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juicemagazine · 4 years ago
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@kevin_kowalski 🔥 Burnside 📸 @daveswift01 “People all around the world are ripping their own creations harder and faster than ever. More and more DIY spots are born every day as our solar system spins out of control, throughout the ever-expanding galaxies. The Milky Way is host to a plethora of concrete continuums, creating chaos, yet giving us hope and order. In the times we live, I consider us very blessed to have this brotherhood of hard working creators. Never say forever, for we must fight to keep our moment from ever passing the hearts and minds of future generations. We have lots to learn, but we also have a little bit to teach and leave behind. To the people I’ve met, the good times we’ve had, you know you’re having a good time when you look around and see your boys [and girls] having a good time. This is only the beginning of the end of the beginning of the raddest world we could have created together. You are a creator, amidst the chaos. Congratulations. We did it. Now go out there and make some waves.” - Mark “Monk” Hubbard - @grindlineskateparks @grindlinetheband Monk Quote from the “DIY Life” story in @juicemagazine #76 #skate #burnside #portland #oregon #DIY #skatepark #thankyou #hubbard #neverforget #thanks #kevinkowalski #daveswift #skateboarding (at Burnside Skatepark) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKjsJebl6lg/?igshid=159gxs9j3cmoh
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jgrantbrittain · 5 years ago
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Happy Birthday to the one and only @daveswift01 Still skating and shooting photos, never grow up😏! Backside air at Del Mar Skate Ranch 1986. #daveswift #skatelegends #skatephotographer #skateboardingnerd #schmittstix #delmarskateranch #jgrantbrittain #100percentskateboarder https://www.instagram.com/p/CFLCUddFYuE/?igshid=sje9pzkce8fk
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sneepmemoryscreen · 7 years ago
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🗃✨ Repost #18 : @the_skate_scroll || In the mid 90s @tompenny consistently raised the bar of what could be done on a skateboard out in the streets. He single handedly progressed the art of flipping the board to new levels. On this day back in 1995 he frontside flipped and switch frontside flipped this downtown Encinitas double set in a handful of tries–riding away from both in his patented casual style. #tompenny #daveswift #theskatescroll #skatephoto
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skatepunk22 · 7 years ago
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Dave Swift, fakie thruster in Orlando, Florida. I always loved that trick and Dave has a smooth fast one. Dave was one of the first guys who visited my parents house in San Jose before I moved to San Diego in 86. He smoked cigs with my mom! That always stuck in my head. I think this was while we were roommates in Carlsbad — either during or right before. 1989 or ‘90. Pretty sure this was the day we met Shannon May, who was riding for Vision at the time, and we were there with a bunch of the @foundationskateboards guys from that Magic F tour. I have photos of @todswank ripping on the vert Ramp, too. Great memories. I wish @vansskate would make the canvas high tops that Dave’s wearing again! #mypeopleskateboard #skateboarding #skateboardingisfun #daveswift @daveswift01 (at Orlando, Florida)
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daveswiftphoto01-blog · 10 years ago
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Sometimes when your flashes are set up for one person, somebody else you weren't there to shoot gets the shot. Oh well, no one else was shooting it. Lots of people have back Smith grinded the hip at the #nudebowl but not many with the style of @hotelrwanda #sorryforpoaching #skateboarding #daveswift #skatephoto #pricelessmemories #theskateboardmag
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jgrantbrittain · 5 years ago
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Rancho Santa Fe Mega Ramp 1983. jgrantbrittainphotos.com #ranchoramp #megaramp #plywood #pvccoping #stateoftheart #skateboardingisfun #daveswift #jgrantbrittain #jgrantbrittainphotos #grantbrittain #minoltasrt201 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_7hBunlf_l/?igshid=ee9cy2dkmqsb
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jgrantbrittain · 5 years ago
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Once upon a time, there were two ex-skatemag photographers. @peetigga and @daveswift01 checking out a rough of Pete’s upcoming book at @steelmillcoffee . #petethompson #daveswift #skatephotographers #steelmillcoffee #jgrantbrittainphotos https://www.instagram.com/p/B2-QY2xl_Uv/?igshid=c9eab1hdj1d4
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jgrantbrittain · 6 years ago
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Nothing like tacos at midnight after a concert with @daveswift01 at El Pueblo in Cardiff. Scroll through. #daveswift #elpueblomexicanfood #cardiffbythesea #jgrantbrittain https://www.instagram.com/p/B08n7hjFTRi/?igshid=1q6byg5x6z31i
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jgrantbrittain · 6 years ago
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The @exposureskate Women’s event brought a lot of skate energy to Poods Park this today and @lizziearmanto brought her skill. Come out tomorrow and see the planet’s best. Photo: jgrantbrittainphotos.com #lizziearmanto #exposureskate #womenskaters #birdhouseskateboards #vanskate #poodspark #fujifilmx100f #jgrantbrittainphotos #jgrantbrittain #grantbrittain #daveswift https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpvr0NVnk9q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bm6xpy9bz7p5
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jgrantbrittain · 7 years ago
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Happy Birthday to @daveswift01 !! Sorry, almost missed it! Photos: jgrantbrittainphotos.com #daveswift #daveswiftphoto #skatephotographer #skatelegends #jgrantbrittain #grantbrittain #jgrantbrittainphotos #skateboarder https://www.instagram.com/p/BnxogVJnEwq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cd2c61bqba8e
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jgrantbrittain · 8 years ago
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@daveswift01 was shooting @stevecaballero on the very last night at Bucky's Bowl and I just had to get in on that action, so I Poached an overview photo of Swift and Cab. I waited till @protec used the photo so I wouldn't screw up Swift's Money Shot. Scroll left from mine to Swift's in yo face fs invert of Cab. Overview: Brittain Money Shot: Dave Swift #stevecaballero #daveswift #skatelegends #buckysbowl #skateboarding #skatephotography #jgrantbrittainphotos #jgrantbrittain #grantbrittain #moneyshot
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jgrantbrittain · 8 years ago
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Happy Birthday to @daveswift01 Go Skate!!! 4 photos by Brittain #daveswift #skateboarding #skatelegends #delmarskateranch #poodspark #jgrantbrittain
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jgrantbrittain · 8 years ago
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@stevecaballero and @jordynbarratt check out @daveswift01 's photos he Shot at @buckylasek 's last bowl session today. Photo: Brittain #skatelegends #daveswift #stevecaballero #jordynbarratt #skatephotography #grantbrittain #jgrantbrittain #jgrantbrittainphotos
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sneepmemoryscreen · 8 years ago
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Follow @the_skate_scroll || repost: Everyone loves #thegonz so why not give the people what they want? Here we have #markgonzales doing a frontside pivot on the vert wall at the 1992 Skate Zone contest at Powell Peralta in Santa Barbara, Ca. Somehow @daveswift01 crept up inside the wall to get this image without having to fight off a horde of self-proclaimed photo journalists (back in those days not everyone was a photographer). Good times those olden days. #theskatescroll #daveswift #skateboarding #skateboardinglooksbetteronfilm
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jgrantbrittain · 10 years ago
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Happy Birthday to @daveswift01 , keep ripping! Del Mar Skate Ranch in the 1980s. Photo: Brittain #daveswift #delmarskateranch #dmsrforever #theskateboardmag #skatelegends #skatephotographer @theskateboardmag #grantbrittain #skateboarding
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jgrantbrittain · 10 years ago
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@staabpirate1 and @tonyhawk came prepared with Del Mar Skate Ranch Staff shirts today. @daveswift01 carves the gnar in the background. We enjoyed one more day of the Del Mar Skate Ranch 28 years after she was buried for what we thought was forever. Thanks @superduperaustin for giving us all one more day of what we missed so much. #tonyhawk #kevinstaab #daveswift @onieder @mikivuckovich #delmarskateranch #dmsrforever #theskateboardmag @theskateboardmag #grantbrittain #skatelegends #skateboarding #thankyouskateboarding
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