wingsoar · 29 days
Send 💕 and my muse will use The Love Calculator to see how compatible they are. | accepting.
@dastodia asked: 💕 innocent whistlin
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Robin and Dan Heng 44%
The chance of a relationship working out between Robin and Dan Heng is not very big, but a relationship is very well possible, if the two of you really want it to, and are prepared to make some sacrifices for it. You'll have to spend a lot of quality time together. You must be aware of the fact that this relationship might not work out at all, no matter how much time you invest in it.
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"Awe,   that's   too   bad.   You're   a   cutie   pie!"
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constellaris · 3 months
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" I have an important announcement to make ! "
A pause, simply to clear her throat before almost shouting.
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dastodia · 4 months
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energy is non-existent so a simple promo post this time around. fresh duel muse blog for dan heng and dan feng of honkai star rail. 10+ years of roleplay experience in total. this blog is mildly to highly selective and will only write with mututals. give a lil follow or ♡ to show interest.
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draconicfool · 2 months
@dastodia replied to your post “"So now we're playing the shapeshifting game,...”:
put that thing back where it came from or so help me
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"Have y'considered I don't wanna? I have pranks t' play, gege."
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trlblzd · 4 months
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@dastodia sent : 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
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' DAN HENG IS RELIABLE BOTH IN AND OUT of combat. battling with him on my side is fun considering that we have a sense of synergy of making things quick. his personality is nice and calming and he soothes me during times where ... it feels like my head is all over the place. he does not need to SAY anything to make me feel better. additionally, i get sleepy around him. he doesn't really mind when i lean on him like a pillow & truth be told, he smells nice. uh, what was that last part about ? '
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iiroiiros · 4 months
📱to boothill? eyeemoji
the unsent and sent
[txt]: huhdsnlfk [txt]: fcewyfvvfd [txt]: imfghk jsurtu [txt]: DFKJ [txt]: FUCIK
[txt]: [Voice message converted to text] Oh fork this I gotta find me a new phone. This one ain't detectin my muddlefudgin fingertaps right. Ya didn't see any of those previous messages, did ya?
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raytm · 3 months
sighs... staring in disbelief and concern caelus,, please tell me you didnt actually try to eat a cactus..
Uh oh, he cannot shake the feeling that he has earnt Dan Heng’s scrutiny, had he lingered too close to the cactus for too long, were those tiny needles sticking out of his intruding fingers. Caelus gives him an apologetic look, raising his hands in atonement revealing irritated fingertips, a worrying shade of red.
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❝...  not yet, ❞  a pause as the realization dawns on him, glancing between him & the offending cactus. ❝  I can eat it ? ❞  he’s looking at it like he’s quite likely considering the best way to wedge it into his mouth. 
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yxkushi · 4 months
dastodia replied to your post “"you get children! and you get children! all of...”
thank you based aeon
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"many gratitudes in return, dear child of lan." He's going to get a headpat from THEM.
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wuhei-archived · 2 months
“ we all have secrets, don’t we? ”
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in  response  to  dan  heng's  statement,  corvus  narrows  his  eyes.  his  heart  rate  speeds  up,  indicating  how  uncomfortable  those  words  made  him  feel.  mòzé's  entire  identity,  from  his  name  to  his  occupation  conceals  a  much  darker  past,  one  that  he  has  tried  his  best  to  bury  over  time.  skilled  at  hiding  the  truth,  spy's  expression  hardly  shifts,  indifference  in  his  tone.  “  want  to  confess  something  ?  ”
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wingsoar · 27 days
Send "I need to rest" for your muse to lay their head down in my muse's lap | Accepting
@dastodia asked: uno reverse card-- you need to rest
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His   lap   was   surprisingly   cozy,   like   a   warm   pillow.   The   songstress   hummed   softly   in   content,   seafoam   gaze   meeting   Dan   Heng's   stare.
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"Has   anyone   ever   told   you   that   you've   got   a   very   nice   scent?   I'm   not   sure   what   I   could   compare   it   to   but   it's   comforting   ...."
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constellaris · 4 months
@dastodia : big hero 6 baymax voice: i have some concerns
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" Just because we've butted heads before doesn't mean you can't get a little praise for all your hard work ~ "
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sncwlight · 4 months
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she senses a disturbance with her boyfriend...
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draconicfool · 3 months
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@dastodia asked:
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brother bingo . png
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❛ I suppose it makes sense that we have similar tastes--- ❜
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"...we're related so- it only makes sense."
boyfriend brother bingo
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trlblzd · 4 months
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@dastodia sent : [ WATCH ] sender sits on the counter while receiver cooks. - (he's curious as to how well she can handle herself in a kitchen)
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THEY DO NOT CONSIDER THEMSELVES TO BE a chef of any sorts. they are not the one who is usually in charge of cooking within the express therefore a bit of their knowledge in the kitchen is LIMITED. but, they are not the one to back down from a challenge. especially when there is an esteemed guest watching their very performance here. they like to believe that despite how strange they can be, they can make something edible that will not cause any stomach to churn. they have seen the conductor around in the kitchen alongside everyone else who frequents the area whenever they are preparing their meals enough to KNOW the basics. but, they're not striving for anything overly ambitious as to not humiliate themselves in front of dan heng.
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" you're open to eating eggs, right ? i'm not too comfortable with meat yet & i don't want you turning green and having march running in here all panicked. " making some good old omelette should be fine since, hey, even if they screw it up --- chances are, they'd just have a scrambled egg which is still edible. there is butter, at least four eggs on the counter, some salt & pepper, as well as their TRUSTY cooking chopsticks. they have other paraphernalias prepared but they do not get TOO CONCERNED about it.
a few minutes pass & they come to wonder why they seem to break LITTLE to no sweat when it comes to this. granted, this is an easy recipe but working around this area feels easier than expected. it is only really when all four are plated do they REALIZE how near-seamless everything appears to be. they even had everything decorated with a bottle of ketchup and plated just right. it nothing like the work of a five star michelin chef but IT IS rather impressive for someone who rarely cooks and mostly relies on pom-pom and the omni-synthesizer. is there something that they cannot do ?
" bon appetit, dan heng. tell me if i can serve this or if i should jump off the express now. "
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iiroiiros · 3 months
🐣 ; okay okay but hear me out--- dan feng meeting yer lil dan heng
kiddo time
He was a criminal. He was a criminal, and that was all he knew. From the moment he'd hatched from the pearl-like egg, there had been people waiting for him with such...hateful looks on their faces. So much disdain, when he had no idea who he even was or what his name was. They took him away immediately to a very dark, very cold place that he heard them calling the Shackling Prison. The little Vidyadhara had no idea what kind of place that was, only that he was put into a large room and had chains attached to him.
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He had waited until all the people who brought him there had long since left before he began to weep. Fat tears rolled down his cheeks as he quietly hiccupped in his cell. All the child knew was that there was this person the others mentioned named "Dan Feng" who was a criminal now, but they never said why, and he never asked. He was just hatched, so why? Why would they treat him so awfully? The moment that the child heard approaching footsteps, his long ears twitched and he did his best to wipe away the tears when his hands were restrained behind himself. In came someone that looked...that looked...so much like him, from the few glances he was able to get of himself. But they looked much older, and their face was strangely sad. But also...a little kind. The child looked up at him, his face a mess as he made an attempt to speak. "Who...are you...?"
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miraiq · 3 months
apologies for the extremely low activity lately
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granted ive stated im slow and can randomly vanish in my rules as a forewarning ( and left a "sporadic activity status" on the pinned-- ) , but i still feel bad when it happens
insomnia has been kicking my ass for the last several weeks, depression has been doing a fun little super high - super low rollercoaster; and i have an rp group that is taking priority/most of my time
and what little time i do have is being spent having to manage my health-insurance to keep it active, college fees, general doctor visits, needing to get my cat taken to the vet because she has been puking at least once a week for a month, and stress of family ( as 6 of us still live under one roof [ parents, brother his wife and kid, and myself] )
it's been a lot, and forcing myself to sit down and focus has been rather difficult, and im also not one to push something if im not feeling it because i dont want to give a half-assed reply just for the sake of replying.
though i have been a tad bit more active via dan heng ( @/ dastodia ) but even then it's still not a lot/has mostly been small things like hc posts or small silly crack posting
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anyways... just wanted to just give a small explanation to my disappearance- and i always welcome those who don't want to wait long periods of time for responses that unfollowing me/no longer being mutuals is totally understandable and i will not take it personally
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