database-transfer · 4 years
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Aaaaaaaaa idk how to use this apPPPP im a instAgram userrrrr I’m just goona post some of my fanart to be relevantttt
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souadmani · 5 years
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Impressions embarquées. Impression III. Livret. Edition I. Mai 2019. Ce document est une impression sur papier offset de 5544 trames de données issues de la base de données Impressions Embarquées, capturée entre Redeyef et Tunis le 29 Septembre 2017 en temps réel pendant l’exposition Metaxu à B’chira art center. Sous forme d’un livret Format A5 et de 96 pages, cette première édition de ce document s’inscrit dans une démarche/expérience de recherches-créactions autour d’une réflexion sur la multiplicité de la figure du temps, de la trace et du « même ». S.M #impressionsembarquées #time #datastory #documentartists #artdatabase #documentartists #databaseart #datascience #visuelpoetry #underthesandgafsa #trace #archive #souadmani #bookart #artbook #flux #lacune #artnow #projetellemaime #artconceptuel #artlanguage https://www.instagram.com/p/ByP1e6phEf2/?igshid=15dc5cf051jks
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haikosleumer · 4 years
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Foundland Collective (Lauren Alexander & Ghalia Elsrakbi), Real-time History, 2018-2019. Paper of Haiko Sleumer on time based media art, database art and the Syrian diaspora and refugee crisis (chapter 2, masterthesis, 2019) -> database as symbolic form. #hybridmovingimages #databaseart #foundlandcollective #realtimehistory
Chrstiane Paul, The Database as System and Cultural Form (2007): 'Indeed, if, after the death of God (Friedrich Nietzsche), the end of grand Narratives of Enlightenment (Lyotard), and the arrival of the World Wide Web (Tim Berners-Lee), the world appears to us as an endless and unstructured collection of images, texts, and other data records, it is only appropriate that we will be moved to model it as a database – but it is also appropriate that we would want to develop the poetics, aesthetics, and ethics of this database.'
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