#das fliegende klassenzimmer (2003)
lichtecht · 10 months
For the drawing prompts, teen Johann and Robert at band practice? Sharing a cigarette maybe 🥺👉👈
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rolls in two months later
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chucklepea-hotpot · 8 months
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my favourite letterbox reviews on Das Fliegende Klassenzimmer (2003)
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cnka · 1 year
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sorry i spent the whole afternoon making memes for that one German kids movie do you still think im hot?
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capitaen · 2 years
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wer ist schon gern allein? viel besser ist zusammen sein.
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mondfahrt · 2 years
since i just watched a very beloved movie of mine, that i wish more people knew:
reblog and put in the tags a childhood movie you wish was as popular and influential as all those american/english movies everybody always talks about.
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lalalenii · 1 year
Das fliegende Klassenzimmer 2003 changed my life forever
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Tag 10 People You Want to Know Better
got tagged by @bearfeathers thank you!!
3 ships: back on my Crozier/Fitzjames from The Terror bullshit, always and forever rotating Trent and Ted from Ted Lasso in the little microwave in my brain and currently?? Weirdly enough Melanie and Sprotte from my forever childhood fave Die wilden Hühner.
1st ever ship: first one i actively shipped as in writing fanfic and stuff was Lisa and Rokko from Verliebt in Berlin which was the German version of Ugly Betty/Yo soy Betty. yeah i was really REALLY into telenovela in my pre-teen years lol
Last song: "My body is a cage" by Peter Gabriel playing on repeat because it slaps so fucking hard
Last movie: My standard Christmas time watch Das fliegende Klassenzimmer (2003) <3
Currently reading: "Filthy Animals" by Brandon Taylor and if I ever get to it again, "Identitti" by Mithu Sanyal
Currently watching: yeah i'm on another rewatch of The Terror lol. comfort media #1
Currently consuming: something called christmas tea which is just a tea with lots of nice spices in it
Currently craving: a day off work and cuddles 😞
I'm tagging @queer-chnospinci @chairmechanic @nbvethbrenatto @charliethe2nd @mykonossalome and everyone else who feels like it <3
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 1 year
21 and 29 for the three songs asks!
21. three songs from your childhood
"Knowing Me, Knowing You" by Abba (the first CD I ever bought with my own money was an Abba Best-of, I was obsessed with them)
"Regen und Meer" by Juli
"Ich bin ich (wir sind wir)" by Rosenstolz
bonus movie soundtrack round:
"Ouvertüre" from "Das fliegende Klassenzimmer" (2003) by Nikki Reiser
"Einleitung" from "Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel/Tři oříšky pro Popelku" (1973) by Karel Svoboda
"Not in Nottingham" from Disney's Robin Hood (1973), this was the crowd favourite at our house (I LOVE this cover by Mumford and Sons)
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives)
this is a big ask I don't think I really have anything for? but shoutout to
"Solsbury Hill" by Peter Gabriel and
"Stop Crying Your Heart Out" by Oasis
which gave me a huge amount of comfort in a time I needed it
Three Songs Ask Meme
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bibastibootz · 5 years
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he was Finn Wolfhard before it was cool
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zediina · 3 years
hi! sorry if this comes off as rude, but i’m learning german and was wondering if you have any german tv show/film recommendations? i’d really appreciate it if u do, thanks so much!
Hello!! Don't worry, this isn't rude at all :) I haven't seen many of these in a long time but here are a few I really enjoyed (I linked the trailers to the movies/the first seasons of the shows too):
Die Feuerzangenbowle (1944)
Yes, this movie is very old; it's black and white. But it's still shown on German tv and it's pretty funny. A famous writer goes undercover in a school, pretending to be a student since he never got the classic school experience (he was home-schooled). He and the other students play a bunch of pranks on the teachers, and other shenanigans happen.
Das Boot (1981)
This is a classic and was nominated for several academy awards, including best director and best cinematography. It takes place on a German submarine during ww2, so it's a war movie. Usually not my favorite genre but this one really kept me on the edge of my seat. There's also a series that came out recently, but I haven't seen that. I can't imagine that it's better than this though.
Good Bye Lenin! (2003)
Takes place shortly after the fall of the Berlin wall and tells the story of a young man from East Berlin. His mother just woke up from a coma, and the doctors say she shouldn't get any big surprises (like, you know, the of the fall Berlin wall) so he tries to fool his mom by pretending the GDR still exists; which is harder than it sounds. The premise sounds a bit ridiculous but it's a really great and funny movie.
Das fliegende Klassenzimmer (2003)
Based on a very popular children's book, this movie tells the story of a boy who's new in a boarding school. He and his new friends find the book for a musical and decide to practice and perform it. (There's a bunch of other stuff happening like a rivalry with another group of students. I haven't seen this movie in forever but it's good and the story is very well known).
Die Welle (2008)
This is based on a true story about a social experiment a history teacher did with his class; maybe you've heard of it before. They create a mock-nazi party to try and understand how they became so popular and how people could buy into their rhetoric. Things go sideways pretty quickly. A great movie and a reminder that none of us are immune to indoctrination and radicalization. There's a tv show with the same name, but I don't think they're connected.
Fack Ju Göthe (2013)
I feel like everyone in Germany has seen this comedy at this point. Objectively it isn't a very good one but I'm going to recommend it simply because every German person I know can quote at least one line from this movie. A criminal takes a job as a teacher for the owrst class in that school, because his accomplice buried the money they stole underneath the school and he needs to get to it. Let's just say his teaching methods are a bit... unconventional.
Labyrinth des Schweigens (2014)
Another movie based on a true story, and one of my favorites. This one really stuck with me. It's about a young state attorney in 1950's Germany, who starts interviewing holocaust victims and prosecuting nazi officers who served in Auschwitz. This movie really shows that many people in Germany would have preferred forgetting the holocaust ever happened and pretend everything is fine rather than confront it.
Tschick (2016)
We actually read the book to this in school. It's a bout two 14 year old boys who steal an old car and go on a road trip together, and all the crazy stuff they experience. To be honest I don't remember that much about it since it's been so long since I've seen it, but I do remember really liking it!
Kästner und der kleine Dienstag (2017)
Remember that really popular children's book I mentioned? Well, this movie is about the author of that book. He's one of the authors who stayed in Germany during the Nazi regime, even though his works were banned and burned. It's about his friendship with a young boy that inspired a character in another famous book of his.
Die unheimliche Leichtigkeit der Revolution (2021)
This movie is about the east german environmentalist movement that started the peaceful revolution, which lead to the fall of the Berlin wall. It's about a teenage girl whose younger brother died due to pollution, and the state is trying to cover it up. Also shows how the GDR was trying to suppress any criticism of the state. It's definitely not the best movie on this list, but I really enjoyed it.
Ku'Damm 56, Ku'Damm 59, and Ku'Damm 63
The three mini series tell the stories of three sisters, whose mother runs a dancing school on Kurfürstendamm in Berlin. They take place in 1956, 1959 and 1963 respectively. It touches on a lot of topics, including domestic abuse, antisemitism, homosexuality, rape and more. I particularly loved the first season, where the youngest daughter who doesn't really fit into her mother's plans discovers her love for rock n' roll dancing.
The Charité is a prestiguous university hospital in Berlin with a long history, which this series exlpores. Season 1 takes place in the 19th century, where Robert Koch is lookig for a cure to tuberculosis. Season 2 takes place in Nazi Germany and among other things talks about the euthanasia practices at the time. Season 3 takes place right when the wall is being built (which passed right by the hospital). The show includes charcters based on real people as well as fictional ones.
Deutschland 83, Deutschland 86, Deutschland 89
An East German soldier has to go and work undercover for the GDR in West Germany, at a time where cold war tensions run high. I never got around to watching the last two seasons, but I remeber that the first one was really good.
Club der roten Bänder
This is based on a true story, and there are other versions of this show for example in the US. It's about a bunch of kids with different conditions who become friends in a hospital; two of them have cancer and got their legs amputated, one has an issue with his heart, one crashed a motorcycle, the youngest is in a coma, the girl has an eating disorder. There are other characters who show up as well. The show can get pretty sad, but their friendship is really touching.
Türkisch für Anfänger
This show was wildly popular back when it came out in the early 2000s. A german woman marries a turqish man, and create a patchwork family with four kids; who are absolutely not excited about it. But they have to figure out how to live with each other.
Oof, this escalated a bit, but I didn't want to exclude anything :) I hope you find something you like on this list!
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lichtecht · 1 month
Das fliegende Klassenzimmer 2003 - Unused Scenes
Transcript under the cut. Translation follows
Audiokommentar von Tomy Wigand
Es gibt im „fliegenden Klassenzimmer“ n paar Szenen, die wir nicht verwendet haben, die ich euch aber trotzdem ganz gerne nochmal zeigen würde.
Hier ne Szene wo der Jonathan zusammen mit’m Hund vom Flughafen nach Leipzig reinfährt. Einfach deswegen weil, ich wollte gerne es euch zeigen nochmal, was der Hund da.. bewirkt mit’m Jonathan, dass er ihm in dem Moment, wo er sich total unsicher und schlecht fühlt, ihn aufmuntert. Ihm so’n Grund gibt, zu sagen: „du, ich bin auch noch da, wir machen das halt zusammen“. Ich fand den Hund… der hat das ziemlich gut gemacht. War- der war sehr gut trainiert. Und es hat auch Spaß gemacht mit dem zu drehen, weil er halt auch immer genau das gemacht hat, was wir gerne mit ihm machen wollten.
Hier ist ne Szene, da ist der Jonathan Regisseur. Also, da fangen die an, ihr… Da wollen die ja „Das fliegende Klassenzimmer“ aufführen und da versucht er jetzt mit den Einzelnen in der Gruppe, den Einzelnen ihre Rolle zu zeigen, so wie ich das auch am Drehort mit den Jungs dann gemacht habe. Allerdings ist hier- In der Szene soll gezeigt werden, dass die den Jonathan so’n bisschen… verarschen wollen. Weil se so übertrieben wie der Kreuzkamm zum Beispiel die Rolle spielen oder jetzt, wenn er- da hinten ha’m die sich alle versammelt an der Heliumflasche. Und füllen ihre Heliumballons ab. Und dann, äh- kommt es auch zu so’nem Punkt wo sie ihn dann, nochmal, reinlegen.
Matz, mit Heliumstimme: „Hab ich viel Text?“ Alle lachen.
Das ist natürlich lustig, und das war auch während des Drehens so, dass die Jungs alle die ganze Zeit an der Heliumflasche waren. Jeder wollte da mal, äh,äh… draus Luft nehmen und dann mit der kieksigen Stimme seinen Text sagen.
Ja. Hier erfährt der Uli, dass er n Mädchen spielen soll. Das möchte er auf keinen Fall, weil er will jetzt endlich mal auch nicht als Weichei dastehen - Es gibt allerdings später ne andere Szene, wo das ein bisschen schöner erzählt wird, n bisschen differenzierter, und deshalb haben wir diese Szene da weggelassen.
Nichtraucher und Justus. Das ist ne Szene wo der Nichtraucher dem Justus seine Vergangenheit n bisschen erklärt. Die ist zwar sehr schön gespielt, und äh, die ist auch sehr intim, man erfährt da ne ganze- ne- ne, äh… von der Geschichte vom Nichtraucher. Warum er auch wieder zurückgekommen ist. Aber tatsächlich.. war das dann… Wir wollten den Nichtraucher immer eher n bisschen.. als Geheimnis in dem Film zeigen. Als den Mann, von dem man nicht so genau weiß, woher er kommt. Und wenn er jetzt diese Geschichte erzählt hätte, dann hätte das auch, ähm… hätte.. von diesem Geheim- dann wär’s kein Geheimnis mehr gewesen, da wär viel zu viel verraten worden. Deswegen haben wir die Szene dann nicht verwendet.
Martin, der Traurige. Weil sein Vater mit ner ander’n Frau weggegangen ist. Ich fand das ganz schön, ihn mal alleine zu sehen. Und eben…den Brief, den seine Mami ihm geschrieben hat, zu beantworten. Hier ha’m wir ne Familie aus’m Auto steigen lassen, so als- als Zeichen dafür, was für n Verlust er… erleiden muss. Dass er eben seinen Vater verloren hat.
Professor Kreuzkamm: „Herr Doktor Bökh? Herr Doktor Bökh!“
Ja, nochmal Kreuzkamm. Piet Klocke. Ich mag den ja total gerne. Hier wird auch tatsächlich mal gezeigt, dass er nicht nur lustig sein kann, da muss er ziemlichen Druck machen, weil der Justus eben… Ja, der Justus hat n.. Es wird eben Justus angerechnet, dass die Jungs so’n Scheiß gebaut haben. Und jetzt, äh… gibt’s ne Konfliktszene, wo er… eben erklären muss, warum das alles passiert ist. Wir haben die Szene dann deswegen trotzdem weggelassen, weil später gibt’s ne Szene mit den Jungs, wo eigentlich viel klarer, aus Sicht der Jungs, erklärt wird, dass Justus unter Druck ist und dass sie ihm unbedingt helfen müssen.
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chucklepea-hotpot · 1 year
hey, let‘s go mess and fool around you know, like we used to - Chapter 1 - conceptofhappiness
Hab mich jetzt doch mal dazu entschieden, den ersten teil meines (nicht ganz so) opus magnum zu posten. und so viel fucking dank an @exit-music-for-supernatural und @capitaen fürs betalesen <3
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cnka · 8 months
anyways mona and her relations to the boys
mona and johnny _-bbf's/worsties/had a situationship
mona and sebastian- frenemies
mona and martin-enemies who parallel eachother way too much wo noticing
mona and matz- (non biological) failsiblings
mana and uli-friends nevertheless they dont usually talk that much idk
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capitaen · 2 years
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Unter anderen Umständen hätte Martin, der schon die letzte halbe Stunde so akribisch über seinen Matheaufgaben gesessen hatte, sich nicht aus seiner Konzentration bringen lassen. Aber andere Umstände würden auch nicht Jonathan mit sich bringen [...] — Unter der Haut by @chucklepea-hotpot
x x x x x x x x x
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madamehelium · 4 years
List seven Comfort Films and tag seven people.
I was tagged by @lunalitsol and spend the last days thinking about this wich was fun. So thank you for tagging me i love these games, i'm just very slow. But now on to the list. Wich isn't in any particular order ecxept the first one.
1) The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
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Don't ask me why. It has everything i, in any other case, don't like my comfort movies to have.
2) Howls Moving Castle
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One of my first ghibli studio films and in my opinion the best. The characters are all a bit weird but very loveble. It's so magical and light hearted. (The book is also very good but also very different and not as lighthearted).
3) LOL (but the french original from 2008)
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This is legit the only GIF i've found (it's Sophie Marceau but i'm not even sure if it's really from the Film i mean). After 4) definitly the Film i watched the most. It did not age very well but it's a really good represtentation of the wealthy youth in France in 2008 and very funny...
4) Das Fliegende Klassenzimmer (from 2003)
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Okay now i'm getting very specific. This is a German Film for children (very) losley based on a childrens novel from Erich Kästner. ("The flying classroom" in english i had to look it up). It's a film about friendship in the best way possible.
5) Die Wilden Kerle
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Another German childrens series with a total of six (five) films. It's about soccer but actually about friendship. The First three parts are soo good and simply a big Part of my childhood. The only Films i Always agreed with my Brother when we were asked what we wanted to watch. The outfits and the music are so good. It's very kidfriendly but you still can enjoy it as an adult.
6) Harry Potter
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Yeah. Need i say more? But I honestly mostly just watch the first three parts.
7) Power Rangers (2017)
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This is a newer addition to my comfort movies. It is just hilarious and stupid. Also about friendship. I love the Cast and every single dump Joke. Also if you overlook the Giant Monsters and the weird super villan it's a lot depper than you might think.
Honerable mentions:
10 Things i hate about you
Pitch Perfect
My neighbor totoro
Love Simon
Wonder Woman
Captain Marvel
So enough about me. I'm tagging:
@patronsaintofvastnpreciouslosers @meanwhileinsidemyhead @97smoonlight @ignitetheheavens @not-meant-to-be-a-mistake @zwischen-abgrund-und-schein @searchingforthepictures
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beautifulfaaces · 6 years
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Frederick Lau
August 17, 1989
German actor
Renzo [Night Life: 2020]
Harry [Sweethearts: 2019]
Vince [4 Blocks: 2017]
Lars [Schloss Einstein: 2005]
Matz [Das fliegende Klassenzimmer: 2003]
dark blonde
blue eyes
Playable: young adult, adult
Icons: Traumfrauen
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