to shut you out.”
Aster sighs. “Yeahhhh. The Council HQ is kind of special to us.” “You’ve always hated how it looks,” Daz scoffs. Aster rolls his eyes and tells him, “Yeah, well, it’s grown on me. Kind of hard for it not to, with how much time I spend there.”
“This is so fucking weird,” Lucid mumbles.
Raine pats his shoulder and tells him, “You’ll get used to it. They fight constantly.”
“For fucked up reasons, apparently,” Khons reminds them.
“Do I want to–” “It’s literally none of your business,” Daz hisses at the admin.
Lucid shrinks down in his seat, hands raised defensively. “Okay, not asking then!”
Daz scrubs a hand through his hair as he swipes the screen to show the next image. “This is the Showrunner’s domain. I have no fucking idea how useful knowing this will be, but I’m not leaving something like that on the table.”
Aster studies the art piece for a moment. It’s very close to what he remembers– Daz’s memory and Raine’s skill are an excellent combo.
He says, “The seats seemed like they stretched forever. A few were occupied, but only two were clearly taken. The figures had different levels of definition and the Showrunner called them ‘representations of the audience’. I’m…guessing those are Observers.”
With a nod, Daz confirms, “If I had to make a theory…the more clear they are, the more frequently they show up.”
He reaches up and smacks a hand on one of the solid ones in what seemed like the VIP section.
“One of these two is probably the new one who’s been an asshole.”
Aster grimaces. “Speaking of Observers…” “There’s no need to bring up–”
Ignoring the bastard, Aster continues, “Innit needs to be given a body. Keeping it there goes beyond caution and into inhumane. It fucked up, yes, but– shit, didn’t all of us do that, too? Half of Sanctuary are war criminals in some capacity!”
Theo immediately argues, “It’d fuckin’ attack Lee, wouldn’t it?”
Aster shakes his head. “No. It– Theo, I spoke to it. I saw a– a timelapse of its entire life. Before the Observers came, the only people who knew about it were Dream and Daz. Both of them hurt it deeply.”
He gestures at Daz, continuing, “You’re asking a fully sentient and sapient person to be trapped with someone who tortured it for three years. Daz didn’t just ignore it, Theo– he shut it out entirely. He trapped it in a room and left it to rot.”
“It put me in a coma because I refused to kill a child,” Daz snaps. “A child it still hates!”
“I believe it wants freedom more than it wants revenge,” Aster argues.
Day’s arms fold across his chest. “How can we trust that? How can we trust it won’t try anything?”
Aster stares him in the eyes. “It said it would willingly be enchanted with loyalty, as long as I was the one it was bound to.”
The room is quiet.
“Day– you know how bad Daz’s enchantment was. The fact that it wants freedom so badly that it would be the one to suggest that…”
Daz tells them, “It couldn’t feel it. It’s never had any senses beyond sound and sight.”
Hands thrown wide for emphasis, Aster snaps, “And you think that isn’t fucking horrifying?! It wants to choose where to look, Daz! To be able to listen to the music it wants or eat or walk outside!”
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Aster huffs at that.
“The reason I got on this topic is because Innit has at least three Observers it considers friends. I saw them as animals with a silvery-lavender swirly color–”
Vio sighs softly. “Same as the portals. No wonder you realized the connection.”
Sneering, Daz corrects, “No, this dipshit didn’t put the pieces together himself.”
Choosing to ignore that particular jab, Aster continues, “And, again; the Showrunner likes Innit. They sure as fuck don’t like Daz, but they– literally gave his admin half headpats. And squished its cheeks.”
He points out, “As cynical as it sounds? We have a person who the omnipotent ruler of time and reality is fond of. That same person is, as most of this room just heard–”
“I fuckin’ heard it too,” Theo tells him. “Fuckin’ Observers love it back. Enough to ask for it to be treated fuckin’ nice.”
Aster nods. “Either we have someone with all that weight behind them on our side, or we make an enemy out of all of them.”
“Innit wants to see Sanctuary burn,” Daz tries to tell them. “It fucking hates every single person here, and none more than Lee.”
Eyes narrowing, Aster argues, “Pretty sure it hates you the most, actually.” “Yeah, well– I’m used to dealing with it.” “It’s proven willing to make you suffer, and forgive me for not wanting to see what a full mental break looks like from you.”
Daz opens his mouth, but Aster cuts him off by turning back to the others. “One way or another, Innit will be freed. I haven’t just been seeing Daz’s past– I’ve been seeing the future, too. And Innit was sure as fuck walking around there!”
The bastard looks alarmed. “What? When the– why the fuck didn’t you say anything?!”
He folds his arms over his chest. “I didn’t exactly want to get into it.” “You know full goddamned well that’s not good enough. Answer the fucking question, Aster.”
Uhg, there’s no way he’ll let this go.
Reluctantly, he admits, “...At some point in the future, Daz and I get together. And, uh– I saw Innit at the wedding. It…handed Daz over to me, actually.”
Daz takes a deep breath, and guessing what he’ll say, Aster rolls his eyes and adds, “And Day handed me over to you, before you get pissy.”
“Excuse me?”
He shrugs helplessly at Day’s bafflement. “I desperately wish I were making it up. The idea of getting together with Daz, of all fucking people–” “Says the one who apparently gets fucked by me.” “Really? Really?”
Like a lightswitch, Daz flips his personality to a much warmer one. Unfortunately, Aster can tell the difference– there’s too much of an edge of malice in the way he smiles as he drapes his arms over his shoulders.
Cooing, Daz asks, “What’s the matter, baby? Worried you’ll think too hard about it here?”
He feels his face heat up despite himself. “First of all– I haven’t actually seen anything, just enough to know that– that happens. Second of all, get your hands off of me before I break your arms.”
Pouting at him, the fucking sociopath he apparently marries says, “But, Star…despite claiming you hate it, you’re getting all flustered.”
Aster gets a split-second flash of a warm giggle from Future-Daz of, “My sweet, snuggly Star!”
He grimaces. “I’m pretty sure I suffer a psychotic break to actually be interested in you.”
And he sees himself yet again, this time sitting in the Swords and Shields training hall. He’s next to Future-Theo, who seems like he’s really looking at Future-Aster for the first time in a long time. “...If it’s not too weird n’ personal, uh…how did you know? That you, y’know– fuckin’ liked him.”
Future-Aster seems to need a while to gather his thoughts. “Once I got closer to him, I started seeing all the things that were…really good. His quirks stopped being annoying and started being charming. I would get excited to come home, not because we did anything all that interesting but just because…I liked spending time with him.”
There’s a soft, fond smile as Future-Aster absently runs a thumb over what looks disturbingly like a bite mark on his shoulder. “I don’t really even remember what it’s like not to love him. He’s…he’s everything to me. The world feels brighter and happier now that I wake up next to him every morning.”
Future-Theo opens his mouth, but is interrupted by Future-Daz coming into the room.
The moment he clocks Aster’s lack of a shirt– which is how he usually works out, it’s annoying to have them get soaked with sweat– Future-Daz turns bright pink and demands, “Star, why are you– where is your shirt?!
Instead of a normal, reasonable answer, Future-Aster just grins and leans back. “I forgot you bit me, sorry.” “You don’t look sorry at all.” “And you don’t like you hate seeing me like this, soooo–”
Future-Daz huffs, hands going to his hips. “You’re– you’re the worst.” “Mm-hmm.” “Awful. Just, just terrible.” “Indeed.” “A jerk who likes making fun of me and making me embarrassed.”
Future-Aster reaches out and tugs his significant other into his lap. “And yet you still like me.”
Despite another, somewhat sullen huff, Future-Daz doesn’t argue that point.
When Aster is back in the present, Daz is staring intently at him. That faux-flirting is gone, though he’s still got his arms over his shoulders. “What did you see?”
Though he could answer this in a dozen ways, he chooses the pettiest he can think of. “You being easily embarrassed and down bad for me.”
Ignoring the way Daz splutters, he shoves his arms off and turns to face the others again. “Anyway. It doesn’t actually matter if you agree or not. Either you cooperate, or I use the wish I’ve earned via seeing Daz’s bullshit and grant it a body myself.”
Lee finally speaks up. “Ignoring all of– that? I think we should do it. It’s fucked up to keep it locked up like that. If I’m the one supposedly in danger, I should be the one to decide if it’s worth it or not. I think it is. Innit doesn’t have to like me– the server is plenty big for both of us.”
Breathing a sigh of relief, Aster smiles fondly at his charge.
Then Lee continues, “And I don’t think it’s fair to make it be enchanted, too. It sets a really nasty precedent and would erode trust in not just Lucid, but everyone who had a part in that. Myself included.”
It’s an extremely good point. Aster nods, brow furrowed. “It– the idea of doing that makes me really uncomfortable.”
He gestures at Theo, who seems unsure. “You’ve got oceans of blood on your hands. I don’t think Innit was right, but I think it felt it was justified.”
“Lee was fuckin’ six,” Theo tells him. “It felt a baby admin, one who could control them because he’s a Dream. Unlike with Day and Lucid, who Daz did not trust–”
“Wait, you didn’t trust us? Then why did you let us undo the loyalty? Especially if you knew about code already,” Lucid interrupts.
Daz, visibly annoyed, snaps, “We could track your coding. If you had done anything we didn’t like, I’d have ruined you.”
Despite the admin’s doubt, Lee nods. “He can do that. He’ll correct my work when I’m not even showing him my console and when I didn’t even think he was paying attention. It’s freaky.”
That little side path resolved, Aster continues, “Daz was way less willing to hurt Lee. Innit, freshly betrayed, deeply traumatized, and desperate to die, went on high alert because it saw Lee as a threat.”
Theo repeats, “He was six!”
Aster responds, “And when Daz was six, he decided to rip out the parts of him that were ‘bad and wrong’ because his brother is a fucking monster. Again, I’m not saying Innit was right! It was a fucked up thing to do! But it was also a trauma response. For trauma that has only festered in the meantime, because unlike Daz, Innit has been alone.”
As much as he hates to do this, he appeals to the one who will hold ultimate authority in this matter.
“You know damn fucking well what isolation does to a person. You’re debating condemning someone to a fate very literally worse than death because you don’t like that they fucked up. Let me remind you that you fucked up pretty damn bad, too. And, again– if all of you refuse, I’ll use the wish on this. Having the memories of its life in my head is bad enough, but knowing I’ve abandoned someone in those conditions…I’d never be able to live with myself.”
He can tell Daz is seething, but for once he doesn’t care.
The bastard is wrong about this. Whatever punishment Innit may have deserved– what its gotten has far outstripped that.
Vio says, “Aster has a point. I know this is a touchy matter, but leaving Innit in there…that’s not acceptable. Not only would we incur the wrath of the Observers and likely the Showrunner, but we have no guarantee that it wouldn’t find another way to escape. We can extend a hand, or risk Innit being free with no reason not to raze the server to the ground.”
Day scrubs a hand down his face, which has a sour expression. “...If we’re doing this, its getting put into therapy with Iatros, too. And I want it nowhere near Summer Hills.”
There’s a sudden, bitter laugh from Daz. “Oh, wow. That’s actually– actually an interesting idea.”
The bastard grips his shoulder with more force than Aster was aware he was capable of.
“It proposes that it could live with Aster. If its so fucking attached to him, and Aster is so goddamned determined to go forward with this stupid fucking plan– surely he can open his shitty little house to that thing, huh?”
He considers where would even work. “I– there’s literally nowhere for it to go. I’m willing to have an extension or something, I guess?”
Daz’s fingers dig into his shoulder. Voice a low, dangerous hiss, he warns, “If you can’t keep it in line, I’ll personally make your life a living hell.”
A shudder goes down his spine. Daz’s wrath is not a small thing, as proven by him killing his ex-mentor in cold blood and destroying him the worst way he could.
“And you should try group counseling with it. Maybe you’ll be less of a fucking sociopath when you learn to at least tolerate a fundamental part of you.”
Flippantly, and forcibly removing Daz’s hand from his shoulder, he adds, “If you want to do the whole song and dance about me getting on your good side? Maybe be less of an insufferable bastard, first. Your trauma is valid but your responses to it sure as fuck aren’t.”
Getting into his space, he growls, “I should be at your throat for the fact that you’ve spent three fucking years conditioning me to hate you. I should be furious you’ve actively abused my trauma to make sure you never had to deal with yours! You’ve refused to actually let yourself heal because you’re a coward, Daz.”
Daz’s eyes thin into slits as he snaps back, “I don’t need your preaching, considering you–” “I’ve fucking told you, I had no idea it would be like this! I also, shockingly, didn’t realize exactly how broken you actually are! I was sure you’d hate me for not taking the offer. It’s a wish that can bend the laws of reality, and I thought you would be mature enough to recognize that even though it sucks to have someone know more than you wanted…that you’d agree it’s worth it.”
He takes a step back and scoffs, “Fuck, at times like these, I can see why the Showrunner hates you. You’re a selfish asshole who only seems to do good things when it’s convenient for you.”
As he turns on his heel and stalks out, he finishes off with, “Lately, I wonder if I was right to take your hand at all.”
Aster knows he’ll regret those words later, in one form or another.
But he’s also sick and tired of Daz kicking him in the dick because he’s pissed that he’s lost control.
At no point did Aster ask for any of this! He hates having to be the one to drag Daz kicking and screaming into a better place! He hates seeing his past and the trauma that have shaped him into the paranoid bastard that he is today!
A lot of the time, he kind of hates seeing the future, too. It only makes their current relationship feel worse, because Aster can see that Daz is capable of being good to him.
Even something as simple as the two of them watching a movie together feels so fucking bittersweet, because it’s clear they do eventually come to love each other.
Yet, right now, Daz hates him. Whatever his actual feelings before, right now they’re at the lowest they’ve ever been.
…There aren’t many times that Aster has seriously considered the benefits of getting drunk. The idea of losing control of himself gives him hives.
But, honestly, the chance of shutting off his own heavily leashed anger and resentment for the night sounds amazing.
This’ll be fun to discuss with his therapist. The poor Puffy has no goddamned idea the shit he’s kept bottled up until now, but it’s beyond time that he start doing so.
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cocomere · 6 months
hello i have made more fanart but i actually like it this time
also i finished reading fool's gold and. why. why did you do this 😭
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first off we have my wonderful child innit (yes i've adopted it, no there's nothing you can do about it)
secondly i tried to draw Vio. surprisingly the thing i was most overwhelmed about was the jewelry. i just couldn't cope with the lack of hair so i gave him some more hair.
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the first one is with the colours i picked and the second one is "canon" colouring. i wasn't entirely sure what his tail or the triangle pin looks like but i tried. yes i used the splatter tool for the marking i tried drawing them by hand but it looked terrible. i also tried to include the second joint in how he bends his arms. originally i has the lab coat's colour to be more obnoxious than the one you had picked but it hurt my eyes so i changed it
also i noticed the mention of his second pair of eyelids a lot. so he has a nictitating membrane? i'm assuming that's what it is, since it fits the description and the way those open/close would be considered wrong (from left to right instead of up and down)
if it is a nictitating membrane- i remember seeing somewhere that his planet had glass(?) storms, so i was wondering if that protects his eyes like a camel's protects its eyes during a sandstorm? sorry i just find this sort of- not world. uh species-building interesting lol
You aren’t the only one to adopt Innit. Askblog is interesting. You can see the evolution of Daz in it, too!! I did it because I feed on reader’s tears :3c Also, Innit Going Away was pretty much inevitable. There was no way for it to be on the askblog suddenly without it having vanished, because Innit was created LONG after Daz had been introduced. I had to work backwards to figure out what would have made that happen. I think the answer is kind of heartbreaking, ngl, but like...I don’t see another way it could have turned out. It led to some fun content tho!
Oh, right, you didn’t see the very top. The canon colors are to give a better idea of what I had in mind. Sky blue could mean a LOT of different shades! I know that actually drawing with those PRECISE colors might be difficult, and I have a disclaimer about “yes, I know it could shift in Actual Art, this is just to have a solid baseline to work off of.”
The tail is more like an alligator’s, and it’s the spines along the top of it that can go flat or Not Flat as he so chooses.
And, yes, that’s what I mean by that lmao. I honestly didn’t consider it re:glass storms, but you’re right! That’d definitely help with those, as well as with general sand blowing about.
I loooooove world and species building. It’s SO fun to really dig into the minutiae of how do these things work and WHY? Vio has a lot of really interesting quirks in particular-- like, magic is basically poison to him. A LOT of enchantments either don’t work at all or cause a huge backlash if he tries to use them (water-based ones in particular. That’s why he hates tridents lmao). Others only kinda-sorta work. Silk touch is one that straight up has zero effect. Even with a properly enchanted pick, it fails to activate. This will eventually become a plot point in the rewrites, hehe!
I have a lot of lore sunk into Sanctuary itself (and a fair bit of it is in Sibling Acceptance Rituals and onwards!!) as well as Blood & Gold. A LOT of stuff that never actually made it into any fic was figured out! For instance, one of the few things bgWilbur DIDN’T lie about was his mom being Lady Death. This comes up in a few AUs, but not in the main timeline nor Welcome To The Inn/Creepypasta.
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chibichuchuu · 4 months
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Chuu Chuu Train Blog 🚂
⠄・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠄・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄ ⠄・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆
Just a Dazai Fictkin who also regresses
Big age is 16 little age is 0-4
I go by Daz or Zi (Pronounced Z-Eye)
Fictkins and Ageres pls react
I’m also trans! He/it preferred
I love crabs, fish, drawing, writing, and music!
This blog is just for me to rant about Agere and Dazai stuff.
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odies-doodles · 2 years
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Chaho and Kirk! The second image includes Plinko and Wormtail, who belongs to my homie @ten10zen! Clealry I need to draw these two more 🤔
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17-poprocks · 2 years
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triple baka??? its more likely than you THINK
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petra-creat0r · 1 year
I feel I should update my list of fankids because I'm changing stuff around a bit... So have a new list of all my fankids that are canon to all my fandoms. Mostly from Undertale-ish (specifically Final Pacifist). If not listed then either their non-canon, culled, or I'm figuring stuff out still.
Feel free to ask about any of them, I'll likely get around to drawing new refs eventually
Main Ships
Dreemurr-Font kids (Soriel): Sariel and Comic Kings (CK)
Blook kids (Papyton): Broadway, Reximus (Rexi), Chicago, and Maximillian (Maxi)
Pisces kids (Alphyne): Giko, Izuku, and Naomi
Secondary Ships
Dogi kids: Pawtrick, Pawtrissa, Dogkota, Wagren, Woofney, and Rulff.
Snekson kids (Bratcat): Abbi and Britni
Guy kid (Nicepants): Graham (Sorbet)
Guards kid (Royalguards): Vee
Fire kid (Fukuskate): Sizzle
OC Ships
Webbs kids (Ghostly Webs): Alice, Aranea, Nellie, and Joy
Bae kids (Trauma Boys): Mei-lin (Mei), Azaezel, Amelie, and Hyun-Wo (Hyunnie)
Johnson kid (Flaming Petals): Elias
Ricci kids (Italian Sparrow): G'Resh (by @amalgamate09, not technically a fankid, but part of this disaster family), Ezio, and An
Single Parents
Dreemurr kids (Asgore's kids): Wilbur and Yule
Schwartz kid (Daz's kid): Vel
Main Ships
Kidd kids (FriskKid): Gecky, Kai, and Angel
Holiday kid (Suselle): Cupid
OC Ships
Yin-Dreemurr kids (Vanilla Choco): Karma and Neri
Single Parents
Dreemurr kids (Asriel's kids): Hope and Faith
Undertale AUs
In Ish
Träumer kid (Sansgore): Bahns
Aisling kid (Friskriel): Karri
Femur kids (Kingdings): Azter and Georgia
Spamvil kids: Pyramid, Ponzi, Cameran, Pinochle, Scamlynn, and Pipis (Pip)
Outside Ish
AzzyKid kid: Kariem
Choco Liquor kid: Neriah
The Owl House
Lumity kids: Azura and Apollo
Raeda kid: Piper
Aladarius kid: Kiara
RocketShipping kid: Joyce
Helluva Boss
M&M kid: Mitzi
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cleverthylacine · 1 year
Tag 10 People You Want to Get to Know Better
Relationship status: Extremely divorced. Prowl levels of divorced. Four times! Multiple genders! Still hopeful though!  I would like to be in a relationship but probably nobody who is not a quadruped should live in the same house with me; while the other parties involved definitely had contributing issues and one was an honest-to-G-d abuser, I’m the only one who’s done it 4 times.
Favourite colour: This varies; it’s usually pink, but can also be purple and various shades of light blue, teal or peach.  There are shades of yellow and yellowish green that are deeply, almost physically unpleasant and painful for me to look at. I’m very autistic that way.
I always get the highest scores possible on those colour sensitivity tests, and was almost broken as a kid by my mother telling me I had to match colours because to my eyes almost nothing matched so I just wore whatever I personally thought looked good.  Turns out everyone other than my mother thought so too. I was really good at “matching blacks” during my goth stage.
Something I want right now: universal basic income and to quit my job so I can write and dance and learn how to draw again. Song stuck in my head: Oh No!  by Marina and the Diamonds (it’s one of my Starscream songs)
Three favourite foods: My three easiest to obtain favourites are: 1. Rib eye steak, particularly the outer part, rare but not cold. 2. Salmon and asparagus with brown rice farina and cheese. 3. Haagen-Dazs butter pecan ice cream. I’m autistic.  Other brands are close, but for me close but not quite as good is “nasty” not “acceptable”‘ -- if the brand isn’t available, I’ll get some other gluten free flavour.  Too close is deeply disappointing. Something that doesn’t sound awful can only be mildly disappointing and might be good.
Last song I listened to: “You Better You Bet” by the Who.  I always imagine Grimlock singing this to Howlback.
“I don’t really mind how much you love me--oooh, a little is all right When you say, come over and spend the night, tonight!”
(He is demiro, she is aro. She loves him to pieces, but despite the fact that they are so hot for each other they fuck rather than hug hello, she has never been In Love in her life and is grateful for that because she thinks being In Love makes people of every species act crazy AF.)
Last thing I googled: 1960s brutalist jewellery. That’s what @legendtrainer, who tagged me, googled last, and I, who have only ever heard “brutialist” applied to architecture, wondered what the fuck that was. It turns out that I own a fuck ton of it, though it’s all from the 70s and early 80s. I bought it when I wanted to cosplay my Star Trek: TOS OCs.  I thought it would look like Klingon or Vulcan stuff. I wonder if the ones I haven’t taken apart and strung together with other things are worth anything.
Dream trip: I want to go back to Japan with more time and a lot more money.
Aside from that, though, in terms of practical dreams:  I was supposed to go to TF-Con LA but my brother got cancer and I bought him some of his meds while waiting for his coverage to kick in because, you know, I don’t want him to die. And his special food that insurances just don’t cover.
Don’t live in America.  We’re a beautiful country but we’re a cruel one.
No pressure tags (seriously, NO PRESSURE): @bitegore (who I know very well but not about this kinda thing); @byzantienne (who I was very close to for years but rarely see now because she is Married and writing really good books and it’s Ninety-Three Thylacine, I know animals are weird choices but when have I ever not been weird); @stuffbyshelby2; @guesso13; @inktheblot (who I wanted to be friends with for years because of the videos and finally met in TF-land); @satellitesoundwave;  @shychangling; JD (you keep changing blog titles); @jariktig; @cybervillainess.
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Heyaaa I read some of your obey me fics and they are awesome! (And funny)
I was wondering if I could ask for a obey me match?
If you want ofc! If you don’t daz cool ^^
Ill start with my appearance
I’m 5,0 girl with I guess medium long some-what wavy dark brown hair and tan-ish skin and I wear glasses and I wear hoodies despite how hot it is. As for my personality, I’m a quiet/shy person and I get easily flustered most of the time but once I get to know other people well I’m a bit energetic and lazy at the same time (idk if that makes sense but my friends describe me like that lol).
I tend to do small things for the people I care about like small presents and such (usually drawings). I also accidentally scare people because they forget I’m there because of how quiet I am . _.
I’m a very touch starved person so I tend to hug my friends randomly (only if they are cool with it obviously)
I love drawing stuff and playing video games! (rhythm or jrpg’s) I love cooking pastries like cupcakes and such, I also play ukulele and guitar. I usually play calm music but when no ones is around I like to play super loudly and go all out with my guitar
I match you with..
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He started hanging out with you when he spotted you taking a nap in the library, you reminded him if belphie so after that he kept an eye on you, he saw how most people don't notice your there and he sympathised you, after the whole lesson 16 thing he got even closer to you, he always knew when you were close by and walked up to you to keep up a conversation
When you got into a relationship he noted that you easily got flustered, he had to admit it was adorable and he loved teasing you about it(he'd stop if you asked him to tho)
He loves when you hug him, even if it's out of nowhere it just gives him a comfort so he does it back, he's not really into games but he'll play with you from time to time, after he cuddles you in his bed and nuzzles into your neck.
he's mostly the big spoon but if you want he can be little spoon too,(he loves being held)
Don't tell him that you can bake cupcakes if you don't want to stay in the kitchen for weeks./jj he won't ask you THAT often, the first time you bake him he'll be so happy and enthusiastic he'll hug you tightly after. He first heard you play the ukulele and it was soothing and neat he likes it no matter how you play it, slow and easy or fast and hard he loves listening to you play it.
You 2 are the quiet couple, he doesn't talk that often and neither do you but to eachother you always do, and sometimes? Don't even need to say anything to show how much one appreciate the other♡
Thank you for the request dear annon!! you kinda reminded me of my best friend, visually and with personality too!
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jaeharuart · 2 years
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 I was going to paint these, and then I thought about how long that would take, so here are some models I took some time to put together instead for drawing reference for anyone interested. I tried to include a variety of body types so you could see how they change depending on the shapes and shoot various angles of some of the most common lighting scenarios. Also, I dunno, I feel like there's no shortage of lighting ref for faces but I RARELY seem to see full-body ones. Hopefully some of you interested can find this helpful o/ If you're interested in making your own, these are all made with Daz3D, which is free and just there to download. Outside of the middle model, and the two anime ones, the rest of these were just made in-program with available morphs for the original Genesis models. The middle one (the one that's super emaciated and shredded lol) is a custom morph, and the anime ones are Hiro 4 and Aiko 4 models that came as morphs for Michael 4 and Victoria 4 models, which I bought a long time ago. Anyway, here's this, o/ As far as setup, the models are just set to smooth-shaded in the viewport, and I just loaded in a distant light. It's super easy to make your own refs like this in Daz with what the program comes with by default if you wanted.  Having models to interact with, and lighting to interact with really helped me learn a lot back when I was struggling with form-lighting and stuff years ago and getting really frustrated at how much time I was spending looking for very specific refs and not finding it : ) Anyway, this is just a censored version of the top down lighting set. There a few more sets (body-suit less) up on my Artstation if you’d like to grab them and use them for ref too : ) Arstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/LeK86l
if you'd like to support my stuff: https://www.patreon.com/JaeHaruArt?fan_landing=true
If you'd like to follow it elsewhere: https://linktr.ee/jaeharuart If you'd like to play with Daz3d yourself: https://www.daz3d.com/
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i realized people make introduction posts so here we go i wanna summon the other chaotic neurodivergent trans gremlin bois who like the same shit as me i know you're out there and i will find you.
my name is Charlie and my artist personas name is Chalk so that can be used as a nickname for me. my pronouns are he/they and i'm a 20 year old artist from Sweden studying animation. I'm a transmasc and feel like the label boyflux describes my gender the best. i'm an adhd autistic who obsesses over the most obscure things and then tries to find people on tumblr who also obsess over them to feel better about it.
(still waiting for an autism diagnosis :') but my like 10 autistic friends and my allistic ones all agree i am and that's all i have to come with rn. to quote my dear friends: "you're literally the definition of autism")
here's some stuff i like or find interesting:
☆ character art, design and development🤖
☆ drawing both traditionally and digitally🖍
☆ my oc's❤️
☆ sketchbook drawing and decoration📒
☆ animation and animatics🎞
☆ crows and similar birds in the corvid family🖤
☆ my favorite aesthetics: own aesthetics i don't know how to name📻, sciencecore🧪, scenecore⚡️, y2k💎, gremlincore🌲, fairygrunge/similar aesthetics🕸, cryptidcore🔦, crowcore🖤
☆ exploring in the forest🌲
☆ Lemon Demon☎️
☆ Oingo Boingo☠️
☆ Pseudo Echo🌆
☆ Minecraft⛏️
☆ 80s, 90s and 2000s stuff📼
☆ my favorite types of characters are fun villains who know they are villains and that they are the shit/pos, mad scientists because chemistry and machines and robots and stuff are cool and we love the unhingedness, and odd/chaotic but chill characters who i just really vibe with😎
☆ Undertale and Deltarune (fav characters: Sans, Papyrus, Spamton, Mettaton, Lancer, Susie)❤️
☆ Arcane (Fav characters: Victor, Jinx, Silco)🔫
☆ Frankenstein and it's fandom🔩
☆ Youtubers/streamers i like: Jschlatt, Ted Nivison, Slimesicle, Strange Eons, Internet Historian, Nilered, Milomumbles, Jackscepticeye, Markiplier, Daz Games, Philza and wow there is probably so many more i forgot.🐏
☆ maybe getting into the Re Animator fandom cuz i love Herbert and the Danbert ship🧪
☆ monster energy (i collect the cans but don't drink it that much since it doesn't go well with my anxiety sometimes)⚡️
☆ old technology (old computers, computer games, old internet, cassette tapes, vhs, cd's and more)📻
☆ game development (dunno how to make games myself but wanna learn)🎮
☆ chemistry is interesting and cool, i wanna learn it but i struggle with math and remembering all the words and little facts about things. :( ⚗️
wow this got really long and i dunno what more to write. :P
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dreamnexusart · 2 years
Still dealing with indescribably massive burnout that makes it that much harder to do things that were already hard to do because of my executive dysfunction issues. Unfortunately, drawing and painting got hit the hardest with this, which is why my art stuff lately has been mostly relegated to Daz. I'm no longer really in the same hyperfixation territory I was in when I was first learning Daz (I was going for hours and hours a day, taking notes, learning every single thing about the program that I could), but it still takes far less spoons to get started on a Daz image than it takes me to pull up a 2D WIP or a blank canvas. It's very, very annoying, because I really do want to get back to it. I still manage every now and again to pull together enough oomph to open a canvas and sketch something, or toss some digital paint at it, but haven't completed anything in ages.
On the bright side, I have been writing again a little bit. The new OC has the muse waking up a teensy bit. Still slow going, but better than the absolute zero output I had before.
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ohnoiminclownland · 4 months
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Full name: Neapolitan Häagen-Dazs
This man would 100% stuff your pockets with sweets when you're not looking. And you can always find them when your day goes bad.
He's a jokester, his main gag is acting like eating Neapolitan ice cream is cannibalism.
Nap is a playfull menace.
He would give children pixie sticks and then give them back to their parents.
He's a huge fan of the Great British Baking show
You have a tendency to call him other ice cream flavors when mad.
Or you curse in ice cream flavors and watch him loose it
If you fall asleep by him, he will draw on you, or clip weird hair barrettes in your hair.
(he's labeled daddy in NSFW cause he's v much a soft lover, kind, caring, would break you in bed)
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