Le collectif Palestine Vaincra lance sa campagne de boycott des dattes israéliennes, dont des milliers de tonnes sont vendues pendant ramadan
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jojou2 · 1 year
فوائد التمر العجيبه
أظهر تحليل التمر الجاف - حسب المصادر الطبية - أن فيه 70.6% من الكربوهيدرات و2.5% من الدهن و33% من الماء و1.32% من الأملاح المعدنية و10% من الألياف وكميات من الكورامين وفيتامينات أ - ب1 - ب2 - ج، ومن البروتين والسكر والزيت والكلس والحديد والفوسفور والكبريت والبوتاس والمنغنيز والكلورين والنحاس والكالسيوم والمنغنيزيوم
وهذا معناه أن للتمر قيمة غذائية عظيمة وهو مقوٍ للعضلات والأعصاب ومرمم ومؤخر لمظاهر الشيخوخة، وإذا أضيف إليه الحليب كان من أصلح الأغذية وخاصة لمن كان جهازه الهضمي ضعيفاً
إن القيمة الغذائية في التمر تضارع بعض ما لأنواع اللحوم وثلاثة أمثال ما للسمك من قيمة غذائية، وهو يفيد المصابين بفقر الدم والأمراض الصدرية ويعطى على شكل عجينة أو منقوع يغلى ويشرب على دفعات، ويفيد خاصة الأولاد والصغار والشبان والرياضيين والعمال والناقهين والنحيفين والنساء الحاملات
ويزيد التمر في وزن الأطفال ويحفظ رطوبة العين وبريقها ويمنع جحوظ كرتها والخوص ويكافح الغشاو ويقوي الرؤية وأعصاب السمع ويهدئ الأعصاب ويقويها ويحارب القلق العصبي وينشط الغدة الدرقية ويشيع السكينة والهدوء في النفس بتناوله صباحاً مع كأس حليب، ويلين الأوعية الدموية ويرطب الأمعاء ويحفظها من الضعف والالتهاب ويقوي حجيرات الدماغ والقوة الجنسية ويقوي العضلات ويكافح الدوخة وزوغان البصر والتراخي والكسل - عند الصائمين والمرهقين
والتمر سهل الهضم سريع التأثير في تنشيط الجسم ويدر البول وينظف الكبد ويغسل الكلى، ومنقوعه يفيد ضد السعال والتهاب القصبات والبلغم وأليافه تكافح الإمساك، وأملاحه المعدنية القلوية تعدل حموضة الدم التي تسبب حصيات الكلى والمرارة والنقرس والبواسير وارتفاع ضغط الدم وإضافة الجوز واللوز عليه أو تناوله مع الحليب يزيد في مفعوله، ولا يمنع التمر إلا عن البدينين والمصابين بالسكري
ولقد وجد أن الرطب يحوي مادة مقبضة للرحم تشبه الأكسيتوسين فتناول الرطب يساعد على خروج الجنين وتقليل النزف بعد الولادة، بما أن الرطب فيه مواد حافظة للضغط الدموي فهذا يساعد أيضاً على تقليل النزف، وكذلك عملية الولادة مجهدة مما يتطلب طاقة والرطب غني بالسكر الذي يعطي هذه الطاقة

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plumedepoete · 1 year
Cette terre nourricière - Brahim Boumedien-
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  Cette terre nourricière, cette terre si bonne Cette mère aimante, cette mère qui pardonne Mérite-t-elle le sort que ses enfants réservent A celle qui sous les coups, tombe et se relève    Blessée, elle produit, elle, si fertile Elle qui fut le grenier de l’occupant hostile Dans les années sombres qui l’ont endeuillée Exhortant ses enfants à se réveiller   Ceux qu’elle a élevés l’ont parfois rabaissée Ceux qu’elle a chéris l’ont souvent délaissée Sans aucune pitié, ils l’ont déchiquetée Devant ses ennemis, ils l’ont insultée   Grande et magnanime, elle a redonné À ceux qui l’ont brûlée, qui l’ont assassinée Son lait et ses dattes, sa verdure et ses fleurs Sa chaleur, son amour, ce qu’elle a de meilleur   Brahim. B Read the full article
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ethnoplants · 2 years
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🌱Le #palmier #dattier est une variété de palmier #exotique dont le nom latin est #Phoenix dactilifera. Ses #fruits comestibles appelés #dattes sont très sucrées. C'est un palmier frileux, a cultiver en pot ou sous climat doux. #Graines disponibles sur le site #ethnoplants. ##phœnixdactylifera #palmierdatier #dattesmajhoul #fleurs #villaverde #jardinerie #semis #jardin #plantetropicale #instagram #permaculture #planteexotique #semer #palmiers #jardinpotager https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnq9t6NocRs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ferkinter · 2 years
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Les dattes de mon jardin #ferkinter #dattes #jardin #nature https://www.instagram.com/p/CphqupGs6SO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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What queer Asian sci fi authors would you recommend?
Yeah, to put my money where my mouth is, here are some queer SFF writers from Asia and the Asian Diaspora in the Anglosphere that I really like and highly recommend:
Nghi Vo: probably doesn’t need an endorsement from me, hah, her The Empress of Salt and Fortune is one of the most perfect novellas I’ve ever read and well deserved its Hugo win. The whole Singing Hills cycle is great. It’s a fantasy world strongly inspired by Imperial China and Vietnam, and does clever things with fantasy, folklore, storytelling, and memory. Her novels are standalone historical fantasy set in 1920s-America-with-magic and are very much about Asian immigrant/diaspora experiences in the early 20th century US. With Magic.
Yoon Ha Lee: I love his Machineries of Empire. Would love to finish that trilogy someday. But seriously it’s creative, intense military sci-fi in a magic-science space empire and is very interested in what it takes to uphold such a system.
Simon Jimenez: The Vanished Birds is sooo heartbreakingly good and I need to read A Spear Cuts Through Water soon.
Isabel J. Kim: Short story writer. Runs the gamut of sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and the weird stuff in between. Creative and vivid in really compelling ways. Her first novel is in the works and I am SUPER interested. She does funky and creative things with perspective and structure in her stories. Has several stories now that are about turning popular tropes or other iconic stories around like they’re in a kaleidoscope, but her first published story “Homecoming Is Just Another Word for the Sublimation of the Self” is probably still the most affecting to me.
Michelle Kan: Has a trilogy of novelettes called Tales of the Thread, self-described as “aromantic Chinese fairytales” that take a deliberately aro approach to fairytale retellings and fairytale style fantasy. I recommend them. (Also has a superhero novel I haven’t read.)
Haven’t read yet but they are on my TBR:
Aliette de Bodard: Her Xuya universe novellas, and the relationships between humans and AIs and spaceships, sound super up my alley.
Kai Cheng Thom: Author of Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl’s Confabulous Memoir is a less traditionally sff entry but is a fabulist/surrealist take on the Trans Memoir… which I feel like I have to be in the right space for, but I do want to read it.
Also he’s not out as queer or anything but I can’t not recommend Ted Chiang because he writes some of the best short stories In The World and has THE most interesting and unique and compelling ideas.
There are also so many more authors out there I don’t know and haven’t read! But! Someday!!
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ca-dmv-bot · 6 months
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idleminds · 2 years
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rosie-kairi · 3 months
If nobody got me I know Simple and Clean got me
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softestaura · 2 years
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Datt Official full tattoo top and gloves with “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga lyrics embroidered
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Date brands to boycott Free Palestine FromIsraeI NOW
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bengiyo · 4 months
Don't Care for an Old Man's Underwear! Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
Thanks to @isaksbestpillow this show is available to us. I'm really excited to see a Japanese drama focusing on an older man trying to do better about understanding people different from him.
I could not work in an office where we're on top of each other like this.
Ah, casual misogyny right away. A starting line. The wife loves kpop, the daughter draws yaoi, and the son is visibly queer. Incredible.
Who is this adorable teen who saved this man?
I like the mom holding the line on letting her kid figure things out before forcing them back to school.
I like the juniors holding the line on this harassment. She is correct that she shouldn't be given gendered tasks like this. I like the dude being so casual about his bra.
Interesting. Seems the mom and sister know about Kakeru already, but hadn't talked about it with the dad.
I like that the young people have reached this stage where the kind of homophobia I grew up with is so ridiculous to them that they don't even acknowledge it as something real to worry about.
Dad seemed genuinely upset about how that interaction went.
Kids these days don't even wipe their search history.
Incredible! Moe has his posing for her manga. It's been a while since we had Japanese sibling content that wasn't romance focused.
Hobbies! Hobbies are more important than work!
This poor man. I'm glad to be watching a show about how sacrificing everything for work is actually not good.
What is this thing they have outside of the house?
They're doing a great job grounding this man's behavior in a misguided but genuine place.
He apologized! I'm into this.
They're going to explain the statue!! It was actually a heartwarming story!
Thank you for this life lesson, forthright gay child.
Not this show making me cry at this man's apology to his son.
Well this was absolutely excellent. I will be making time to catch up with this post haste! This is really heartwarming in a way that makes you want to root for our protagonist even if he's a mess. I think it's really special to have a guy who's trying to fill the masculine role recognize that it's not yielding the results he wants, and make the conscious choice to learn and grow. It's also special for me to show a young person giving that man the benefit of the doubt and answering his awkward questions. This is great.
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currytantou · 2 months
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oreiya season 1 ep 8 (taiwan healing trip part 2) is fully subbed!!! watch here < itsa masterpost and you can find every oreiya episodes + clips that I have subbed before ^^ since this is a risky media, I need to lock it. password in wordpress' faq (see menu/sidebar)
-related links- find me here: youtube / twitter / wordpress commission me! / tip me on ko-fi!
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frauleinandry · 1 year
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extremely niche comic based off the world’s dumbest interaction in my self-indulgent persona 5 bleach AU
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akai-anna · 1 year
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mcblingbrat · 8 months
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DATT Babylon Tattoo Top
DATT Babylon Tattoo Tube Top
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