#daylen hawke
crossdressingdeath · 2 months
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Leandra: No! These things will not take Bethany! Daylen: If you fall apart now, you endanger us all. Leandra: Don't lecture me! This is your fault! How could you let her charge off like that? Oh, my poor little girl. My sweetheart. Daylen: Leave her. The darkspawn are gaining by the minute.
I'm already really enjoying red Hawke. Daylen's sister just died in front of him and he failed to protect her and his mother openly blames him (even though he was already fighting as hard as he could to protect everyone, he just couldn't be everywhere at once), and he has to be the one to get the survivors up and moving because if they stay to mourn Bethany they're all dead. They can't stay to mourn and they can't slow themselves down by bringing Bethany's body with them, and if saying that comes out harsh... well, it's a harsh truth to have to deal with.
Also, it's so interesting to me that Leandra blames Hawke for Bethany's death when she died protecting her (and obviously the same is true for Carver's death in a non-mage run). Bethany didn't "charge off"; she put herself between the ogre and Leandra. But instead of acknowledging Bethany's bravery or blaming herself as the one Bethany died for, Leandra blames Hawke (who'd been knocked to the ground by the ogre and couldn't have gotten back into the fight in time to intervene). I know it's not a new take to say Leandra is an at best not great mother who puts way too much on her oldest kid, but every time I remember just how early into the game that starts it catches me a little off-guard.
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chibichibisha · 1 year
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Mages and their non mage-friendly love interests 👌
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whereismywarden · 1 month
10 and 18 for the canon world ask meme??:)
10. Are they good horse riders?
Out of all my OCs, I think Elle Cousland is the better rider, having learned as a child. Followed by Violette who's gotten some training as Inquisitor. The others are decent riders, except maybe Amell who was bitten as a child and is now afraid of horses. He can ride, but he'll only do it if there is no other choice.
18. Do they have any irrational fears?
Alwyn is afraid of the sea and storms after surviving one as a child. Let's just say that made the trip to Kirkwall especially difficult for him.
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antiparticular · 4 months
realised amell's family connections and got sad about it all so I wrote a little dialogue about his past. I'm not a writer so be gentle.
"I do have family- well, I had family. I haven't heard anything of them since I was brought to the Circle." Leliana's silence was the practiced gentle assurance of a Chantry Sister. She reminded him of Lily. Daylen shifted uncomfortably on the bedroll. "I was born in Kirkwall, I think. I was only four when the Templars took me, so my memory is a bit hazy. I know I had a mother and a father. I think there may have been another baby as well. A brother? Sister? I can't recall."
He looked down at his fingers tangled in his lap and cursed the tears forming in his eyes. "They could all be dead now, for all I know. Is it- ah, I'm sorry." He scrubbed at his cheek. "I don't even remember them, it's silly of me to get upset. I'm sorry."
Meeting Leliana's sympathetic eyes once more, he continued, his voice wavering. "Is it cruel to hope that they miss me? That I left some unfillable hole in their lives? Late at night I used to imagine my mother lying in her bed, somewhere across the Waking Sea, sobbing the same way I was. It brought me comfort. I can't even remember her face."
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sulky-valkyrie · 6 months
Helloooo Happy Friday! I come requesting "i’m watching you date all these other people and i don’t know what it is i’m feeling but it’s definitely not jealousy" for Dorian/Alistair :)
Happy Friday Sterling 💜💜💜 for @dadrunkwriting
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It was strange to see Dorian again after all this time.  Strange to have this much distance between them.  They'd talked nearly every day, of course, but it had been through the sending crystal - just a little bauble, Alistair had told the First Warden.  Lying came more easily now.
They'd discussed it, of course.  How Dorian’s fledgling post as the newest member of the Magisterium demanded he act the part in every way - most ways, at least.  How Alistair’s own notoriety as one of the few Wardens that hadn't succumbed to the despair of the False Calling would be all the more suspect if his fraternization with a magister were to get out.  How it was best to keep their relationship as quiet as possible without the Inquisition to fall back on as a safety net.
It wasn't so difficult to pretend when literal countries separated them, but now, in Minrathous, as the Warden Commander (not his, of course - Maker knew where Daylen was) greeted the Archon, seeing Dorian’s eyes light up then immediately flick away hurt like a knife in the gut.
To help maintain the fiction of his non-involvement with Tevinter, Velanna had accompanied him.  It was flimsy at best, wouldn't hold up under heavy scrutiny, but it was better than nothing.
Dorian, for his part, had a dapper younger man on his arm.  Alistair had heard about him of course: Rezaren was an up and coming prodigy with long brown hair and soft eyes who looked like he'd be more at home spread across a cushioned bed than stuck in interminable meetings.  They'd discussed that too, of course - nothing quite so brazen as whatever Hawke got up to with whatever and whoever crooked a finger at him, but their own concessions to time and distance and politics.
Alistair hadn't sought out any companionship, but he'd stopped turning it down when it was offered.  Dorian, on the other hand, had very publicly engaged in several rather torrid affairs in the last six months.  All part of politics here, he'd assured him as recently as last week. Disgrace, discredit, disenfranchise.  Alistair didn't doubt it, but he worried all the same.  What if he found someone else without meaning to?  What if one of those dalliances proved possessive, or dangerous some other way?
Archon Radonis was a dreadful orator, and even though he was standing, Alistair nodded off twice during his speech.  Only a few jabs of Velanna's impossibly sharp elbows kept him from tumbling over, and both times, he caught a glimpse of Dorian’s fond smirk from across the room before he tugged at his mustache and smoothed his face back into serene attention.
When the Archon finished his patently insincere monologue about working together against the Venatori, Alistair made his escape as quickly as was feasible, and definitely more quickly than was polite.  He raced out of the throne room and down the hall to the guest wing, clutching fruitlessly for the necklace he'd carefully tucked away in the bottom of his bag.  Dorian would most likely be busy for hours and unable to answer, and probably had hidden it for the same reasons Alistair had, so the weight of it in his hand would have to be enough.
When he finally skidded to a halt in front of his room, his heart was pounding his chest as he threw the door open, nearly off its hinges, and dumped his whole bag out across the mattress, desperate for the only token he had, just to hold it and know he hadn’t dreamed the whole thing.
The necklace was missing.
"No, no, I packed it, no, where the void is it?" he hissed to himself as he tossed spare trousers and shirts to the floor.  Could it have been stolen?  Would someone really be so bold to rob the Wardens when they were guests in the Archon's household?
He grabbed each bit of clothing and shook it out, hoping against hope that it was simply tangled in a pant leg or a sleeve, but it was all for naught.  He’d lost it.  It was the only thing Dorian had ever given him, and he'd lost it.
"Looking for this, amatus?"
Alistair was moving before the second word was out of his mouth.  He spun around and charged, catching Dorian in his arms and pinning him against the wall as he kissed him.  The sending crystal clattered to the floor, unimportant now that the real thing was in his grasp.  "How'd you get here so fast?" he murmured.
Dorian chuckled.  "How do you think, darling?  Magic."
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justabrowncoatedwench · 3 months
#4 and #12 for the hype questions?
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
I have several worldstates and no "true" canon, but I'm always happy to talk about them all! I'll answer you with the one I'm planning to play first, since I imagine that's what's most interesting to hear about.
My very first Warden was Solona Amell; she romanced Alistair and kept him a Warden with her. The Hawke that followed her, her cousin, was my purple rogue Daylen Hawke-Amell (he took up the family name when he got the Estate back) - Bethany became a Warden - and he dallied with Isabela before getting into a relationship with Anders. Unfortunately, he (and I) was totally blind sided by what Anders was up to and broke up with the mage but didn't kill him before siding with the mages against the Templars in the final confrontation.
Poor Daylen subsequently was left in the Fade by Inquisitor Tanith Trevelyan, a former Circle mage, who romanced Cullen and made Leliana Divine. Tanith vowed to redeem Solas after he saved her life by taking her hand in Trespasser. She disbanded the Inquisition and retired to Ferelden with Cullen where they help Templars leave lyrium addition and the Order behind. By 9:54 (beginning of DAV), they have 3 children, a son, Nathan, and twin girls, Haven & Hope.
My first Rook will be Tanith's younger brother, Alvaro, an ex-Templar who journeyed to Rivain to connect with their mother's roots after Trespasser and joined the Lords of Fortune. He's a sword-and-board warrior by training.
12. What's one thing you're hoping we DON'T see in this next game?
What an interesting question! I really hope they let Cullen rest finally (I suspect they will, what with everything that happened with Greg Ellis).
I'm a little worried about how they'll handle the elves, in general, particularly the Creators vs the modern elves, since the elves are rooted in Jewish, Romani, and indigenous inspiration (as stated by the devs since DAO) and the whole "Evanuris were actually slavers" schtick is, uh, easily fumble-able let's say, without making any sweeping assertions on whether or not it was fumbled in DAI and the tie-in media since. (I'm not interested in litigating such a complex issue in a short ask answer like this one.)
If you'd like to ask me a question as we get hype for Dragon Age: The Veilguard, here's the list!
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
ok so insane lore drop about our inquisitor s/i Nicki! ok so they happened to stumble upon a bunch of books once that turned out to be Daylen's (we all know Daylen our beloved grey warden guy) old diaries and a memoir he was writing after the end of the war that was never published etc. so because of that they have intimate knowledge of the war and will "well actually!" people about it because they love being right. and because the diaries have stories about Anders when he and Daylen where still at the same tower and were very close, they will also defend Anders with their life which makes Marianne (our self-insert Hawke) absolutely delighted when they meet! also dont ask how they got the diaries its a very contrived thing we added because we thought it would be fun. they do end up returning them to Alistair and hes just there like "i should ask questions. but honestlyi dont know if i want to hear the answers so thank u for returning them. my husband will be very happy to have these back!" so theres that! - @incubusshipping
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me??? THE da mutual??? I'm honored
oh that's so fun how your s/is connect together like that, I should have mine talk more,,, like I've thought about gray coming along with is.abela and getting to say hi to va.rric and everything but also I think I read something about getting to see finn again so it might be plausible for meraad to be there too?? even without involving finn maybe le.liana would write to them
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ambiguousrubbish · 2 years
Jowan/Karl reunion in He Chose Chains(ch11 preview)
Jowan gets to see Karl in the Gallows just prior to his uhh…to Anders’ recruitment into Hawke’s party. 💔
“You know what? Forget this whole thing. I’ll ask a Tranq to help me.” Prudence ripped the list out of his hands and strode away. “You’ll be one soon anyway, useless fool.”
Jowan looked like he’d burst into tears any second, but then a strong hand touched his shoulder. A firm hand, but not an unkind one.
He flinched hard and was now trembling and then he turned to see the friendliest face he’d seen in the longest of times.
“Jowan?! How in the world? We all thought it would be months before you were allowed topside?” The voice was familiar and Jowan immediately was reduced to tears and soft sobs. Brown hair cropped short and a medium length beard-Enchanter’s robes.
“Karl!” Jowan was hugging the older mage before anybody could stop him. Shannon didn’t even try.
“It’s good to see you too, lad. I’ve only heard rumors! Is it true what they say about Daylen? That he saved you?”
Jowan sobbed harder as Karl returned the tight, desperate embrace.
“I got a letter. He’s a hero, but he’s …”
Jowan trailed off and sniffled as he fought back more sobs and tears streamed freely.
Karl shushed him gently and rubbed his back.
Recruit Shannon’s hand was on Jowan’s shoulder too, now.
“I’m sorry Enchanter. I wasn’t expecting-“
“It’s perfectly all right, recruit. We’re all right.” Karl held up a hand to gently stop her from pulling Jowan away.
“Jowan has always been a sensitive soul-he didn’t need to lose his best friend.”
Jowan looked up towards Karl’s face as he finally slowly let go. “He didn’t deserve to die, but apparently the Grey Warden who kills an archdemon dies? We’ve all heard the rumors.”
“Yes, he sacrificed himself to save the king of Ferelden.” Karl nodded.
“Such a goody two shoes.” Jowan said halfheartedly. It had been a running joke at Kinloch that Daylen had been a “goody two shoes” but it didn’t seem so funny now, knowing what Jowan knew.
“This has to be horrible for you, Jowan. I’m so sorry.”
Karl said softly.
“It doesn’t get any better, does it?” Jowan asked. Karl sighed as Jowan began to tire of crying and his breaths came steadily once more.
“It will, but you have to be strong to get there. Please promise me you’ll hang in there?” Karl offered a small sad smile.
“I will try. Daylen wanted me to … this king was a good friend of his. He said in …the letter I received said he might visit me sometime. I doubt that will happen but it’s good to dream, Karl.”
“If that keeps you going then yes. It is good to dream, my friend. I should be going, I need to lead a study group now. Drop in sometime, all right?” Karl’s tone was sincere. He wasn’t just being polite, he seemed earnest in wanting to help Jowan find peace with his new life.
Jowan thought a study group would be a nice change from sitting in a cell in chains anyway.
“I will. Please take care!” Jowan gave Karl another quick hug before they walked away in opposite directions.
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hear-bee-dragons · 1 year
[Pinned Post]
I'm currently going through my second playthrough with the intent of starting a fic about it BUT my computer hates me so very slow progress until I can fix that.
[OCs below]
☆World State: Modless and Godless☆
Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age II
Lynn Mahariel (she/her) - Dalish Warrior, highly values truth and its pursuit and very much dislikes liars, had a fling w/ Zevran and was in a relationship with Alistair before sacrificing herself to slay the Archdemon, played w/ no DLCs or mods (played on Xbox w/ GamePass)
**Daylen Amell** he/him - Human mage, hasn't even left the Circle yet (played on shitty little laptop with all DLCs)
Harris Hawke (he/they) - Rogue, purple Hawke, dated Anders and fled with him after act 3, played w/ only the Black Emporium DLC and no mods (played on Xbox w/ GamePass)
Dragon Age Inquisition
Saara Adaar (she/he) - Qunari rogue, sided w/ the mages, was FWB with the Iron Bull, played w/ no DLCs or mods (played on Xbox w/ GamePass)
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crossdressingdeath · 1 month
10 and 13 for the worldstate thingy 🔫
Why the gun... Why are you threatening me...
(The worldstate thingy)
10. are they good horse riders? Aster is good enough to not embarrass himself; Nathaniel (who as a noble presumably would've learned) taught him on the grounds that a nobleman should really be able to ride, even if Aster's only a noble by technicality. He's not great, but he's decent enough. Daylen can't ride to save his life. Put him on a horse and he will be on the ground less than a minute later, which I suspect would have been a great disappointment to his mother if she'd lived long enough to see him try. On the bright side Carver does get to see him try (because in my worldstate they flee to Amaranthine after Kirkwall goes tits up because Aster was in Kirkwall and extends an invitation) and he finds it absolutely hilarious. Alaris is actually quite good through a combination of a lifetime of halla riding, a lot of practice to transfer those skills to riding a horse instead of a deer, and the fact that his "horse" is a magical construct bound to his will. Some people (Daylen) might call that last bit cheating.
13. their thoughts on the Grey Warden order? Aster is grateful for his freedom, but also resentful; he's very aware that he was recruited because a powerful, prodigy mage that the Circle wanted rid of anyway was too good for Duncan to pass up, not because the guy was feeling merciful. Also having seen Weisshaupt allow the Chantry to fuck with the running of his Wardens he absolutely despises the First Warden. But he does love the Amaranthine branch; they're his family, and he's very proud of the work he's done to make them a respected force in his arling. Daylen recognizes they saved Carver, but they also took his brother away so he kind of hates them. Also the whole "sacrificing the Warden warriors in blood magic rituals" thing for some reason soured his opinion on them what with his Warden warrior brother and all. Alaris's feelings on the Wardens are kind of complicated because on one hand Anders did when sufficiently nagged tell stories about his time in Amaranthine with Aster and Alaris has a strong secondhand affection for the Amaranthine Wardens and a lot of respect for the elven mage who defeated the archdemon, but Anders also told him about how very badly his time with the Wardens ended. So it's sort of the same as Aster where he likes the Amaranthine branch specifically but is not fond of the rest of the order. Although he is sympathetic re the Adamant situation; they thought they were all dying and they panicked, he can't say for sure that he wouldn't have done the same in their shoes.
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ritasanderson · 3 years
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Updated Amell and Hawke, so now everyone is here :+)
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whereismywarden · 4 years
Second Chances Worldstate
OC Page (with full biographies) | Fanfictions
Daylen Amell
LIs: Ana Surana (pre-DAO); Morrigan (DAO) Class and specialization: Mage (Shapeshifter) Links: tag; fanfictions
Parents are Revka Amell and Ser Maurevar Carver, because I say so.
Had a baby with Surana, Neriah, who was taken to a Chantry orphanage.
Main DAO choices include: Sparing Loghain, Alistair becoming a drunk, not doing Morrigan’s ritual because he can just throw Loghain at the Archdemon (which he did).
Helps Ana get their daughter out of the Kirkwall orphanage. Bails on them right afterwards.
Still undecided whether or not he follows Morrigan through the eluvian and actually ends up being a decent dad to Kieran.
Does not become Ferelden’s Warden-Commander.
Eventually runs into Alistair one day and the two of them make peace with each other.
When Hawke doesn’t turn up, Leliana contacts him to help against Corypheus.
Alistair is his contact in the Wardens.
Amell stays behind in the Fade after learning that Alistair’s wife is pregnant.
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Alwyn Hawke
LIs: no one Class and specialization: Mage (Force Mage) Links: visual references
Had a sister, Violetta, who died in a boating accident when they were young.
Does not bring Anders to the Deep Roads. Carver dies.
Suffers from severe depression afterwards.
Goes from purple to full blue after Leandra’s death.
Helps Alistair get better.
Disappears after the Chantry explosion, is nowhere to be found.
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Asaara Adaar
LIs: Cullen Rutherford (DA2 Act 3, DAI) Class and specialization: Mage (Rift Mage) Links: tag; fanfictions; visual references
Eldest daughter of two Tal-Vashoth, she has a younger sister; Issala.
The two sisters are very close and picked each other’s names (note: I headcanon that Tal-Vashoth usually let their children choose their own names).
Met Cullen while he was still a templar and they were both chasing the same apostate. They fell in love but went their separate ways once their mission was over.
Cullen is the one who suggested hiring the Valo-Kas as security for the Conclave.
The two of them are reunited after the explosion.
Other OCs
Ana Surana: Daylen’s childhood friend and Alistair’s wife.
Neriah Amell: Ana and Day’s daughter, later adopted by Alistair when he married her mother.
Issala Adaar: Asaara’s little sister; Varric’s bodyguard and lover.
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sulky-valkyrie · 9 months
OC Tag Game!
Tagged by @highwayphantoms (hiiiiii darling!)
Favorite OC: Ris. She is everything I wish I was and everything I wish I wasn't, all dialed up to 11.
Newest OC: Nati Brosca, who has only come up in two or three one-shot drabbles, but is the HoF in the Too Many Wardens AU I'm muddling with.
Oldest OC: Ris. I didn't even know her first name when I started writing her, so I stuck with the last name, then Alistair abbreviated it, and now here we are.
Meanest OC: Probably Trev. She's a fire mage through and through, in temprament and skill, permanently sleep-deprived, and not equipped to be the leader of anything, much less an entire army.
Softest OC: Emjee Hawke. They're so worried about losing people that it colors nearly every decision they make.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Ris, again. She doesn't mean to be, and if she's trying she can fake her way through socializing. In an ideal world, she'd be be sitting by a fire with a book and a glass of wine or a mug of tea, but unfortunately for her, she lives in Thedas, and catastrophes keep happening.
Dumbest OC: Madman of Kirkwall, hands down. He's not actually stupid, but he has so little impulse control that the dumb thing happens before the rest of his brain finishes considering the implications.
Smartest OC: Ris or Nati, with Ris pulling ahead because she's had more time to read rather than constantly struggling to survive as a casteless dwarf. Daylen is pretty smart too, but not in practical ways thanks to that there Circle upbringing.
OC I'd Be Friends With: Hopefully all of them, but .... maybe from a bit of a distance to avoid splash damage.
Tagging @glowing-blue-feathermage @potatowitch @sunnygalaxyfox and @trans-ruffboi
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meangimmymachine · 3 years
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Because I am a Dragon Age dork, and yet have never played Origins or DAII, I have created so many characters and now I refuse to let any of them die if I don’t choose them in the game.
From the top to bottom:
Zaya Cousland
Prince Dhelos Aeducan
Neria Surana
Daylen Amell
Iena Tabris
Fahren Brosca
and the flirty boy Elandrin Mahariel
I used this picrew: https://picrew.me/image_maker/582810
Honestly, I love all of these dorks so much, I will make my Hawke character later, I already have my Lavellan made.
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heartslogos · 4 years
the declassified texts of the inquisition’s elite [164]
(615):  congrats on being the token straight people in our group. -
“So. Aedan hasn't responded to any group texts in about two weeks. That's not unusual,” Natia says, pressing her phone to her ear as she holds up an earring to the light. It's absolutely fake, but it’s a good fake.
Solona waits patiently for Natia’s verdict. This is where Natia can lie and say Solona did not get ripped off — again — or she can tell the truth and deal with Solona being incredibly depressed and ashamed about being duped — again — for the next month or so. Or Natia can stall and call up Elissa or Duran and ask them to swap it out for something real and they’ll just quietly take care of things so Solona never finds out.
Natia can already hear Faren complaining about how they’re babying Solona too much, though. And chances are Faren’d complain to Kallian or Theron, and one of those two is going to spill the beans and Solona wouldn’t just be ashamed about being duped, she’ll be embarrassed about being babied by her whole circle of friends.
“So why are we talking about it?” Daylen asks, sounding incredibly bored. Natia can hear the sounds of children in the background. The man’s entered the wrong profession. No one in their right mind should have ever let him get into child care.
“Hold on, I’m switching you to speaker, I need both hands.” Natia gently puts her phone down on her desk and switches it to speaker. “I’ve got Solona here.”
There’s a heavy, heavy pause on Daylen’s side. Natia can just imagine the man running the calculations in his head of why Solona is with Natia when it’s technically working hours. And because Daylen is quite clever he’s going to come to the correct conclusion that Solona is having something appraised. This, of course, leads to the natural conclusion that Solona has spent a sum of money on something that is most likely fake and she’s getting it appraised. And now Daylen’s trying to figure out how to respond to this.
“Neat,” Daylen eventually says. “Anyway, who cares if Aedan isn’t responding to the group texts? Either he’s blowing it up sending fifteen texts at once or he’s radio silence for weeks. It’s one or the other with that narcissist. Why are we talking about it?”
“Because,” Natia drags the word out as she drags out figuring out how to tell Solona this is fake in the gentlest way possible, “He’s not quiet in other chats. If he’s quiet in the group chat he’s quiet in every chat. He’s avoiding someone.”
“Or he could be working very hard. Leliana has him doing some side work for the Inquisition,” Solona points out. She fiddles a bit with a blonde curl as she worries her bottom lip. Her wide anxious eyes pin Natia with an unfair amount of optimism.
Ancestors. It’d be easier to kick a puppy.
“He must be very, very bored if he’s helping the Inquisition.” Daylen sighs. Natia and Solona turn to look at the phone, as though they could see him through it.
“Are you smoking again?” Solona asks, disapproval heavy in her voice as she puts her hands on her hips. It’d work if Daylen was present. Solona’s disapproving mom energy is something else entirely. Natia hopes she learns what it is someday, before she has kids of her own. It seems like something Natia’s going to need beforehand.
“Listen,” Daylen replies, “Sometimes I just need a cigarette to get through my day. You don’t know how hard it is working with some of these brats.”
“Why are you a teacher Daylen?”
“Because karma’s a whole bitch and I’m being punished for my terrible student career. Back to Aedan.”
“Has Aedan been texting you outside of the group chat?”
“No. I don’t text anyone outside of the group chat.”
“What’s the last thing you said to him outside of the group chat?”
“Congratulations on being the token straight.”
Solona makes a very disappointed motherly sound. No wonder Solona’s kids are little angels. If Natia’s mother was capable of making sounds like that Natia would’ve never ever had a single rebellious thought in her life.
“That’s very presumptuous of you, Daylen. You don’t know that.” Solona pauses. “I don’t think Aedan really swings one way or the other to be honest.”
“No, he’s got a thing with Mahariel.”
“Lyna?” Daylen starts choking.
“Chill — Theron,” Natia shakes her head, drumming her fingers on the edge of her work table. “It’s just rumor. Neither of them have confirmed anything and I’m not going to start asking questions to things no one wants to talk about. But rumors like that start with something.”
“Where did you hear that?”
“Theron’s ex?” Natia can hear Daylen’s eyebrows rising.
“Yeah. Ask Lyna about it, I think the two of them are trying to figure out what’s going on there. Because either Theron’s a deep closet case or it was an experimental fling gone awry.”
“Theron and Aedan get along like oil and water though,” Solona frowns. “I don’t think that’s healthy.”
“Probably why they aren’t together for real. Look, I don’t know. None of us know. We could ask Aedan about it. I’m sure if Morrigan’s got curious she’s asked Leliana. Maybe that’s why Leliana’s got Aedan working with her right now. The two get along really well, maybe he’ll say something about it if she asks subtly enough. Or just asks. You never know with those two. I used to think those two might be dating.”
“No, no, they aren’t each other’s type at all,” Solona shakes her head. “Either way, I think you must have hurt Aedan’s feelings, Daylen. No one likes being a token anything. And I doubt he’s entirely straight. He’s got a certain image going, I know, but despite all of that bluster he’s actually very — well. Natia, what’s the word I’m looking for?”
“I can assure you, Solona, I have no idea where you’re going with this.”
“Hm. You’re so clever Natia, I thought you would’ve.” Solona sighs ruefully. “I’m sure it’ll come to me eventually. Either way, Daylen, go apologize to him. Or I’ll tell Bethany and she’ll throw you under the Hawke bus.”
“Fuck, fine,” Daylen groans, “Got to go. Recess ends in five minutes and I’ve got to get rid of the smoke smell. Fuck I wish they’d let me vape instead.”
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
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I used this Picrew to make the DA ladies!!! 
From left to right: Daylen Amell, Tatiana Hawke, Dhaveira Lavellan <3
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