#david x letoile
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Hi Laura! Hope everything is going amazingly and wishing you best of luck with your writing! 💖 For the ship game, how about Yami x Charlotte and (an out of the box pick) David x Letoile? Thank you! ^^
Hiya Acacia!
Life is pretty good! I got my wedding ring this week, I passed my physio midterm (while still waiting for biochem) and ... life is just generally speaking pretty swell~ ^^
Yami x Charlotte
Makes sense and compels me
I think that this ship is a kind of opposites-attract one, with some damsel in distress, but... I think... I think that Char has a sense of saving Sukehiro too. As in... I think that Yami has been dealing with a lot of loneliness and guilt after arriving to Clover, and maybe he bears a sense of not thinking that he's worthy of being loved. Hell, at least he hasn't been liked, as the weird foreign kid. And while he has gained friends, and people who support him, it's still different from being loved. (This is also how I explain Sukehiro not getting that Char has a crush on him, despite him being able to read her ki; that he just doesn't know how a crush might feel, let alone let himself think that someone might have a crush on him. He might even be someone who thinks that "there's this beautiful noble lady who could have any man she desires in all of Clover, and I'm just a rat bastard from a foreign country, who has been bullied for all his life... there's no way she'd be interested in me"). And... when Char gives her love for him, I think there is a sense of saving him, in that. They're both saving each other, from each other, in a way (her saving him from himself and vice versa). And that's one of the reasons why this ship compels me
David x Letoil
Makes sense and .. doesn't (?) compel me
I think that this ship does make sense, even though I haven't really thought about it before. I kinda like the idea of someone who lets the dice do the decision making, falling for someone who always has a direction (because compass!), and vice versa. There is something poetic about it, but I can't say that I'd be compelled enough to explore it a lot, if that makes sense. I'm neutral towards the ship. No dislike, nor particular like either, but it does make sense.
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yellowgreendinno · 1 year ago
Letoile & Langris & David:
In a Battle, they did this combo thingy, and It turned out as a double six power spell:
"Spatial Compass"
It was able to change the direction of Gravity's pull.
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acacia-may · 2 years ago
And y'know what? 27 and 45 for any ship you want to indulge. 😤💖 I'm happy to listen you gush about your faves
Thank you so much for this ask, Laura, and for playing the ship ask game! 🥰
I feel so spoiled, and I'm not sure which ship to pick, honestly. 😅💖 I was going to go with Rillmy (my OTP of Black Clover), but I have gotten a few asks about them for this game, so I think I ought to go with a different relationship here (it's only fair to give the others a chance too even if Rillmy is my favorite 😁). I also considered writing some headcanons about my CC x OC ship, Henry Legolant x (my OC) Lorelei Swallow, but since I don't talk about my OCs a lot and I've only written about them a little bit so far, I didn't think they'd fall under the "any ship" umbrella category as intended. 😅 So instead, I decided to write some headcanons about a ship between only canon characters, David Swallow x Letoile Becquerel. I (secretly) really, really love them and I don't think I have ever talked about them before so I will gladly take this opportunity. 😂💖 Thank you so much again for that and for the ask!
Answers are below the cut because the post is a bit lengthy.
Ship Ask: David Swallow x Letoile Becquerel
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
In my mind, neither David nor Letoile are particularly big on verbal expressions of love. Neither of them are against it, but I think they would both prefer to express their love through their actions rather than with their words. For Letoile, words feel very cheap and very empty if they don't have actions to back them up, and I think David (for all of his bravado and big personality) actually feels kind of awkward about expressing his feelings with the words "I love you" (even if he does express love verbally in other ways through compliments and encouragement).
David expresses his love non-verbally with his time. No matter how busy he is, he always makes a point to carve out time for him and Letoile to spend together. He loves planning activities for them to do, spontaneous little trips, and fun experiences they can share. Letoile isn't usually the biggest fan of surprises, so they sometimes have to compromise on that (i.e. he tells her that he's going to take her somewhere for the weekend and enough about the place & the weather so she'll know what to pack even if he doesn't tell her exactly where they are going 😁). As a couple, I think they both value their independence so they don't do everything together, but it's really important to David to get to share a lot of things with Letoile and, at least in my mind, a big moment for him in realizing that he loves her, is him first realizing that he wants to share so much of his life and all of these experiences with her. He really does just want to be with her all the time (or at least most of the time).
Letoile expresses her love non-verbally through acts of service. David can be a little proud and not ask for help all that often, but she can tell when he's struggling and will offer to lend a hand, which he'll often take her up on. He actually told her he loved her for the first time in a sleep deprived daze and frazzled relief when she stepped in and "saved him" from scrambling over a mission report for Golden Dawn he had forgotten about. Eventually when they marry and have a family, they tend to split the housework equally, but Letoile will often quietly surprise David by taking care of some of his laundry or helping out with some of the chores he was supposed to do (especially if he is exceptionally busy or rundown). She is also fantastic at taking care of him when he's sick (though she doesn't baby him or allow him to baby himself 😅).
45. How do they support each other? How do they rely on each others support?
Despite being so different in personality and not always seeing eye to eye, I like to think that David and Letoile actually do have a lot of respect for each other and are very supportive of each other (even if they do occasionally argue). I think David's support is very loud and exuberant--kind of like a cheerleader, whereas Letoile's support is more quiet but steady like a support beam or firm foundation where David can "safely land" when he tries to reach for the stars.
In some of my headcanons for the future, I imagine that Letoile eventually becomes the Golden Dawn's Captain (or whatever the squad will be called by then), and no matter what happens to them (if they end up together or just stay friends) David is so incredibly proud or her and goes around talking her up to everyone. I think this is especially true in a world where they're married--he's just telling anyone who will even so much as pretend to listen: "My wife is the Captain of the Golden Dawn! She's amazing!" I think he is very openly supportive of her dreams and incredibly proud of her accomplishments. In my mind, Letoile really has this forever cheerleader in him, and he really thinks she is just incredible and wants everyone to know how amazing she is.
On her side, Letoile is much more quiet and reserved just by nature and personality, and in that way, I think her support is much more steady and calm. It's less flashy but it's steadfast. She is always in his corner, and he knows that he can always turn to for advice or support when he needs it. I think David has a lot of these more wild, big ideas, and his big plans can sometimes get away from him so the support he needs is often having someone there to help him reign back in a little bit so he doesn't bite off more than he can chew and also to help him with the more practical side of how he can make his dreams reality, and I think Letoile is very good at that and he appreciates that in her.
Overall, I like to think that because they're such good friends with each other, communication comes a bit easier for them and they can be more open about their struggles with each other (despite both being a bit proud and independent at times and really wanting to default to that "Well I can take care of it myself" mentality). I think they can really learn to lean on each other and will really stick by one another in particularly rough times in their lives. I mean, say what you will about Letoile and David but they're both pretty stubborn (in true Golden Dawn fashion, of course). That can be bad things sometimes, but I also think it can be a good thing sometimes too. No matter what happens, neither one of them is really going anywhere. When they choose to share their lives with each other, they're not going to change their minds. They will stubbornly stick together through thick and thin. They might disagree sometimes, but I think those disagreements will be over mostly inconsequential things (like what color to paint the living room walls), and in a time of real trouble, they will come together and work through it together, falling back on the deep, mutual respect they have for each other.
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idiotjajajaja · 1 year ago
я наконец это нарисовала! Спустя...сколько?
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kcuf-ad · 1 year ago
David is like 🥰😘 to Letoile while she is like 😑 and Alecdora is like 😒
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Find someone that looks at your angry self like David looks at angry Letoile
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Dora: omg, get a roooooooom
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kalolasfantasyworld · 10 months ago
Hi Lola! 💖For Bingo, how about Grey x Gauche and David x Letoile? And to shake things up a little with a non-Black Clover ship, Rapunzel x Flynn from Tangled (since I've found out you're also a fan!) Thank you, dear! Cheers!!💕
Hi Acacia! 💕 Happy to see you here again 🫶
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I LOVE THEM and @1phoebe1 is very much responsible for that. I liked them before, but after seeing her art... my loved went on another level so BINGO!
David x Letoil
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Yhmm, so I had no idea this was a ship to be honest. But I shamefully admit that my Golden Dawn knowledge is mostly from what I hear from @lyranova.
Rapunzel x Flynn (Eugene)
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Thank you so much for asking about them and obviously we have a BINGO! I think now I'm changing the art that I'm going to post tomorrow... because I made one forever ago in relation to Helena's voice claim as Mandy Moore... time to post it. LOVE THEM LOVE THEM LOVE THEM
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princey-poetry · 2 days ago
Black clover x pjo au
Godly parents
These are just the ones I have ideas for
Black bulls
Noelle- Poseidon
Luck- ares
Magna- Hephaestus
Vanessa and finral- Aphrodite
Gauche- iris
Yami- nyx
Nacht- hades
Nero/secre- Hecate
Charmy- hypnos
Gordon- Asclepius
Golden dawn
William and Mimosa- Demeter
Langris- nemesis
Yuno- Jupiter
David- Hermes
Letoile- Athena
Julius- Kronos
Fuego and his siblings- Nike
Rill- probably Apollo
Charlotte- Artemis (Hunter of Artemis)
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acacia-may · 1 year ago
Thanks for the tag, Oighear (and welcome to Tumblr--nice to see you!) 💕
Oh wow so...I have WAY too many WIPs in my WIPs folders and most of these will probably never be finished (some haven't been updated since like 2016...😬), but here they are, divided by fandom. [If it wasn't listed in the title, I've put what character or ship is centric in parentheses for most of them], and I've put them under the cut because this is a very, very long list 😅
Baudelaires and Quagmires one shot (actual title TBD)
Broken Mirror: Chapter 2 [Denouement Triplets]
Of All Sad Words [Jacquelyn Scieszka]
O Infinite, Supreme Joy (To Die With You) [Bertrand x Beatrice]
Olivia Caliban Story (actual title TBD)
A Genuine Princess [Nozel x Dorothy]
Baby Bird [Platonic Vanessa and Yami]
Borrowed Time [Vanessa x Finral]
Burning Dream House [Finesse, Langris, and Finral platonic; some Finesse x Langris]
Caged Birds Club [Platonic Vanessa and Henry]
Captain Magna
Crossing the Time Line [Next Gen]
Find Me In Time [Next Gen]
Flowers for Noelle
Forced Family Fun [Nacht, Gauche, and Zora]
Heads Will Roll [Vanessa is the Queen of Witches AU]
I Know You Love Her [Platonic Vanessa and Langris; some Langris x Finesse]
If My Heart Was A House [Henry x Lorelei (OC)]
I'm Betting On Us [David x Letoile]
In Case You Don't Live Forever[Nozel and Noelle Siblings]
Langris x Finesse Brainrot (actual title TBD)
Nocturne [Langris and Finral Siblings]
Outranked [Finral, Langris, Vanessa, and Finesse Family]
Portals and Potatoes: Chapter 2 [Next Gen]
Restless to Climb [Platonic Langris and Yuno]
Something...Happened [Black Bulls]
Tied With Strings [Platonic Vanessa and Gordon]
Vanessa Can't Drink [Vanessa x Finral]
Vanessa's Father (actual title TBD)
Across the Universe: Chapter 2 [Momoharu]
Chestnut Trees and Wishing Wells [Platonic Jataro and Kotoko]
It's Just a Number [Nagisa]
Passed Pawns [Platonic Masaru and Nagisa]
Something Good [Platonic Nagisa and Kotoko (A/N: I really wanted this done for Nagisa's birthday but it didn't happen 😭)].
Lightning in Their Eyes [Raijinshu]
Jerza Soulmate AU (actual title TBD)
Grandma's Ring (actual title TBD) [Hero-centric; some Kelbrey]
Imprints On My Mind [Sunburn]
It's My Party and... [Everyone]
Photobomb Confession (actual title TBD)
The One Where Kel Finally Kisses Aubrey
The Worst End (actual title TBD) [Platonic Hero, Aubrey, and Kel; also Kelbrey]
Till We Meet Again [HeroMari]
When Sun Shines Again: Chapter 4 [Hero-centric]
Cactus Flower [Platonic Solidad and Harley]
Valentine's Day (actual title TBD) [Geekchicshipping]
New Year's Eve (actual title TBD) [Coordinator Shenanigans]
Miscellaneous Fandoms (wips of fics from all fandoms for which I don't have more than one wip)
Dissonant Melodies [YTTD: Yabusame Siblings]
Princess Maggie and the Gentleman with the Umbrella
The FNAF Fic My Sister Asked Me To Write For Her Birthday (actual title TBD)
The Story of Discount Chocolate Day Eve
The Wedding (actual title TBD)
Wherever Fate May Lead Us [Horrible Histories: The Movie]
I don't know as many writers as I have wips, but I'm tagging @library-child and @repo-net and anyone else who'd like to play. Cheers!! 💕
WIP Game
Hah, thanks for the tag @nemaliwrites 🫡
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
"all the files in your WIP folder" oh boy, it's going to be long.
Grossberg Law Offices
You don’t remember the last time you’ve taken a walk with your sister and not worried about her jumping too high
Escapade in the city
Fey & Co. 2.0
Looking for Misty
Ghost (i think i've seen this film before and i didn't like the ending)
A Case File In Air Vents
In the Security Room
Prosecutor Marshall and His Detectives
Three Strikes
If walls could talk, they would scream
Impulse buying
Underneath your family tree (I found you shaking like a leaf)
Mia Fey, defense attorney
Feenie Wright, Intern at Fey & Co.
Hold out against the night (guard your hope with your life)
your heart is just a bag you’re punching (at twenty-something)
Spirit Closure
Protect the medic
Blizzard wedding
Actor AU
And you beat me to it
Meteor Magic
Two Rookies
Luck’s birthday
Yami Sukehiro Can Break The Science Team’s Legs: A Journal
DD- Nozessa
Statistically Doomed
It Stares Back At You
The Magic Knights’ Valentine’s Week
Fleur Adoption AU
Knight Ball
No Yami AU
There’s Some Fire In You After All
A Royal Guide To Lock-picking "tag as many people as you have WIPs" I do not know that many writers? Sooooo, tagging @hotel-japanifornia, @tanaleth, @thoughtfullyrainynightmare, @crazedstoryteller, @lyranova, @wildflowerwoodsworld, @acacia-may and whoever wants to do this, have a go!
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spadeprincesss · 5 years ago
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Yuno in OP 12 — Everlsting Shine by Tomorrow x Together
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years ago
hello hi hello AINE👑💖 can i pls request nozel, william and fuegoleon with their crush who is very very dense like the boys r tryna give hints all the time and she doesnt notice? But she very much likes them but is having a hard time exressing her feelings? Thank u stay safe Aine❦︎❦︎❦︎❦︎❦︎❦︎
Hello Anonyyy ! Thank you and I hope you’re safe! Aha and you put a little crown after my name, hehe you're so cuteee. (/▽\*)。o○♡
Nozel | William | Fuegoleon x f! reader
tw: unchecked works
Nozel Silva
It's not that hard to tell that he likes you really. His favouritism is over the top. It's obvious and he does not care.
"Why does y/n get a drink and we don't?" Solid would complain.
"She doesn't ask stupid questions like you."
Yeap, he could be plain obvious and you'd still think that he treats you as "just someone he trust a little more than others"
Besides sending you gifts, he would also send you home often, he gives you more leeway whenever you made a mistake.
Everyone teases the both of you, (at this point everyone is frustrated that the two of you won't confess) but you would still deny that you and Nozel were anything more than "just good friends".
At one point Nozel would really start questioning himself, were you really that dense or were you actually not interested in him but you were just being nice to him.
Of course it was not the truth, you just had a hard time even telling him how you feel and you couldn't bring yourself to believe that Nozel Silva could actually fall for the likes of you.
Until one day, Nozel overheard your conversation with Letoile when she was visiting the Eagles' HQ.
"I think he sees me as a good friend that's all~" you voice came from the pantry, "he deserves a beautiful noble lady that is strong and smart, not like me, hahahaha!"
Nozel was in a grumpy AF mood the whole day. Until evening, he decided to ask you once and for all.
"y/n. do you like me?" he asked you directly.
You blinked at him but he was staring at you intently, waiting for an answer. You were freaking out inside but you managed to pull yourself together to answer him that you did in fact like him, "more than just normal friends"
"great. I like you too."
You both stayed in silence until you reached your home.
"So, I'll pick you up at 6 this saturday for a date." the grumpy royal was no longer that grumpy anymore.
William Vangeance
William had the patience of a saint. He finds you cute whenever you're so dense and innocent about him liking you.
He would gift you presents and be very obvious about it too.
"Let's go for lunch, y/n." he'd only ask you, and you'll happily skip out along with him. Some days you would ask someone else whether they wanted to go together as well, and it amuses William to no ends because it meant that you were really dense about him wanting to spend time alone with you.
He knows that you like him, Mimosa accidentally told him once, but he felt like it wasn't the time for him to be in a relationship at the moment because of the whole elf thingy.
Regardless, he courted you even though you did not know of his courtship. He took care of you silently and spend time with you whenever he could.
"You will never feel that you're ready ready, captain." David told him once, "what if you just miss out on her like that? Or are you assuming she'll always be waiting for you?"
William didn't think much about what David said, because he saw that you were still always happy to be with him. Until one day your father decided to set up a blind date for you. And you went. And William freaked out.
He flew all the way to look for you and sat from afar, watching you and the guy sit through a date. He was feeling antsy throughout because you both looked like you enjoyed each other's company.
William walked up to your table, startling you and your date. He made a lame excuse that there was some emergency back at the base. Well you were dense, so you believed him and dumped your date.
But the moment you were both out of that man's sight, William confessed to you.
"I was stupid not to tell you this earlier y/n, but I like you very much and I hope that you'd go out with me."
Fuegoleon Vermillion
He's as dense as you, don't worry. But he's not as dense as Yami, thankfully.
He would question himself every single time he dropped a hint and you didn't catch it.
Was it not obvious enough? Or did you not like him? But you seemed pretty interested every time?
He would pretty much crack his mind thinking about how you felt. And even though everyone told him that they were pretty sure you like him too, he still doubted himself a little. Because "what if they were wrong?"
He was absolutely teased by Mereo for this, "could you just man up and just confess? What's the worst that could happen?"
He was worried that if you didn't feel the same way as him, it would make the friendship awkward.
He tried dropping more obvious hints in the next few months. He only brought you as dates to events, he only went out alone with you and he even brought you out on dates and gave you flowers.
He asked Leopold to ask you how you felt about him. And you said, "He's an incredible man, and he's my precious friend!"
He confessed one day when he saw William passing you flowers. He couldn't stand the jealousy. The lion finally found his courage to speak out his feelings.
"Because you didn't confess, I thought you did all these because you cared for me and just wanted someone's company!" you explained, "Also, the flowers were not from William, there were from Mimosa but she fell sick so she asked someone who was passing by to bring them to me!"
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mitsuki-komori · 2 years ago
Hmmm... Could I request a Yuno x Leopold fic. Leo visits Yuno in the Golden dawn but Yuno is busy so Leo decides to hang out with another member of the golden dawn while he waits for Yuno and Yuno gets jealous?
Leo wants to hang out with Yuno, but Yuno is busy. He decides to hang out with David instead. Yuno was not happy.
Leopold walked down the hall feeling as dejected as ever. Throughout the day, he’s been looking forward to seeing and hanging with his boyfriend, Yuno. However, when he got there, he only found out that Yuno was too busy for him. Yeah! Yuno was apparently too busy to hang out with his own boyfriend! Guess his work was just that important.
Leo sighed in defeat. What could he do now? He didn’t want the trip here to just go to waste. He could wait for Yuno… but he seemed to have a few hours worth of work… Leo thought for moments. Right now Mimosa was on a mission so it wasn’t like he could hang out with her.
“What’s got you so depressed?” A voice asked. Leopold looked up at the voice.
“Oh… David? It’s nothing.” Leo responded.
“Yuno is too busy for his boyfriend? Honestly, that’s just unbelievable. I know I’d go out of my way to make time for my boyfriend… if I had one.” David muttered.
Leopold got up and stood in front of David. “Really? It’s fine… I’m sure it’s important… Why are you walking alone? Aren’t you usually with Letoile or Lilica?” He asked, David sighed.
“Well, Letoile and Lilica decided to go hang out with Mia and Fyona for a girls day or something. None of the other guys want to hang out with me either, so I’m alone.” David answered Leo, trying to cover the disappointment in his voice.
“Ah… so we’ve both been abandoned.” Leo mumbled. Leo doubted nobody here wanted to hang out with David. They probably offered and he probably rejected it thinking that he didn’t want to ruin the mood or something.
“Aw, don’t say that, Yuno hasn’t abandoned you… he just couldn’t be bothered to ask for time off or something for his own boyfriend. He probably thinks he’ll be the captain’s favorite as if he isn’t already.” Was David trying to comfort Leo? Leo honestly couldn’t tell because he was really bad at it.
“Yeah… it’s fine though… I mean if you’re busy you’re busy. I just wish we could hang out more. He’s been getting more work for the past 2 months. I want Yuno to hang out with me!”
“Tell me about it, nobody wants to hang out with me either lately. They keep saying dumb things like ‘Why are you like this?’ Or something when I’ve done nothing wrong!” 
Leopold seriously doubted David did nothing to have that said to him, but it wasn’t his business so he didn’t ask.
“I’m kinda hungry, you wanna come eat with me?” David offered. Leopold saw no point in passing it down.
“Yeah, sure. I don’t see why not.” Leo accepted. Leopold followed David down to the dining room and they decided to sit across from each other and chat. Although Leo could help but feel he was being stared at.
“What are you guys staring at? Is it so weird to hang out with another magic knight?” He looked at the girl and tilted his head. The girl that was staring turned her head and scoffed.
“Why are you like this David!?” 
David sat there in confusion. ‘What did I do?’
As Yuno went through his work, he could help but feel bad. So right now at the moment he was trying to get it done as fast and accurately as possible. He too wanted desperately to hang out with Leo, however today being the day Leo decides to visit also happens to be the day he gets a workload. He leaned back and sighed. He thought about Leo and only missed him more. He wanted Leo to have stayed with him, but he knew that it would be selfish and it’d only distract him. He turned around and looked out the window, that’s when he saw it.
Leo… his boyfriend… was hanging out with David… the guy who had multiple fan clubs and girls (and even guys) crushing on him. What the hell was his boyfriend doing with him!? No… Yuno’s just misunderstanding this, right? Leo probably just wanted to kill time and he needed a way to do that without getting bored, right? Although why is he alone with him? Wouldn’t it be more fun with a group? Yuno wasn’t sure what this was, but he didn’t like it. He felt stinging in his heart and there was this feeling that twisted his stomach… and not in a good way. 
Leo was laughing… and so was David… Yuno wanted to go out there, and pull Leo closer to him and remind David who Leo belongs to, then he wanted to blow him away and hang out with Leo, just the two of them… Yuno wants to be the only one to make Leo laugh like that… Yuno slapped himself in the face. What was he thinking!? He has to focus on work right now… He quickly turned back and worked even faster. He felt a slight panic as if he was in a hurry and trying to rush somewhere, and that felt strange to him…
He heard a knock at the door which brought him from his thoughts. “Come in.” He said. Then, Willam came through the door. Yuno stood.
“Hello Yuno, I just wanted to check in with you, how are you?” He asked Yuno. Yuno answered with a slightly annoyed look.
“I’m fine…”
“Really? You don’t look fine, did something happen? Oh, Leo came to visit earlier didn’t he?” Yuno nodded, Vengeance took a few moments before figuring it out. “Based on the amount of work it seems you’ve done I’m guessing you decided to do your work instead of going with him?” 
Yuno sighed, “Yes, I need to make sure it gets done, I’m sure I’ll have some time after…” Willam nodded his head.
“While it is important that we’re responsible for following our duties, it’s also important that we’re with loved ones. Your job as Leo’s loved one is to be there for him and make sure he knows you love him, I’m afraid if you don’t, it might get to a point where it’ll be too late. There’s only so many chances one can get Yuno. Your dedication is admirable, but you should keep your loved ones close. You’re dismissed for the day. You can worry about work another day.” William smiled. Yuno listened carefully and realized the things he needed to work on. Yuno wanted to argue back that he should be able to handle his work, but right now he was way too focused on the thought of Leo hanging out with David. He nodded.
“Thank you Captain.” Yuno bowed and walked out.
As soon as Yuno was out of his captain’s sight he immediately had this irradiated look on his face. He walked quickly through the halls to go to where he saw Leo and David. He took a deep breath
“Really? That’s impressive! Almost as many fan clubs as me.” 
Leopold laughed and sighed. “Yeah… I wonder when Yuno will be done…” he mumbled.
“What? Am I that boring to talk to?” David asked.
Leopold shook his head, “No it’s not that, It’s just… this is the first time I’ve had some time off in two weeks and I was hoping to spend it with him. Two weeks doesn’t seem like much but… It feels like it’s been so long!” He explained.
“Leo.” Leo’s head perked up and he looked to where the voice had come from.
“Yuno?” He muttered.
“The captain decided to let me off today. So I have some time.” Yuno told Leo. Leo practically jumped for joy and his eyes sparkled. He immediately ran into Yuno’s arms.
“Really!? I’m so glad! I thought you were never gonna be done!” Leo went on and Yuno smiled.
He looked at David and gave him a death stare. It sent shivers down David’s spine. David easily got the message and started to walk away. “U-uh well I guess I’ll see you next time then. Bye Leo.” David waved. 
“Yeah bye.” Leo responded without looking up or removing his arms from Yuno.
“I’m sorry about all the work I’ve been doing. I’ll try to get it done quicker and make more time for you.” Yuno apologized. Leo looked up at him with a smile.
“I’ll do that too. Now come on, let’s go do boyfriend things!” Leo cheered as he dragged Yuno away.
“Alright.” Yuno smiled. This was his boyfriend, and nobody would ever take him away. Not even scum like David.
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kaidas-daydreams · 4 years ago
Yuno and 5 from cheesy pick up lines would be interesting
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kaida's note: not gonna lie it was kinda hard to think of a concept involving yuno with this prompt but i hope you enjoy! 💭
synopsis: yuno develops a crush on you and when he sees david speaking to you, jealousy sparks within him and uses a cheesy pick up line to win you over.
genre: fluff
yuno x gn! reader
warning: none
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cheesy pick up line prompt 5: “feel my shirt, know what it’s made of? boyfriend material”
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having romantic feelings was something different and completely out of the ordinary for someone like yuno. he had no clue on how to act upon these feelings he felt for you, he was actually the last one to know of his own feelings he felt towards you was something more than just friendship. he always had this urge to hold your hand, to tease you, to protect you...to kiss you, he wanted you to be his and only his.
yuno repeatedly tapped his fingers on the glossy table as he thought of you, your eyes, your smile and your voice, unbeknownst to him a small blush began to spread across his cheeks. he even forgot his friends were sitting across from him watching him, klaus and mimosa looked at each other and then back at the usually expressionless yuno. 
“should we snap him out of whatever he’s thinking of?” whispered klaus towards mimosa.
“i don’t know this is kind of interesting” mimosa responded in the same tone of voice.
“fine, i’ll done it!” yelled bell appearing almost out of thin air, she pulled on yuno’s cheek causing him to regain consciousness and once he did he looked almost lost. 
“are you alright yuno?” asked mimosa worried over her friend
“hm..yes..’ yuno’s slowly fated when he noticed you walk into the room, his eyes fixated on you making mimosa, klaus and bell curious over what captivated him and they saw you. you had walked in to the golden dawn library laughing with letoile but quickly being shushed by the others around you.
“i see” said klaus with a small head nod while mimosa let out a small giggle.
“yuno’s got a crush” spilled mimosa.
“yes a crush on me!” yelled bell throwing her arms in the air flying around yuno now blocking his view of you to which he easily swatted bell away.
"a crush? you could always try to break the ice with a nice pick up line” said klaus clapping his hands together as if he thought of the world’s best idea.
“not a chance” yuno flatly said diverting his eyes towards you once again only to see david now with you both, he’s not sure what he said to make you smile so wide but he wasn’t having it. he shot up from his chair and walked straight towards you.
“hi, yuno” you waved offering him a smile only for him to completely melt, his knees felt weak and his throat went dry. you raised an eyebrow towards him noticing the obvious change in his demeanor “are you-” you froze when you noticed him get even closer to you.
“feel my shirt, know what it’s made of? boyfriend material” you froze, yuno froze, letoile, david, klaus, mimosa and bell all froze. they could not believe what just came out of yuno’s mouth, yuno couldn’t believe it himself, did he really just say something so idiotic to you? he did. he was mentally slapping himself for such an out of character thing like that.
“i don’t know feels more like cotton to me” you giggled feeling his shirt in between your fingers “but you can take me out any time, i’ll be waiting see you later yuno” you pulled letoile a long with you as you walked away from yuno. a small appeared on his face as he watched you walk away, for once in his life he thought of himself as an idiot. all the while mimosa and klaus were clapping their hands in congratulations while bell laid passed out on the table. 
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acacia-may · 2 years ago
Since it's also a ship of yours, how about 🧡💚💘 for David Swallow x Letoile Becquerel? I think it sounds interesting as a ship and well, would be nice to have a bit more about it, like for a lot of rare pairs 🥰
Hi there, friend! Thank you so much for this ask! I was so excited when I saw it that I just wanted to answer it immediately (since I just thinking about them earlier and wanted to keep that momentum 🥰). It is definitely a rare pair, but I've always been really fond of it. I really like Letoile and David as characters (they're both my "Little Trees" 🌲), and the idea of them as a pairing is just so incredibly fun to me because they're so different from each other but I can see them complementing each other really well. In my Future Problems Universe, they are married with three kids, so even though I don't really talk about them (and never finished the story I started writing about them 😅), I secretly love them. 💖 This one of my favorite Black Clover ships, to be perfectly honest with you, and I'm really happy to have the opportunity to give them some attention! 🥰
Headcanons are below the cut. Thank you so much for playing my Bye Bye Writer's Block Headcanon's Game! 💕
David Swallow x Letoile Becquerel Headcanons
🧡-- Childhood/Backstory
David and Letoile didn't really get off on the right foot as they were both selected for the Golden Dawn at the same time (from the same entrance exam) when they were 15 and as the newest members were often compared to each other and forced to team up despite their wildly different personalities. Letoile found David to be wild, boisterous, immature, and irresponsible, and David thought she was a real stick in the mud and would tease her for being uptight and a killjoy. In my mind, he developed romantic feelings for her early on, but (as a teenager), he handled them in a very immature way (mostly by joking around about them inevitably dating one day and/or about her "clearly" being in love with him) which was off-putting to her and made it difficult to see that he was actually, genuinely interested in her and not just teasing her. She made it clear that she wasn't interested, and, I think, in her mind, she really considered him the absolute last person that she would ever want to go out with (perhaps even to the extent of being a little too insistent on this).
However, as they time passes and they deepen their friendship, she really comes to know him better and build more of a respect for him, and she eventually realizes (to her horror, lol. I'm just kidding) that she might actually be open to a relationship with him (in one of those classic "...oh. Oh no." moments 😂). But of course, being Letoile, she tells no one, until she sorts out her feelings. Meanwhile, practically everyone and their grandmother knows how David feels about her--like this big open secret. His attempts to hide his own interest have been nothing but utter failures, and though the majority of the Golden Dawn is pretty convinced that Letoile will never return David's affection, there is no doubt in their minds that it's Letoile standing in the way of this relationship because David (despite his protests to the contrary) would give just about anything for a chance to pursue a relationship with her. They are all genuinely surprised when Letoile eventually agrees to go out with him (but David himself is by far the most surprised--though he'd probably have a difficult time admitting that to their friends). 😊
💚-- General
Back in the early days of their friendship, one of the first gifts David ever gave to Letoile was a compass because it reminded him of her magic. (Giving presents isn't always the easiest thing in the world for him😅). In the future (after they are in a romantic relationship with each other), he is genuinely shocked to learn she still has it and has kept it on her desk all these years. She insists she kept it because it was practical (but, secretly, she appreciates the sentimental value). It is sitting on her desk at the Golden Dawn to this day.
💘-- Romance
David is a really talented dancer, and he absolutely loves dancing with Letoile (even though she is not much of a dancer herself). When they are married, one of his favorite things is dancing with her in random rooms around their house. If she teasingly points out that there is no music, he will provide accompaniment by humming or singing songs himself (sometimes purposefully/playfully badly just to tease her). 💖
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idiotjajajaja · 3 years ago
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inscription: on Valentine's day. who likes the couple David х Letoile? :>
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yourlocalquing · 4 years ago
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When your friends set romantic atmosphere during a mission ^^
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the-golden-dawn-bc · 3 years ago
The fandom, debating on Letoile x David: What’s David to you?
Letoile: The reason I wake up every morning.
David, that morning, banging pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP
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