#dawko x animdude
Lewis: Oh, fiddlesticks! That really ruffles my feathers!
Scott Cawthon: Please, just say fuck.
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Scott Cawthon: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
Vance (Glitchtrap): Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD
Scott Cawthon: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING LEWIS WITH ME
Michael, picking up the monopoly board: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
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Lewis: Glitch, keep an eye on Scott today. They're gonna say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Vance: Sure, I'd love to see Scott get punched.
Lewis: Try again.
Vance, sighing: I will stop Scott from getting punched.
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Scott Cawthon: *Screams*
Vance (Glitchtrap): *Screams louder to assert dominance*
Lewis: Should we do something?!
Michael, observing: No, I want to see who wins this.
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Head empty,,,,,
No thoughts,,,,,,,,
Just,,,,,,,, comfort crackships,,,,,,,, helpjhjkghkjjhjdhfda
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Michael: I just ended a four year relationship.
Scott Cawthon: Oh, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?
Michael: Hm? Oh yeah, I’m fine. It wasn’t my relationship.
*Vance (Glitchtrap) and Lewis fighting from across the room*
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alright, fine I’ll tell ya’ll (TL;DR is at the bottom lol)
I came up with the crackship back in like 2019 after rewatching the Scott and Dawko interview, and listening to “Make Your Move” by CG5 and Dawko, which is what inspired the Yandere!Scott concept. I drew smth that was like FNaF Show!Dawko x Scott Cawthon or Animdude, and posted it to the FNaF subreddit for a reaction, apparentally forgetting that Lewis is a huge member of that subreddit and that Scott’s the literal owner of the damn thing (neither of them saw it, to my knowledge-)
It didn’t take long for the comments to start rolling in, some of which were playing along, while most of them were people wondering what tf they were looking at, which was understandable. Then out of nowhere, I get a comment from someone saying how they shipped it, and they were taking it a little too seriously. I saw their user flair which said they were part of the mod team, so I decided to check the front page of the subreddit to confirm it, and lo and behold there was their name neatly lined up underneath the moderators. 
At first I just thought “weird, but ‘aight-” and then went to bed thinking that everyone would forget about this by tomorrow.
Boy was my dumbass wrong
I come back the next day to multiple comment notifications in my inbox, and when I read them I see that they’re all from the same comment thread which was a convo between the one moderator that took the ship a little too seriously, and another mod who was like “bitch tf-”
I read the entire thread, and oh boy it was not pretty. These two were just going back and forth, with the first moderator revealing some stuff about themselves that probably should’ve remained private. It was around there that I stopped reading cause it didn’t seem to get any better. The entire thread had the same energy as when you’re over at a friend’s house, and the family starts fighting about something you don’t know about, all the while you’re just standing there like 🧍‍♀️
Since I didn’t learn my lesson the first time, I just thought that everyone would forget about this by the next day or so, and went to post my Dawko x Scott stuff somewhere where people would understand that it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously, and that it was all for shits and giggles. 
And then magically, people did seem to forget about it.
For at least a few weeks.
I came back a few weeks after the whole debacle, and the first thing I see is a pinned post from another moderator with the title “’moderator name’ has been removed from the mod team”
When I tell you that my stomach fucking DROPPED when I read that title, I mean it. It didn’t get any better for me at least, as I read the actual post which was just your typical “moderator has been removed from the mod team for x and y reason” y’know the usual. But then I saw that another moderator provided a whole ass LIST of reasons for why they came to this decision.
Despite my better judgement, I decided to go down the list and wouldn’t you know it, there it was.
The second to last item on the list:
“Supported a ship between Scott and Dawko”
Now you can say this was just a coincidence, or whatever, but the timing is just too perfect for me. It was only literal WEEKS between when I posted the joke crackship art and got that comment, and the announcement that the same moderator was kicked off the team. The fact that they came to this decision only after my posts and were already thinking of removing this moderator for a while, only convinces me that my stupid crackship was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
TL;DR: I might’ve accidentally gotten a moderator kicked off of the mod team on the FNaF subreddit, with my stupid crackship and obvious joke fanart
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What is going on and should I be worried
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