#david is just trying to get his hubby on him
Slashers with an S/O who has a Newfoundland Dog
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A Newfoundland Dog is my dream dog, and I had this thought of stabby men with a Newfie dog.
Characters: The Sinclairs, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers (78, 07, and 2018), Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Saywer, and John Kramer (I know he's not a Slasher but I've watched Saw X and wanted another character to add here)
CW: Boys getting Slobby kisses from a large dog
Vincent Sinclair
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Your dog came with you when you came to Ambrose. A 6 month old Newfoundland Dog
Your puppy found the way to the basement and found Vincent working at his desk
He was surprised that it wasn't Jonesy, and he walked with pup to find you
Let's just say one thing let to other
Vincent fell in love with Annie, your chocolate Newfie. He thought she was just like Jonesy, but he was so wrong.
6 months later and Annie's head is near his hips
You love seeing your big doggo with your Wax Hubby, giving kisses
Left side of his face is covered in slobber
Vincent would sketch your Newfe when whenever he doesn't know what to draw
Jonesy has a new friend to play with
Bo Sinclair
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Your 3 yo Newfie walked into the Church when you weren't looking and had to go get
Bo turned around and got a big slobbery kiss from your doggo
"DAVID, GET BACK HERE." You said getting your Dog to come to you. Leaving Bo's face covered. "Sorry." You said as you closed the door.
You were telling your dog not to do that, when Bo came out to have a Cigarette
"Sorry about that. David is really friendly with people." You said 'That a Dog?" Bo said, "He's a Newfoundland Dog."
Bo thinks your dog isn't one but a Horse
David would try to give Bo more kisses when he sits on the couch
He would guard his food when he's eating at the table as David tried to get at it
"There a reason you named him David? Was it from that Werewolf movie?" He asked as he patted David resting head on his leg. "Yeah, you seen it?" You asked, "I may see it on tv."
Lester and Vincent definitely love David.
Lester Sinclair
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Automatically in love with your pooch
Your dog, Aaron, knocked him over when they jumped up
Lester's face was covered in slobber, which he cleaned up with his tank top as he got up
Jonesy was taken aback from how big your dog was. But they got along real quickly
Bo and Vincent thought you owned a bear from how big they where
He's giving a lot of treats to your doggo
Michael Myers
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Oh Great
A Dog?
Michael met your puppy when he came home from his walk
A black and white pupper looking at his face
Michael wanted to get rid of it as he grabbed the scruff of their neck till he heard your voice screaked at him. "DON'T YOU DARE HURT BOWIE!! "
Michael definitely wanted not to be hit by something, so he put down Bowie.
Michael would have Bowie giving him kisses on his cheek when he's on the floor. He didn't like it, with a sour look on his face
He had to get used to your puppy
A few months and Bowie is much bigger than when they were a puppy. Michael noticed that he had to ask what breed Bowie is.
A Newfoundland Dog?? And they Get How Big?? Oh God
8 months later, Bowie is near his hips and needs a lot more food.
Michael would take them for a walk when you're at work
Bowie is now fully grown, and their face is right at his when he sits on the couch
Michael is now in love with Bowie
Jason Voorhees
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Hello, did you bring home a bear cub?
It's a Newfoundland Dog? Never heard of those before
That's an Adorable face I can't resist
Jason's keeping a close eye on your puppy when they go outside
Jason decided to give them the name Teddy cause of the mistake he thought
Couple months later, Teddy is double in size from the day you brought them home
Poor Jason nearly had a heart attack when Teddy jumped onto the lake, but Teddy started to swim back to the shore
Fun fact: Newfoundlanders have webbed feet that's great for swimming and a thick coat to fight the chill of the water.
Jason will take Teddy on long hikes when you're at work
His face is going to he covered in slobber from Teddy
Michael Myers RZ
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Oh God, there's a Bear in the house
Oh, it's a Dog
Definitely a Big Dog
Michael didn't know what to do, so he just patted their head
When he's just working on his masks, Danny is right beside him
When on the couch, he let's them lay on his lap
He would give a kiss if they kissed him first (But not with His Tongue lol)
Thomas Hewitt
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Thomas met you with your big doggo when your car broke down near his mama's gas station
Thomas was shocked at the size of your dog. He thought it was a bear when he saw them.
Mickey was the name of your Canine pal
Holty got licked by Mickey whenever he sat down on the couch. Thomas couldn't help but snickered
Thomas would come up from the basement to see Mickey laying at the top of the stairs waiting for him.
Laying in bed, Mickey would wake him up with wet doggie kisses on his face
Luda would spoil them with little goodies
The Hewitt resident's is a Dogs dream place. A lot of running around and places to go have privatize
Peepaw Michael Myers
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Michael was taken aback by this large Dog, he thought it was a bear at first
It just Woofed. it's a Dog
Normally, not a Dog person Michael felt differently with this Newfoundland Dog
Michael would be woken from his old man naps with a slobbery kiss from Arnold
Would definitely give them a scratching on their neck when he's reading a book
You catch Michael napping with Arnold on the couch
Michael may share his food with Arnold
Bubba Saywer
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Bubba Squealed in delightment, seeing a puppy bolting towards him
You brought home a puppy to brighten up Bubba's mood
Nubbin being himself tried to play fetch with the new addition to the family
"A Newfoundland Dog? Do they find new land?" Chop Top asked
Drayton hopes the dog doesn't pee inside the house
Jed gotten bigger as the months go by
Bubba loves getting kisses from Jed, but not Drayton
A run outside with you and Jed
Happy man loves the Big Doggo
John Kramer
Long story short, you became a caregiver to him
You sometimes bring your 5-year-old Newfie dog with you to John's "place of work"
Definitely a highlight of his day when you're gentle gaint rest there head on his leg. Much easier for getting pats on their head
Kisses on his hands
One Apprentice hope they don't pee on the floor
Bonus Character:
Corey Cunningham
Doesn't want to let go of your puppy when he comes over
Automatically, his therapy Animal
Loves getting kisses from your puppy makes him feel much better
Definitely would stay with you overnight to be with your puppy longer
He would volunteer to dogsit when your go to work
His mother is going to wonder why he's covered in dog hair
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ilovedavidloki · 2 months
Thank you @charliehoennam for discussing this with me! As promised, here's my take on daddy!hubby!David. I hope you enjoy! Disclaimer: I NEED David Loki to be happy and to finally have the family he deserves. He’s suffered so much! Way too much. Especially considering that Jake has confirmed that David is an orphan. Word count: 1.7k TW: the reader is a mum. Implied child mistreatment in recollection.
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‘I’m home!’
You always smile when you hear David say it as he closes the front door behind himself. It doesn’t happen every day, sometimes he’s back from work so late you have no choice but to go to bed without him. Then there are those difficult periods right after a fresh case when he doesn’t show up at home for several days and you end up going over to the station to bring him a change of clothes and some food. Still, it makes it that much more special to hear him half-shout this simple greeting. It fills you with warmth and makes your heart flutter. Another reminder of the fact that you’re a family.
You enter the living room just as he finishes removing his boots and coat. Coming over to him, you put your arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. He smirks and responds, his lips capturing yours as his hands rest comfortably on your waist. His cheeks are cold from the snow outside, and you love the feel of his stubble rasping against your skin.
‘You’re nice and warm,’ David whispers into your neck.
You squeal when he tries to slide his cold palms up under your hoodie. ‘David, don’t, stop!’ laughing, you wriggle out of his embrace.
‘Just trying to get warm, you know.’ Then his expression shifts, becomes gentle. ‘Is she asleep already?’
‘Yeah. I fed her and put her to bed. She was pretty tired.’
David nods. ‘I’m going to wash up and give her a kiss.’
‘Try to be quiet.’
The water runs and splashes, and then David disappears into your bedroom to get changed. Even though his patrolling days are long gone, his detective’s suit can still get almost as dirty as the uniformed officer’s clothes. Especially considering David’s propensity to poke his nose where he probably shouldn’t, climb into windows, basements, or anywhere else his instinct or clues might lead him.
He emerges from your bedroom wearing an old grey sweatshirt, and quietly opens the door to the nursery. The darkness inside is diluted by the soft glow of the night light pinned to the wall, a peacefully smiling crescent moon perched on the side of a fluffy cloud. David tiptoes to the crib and stands there, quiet and motionless. Alison looks so sweet in her sleep. The sight twists at his heart, almost too beautiful to absorb. It verges on pain. She’s clutching her favourite toy to her small chest, and David feels the pricking of tears sting his eyes. He wants to gather her up, hug her, and shield her from the world and all its evils, the many faces of which he must confront day after day after day after day… 
The first time he experienced such an intense, staggering emotion was when he realised he was in love with you. When he knew that he’d do anything, anything at all, to protect you, to always make you feel safe, to never let any harm come your way. To protect and to serve. Yes, that was the oath, but with you, it had acquired a new meaning, a different dimension of depth and acuity. It was similar to how he felt about Alison, but with her, the emotion was even sharper, if that was possible, which was hard to believe. But so true nonetheless. After all, she was but a tiny human being, a copy of both you and him, a mixture of the two of you, a creation of your love and devotion to one another. So utterly helpless without yours and David’s constant attention. And so many more dangers yet to come.
David always tries to push those particular thoughts away.
In time, you’ll both discover that even the most insignificant object lying around at home might in fact prove threatening to this tiny, delicate creature. You’ll both come to fear boiling kettles and knives and plastic bags. You’ll discover new weaknesses and new strengths in yourselves, and then you’ll have to brace yourselves for the bigger dangers lying ahead in the wider world.
But for now, Alison is sleeping, and David is overwhelmed with love and with the knowledge that he’d die before seeing you or his little princess be hurt. You gave a new meaning to his whole life. Before he met you, he would devote himself entirely to his work, and only his work. He had no one, and he lived in an anonymous apartment with sparse furniture coated in a thin film of dust. The furniture he’d use to collapse onto, unfeeling, or to shower, or maybe, if he had the time and the mood was right, to make himself a quick snack before heading out.
In that not-so-distant past, David Loki was prepared to die so long as it meant that Anna Dover survived. Someone else’s child. The child he tried but failed to not feel jealous of, because she did have a father who cared that much.
It was a long time ago when David told you that he never knew his parents and grew up in various orphanages before being shuffled from one foster home to another, eventually ending up in a boys’ home. You dreaded to think of the horrors he’d suffered there. Your desire to shower him with care and affection grew exponentially after he confessed that sad chapter of his life to you. But you’ve been thinking about it much more often recently, whenever you’d feed Alison, or when he’d take her into his arms to gently rock her, humming the lullaby he’d heard from you. No one sang lullabies to him, and so the only ones he knew, he learned them from you.
You recall how, when you were so big it was hard to move, he’d stay up all night, even after coming home unshaven and exhausted after a difficult case, to read up everything he could find on babies, how to handle them, how to change diapers, how to rock them to sleep, how to feed them, what to do when they cried for seemingly no reason at all.
Later… During those other difficult and emotional months, you’d tear up whenever you saw him clutch her to his chest with the desperation of a beggar who’d finally been blessed with a crust of bread. 
David’s soft, loving whisper snaps you back to the present.
‘I love you, little princess.’
He leans over the crib to plant a kiss on Alison’s forehead. She moves her small mouth and murmurs something incomprehensible, squeezing her favourite toy in her tiny fingers. David smiles and rubs his hand across his face, shaking his head. He’s blinking uncontrollably, but he looks happy and content.
‘Time for dinner?’ you say as he shuts the nursery door closed.
‘I’m starving,’ he admits.
‘Good. I’ve made your favourite casserole.’
You eat largely in silence, exchanging snippets of information, the highlights of your day. After David polishes his plate clean, you place your hand on top of his. You stroke his hairy skin, his fingers. There’s the masonic ring, and then there’s the wedding band. Even grazing it with your fingertips feels special. A testament.
For a moment, your husband looks lost in thought, his enviably thick and fluffy lashes cast downwards as his thumb makes circular motions across your wrist. You don’t know it, but he’s casting his mind back to when you were in labour. There was that awful thought eating away at him that night, that he didn’t deserve happiness, that it was going to end in tears and blood and pain, simply because he was unworthy of love. At the same time, he’d reprimand himself, as what could have been more selfish than that line of thinking? It was your life at stake, not his. Yours and your baby’s.
Back then, he panicked so hard it almost felt like a heart attack.
He stands up to put the dirty plates into the sink. He places his fists on his hips. He favours and generally defaults to this resting position, as normally his hands would be within reach of his service weapon and his taser.
David shakes his head softly as he realises that the biggest challenge during childbirth, at least for him, had been not being able to be in control. David is used to being in control, and he hates when he is not. When he is that powerless.
Once the dishes have been cleared, you hug him and, giggling, kiss the tip of his nose.
‘And what shall we do now, detective?’
Your playful tone makes David grin.
‘Oh, I don’t know, sweetheart.’ Suddenly, the playfulness is gone, and he’s blinking more rapidly than usual. ‘I just want you to know…’ he squeezes your sides so hard it almost hurts, but it feels so good, so right, to have his strong, wide arms wrapped around you like this. You are sheltered, protected, hidden away from the big and cruel world.
After all, David is your world.
‘What? What do you want me to know?’ you whisper.
‘Fuck. That no matter what happens, I’ll always be here for you. For you and for little Alison. Fuck, I’m shit with words, you know me. But I need you to know that I’d die for you, and that those fucking words we recited to each another did mean something special to me.’ David hesitates, smiling with the corner of his mouth. ‘How did you say it? No point in loving someone unless you know you will commit through heaven and hell?’
You nod, fighting happy tears back, clutching him tighter to yourself, grateful for every second you get to spend with him.
No matter how perilous and demanding his work is, you’d never leave him. You’d rather die than be without him.
After all, true love is hard work, isn’t it?
And no, it doesn’t mean that your marriage is perfect. No marriage is. You do fight, you do struggle. But it never crosses your mind to leave, and that’s the most important thing, isn’t it?
Come what may, you’ll deal with it together. You’ll be there for each other.
‘Fuck, baby, I’m so happy,’ he breathes.
You chuckle. ‘Imagine if Alison’s first word is “fuck”.’
David shakes his head, mildly embarrassed.
‘Considering who her parents are…’ He gives your lips another kiss, and this time it’s demanding and passionate. ‘But seriously, what do you think it will be?’
You shrug. ‘Mama? Dada?’
You hope it’s the latter. You can just imagine David’s reaction when he hears Dada fall from Alison’s lips.
He never had the chance to say ‘dad’ to anyone, and now someone he cares deeply about is going to call him just that.
If this is not happiness, then you don’t know what is.
You’re home. Both of you, finally, are.
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jellyskrimp · 3 months
my name's sunny and I'm fairly new to tumblr myself, but I would quite like to be your friend, if you would like to be mine.
I like crafting, music, Dr who and studying languages, as well as collecting strange and entirely unhelpful information!
mostly I use my blog to post about things I think about (mostly food related), and things I make that I would like to share.
happy to answer questions on pretty much anything, if you're interested in anything about me!
hi sunny!
thank you for the ask, it made me feel important lmao
i used to watch dr who with my parents when i was younger, so i don't remember that much, but i know my favorite dr was david tennant (don't remember which number he is oops). my husband has been trying to get me to start watching it with him though, maybe i finally will!
my favorite strange and entirely unhelpful piece of information is that jellyfish don't have brains (at least, not like we do). i love painting and drawing jellyfish because, since they don't have brains, it doesn't matter if you mess them up! i'll post some of my favorite ones i've done on here at some point :)
a craft i've been doing a lot lately is making bracelets out of embroidery thread. i just made one with hubby's eye colors to wear, and now i'm making one for him out of my eye colors. it's a tedious craft, lots of knots, but it feels kind of like a meditation sometimes. i really recommend it!
i have no idea how asks work since this is my first one so i'm really hoping i did this right lol. sorry for yapping so much, i love talking about stuff so anything you ever want to have a conversation about, i'm here.
if you have a favorite craft or useless fact or just want to infodump about dr who i would love to listen!
~B :)
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 7 months
I remember you mentioning at one point that the girls see Lucy as a grandma (to which yes, Lucy is a queen), and this was because Chrysta showed up at the Emerson house about to have baby Tiff. And now that's just got me thinking about an AU, since I headcanon that once they were able to, Michael and Star would have moved away to try and get as far as possible from Santa Carla after everything that happen- where the little family unites is over to spend time with Lucy when Cheeri shows up. Of course, Star immediately wants to help and jumps into action in comforting words whatever Lucy asks of her. Michael is a bit more awkward, but boy is doing his best. And should the boys come over, instead of anyone else they were expecting to open the door for them, they are met with sassy but adorable baby Estelle who tells them that they should be "better hubbies" and that she'd "beat them up for being mean to the nice lady." Michael comes to intervene with a more shy Juniper, and Estelle looks up at David with little innocent baby blues eyes and points at him like "you're the pretty vampire that my daddy liked." Cue Michael wanting to die on the spot lmao. Sidenote: The kiddos are half vamps, since I like the idea that Michael (and Star maybe?) didn't quite lose their supernatural abilities once Max was defeated. So yes, Estelle could possibly beat up the boys with her tiny fists lol.
Thats basically how it actually played out when Chrysta had turned up on the Emerson doorstep about to have a baby. Michael just carried her into one of the guest bedrooms and left most of the work to Lucy and or Star.
He was not expecting around twenty minutes later a horrified and very guilty feeling Paul nearly tackling him off the stairs and clamoring toward the bedroom where his wife was about to have his kid.
I do enjoy the concept of this tiny toddler staring at three of four of these vampires in the living room while chaos ensues upstairs just like: 👁👁 "My dad likes your butt and fancy hair."
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simphq · 1 year
Hi so im posting my storys from wattpad to here x wattpad: 3mily_xx
Taron Egerton Imagine! Pt1
Dating Taron does but doesn't feel like a relationship. Get what i mean? Anyway heres some bullet points on  what dating Taron would be like!
⚠️Im British so some words may be different for you⚠️
• Life as a actor means working non stop and having very little time to yourself,but when you and Taron have time to spend together  it usually involves a day in bed.Cuddling up with one and other and watching a film of your your choice,you would also get you and Tarons fav takeout!
•You would visit the sets that Taron is working on which means meeting new people and making a-lot of friends!
•You and Taron have similar friends like Richard madden,Jamie Bell,Sofie Cookson ect!
•You and Taron have alot of different nicknames for each other!
Tarons nicknames for you:
•cariad~ welsh for love/lover
Your nicknames for Taron!
•Hubby~if/when ur married
•There is always music playing weather its some songs from 70's or 80's. Or David Bowie or Elton John or even The Beatles,Taron and you always sing along.And of course Dancing that may or maybe lead to a make out session.
•When Taron is alway filming your feel a little sad and alone,But Taron makes sure to call or text you when he can telling you c everything thats he has been doing and sending pictures of his costumes!(Some make you burst out laughing)😂
•Taron is a family man! He loves his mum,step dad and little sisters and They love him too! His sisters adore you and look up to you lot.When you and Taron visit you spend lots of time with them all, weather thats having walks along the beach on a warm summers day or playing Mario cart with them in the winter, or drawing one and other You all have so much fun and Taron adores to watch you laugh and play with his younger sisters. It Makes him want to start a family with you but he knows not is not the right time!
•Taron and you always make each-other laugh
•When his mum calls him she always asked how you are and wants to speak to you! She think of you as a daughter.
•Taron trys to teach you welsh even though you can't remember most of it! You can remember and pronounce some things for example
•Rwy'n dy garu di~I love you
(Authors notes)
Hi hope you enjoyed what ever that was lol, I can do a part 2 if wanted just let me know in the comments! Requests are open and thank you for reading! :D
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"I could marry you right now " lourdes to david ;)
*ೃ༄ valentine’s prompts ˚◞♡ ( @johnnyutahh )
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( tagging myself @melodiiesxfmadness )
Lourdes realized a couple of things once those words left her mouth. Aside from the fact that she REALLY did mean it ? It was Christmas and they're currently all sequestered ( god that's a funny word to use these days post!service ) at her baby sister's house. And by EVERYONE she means her middle sister, baby sister's hubby, and both of his kids. They're a little trapped because there's been lots of snow happening in Montana, so much so that their parents' flight had been canceled the other day due to the weather AND the avalanche conditions. Hell, the four of them packed up all their stuff and left the hotel - the kids were sleeping on the couch and Bridgett took the loft so that Lourdes and David could have the other guest room. Despite Imogene's behavior at her home in Greenville when they both just showed up, David had been more than nice towards her. He didn’t really have to be - not in the slightest, Lourdes KNEW her baby sister was a brat since the day she was born. Bridgett couldn’t care less if Lourdes had someone - well she cared but all the details weren't her business.
    That's why Imogene had pulled on her brat pack hat and gloves that day - even her baby sister's own husband was appalled. Lourdes was happy and it was their choice about what details, no less when they shared them. 
        The other thing she realized was how happy he made her.  She wouldn’t have ever just come right and said that to her ex, never in all the time they were together. With him? Oh she knew that her work partner teased her off and on about having a skip in her step the morning after talking to him on the phone. She was trying very hard to not rush into things but at the same time, it was okay right? They're not two people fresh out of college or even just entering their military careers - she's fully retired and in another ten years has plans to leave bounty hunting forever. She's never found herself in a situation where she palms were slightly sweaty, she could feel the blood rushing through her veins from the fear of the silence and tension between them.
      He's shocked - it's okay. It's okay - he wasn't expecting that kind of reaction to being nice to the bratzilla and her thousand questions. You're okay. It'll be okay.
      Her mind was telling her, teeth grazing her lower lip and she nervously pulled at the sleeves of her sweater. If it wasn't absolutely freezing and snowing out, she may have tried to make a break for the door. That wasn't her - fugitives ran - she did not. It was just a nervous situation.
       Not waiting a second longer, she broke the silence. "I mean it too - I am fairly certain you are aware of how happy you make me and I would've never said that to my ex. Not in all the years I was with him but I … want a future with you and the kids. I have plans … in ten to fifteen years, David. I want you and the kids there … retired on my horse farm with me." The look she was definitely getting from Gabe and Mari was definitely shock ! 
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blackgirlsneedjesus · 7 months
Glory, to Glory to Glory, to Glory...
So this morning Abba had me sit down and read 1 Chronicles 14 Titled (God's Blessing on David)
Babyyyyy, when I say it was on point with the word He gave me on Friday after I had smashed my man's (well, ex mans...well I was a sidepiece, well whatever.) friend. I could not have been more mortified that as a holy girl I was out acting like a toothy girl. Like what in the real as.. you know the rest. I had such a hard time coping because The Lord revealed to me a year and a half ago that this man was my husband but, that our journey was not going to be one of ease. I struggled with it. Told Abba "Uh Uh get somebody else to do it." But, after Him showing all that this man would grow to be and how one day he would be mine I decided to stick it out. This lil telenovela life of mine stays doing the absolute most but, turns out after I trauma bled all over Friday's entree (A tall a** fine a** white boy with neck braids...IDk, I am low key dying to see what his hair looks like outside of those braids.) Girl, I found out a I actually like this man. We had a little Jesus talk && rode and praised and worshipped and listened to a sermon. He told me he could tell I was a holy girl and I just wish that I could get to him faster b/c the Lord said I get to have some fun. He revealed to me over and over again that it was time for me to start dating but, I didn't want to leave my husband but, baby this is gonna be fun. Hey No Pain, NO Gain (at least that's what this sticker says on the laptop beside me that is not my own. cracking up. But, seriously..I'll leave the verse here but, Abba told me that it's not going to be an easy task because, I am not the only competitive one in this house. Hubby is also on the "Nah, I ain't fitna have that side." But, I'm on the "Heeeyyy, be nice boo." We just went through the most and you are not going to let me be happy without you. I'll snitch on you. cracking up. I won't I'll definitely try not to be that catty but, I am most def fitna not pull an Indygo 2011. Cause 2011 did the thang and the thing was hanging...I typed thangin auto correct said hanging...that too.
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But, if God is gonna give me a 1 Chronicles 14 kind of King David victory then, I'm on it. *
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Labyrinth (1986)
Smoking: Cones with my Hubby
This week’s entry I’m watching with my Husband. He would be so mad if I watched it without him. It came out before both of us were born, but it is a BIG favorite. Who doesn’t love David Bowie? I confused Jennifer Connelly with Demi Moore for a while. She looks like what I would imagine she looked like in her younger years.
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Sarah, Jennifer, pulls a book out of her sleeve. I’ve always been curious about that, because I wasn’t extra pockets lolol. Anyway, we start off with Sarah in a park reciting the book Labyrinth when she realizes the time and races home.
Fun fact 1; Toby, played by Toby Froud, is the son of the Conceptual designer for the movie. I of course have the movie on DVD. I actually bought it right after Bowie died. I watched the special features; it has like a whole documentary almost.
Sarah acts like a spoiled brat in the beginning of the movie. And ends up wishing that the Goblin King take away her half brother Toby. So of course Jareth, Bowie, accepted and took him back to his castle.
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Fun fact 2; The glass ball work that Jareth does is actually done by a person behind him that is being his hands.
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There is sooo much glitter in this movie (laughing face) Poor Hoggle, he just gets his name mispronounced throughout the whole movie.
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When Sarah falls into the pit of helping hands its so creepy! Like just imagine all of these hands grabbing you. *shudder* The talking walls are one of my favorites “Oh please, I haven’t said it in such a long time!”
A little aways into the movie we meet Ludo. He’s a very big creature. Very loveable. Hubby and I name pets after shows/movies and had said if we ever got a dog that was a big lug we would name him Ludo. I also want a tattoo of a clock that has 13 hours on it.
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Now for the crazy Fire Gang. They sure like to have a good time! Singing dancing, removing body parts, all the good stuff ya know? Then it leads them to The Bog of Eternal Stench! I can tell you that is one fictional place I DEFINETELY don’t want to go to.
Time for the final stretch! She has made it to the town outside the castle. Sarah and her friends have to fight their way through a ton of goblin underlings to get to the castle. Another one of my favorite things in this movie is that Ambrosia the dog goes back and forth between a real dog and a puppet. It is so cute how they use it to get the dogs reaction to be shown.
Sarah goes in to fight Jareth alone. She knows she can have her friends help, but she needs to do it on her own. She has all of these stairs all over the place. It is based off of a painting Relativity by M.C. Escher. But it is all different directions and she is trying to get to Toby while trying to defy gravity and save her brother.
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In the end everything falls away and Sarah has her final stand off with Jareth. And still in the spirit of trying not to ruin these completely I will leave it here.
Thanks for stopping by for this week’s review!
Till next time!
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bagels-and-seagulls · 5 years
Omg you wrote in the sequel of "show me your dick" that you love the interruption trope until someone snaps. Could you please, please write David snapping because of blue balls. I love davenzi as parents so much!
couples getting interrupted and progressively more desperate is a trope they will have to pry out of my cold dead hands 
It’s not like he was keeping count, keeping track like some obsessed maniac clouded by lust who was desperate to feel his husband’s hands on him because last night Matteo had laughed quietly into the back of his hand as David told him some stupid story and his cheeks were rosy from the cheap wine they were drinking and right- right when David pressed himself into his space to run his nose up the side of Matteo’s face, Michael had come into the room to tell them about a nightmare he had. 
It’s not like he knew the last time he had seen Matteo naked was roughly 33 days ago when they were both running way too late and had to swap places in the shower as it was still running to make sure that Matteo could get all the lunches made for school and David could make sure everyone was dressed in clothes that were appropriate for the weather by the time the bus was going to leave the stop at the end of the street that would take them to school. David’s eyes didn’t even linger, and if he had known that the next month and a half was going to be filled with colds, and work trips, and nightmares after cheap horror movies, and just being too tired to stay awake long enough to even make out a little bit, then he would have told himself to, to get his fill in then and remember that his husband was still smoking hot and fine as hell because he wasn’t going to get that sight for a while. 
He wasn’t keeping count. He wasn’t. 
David pressed Matteo into the bed, their fingers linked together above their heads as David ground down, hard and slow, onto Matteo’s thigh just to feel Matteo pant into his mouth and clench their fingers together. 
“Fuck,” Matteo breathed out when David dug his thumb into Matteo’s hip and bit at his shoulder through his shirt, hoping that something would bruise there just for his own satisfaction. 
“Come on, baby,” David whispered as Matteo pulled up his t-shirt to feel the skin of David’s back. “Just- We could-” 
“Papa!” Matilda screeched from the hallway right outside their room, and David thumped his head onto Matteo’s shoulder. Matteo started laughing a little deliriously, like he might be going just as insane as David was feeling, and pulled David’s shirt back down and patted him on the shoulder, like this wasn’t the most tragic thing to happen all week. 
“We could just pretend we didn’t hear,” David says, and Matteo rolls his eyes and pushes David off of him to get up and out of bed. David watches him go, staring at the way his hips moved and thinking about taking a cold, cold shower.  
Matteo was leaning up against David, pushing his back a little uncomfortably into the edge of the counter, but he was grinning into the side of David’s face with his hands underneath his sweater, making him a little too hot under his collar. So David didn’t mind the bite too much, not when he was wrapping his arms around Matteo’s neck to tug him in closer to kiss him, giggling high in his throat. 
“We should go to our room,” David whispers, bumping their noses together and slipped his fingers into Matteo’s collar. And Matteo quirks an eyebrow up but grins and nods. 
“What are you guys doing?” Sofia asks with just a hint of disgust in her voice, and David would feel a certain type of way about it if it wasn’t the fact that his ten year old just caught her parents making out in the kitchen. At least, trying to. They were getting there. Matteo will probably just tell him later that it was all their fault anyways. 
Matteo pushes himself away from David, and David wants to pout a little bit at the loss.  
“Did you need something?” Matteo asks. “You’re supposed to be in bed.” 
“I got thirsty,” Sofia says and shrugs. Weren’t they all, David thinks. Weren’t. They. All. 
They get a call from the twin’s school as David has one hand on Matteo’s ass and the other was unbuttoning his shirt where Matteo was straddling his hips on the living room couch because it was the middle of the day on a Wednesday and they both have the day off and finally- finally shouldn’t be interrupted, should get a moment in a completely empty apartment. 
“Hello?” Matteo asks into his phone as David bites at his clavicle. 
“Wait- Wait- What happened?” Matteo asks in a hurry as he leans away from David, and hand coming up to clench at the bridge of his nose. “Are you- No, yeah, yeah, we’ll be there soon.” 
David thumps his head onto the back of the couch, seeing where this was going as Matteo starts buttoning his shirt again and looking around for his shoes. “What happened now?” 
“Michael apparently got food poisoning or something, but he’s in been in with the school nurse throwing up for the last 30 minutes.”
David’s down to his boxers and Matteo is shirtless. And they’re rutting against each other and kissing with a little bit too much teeth. But David is already feeling a little bit blissed out because he’s got one hand down the front of Matteo’s pajamas, and Matteo is moaning into his mouth and pulling on his hair. And- 
And Matilda knocks on their door and tells them she had a bad dream about the monster under her bed again, and Matteo pushes himself away from David like he was a hot coal. And David has to keep telling himself, I love being a father. Being a dad is the best thing to ever happen to me. I love my children, over and over again as he digs the crown of his head into his pillow before pulling on a sweater to get Matilda back in bed. 
David goes away for two weeks to start filming his next movie, and jokingly asks Matteo to send him some nudes over the phone three days in, though he wasn’t really joking. Not at all.
Matteo says no. David isn’t really surprised though he sighs about it anyways, and Matteo laughs at his pain. 
The night that David gets back from his trip, the twins apparently have the flu, and the stress of it makes Matilda just randomly burst into tears at spontaneous moments because she’s sad that Sofia and Michael are both retching into various buckets and pots that they have around the house and also worried that she was going to get sick, too. Matteo has been carrying her on his hip for the last two days, trying to keep her from freaking out, as he’s been going back and forth, forcing the twins to eat soup and drink tea, even though both of them claim to hate it and turn their noses up towards the mug Matteo puts under their nose. 
Matteo takes one look at David when he walks in the door like he’s a saint and passes Matilda to him, saying, “Welcome home,” with dark purple bags under his eyes and promptly goes into their room and passes out face down, asleep in seconds. 
He wasn’t counting, but it’s been over 60 days- over two months- since he’s seen his husband naked.
“In the kitchen,” Matteo calls after David announces that he’s home, and David walks in to see him stirring some vegetables around in a pan and goes to curl himself around him and kiss at the side of his neck. “Where are the kids?” Matteo asks slowly, scratching at the back David’s head. 
David hikes him in closer. “I knew I forgot something,” David responds, and Matteo elbows him in the ribs. David pinches him in response and bites at his ear because his ability to keep himself together has steadily declined over the past few weeks, and his mantra of just be chill just be chill just be chill stopped working around day 24 of what David is calling the Great Interruption Streak. “They’re at Laura’s,” he answer for real. 
“Laura’s?” Matteo repeats, still stirring and not paying enough attention to the way that David’s hands were sneaking closer and closer to his waistband, and David wanted to bite him again just because. 
“Yes, you know, their aunt’s, your sister-in-law?” David teases. 
He doesn’t see it, but he knows that Matteo rolls his eyes. And David doesn’t really care because his hands were flat on Matteo’s stomach under his shirt, and he’s kissing a line down Matteo’s neck. “Got that, thanks,” Matteo says. “I didn’t know they were going there tonight.” 
“I called in an emergency favor,” David hums and turns off the stove to press Matteo back into the counter and then lean up against him, still sucking on his neck.
“Emergency?” Matteo asks, a little breathless, and pulls on David’s hair when he bites on his collarbone. 
“Baby,” David says into his lips, looking at him a little cross-eyed and feeling like he was on fire where Matteo was touching him. “We haven’t been alone together in months.”
Matteo laughs through his nose and leans in further to slip his palms over David’s shoulders, under his jacket, to push it off and onto the floor. “So you told Laura you had blue balls, and she took them in out of the kindness of her heart?” 
“With promises not to call unless someone was in the hospital,” David says and grins at the way that Matteo was pulling on his tie. “So knowing our luck, we got thirty minutes before that happens.” 
“Hm,” Matteo hums. “Lot we could do in thirty minutes.” 
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
do you have any supportive jake prompts based on what happened in “the golden child”
Cheerleader Jake!!! Always!!!
- even at the start of their relationship when the Santiagos were still figuring out whether he was ‘okay’ for Amy, and he was trying so hard to be good and likeable for them, he would 100% drop that and be the biggest Amy-stan if they were talking her down
- like obvs he'd join in with the friendly ribbing between siblings, aka Santiabros telling him all her embarassing stories and whatnot 😜 but as soon as the theme switched to more serious 'complaints' he'd be all "??? You're aware your sister is amazing tho right?"
- (which, needless to say, definitely helped them figure out that he was more than okay for her)
- also one of the big deciding factors for Victor changing his opinion about him - seeing Jake speak in nothing but positive and adoring / admiring ways about Amy even when she’s not there to hear it, at family gatherings and such... he can just see the hearts floating around Jake’s head whenever he’s talking about Amy’s accomplishments to some aunties who were busy scoffing at her being unwed and without kids or something else preposterous
- but also with Amy herself he’s 100% leader of her fanclub, as we all know from the show. He knows exactly when the Santiago family phonecall (weekly, attendance mandatory) is happening, half because he ends up crashing it too often, half because he knows afterwards she’s going to need some good uplifting if her mom or David have started another one of their tirades
- she’ll pretend like it’s all fine and they’re all saying hi, by the way, they missed you barging into the room with a burning pot like last time, but he’s already got the frustration-icecream out and defrosting. She’ll get some good hugs and a “what amazingly useless great thing has David done this week” and then lets her rant as much as she wants and needs, and she knows he (and Rosa) are probably the only ones who’ll not judge her for ‘hating’ on her brother so she really lets go
- he’s also the only one who’ll really join in and they just gossip / trashtalk David together while sharing some ice cream because if Amy gets amped up, so does Jake, and agitated Jake is snacky Jake 🤣
- and when it’s been really, really bad and she’s less frustrated and more teary-eyed he has a laundry list of amazing things she’s done, this week and this month and all in all together, and nothing David can ever do is gonna beat all THAT, Ames, and if your mom doesn’t get that I know your dad does, and your other brothers, and well, your hubby obviously
(- also that talking-to Camila got in the episode is def. not the first and def. not the last time Jake has done something like that. Especially when she’s pregnant and half her family keeps criticising ‘the way’ she does anything, he’s gonna flip a table telling them how amazing she is at dealing with all this stuff that he absolutely couldn’t manage, and how amazing she’s gonna be handling the baby stuff as well and if he hears even a peep about childrearing from any of them if they don’t ask for it first...)
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thealmightyemprex · 3 years
What are your top 5 stories/narratives, be they from a book, a comic, a movie, a play/musical/opera, etc? (Doesn’t have to be a specific book if it’s a story that has been told over and over if that makes sense)
Eros and Psyche/variatons on Beauty and the Beast (Painting by Jean- Pierre Saint-Ours)
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I love variations of the inhuman lover story from Jean Cocteaus Beauty and the Beast ,to Prince Lindworm , to Guillermo Del Torros Shape of Water ,though this classic Greek story is my favorite version .Psyche is so beautiful Aphrodite sends her son Eros to make her fall in love with a monster,only to fall in love with her himself ,Psyche marries what she think is an invisible monster only to sneak a peak (Which she isnt supposed to) to learn her hubby is Eros ,Eros goes "BETRAYAL " flies off only to be imprisioned by Aphrodite ,Psyche does a bunch of impossible tasks ,but then sneaks a peak into a box of death and dies but not before Eros breaks free and has Zeus make her a goddess and living for eternity with her,happily ever after
The Odyssey by Homer
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I considered the Hobbit for the strange Journey type stories,but I had to give it to the Odyssey . They wont all be Greek dont worry .To put it simply the Odyssey ,is about a soldier named Odysseus ,just trying to go home and....Things just dont go his way .He encounters a cyclops,maneating giants,an island of addicts ,a magic bag of winds ,multi headed monsters, sirens ,killer whirlpools ,a witch who turns people into pigs ,travels into the underworld and is stuck on an island with a very clingy goddess,before he finally gets home to battle a bunch of suitors who want to get with his wife
LAwrence of Arabia (!962),directed by David Lean
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This is a narrative I like to call "Danger of beliving your own hype "(Also yes I know this is a real story but I am specifically talking about the film ) .Lawrence is a guy who wants to be a peace bringing hero ....Unfortunately real life politics are complicated, his superiors are shady , and he gets traumatised a lot ,going from idealist to blood hungry to just a broken man .I think it is a fantastic deconstruction of the idea of a guy who goes forth trying to be a hero or savior (I have heard the Dune novels do a similar thing )
Dracula by Bram Stoker
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Going mostly from the book here.A ancient evil has come to London , and how a group of friends must come together to destroy it .The BEST Power of friendship story
Zorro created by Johnston McCully
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There are many diffrent takes on the noble turned vigilante fighting for the people story ,from Robin Hood to Batman(Hell I am doing my own version,sans the noble part ) ,but Zorro is my favorite ,with my favorite ,due to him also being a trickster ,playing the fool as Don Diego de la Vega ,and dashing hero as Zorro,making fools of tyrants ..Favorite versions are 1940's Mark of Zorro,Disney's Zorro and 1975's Zorro
@the-blue-fairie @amalthea9 @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @princesssarisa @ariel-seagull-wings @filmcityworld1 @lord-antihero @professorlehnsherr-almashy @marquisedemasque
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pollyna · 3 years
(wip?: past!mckirk but present & future!mckirk, side!nyota/spock/gaila, side!sulu/canonical hubby
mckirk au they used to be engaged: all the crew of the Enterprise doesn't get how or why Dr McCoy and Captain Kirk know each other so well when they barely talk to each other when they have to, let alone when they're alone. The shuttlecraft isn't the first place they saw each other but no one believes either of them when they say they used to be engaged to be married because it's too wild even for them who are going to explore the unexplored.
They used to be this perfect, young thing where Leo had aspirations and Jim's one was even bigger and they were both going in the same places so why not? Nineteen and the world in the palm of their hands, kissing at every corner in Leo's house and sharing peaches and cold tea, waiting for nothing more than two pieces of paper and then freedom. That never came. Not for both of them together and it would take years before their friendship could have that name, because what did Nyota see at the beginning? It was just a chapter of many.
Nothing really big or dramatic happend when they decided to broke up, like maybe, probably, someone would have tried to kiss Jim during a party because he was still Jim but nothing really came out of it? It was probably more the realisation of what would have implied going that far, together and being without all the support they had until that very moment. Leonard long hours studying and then at work, Jim projects and ungodly hours, a home to tend to at the top of everything and maybe, it was a little too much and they were a little too young.
(How it works: they sit on the same side of the table, the third week of their mission. Jim is tired and Leonard has the most prominent dark circles under his eyes everyone, but Jim has ever seen. Jim's head slips on Leonard''s shoulder, Bones even if he still doesn't call him that but he does in his head, and Leonard's arm around his waist, singing a new version of Sweet Home Alabama that says, Sweet Home Georgia.)
And the crew just doesn't get why don't try again when they're so compatible and they still have that something half of the people can only hope to find in a relationship. None of them really has an answer for Nyota's constant pesting, Spock's logical points of view or Hikaru's way of remembering years passed and now they're grown adults, doesn't matter how many times Leonard calls Jim kid and gets an old man back, because they're different people now.
(How it continue to work: Jim sends Leo a piece of peach pie, handmade and with fresh peaches in, the day of David's anniversary and Leonard has a medkit just for Jim and fills it with three different kinds of snacks with fruit and vegetables blend in because he knows he won't eat them when he's on an away mission.)
((Soundtrack: If it don't work out by Anthony D'Amato, Take care of yourself by Maisie Peters, Only place I call home by Every Avenue, New Constellations by Ryn Weaver))
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dae-loves-flowers · 2 years
The Big Ass Family Get Together
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In his room with Hudson, Dae was getting ready for the big family dinner. "The hardest part is over, telling my parents, Amory and the twins but I'm still nervous to tell everyone about the twins because some people still don't know I'm pregnant and others don't know it's twins. I'm a little anxious. Especially since there's going to be a lot of people here in a few minutes."
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"So you invited someone to meet us tonight? That's kind of cool. I don't think I've ever seen you date as long as I've known you, Hyung." Joel says from his spot at the island in the kitchen next to his husband watching David cook, his hand intertwined with Mateo's on the younger man's thigh.
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"That's because I haven't dated since we've met. I decided to finally try to move on after my little journey of self reflection and food while you were in Faerie. Koen is different though, I like him. I think you will too and honestly....honestly Yeunmin would have been so angry for closing myself off for so long." David says honestly as he works on cooking enough food to feed an army, occasionally checking his phone to see when Koen arrived.
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"Jagi, sexy, hubby, I'm freaking out a little here." Aera paces the room she shares with her husband in her wing of the mansion "I told Key and I don't think he told Dad but God I'm so freaking nervous. I don't get nervous. What if my crybaby ass starts crying again? I've been doing that a lot lately. Oh my God!"
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Meanwhile in his room with Hwan, Hagen is slightly calmer than his twin at the other end of the house. "I'm nervous but is it bad that I'm more ready to get out news out in the open than I am nervous about the reaction?" He asks his fiancé as they lay cuddled in his bed waiting to be called down to dinner.
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"I know this isn't your first time coming to one of these since our kids started dating but it's different this time." Eric says as he drives toward the mansion after picking Jayven up from his house, his hand holding the others on the gear shifter "Are you absolutely sure you're ready to tell them about us today? We can wait a little longer if you want."
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"So are you ready for this? It's going to be kind of a shock to a lot of people but I think they will be happy for us. Most of the people inside have been trying to get me to put myself out there for a very very long time." Danny says to Kieran after helping him out of the car, interlacing their fingers together "It's not too late to run, my love."
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Tutor stands outside of the large mansion, looking down at his phone at the address Amory sent him. He was a bit shocked and confused. "Am I in the right place? This place is huge!" He says just as someone walks out of the large mansion. He smiles when he sees Amory "Hi....I almost thought I was in the wrong place."
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mrsdobrik · 4 years
The not wearing your ring was so cute!! Can I request you and husband David going to a party and you’re not wearing your ring because it needed to be cleaned and someone comes up and hits on you while David’s in the bathroomnand he comes out is mad.
Thank you!! You are cute!! 😉😉 Hope you like this!!
Y/n was holding her husbands hand as they stood together next to the bar for their drinks to be ready. David’s free hand was on her waist so he could keep pulling her close to kiss her time and time again. Y/n smiled against his lips and broke the kiss to look up at him. His brown eyes sparkled with joy as his long fingers tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. 
“You look beautiful tonight Mrs. Dobrik.” He complimented with a smile. 
She rolled her eyes before replying “When are you going to stop calling me that? We’ve been married for eight months, I thought you’d have been tired of me by now.” 
“I will never get tired of you” He chuckled making her smile. 
Their conversation was then interrupted by the bar tender giving them their drinks and as Y/n took her glass David noticed a certain diamond and golden band were missing from her finger. 
“Where’s you ring, babe?” He asked, worried she might have lost it somewhere during the party. 
“Oh, I took it to get cleaned. I have to pick it up on Monday” She recalled. “Oh my god, try this. It’ so good” Y/n offered him her drink. 
“You love fruity cocktails, you always end up getting so drunk” He smiled and shook his head remembering some of her drunken adventures. 
“It was like... two times....maybe three” She rolled her eyes. 
“If you saw so” He pulled her in for another kiss. “I need to use the restroom, will you be okay without me?” He pouted a bit. 
“Yes David, I’m not five” She giggled. And with one last kiss he was off. 
Not two minutes had gone by when a handsome stranger approached her. 
“Hey gorgeous, care for some company?” He smirked at her showing off a perfectly white smile. 
“Sorry, I’m actually here with my husband” She giggled, finding the stranger’s attitude funny. 
“You should find a better excuse. There is no ring on your finger. My name is Matt” He insisted. 
“Well, hello Matt, I’m Y/n. My ring is getting cleaned and my husband will be back any minute, I’m sure he would love to meet you” She shook her head with a smile, thinking the whole thing ridiculous. 
“Sure, sweetheart. I’m sure he’ll be back any second now.” He mocked in a condescending tone as if he thought she was lying. “Meanwhile why don’t we get to know each other better?” 
“Because she is married” David hissed appearing out of nowhere behind the guy. 
“Hi honey!” Y/n smiled. Matt turned to face David and just said “My bad, dude, I thought she was alone” 
“Matt, you are a terrible liar! I told you I was here with my hubby” Y/n winked at him, having way too much fun. 
“Did you sweetheart? Then why are you still here, Matt?” David barked at the guy. With a grunt Matt turned around and left. 
Y/n was laughing and stood on her tiptoes to kiss her hubby. “I can’t leave you alone for five minutes cause the vultures fly down to take my place” David smiled shaking his head. Y/n could feel that he was still a bit tense but she got it out of him with another kiss. 
“They couldn’t take me away from you if they tried, baby. I love you.” Y/n beamed at him. 
“How would you feel about me buying you another ring for you to use when the real one is at the cleaners?” David said, half joking, half serious. 
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
Chapter 4 – A new day
Synopsys: The name of the series is super random, don't mind me. Reader is a postgraduate student at NYU, made a docuseries on her research, and the show got picked up by Netflix. She goes on a press tour and meets Tom on a ‘chat show’. They get together and she decides to stay for a few days in London with him. This could be an amazing few days or more? It’s been interesting writing how they’ll deal with distance and tight schedules once ‘honeymoon’ is over...
Heads up: my first language is Portuguese, so that might explain some things here - of course, I wrote thinking about myself hahaha
Warnings for the series: mention of illicit drugs, angst caused by distance, smut (next chapters, very explicit), anxiety caused by paparazzi, and rude random people taking photos.
Other than that, this is just my guilty pleasure writing so lots of caring sweet Tom and fluffiness.
Chapter 1 - A new city
Chapter 2 - Show time
Chapter 3 - Unexpected texts
Chapter 4 - A new day
This is 1.8k words (approximately)
A while after overthinking it you closed your eyes and next thing you knew you were opening them at the sound of your alarm clock. Shit. ‘Should’ve sleept more’ was your first thought but then you remembered why you didn’t. You checked your phone. There was one text from “Tom Holland”, you just loved the quotation markes there, they reminded you of the mess it was your first interaction.
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Did he really just Google-translated ‘beautiful’? And are you really swooning over that?
You got up from bed smiling like an idiot and went to get ready for the day. You were getting breakfast with David at the hotel so you had to hurry cause the Breakfast show begins at 7. It was supposed to be a bright sunny (and hot) summer day, which you knew was rare in London. But it was still a work commitment, so you decided on pants and maybe you could change before going to wherever you were going with Tom. Tom! Should you reply to him?
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Ok. Play it cool. Now, focus on why you’re here in the first place, will you? You wore capri pants, a t-shirt tucked in with a belt and some stylish shoes. It looked cool, you were comfortable and that’s the best we can expect in a situation like this. No one’s expecting you to show up ready for a red carpet or anything like that anyway. You texted David and he was already downstairs getting some food, so you just went to meet him.
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“Good morning” You greeted David at the buffet.
“Someone’s in a good mood. Good morning” He was in a good mood too, probably cause you’ll be going home today. Your good mood had nothing to do with that. If you’re honest, that was a reason for ruining your spirit.
“Uh-hum” You agreed.
“So, I was looking and I think I can change our tickets. You know, for earlier.” He told you as you were sitting in a table at the corner and you couldn’t help but look at him like he was saying something absurd. “Ok, you don’t look so happy about it.”
“No, I was just hoping to see the city today. You know, enjoy it a little bit before going back.” As you said that your phone lit up on the table, it was a text from Tom.
“The city. Right” David smirked at you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You laughed at him and smiled when you saw the texts.
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“Is that ok?” You heard David talking.
“Hum? Sorry?” You were smiling.
“Gosh I can’t with you. I said I might just change my own ticket, would that be ok with you?”
“Oh yeah! Go ahead. I’ll be fine. I have all my flight info.” He looked at you suspiciously.
“Just…please be in New York next week? The meeting is on Friday afternoon”
“What?” You laughed. “Of course I’ll be there. Why wouldn’t I?” He just shook his head and laughed at you.
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You finished your breakfast and went back to the room to brush your teeth and get your stuff. 15 minutes later, you were in a cab with David going to the Radio One studios. On the way, you snapped a pic to send him, you know, keep the conversation going.
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You rolled your eyes at him but still couldn’t help but agree.
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The breakfast show was from 7 to 10 am, but your interview was not until 8 am. So you and David just hang out in the studio in the meantime. “The first hour is mainly for music”, the girl that welcomed you guys explained. Soon after, Greg James walked out to the little reception and greeted you and David. “Hey guys! Thank you for coming! I’m Greg, nice to meet you.” He offered.
“Hi! Thank you for having us! I’m (y/n), this is David.” You replied and gave him a quick hug.
“Hey! How’s it going?” David said and gave him a man’s hug/handshake. Boys.
“So this is basically standard, since it’s a live interview, I like to ask if there’s any topic you want to avoid or something you’d like to talk specially about?” He asked you.
“Oh…I don’t know. No? Just…let’s talk about how great the show is so people want to watch it and we can keep making more” You laughed.
“And it IS great! I’ve seen it, really loved. Congrats!”
“That’s kind of you. Thank you!”
“No problem, so…I guess I’ll just direct it towards the interviews you did, you can tell me some funny stories? Awkward ones preferably.”
“You got it! I’ll give you my worst embarrassment stories, you know, for the good of entertainment” You laughed.
A little while later you were sitting in the studio with Greg on the other side of the table. You told him about the show and some embarrassing stories as well.
“So, what are the plans now? Will we be seeing more seasons of the show? Maybe in other cities, London perhaps?”
“Well, I can’t say”
“Oh come on! Is Netflix the next Marvel on terms of keeping secrets?”
“No, I mean, I don’t know. I literally can’t say because I don’t know what the future looks like for us. It’s been so great to go out and talk about the show, and see how much people liked it but I’m kind of just enjoying while I can.”
“No! Don’t say that! They won’t let you get away like that!”
“I hope not! If they want us, I’m all in! I’d love to make 10 more seasons and in other cities, even! Can you imagine?"
“Now that’s more like it! Let’s make a deal, if Netflix don’t renew with you, BBC will take it!”
“Ok! Sure! Are you in charge of it?”
“No really, but that’s just a technicality” He laughed. “Alright, so we’ll play some music and when we come back we’re going to hear some unpopular opinions! Are you ready for it Ana?”
“Sure, yeah! I love the theme song, let’s do it!”
“Do you really? You listen to the show?”
“Yes! I really do, I’m a fan since when I was learning English! I genuinely love Radio 1”
“No way! Just for that, I’ll let you choose the next song"
When the song died over it was time for the game.
“Hey! If you need a job, you can just come work here with us as international music sommelier, what you think about it?”
“Oh don’t even joke. That’s my dream job, honestly!”
“It’s settled them” The interview was going really well, and it was almost ending. “Alright, so our time is almost over. Shall we hear some unpopular opinions and send you all to the weekend with a pinch of wrath?”
“Yes please! Let’s hear them” The theme song started to play and you sang along. “Come and give us your unpopular opinion, something up to know you’ve been scared to say”
“That was great! And in the first try! You really are a listener!”
“Told you!”
“Ok so, first on the line we have Maya. Hello Maya? What’s your unpopular opinion?”
“Calling people bestie is cringe” The girl on the line said.
“Uh agreed” You said.
“You agree with her?” Greg asked you.
“Yeah. If it’s not ironically, it’s very cringe. Like calling your husband hubby”
“To be fair, most pet names are cringe” Greg offered.
“True, very true. Hey, love is cheesy. Nothing wrong with that. People in love are just not cool, have you ever met a couple that was genuinely cool?”
“No, I have not. Well, I mean…the Beckhams are cool.”
“Uh good one. I stand corrected. But can you imagine Victoria calling Dave ‘hubby’ or the other spice girls ‘bestie’?”
“Definitely not.” You guys laughed together, you were just being silly. “Good one Maya! Alright, next call is Kyle. Hello Kyle?”
“Hi! Flat watered down soda tastes good.”
“What?” You yelped. “Are you ok, Kyle?”
“And that’s why we call this segment ‘unpopular opinions’” Greg laughed. “Do you want to defend yourself there Kyle?”
“Not really, I just prefer it like that.” Kyle said and you and Greg laughed.
“You know what Kyle? You keep doing you. You might want to try some juice or iced tea, though. But you do you man.” You joked and Greg cracked up.
“That was great, I love it!” Greg said. “That will be all for today, don’t forget to check (y/n)'s new show this weekend and spam Netflix about how much we need more seasons!! And bring (y/n) to London Netflix!”
“Oh my god I loved it! Thank you so much for having me, I had the best time!” You thanked him. Music started to play and you took off your headphones. “Thank you, really. I was great!” You said directly to Greg.
“Oh don’t thank me! I really hope we’ll see you more! Come back always to promote the next seasons and projects!” He offered.
You got out of the studio and greeted David. “That was so much fun!” You told him.
“You’re killing it there ! Mission accomplished, finally! Are you coming back to the hotel or are you meeting with ‘the city’ from here?” He asked you using air quotes for ‘the city’ and smirking.
“I’m coming back to the hotel, thank you very much.” You rolled your eyes, but you knew he was just teasing you.
Chapter 5 it's fluffly london date and it was so much fun writing it, can't wait for you to read!
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ejzah · 4 years
Can you do a prompt where Kensi is shot by Kessler (in the stomach because he wants to make her unable to have kids) and Deeks tries to save her and she turns out all fine?
A/N: Ok, maybe I lied. I took a look at my prompts and found this one, which seems to link up nicely with my story from the other day.
Since this story involves Kessler, some creepy things are said, but I don’t think anything too over the top. It gets a bit dark and uncomfortable.
A Few Stolen Moments, Part 2
“You sure we locked all the doors when we came in?” Deeks murmured against Kensi’s head, the movement of his lips ruffling her hair. They were still sitting in bed, curled around each other.
As much as she didn’t want to let it affect her, Kensi felt vaguely sick at the thought of Kessler being so close by. Especially after the comments he made about Deeks when she’d questioned him. She didn’t know how much was just speculation, but she didn’t want him coming anywhere near Deeks either.
“I locked the front door and enabled the security,” she said. It was second nature after all this time. “And we haven’t unlocked any of the other doors since yesterday.”
“I’m going to double check anyway.” Deeks kissed her forehead one more time and then untangled their arms. He slid on a pair of spare sweatpants and started to climb off the bed, but before he could leave, Kensi tugged him back, kissing him firmly.
“We’ll be fine.” The concern in Deeks’ eyes said he didn’t believe that for a moment, but he didn’t say anything as he left the room.
Now all alone, she felt a chill that had nothing to do with the snowy weather and the disconcerting sensation that she was being watched. Grabbing her wrinkled clothes, she started pulling on her jeans and t-shirt. She was just reaching for her socks when she heard a loud crash downstairs.
She paused, waiting for another sound, and then called out,
“Deeks?” There was a moment of silence, followed by another crash. The socks fell from her hand as Kensi raced for her bag and pulled it her personal weapon. Deeks shouted out a muffled
“Kensi, don’t-“ as she raced downstairs.
She slowed down at the last few steps, leveling her gun as she cautiously turned the corner into the kitchen. There was a potted plant smashed on the floor, the pieces of blue ceramic scattered in a wide circle, and she skirted around it. Mouth completely dry, pulse racing, she walked past it and into the living room.
Deeks was kneeling on the floor, David Kessler behind him with one arm hooked around Deeks’ neck and the barrel of a gun pressed to his temple. She saw regret and anger in Deeks’ eyes as she quickly gave him a once over.
His bangs were stained red as was the skin beneath his nose, but he didn’t to be badly injured. She felt the smallest amount of relief at that.
Kessler smiled widely at her, his lip dribbling blood from what looked like a split lip. Good, Kensi thought with dark satisfaction.
“Put the gun down, Kessler,” she ordered coldly, leveling her gun for a kill shot. He just smiled even more.
“I missed you too, Kensi,” he said, ignoring her threat completely. “I’m so glad I finally got to meet the Hubby.”
“I said put the gun down or I will kill you.”
“You could try. But I might shoot him first. And that would be a shame. Wouldn’t it, Deeks?” He addressed the last part to Deeks, dragging the gun down the length of his jaw. “And I intend to enjoy this game for as long as I can.”
“Really, that’s the line you’re going with?” Deeks commented. Kensi could hear his fear and anger bleeding through the sarcasm, but she felt a spark of pride. Especially when Kessler frowned at him. “I expected better from a guy who’s been creating his master villain plan while he’s rotting in prison for years.”
Eyes flashing for a second, Kessler jerked his arm tighter, forcing Deeks back at an angle that made him wince.
“I imagined you a lot different than this,” Kessler said, once again conversationally. “But I can see why Kensi is attracted to you. Your the opposite of her father and most the other men in her life. It must make her feel like a rebel.”
“Are you seriously still tying to impress me?” Kensi asked in disbelief. Anger was quickly replacing her fear and her hand trembled slightly with it.
“I don’t need to impress anyone. I’m just here to enjoy myself.” He grabbed a handful of Deeks’ hair and tugged sharply until he growled out something dark and unintelligible. “Does she ever call you, Marty? Maybe that’s for when it’s just the two of you, huh?”
“Well, that’s something you’ll never find out,” Deeks said in a strained voice.
“I don’t know. I think Kensi would enjoy me being there. Maybe she’d even want me to join in.”
“Like she’d ever pick you.” Kessler actually growled as Deeks continued to goad him. She knew Deeks was trying to distract him, but she had no idea what Kessler was willing to do to him.
“Deeks, don’t.” Even though she couldn’t see Deeks’ eyes at this angle, she saw his body tense at her words.
“No, it’s alright, Kensi,” Kessler said, in a would-be reassuring tone. “It’s understandable that Deeks would want to defend you. Or maybe he’s defending himself. Tell me, were you this defiant when they drilled your teeth out?”
Another shiver went up Kensi’s spine at the reminder of how much Kessler knew about them. Had he been watching them? The thought made her feel ill. Almost as much as when Kessler jabbed the tip of the gun into Deeks’ upper jaw.
Deeks didn’t so much as flinch, but she knew he had to be in pain. The way Kessler was holding him, forcing him at that awkward angle was surely putting pressure on his ribs. She wondered if Kessler knew about that too.
“How did you get in here?” she asked. He enjoyed showing just how smart he was. Maybe it would be enough to distract him and give Deeks a chance to disarm him.
“I have friends.” Kessler smirked again. “When you know the right people and you can get all the keys and passcodes you want.” He trailed the gun down Deeks’ cheek again, nudging his split lip. Something inside Kensi snapped then and anger overwhelmed her.
“You know you’re not going to make it out of here alive.” Her voice was cold, dark, almost looking forward to the moment he was out of their lives. “I will kill you.”
“Yeah, she’s a pretty good shot,” Deeks added in a strained, but conversational tone.
“So am I.” Sighing a little dreamily, Kessler nodded like he was remembering something. “I may not have had the weapons, but I trained in other ways. I prepared for this day.” He’d released his hold on Deeks’ hair while he spoke, allowing him to lower his head.
Looking up under his bangs, Deeks met her gaze again, a silent question burning in his eyes. She nodded back almost imperceptibly, allowing her face to reflect concern as Deeks pulled in a visible breath. She wasn’t sure if it was at all real or solely designed to throw Kessler off guard.
“You’re not as strong as you look,” Kessler commented, then glanced at Kensi pointedly, staring at her midsection. “But then we already knew that, didn’t we?”
“Don’t you get sick of saying the same things all the time?” Kensi asked, letting derision leak into her voice.
“Oh Kensi, I’m just telling the truth. And you know it. Your husband is weak. He let me take him down. Barely even fought.”
“In my experience, strong men don’t talk about it all the time. They don’t have anything to prove.”
“I’m going to enjoy controlling you,” he murmured vindictively. “Now put the gun down before I blow Marty’s brain out.” Deeks shook his head and she saw him mouth her name as she slowly bent down to put the gun on the floor. “Now kick over here.”
Hands trembling as she rose back up, Kensi did as he instructed. Normally she would wait for Deeks to distract and disarm Kessler, but normally he didn’t have broken ribs. It was likely how Kessler had gotten an upper hand in the first place.
“Alright, you have what you want, let Deeks go. This doesn’t have anything to do with him,” she said as Kessler kicked the gun under the couch.
“Kensi, no.”
Chuckling, Kessler shook his head.
“That’s not part of my plans.” Before Kensi could react, he slammed the but of his gun into Deeks’ temple. Deeks cried out, his body flailing for a second as Kessler let him roughly drop to the ground.
“Deeks!” She started toward him, but Kessler waved her back. She stayed in place reluctantly, eyes never leaving his weapon. He stalked towards her until he was just a few feet away from her.
“You don’t know how many times I imagined stabbing you, shooting you. Right in the stomach. No little baby Deeks for you,” he said in a slightly sing song voice, leveling the gun directly at her abdomen. Kensi’s fists trembled with rage as he reached out and brushed his fingers across the fabric of her shirt.
“Don’t touch me,” she hissed. His eyes tightened momentarily, like he’d expected any other response and his finger slid on the trigger.
“Then I guess this is the end, Kensi.” She tensed, preparing to attack him in whatever way she could when Deeks rose up behind and tackled him to the floor. Kessler managed to squeeze the trigger, but it went wide and then flew from his hand.
She ran for it as they struggled, Deeks trying to maintain control. When she turned back, Kessler was on top, punching Deeks repeatedly in the side.
Kensi didn’t hesitate another moment and fired, hitting Kessler directly in the shoulder. He screamed and reared back, giving Deeks the opportunity to flip him onto his back and slam his head into the floor until he blacked out. It took everything in Kensi’s power not to shoot Kessler again. And again.
Would anyone question it if he died? He finally stopped fighting and Deeks rolled off him, collapsing to the ground as he dragged in ragged breaths.
“Deeks, baby, are you ok?” she asked, kneeling next to Deeks. She pulled his head into her lap, fingers still trembling, this time with fear. There was a new cut where Kessler had hit him, blood flowing out in a steady stream down the side of his head.
“I’m fine. Did he shoot you? I tried to stop him,” he gasped out, running his hand over her for any signs of injury.
“He missed. He didn’t hurt me.” Deeks let his head fall back and he closed his eyes.
“I’m so sorry. I should have been more careful.” He glanced at Kessler’s prone body, looking slightly nauseous, and pushed himself away.
“Oh my god, it’s not your fault, baby,” she murmured. Her eyes filled with tears as she pressed her forehead to his. “I thought he killed you.” Shivering uncontrollably, she clasped Deeks against her chest, reveling in the sound of his labored breathing, his arms clamping around his back.
“He can’t hurt us anymore,” Deeks whispered, cupping her cheek.
A/N: So, Writing Kessler is super weird. Aside from the fact that he’s a creep, I kept drifting into dialogue that sounded more like Sidorov or one of the other big baddies. Hopefully I captured Kessler’s fairly simplistic and persistent traits well enough.
Thanks for the prompt, anon!
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