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miriammkv · 3 years ago
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Ni kar'tayl gai sa'ad - I know your name as my child 🙏♥️ Would love to see a scene like this and Daddy Mando is speaking this vow to Grogu. ♥️🙏 #ThisIsTheWay #AsiEsLaWea #DasIstDerWeg Finished my next art. #TheMandalorian #Grogu #DinDjarin #DaddyMando #Mando #Mandalorian #PedroPascal #TheChild #starwarsuniverse #starwarsart #WeLovePedroPascal #StarWars #disneyplus @pascalispunk #artwork #artofinstagram #Artist #hobbyartist #pencilartwork #pencildrawing https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ2VWfsKUyn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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whataboutlyn · 4 years ago
Tag 1 : Die Tage ziehen an mir vorbei und ich suche immer noch nach irgendetwas, was mich aus meiner Blase rausholt. Tag ein Tag aus die gleichen Nachrichten, der gleich Feed auf Instagram, die gleichen Fotos, der gleiche Alltag, die gleichen Menschen, die ich um mich habe. Schwierig, in solchen Zeiten die Kreativität und Liebe für die schönen Dinge des Lebens aufrecht zu erhalten.
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vick-shimmer · 4 years ago
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commission for @dasistderweg 🌿
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years ago
Kal Skirata and his IKEA foldable stool Part two
Part one   Part three    Part four  Part five  Part six
Notes: Based off of this post
Warnings: CHAOS, the dads are fffiiiiggghhhttttiiinnngggg, blood 
��I’m going to finally murder you Walon!” Kal shouted, storming to the taller man. Walon looked bemused as he looked down at Kal who was stretching his neck to look at the much taller man. Vau rolled his eyes, “and why is that, Skirata?”
“You know why!” Kal shouted as he walked away, Vau raising his eyebrows. Vau grew more confused as he watched Kal come back with a metal foldable stool. 
“Where did you get that??” Kal ignored his words. He flicked his wrist, the stool popping open in one swift movement. Vau looked even more confused, his eyebrows nearly at his hairline. 
He placed it in front of Walon, stepping up on it so he could make eye contact with the taller man. Skirata used every ounce of his self control to not laugh at Walon’s confused expression. He even looked offended. “........Why?” Walon pursed his lips as he spoke, he had drawn a blank for once and it made Kal feel a large amount of pride. 
“Why?? It’s much easier to transport than a one foot box you old bastard.” Kal shouted quickly in reply, punching Vau in the already crooked nose. Shattering it, again. Walon cursed loudly, stepping back as blood poured down his face. 
Jango watched them fight from a distance, holding a sleeping Boba in one arm and using the other to hold Mird back. A smirk was on his face as he watched the two men fight. 
His helmet sat at his feet, recording the fight. He needed entertainment for when he wasn’t around the two old dramatic men. 
Tags: @anstarwar @thealluringsink @ranovlas @yeetussfetus @dasistderweg @passionofthesith @klay97
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years ago
Kal Skirata and his IKEA foldable stool  Part four
Part one   Part two   Part three  Part five  Part six
Notes: Based off of this post
Warnings: Chaos
“Walon!” Kal shouted, Vau sighing loudly at the sound of Skirta’s voice. The Delta’s, who were teenagers, snickered like idiots. They loved watching the two sergeants fight. Jango Fett was right, it was better than any other kind of entertainment.
 “Ye-” He was cut off quickly, “Where is she?!” Vau looked confused and extremely offended at the accusation. Once he realized what Kal was talking about he snorted in that royal way of his, Kal hated that sound. 
“Margret! My stool!” Vau bit his lip, he knew the stool had a name. He just wasn’t expecting THAT NAME.
Walon Vau busted out laughing, a sound Kal and the Delta’s rarely heard. “Wh-” He wheezed as he tried to speak, “That’s what you named it??” He continued to laugh, the Delta’s using every single ounce of self control they had to not laugh too loudly. 
Kal glared, “I know you took her!!” Walon scoffed loudly, shaking his head. He looked back at the Delta’s, winking. They all snicked more, Kal looking at them now. Skirata knew the clones were horrible liars. 
“Fixer.” The young clone paled a bit when Kal said his name. “Did Walon hide Margret?” Scorch was wheezing, Sev hardly able to hold his brother up. Boss was staring at Fixer, a huge grin on his face. 
“I...Uh……” He swallowed hard, looking at Vau who only sighed and shook his head. “No….No, sir.” Scorch wheezed louder at Fixer’s wimpy reply. Walon merely shook his head. 
Kal went straight for the biggest weakness of the clones. That wasn’t very fair. But then again, what did Vau know about being fair. 
“Ah ha!!” Kal pointed at Walon, the much taller man sighing. He motioned at a closet in the training room that they were in. Mird was guarding the dumb stool, so Kal would have to work for it. 
*An hour or so later*
“I like the name Admiral asskick better.” Jaing spoke, Kal chuckling at his son. The other Null’s nodded in agreement. 
“I don’t think Walon would handle the fact that a stool outranks him very well.” The Null’s laughed at that. It was true! Vau would probably destroy the stool after learning that news. 
“It’s still an admiral though...Right?” Kal nodded at A’den’s question, laughing loudly.
Tags: @anstarwar @thealluringsink @ranovlas @yeetussfetus @dasistderweg @passionofthesith @klay97
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years ago
Kal Skirata and his IKEA foldable stool  Part three
Part one   Part two   Part four  Part five   Part six
Notes: Based off of this post
Warnings: Chaos, Jango being a shit 
The Alpha’s stood beside Jango, watching sergeant Skirata and sergeant Vau argue. The young pre-teens looked at Jango, the same question in all of their eyes. “I know you want to see the stool in action…..give him a moment. He’s dramatic so he has to drag it out.”  Jango whispered, the Alpha’s growing more and more excited. 
Kal’s metal foldable IKEA stool had become quite famous in recent years. It had been seen by many clones, mainly being used against Walon Vau. That’s why sergeant Vau wore his armor even more now. It saved his balls from being bashed, but when he didn’t wear his helmet it was Skirata’s main target. 
The stool had teeth marks from the Strill, but so did Kal. It just added character, as Kal would say. Jango was almost positive Skirata named the stool something, but he wouldn’t tell him even if he asked. 
The two men were nearly face to face, Kal doing all the yelling. Walon hardly shouted, he wasn’t raised like that. Kal, on the other hand, had a hard time keeping quiet. 
Muzzle busted out laughing, Maze having to cover his mouth so he wouldn’t disrupt the sergeants argument. All of the young teens gasped in unison when Kal stepped off of his stool, picking it up like one of those big fighting men from the holovids. 
Walon grabbed the chair in the air before it hit his face, holding it up higher than Kal could reach. The cocky smirk on the man's face nearly drove Jango to tears. 
All of the Alpha’s had to hold back their laughing, as did Jango. What a great self control lesson……
Especially when Kal rammed his armored knee right in between Walon’s legs. Poor Vau was not in his armor.
Tags: @anstarwar @thealluringsink @ranovlas @yeetussfetus @dasistderweg @passionofthesith @klay97
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years ago
Kal Skirata and his IKEA foldable stool  Part five
Part one   Part two   Part three  Part four   Part six
Notes: Based off of this post
Warnings: Chaos
*Operational House, Qibbu’s Hut.*
Walon vau and Kal Skirata were arguing. Again. 
Fi sat in the bar area with Jusik, watching the two veteran sergeants argue. They were face to face, but not because Vau was bent down…. No, he’d never lower himself to Kal’s level. They were face to face because Kal had brought out his foldable stool. 
The stool was metal, so it was obviously a weapon and a stool. A weapon that would only be used against Walon vau. Everyone called the stool by her respectable name, Admiral asskick Margret. Or just Margret. 
“Where’d he get that?” Jusik whispered. He didn’t know the story of the stool yet. Fi chuckled, “He’s had it since Kamino…...Best not to ask just yet…” Jusik nodded. Kal was a ball of rage and emotion in the force, but Walon was the same as always. But he was a little….amused? 
“Don’t make threats that you can’t keep Skirata.” Walon spoke, he wasn’t yelling like Kal was. He rarely yelled when they argued, but his voice did raise and his tone would grow more agitated. 
“Then say goodbye to your kneecaps instead asshole.” Walon took a step back, a hilarious look of offense on his face. Kal had never used that one against him before. 
“Excu-” Before Walon could finish Kal was off the stool and it was folded again. He picked up the stool and slammed it into the much taller man's knees. Walon went down, cursing in a very un-aristocratic way. 
He looked at Kal, fury in his golden eyes. It looked like he was about to finally kill Kal. 
Fi and Jusik stood up quickly, they’d have to pull the two vertan sergeants apart. Again. 
Thankfully Mird was outside. 
Tags: @anstarwar @thealluringsink @ranovlas @yeetussfetus @dasistderweg @passionofthesith @klay97
Credit to @just-some-girl-92 for the name Admiral Asskick 
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