#dating journal entry
propertyofushiwaka · 10 months
nanami is for the oldest daughters who want someone home by 6 and splits chores 50/50
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candijunelee · 1 month
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Found this little guy lying around on the asphalt this morning. Pretty cute and just need a picture.
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frenchfries02 · 8 months
" We are writers, my love ; we don't cry, we bleed on paper. "
- Jay Vespertine ( A.Y. )
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fawnheartgirl · 1 month
A man who can garden… you have my heart. That’s all I’m gonna say.
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dragonfoe · 1 year
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Happy belated birthday foxy grandpa!! 💜💛
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unknown-internet · 2 months
july 17
I wish I cared more about reading books and other hobbies like learning how to sew my own clothes or learn how to swim. I hate that I care about mindless scrolling, simple 9-5 work, and my imagination.
Do you think if I focused more on my ambition towards my goal will make the feeling of being liked and loved go away? Or is that a saying I tell myself?
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snailvibes · 3 months
Thinking about. Warren’s role in Max’s Nightmare Sequence.
#it’s just so interesting to me#rambly tags time!#cus like out of everyone to show up in the maze section Warren interests me the most#he’s the only character who Max doesn’t have direct trauma from or who hasn’t been like out to get her#heck in the previous scene before the nightmare starts#Max has that really sweet moment with him in the diner#Max’s journal entries whether you romance him or not always have her still thinking of him as a friend#like she never dislikes Warren and the closest thing is choosing options that make her express her dislike of his advances on her#when he shows up in the nightmare it’s specifically about him and the movie date he wanted to take Max on#and yknow his section is directly after Jefferson’s segment in the maze#what im trying to get with this is I think unlike most of the characters in the nightmare sequence#Warren isn’t supposed to represent himself more of Max’s general trauma with men and their feelings towards her she has now#hate to quote Jefferson’s whole innoncence into corruption bullshit#but it’s fitting because what before could just be taken by Max as Warren having an innocent yet slightly annoying crush#is now overwhelming enough for her after everything she’s been through to have it be physically hunting her down in her nightmare#it’s so interesting to me idk I love thinking about the nightmare sequence in general#I’m probably not the first to think of all this but I don’t interact with the general fandom as much as I like so I wouldn’t know lmao#snails ramblings
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kevin-sedai · 10 months
The vibe really deteriorated as the day went on, and now I'm sitting in bed, awake, feeling like garbage
#it was an okay weekend but i was jittery and numb for most of it#tried to write christmas cards for the first time in 2 years. cried while doing so and then had to lie down after i did 5#i got frustrated with the story i'm writing and considered dropping it or deleting the whole thing#spent friday alone pretty much all day which normally i'm fine with but for whatever reason made the loneliness really hit hard this time#spent all thanksgiving day waiting for a familial confrontation#got asked by my 6 year old nephew how old i was and then he followed up with 'well why arent you married what are you doing'#which i'm pretty sure is something he heard in a conversation someone else was having and he repeated it bc he's 6 fucking years old#which btw i don't hold against him or am mad at him about bc he's an innocent kid#but that made me feel really shitty#spent an hour today panicking about this dog virus#and in between all of that i was self diagnosing myself with mental illnesses#which made me feel awful bc it made gaslight myself in thinking maybe i wanted one?#which is so fucked up to the max and i'm so sorry for even putting that here#but i put this all here bc i could never have this conversation with people irl#they'd get too worried or they'd think i'm overreacting or i need to date or need to do something with myself besides read#i'm so sorry everyone#i'll try to be better#i just had to put this out somewhere#and i didn't put this in a journal bc my last entry sounds so teenagerish out of context i don't even want to look at it#anyway i have to try to sleep i have to go into the office early tomorrow#i'm sorry guys#i really am😔
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pine-dexter · 1 month
Would you rather date Fiddleford or a Mothman?
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"I don't really know either of their interest in dating me, but I'd much rather date ah, Fiddleford than a Mothman. Though I'm no stranger to interspecies relations, that one seems...less ideal. And besides, I don't even know Mothman's preferences. Perhaps it would be rude to assume."
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So, it seems that cup of coffee is actually going to happen. He asked again yesterday, so he must really he really it. He even wrote, that he misses spending time with me; apparently not just in the intimate sense either. That's good to know, I guess. Not that he would have any choice but to keep it platonic. It felt a little weird, and I barely knew what to reply. Because, yeah, it has been strange not spending any time at all with each other the past few weeks, but I have been doing fine. I was not expecting him to ask to see me so soon. I know, it's not the case, but for just a sec I thought to myself, that maybe he missed me in the same way, he did in the beginning. It's my ego talking for sure. I don't think any of us feel that way. I know, I don't. I do not mind spending time with him, but I cannot imagine myself changing my mind and wanting more. Neither physically or romantically. What I do miss is the way is the feeling of excitement both thinking about him and seeing him. I was nothing like with J, and it was amazing feeling that way after years of feeling numb. I was pretty sure, I would never fall in love. I wanted to, but I was sure, I never would. But this had potential to become so much more than just physical attraction, and I think, we both felt that way for some time. But something changed, and that is how it goes sometimes. It was hard to accept though, because I had hoped for more. Heartbreak comes in many forms, and sometimes this is what it looks like.
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angryborzois · 7 months
Thinking about the notebook my friend and I found yesterday while hanging out
I wonder who wrote it and what happened to them
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candijunelee · 16 days
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CLouds building in the sky.
NIkon D750 50MM Watching the clouds I think of some kind of freedom that I long for.
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frenchfries02 · 8 months
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fawnheartgirl · 19 days
I’m gonna see a man Thursday. I use to work with him back in 2020. We matched on tinder twice the first time I eventually asked to just be friends bc I felt like it wasn’t going anywhere and it wasn’t like I didn’t like him but hadn’t spoke since then. Saw him on there again recently and now I’m reconsidering. When we matched the second time He told me he had liked me and I honestly had no idea. I wish guys would say how they feel. I guess we will see where this goes. This is my last and final attempt and then I’m for real off the dating apps lol I swear!!
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Timeline: 4.2-4.3, Stormblood MSQ spoilers
A few journal entries from one Maxima quo Priscus, illuminating the course of an ill-fated diplomatic mission.
Journal of Maxima quo Priscus, 18 medihiems, 57 IE
I can scarcely believe how swiftly our fortunes have shifted. The uprisings in the provinces have set the Optimates back immensely, all their rhetoric now ringing hollow in the face of our recent losses. As we have long warned, the policies of brutal repression have inspired backlash, not dutiful submission to their so-called betters. Though the majority opinion is still in favor of expansion and subjugation, reports from the soldiers who have returned from the field are vividly illustrating the need for a more nuanced and considerate approach to treating with other lands and nations.
The Crown Prince himself, Zenos yae Galvus, reached out to us a week or so past, still in recuperation from the injuries he took in Ala Mhigo, and to all accounts the near-death experience has seen his attitude quite altered. The rumors of his actions in the field carry a tone of shocking brutality, but when he met with us he seemed calm and erudite, if notably distant and calculating. After hearing out our priorities and planned initiatives, he agreed to offer his support, and told us he would speak with his father about making overtures of peace to the provinces which have so emphatically declined to remain under direct rule.
Today, the official word arrived that Emperor Varis himself has approved, tentatively, a mission to go to Doma. We will attempt to secure a treaty of mutual non-aggression, under the condition that they forswear the summoning of Eikons and do as much as they can to keep the local beastmen in line, to be sealed with an exchange of prisoners-of-war. Of course, the prince insisted on appointing an ambassador of his own choosing; Asahi sas Brutus, a young man of much ambition and wealth and little actual accomplishment, will be leading the negotiations.
I can’t say I’m deeply impressed with his character, but he seems competent enough to present our case, and we would be fools to reject such immense progress on a technicality of leadership. The young lord will be allowed to advance his career on the coattails of our cause; we have put in too many years of work not to seize this opportunity for everything it’s worth.
12 finis-hiems, 57 IE
By any standard, our mission is going well; and yet I cannot help but find myself ill at ease with our ambassador.
We approached Doma from the air, offering a signal of peace that Asahi assured us the locals would understand, and indeed after some delay they reciprocated our overture and allowed us to land. Lord Hien met us personally, and while he treated us with an entirely justifiable suspicion, he was cordial enough and open to negotiation. We remain his guests while the official treaty’s language is drafted and agreed upon.
Asahi sas Brutus… I knew, of course, that he was the brother of the former viceroy of Doma when we took up this mission. He speaks often of his sister; our spies in Kugane spotted her in the company of one of Lord Hien’s retainers months ago, and it’s understandable that he should be eager to have her returned. …But I can sense no true care or sentiment behind his words, about her or about our mission. I did not survive the long hard years of political repression and upheaval by being unable to interpret the intentions that underly a person’s speech. Asahi speaks well and offers all of the Populares’ arguments smoothly, without fault, and he believes not a word of what he’s saying. Why join us, then? He is not undermining us, save perhaps that our counterparts may espy his insincerity; but even so, there is nothing in his demeanor that they could seize upon to offer a concrete objection to.
It may well be that he witnessed Prince Zenos’ change of heart and decided to tie his political ambitions to whatever the Empire’s heir is currently supporting. That’s probably the most sensible explanation, as he certainly doesn’t lack for ambition generally, and this is a venue that offers one of his ilk little enough competition. And the way he speaks of the Crown Prince generally…well. If he were more pleasant personally, I might offer when we return home to show him the venues where a man of his proclivities can find like-minded company. So it’s unsurprising, on the whole, that he would simply chase at Prince Zenos’ heel without a care for what he needs to say in order to remain there.
Still, I can’t help but feel uneasily as if there’s something more at work. Something I’ve missed seeing. All I can do for now is stay on my guard, to intervene if the negotiations begin to turn.
23 finis-ver, 57 IE
Months, years of postulating and theorizing could not have allowed me to predict this end. This mission was a sham from the beginning, and I’m ashamed to have been so taken in. The Populares have been used, and it is only by the grace and prowess of those we have looked down on that the situation is remotely salvageable.
I should explain, if I can calm myself enough to find the words. Lay out what happened, what must have transpired outside of my view. Crown Prince Zenos devised this plan to undermine our faction, or…perhaps the being possessing him? I’m still not sure I believe it’s possible, but the Eorzeans are quite confident that Zenos yae Galvus died in Ala Mhigo and was buried there. The plan was devised, nonetheless, and brought to the Emperor for approval, which was then duly given. It was always the collapse of the Populares that they sought to support; they had not “seen reason” as I had dared to hope. They selected Asahi and gave him his orders, sent us with a plausible excuse of an overture, and set it all up to fail.
Asahi’s true mission was to trigger a summoning from the Domans or their allies, fueled by boxes of crystals he claimed were brought as trade goods. Such a summoning would of course cause the negotiations to collapse, and we who chose to sue for peace would be shown up as fools for attempting to treat with “savages” who could never give up their gods.
In hindsight, the manipulation is plain as day. I was a fool to think that our views would ever be taken up in good faith; but even saying so, I cannot bring myself to condemn the path that brought me here. It cannot be a crime to have hope, to believe that one’s own countrymen can act like the reasonable and upstanding citizens they claim to be. If only they would stop proving me wrong.
For what it may be worth, though, thanks to the Eorzeans and particularly their champion who was in attendance at the negotiations, we have gained something from this mission after all. Up to this point, they were largely unaware that any faction within the Empire would be willing to negotiate with them at all; even by setting us up to fall so dramatically, our enemies have given us the opportunity to be seen.
And it would seem that they are as interested in peaceful negotiation as we are. One of their own, a young Elezen named Alphinaud, has volunteered to return to Garlemald with us, to bear personal witness and offer an outsider’s perspective. He seems quite politically insightful for a boy so young; I can hardly wait to introduce him to the core membership of the Populares and see what an actual Eorzean’s views can do to shape and reinforce our ideals. Despite the disaster that spurred it, this thin line of contact with the world outside the Empire’s borders may yet be of great benefit to our cause.
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luvcraze · 6 months
Love Journal
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Creating a "Love Journal" can be a wonderful way to explore and deepen your understanding of love, gratitude, and appreciation in your life.
1. Choose Your Journal:
Select a journal or notebook that inspires you and feels special. It could be a beautiful leather-bound journal, a colorful notebook, or even a digital journaling app if you prefer.
2. Set Your Intentions:
Take a moment to reflect on why you want to start a Love Journal. Is it to cultivate self-love, express gratitude for your relationships, or explore the concept of love in general? Clarifying your intentions will guide your journaling practice.
3. Create Prompts or Themes:
Decide on the topics or themes you want to explore in your Love Journal. These could include prompts such as "What does love mean to me?", "Five things I love about myself," "Gratitude for my partner," or "Memorable moments of love and connection." Having prompts can help spark ideas and guide your journaling sessions.
4. Set Aside Time for Journaling:
Schedule regular time for journaling in your daily or weekly routine. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus and reflect without distractions. Whether it's in the morning, before bed, or during a lunch break, consistency is key.
5. Write Freely and Authentically:
When journaling, allow yourself to write freely and without judgment. Let your thoughts and feelings flow onto the page, expressing yourself honestly and authentically. Don't worry about grammar or structure—this is a space for self-expression and exploration.
6. Include Reflections and Gratitude:
Incorporate reflections on moments of love, connection, and gratitude into your journal entries. Write about experiences that have touched your heart, relationships that have enriched your life, and qualities you admire in yourself and others. Expressing gratitude can deepen your appreciation for the love in your life.
7. Use Creative Expression:
Get creative with your journaling by incorporating art, poetry, quotes, or collages. Add colorful illustrations, doodles, or photographs that resonate with your feelings about love. Creative expression can add depth and richness to your journaling practice.
8. Review and Reflect:
Periodically review your Love Journal to reflect on your journey and growth. Notice patterns, insights, and shifts in your perception of love over time. Celebrate your progress and acknowledge the beauty of your experiences and connections.
9. Share if Desired:
While your Love Journal is a personal space for reflection, you may choose to share excerpts or insights with trusted friends, family members, or partners if you feel comfortable. Sharing your thoughts and experiences can deepen connections and foster meaningful conversations about love.
10. Enjoy the Process:
Above all, enjoy the process of journaling and allow it to be a nourishing and enriching experience. Let your Love Journal serve as a sanctuary for exploration, reflection, and celebration of love in all its forms.
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