#dating stiles stilinski/jackson whittemore
dropofbittersea · 2 months
He’d just set it back down when the door opened, and a shadow appeared in front of him, taking the seat across from him. Jackson’s name was on his lips as he rose his gaze from his drink, but the word stuck in his throat, because it wasn’t Jackson.
“I’m really sorry, can you be my boyfriend?” Derek asked breathlessly, panic on his face and looking seconds away from losing his shit.
Stiles didn’t even have the chance to reply, because the second he saw crazy lady walk into the coffee shop, he just immediately leaned over the table and planted a kiss right on Derek’s lips. The other man seemed startled, but he recovered quickly and brought one hand up to press against Stiles’ cheek.
He made sure to keep the kiss short, and relatively chaste, because this was all for show and he didn’t want to make Derek more uncomfortable than he already was.
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sapphireginger · 1 year
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Chapter #6
“So, I’ll text you my address…” Stiles says trailing off as he takes a step back, not taking his eyes off Derek. Derek also takes a step back. “I’ll come pick you up and…” Stiles smiles. “We’ll go out for dinner and…” “And…” They both are even more red now, but their smiles haven’t waned a bit. “Hurry up, Daddy! You gotta go get even more beautiful!”
Sunday starts off the same way but with more teasing from the team and Stiles is sure they’re having a competition to see who can make him turn the reddest. He’s just glad that Olivia didn’t hear them. She’s his priority always, first and foremost. She is with Aria, a friend from school, today but will be dropped off in the afternoon.
Erica and Stiles set up the schedule for the day and she puts Stiles on shift lead which he’s more than fine with. He loves going up on the courses and doing safety briefs but sometimes it’s nice to stay inside for a while.
It’s around lunchtime and Stiles is down at course five and six, when Erica radios about needing Stiles to take his break. “No one likes a hangry Alpha, Alpha.”
Stiles rolls his eyes but radios back. “On my way, Catwoman.” He playfully shoves Jackson before making his way up the hill, following the path up to the cabin and heading into the den where he plops down onto a chair and starts chugging his water.
Erica peeks her head in and snorts. “I mean I knew you were thirsty because I heard how you looked at Derek but you gotta eat too, Batman.” She easily dodges the empty water bottle he throws at her and cackles.
It’s while he’s on his lunch break that he sees Derek again. They don’t speak and Derek doesn’t see him, but Stiles sees Derek’s bracelet indicating he’s there for the adult course. Stiles’s heart beats faster and he hurries into the cabin. “Hey Catwoman?” he says with an extra sweet tone.
“Yes Batman?” she replies in an equally sweet tone.
“Can I take Der—I mean that group?”
She smirks, giving him a knowing look and signs off on the switch. Kira is more than happy to switch with him.
Despite the fact they’re on vacation Derek decides to return on Sunday and though Stiles remains professional his heart speeds up. Though it doesn't look like Derek’s son, Zeke is there today. Derek wants to go through the adult course which Stiles is hesitant about but it’s not his decision. He does keep a sharp watch on Derek though. 
He hears cheers at the end of the zipline for course two and can’t help but grin seeing that Derek’s son is holding up signs to cheer his daddy on as a younger woman, who must be the aunt, watches him protectively. 
He can’t help but overhear the woman as she pesters Derek. “So? Anything?” 
Derek’s ears twinge pink again and he gives a one shoulder shrug. “Well, he’s keeping a close watch on me but that doesn’t mean anything. I probably just look terrified and he’s just doing his job.” 
Zeke speaks up next. “No. Daddy, that's not true. When I talked to Mr. Stiles, he promised to watch over you too and that if you got hurt, he would come save you too.” 
Stiles quickly averts his gaze when Derek looks over at him. “I know kiddo. Shall we head to the next one?”
Cora notices her brother’s disappointment but also sees the way the instructor looks at her twin. “Yeah. We still have courses three, four, five and six left.”
Stiles waits for Derek to start the next course before sighing wistfully. “He’s right, Derek. It’s not true.”
Aria’s mom, Karlie drops off Olivia around 2 pm. Stiles heads up the hill to the cabin to greet her. “Hey, angel,” he says with a smile. “Did you have fun?”
Olivia grins and hugs him tightly as she nods, her pigtails bouncing up and down with her head. “Yes! Lots of fun. I got Aria to try watching Star Wars. Now she can do Halloween with us too! She wants to be Padmé Amidala. I told her you could help with the pretty dresses she wears and that you would do her hair.”
Stiles chuckles and nods at Karlie. “Thank you for watching her and bringing her here. I really appreciate it.”
Karlie smiles. “It’s my pleasure. I also may have been intrigued and decided to watch the movies along with them.”
Olivia giggles as Stiles scoops her up. “See, Daddy? More fans of Star Wars!”
“I see. Shall we head inside, cub?” he asks while tickling her sides.
“DADDY!!!” Olivia shrieks trying to get away from his tickles with a huge smile on her face as they bid Karlie goodbye. Stiles doesn’t notice the face that loses its smile as he watches.
Derek watches as Stiles picks up a girl who is probably seven or eight years old and it makes him smile. He has a thing for guys who are good with kids. He has been going over and over the question he wants to ask Stiles because really, what’s the harm in asking him out? However, when he sees the woman standing with Stiles, he feels his gut churn and clench as the smile slips off his face and a scowl forms. 
Cora finds him a few minutes later. “So? What did he say?”
Derek glares at her. “He didn’t say anything because I didn’t ask.”
“WHAT?!” she snaps. “Why not?” she asks, lowering her voice.
“Because he has a girlfriend. Maybe a wife. I mean I haven’t seen a ring but it’s not like he would wear it while working considering he has to use his hands a lot.”
Cora’s brows furrow in confusion. “Why do you think he has a significant other?”
Derek groans. “Because I just saw her. Okay? She’s got auburn hair and she’s gorgeous. I mean she’s not my type but for all I know Stiles is straighter than an arrow.”
“Not possible. Not with the way he looked at you, Der.” 
Derek rolls his eyes. 
“I’m serious! How can you be so sure they’re together?”
“There was a little girl with the woman who ran up to Stiles and called him daddy.”
“Oh. Well, that doesn’t mean that they’re together. Maybe she is a babysitter.”
Derek shrugs and looks over to where Stiles is talking with his daughter, both of them wearing smiles and talking animatedly. “Maybe but it doesn’t matter. Let’s just go.”
Cora crosses her arms, stares at her brother for a hot minute and then turns to go to the nearest instructor, who just so happens to be Jackson. “Excuse me?”
Jackson looks over and nods. “Yes?”
“I was wondering something.” She gestures to Derek who is still watching Stiles. “That guy there is my brother and he’s being all sulky because he’s pining over him,” she says, gesturing to Stiles. “However, despite my attempts to get him to just ask him out he has yet to do so. Then my pining brother sees a woman with him and has now decided they must be together.”
“I see,” Jackson drawls with a smirk. “So, you want to know whether Alpha is taken then huh?”
Cora blinks and then nods. “Yes? Assuming by Alpha, you mean him.” She points to Stiles again.
Jackson chuckles and crosses his arms. “Stiles is as single as can be. That’s his daughter with him right now and the woman is Karlie. She was babysitting Olivia, his daughter, today and just dropped her off. Karlie’s daughter, Aria, is one of Olivia’s classmates.”
Cora’s face lights up and a mischievous grin forms on her face. “So that’s a yes then?”
“That’s a yes. Tell him to ask. Alpha is totally smitten.” Jackson then turns back to the courses, his eyes following a couple of teenagers who have been rowdy.
“Excellent,” Cora says, rubbing her hands together in the way a cartoon villain might before marching back over to her brother. “Der-Bear?”
Derek startles, his face flushing deep red. “I wasn’t staring.”
Cora snorts. “And I’m the Queen of England. You have five seconds to go ask him out or I swear to all hell I’ll shave your eyebrows off. Again.”
“You don’t have the manners of a lady let alone a queen.”
“Derek Spencer Hale! For Peter’s sakes ask the man out!”
She gives him a shove and Derek stumbles but rights himself before he faceplants. The whole thing does catch Stiles’s attention though which moves the red flush from Derek’s cheeks to the tips of his ears. “Hi?’
Stiles tilts his head and gives him a smile. “Hey,” he replies.
Olivia squints her eyes. “Who is he, Daddy?’
“Oh, this is Derek.”
Derek gives a little wave. “Hello.” He wonders to himself how in the world he’s supposed to ask the man out in front of his daughter. That doesn’t seem like a very smart thing to do.
Olivia gasps. “Oh my gosh! You’re Derek? I’m Olivia! Daddy told me about you and said that you were the best wolf the entire day on Friday.”
Stiles’s cheeks darken and he glances at Derek. “Yeah. Well, it’s true.”
Erica is watching this painful conversation for less than a minute before she pops her head outside. “Hey, Mini A! Come help me with the wristbands?”
“Oooo. Can I daddy please?”
Stiles breathes out in relief and sets her down tugging her pigtail gently. “Go for it.” He watches her run into the cabin and adjusts his radio. He starts chewing his lip before glancing at Derek again. “So, you came back?”
Derek nods. “Yeah.”
“Had fun then I guess.”
“Man of few words I see.”
Derek nods and then rubs a hand down his face. “Most of the time but not always. Sorry just—” he stops and takes a deep breath. “Do you have a minute?”
Stiles opens his mouth but Erica interrupts. “He has thirty of them.”
Their gazes snap to the cabin window where they see her wave before looking back at each other. “What she said.”
“Good. I—There’s—I wanted to—Can I ask you something?”
Stiles quirks a brow. “You just did.”
Derek smiles. “Touche. I have a question I want to ask you.”
“Shoot,” Stiles says, cocking his hip to the side with his arms crossed, his body relaxed.
Derek takes a minute to just admire the man before him. He’s strong. He’s authoritative. He’s fucking gorgeous and he’s—“Would you go to dinner with me?” he blurts out. 
Stiles’s eyes widen, making him look so much like Bambi and his mouth drops open. Derek starts cursing Cora in his head. It takes Stiles a minute to answer because he’s so surprised but then a huge grin breaks out on his face even as he gets more and more flushed. “Yes.”
“Yes? You’re saying yes? You’ll go to dinner with me?”
Stiles nods looking like a bobblehead. “Yeah. Yes. I—That—Please.”
Derek’s stomach feels full of butterflies, and he smiles, revealing the most adorable bunny teeth Stiles has ever seen. “Wow. I can’t believe you said yes. I’m—I was—I can’t wait. When are you free?”
Once again Erica jumps in before Stiles can. “He’s free tonight. If he says he’s not he’s being a naughty Alpha.”
Stiles glares at her. “I have Oliv—”
“She’s coming home with me and Boyd.” 
Olivia peeks her head out and smiles. “Erica is gonna make mac n cheese, with creamed corn and hot dogs. Boyd is gonna make cookies and he said he’d show me how he makes a wooden wolf!”
Erica smirks at him with a ‘You’re welcome’ expression and Stiles relaxes. Knowing Olivia is going to be looked after makes it easier to agree. 
Isaac jogs over and smiles. “We got the closing stuff handled, Alpha. I bet if you leave now you can get in a shower, get changed and head out in plenty of time.”
Stiles is overwhelmed and a bit fondly annoyed with his pack. He looks at Derek. “Sorry they tend to do that sometimes.”
Derek hasn’t stopped grinning. “I don’t mind. I’m still stuck on the fact that you said yes.” He pulls out his phone. “I have to let Cora know that—”
“Cora knows and has already taken the liberty of booking a hotel suite for Zeke and myself,” Cora interrupts as she sends a wink Derek’s way, making him blush. 
Stiles chokes on the water he was drinking. “Little presumptuous there, don’t you think?” he says, staring at Cora.
Derek looks at him apologetically and feels embarrassment churning in his stomach. “Just ignore her please?”
Erica cackles. “Like we all don’t sense the UST between you but there’s no pressure, Batman.” Stiles looks at her to see a soft smile on her face. “Just go have fun. Okay?”
He smiles softly at her. “Okay.”
Derek smiles and gestures to his car. “I’m gonna go get ready and I can come pick you up if you want. Then I can drive us?”
Stiles nods. “Sure. I have to hang my gear up and then I’ll head home to get ready. I can give you my address.”
“You need to exchange numbers with him first, Daddy!!” Olivia calls out.
“Ah. Yeah. I knew that,” he mumbles, his skin a pretty shade of pink that Derek wants to nip at. They exchange phones, input their numbers and trade them back.
“So, I’ll text you my address…” Stiles says trailing off as he takes a step back, not taking his eyes off Derek.
Derek also takes a step back. “I’ll come pick you up and…”
Stiles smiles. “We’ll go out for dinner and…”
They both are even more red now, but their smiles haven’t waned a bit.
“Hurry up, Daddy! You gotta go get even more beautiful!”
Stiles and Derek startle, having gotten lost in their own little world. They exchange adorably awkward waves before turning to go. Derek rushes to his car, glad he and Cora drove separately and heads to their hotel to get ready. Stiles hurries into the cabin, a bundle of excitement and nerves coursing through him.
Once he’s got his things, he kisses his daughter’s forehead. “I love you, angel.”
She smiles and hugs him. “Love you too, Daddy. Have fun with Mr. Derek!”
Stiles makes his way to his jeep, grinning like a loon and laughs at the howls that sound behind him as he pulls out of the parking lot.
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I think as Derek fans we have done a disservice in choosing the perfect profession for him - like yeah, he'd be great at sports, fine being a deputy, and all, but like Derek as a fireman has so much potential! I have read only few fanfics where he has been a firefighter, and I want moreeee! Like being a fireman is perfect for him in any au - his family died in fire, he fights trauma, becomes a firefighter in NY, and yada yada. Hale family is alive! well, no problem - he was a jock in high school, he grows up, decides he wants to be the saving kinda guy, becomes a firefighter in Beacon Hills.
There is so much potential here. And ofc Sterek being the relationship would be the icing on the cake what with him either being a paramedic, EMT, or like whatever profession.
SO, this is a humble request to Sterek fanfic writers - please, please, write few fics with Derek as a firefighter.
Reason for my Firefighter Derek Hale obsession is this fic that I have read a million times and keep going back to - Fireman Derek's Crazy Pie [Cheeseburger Baby] (17698 words) by owlpostagain (couldn't find their tumblr blog link) Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Laura Hale, Scott McCall, Allison Argent, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Danny Māhealani, Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Sheriff Stilinski, Talia Hale Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Underage Drinking, Misuse of Fire Alarms, Negative Zero Knowledge of Pie, This Was Only Supposed to be a Drabble, Fluff, Abuse of Italics and Parenthetical Asides, oblivious!Stiles, Oblivious!Derek, Lots of Oblivious!Trope, fireman derek, Alternate Universe - College/University, College Student Stiles Summary: “He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible." Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant. "Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy." "Send them my way," Stiles suggests, finally loading up a forkful of pie. "Apparently I'm incompetent enough that I need to be babysat at all times, because it would be cheaper than dispatching a truck every time I try to use a kitchen appliance."
You can also check out the tag - Firefighter Derek Hale
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sterekcollabang · 2 months
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the distance between us
Writer: @elisela
Artist: @thotpuppy
Rating: Explicit Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin/Jordan Parrish Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Jordan Parrish, Lydia Martin, Talia Hale, Derek Hale's Father, Jackson Whittemore, Cora Hale, Laura Hale, Allison Argent, Kira Yukimura, Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Sports, Alternate Universe - Hockey, NHL Player Derek Hale, NHL Player Jordan Parrish, The Hale Family Lives (Teen Wolf), Alpha Derek Hale, Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Slow Burn, Getting Together, Long-Distance Relationship, Texting, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Light Angst, Miscommunication, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale & Jordan Parrish Friendship, Derek/Allison Friends with Benefits, Hockey Fights Summary:
“Alright,” Jordan says, stepping up next to him and pushing him forward. Derek follows when he motions him up to the counter, relieved, because he may be the alpha but Jordan’s his captain, and he’s more than willing to let him take the lead. “You’re going to get him some coffee, and when you give it to him, you’re going to ask if you can get his phone number and if he’d be interested in a date when the season’s over. Offer to take him to a Guardians game or something. We’ll let Allison and Kira plan out the rest of your life tonight, but take it shift by shift until then, Chief.” “I take full responsibility for this,” Allison says, joining them at the counter and giving her drink order to the barista. “I should have taught him how to date back in college.” “I would have ignored you,” Derek says, sliding his card back in his wallet after they’re all done ordering. He hadn’t dated much in college—he hasn’t dated much at all since either if he’s being truthful, and nothing that could even resemble a relationship. A few dates during the off-season, a hook-up occasionally if he needed it, but Derek’s always been fairly content to be single. Until he got to know Stiles.
[Read More]
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princeescaluswords · 1 month
Not Hard to Say You're Sorry
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I've heard it before and I heard it yesterday: Parts of the fandom don't like Scott McCall because he never apologizes for what he does. It's a common argument. However, it's not true. I would argue that Scott shows he's sorry all through the show by actions more than words, but that might be a little complex for people looking for a reason to hate a minority lead protagonist. So, lets just list the times he literally told someone he was sorry about something that happened in Season 1. This list is restricted to the precise word: "sorry." (Note: I just realized I've done this before. Well, if at first you don't succeed ...)
Wolf Moon (1x01)
Says “sorry” to Allison for touching her cheek without permission.
Says “sorry” to Coach for interrupting his speech during tryouts.
Says “sorry” twice to Stiles for losing his temper when Stiles tried to cancel his date with Allison
Says “sorry” to Allison for ditching her at the party.
Second Chance at First Line (1x02)
Says “sorry” to Chris three times for getting hit by Chris’s car.
Says “sorry” to Allison twice for running away and for acting weird.
Pack Mentality (1x03)
Says “sorry” to Deaton twice for being one minute late.
Says “sorry” to Allison for being bad at bowling.
Magic Bullet (1x04)
Says “sorry” to Allison for his phone interrupting their time together. 
Heart Monitor (1x06)
Says “sorry” to Stiles for being distracted thinking about sex while Stiles is talking about anchors.
Says “sorry” to Stiles for realizing he’s in love with Allison.
Says “sorry” to Derek for his second howl being so loud.
Wolf’s Bane (1x08)
Says “sorry” to Jackson insincerely, pretending not to know Jackson is accusing him of a werewolf
Formality (1x11)
Says “sorry” to Allison for trying to get her to laugh when she’s being serious.
Scott apologized sincerely at least 16 times in Season 1. Again, this isn't counting the times he tried to make up for his mistake such as when he let Stiles beat him up or brought back Allison's necklace to her. These are only the times he said the word "sorry."
He wasn't the only person, of course. Many other people said they were sorry, though some of them were insincere. Here's a list in order of numbers.
Allison Argent: 10
Stiles Stilinski: 7 (1 insincere)
Alan Deaton: 4
Melissa McCall: 4
Chris Argent: 3 (1 insincere)
Jackson Whittemore: 3 (all insincere)
Kate Argent: 3
Garrison Myers: 2
Adrian Harris: 1
Peter Hale: 1 (insincere)
In direct contradiction of fandom's statement that Scott never apologizes, at least in Season 1, Scott told someone he was sorry as much as the next two characters combined. What is also pretty weird is that the fandom darling, Derek Hale, never said the word once. (He'll say it insincerely in Shape Shifted (2x02) when he's flirting with the night desk deputy).
Want me to go on? I can! Or, maybe the parts of the fandom so riddled by unjustified hate for a minority lead protagonist might want to watch the show again.
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ao3feed-peterstiles · 4 months
Isn't it Byronic
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56490307 by PotatoYoghurt “Stiles” Malia kicked him in the ankle and drew him out of the other men’s conversation, “my shift is done, do me a favor and take over my section, Jackson said he’ll take yours. I kinda set those two guys up and I don’t think it’s going well and you have more tact than he does. I actually kinda care if the guy in the v-neck has a good night so could you like, run interference if it goes badly?”   “What do you mean ‘if’?” Stiles smirked at her “I feel like it can’t get much worse, surely?” Words: 7915, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Malia Tate, Jackson Whittemore, Cora Hale, Derek Hale, Erica Reyes Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Blind Date, Flirting through literary references, flirting via cartoon trivia, Fluff and Smut, Not Beta Read, Mutual Pining, Strangers to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Human Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56490307
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godjustkys · 4 months
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╰┈➤ ❝ masterlist;
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- Teen wolf
- Marvel Cinematic Universe
- Supernatural
- The Walking Dead (AMC)
- Merlin (BBC)
- Dune
- Game of Thrones
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S
- The Maze Runner
- Lord of The Rings
- The Hobbit
- Harry Potter
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine
- IT
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Dead Poet's Society
- Shameless
- Handsome Devil
- The Black Phone
- Sweet Home
- Arcane
- Spider-man Universe
- The Goldfinch
- The Last of Us
- The Beekeeper
- Weak Hero Class 1
- Bad and Crazy
- Demon Slayer
- My Hero Academia
(the anime list will get updated as long as I continue watching anime.)
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Characters I will to write for;
Teen wolf:
- Stiles Stilinski
Stiles Stilinski x top!m!reader (smut)
- Scott McCall
none yet..
- Derek Hale
none yet..
- Allison Argent
none yet..
- Lydia Martin
none yet..
- Isaac Lahey
none yet..
- Jackson Whittemore
none yet..
- Peter Hale
none yet..
- Malia Tate
none yet..
- Kira Yukimura
none yet..
- Liam Dunbar
none yet..
- Theo Raeken
none yet..
- Jordan Parrish
none yet..
- Erica Reyes
none yet..
- Ethan Steiner
none yet..
- Aiden Steiner
none yet..
- Christopher Argent
none yet..
- Mason Hewitt
none yet..
- Danny Mahealani
none yet..
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
- Tony Stark
none yet..
- Peter Parker
none yet..
- Bruce Banners
none yet..
- Thor Odinson
none yet..
- Loki Laufeyson
none yet..
- Steve Rogers
none yet..
- Natasha Romanoff
none yet..
- Stephen Strange
none yet..
- Wanda Maximoff
none yet..
- Clint Barton
none yet..
- Bucky Barnes
none yet..
- Carol Danvers
none yet..
- Shuri
none yet..
- Sam Wilson
none yet..
- Okoye
none yet..
- Wade Wilson
none yet..
- Pietro Maximoff
none yet..
- Vision
none yet..
- Yelena Belova
none yet..
- Peter Quill
none yet..
- Gamora
none yet..
- Nebula
none yet..
- Matt Murdock
none yet..
- Frank Castle
none yet..
- Xu Shang-chi
none yet..
- Eddie Brock
none yet..
- Dean Winchester
'What a perv.' Dean x top!m!reader (smut)
- Sam Winchester
none yet..
- Castiel
none yet..
(I have little knowledge of supernatural.)
The Walking Dead:
- Rick Grimes
none yet..
- Carl Grimes
none yet..
- Michonne
none yet..
- Negan
none yet..
- Daryl Dixon
none yet..
- Eugene
none yet..
- Rosita Espinosa
none yet..
- Maggie Greene
none yet..
- Glenn Rhee
none yet..
- Carol Peletier
none yet..
- Andrea
none yet..
- Gabriel Stokes
none yet..
- Dwight
none yet..
- Simon
none yet..
- Merlin
none yet..
- Arthur Pendragon
none yet..
- Morgana Pendragon
none yet..
- Guinevere
none yet..
- Lancelot
none yet..
- Mordred
none yet..
- Gwaine
none yet..
- Percival
none yet..
- Elyan
none yet..
- Leon
none yet..
- Paul Atreides
none yet..
- Leto Atreides
none yet..
- Chani
none yet..
- Feyd-Rautha
none yet..
- Duncan Idaho
none yet..
- Stilgar
none yet..
Game of Thrones:
- Ned Stark
none yet..
- Catelyn Stark
none yet..
- Robb Stark
none yet..
- Jon Snow
none yet..
- Theon Greyjoy
none yet..
- Sansa Stark
none yet..
- Arya Stark
none yet..
- Tywin Lannister
none yet..
- Jaime Lannister
none yet..
- Cersei Lannister
none yet..
- Tyrion Lannister
none yet..
- Tommen Baratheon
none yet..
- Joffrey Baratheon
none yet..
- Daenerys Targaryen
none yet..
- Jorah Mormont
none yet..
- Sandor Clegane
none yet..
- Samwell Tarly
none yet..
- Margaery Tyrell
none yet..
- Tormund Giantsbane
none yet..
- Brienne of Tarth
none yet..
- Podrick
none yet..
- Ramsay Bolton
none yet..
- Jaqen H'ghar
none yet..
- Grey Worm
none yet..
- Rachel Greene
none yet..
- Phoebe Buffay
none yet..
- Monica Geller
none yet..
- Ross Geller
none yet..
- Chandler Bing
none yet..
- Joey Tribbiani
Joey Tribbiani dating headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
The Maze Runner:
- Thomas
none yet..
- Newt
none yet..
- Minho
none yet..
- Gally
none yet..
- Frypan
none yet..
- Aris
none yet..
- Janson
none yet..
Lord of The Rings:
- Frodo Baggins
none yet..
- Samwise Gamgee
none yet..
- Pippin Took
none yet..
- Merry Brandybuck
none yet..
- Aragorn
none yet..
- Legolas
none yet..
- Boromir
none yet..
- Faramir
none yet..
- Galadriel
none yet..
- Arwen
none yet..
- Éowyn
none yet..
- Éomer
none yet..
The Hobbit:
- Bilbo Baggins
none yet..
- Thorin Oakenshield
none yet..
- Kili Durin
none yet..
- Fili Durin
none yet..
- Tauriel
none yet..
- King Thranduil
none yet..
- Elrond
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine:
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Diary of a wimpy kid:
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Dead Poet's Society:
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Handsome Devil:
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The Black Phone:
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Sweet home:
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Spider-Man Universe:
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The Goldfinch:
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The Last of Us:
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The Beekeeper:
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Weak Hero Class 1:
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Bad and Crazy:
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- K
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Demon slayer:
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HASHIRA; hashira headcanons, pt.1 (angst)
My Hero Academia:
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adding anime back cause I watched demon slayer,,, :3
39 notes · View notes
takaraphoenix · 5 days
Stiles' Solace
Tags: m/m, Jackson Doesn't Leave, hurt/comfort, fluff, Pack Mom Stiles
Main Pairing: Danny/Stiles
Teen Wolf Characters: Danny Mahealani, Mieczysław 'Stiles' Stilinski, Jackson Whittemore
@stanny-week Day 4 Prompt: hurt/comfort
Summary: Danny more or less accidentally learns the truth. That Jackson is a werewolf, that he is part of a pack. It sounds unbelievable but it beat Danny's personal theories (Jackson joined either a cult or a polycule, both led by Stiles). He also learns a lot about Stiles in the process.
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Stiles' Solace
The Mystery of Stiles' Cult-Possible-Polycule
Stiles Stilinski may be the center of a cult of hot people and Danny had no idea how that happened.
It all started with Stiles and Scott. Which, at this point in Danny's life happened far too often.
Jackson and Lydia started spending more and more time with Stiles and Scott. And Danny understood that, it made sense. Lydia had practically imprinted on Allison Argent the day the new girl started school with them, while Allison and Scott fell hard and fast like yet another over-exhausted straight rom-com. So it was a chain-reaction. Jackson was in love with Lydia and so painfully whipped, he did anything she asked, and she wanted to spend time with Allison, but Allison was dating Scott which meant Scott tagged along and wherever Scott went, Stiles went.
That was how it had started, and when it started, it had still made sense. Or, at least sense that Danny could easily follow. Things started making less and less sense the longer they went on.
First, Jackson started pulling away from Danny. From everyone, really. Even broke up with Lydia and that was just wrong. Then, Stiles and Scott started being everywhere, even without Jackson. At the Jungle, of all places. It was bizarre seeing Stiles surrounded by the local drag queens like he was their newest duckling. Which only got more suspicious when Stiles invited the drag queens to Lydia's birthday party a few weeks later – meaning Stiles had actually been adopted by them.
And. At that point, Danny started reevaluating his interactions with Stiles, especially Stiles' question if he was attractive to gay guys. It had felt like yet another tired conversation with a straight guy who wanted an ego boost. Not many straight guys got adopted by a flock of drag queens. Still, Danny was never going to prod someone about their sexuality. Stiles knew Danny was gay, if Stiles wanted to talk about his own sexuality, he could seek Danny out.
Things got decidedly more weird from thereon out. Just before the school year ended, Jackson and Lydia got back together and seemed to be going stronger than ever before (not the weird bit. They were so on and off that Danny on occasion flipped a coin to determine what their relationship status was). Jackson was also fully back in Danny's life though, like he was trying to make up for missed time. And here was the weird thing; Jackson got affectionate. Physically affectionate. Now, they did occasionally do bro-hugs, but Jackson had always been awkward about affection. Now? They had cuddled on the couch together just last week while watching a movie. Purely platonic of course, because they'd tried once, during an off time between Jackson and Lydia like two years ago, just to agree that they were better off as friends.
Scott and Stiles were back being part of their life too. Now that Jackson and Lydia were back together again, and Scott and Allison were back together again. Only that something else changed, because it wasn't just the six of them anymore. For reasons beyond Danny's comprehension – and here came the part that stopped making sense to Danny – were Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd and Isaac Lahey now a part of their group too. And this was where things got truly weird.
Jackson developed a deep friendship with Erica, Isaac seemed all over Scott, Boyd and Erica were so attached to Stiles that for the better part of a month, Danny had just assumed they were a throuple, before a sputtering and laughing Jackson clarified that that was not what was going on there. Still, Jackson didn't clarify what actually was going on there. Or anywhere, really.
Danny knew for a fact that everyone aside from him also hung out with Derek Hale, aka Miguel Stilinski. It was cute that Stiles really thought Danny didn't recognize the one wanted person in all of Beacon Hills at the time. Once again, Danny had considered that maybe Derek was Stiles' secret boyfriend for a while. This too had Jackson sputtering and laughing and turning a little green before clarifying that that was not what was going on, while once again failing to provide the real context.
At this point, Danny was half convinced that they were all part of a cult set around… Stiles, actually. Derek had been in Stiles' room. Scott was Stiles' best friend. Stiles and Lydia were attached at the hip more often than not these days, their noses in books, Lydia teaching him archaic Latin for some reason. Boyd and Erica always hovered over Stiles in particular. Isaac was gradually spending more and more time close to Stiles too, last week the blonde had been sitting in Stiles' lap and no, Danny wasn't even going to bring it up with Jackson because he could not handle a third 'That's not what's happening here' without a clear explanation. Allison was, quite frankly, the only normal person who didn't seem overly obsessed with Stiles, but even her friendship to her boyfriend's best friend was growing stronger with every week.
"One day," Danny sighed, his glass hovering just in front of his mouth. "One day, you will have to tell me the truth, Jacks. I'm your best friend, you have to… to trust me."
"I trust you," Jackson looked at him like a kicked puppy. "I just don't… I don't want you in danger, Danny. This is… I don't want you mixed up with it."
Huffing, Danny downed his drink and waved at the barkeeper for another. "I am involved. Whatever is going on, I am already involved on account of being your and Lydia's best friend. Even if I may be sharing that title with… Stiles, of all people, these days. How did that happen."
"Fuck if I know," Jackson sounded genuinely as lost as Danny felt at that and it eased some of the frustration in Danny. "He's just… always there. When shit happens. When people need to talk. Stilinski's there. It started with Boyd and Erica. They always went to him. And then Isaac started too and… I figured, I mean, it won't hurt to see what they're getting out of it, and…"
"And?" Danny raised both eyebrows, staring intensely at his best friend.
"For a guy who never shuts up, Stiles really knows how to listen when it matters," Jackson shrugged, staring into his own glass. "And as much as he rambles unnecessary shit, he is also… good at finding the right words when they're needed. I've been talking to him about my… birth-parents. And identity. And all that shit. And he gets it. Maybe not fully from his own experience, but he can apply his own experience to it in an… effective way? I don't know, man. It just works. Talking to Stilinski about emotions and shit just works."
For a moment, Danny hummed and let the sounds of the club around them wash over him. "So you just, you just go to him, knock at his door and talk to him about your feelings?"
"No," Jackson wrinkled his nose. "Don't ask me why, but everyone takes the window."
"The window," Jackson shrugged. "Derek started it, everyone else is just following his lead. Climbing in through Stiles' window. I think it's so we won't wake or disturb his dad. Or so his dad doesn't know we're coming over."
Why in the world would the sheriff mind Stiles having friends over? Did Danny have to worry about Stiles' home situation now? Over the past weeks, he'd learned about what Isaac's home life used to be like before his dad died. Was Stiles not safe at home…? Why was Danny worried about that. If that was the case, surely the very intense Stiles Stilinski Protection Squad was going to take care of it themselves, there was no reason for Danny to worry.
Stiles was tired. It was close to three AM and he hadn't slept yet. Hadn't even gotten to try sleeping yet. First had been a phone call from Allison, who wanted Stiles' help with a present for Scott. Then came Derek, discussing the last pack meeting with Stiles. And, yeah, Stiles appreciated it, appreciated that Derek recognized Stiles' place in the pack and respected his opinion. But if the Alpha could just schedule these meetings during office hours, instead of 10PM on a Friday night? And half an hour after Derek was gone, Boyd and Erica came climbing in for their regular post Gerard cuddle session. The two betas had grown fiercely protective of Stiles ever since the three of them had gotten out of that damn basement and Stiles super did not mind, he also did not mind the cuddling, it was so nice and comfy and soothing. Still, by the time they sneaked back out to get home to not raise suspicion with their parents, it was one AM and Stiles found himself texting a sleepless Isaac, who was having nightmares about his dad again. By two AM, Isaac was soothed to sleep and Stiles finally got to return to the essay he had been working on before Allison called.
It was three AM and Stiles was so tired and only half-way done with the essay that was due tomorrow and his window opened again. Groaning, Stiles internally prepared himself to send whoever it was away – well, 'whoever', at this point he had gone through pretty much the entire pack, only leaving Lydia (who knew how to ring a doorbell and never came over without texting first), Scotty (who did own a key and did use it, instead of the window, thank you very much) and Jackson. Which meant it had to be Jackson. However, Jackson had plans of going to the Jungle with Danny today, so that meant Jackson was coming over for another sulking-about-Danny session. Those had been increasing the longer Jackson was part of the pack and Danny was kept in the dark.
The problem with that was that the pack was pretty much evenly split on whether they should let Danny in or keep him out of it. Stiles was firmly camp 'hell yeah', because for one, Danny's skills were a clear asset to the pack, secondly he was already on the fringe of the pack and as proven by Lydia getting mauled by Peter, being on the fringe was not safer, thirdly, it was Danny. Who didn't want Danny around. The guy was a fucking delight. Cute, sweet, clever, handsome.
"Fuck, Jackson didn't say this was that hard."
Stiles' head whipped around at the voice and he got to stare at Danny climbing in through his window. What was happening here. Had he fallen asleep at his desk over his essay and had that dream again? The one where Danny broke into his bedroom to seduce him—?
"Wha—at is going on," Stiles asked slowly, watching Danny bend over to catch his breath.
"A ladder," Danny grunted. "You should invest in a ladder if people regularly climb in here. To make this easier on them. This is not the good kind of exercise."
"How… do you know that people regularly climb into my bedroom?" Stiles asked warily. "And why are you climbing in through my bedroom window at three AM?"
Danny straightened up and let his eyes wander over Stiles' room. For the first time, Stiles felt self-conscious about his bedroom. In his defense, how often did one's crush break into their bedroom? At night? Stiles was still half convinced this was a dream.
"Jackson told me," Danny replied casually, still cataloging Stiles' room.
Stiles' eyes bulged and oh holy shit Derek was going to rip Jackson a new one but also Stiles was gonna put his foot down and side with Jackson that decision, even though he wished the stubborn beta had run it by Stiles before. Like, ideally, Stiles and Lydia should have been there to break the news to Danny and ease him into this, give him the 101 My Best Friend Is A Werewolf class, all the fun bits. But okay, okay, okay, Stiles could work with this.
"So he finally told you he's a werewolf, holy shit," Stiles gasped out a breath. "How do you feel about that, buddy? And no feelings are wrong feelings there. I went through all the stages myself, there's a bit of envy, anger, denial, support, it's all valid."
Danny turned to look at him with wide eyes. "What."
"I mean it," Stiles nodded. "Whatever you're feeling is totally valid. I even get resentment about the lying and I need you to know that lying to you was not Jackson's idea, he wanted to tell you earlier, but the rest of the pack kind of had a vote on it and-"
"Werewolf. Pack," Danny interrupted him, eyes widening even more. "Fuck that makes sense."
Slowly, Danny sat down on Stiles' bed and Stiles would be appreciating the sight so much more if Danny's words and the look on his face didn't alarm him so much because why did Danny look surprised by that had Stiles just screwed up big time?
"Uhm. You… You just said that Jackson told you."
"About people breaking into your bedroom," Danny motioned around with one hand. "You asked me how I knew about people breaking into your bedroom and that's how I know about that."
Ah, fuck. Derek was gonna rip Stiles a new one and he could only hope his betas would avenge him. Groaning, Stiles hid his face in his hands, rubbing slowly. Okay, okay, okay, he could surely somehow work this, right? And Derek wasn't going to actually rip his throat out for going against the Alpha's orders, right? Pack Mom privileges and all that. Right?
"This explains nearly everything," Danny whispered amazing, staring straight ahead like his mind was working a hundred miles an hour. "When Jackson pulled away from us, to protect us? During his… change? Or whatever? And when he rekindled with Lydia, started hanging out again, how affectionate he got. Werewolves seek physical comfort. And all the people he's hanging out with now whom he never even looked at before – the pack. A pack of werewolves."
Heaving a sigh, Stiles closed his laptop, abandoning any hope that he would finish this essay before it was due, and instead walked over to sit down next to Danny. Though he sprawled, propping himself up on his elbows and tilting his head to look up at Danny, who sat straight against the wall.
"Are you the Alpha?" Danny asked, looking down at Stiles.
"What," Stiles blinked, stunned. "No, seriously, let me emphasize some more: What?"
Danny shrugged, which wasn't helpful. "You and Scott got involved in Jackson's life leading up to him pulling away from me – and becoming a werewolf. And you're at like the center of it all. They break into your bedroom for advise? They are constantly all over you. My theory was that you're leading a cult, or are in a complicated polycule but Jackson kept denying the polycule accusations."
Stiles made a noise like a dying whale. A cult. A polycule. Alpha of the pack. He genuinely didn't know which of those was the most ridiculous. He huffed out a laugh and shook his head.
"No, no to all three of those," Stiles slid down further on his bed, legs fully dangling off the side as he laid flat and looked up at the ceiling. "I'm what werewolves call Pack Mom. It has been lovingly referred to as the glue keeping the pack together. The Alpha is the leader, is about strength and brute force and physical protection. The Pack Mom like balances it out emotionally? That's what I do. Der says that that's usually a role taken by one or more of the humans in the pack. Where the wolves provide safety and protection, humans nurture and help on a more emotional level."
"So Derek – Derek Hale – your cousin Miguel – is the Alpha, then."
Stiles winced at the reminder of his not best lie. "Yeah, he is."
"And you two aren't dating?" Danny frowned down at him. "Because that sounds very mom and dad coded, which is dreadfully heteronormative, and I remember him half-naked in your bedroom."
"Don't look at it as heteronormative, look at it as gender-role breaking," Stiles shrugged carelessly. "I don't feel emasculated for being Pack Mom. I like it a lot, actually. Makes me feel like I contribute to the pack too, which… lack of claws and fangs often makes me feel… kinda useless."
It took another moment before the rest of Danny's words caught up with him. "Wait, you think I'm dating Derek Hale. No. No I am not dating Derek Hale. Also, why are you so obsessed with my love-life, Dannyboy? First the polycule accusations, now this?"
"Everyone is all over you," Danny shrugged.
"Because everyone loves me," Stiles shrugged before pausing and clarifying. "Platonically. I am the only guy on the planet who is literally surrounded by smoking hot people of both genders and is not getting laid. I managed to Mom-zone myself. Because that's my life."
Silence stretched on between them, both just sitting on Stiles bed together and Stiles couldn't deny how much he loved that. Loved spending time alone with Danny. Loved having Danny in his room. Loved the way he could smell Danny's body wash from this close, feel the heat radiating off his body. Stiles closed his eyes and breathed deeply, feeling himself relax.
"So my best friend is a werewolf," Danny spoke after half an eternity. "What… do I do now?"
"Phone," Stiles held his hand out, not opening his eyes.
He was mildly surprised when the request was obeyed. Cracking an eye open, he programmed his number into Danny's phone, sent himself a text and then handed the phone back.
"I'll talk to Der. And the rest of the pack," Stiles sighed, an exhausted sound. "Smooth things over. Then, I'll call you and we can talk about easing you into the pack."
"Why," Danny looked down at him. "I mean, why are you offering that. I've not exactly been… the friendliest to you so far, Stiles."
Which was true enough. But Danny had also never been actually hostile, or a bully. And considering his pack's track-record when it came to threatening Stiles? Stiles huffed amused.
"We may not be friends, Danny," Stiles spoke softly. "But that doesn't mean I don't want us to be friends. Besides, you're important to Lyds and Jacks. So, consider this me being Pack Mom and doing them a favor by easing you into the pack. It's what I do. I help everyone."
"Who helps you?" Danny asked, voice soft. "You look fucking exhausted. From what Jackson said, you're balancing everyone's emotional baggage. Who helps you carry your baggage?"
"I have no baggage," Stiles offered a broad, cocky grin. "You know me, Dannyboy. I'm the flailing goofball who always talks too much about unimportant shit. Nothing I have going on is important."
He didn't like the way Danny looked at him, so he chose to give an exaggerated yawn and stretch before getting off the bed. Putting physical distance between the two of them.
"It's kinda late and I still have an essay to finish," Stiles stated, turned toward the desk. "Uh. You can take the door and stairs this time, you know. The climbing through the windows is a werewolf thing. You can use the doorbell. Allison and Lydia use the doorbell."
"Okay," Stiles could hear Danny get off the bed. "I'll use the doorbell next time then. Night, Stiles."
Next time. Stiles' heart did a weird nervous thing at those words. Okay.
Derek Hale was intimidating. Even more so when his eyes flashed red and he grew fangs and claws. Though Danny couldn't entirely take the eyebrow-situation on the werewolves seriously. There was some intimidating, warning him to not spill their secret, that he would now be in danger from anything that hunted the pack too. Danny took it in stride.
Now that he knew what was going on, it all made so much more sense. Well, not 'all'. He still didn't understand the Boyd-Erica-Stiles situation. But everything else made more sense. The betas – as he learned non-Alpha werewolves were called in a pack – all flocked to Stiles because he was 'Pack Mom'. And now that Danny got to hang out with the pack, not just with the betas in the capacity of school but actually be invited to pack nights, he observed it even more. Casual touches – scent marking – comforting each other. Sharing space, comfort and food.
Stiles usually cooked during these pack nights, he went all out serving things that Danny had never heard of and could not pronounce. Polish family recipes from his mom that he hadn't gotten to make in years in some cases, because cooking just for his dad and himself was different than getting to cook for a large, hungry group of people. It was… weird, seeing Stiles cook. The usually flailing boy was near graceful as he danced through the kitchen, as uncoordinated as it looked, every step had its purpose, every flail was him reaching another ingredient or putting something away, and the end result was usually absolutely delicious. The pack would sit around the large table in the dining room of Derek's recently rebuilt house and eat together. After dinner, they'd usually watch a movie that was put up for vote first during dinner, usually accompanied by heated arguments.
Danny loved it. Loved it all. Loved how much like family it felt – all the arguing around the dinner table reminded him of home, of his siblings, it made him feel warm. He loved that these people, who had all experienced loss to varying degrees of traumatizing, had somehow carved this out for themselves, together, had created this for themselves. Danny found himself marveling at it.
Though Lydia had already been one of his two best friends before, after joining the pack, their bond grew even more. And Danny found himself spending a lot of his time with Lydia, Allison and Stiles. The non-werewolves of the pack. Lydia was a Banshee and though not a supernatural species, Allison was a hunter. Which made her and Scott just so Romeo and Juliet coded, he had to roll his eyes. Which, the most exhausting part about the pack were definitely the mated pairs. Though it explained a lot about how fast and hard Allison and Scott fell, and it explained absolutely everything about Lydia and Jackson, it even explained at least one angle of the Boyd-Erica-Stiles situation (though it only raised even more questions on how Stiles fit with the mated pair).
To his surprise, Danny found himself spending a lot of his time alone with Stiles too. At first, to learn more about the pack, werewolves and the supernatural. Everyone kept saying that Stiles did all the research and knew the most, had explained most things to the betas to begin with, so Danny came and sought him out. The more time he spent with Stiles, the less he minded.
Every quality of Stiles' that he had perceived as annoying was slowly growing on him. When Stiles went on a tangent and started rambling wildly, Danny was no longer annoyed by the word vomit, he found himself smiling at the excitement in Stiles' eyes and the passion in his voice. Stiles' flailing started looking cute to him. And Danny's thoughts when Stiles was chewing on his pencil again, well, those had started being entirely inappropriate.
It reached a point where Danny found himself concerned when Stiles wasn't talking, where he used to seek the quiet and wished for Stiles to shut up. Because now he knew that most of the time when Stiles was actually quiet? That was because the other boy was in a bad mental space. Though Danny hadn't exactly figured out what was going on there, he could see the haunted look in his eyes.
"You really have moped about your ex for long enough now. It's time to get back on the horse," Jackson declared one night at the Jungle. "You should ask Stiles out."
Danny started coughing violently when his drink went down the wrong pipe. "What."
"Dude," Jackson grunted, patting him on his back. "Don't even try."
"Try what," Danny glared at his best friend.
"Try denying that you're falling for Stilinski," Jackson offered him a smug smirk. "I've known you all your damn life, Mahealani. I know what you look like when you like someone and you've been looking at Stiles that way for weeks now. You like him."
"Absolutely not," Danny grunted, returning to his drink.
"...You know that we wolves can hear lies, right?" Jackson's smirk turned even more smug.
Well, fuck. Danny glared fiercely at his best friend and then got up. If he couldn't drink in peace then damn it, he was going to dance. Surely there had to be some cute guy willing to dance with him here. Because Jackson was right with one thing, Danny had been single for too long now. His eyes darkened when he spotted a cute twink. Long, long legs, a tight ass shown off by dark skinny jeans, a red shirt that hugged his lithe frame well, dark, messy hair. Danny didn't necessarily have a type, but he had moods. And right now, he was in the mood to pin a cute twink against the toilet stalls. Time to see if the cute twink was in the same mood.
With a smile on his lips did Danny approach the dancing boy, resting a hand just above the other's lower back to gain his attention before walking around him. He came to stand close, intend on whispering in the other boy's ear, but he froze when he looked into familiar golden-brown eyes.
"Oh, hey, Danny," Stiles grinned broadly at him. "I saw you and Jackson at the bar but you looked deep in conversation so I didn't want to bother."
Danny was distracted by mulling over the fact just how much he'd wanted to fuck Stiles just a moment ago. Damn it all to hell, Jackson might actually be right. He forced a smile.
"Hey," Danny replied after a moment. "What… are you doing here?"
"The girls had a performance and as captain of their official fanclub, I had to cheer them on," Stiles jerked a thumb over his shoulder to point at the drag queens.
They turned and either smiled or winked at Danny. Right. Duckling of the flock. Danny blinked before returning his attention to Stiles. He looked cute in that light, with the soft smile on his lips. Made Danny want to kiss him. Jerking away, Danny cleared his throat.
"Right. I'll, uh, go back to Jackson. Talk to you later?"
Stiles frowned at him but nodded and returned to his dance. Danny couldn't look away, even as he sat down next to Jackson again. Partially so he didn't have to see the unbearable smugness on his best friend's face. Jackson elbowed him until Danny finally looked at him and yep, there it was.
"You were so going to hit on him before you realized it was Stiles," Jackson snickered.
"I hate you," Danny said dryly.
"Can't lie to a werewolf," Jackson smirked. "Besides, we both know you love me."
Flipping him off, Danny ordered a new drink. "So maybe Stiles is cute."
"Not just maybe," Jackson huffed. "I got eyes. I know he's cute. Especially since he grew his hair out. I'll never tell him that, but I still know."
The cute or the sexual attraction weren't even the problem. The problem was how attached Danny had grown to Stiles. How invested in him. Just how attentive he was when it came to Stiles, soaking every new thing he learned up like a sponge. Every layer he peeled back intrigued him more. Danny liked Stiles, genuinely liked Stiles, and he didn't really know what to do with that.
Stiles was sleepy when he stumbled into his room. Not even necessarily tired, he was still a bit wired from the buzz and the great performance, but he felt drowsy. He was also still distracted thinking about whether or not Danny had wanted to dance with him, because Danny's hand on his lower back – and he could still feel it if he concentrated hard enough – and the near awkward way in which he had just returned to Jackson had nearly kind of felt like Danny had meant to ask him to dance and then chickened out. Only that Danny didn't chicken out of stuff, which only made it more confusing and it wasn't like Stiles didn't dance with all his friends all the time, he'd even danced with Jackson last week. So he didn't fully pay attention when he went into his room, not turning the light on because he knew his way around his own bedroom, thank you very much, and collapsed face first onto his bed. Someone grunted as Stiles made impact with a person's thighs. Okay.
"I don't even care," Stiles declared, yawning and stretching wide in his own bed. "You break into my bedroom and sit on my bed, you are now my pillow. Good night."
He snuggled closer to whoever had broken into his bedroom and closed his eyes, earning an amused chuckle. "You weren't home yet and I didn't want to leave again."
Danny. Stiles blinked dazed. Wait. Danny. Not that it was rare for Danny to be in his room anymore, it was honestly a very, very regular thing by now that had started out with Danny getting the 101 on all things supernatural. Though he was more or less caught up on all of their adventures and all the dos and don'ts that Stiles knew, Danny still dropped by like two to three times a week. Sometimes, they'd do homework together, study for a test, or just... talk. Danny would ask him stuff, personal stuff, about stuff that Stiles liked, and then Danny listened to him. Which was still a bizarre concept to Stiles. Sure, his pack listened to him, but Danny? Danny had always seemed kind of annoyed by Stiles' overall Stilesness and unlike Boyd, Erica, Isaac and Jackson, he hadn't turned into an oversized puppy who now felt the Pack Mom bond. He was still human Danny and he should still be annoyed by Stiles' overall Stilesness. Once, Stiles had asked Danny about it and Danny had just shrugged and claimed that he didn't want to feel left out from the pack, who all always came to hang out in Stiles' bedroom like it was their headquarters and Stiles just… accepted that.
"Why are you here?" Stiles asked, rolling onto his back so he could look up at Danny.
He adamantly refused to move off Danny's lap though, because as he just pointed out, the other had broken into his bedroom, so he now had to deal with being Stiles' pillow and Stiles would be damned to miss an opportunity of kind of snuggling with his steadily growing crush. Danny learning the truth about the supernatural had super not helped with the crush situation. Like hanging out with Jackson, Lydia and Danny had already worsened the physical attraction into a crush, but now that Danny was pack? Now that they... hung out? Just the two of them? This crush was slowly outgrowing crush-levels and Stiles was worried.
"Couldn't sleep," Danny shrugged and tilted his head back against the wall. "Got home from the club and realized that I am forcibly sharing my bedroom with my two cousins who are over right now and one of them snores like you wouldn't believe. The betas get to crash here when they can't sleep, so I invited myself."
That... wasn't untrue. Boyd and Erica often stayed half nights or even the whole night and if Isaac's nightmares about his father got too worse, the blonde would sneak into Stiles' bed too for comfort. Scott was a given, they had had sleepovers since forever. Jackson was a bit more rare, he still had reservations about sharing a bed and fair enough, honestly. Allison and Lydia sometimes came for a proper, normal sleepover because they didn't want to feel left out with all the wolves staying in Stiles' bedroom all the time and the first time the two girls had marched in with sleeping bags, Stiles did have to redo his whole coming out thing with his dad more pointedly. Which did remind him...
"When I asked you if I'm attractive to gay guys, that was weird, wasn't it?"
Danny stilled for a moment and then looked down at him curiously. "In a sense. It happens a lot. Straight guys in sports teams are very in love with themselves and they love the ego boost, knowing that they could get it, even if they're not interested. Well, the ones who aren't homophobic."
"Right yeah no that was not, not a straight guy fishing for compliments," Stiles wiggled his nose. "That was my 'figuring out that I'm gay' phase. I was. Kind of lost on that."
"Mh," Danny tilted his head. "Still lost?"
"Nope. Just gay," Stiles grinned up at him, lazy and happy and warm. "Yeah, after Lydia and Jackson had their epic true love's kiss, I kinda did some reevaluating and realized that I... never felt that way about Lydia. At all. It was just... I guess it felt just safer? To project onto an unobtainable girl, than to confront things that I didn't really understand at the time. And over the years, I grew... comfortable with how things were and didn't question it."
"You procrastinated your own sexuality," Danny looked amused and near fond. "Congrats on figuring it out though."
Humming softly, Stiles rolled onto his side, getting more comfortable on Danny's lap. Those were excellently comfortable thighs. He startled a little when fingers started running through his hair, but as quickly did he relax again. That felt good. That was so soothing, holy shit. He could stay right here, with his head on Danny's lap and with Danny running his fingers through his hair, forever.
Three months into being part of the pack, Danny finally learned the truth about what that weird Boyd-Erica-Stiles situation was and he honestly wished his polycule theory had been true instead.
They were fighting some kind of creature that lived in storms, made of pure lightning. Because these things were now part of Danny's life. Though he didn't do any fighting, he just drove the get there and get away car (also known as Jackson's Porsche) and took care of injuries, together with Stiles and Scott (who at least had some basic knowledge from his job as a vet).
They were patching up Isaac when the creature lashed out and hit Stiles. It wasn't even a bad amount of voltage, but apparently it was enough to give Stiles a flashback. Erica and Boyd rushed to his side and eased him out of his panic-attack and, in the aftermath, once the creatur was taken care of and everyone was basically hovering around Stiles, the other boy unwillingly explained himself. Most of the pack didn't seem to know the details either, they'd only known that Stiles, Boyd and Erica had been taken by Gerard and that bad things had happened. That those bad things included torture with electricity was new to most aside from Derek and Scott.
Afterward, when the pack split up after a brief debriefing – usually, they had full pack-nights, but Stiles, Boyd and Erica seemed rattled and Isaac and Jackson were still recovering, so they decided to make it quick and delay the comfort bonding to a different day – Danny found himself walking aimlessly through the streets of Beacon Hills. When he looked up, he realized his feet had carried him to Stiles' house. He frowned, annoyed with his feet, and his thoughts, and his heart.
Heaving a sigh, he gave in and went to climb in through Stiles' bedroom window – the sheriff's cruiser sat in its parking spot and Stiles tried to keep his dad away from pack stuff, even though the sheriff finally knew (after they told Danny, Stiles had used that as an argument with the pack to also tell his dad), so Danny figured his presence late would only raise questions. The climb still sucked and Stiles still hadn't gotten a latter to make this easier for at least the humans (and yes, Danny had seen Allison scale the wall up to Stiles' bedroom before too. He'd seen Stiles do it too).
"No," Stiles' voice was surprisingly firm, once Danny sat on his window-sill.
The other boy wasn't even turned toward him, he was curled together on the bed, facing the wall. Danny frowned and continued on entering the bedroom, relieved when he had ground under his feet. Stiles huffed frustrated and turned around to look at him and Danny hated what he saw. Stiles' eyes were red, like he had been crying, and when he was curled together like that, the lanky teen whose limbs seemed to go on forever appeared to be so… small. Stiles was not small.
"Danny," Stiles frowned at him. "No. It took me forever to tell the pups off from breaking in tonight. I don't… I really don't have the space for whatever it is, okay? I just…"
He rubbed at his red eyes. Pups. Sometimes, Stiles would call all the wolves puppies, to mock or tease them, but 'pups' wasn't mocking, 'pups' was a Pack Mom thing. Danny had gotten weirdly used to that, to the whole dynamic of the pack. He didn't claim to understand it, that these teenagers of the same age somehow had a bond that approximated a mother/child bond the closest, but if he was being honest, it was no less weird than his own, very vastly different feelings for Stiles.
"Hey," Danny kept his voice soft as he approached Stiles and sat down on the edge of the bed. "I don't want anything but to make sure you're alright, Stiles."
Stiles looked up at him warily. "What."
"Partially for you, because whatever just happened was traumatic for you and I really don't think you should be alone right now," Danny elaborated. "And maybe partially for me."
"Why?" Stiles frowned, but he made room in the bed for Danny.
"Because I just learned that you had been kidnapped and tortured by our former principle," Danny raised both eyebrows at Stiles. "It's… It's kind of messing with me. I worry."
"About me," Stiles managed to nearly say it like a question.
Sighing, Danny got more comfortable on Stiles' bed, laying down flat next to the other boy and staring up at the ceiling. Stiles was laying next to him, on his side so he could look at Danny.
"Why do you say it like that?" Danny asked. "Is it… really that hard to believe that I might worry about you? That I'm not hanging out with you multiple times a week out of, what, social obligations or pity, but maybe because I like you? Because we're friends by now?"
"I mean, yeah," Stiles admitted after a moment. "You have always been supremely annoyed by me. And I do get that we're now pack, and that I helped explain shit to you, but…"
"And you grew on me during that time, okay?" Danny cut in, frowning. "I like you."
"Why do you keep saying it like that? You're not saying 'like' you keep saying 'like'."
Rolling onto his side, Danny looked at Stiles' face. Open and vulnerable, no snark or mischief in his eyes, just an honest kind of confusion, as well as the aftermath of his earlier panic-attack. Without thinking, Danny reached out to cup Stiles' cheek, gently brushing some tear-traces away with his thumb. Stiles leaned into the touch, big brown eyes staring at Danny curiously.
"You keep offering solace to everyone who comes knocking at your window. Even the people who have treated you like shit in the past. You help everyone who needs it, even when you don't like them. You're kind of… amazing, Stiles. I never realized that before, because I never took the time to get to know you. But now that I know you, I like you."
"You said it weirdly again," Stiles pointed out, narrowing his eyes.
"Because I don't like you," Danny rolled his eyes and leaned in slowly. "I like you."
He pressed a feather light kiss to Stiles' lips. For a moment, Stiles didn't move at all – and Danny was fairly sure he had never seen that happen, not even when he was asleep did Stiles keep fully still – and just when Danny was about to pull away, movement returned to Stiles. He grabbed Danny by the collar of his shirt, clumsily pulling him back in and doing his best at deepening the kiss, even though Danny could tell that Stiles had barely any, if any at all, experience. It made Danny smile just a little and he tilted his head, taking the lead. To his credit, Stiles proved to be a fast learner when it came to kissing too, but that shouldn't be a surprise.
"Oh," Stiles whispered against Danny's lips when they parted. "So… like, huh."
Grinning, Danny nodded. His hand slipped from Stiles' cheek, slowly tracing down to settle on the other boy's waist. He pulled Stiles closer against himself and twisted some so he was laying on his back again, with Stiles half resting on his chest. Stiles seemed comfortable enough there.
"So… you came here to kiss me?" Stiles asked, looking somewhere between curious and pleased.
"Actually no," Danny huffed. "I had plans of staying in denial about my feelings for you for at least another couple of weeks. But then today happened. And I didn't like the thought of you being alone. I guess I came here to, I don't know… be there for you?"
"To be my solace, for a change?" Stiles grinned at him with an edge of teasing.
Yet beyond the teasing, his grin was so soft and warm and happy, so Danny shrugged. "I guess."
Humming, Stiles cuddled up more to Danny, resting a hand on Danny's chest and pulling one leg up to actually lay across Danny's. Clingy. Of course he was clingy, this should not surprise Danny. Sighing, Danny wrapped one arm around Stiles' back, gently running it up and down his spine.
"You are, you know," Stiles admitted after a moment, voice so soft that Danny could barely hear him. "My solace, I mean. If we have to be cheesy about it. Don't get me wrong, I love the pups, I love hanging out with them and they often enough hang out with me without wanting something from me. But it's just… it feels different with you. More… at ease? More solace-y."
Danny snorted. "That's not a word. You're too smart for that."
"Shut up, you fried my brain earlier by kissing me," Stiles actually stuck his tongue out at Danny.
Huffing out a laugh, Danny leaned down to kiss the corner of Stiles' mouth. Three months ago, he didn't understand why everyone seemed to flock to Stiles. Now, he understood.
~*~ The End ~*~
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eloaholiveira · 6 months
Do you have character outline/overview for your StH TeenWolf Au? Been enjoying it regardless either way.
Yeah? If I understood correctly lol
Well, Sonic is based on Scott Mccall, main protag. After around season 3 he becomes Alpha and eventually turns Silver.
Tails is based on Stiles Stilinski, Scott's best friend. At some point (i forgot the exact season) he gets possessed by a nogitsune which is an evil kitsune spirit, but dw he gets freed.
Russell(OC) is based on Noah Stilinski, although instead of being Tails' biological father, he adopted him.
Bernadette, Sonic's mom, is based on Melissa Mccall (Scott's mom). She's a nurse and yes she does eventually figure out.
Jules, Sonic's father, is based on Agent Mccall (Rafael Mccall). Divorced from Bernadette and pretty much a ghost in Sonic's life, he's never present for him.
Amy is based on Alisson Argent, although in this AU, she doesn't die. She's a beast hunter, but eventually becomes an ally.
Shadow is based on Derek Hale, he's a werewolf and an ally. He helps Sonic gain control with the price of helping him find whatever Alpha bit Sonic.
Silver is based on Liam Dunber(?), frequented same school as Sonic and got bit by him kinda by accident.
Knuckles is based on Jackson Whittemore, starts off as kind of a jerk, eventually becomes an ally. He's a kamina. Also dating Rouge.
Rouge is based on Lydia Martin, she's a banshee and frequented same school as Sonic also. Don't really have much to say about her, I didn't draw her out yet, even lol!
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sterek-ao3feed-archive · 11 months
Good Boy Bad Boy = Problems
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50862421 by DaoOfGay "It's Hale. H-A-L-E, cutie." Stiles felt his whole body freeze as a voice whispered behind him. He felt a shiver go down his spine as his little buddy suddenly came to life, much to his embarrassment. He got caught looking up the guy's name. --- "You're kidding me, right?" Derek grinned, his arms full with other girls who looked really beautiful in their makeups: "You're just another one of my little conquests, eager little slutty bitch. I just fucked you because I wanted your dad to know that the guy he hates most took his little son's virginity." "O-oh..." Stiles felt humiliated. He was fucking kicking himself mentally for being a stupid guy. He should've been smarter. "I see..." But if there's something Stiles knows how to do, is to take punches and keep rolling: "Well, it was fun... Thanks for the date." He left soon after, pretending his heart didn't break. Words: 4113, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 74 of (Maybe) One Shots Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Peter Hale, Cora Hale, Laura Hale, Talia Hale, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Original Gajos Character(s) (Teen Wolf), Stiles Stilinski's Grandmother, Stiles Stilinski's Grandfather Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Bad Boy Derek Hale, Nerd Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski Doesn't Know About Werewolves, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Stiles Stilinski Has a Crush on Derek Hale, Derek Hale is a Tease, Cocky Derek Hale, Shy Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale Flirts, Smart Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski Knows About Werewolves (Teen Wolf), Derek Hale's Pack is Nosy, Derek Hale's Pack Ships Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale's Wolf Loves Stiles Stilinski, Protective Derek Hale, Teasing, Derek Hale Being an Asshole, Derek Hale Feels Guilty, Insecure Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski Has Self-Esteem Issues, Derek Hale is Bad at Feelings, Derek Hale Has Issues, Derek Hale Has a Big Dick, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Werewolf Mates, Regret, Redemption, Second Chances, Accidental rejection, Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski are the Same Age, Past Kate Argent/Derek Hale, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Lonely Stiles Stilinski, Loner Stiles Stilinski, Consequences, Alternate Hale Fire (Teen Wolf) read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50862421
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gremlinbabe · 1 year
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Sterek kink/bdsm club fic
*** wanna write this but could use some help cuz I’d like 30+ ish chapters. Lmk if you’re interested must be 18+ to participate. Supernaturals & pack dynamics exist but supernaturals aren’t known outside of other supernaturals (they all got a spidey sense for it) , Derek is led to supernatural club by his mentor. Stiles and lydia are co owners of said club. All characters will be 21+***
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Scott McCall , Jackson Whittemore, Kira Yukimura, Lydia Martin, Issac lanhey, Allison argent , Cora hale, Jordan Parrish, Malia Hale ,Ethan and Aiden Steiner, Braeden (teenwolf)
Main Ships: Sterek(stilesxderek),Berica(boydxerica) , scissac(scottxissac), jethan(Jacksonxethan), malira(maliaxkira), allisaac(Allison x issac), Jordan x Lydia x Aiden(Aydia, marrish, & SOME Jordan x Aiden)
Secondary ships: sterica & stoyd, some derica, some doyd, jydia(cool with each other but past), Malydira(after jydia breakup), (romantic but taking it very slow because they’re new to men but find each other attractive- will cuddle or occasional kiss)Jordan x Aiden, Cora x Isaac (practices flirting with each other 24/7 but 100% platonic lol ), Cora x og female character(romantic)&(ace!Cora likes nude photos cuz she thinks their neat) , mentions of some scallison (cool with each other but past cuz of different views on wanting kids so they aren’t together BUT both really like issac & think he deserves nice things and date him separately)
Main tags:canon-divergent, magical emissary!stiles, Alpha!Derek, Beta! Erica, Boyd, Issac, Cora, Scott, Allison, Aiden , Ethan, Were coyote!Malia, Kanima! Jackson, kitsune!Kira, Mentor/mistress! Braeden (still working on the tags)
***Prequel***- In beacon hills everyone knew everyone and Derek was tired of it. He’s known for a long time now that he’s bi but he’s always wanted to explore his kinks further or attend some kink or bdsm clubs to see what they could offer him. But being from such a small town everyone’s business is a little too intertwined. He knew he had to leave town if he ever wanted to explore this side of himself. So he joined a site for likeminded individuals who wanted to explore their kinks. He didn’t want to go into this blindly so he knew he had to get educated by someone before stepping into this lifestyle. He talked to many people but eventually he ended up becoming friends with a certified mistress,kink educator, and club event coordinator named Braeden. She explained all the ins and out and do’s and don’t to Derek and explained to him that what he might be looking for is a dom/domme. Knowing that he wouldn’t find a dom and maintain his privacy in beacon hills he had asked her about other places he could go outside of cali. After confirming if he was willing to move to explore his kinks. She recommended a some popular locations. But there was one place in particular stuck out to Derek. She told him that there was a lot of options in New York rumored to have some of the best places to vet for a genuine dom. If he was gonna be serious about this lifestyle and invest his time and energy Derek knew he needed to find a job in the same state even if it wasn’t super close to the clubs & that was fine he didn’t need anyone following him home. Working up the nerve to actually move all the way to New York he started applying to jobs that he could put his auto mechanics degree to good use. At the same time filling in braeden that the next few weeks to some months could be a bit hectic on him so he might not be as consistent in messaging. She understood that moves can be messy and helped him find a moving company for his stuff. But he took the time to clean up any loose ends in beacon hills. Soon he found a place and was getting call backs for jobs. After everything was secured, movers moved the last of his things and he was more settled into his new apartment he filled braeden in on his last few weeks. After adjusting a bit more to his new space he called up braeden. He knew there were special ways to get into some club. So he hired braeden as his mistress for the weekend . He invited her over to his home and she gave him a quick rundown of what to expect, rules, and makings of a safe word.
She had told him that there was a club named hourglass that she’d like to take him to but he had to be led in by collar and leash so it’s known that she’d be in charge of him and making decisions about his safety physically and emotionally for the night . He excitedly nods but he knows she always needs a verbal agreement.
“Yes mistress I’d love to see the club you want to take me to, I don’t mind the leash” he said a little breathless.
“Good, I can lead you there but I have some friends that attend events or work there that could potentially point you in a better direction. You’ve been interested in exploring more with men, if you want to chat with specific people you should always come to me first to check if they’re ok to talk to. Some people have limits for themselves or their partners. If anyone piques your interest you can always let me know and play but participating isn’t mandatory if you don’t feel like in getting in anything tonight you don’t have to. If you’re uneasy you can always come find me I’ll be near and keeping a eye out but I want to you have a more organic experience . And last thing most people understand traffic light rules but remember SSC, RACK, and always remember to have a safe word if you plan to participate. And if none of my friends can provide it for you themselves. I’ll always take care of you.” She sends back a flirty wink.
“I.. I don’t know what to wear” he explained.
“That’s alright sweetheart I think I something perfect for you” she grinned. She opens the bag she walked in with.
You sure you aren’t psychic?” He asks. She laughs “no I just know you’re a newbie.
She pulls out a long sleeve mesh shirt, tiny leather shorts that would barley hold anything, and a slim black leash attached to a soft collar with a spiral on it looked like a piece of the tattoo on his back.
“I let the club owners and staff know I’m bringing you today so if they see a tall, tan, and handsome man with a spiral collar just to keep and eye out in case there’s an emergency and I’m not near.” She explained. “ now get dressed and let’s get going” she handed over the bag.
“Are you changing too?”Derek asked curiously.
“Yes sweetheart I’m already dressed under this” she emphasized by picking up the edge of her shirt.
“Yes sweetheart I’m already dressed under this” she emphasized by picking up the edge of her shirt.
Additional possible tags: established friendships and relationships for the most part, polyamory, partner switching, smut with plot, supernatural kink club, primal dom, primal sub, cuckolding, switch/verse ,asphyxiation, ropeplay, blood play, knife play, vampirism, Voyeurism, spanking, feet, handcuffs, blindfolds, role play, Olfactophilia, Navel fetishism, Odaxelagnia, Narratophilia, Pygophilia, Omorashi, Pedal pumping, Salirophilia, Troilism, Wet and messy fetishism, Autoerotic asphyxiation, Feederism, Transvestic fetishism, Toxophilia, Lactophilia, Liquidophilia, Maiesiophilia, Maschalagnia, Mazophilia, Pictophilia, Kleptophilia, Algolagnia, Heterophilia, Hoplophilia, Hybristophilia, etc.(a lot honestly lol)
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stacksonreversebang · 20 days
Oh… I See It Now
Art by @fujiyolkart Written by @always-mimits
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Rating: Mature Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Post-Kanima Arc (Teen Wolf), Post-Nogitsune Arc (Teen Wolf), Suicidal Thoughts, But in a passive way, Self-Destruction, Self-Esteem Issues, Recovery, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Jackson Whittemore, Hurt Stiles Stilinski, Idiots in Love, Oblivious, But Also Just Ignoring It, Slow Burn, but not really, Didn't Know They Were Dating, But It Is Very Clear To Everyone Else, Resurrection, Nemeton meddles
Words: 13,649
Jackson repays the favor of Stiles forcing him to live again after the Kanima, by doing the same for Stiles after the Nogitsune.
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sterek-ao3feed · 7 days
Terrified Of Loving You
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/58976029
by sourw0lfhale
Liam says something he immediately regrets to Theo. Mason makes him go apologize. Liam seeks advice from his mama Stiles first since his papa Scott is having date night with his boyfriend.
Liam walks in on something he wishes he never heard. Jackson is an ass. Peter is sassy as ever. Derek is still judging people.
Feelings come out and a new relationship is forged after a long time coming.
This is my first time writing a Thiam fic, I hope you guys enjoy! 🧡
This fic is finished & has been edited ❤️
Words: 2866, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura, Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Corey Bryant (Teen Wolf), Mason Hewitt, Jackson Whittemore
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Malia Tate/Kira Yukimura, Chris Argent/Peter Hale, Melissa McCall/Sheriff Stilinski, Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt
Additional Tags: Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski are Dorks, mated stiles and derek, stiles and scott are liam’s parents, Mama Stiles, Emissary Stiles Stilinski, papa scott, derek thinks stiles is an idiot, Theo is good, Jackson is an ass, Jackson and Stiles Are Friends
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twistedamusement · 1 year
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Moodboard for the Stackson Reverse Bang 2023 “Untitled”
FailWolf13 (@geekmom13) was inspired by this art to create a fic which is available on AO3. :)
Fuck If I Know - FailWolf (GeekMom13)
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV)
Relationship: Stiles Stilinski/Jackson Whittemore
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Jackson Whittemore
Additional Tags: Sex, Enemies to Lovers, Frenemies to Fake Dating to Lovers, Miscommunication, porn with a little plot, Getting Together, End of College, Canon Divergence
They weren't enemies, but they definitely weren't quite friends, but Stiles took him home. It grew from there.
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usermischief · 2 years
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♜Pairing: Briles ♜Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Brett Talbot, Isaac Lahey, Danny Mahealani, Jackson Whittemore ♜Tags/Warnings: wall sex, anal sex, locker room sex, college au ♜Words: 3681 ♜Kinktober - Wall Sex a/n: This is a sequel to bad habits but you don't necessarily have to read it to understand this story.
old habits die hard
"Absolutely not."
Isaac blinks, staring at him a little dumbfounded. "But—"
"The last time you," Stiles says, pointing from Isaac to Danny and ultimately to Jackson, who looks highly offended, "tried to set me up on a date, I had to report a stalker." At that, all three of them have the decency to look a bit awkward — even Jackson, which is saying a lot. The guy restored and hardened his ego in London before coming back to the US to study. Stiles was extremely surprised when he ran into the three of them at the campus coffee shop at six in the morning. He thought all of this had to be one giant coincidence, but it turns out that Isaac and Jackson ended up living together in London with Danny and his family moving there after the whole Alpha Pack debacle — and now, they’re back in the States. 
Probably only to be a pain in his ass. 
Danny shakes his head. “You can’t be hung up on Number 28 forever.”
“It’s time you throw the hoodie out.” Jackson tosses his lacrosse ball from one hand to the other. 
Stiles stiffens. “No.”
“You don’t have to throw the hoodie out,” Isaac says, glaring at Jackson. They all know why he held onto the hoodie and what it means. They all know what Stiles went through. The topic came up pretty early in conversation when Jackson wanted to drag them to a party he and his fraternity was planning. The fraternity Jackson and Danny are members of is known for parties that include a shitton of drugs, so Stiles that he wouldn’t join them and why. Even though he’s been pretty good about staying away from drugs and alcohol for almost three years, he really doesn’t want to push his resolution. 
Jackson lets out a breath. “Okay, you don’t have to throw it out.”
“But you gotta move on.” Danny twists his lacrosse stick, studying Stiles through its net. 
It’s not that he’s still crying himself asleep over Brett, but he can’t forget him. Not really. And yes, the hoodie probably makes things a lot more complicated. Still, it helps him during hard nights — when the nightmares come and the temptation is high. The hoodie doesn’t smell like Brett any longer, and even though it’s not as big on him any longer since Stiles built a few muscles himself, it still feels like a warm hug, like coming home. It makes him feel safe. 
Stiles scrunches up his face. “Why do I have to date?” he asks, gesturing towards his friends again, “not one of you is in an established relationship.” 
"But we have sex regularly."
Isaac smacks the back of Jackson's head hard enough that even Danny winces. "Shut up, Whittemore." He turns to Stiles with a sigh. "I’ve been livin’ with him for four months now. He’s a good lad.” 
“I wanted to do a background check,” Danny tells him, sounding almost a little offended that he wasn’t allowed to. 
“Cyber stalkin’ my roommate is a bit too far, innit?” Isaac sounds exasperated enough that Stiles is pretty damn sure this conversation must’ve happened at least five times already. Which means they are pretty serious about the whole thing. Sighing, he returns his attention to Stiles. “You don’t have to marry him. I was just thinkin’ that you might be good for each other even if you’ll only hook up.” They weren’t this insistent about the girl who ended up stalking him, so maybe giving this guy a shot is worth it — even if there won’t be any sparks, they could end up becoming friends. 
Something he desperately needs more of since the ones he currently has constantly get him into trouble. 
Stiles massages his eyebrows then he sighs. “Fine.” He sure as hell hopes he won’t regret this. “But if he ends up being a creep, I will turn you into a fur coat.” 
“You’re recyclin’ jokes,” Isaac informs him dryly. “I think you should take a nap.” 
— — — 
Stiles chews on his hoodie string as he walks toward the lacrosse pitch. It's the first game of the season, and he has no idea who is part of the new team. After his high school lacrosse experience, Stiles decided that it's better to stay far away from this sport. 
It's unlucky that all of his friends are into lacrosse. As is the dude Isaac is trying to set him up with. The only good thing about this is that Stiles can see him before he's going on a date with him. If he figures out his name, he'll be also able to do some research on the guy. 
Isaac's head pops up, and he waves him over. Perks of being friends with the captain and co-captain. That means he usually gets the best places to sit. 
"So?" Stiles pushes his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
Isaac tugs the string from Stiles' mouth. "Number 21," he says, nodding in the direction of the pitch."He's about to snatch the captain title, so, Jackson's mood is accordingly." 
"And you want me to date him?"
"He's a great guy." Isaac shrugs, nudging him with his elbow. "Seriously. This will not be a Malia disaster." 
Stiles squints at Number 21. He's tall, which is very nice, and by the looks of it, he easily runs circles around Jackson. Of course, his mood is terrible. If this works out, Jackson will be a pain in his ass about dating his direct competition. But that’s just Jackson. He’d never make Stiles stop dating anybody unless they’re a truly terrible person. 
Stiles pulls his shoulders up. “I can’t imagine Coach would replace Jackson as a captain.” 
Number 21 misses his shot completely. 
Isaac huffs and tugs on the net of his lacrosse stick. “Is this dude trying to make an ass out of himself?” 
“You sure this is the same guy you wanna set me up with?” Stiles quirks a brow, smirking a little. “You made him sound very different just yesterday.” Because apparently Number 21 is super hot and extremely talented in lacrosse. Sure, everyone’s got a bad day, but that shot is one even Stiles would have made — and that’s saying something. 
Jackson yells something across the pitch, but Number 21 pulls his helmet off and turns around. 
Stiles takes a step back. “I— I gotta go.” He takes another step back, forgetting the bags on the ground, and in his haste to get away, he almost falls onto his ass. Wouldn’t that have been wonderful? Exactly what he would need right now. 
“Wait— what?” Isaac stares at him in confusion. “Why?” 
“I just…” Stiles gestures vaguely in the direction of Brett fucking Talbot crossing the pitch in long strides. “Listen, I’m sorry. I just gotta go.” Without another word, he spins around and all but runs past the bleachers. He can’t do this. Nope. Nope. This is the worst fucking thing that could have happened to him. 
“Stiles, hold on!” That’s Isaac calling out for him, probably confused at the spike of panic piercing his scent. 
He shouldn’t run. It’s so stupid that he cannot face Brett after almost two years of being apart. He should be over it. They weren’t even dating. But Stiles still has Brett’s hoodie, and he never said goodbye — neither did Brett. When Stiles returned from rehab, his father had told him they were moving. So, they did. He had bought a house in the middle of nowhere Minnesota. Stiles finished his senior year in a small town with a population of a thousand if he counted the animals. It had been three months of fucking torture, but he’d finished school at the top of his class, got his scholarship for Yale, and ran into Isaac, Jackson, and Danny. 
Meeting those three again has already been so much of a coincidence, how is there anything left for Brett Talbot? He never mentioned Yale. He considered community college. Looks like Satomi finally got through to him. 
But couldn’t it have been another fucking university? 
Nope. Nope. Absolutely not. 
Stiles slips through the doors. If he’s quick enough he can cross through the lobby and get to his car before Brett manages to sniff him out again. The stench of the locker rooms should cover him long enough — and once he’s home he’ll look into other universities. There is absolutely no way he is going to face Brett and get his heart broken again. Zero. Zilch. Nada. That’s going to throw him back way too far. 
He has to burn the hoodie. 
Or mail it back. 
Oh god. Fuck. Brett probably knows Stiles kept the hoodie. He most likely wants it back. 
“Stiles!” Brett grabs him by the back of his sweater and yanks him back. 
Before Stiles knows what happens, he finds himself shoved into the locker room. A lock clicks. “This is— I totally can explain this,” Stiles says, his voice a bit higher than he would have preferred. Whenever he dreams about meeting Brett again, everything is a lot happier, he doesn’t run away like a deer catching the scent of a hunter, and Brett is not almost strangling him with his sweater. He’d very much prefer the imaginary scenario right now. 
Brett adjusts his grip and slams Stiles against the door. “I fucking knew it.”
“Okay, listen… I—”
But Brett cuts him off. By kissing him. On the mouth. Hard.
What the fuck?
Brett pulls away again, grip loosening on Stiles’ sweater. “Sorry,” he whispers, pressing his hands next to Stiles’ head. “I’m sorry. It’s just… Isaac had your scent all over him. It was driving me insane.” 
Stiles curls and uncurls his fingers, unsure what to do with his hands, and laughs nervously. “Well,” he mutters, and he’s not even fucking sure what the hell he wants to say. 
Brett lets out a long breath. “I fucking missed you,” his voice is quiet, hardly a whisper, and he leans their foreheads together. It’s quite a shock. The last time they’d seen each other, Brett could hardly look at him. Now, it’s almost like he cannot possibly bring himself to create any sort of distance. “I thought I was over you, but then I caught your scent on him.” There’s a laugh cutting through the silence of the locker room. “God, I hated him. So much.” 
Stiles hears people yelling in the distance over the blood rushing in his ears. “Isaac didn’t mention that.” And he doubts the locker rooms right before the first lacrosse game of the season isn’t the best time or place to talk about this and the past and them. 
Brett laughs softly. “I was a piece of shit.” 
“Pretty sure Isaac doesn’t hold a grudge.” Stiles raises a hand and cups Brett’s cheek. “I’ve missed you.” And it only now hits him how much he really missed the other boy. There’s been something between them. Undeniably. Brett would have never let him keep his hoodie if there have not been feelings involved. Stiles wouldn’t have kept it for almost two years. 
“I thought I’d never see you again,” Brett says, wrapping his arms around Stiles’ waist to pull him closer. “When I heard you moved away…” he trails off and shakes his head. “The moment I caught your scent on Isaac, I looked everywhere for you, and then he told me he had a friend, and he’d like to set me up with them.” He presses closer and crowds him against the door. “I hope it’s you. I knew it was you.” And he kisses him again. Almost desperately. 
Stiles kisses him back with all he has, curling his fingers into Brett’s brown strands. There’s no way he’s letting him go again. No way in fucking hell. Stiles parts his lips to meet Brett’s tongue. 
Brett grabs his ass, grinding against him. 
“Wait.” Stiles breaks the kiss, pulling away, and clearly inviting Brett to kiss his neck instead, “wait, wait. The lacrosse game—”
“Starts in thirty minutes.” Brett sucks the skin between his teeth and then kisses the spot. “We have time.” 
Brett kisses his way back to Stiles’ mouth, playfully biting his bottom lip. “I’ll make it worth your time.” He wiggles his brows and kneads his ass with a fucking smirk — knowing there is no way in hell Stiles can or will say no. How could he when he’s wanted this for years? When he dreamed about this? When he couldn’t get over that one time they fucked? He never stopped wanting Brett. 
He grabs Stiles by his thighs and hoists him up in a very rude display of strength, pressing his back against the door.
Stiles crashes their mouths together and parts his legs for the werewolf’s knee. A moan catches in the back of his throat as he grinds against Brett’s thigh. Someone is going to come to look for Brett if he isn’t going to be back on the field anytime soon. As much as Stiles would like to, they really do not have the chance to drag this out. “Please,” Stiles moans into the kiss, “please, tell me you have lube in your gym bag.” 
Chuckling, Brett pulls away. “Who do you think I am?” 
“You don’t want me to answer that question.” 
Brett squeezes his ass. “I see the bleach blonde hair and tattoos don’t mean you're a whole new person.” 
Rolling his eyes, Stiles pokes the werewolf in the side — very delighted about the fact that Brett twists away from him. Looks like someone’s ticklish. “Get the lube, Talbot.” Stiles will file that information away for later. 
After one more kiss, Brett pulls away and hurries across the room to ruffle through his bag. Stiles watches him briefly, biting his lip, trying to work through his relief of seeing Brett wanting him still, of having Brett back, of getting the chance to start over new after ruining everything the first time. Then he fumbles with his belt and jeans and grins when Brett is pulling him away from the door, muttering “doorknob” before slamming him against the cool wall right next to it. His mouth is on Stiles’ neck, sucking skin between his lips and teeth, working a mark into Stiles’ skin that has Stiles moaning, has his fingers stumbling over opening his pants. 
But he manages and pushes his pants and boxer briefs down. 
Brett kisses the abused skin and looks down. There’s a grin on his lips, but his hand brushes past his dick, focusing on the edge of a tattoo and dragging his index finger over the tail of a black phoenix inked into his skin. He traced the dark lines up and up, over his hip where he grabs him and spins him around.
Stiles laughs. 
Brett swallows the sound with a kiss. One hand curls around his throat, two fingers pressing against his cheekbone. Two different fingers covered in lube massage Stiles’ hole. They don’t have time. Not enough to drag this out. Both fingers slip inside up until the first knuckle. 
Stiles moans into the kiss, pleasure zips up his spine despite the uncomfortable feeling of the stretch. It doesn’t hurt, it’s just a bit much at once. But they don’t have time, and Stiles doesn't mind it if it stings or hurts. He doesn’t mind it rough. He doesn’t mind pain. It’s something he learned during rehab. So, when he got the urge to hurt himself, Stiles made an appointment with a tattoo artist. He doesn’t crave it, doesn’t always gain pleasure from it — but right here, right now, things are different. 
They don’t have time, and Stiles wants to feel everything Brett does so he knows this isn’t a dream. Whining softly, Stiles presses against the finger. “Please,” he breathes into the kiss. 
Brett doesn’t need to be asked twice. He moves his fingers, scissoring them, searching for that bundle of nerves that’s promised to turn Stiles’ brain into mush — and he finds it, quickly. Stiles moans, holding onto Brett’s arm with his left hand, fumbling for purchase against the wall with the other. 
They don’t have time, but Brett massages his prostate until Stiles begs him to stop because he’s way too close to coming already, until he doesn’t trust his legs to hold him any longer, until breathing  
Chuckling, Brett presses his lips to Stiles’ ear. “You’re so fucking hot,” he whispers, and he pulls his fingers out, kissing Stiles again to distract him from how empty he feels. Brett nudges Stiles’ foot, a silent command to spread his legs further. 
And he does, breaking the kiss to catch his breath, shifting around until his shoulder is pressed against the wall and he could look over his other. It’s a bit awkward. It’s also uncomfortable. This doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needs to happen. They need to get it out of their systems. They need to know they’re here, they’re them. A promise of a future. A promise of together, of you and me, of us. 
Brett rips a condom wrapper with his teeth and rolls it over his dick. It’s less messy, Stiles knows, but he doesn’t like it. The bottle of lube is opened again. Stiles cranes his neck further, watching Brett’s hand add more lube to the condom as quickly as possible. When he’s satisfied, Brett drops the bottle of lube and the wrapper then presses the head of his dick against Stiles’ ass. 
Stiles takes a deep breath and closes his eyes as Brett grabs his hips again; one hand’s wet, the other is not. It’s an odd sensation that is quickly replaced by Brett pushing into him. Stiles groans, crossing both arms over the wall to lean his forehead against it. He breathes through the pressure, pushing against Brett. It’s perfect, and it’s too much, and there is a zap of sharp pain that makes him curse.
Then Brett is inside of him, pressing his closed mouth against the nape of Stiles’ neck. It’s a gesture he would appreciate on any other day, but they don’t have time, and Stiles doesn’t want to have Jackson complaining for the next two weeks that he stole one of the team’s best players. He also doesn’t want to be the reason Brett might miss out on becoming team captain. 
He raises his head and reaches back, curling his fingers around Brett’s wrist. “Fuck me.” 
Brett doesn’t need to be asked twice. He pulls back and snaps his hips forward again. It rocks Stiles’ whole body. He moans, scrambling for support with both of his hands. Brett wraps one arm around Stiles’ waist, slipping his hand under his shirt. His fingers press against his abs, thumb finding the rest of the phoenix tattoo, tracing it absentmindedly. Brett wraps his other hand around Stiles’ dick, just tight enough that Stiles fucks into it with every of Brett’s hard thrusts. 
Stiles isn’t going to last long. Not like this. Not with the brutal pace Brett fucks him with. He promised himself never to get addicted to anything else ever again, but this? Fuck. Stiles has been addicted to Brett, and it’s never going to stop. Especially not now. There’s no way. Stiles moans, and he couldn’t care less if anyone hears him. Them. Because Brett is moaning too, and sometimes, Stiles catches his name rolling off his tongue.
“Brett,” Stiles breathes, grabbing the other boy’s forearm because he doesn’t trust the wall, or maybe, he doesn’t trust himself enough to hold on, “Brett.” He can’t catch his breath for long enough to say it. 
But Brett understands him anyway. He tightens his fingers on Stiles’ cock, jerking him off in tune with his thrusts. 
Stiles presses his cheek against the cool wall. His body tightens. Brett drags a nail over the lines of ink near his hips. He fucks him, cock hitting that bundle of nerves inside of Stiles. There’s no doubt he tapped into his werewolf strength, just a little, just enough to shock Stiles to his core with every thrust.
And then his orgasm hits him. Despite having built for a bit, Stiles is overwhelmed by the explosion of pleasure. His thighs tremble, and he’s not sure if he could stand without the wall and Brett’s arms around him right now. 
Brett comes not long after him, dick twitching deep inside of him, and weight pressing Stiles further against the wall. They’re holding each other up for as long as it takes to catch their breaths and regain control over their bodies. 
It doesn’t take too long.
Because they don’t have a lot of time. 
Brett pulls out, and Stiles whimpers at the feeling then swats at the other boy when he presses a kiss to the top of his head. His steps are soft. Groaning quietly, Stiles leans his head against the wall and looks down at himself. His hands are clean so he grabs his sweater. Clean as well. 
A shower turns on in the other room. 
Stiles pushes himself away from the wall and pulls his pants up. He can’t wait to sit for the next 90 minutes. He’s working on his belt when Brett walks back, drying his wet hand on his pants. He grins, and Stiles is a little jealous of all that werewolf stamina. “Asshole,” Stiles mutters, for no reason at all. 
Snorting out a laugh, Brett kisses him again. It’s a bit softer now and Stiles can’t help but close his eyes. He curls his fingers into the jersey, pulling Brett closer. He’s not going to fuck it up this time. He’s not. Smiling, he pulls away. “I still have your hoodie.” 
Brett kisses the corner of his mouth. “Good,” he whispers, leaning their foreheads together, “because it’s still not a present.” But they both know Brett is not going to ask for it back.
Stiles runs his fingers through Brett's hair. Some habits are impossible to quit, but Stiles doesn't mind. Not this time.
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quotablefanfiction · 9 months
“Derek didn’t even tell us things when we were actually working with him,” Scott scoffs. “Why should we?” “Because every time we try to keep secrets from each other we all wind up caught in a shitstorm of hell fire,” Stiles says patiently, far more patiently than he actually feels. The entire afternoon has been an exercise in patience, to be completely honest. “Also, people tend to die.”
Scott and Stiles about keeping Derek up-to-date (chp. 1)
will to follow through by owlpostagain (AO3) Teen Wolf – Teen/Mature – Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore #Slow Build #Stiles & Lydia Bromance #Pack Dynamics #Underage Drinking #Friendship #Romance #Humor #Light Angst
“It depends entirely on how you look at it, I guess,” Stiles shrugs. “On the one hand, instant healing and the apparently inherited ability to pull off leather at all times. On the other, serious attitude problems and a suspicious disappearance of eyebrows.”
“Even Derek’s?” Danny snorts, “that’s a lot of eyebrow to lose.”
“I know,” Stiles agrees. “You should see, it’s so weird. Every time I want to ask him where they go, except he’d totally eat my face off.”
“There are worse ways to die.”
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