#davers sisters
guccibootyellow · 2 years
I reached the 100th chapter of In Want of a Wife 🥳 such a milestone! I thought, as a treat, I’d show you the first page of chapter 100 ☺️ it has slight spoilers but nothing too big! Hope you enjoy 💗
“Oh, my darling!”
The exclamation reverberated across the street as Florence strode out onto the stone staircase, her arms flinging outward in greeting. This invitation was readily received by Penny, who hastened to embrace her. They clung onto one another, Florence resorting to lifting Penny off of her feet in order to grasp her properly.
“How wonderful it is to see you!” the older woman declared.
She released Penny so that she may kiss her on either cheek. During this spectacle, Bonnie had clambered from the carriage, observing the two together, though she was intrigued primarily with the hostess. She had not expected Florence to be as mature as she was; she was undoubtedly the same age as Yvonne. Despite the understanding she was a friend of the eldest Miss Davers, there had been no further implication of her personality, her age, nor her situation, and the portrait that Bonnie had come to sketch in her mind was that of a woman merely a few years older than her.
The woman she gazed upon was not the image she had conjured; rather, Mrs Alston was another woman entirely. She was taller than Bonnie and Yvonne, her height pronounced further by the lemon-shaded turban upon her head. The dress that she wore complimented the headdress with its own shade of lemon but, despite its traditional shape- her slim waist, large skirts, and gigot sleeves- it was patterned and coloured in shapes and shades that Bonnie had never seen in Ireland or England alike. The swirls and lines across Florence’s dress hosted an array of purple, pink, and blue, the vivid dress causing her figure to be remarkably distinguishable among the subdued townhouses of Yorkshire. Equally, her laughter was loud, her smile was wide, and her perfume heavy. Bonnie had never met anyone like Mrs Alston; she was radiant.
Hereafter, the woman’s gaze settled upon her guest, a smile on her lips. There was a sage expression in her eyes that uneased Bonnie, for she discerned that she knew more of her than she did of Florence.
Mrs Alston walked in her direction, her arms rising to embrace her. “And you must be Miss Donoghue! I have heard so much about you.” Her hands grasped Bonnie’s shoulders and she perceived herself being wrenched forward to receive a kiss on each cheek. “You hardly know the interest you have stirred up among these sisters. They are quite devoted to you!”
Her perceptive demeanour did not lessen, a circumstance that caused Bonnie to redden. There was an insinuation to her words or so she felt. In response, all she could mutter was:
“It is I who is devoted to them.”
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Danvers Sisters ❤️💕
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runesofkrypton · 5 years
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The Danvers sisters 
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shesquaredpodcast · 4 years
The Davers sisters as daughters to J’onn Jonzz is also EVERYTHING.
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zoreldanversluthor · 4 years
So i dont really know why im oposting this but idk im just gonna go with it. So basically supergirl has its last season premier tonight and its also the first time i watch a episode of a tv show live so i think ita going to be cool. The other thing I wanna say is just my expirience with the show.
I remeber i started watcing the flash in the beggining of 2017, i was like 13 at the time and going through some stuff on my head, which i didint knew what it was, and so i just started watching this superhero tv show. I loved superheros and the flash had always been my favorite so u know i just did it. Then while shearching for stuff online about the series, a few months after i started whatching it, i found supergirl. This was around summer so i was 14 at the time and with school almost beggining. 
I saw it and i was like ���you know what i just want to watch it. So while i was waiting for The Flash to return on air i started watching this show. I didnt thought much of it until i saw how the davers sisters were during that whole season and i was simply in love. 
At the time my favourite show was still The Flash but what i didnt knew is that that was about to change. As i was starting the second season of Supergirl, it was around September/October, my school had just started and i felt even more comflited with everything that was happening in my head. At the time i didnt knew that i had anxiety, and living in the house that i live, the only thing i found to cope at 14 was cigarettes. I still stouggle with that today, but now at least i am informed of my condicions. 
So back to Supergirl, I see lena Luthor, this strong woman, that is trying not to be judged simply by her family and that, god that fucking stuck with me u know, cause i had never identified so much with a character in my life. So Lena started to be like my favourite character until episode 5, 6 and 8 happened.
God i still remeber from memory the dialog between alex and maggie in the bar. That scene had as background song Way Down We Go. Just the way Alex says maybe theres some truth to what you said. I couldnt watch the Shoe for what it felt like a week or two. Because i realized i was rejeting this feeling because i had been told by my parents was wrong you know. I only had a brother to support me but said brother was away in college so i had no one to tell that it was okay.
(i know this is getting big sorry) :))))
So after that little pause i simply retorned to watch and episode 6 and 8 just got stuck with me cause not only i had supergirl herself tell that it was okay but moms alex telling it was okay. Alex became my forever favourite character not only because of that but because the next year, i re-watched the same scene and got the courage to tell my friends and god it was amazing. 
Having Chyler represent alex that way in those episodes basically saved my life. I was on the verge of just giving up on everything and men let me tell you im way better now. 
But it wasnt just alex or kara or lena or nia or everyone there. It was melissa and chyler and katie and nicole. It was the way that they not only inspire on screen but most importantly of screen too. 
If im alive today ita not because of friends and definetly not because of family its because of this people. 
Which is why i just wanted to leave this here since this will be our last season. 
Thank so much for teaching to have hope again, for teaching me that it is okay to ask for help and although i ship supercorp, and we still dont know if thats happening ot not im still happy that this became my favorite show, that i joined the fandom. 
So thank you. Im not an isolated case but i will never be able to express how grateful i am for this fandom, for the actressess and for this show.
Love you all (yes im crying while writting this :)))  )
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s-uperquiet · 5 years
If Alex is the Davers with superpowers then Kara has to be the gay sister, right?
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starbrightotaku · 5 years
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Some Denki Kaminari Headcanons
- Despite his Whey state, he's actually very intelligent.
- His favorite song is Thunderstruck
- Denki is terrified of windstorms and refuses to say why.
- Has a great vocal range. Nowhere near as good as Jiro but comes in a close second.
- Total Mama's boy but still loves his dad.
- His favorite thing is a stuffed Pikachu his best friend since age 5 won for him at a fair on the ladder game.
- Lived in America from age 5 until age 11.
- His favorite food is stuffed crust meat lovers pizza.
- He has a crudely made friendship necklace his best friend made for him when they were 7 and it is one of his most treasured possessions.
- His mom works for a hero office while his dad is a doctor.
- Cried when his goldfish Sparky had to be flushed down the toilet.
- Collects plastic figurines from gumball machines.
- Get's really trippy on pain meds. Once he did a cover of I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Boys over the speakers of the hospital with four doctors providing back up vocals.
- Detests it when people run their fingers through his hair. He only allows his Mom and best friend to do it.
- Is used to Kirishima hiding in his bathroom or closet to avoid the dentist.
- Is certified in First Aid and CPR.
- Used to spend every summer working at a camp for kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- He has a tendency to label his cellphone contacts with hilarious nicknames. His mom is "Wonder Woman" his dad is " Doctor Strange" his best friend is "Tinkerbell" and Bakugo is "Angry Pomeranian"
- His ringtone for his phone is the Pokemon Season 3 English theme song.
- Is seriously crushing on Carol Davers/Captain Marvel's movie counterpart.
- Shamelessly watched every Disney Movie and Cartoon about them with his best friend. They watch mostly 90's Disney shows with some newer ones.
- Favorite Disney Junior show is Jake and The Never Land Pirates. His favorite character is Cubby.
- Knows the words to almost every Sofia The First song and constantly sings along.
- Closet fan of Blue's Clues and Bubble Guppies.
- Despite claims otherwise he is a fantastic cook. Denki just prefers to let Sato do it because it helps to train his Quirk.
- Has five older sister's and learned how to style, cut, and do hair by the age of 10. He took a beautician class and passed during his middle school years.
- Has a part time job at a spa. No one, not even Momo who frequents his work place knows about the fact he's a masseur.
- Midoriya is sworn to secrecy about his skill in giving a massage.
- Has a secondary Empathy Quirk which is why he short circuits his brain.
- Once figured out how to create a working guitar out of pure electricity by accident. Constantly tries to do it again on purpose.
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cornskin · 5 years
I don’t have high standards for Supergirl, but this episode has been awful. The only good part was the Davers Sisters scene.
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thewildwilds · 5 years
Dee Spare and her sister Kit Daver along w/ Theresa Boddy also known as Miss Teri who is looking for her father Thad S. D. Boddy
I don’t know if DR is ready for Ace Attorney-levels of localization
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hcllfxre · 5 years
-------SPY KIDS
profile: agent hades
name: leo ronan redacted
codename: hades
specialty: sniper, undercover work, also works on their cars hehe
location: field
position: mentor and strategist
years: 10+
past experience: he used to do work for really sketchy mob bosses and corrupt politicians that don’t want to get their hands dirty. it paid well and he was good at it. When catalyst offered him a job and protection for his sister and mother tho, he left that life behind for the initiative. 
personality: he’s the same broody softie asshole, but his momma is alive and well and not a dead beat, and his sister is also v much alive and also a spy. 
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“We don’t bring BAKED GOODS on MISSIONS.” 
profile: agent j
name: jared jones redacted
codename: j (but really everyone still calls him jared)
specialty: tech, central intelligence
location: office, lab
position: agent
years: 3
past experience: really just hacking from his dorm room and winning science fairs. catalyst caught him hacking into the met gala security and watching performances from his college dorm. 
personality: u know jared. bit more background though, he’s the youngest of 4 older brothers that are all insanely impressive and big and muscled and handsome so he’s always had an inferiority complex and just wants to be a goOD BOI. 
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“Okay, but if I maybe change my tone a bit, sound less pathetic, will you say yes?” 
profile: agent felix
name: milo davers redacted
codename: felix
specialty: close combat, pyrotechnics... he likes to blow things up
location: field
position: agent
years: 10
past experience: former mI6
personality: u know felix but he’s not evil. just charmingly manipulative and a little shit but also a good boi. he’s like a good big brother but flirts with anyone with a pulse. 
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“So the truth is... I’m a super secret spy. Like James Bond. No, I’m serious. One drink?” 
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guccibootyellow · 4 years
Chapter XXIV
I’m speeding through some of my writing for my au, so here’s a snippet from Chapter 24 (I’ll put some of it under read more bc it’s a bit longer than usual):
Yvonne had fallen silent. She did not wish to hinder Miss Donoghue, though she feared she may have. Her desire to keep the lady’s company had prevented her from considering the entirety of the situation, and she had placed her own needs first; yet she knew, in reality, that they were insignificant, particularly in comparison to her neighbour’s enjoyment. She resigned herself to Penny’s advice, knowing it to be the correct one, and smiled at Bonnie, who was unsure of who to heed.
“She is correct, Miss Donoghue. It would be better for you to leave. You will experience much that you cannot here. I cannot replace the company of a good friend. It was discourteous of me to suggest otherwise. You shall certainly appreciate Scotland; it has many beautiful sights.”
Bonnie tilted her head slightly, quietly contemplating the woman before her. A soft smile appeared on her lips, her voice equally soft.
“Miss Davers, you are a good friend.” There was a moment of silence where she recalled that Penny occupied the seat beside her. “You both are. I would be as happy here with the two of you as I am in another country. Besides, Annie is fond of complaining, so a change in companionship would not be unwelcome. If not now then in the future, we will travel together.”
As she finished speaking, Yvonne blurted out, unwittingly- “Then you may come with me to Moscow?”
The astonishment of the two women- both Penny and Bonnie- was so profound that they fell into reticence, for both were staring incredulously at her. Yvonne perceived their silence, fearful that she had encroached, rather impudently, on her neighbour.
“I am planning to travel again in the future,” she explained. “Moscow was one of the cities I was hoping to visit... That is, if you are interested in accompanying me. I have been searching for a suitable companion.”
Penny glanced at the woman beside her, who was startled into uncertainty, and returned her attention to Yvonne, who was sitting stiffly under the scrutinization of them both. There was not a time, that she could recall, where her sister had been so brash and she raised her brows, simultaneously curious and bewildered.
Yet, before Yvonne could retract her proposal, Bonnie answered in the affirmative. Startled, Yvonne craned her neck forward, as if she had misheard. “Yes?”
“Yes,” Bonnie nodded.
“Yes!” Penny cried out in her delight, her hands clapping together.
Yvonne reddened, though she tried to repress it, abashed to do so before her sister.
“Well, I...” she hurried to say. “You see, my mother’s health is my primary concern. I cannot leave until I am certain that she is well. It would be seen as a slight and I would prefer to part on good terms.” At this declaration, Penny huffed in laughter, though Yvonne did not respond. “There is also my factory to think of. That should not take long and I shall be abroad once I know that it is in good hands. As I mentioned, I have been searching for a companion that suits my needs and my habits, though I think there is every reason to believe that we are well-matched. It would be for us to ascertain whether that is the case.”
“I know that I have come to Colworth House but this is the first time I have ever travelled abroad,” Bonnie admitted. “I have no experience of the world, not outside of Ireland and not beyond Bedfordshire. Not truly.”
“Then you must come with me.”
By this time, Bonnie was thoroughly convinced and said: “I shall!”
There was no indication, on Yvonne’s expression, that she was pleased with the assent. However, there was an air of hubris to her, as she leant back in her chair, that revealed how satisfied she truly was. Penny, in contrast, could not contain her delight and clasped Bonnie’s arm, shaking it as vigorously as she shook Yvonne the night before. Bonnie did not seem to mind and smiled at them both, equally conceited as her neighbour at the outcome of this exchange.
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the-wlw-cafe · 5 years
Witch of the Davers Sisters (including bby!danvers) do you think was Eliza's favorite? Or do you think she didn't truly have favorties?
they're all her darling daughters, I don't think she really has favourites, even though it can seem that way sometimes
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losanders-rj · 6 years
You my sister tweeted this but I decided to put it on tumblr as well. I made a cast list of Jekyll and Hyde with the Sanders Sides and friends! I was listening to the song You Have Your Work and Nothing More and realized that the sides just fit so well with these characters so I had to continue with the entire cast. Also imagine Virgil singing Bring On The Men! Just imagine!
Henry Jekyll - Logan
Edward Hyde - Deceit
Lisa Carew - Roman
Lucy Harris - Virgil
John Utterson - Patton
Sir Davers Carew - Thomas
Lord Savage - Dominic
Bishop of Basingstoke - Terrance
Lady Beaconsfield - Valerie
Sir Archibald Proops - Jahmal
General Lord Glossop - Kenny
Simon Stride - Remy
Spider - Talyn
Nellie - Joan
Poole - Emile
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sonoflayton · 4 years
Guest Muses
Before interacting with guest muses, please fill out my guest muse interest check sheet so I know who I'm allowed to send you.
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LUCY BAKER assistant and friend (x)
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FLORA REINHOLD-LAYTON older sister (x)
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KATRIELLE LAYTON younger sister (x)
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CLAIRA DAVERS colleague and friend (x)
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HERSHEL LAYTON adoptive father (x)
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GABRIEL CUNNINGHAM biological father (x)
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shesquaredpodcast · 4 years
Omg, J’onn masquerading as Maxwell Lord lol.
Father figure to the Davers sisters J’onn is EVERYTHING.
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i mean my sister and i are both seventeen and we hold each others hands? i dont think its necessarily creepy but that might be because i view her more as a friend than a sibling
I think that's fine, then... it's not romantic in any way versus the daver*se art I've seen that's framed for it to be romantic. I guess IRL situations have more context :o
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