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slimefox · 1 year ago
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Everyone is out enjoying the storm today
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9402plantscats · 11 months ago
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bloomsandfoliage · 11 months ago
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Davallia griffithiana
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blogbirdfeather · 1 year ago
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Hare's foot Fern - Feto-dos-carvalhos (Davallia canariensis)
Sintra/Portugal (11/01/2024)
[Nikon P900; 50mm with flash; 1/30s; F6,3; 200 ISO]
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thecryptandtheincubus · 1 year ago
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HERBARIUM : Fougère "Patte de lapin" (Davallia Canariensis)
LAPIDARIUM : Améthyste
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jestingjes · 3 months ago
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here's some redesigns i've done for a little writing project me and my friends have, rabbit guy is davallia and that weird angry red guy is jaeng
i have like way more ocs i need to redesign for this the hustle never stops
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ethereal-forest-furry · 6 months ago
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okay so i just got this rabbits foot fern (davallia tyermannii) from glass box tropicals and i think it might be the Only plant ive ever ordered online that had no problems. it was PERFECT. like it had NO dead or dying fronds, no visible pests or diseases, WAS ACTIVELY GROWING NEW FRONDS AND RHIZOMES. and the wildest part of it all... wasnt even rootbound. the soil is perfect the pot size is perfect. that almost never happens except when i buy carnivores bc they have hardly any roots but for a FERN???? unheard of. so glass box tropicals slayed with this one 10/10 would get more plants from them except they somehow happen to not have a single one of the ones that i want rn
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magical-forest-world · 5 months ago
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Кустарник даваллия (Davallia) — это многолетник, который относится к папоротниковым растениям. Он отличается быстрым ростом и является представителем семе��ства Даваллиевых. В народе такое растение еще именуют «оленьей ногой», либо «заячьей лапкой». В природе его можно повстречать в тропических широтах Азии и Австралии, а еще на территории КНР, Японии, острова Явы и Канарских островов. Благодаря эффектному и довольно необычному внешнему виду даваллии ее считают экзотическим растением.
Родом кустарник из тропической части Азии, а также с острова Фиджи. Он является многолетним эпифитным папоротником и считается частью семейства Даваллиевые, которое получило свое название в честь швейцарского ботаника Э. Давалля. Характерной особенностью данного растения являются его эффектные серебристые или коричневые волосистые корневища. Они способны «перелазить» через край горшка, в котором растет куст, что непременно привлекает к себе внимание. Именно благодаря этому специалисты назвали растение «заячьей лапкой».
Куст в высоту может достигать 10–20 сантиметров. Это быстрорастущее растение, поэтому все фазы развития у него ускоренные. Даваллия не формирует цветков, как и все остальные папоротники. Длина мелкоперистых равномерно рассеченных листовых пластин около 15 сантиметров. Она обладает ярко-зеленым окрасом. Форма кожистого вайя треугольная.
Это многолетнее декоративно-лиственное растение в течение 1 сезона увеличивается в росте вдвое. Оно не требовательно к уходу.
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The Davallia shrub is a perennial that belongs to the fern plants. It is characterized by rapid growth and is a representative of the Davallium family. Popularly, such a plant is also called "deer's foot" or "hare's foot". In nature, it can be found in the tropical latitudes of Asia and Australia, as well as in China, Japan, Java and the Canary Islands. Due to the spectacular and rather unusual appearance of the dahlia, it is considered an exotic plant.
The shrub is native to the tropical part of Asia, as well as from the island of Fiji. It is a perennial epiphytic fern and is considered part of the Davalliaceae family, which was named after the Swiss botanist E. Davall. A characteristic feature of this plant is its spectacular silvery or brown hairy rhizomes. They are able to "climb" over the edge of the pot in which the bush grows, which certainly attracts attention. It is thanks to this that experts called the plant "hare's foot".
The bush can reach a height of 10-20 centimeters. This is a fast-growing plant, so all phases of its development are accelerated. Davallia does not form flowers, like all other ferns. The length of the finely feathered evenly dissected leaf plates is about 15 centimeters. It has a bright green color. The shape of the leathery vaya is triangular.
This is a perennial ornamental deciduous plant that doubles in growth during 1 season. It is not demanding to care for.
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gothamgothic · 1 year ago
Does anyone have recommendations for plants to keep in apartments here in Gotham? I'm looking to expand my little collection now that I have gotten a proper light setup going for them! Asking for two reasons: —Firstly, while I have a small balcony, putting ANYTHING on there is a hazard anymore with the number of vigilantes on patrol. I don't want to end up accidentally killing one of them with pottery shards if they came crashing onto it at some point. —Secondly, ordering ANY KIND of exotic plant in Gotham gets you some shifty eyes from neighbors (many of which know NOTHING about plants by the way). No, my fern is not a "drug plant". She is a Davallia fejeensis, and works hard to look so beautiful.
It is very concerning that my lease specifically mentioned no carnivorous plants being allowed.
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epivanosilon · 5 months ago
reading demon slayer: chapter 41 name breakdown
久しぶり~ i'm trying to write this before i have to leave for work, so please forgive any typos or mistakes. speaking of work, that coworker of mine who was maybe under investigation by admin was suspended last week. apparently instead of taking the suspension he just quit on the spot! so now we're even more short-staffed than before. lovely.
anyway, this chapter we are introduced to the lovely insect hashira! her name is
read as こちょう・しのぶ. to be honest this isn't a very complicated name. 胡蝶 means butterfly. 蝶 (ちょう) and 蝶々 (ちょうちょう) also mean butterfly. i tried to look a little into why 胡蝶, 蝶, and 蝶々 all exist and mean the exact same thing, but it just seems like one of those cases where synonyms...happen. oh well.
しのぶ is hard to determine any meaning from, given that there are no kanji to analyze. there are a few possibilities, though. 忍ぶ means to conceal oneself or to endure. 偲ぶ is to recollect, reminisce, be nostalgic for or to imagine, guess, infer. and then there is the noun 忍 (usually just written in kana), which can refer to a plant called squirrel's foot fern, scientific name Davallia mariesii, or to a different type of fern, scientific name Lepisorus thunbergianus. both are native to asia.
given shinobu's profession as a demon slayer and personal history, i'd say that the first possible reading, 忍ぶ, is most fitting. but i think there's an argument to be made for the second possible reading too. she doesn't really have any floral motifs, though, so that rules out the plant-related meanings.
putting both names together we might then get something like hidden butterfly or enduring butterfly. however, i don't get the feeling that shinobu's name was meant to be taken as one semantic piece. i think it's better off being read separately, as butterfly and conceal.
and that brings us to the end of this name breakdown! i am going to be late for work, so i'll post this later when i get home. thanks for reading, and please look forward to the next posts! 読んでくれてありがとう!次の投稿を楽しみにしてください!
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argentumcg · 3 months ago
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Davallia fijiensis
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a-bit-of-japanology · 1 year ago
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No. 32 Mutsu shinobuzuri 陸奥信夫摺 / Sankai medetai zue 山海目出度図絵 (Celebrated Treasures of Mountains and Seas
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - 1852
Woman carrying a bowl of clams and holding a live octopus that has its tentacles wrapped around the wrists of a young boy (Inset: workers preparing cloth patterned using the fern Davallia mariesii under trees).
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lawnsroot · 1 year ago
How to Grow and Care for Rabbit Foot Fern
The Rabbit Foot Fern, scientifically known as Davallia fejeensis, is a distinctive and attractive fern species characterized by its unique rhizomes that resemble the hairy feet of a rabbit. Native to the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, and Hawaii, rabbit foot fern blooms in tropical and subtropical regions. If you’re looking to add a touch of elegance to your indoor garden, look no further…
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giardinoweb · 1 year ago
Davallia: La Felce che che mi ha conquistato
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Ciao a tutti gli appassionati del verde! Sono Andrea e oggi voglio parlarvi di una pianta straordinaria: la Davallia, una felce davvero unica nel suo genere. Se siete curiosi di scoprire di più su questa bellezza verde, siete nel posto giusto! La Davallia è una pianta che ha catturato la mia attenzione per la sua eleganza e per le sue caratteristiche affascinanti. Si tratta di una felce tropicale, nota anche come "felce coniglio" per via delle sue fronde che somigliano alle zampe di un piccolo coniglietto. Queste fronde sono delicate e intricate, un vero spettacolo per gli occhi. Ma cosa rende davvero speciale la Davallia? Beh, questa felce non richiede molte cure e può crescere felicemente sia in vasi che come pianta appesa. È l'ideale per gli amanti delle piante che desiderano portare un tocco di verde all'interno delle vostre case. Inoltre, la Davallia è nota per la sua resistenza, il che la rende perfetta anche per chi non ha un pollice verde. Scelta del vaso e del terreno: - La Davallia ama vasi con un buon drenaggio, quindi assicurati di sceglierne uno con fori sul fondo. - Utilizza un terreno leggero e ben drenato, come una miscela di torba e perlite. 2. Luce: - La Davallia preferisce la luce indiretta brillante, quindi posiziona il vaso in un'area dove riceve luce filtrata, evitando il sole diretto. 3. Temperatura e umidità: - Mantieni la temperatura intorno ai 18-24°C, evitando sbalzi improvvisi. - La Davallia ama l'umidità, quindi spruzzare regolarmente le foglie con acqua o posizionare il vaso su un vassoio con argilla espansa e acqua per aumentare l'umidità ambientale. 4. Annaffiatura: - Mantenere il terreno costantemente umido ma non completamente bagnato. Assicurati di non lasciare mai ristagnare l'acqua nel sottovaso. 5. Alimentazione: - Durante la stagione di crescita primaverile ed estiva, fertilizza la Davallia ogni 4-6 settimane con un fertilizzante equilibrato diluito. 6. Potatura: - La Davallia può diventare molto densa nel tempo, quindi Andrea consiglia di potarla per mantenerla in forma e rimuovere le foglie gialle o danneggiate. Moltiplicazione: - Una delle cose più affascinanti della Davallia è la sua capacità di moltiplicarsi facilmente. Il mio consiglio è di utilizzare il metodo della divisione durante il trapianto. - Rimuovi con delicatezza la pianta dal vaso e separa i rizomi (radici) in porzioni più piccole con foglie. Assicurati che ciascuna porzione abbia almeno alcune radici. - Trapianta queste nuove porzioni in vasi separati con il terreno adatto e segui le stesse linee guida di cura descritte sopra. Seguendo questi consigli di cura e moltiplicazione, potrai godere della bellezza della Davallia. Buona cura e felice giardinaggio! 🌿✨ Se volete saperne di più e vedere questa meraviglia verde in azione, vi consiglio di dare un'occhiata al video dedicato alla Davallia sul canale YouTube "GiardinoWeb". Troverete una guida dettagliata su come prendervi cura di questa pianta e come incorporarla nella vostra decorazione d'interni. E voi, avete già esperienze con la Davallia o altre piante insolite nella vostra casa? Condividete le vostre storie e esperienze nei commenti qui sotto. Sono sempre curioso di sentire le vostre storie e suggerimenti per la cura delle piante. Buon giardinaggio a tutti! 🌿✨ Read the full article
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thecryptandtheincubus · 1 year ago
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ꘘꗛᙏ ꘘꗞꕷꕷĬԸꗛ ĬĬ
HERBARIUM : Fougère "patte de lapin" (Davallia Canariensis)
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lakumse · 2 years ago
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Davallia fejeensis #plants #chlorophyll #photosynthesis #green #grow #plantsmakepeoplehappy #succulents #ferns #aroids #chloroplasts #caudex #macro (hier: Stralsund) https://www.instagram.com/p/CowYpv6M_VD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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