overseerdefenseknox ยท 1 month
OOC Info: Zun | PST/PDT | they/them
Muses: Aren Knox {Overseers}
Thread Organization: each thread will be tagged as contract:(name)### with the name being the other muse(s) involved and the number being the chronological instance of the interaction
Look who just landed! AREN KNOX, I sure hope you packed all you need. Youโ€™ll be known in the city soon enough as THE GUARDIAN, both LOYAL and CYNICAL.
Full Name: Aren Pyrce Knox
Nickname: None by choice, but they're occasionally called "sunglasses" or "gearhead" by colleagues and the ruder clientele.
Date of Birth: May 12, 2373
Gender: agender
Pronouns: they/them
Sexual Orientation: pansexual
Romantic Orientation: panromantic
Current Age: 32
Modification: cyborg
Affiliation: overseers
Birthplace: Oakland, CA, United States, Earth
Current Neighbourhood: Mawar District (their employer provides a residence stipend in addition to salary due to the planetary transfer)
Occupation: private security - sometimes of a place, sometimes of a person. they prefer the latter, bodyguarding is much more interesting.
Known Languages: english, french, conversational Jawa
Quote: Those who abjure violence can do so only because others are committing violence on their behalf. - George Orwell
Label or Archetype: Private Military Contractor (the modern sellsword)
Tropes : What Measure is a Mook?, Big Brother is Employing You, Punch Clock Villain
Media Parallels: Winter Soldier, Helga from Atlantis, and potentially Cad Bane
Theme Song: I'll Be Good - Jaymes Young and Lost in Thought - KOAN Sound (this would be the instrumental motif that plays when they appear in a tv show or movie!)
Str: 13 (+1) Dex: 13 (+1) Con: 14 (+2) Int: 12 (+1) Wis: 11 (0) Cha: 11 (0)
Positive Traits: Loyal (not necessarily to their job), Even-Keeled
Neutral Traits: Pragmatic, subordinate
Negative Traits: Apathetic, cynical
Peeves: Roundabout discussions - just say what you mean!
Fears: Falling, Getting Attached, Failing a Contract
Skills: Aren's had extensive training in both hand-to-hand and ranged combat, but has also honed their spatial awareness and ability to keep track of the people in their vicinity. Less useful is their ability to knit, but you can't be a guard all the time, right?
Goals: In the short term, get settled on Mars and make a few friends. Looking a bit farther forward (in the realm of daydreams), they want to find something they're passionate about to do with their life.
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