#daycare memories in general are often kind of unhinged
weirdthoughtsandideas · 11 months
Me and my sister discussed old daycares we went to together and one of these daycares, we went to up until I was 3 and she was 5 - that's when we moved to another city. Thus, I only have vague memories of this daycare.
The things I remember:
The playroom was large. They had a little slide indoors, which was so fun. My other daycare had a super small playroom in comparison.
I was not allowed to take naps, because apparently I "disrupted the other children", so I had to stay up with a teacher who read stories to me and another kid. He stayed up because he got picked up early by his mom. Funny thing about this, when I got to the new daycare after we moved, I did take naps. Although, at that point I hated naps and could never sleep.
There was a swing that only could spin around. The older kids liked to spin this super much and I, being 3, was terrified because they were spinning so fast.
I ate snow a lot
We had some Lucia performance in a large room with all the kids from the daycare
One time someone came to draw our bodies. I actually have this pictured in my daycare book.
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”By drawing the body we practice on the body perception. Here Linda draws Sara. She lies on the floor in the playroom and laughs. This Sara thought was fun. - It tickles, laughs Sara.”
One time we went to the library and I remember feeling isolated because on the way there, I was put in a single stroller. All the other kids sat in twin strollers.
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You can see my sadness /j
Already feeling isolation at age 3 help
One of our teachers told us a story about how her sister once got stuck in the toilet and yelled ”don’t flush!”. We thought this story was hilarious (because. Toilets are funny). But then at night I got a nightmare about someone getting flushed down the toilet…
Oh and I swear I have a memory where me and a boy walked around wearing only diapers playing with water in a room. We have this pictured too in my daycare book, but the thing is… this happened when I was 1 years old. So remembering it would have been impossible? I must have somehow thought I remembered it, or maybe there was another thing I did in that room later.
Now it sounds like I actually remember a lot from this place, but tbh all these memories are very vague. It’s just like ”One second of being in this room” types of memories.
Here are some other fun pictures from my daycare book. One is the playroom, with the slide (I’m the one in red)
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I really wonder what happened to the girl in white. Barely remember her since we were literal toddlers but it’s interesting to know what happened to all the kids you used to know.
Oh, also: I have always been an artist, ever since I was two
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Now, this was sweet and all. But, my sister was 5 so she has more memories of this place than me. And...
Her memories were unhinged.
So, here's what my sister remembered:
Every single kid from her section decided to run out to the fields that was next to the daycare. My sister also ran, but she stopped before the fields began. Then SHE got yelled at for even attempting, but she does not mention any other kid getting yelled at.
A boy got his tounge frozen on a pole, so the teachers had to go pour hot water on it. Then every other kid decided to try it, including my sister. So every single kid was like "now my tounge is stuck!", "now my tounge is stuck!"
Apparently one of my sister's teachers was a grumpy lady who always looked mad, and who forced my sister to poop outside because "we don't go inside during recess" ??????????????? (i have been substituting at daycares. If a kid needs to go, you go in with them and you let them go. what the actual fuck)
Two girls decided to rub their butts together (they were fully clothed). Now, they were like 4-5 so to them this was just having fun, maybe they did a high five and thought it would be funny to try that with their butts. Butts are fun. But a teacher saw them and GATHERED THE ENTIRE GROUP IN A CIRCLE and was like "Did you know what -name- and -name- did? They rubbed their butts together! That is completely unacceptable. I never want to see any of that behavior from any of you."
My sister remembered getting yelled at for simply doing the thing everyone else was doing, but apparently it was wrong when she did it. I can relate to this very much, it happened to me a lot too, although not at this daycare.
Maybe if we had not moved, I might have experienced some more unhinged things at this daycare like my sister, but according to my parents, my sister's group in general was kind of loud and "wild", so it could also be the group itself (similarly to how my elementary school class drove many teachers to nuts, but those teachers seemed to get along with other classes)
Another thing I can mention: I don't remember this at all, but apparently, me and a boy had discovered that if both of us helped to push the front door, we could open it. So, we had escaped out to the parking lot x) I wish I remembered that.
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