database-transfer · 4 years
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HEYYYYYOOOO its been like a month, so here’s some art bc why nottt
(Oh yeah this is my first time doing a nice bit of shading as well as a new marker brush which makes shit SO MUCH FASTER)
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database-transfer · 4 years
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Hi hi! Here’s a piece I made a longggg while ago which I forgot to post! It’s one of my little boyos named tails, hope you like him!
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database-transfer · 4 years
Spicy!~ (she’s really cute!!)
Good thing I write my dreams down! Well, there’s this item called turtle cotton, it’s a rare material which sells at a HUGE price! For the creation of these cottons, they need huge facilities, and these facilities are these sky kingdoms (called Companies) as for the main character, it’s this trader guy, he just trades different items and the such, pretty good at his job, the clothing consists of very scrubish items of clothing, brown boots, greenish red jacket, etc.
So in the dream there’s this girl and her father who work on of these companies, while the girl is only a part time worker, her father is actually very well known for his works, furthering the creation of the cotton! Skipping some parts, his company is shut down and reluctantly the trader, his daughter, and himself need to figure out who shut it down and why before the cottons rot and they lose that years worth of work. After that I woke up! Gl everyone!
Yeah, this is finally happening: I’m doing a shipp child raffle! Or more than one. 
The kids I’ll going to draw first are: 
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To participate you’ll need: 
Reblog this post;
Write the name of the kid you want;
Resume the weirdest dream you had;
The raffle will end in october 23!
Good luck you all!!
EDIT: I forgot to tell that you must reblog this post!
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database-transfer · 4 years
:D THANK YOUU!! SHES ADORABLE, I’ll message you right away!
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Raffle Time! Ive been putting this off for too long so i guess ill just do it now  :’) Vulcan belongs to @.fluffartist Lust belongs to @.Nsfwshamecave To enter just say “Nekomata” and a random fact Reblogs would be appreciated
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database-transfer · 4 years
Oh god I hope I’m doing this right-
firstly nekomataaaaaa secondly raccoons dont have salivatary glands and thats why they have to dip their food in liquids!
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Raffle Time! Ive been putting this off for too long so i guess ill just do it now  :’) Vulcan belongs to @.fluffartist Lust belongs to @.Nsfwshamecave To enter just say “Nekomata” and a random fact Reblogs would be appreciated
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database-transfer · 4 years
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Aaaaaaaaa idk how to use this apPPPP im a instAgram userrrrr I’m just goona post some of my fanart to be relevantttt
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