mashedbootatoes · 1 year
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zinkadear · 11 months
Daryl comes to Yumyulack's sleepover.
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Solar Opposites in: Ultra Opposites Episode #8: New Allies Part. 2 (for @avaveevo and @crazychanuwu77)
As the Ultra Opposites face their darkest hour, Legendary Super Shlorpian continues to comfort Solar Flare who has calmed down. Korvo smiled and kiss his husband on the forehead. Principal Cooke looks around and wonders how they’ll get out of here. Korvo then grows concern once they look around the place.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Where the hell are we?
Principal Cooke: How the hell should I know???
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Well, don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll find a way out of here. We just need to think of a plan to- notices Psylock and Electra not here Where are the replicants?
Terry/Solar Flare: I don’t know.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Terry, where are they?!
Terry/Solar Flare: eyes began to glow orange; snapping I SAID I FUCKING DON’T KNOW! Sorry…
Legendary Super Shlorpian transforms into his super Shlorpian as he starts pacing back n forth panicking over his kids missing.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: FUCK FUCK FUCK! WE’RE SO FUCKING FUCKED!
Terry/Solar Flare: slaps Korvo in the face Get a hold of yourself!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: T-Terry! Why did you-
Super Shlorpian Solar Flare interrupts Legendary Super Shlorpian with a kiss, which shock Legendary Super Shlorpian, but he melts into it. Principal Cooke then began to get used to the two alien husbands as he smiles. Then, they heard a noise.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh. My. God.
Terry/Solar Flare: Let’s go.
Principal Cooke: Got it. uses his laser eyes to break him and the two husbands free
The bars fell as Terry, Korvo and Principal Cooke heads out of the cage and then looks around the place and realizes they’re in Ophelia’s fortress.
Terry/Solar Flare: I knew this place was familiar...
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: We have to find the replicants and leave! NOW!
Principal Cooke: hears grunting What's that sound?
Once they heard the sound closely, then they realized it’s coming from Psylock.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Yumyulack! Daddy's coming! flies off
Terry/Solar Flare: follows his husband Jesus, Korv. Calm down.
Principal Cooke: follows suite Is he always this weird?
The two aliens and principal then quickly heads to where Psylock and Daryl. Back in the dungeon, Psylock desperately tries to break free.
Yumyulack/Psylock: C'mon! We gotta get out!
Daryl: Babe. It's okay.
Yumyulack/Psylock cries as Daryl holds him
Daryl: Sssh. Nothing matters now.
Suddenly, Terry/Solar Flare, Korvo/The Legendary Super Shlorpian, and Principal Cooke burst through the prison while Legendary Super Shlorpian turns back into his normal Shlorpian self.
Terry/Solar Flare: Hey!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Guys! Where's Jesse?
Korvo/The Legendary Super Shlorpian: They took her. Those fucking bastards...
Principal Cooke: Is seriously no one talking about Miss Frankie WHO IS ALSO MISSING?!
Korvo/The Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh, calm down. We need to get out of here and find Electra before-
Miss Frankie: Too late, Ultra Opposites!
Miss Frankie appears holding Electra hostage while the crystal is shown with her.
Jesse/Electra: Guys!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian, Terry/Solar Flare and Yumyulack/Psylock: ELECTRA!
Principal Cooke: shocked; confused What? Frankie?
Jesse/Electra: Help guys! She’s gonna fucking bananas! Help!
Terry/Solar Flare: Oh no! My baby! feels the pain again as he groans
Enraged, Legendary Super Shlorpian transforms into Super Shlorpian form and growls.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: GIVE ME BACK MY PRECIOUS GIRL, YOU BITCH!
Miss Frankie: Try me you bitch!
Suddenly, Janiz sneaks behind with Pupa, Aisha and Eva with a huge hammer as she swings it at Miss Frankie and it her as she screams in pain and it causes her to release Electra.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Alright sis, took you long enough!
Janiz: Sorry I was late. I was getting some supplies. What did I miss?
Yumyulack/Psylock: Nothing much! You just saved our asses!
Terry/Solar Flare: Oh Jesse-Bear! Come here. hugs Jesse as she cries It’s okay baby-girl. Daddy’s here.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Oh Electra, come here sis.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: We were so worried about you.
Janiz: Oh sweetie.
Legendary Super Shlorpian, who transforms back into his normal Shlorpian self, Psylock and Janiz hugs Electra with Pupa, Aisha and Eva as they get into a group hug as Principal Cooke and Daryl smiles while Cooke shed a single tear and wipes it away.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: I saw that big guy.
Principal Cook: No, I’m just sweating from my eyes. the Ultra Opposites stare at him blankly Okay, I admit I am all choke by this love and- notices Janiz, Aisha and Eva Oh no, there’s more of you- eh. Nevermind.
Janiz: Why hello Principal Cooke. I’m Korvo’s older sister. Janiz.
Principal Cooke: Wait, I’m sorry. Sister? I didn’t know you two had an aunt.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Neither did we before she landed here.
Principal Cooke: Oh, who are these two orbs?
Terry/Solar Flare: Our home assistants. Aisha and her cousin, Eva.
Eva: sing-songy Hello!
Aisha: What up?
Principal Cooke: Wait, I’m so confused. Why did Miss Frankie took Jesse and-
Suddenly, Miss Frankie gets up and whistles for the mob. The mob appears and approaches the Ultra Opposites.
Jesse/Electra: Aw geez.
The Ultra Opposites, Principal Cooke, Janiz, Aisha, Eva, Daryl and Pupa screamed as they ran away from the mob.
Principal Cooke: Honey! Have you lost your mind?!
Meanwhile, Randall is having a hard time breaking free as he shakes the joint back n forth.
Kevin: Randall! Randall screams Sorry. Give it up. We’re not heroes. We can’t do this…
Sonya: Yeah. Things are not looking too good for us right now…
The Ultra Opposites fans, except for Randall, look down as they sigh. Randall looks at them all sadly but regains courage.
Randall: That is not true! Guys! We don’t need powers to be heroes! We helped the Ultra Opposites so many times. Even when things looked tough, we still kept fighting back. We can get out of here! We just need to come up with a plan so we can save our heroes!
Then, they notice a glow. The fans gasp in joy.
Randall: What?!
Kevin: Randall, I think that crystal is choosing you!
Randall: Wha-what crystal?
Randall gasp in shock as the blue-green crystal orb piece floats towards Randall and it merges with him as he gasp. He then bends the bars as he gasp.
Randall: What the?
Sonya: Mr. Randall! You have super strength! It must’ve you chose because of how much you changed for the better. Since Halloween!
Ms. Perez: Go Randall! We’ll meet you up there!
Randall: nods in determination
As Randall starts running, he suddenly notices the town going up as he gasp and then notices himself floating up to the sky.
Randall: Holy shit…. I’M FUCKING FLYING! laughs in joy as he fly to Ophelia’s fortress Hang on Ultra Opposites! Randall’s coming!
Back with the Ultra Opposites, the heroes quietly sneaks their way as they look around the fortress to make sure Ophelia isn’t watching them.
Terry/Sola Flare: Okay guys, let’s make sure Ophelia is not watching us!
All: Right!
Principal Cooke: looks at Aisha, Janiz and Eva Is your family always this complicated?!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Uh, I wouldn’t say that. But sometimes yeah.
Principal Cooke: Aw man. This sucks. I lost the love of my life to a villainess. And now I’m a super freak got laser eyes and can fly.
Jesse/Electra: What?!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Huh?!
Aisha: What the what?!
Pupa: Huh?
Janiz: Aw fuck. We’re so sorry for roping you into this. I think Ophelia might be the one behind all of this.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: It’s true. She is.
Principal Cooke: Aw fuck. Why?! Why me?! How could this day getting any worse?!
It just did. The pain starts to grow intense for Solar Flare as he falls on his knees and held his head.
Janiz: I think it just did. The pain must’ve gotten more intense for Terry! notices the shadow black finger tips What the?
Yumyulack/Psylock: Holy shit! What the fuck is happening to Terry?
Jesse/Electra: I don’t know! But, I’m really getting worried about my dad, guys. He’s gotten worse! We have to get him away from the mob and head towards the goddamn hospital!
Solar Flare continues screaming, then his suit starts to tear little for some reason.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Terry, let me help…
Terry/Solar Flare: GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!
Psylock, Electra, Pupa, Janiz, Daryl and Principal Cooke screamed while Legendary Super Shlorpian gasp and started crying. Solar Flare gasp upon seeing what he just did.
Terry/Solar Flare: Shit! I'm sorry! I am so so sorry!
Solar Flare hugs Legendary Super Shlorpian as he comforts him and Legendary Super Shlorpian stops crying and kisses Solar Flare on the cheek.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: I love you, Terry. I know you'd never mean it but just tell me...what's wrong with you, darling?
Terry/Solar Flare: moans sadly I wish I knew but I-
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: kisses Terry I’ll let you explain later. Right now we have to-
Then, they heard the mob coming.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Oh shit! Let’s get out of here before the mob comes back!
The family ran as fast as they could. Until, Terry begin to his muscles tighten as the pain grows even more intense.
Terry/Solar Flare: groaning in pain; berserk tears burst Guys… what the fuck is happening to me?!
Suddenly, Randall came, crashing through the window as he flies towards the wall as the others gasp.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Oh! Ouch!
Jesse/Electra: Ooh!
Principal Cooke: That’s gotta hurt!
Janiz: Yeah.
Randall got up, until he sees a photo of the Solar Opposites and began notices the resemblance.
Randall: to Legendary Super Shlorpian Wait, a fucking a second? Korvo? Terry? Kids?!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Oh fuck.
Principal Cooke: Randall?! Where in the Sam Hill did you come from?!
Randall: Oh my god… you guys are the Ultra Opposites?!…. AWESOME! I knew there are something about you guys and… uh, is Terry, I mean, Solar Flare… okay?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: I honestly don’t know…
Solar Flare continues to scream in pain but then he grew a little as his suit began to tear a little.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Holy shit! Terry!
Yumyulack/Psylock: What’s happening to him?!
The mob’s light appears through the stairways as the gang gasp.
Jesse/Electra: Run!
The Ultra Opposites and their friends ran as fast as they could. Meanwhile, the people who support the Ultra Opposites then see the shattered scanner.
Sonya: That must be a scanner. Maybe that could help us!
Kevin’s Wife: Don’t worry, I’m on it! begins repairing the scanner
Back with the Ultra Opposites, the heroes have reached the dead end as they gasp upon seeing the mob approaching.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh shit!
Terry/Solar Flare: groaning in pain Guys, I’m not sure how long I can take it!
Jesse/Electra: We had a good run guys! I just wish the moon had hit my eye like a big pizza pie! Just a once-a!
Yumyulack/Psylock: At least I kissed Daryl in prison before I died!
Pupa: runs up this family and hugs them No! whimpers
The Ultra Opposites and Daryl are cornered by the mob as Aisha, Eva, Janiz, Randall and Principal Cooke rush over there.
Randall: No stop! If you want the Ultra Opposites, you gotta go through me!
Janiz: And me!
Principal Cooke: Yeah and me too! puts his fists up as he gets ready to fight
Aisha and Eva: So fuck off, bitches!
The mob then charges at them. Suddenly, something in Korvo caused him to snap as he sees the scare looks on his family’s faces. He can’t stand by and let Miss Frankie get away with it as his eyes starts glowing.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: That does it! wings pop out of his back as he starts to transform
Yumyulack/Psylock: Uh Korvo? What are you doing?!
And with that answered, the Legendary Super Shlorpian transforms into his Super Shlorpian as he roars and flies up.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: EVERYBODY, FREEZE!
Super Shlorpian Legendary Super Shlorpian then uses his ice breath and freeze Miss Frankie’s mob. The Ultra Opposites cheered as Principal Cooke tapped the frozen ice statue of one of the mob members.
Principal Cooke: Uh? They’ll be fine, right?
Ultra Opposites: talking at once Oh yeah. Sure yeah. They’ll be fucking fine. Definitely. I’m sure they’ll be okay.
Terry/Solar Flare: suddenly his eyes started wincing Thanks for coming for us Randall.
Randal: No bet. Korvo really got through to me on Halloween that helped me become a better person and a child lover. The least I can do is return the favor for my neighbors.
Korvo smiled and shook hands with Randall, even though the latter is a bit spooked by Legendary Super Shlorpian’s Super Shlorpian form.
Randall: On second thought, how did you get the form?
Janiz: It runs in the family.
Principal Cooke: Wait, what?
Yumyulack/Psylock: I’ll inherit one day. But, we can also turn human now with watches.
Randall: Really? That’s cool.
Jesse/Electra: It’s okay.
Principal Cooke: Uh, are you sure we can trust you guys after what Miss Frankie said? Because, I’m not really sure.
Miss Frankie and the other mob came as she gasp.
Miss Frankie: Oh shit! Not you guys! How did you fucking escape?! Get ‘em!
Jesse/Electra: Of course you can. You can trust me. You have to trust us. We weren’t trying to hurt anyone. We’re just protecting the city. And saving lives. You people are misunderstanding, we would never-
Suddenly, Solar Flare started to feel a sharp pain in his head as he started to scream. The Ultra Opposites, Daryl, Aisha, Eva, Janiz, Principal Cooke and Randall turned around and gasp in shock as Legendary Super Shlorpian walks to Terry.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Honey? You okay, Terry?
Yumyulack/Psylock: Solar Flare, are you okay?
Jesse/Electra: Terry! What’s happening?!
Daryl: Dude?
Janiz: Terry, is everything alright?
Randall: What’s wrong?!
Aisha: Speak to us!
Eva: Terry!
Principal Cooke: Uh is your husband okay, Legendary Super Shlorpian?
Terry’s voice began to deepen and become distorted as his eyes started glowing orange.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Shlorpian: Terry!
Terry/Solar Flare groans in pain as he begins to transform once his skin develops shades of shadow black and he starts to grow bigger and muscular and his clothes started to rip.
Terry/Solar Flare: Oooh yeah!
Super Shlorpian Korvo/The Legendary Super Shlorpian: Uh, Terry? A-Are you okay?!
Terry/Solar Flare: continues growing bigger and muscular as the size of a hulking beast as his whole body turns shadow black and the inside of his mouth started glowing orange and his super suit gets ripped into pieces, except for his mask and wrist cuffs I don't know. But I feel... good!
Terry/Solar Flare finishes transforming and pants as he turns towards his family and the three humans who defended them, as he has become some sort of monster.
Yumyulack/Psylock and Jesse/Electra: Holy shit.
Monster Solar Flare roars which is loud as a siren as the whole mob cover their ears, as do the Ultra Opposites, Janiz, Aisha, Eva, Daryl, Principal Cooke and Randall.
Miss Frankie: Oh fuck! Look out! He’s gonna savage!
Mob Member: Run for your lives!
Monster Solar Flare roars and attacks the mob as he throws some of them to a wall. The mob panicked and retreat after it shown they have been maimed and wounded by Solar Flare’s monstrous form.
Miss Frankie: Quick! Retreat!
Miss Frankie and the mob retreated as Monster Solar Flare breaths in and out. Super Shlorpian Legendary Super Shlorpian starts to feel a connection towards this
Yumyulack/Psylock: Holy shit! Now we have two monster dads?!
Jesse/Electra: Aw geez! How did Terry get that?! How did this happened?!
Janiz: I don’t know! But we have to get Solar Flare out of here and get the mob to trust us once we figure out what happened!
Monster Terry/Solar Flare: ROAR!
Principal Cooke: Oh shit! Easy there buddy! Nice monster! Don’t hurt us monster!
Jesse/Electra: sternly; disgusted Principal Cooke!
Principal Cooke: taken back; nervously Sorry. Still trying to get use this fucked up Sci-Fi stuff. My bad.
Monster Solar Flare roars as berserk tears run through his eyes and streams down like a waterfall as he approaches the heroes savagely, like a monster. The Ultra Opposites and their allies gasp. Some of the mob members turned around and gasp silently.
Yumyulack/Psylock: to Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian L.S.S.! Do something!
Super Shlorpian Legendary Super Shlorpian then hears Yumyulack and flies up to Monster Solar Flare as he touches Monster Solar Flare’s face softly and pets it in a romantic comfort manner, for his husband.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Ssh. It's okay. I'm here...
Monster Solar Flare stopped snarling and begins to calm down as he starts weeping, because he is scared deep down on the inside. Super Shlorpian Legendary Super Shlorpian then kiss Monster Solar Flare to reaffirm his love for his husband as Solar Flare melts into it.
Mob: touched by Legendary Super Shlorpian and Solar Flare’s undying love for each other Aaaww.
Miss Frankie: dumbfounded What?! How is that romantic?! It’s disgusting!
As the two superhero monster alien husbands continue to kiss, Terry/Solar Flare turns back to his normal self as he passes out and Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian turns back to his normal self and holds him.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: There’s my Terry…
Miss Frankie: Oh enough of this! Just kill them already guys!
Suddenly, something starts glowing behind the back as they notice someone flying towards the mob. It’s revealed to be Randall, with his own blue-green super suit.
Randall/???: Holy shit! My own suit?! Sorry got in the moment…
Miss Frankie: What?! Another one?!
Yumyulack: Oh hell yeah!
Randall/???: That’s right, I am… ULTRA MAN!
Randall does his own super hero pose. Randall then uses his fist to create a huge crack that caused everyone to fly up.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: pats Ultra Man on the back Nice going Ultra Man.
Randall/Ultra Man: I know right? lifts up his suit’s goggles Sweet goggles.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Come on, we must leave before-
Suddenly, the mob drops their weapons.
All: Huh?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: What the?
Principal Cooke: Uh? What the fuck just happened?!
Miss Frankie: What the fuck are you doing?! Get them!
Mob Member #1: Come on guys, this sucks. These guys are heroes. The super alien girl is right. Let’s get the fuck out of here.
The mob leaves as Miss Frankie growls in fury. Ophelia sees the whole thing on this globe and rushes down here in fury. Back with the heroes, Legendary Super Shlorpian looks at his husband lovingly as Solar Flare lays there still unconscious as he looks back at Principal Cooke.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: I'm glad you stood up for us...
Principal Cooke: I'm just happy I made the right choice trusting you.
Principal Cooke smiled and surprisingly, hugged Legendary Super Shlorpian as the latter smiled and hugs him back. But then, Principal Cooke started floating.
Principal Cooke: What's happening?!
The glow starts to change Principal Cooke as it shines bright. As the glow fades away, it shows Principal Cooke in his own super suit and mask as the gang gasp in shock.
Principal Cooke/???: Holy shit! What the?! lifts his cape up
Randall/Ultra Man: Super cool dude!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Damn, our Principal is now one of us?!
Jesse/Electra: This is super cool!
Janiz: Welcome to the Ultra Opposites Principal…
Principal Cooke/???: Call me Super Cooke!
Principal Cooke, now Super Cooke, does his own superhero stand.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Super Cooke? Really?! That’s a super hero name?
Principal Cooke: Sorry. I’m not really good with super hero names. I thought laser man. But nah. Too childish.
Pupa: Super Cooke.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Hmm… Fair point. suddenly hears Solar Flare groaning
Two second later, Solar Flare began to awake as he moans, despite being naked.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Terry! I'm so happy you're okay.
Terry/Solar Flare: Sssh. Save your breath.
Solar Flare leans in and the two superhero alien husbands began kissing.
Randall/Ultra Man: Oh shit! covers his eyes since Terry is naked
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: covers his eyes and turns away Yeesh Solar Flare, put your goddamn suit back on! Fuck!
Yumyulack/Psylock and Jesse/Electra: cover their eyes Aw come on Terry! Put your fucking super suit back on!
Janiz: Oh God. covers the Pupa’s eyes
Meanwhile, Kevin’s Wife has finished fixing the scanner and test it out to make sure it works by scanning Daryl’s dad.
Kevin’s Wife: It worked! Now we have to get this to the Ultra Opposites! Come on!
The people who supported the Ultra Opposites ran off to to Ophelia’s fortress. Meanwhile, Solar Flare and Legendary Super Shlorpian still kissed. But then…
The black orb piece finally absorbs into Miss Frankie as she began to glow in black. Miss Frankie finally transforms as a black tornado surrounds her and she has transformed into her own black and white super suit.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: laughs evilly Prepare to suffer the wrath of… SHADOW LADY!!!
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Honey! Snap out of it! Think about what you’re doing!
Miss Frankie, now goes by Shadow Lady, jumps up and lands on her feet as she puts a katana near Legendary Super Shlorpian’s neck.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: gasp Shadow Lady! Wait!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: You filthy fucking superhero aliens have messed with Earth for the last time!
Terry/Solar Flare: Oh no! Korvo!
Solar Flare ultimately snapped as his eyes glow orange and he turns back into his monstrous form as he roars loudly.
Monster Terry/Solar Flare: growling
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Oh shit! Not again! screams
Monster Solar Flare and attacks Shadow Lady as he scratches Shadow Lady’s eye as she gasp and held it her eye as she gasp. Monster Solar Flare then stops as he looks at the blood on his huge hands as he grows terrified over what he has done.
Monster Terry/Solar Flare: Oh my God… I’m sorry… I-I’m sorry, I am so so sorry! voice breaking I didn’t mean to! I am so sorry-
Suddenly, Psylock hugs Monster Solar Flare, as he starts crying and turns back to his normal self. Legendary Super Shlorpian and Electra then ran up to comfort Solar Flare and embrace him in a soothing hug as he continue crying.
Jesse/Electra: It's okay, Terry.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: We're here for you, my darling.
Solar Flare continues to cry as Legendary Super Shlorpian and Electra continues to hug him while Randall pats Solar Flare on the back and Janiz, Eva, Aisha and Super Cooke and heads to Terry, concern. Looking at his crying father, Psylock finally had enough and bravely heads up to Shadow Lady, furiously having enough of his teacher’s specist behavior towards his family.
Yumyulack/Psylock: That does it Shadow Lady! This time, you've gone too far!!!
Psylock uses his mind reading powers and gasp as he uses it on Miss Frankie. It shows childhood memories of a young Miss Frankie, she used to have her own dreams, but her parents want her to be a teacher, which she didn’t want as she sighs sadly. It then shows Miss Frankie once being a sci-fi fan until some of the kids started to bully her. Miss Frankie then put her stuff away in boxes as she sighs sadly. The mind reading ends once Miss Frankie started to gasp.
Miss Frankie: Oh my God. I remember. I used to have my own dreams. But my parents want me to be a teacher, which is something I never wanted. I only wanted to make them happy with my dreams. But, they never hate it and forced me to be someone I didn’t want to be. It drove us apart, I gave on my dreams and turn into a teacher. For my parents’ sake. But we all grew apart years later. My parents never cared about me, they only wanted what was best for themselves.
Psylock then starts to feel sympathy for Miss Frankie as he looks down and knows what to do.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Miss Frankie, you're right! I don't know what you went through! But I do know you can't do this! I've seen where this leads, and so have you!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: I only saw what you showed me! Who knows what'll really happen
Yumyulack/Psylock: I've seen it a dozen times! Things don't turn out well on Earth without my family!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Ugh! What's so special about your family?! How can a group of aliens that are so different be so important?!
Yumyulack/Psylock: The differences between me and my family is the very things that make our friendship strong!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: I thought my family and I were the same. But we turned out different, and it tore what we had apart!
Yumyulack/Psylock: So try again! Make new friends! And if something that you can't control happens that changes things, work through it together! That's what friendship is! And it's not just my happiness that are important to my family! Everyone's are! When yours ended, it led us here. But just imagine all the others that are out there waiting for you if you just give them a chance!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: How do I know they won't all end the same way?
Yumyulack/Psylock: I guess it's up to you to make sure they don't.
Shadow Lady’s face then softens into a remorseful one as she looks down at own of her weapon’s reflection as she finally realized what a horrible person she’s been all this time. She looks at the Ultra Opposites, even her boyfriend, and realizes how much she hurt them deeply and emotionally. Then, the mob appears as the Ultra Opposites gasp.
Mob Member Lady: There they are! Get ‘em!
The mob prepares to charge at the Ultra Opposites, but Shadow Lady puts herself in front of the heroes.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Stand down, please.
The mob gasp as the Ultra Opposites grow surprise by what Shadow Lady did.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: I was wrong. The Ultra Opposites are not monsters. They’re heroes. I was just being selfish because I had a hurtful past. I used to be kind. I used to be caring. But instead, I let my own uncaring family get the best of me. I turned into someone I am not. And I ended up hurting people who really do care about me. I am so sorry Ultra Opposites. They’re heroes and they deserved better.
Electra smiled at Shadow Lady, which is shown that she has forgiven her. But then, Ophelia came crashing down as the mob members collapse once the Ultra Opposites fans came and gasp upon seeing Ophelia. Kevin’s kids scream as they hide behind their parents.
Ophelia: YOU TRAITOR!!!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: No! I am not! You are! You were using me this whole time were you?
Ophelia: groans in annoyance Yes!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Well, no more! I was wrong! Not aliens are bad! The Ultra Opposites are good aliens! And so are the Solars, wherever they are. And it’s true. The Ultra Opposites didn’t murder them. The Solars did move to another planet. I was lying. But not anymore! I choose the Ultra Opposites! They’re my friends!
Ultra Opposites: Aw.
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Really?
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Baby, I am so sorry. I was being a total dick.
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it. I still love you. starts kissing her Say, black and white is new my new favorite color.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: D’aw. kisses Super Cooke
Kevin’s Wife then runs up to Janiz, with the scanner in her hand.
Kevin’s Wife: Hey ma’am! Janiz sees her; throws the scanner Catch!
Janiz catches the scanner as she gasp.
Janiz: The scanner! Terry! Quick! Come up so I scan you! We can finally figure out why you are transforming into a monster!
Solar Flare, who has his super suit back on, nods before Ophelia shoots a fireball as he gasp.
Ophelia: Not if I stop you guys.
Ophelia then began to attack the Ultra Opposites as the heroes get into a fighting position and Ultra Man puts his goggles back on. Solar Flare nods at Legendary Super Shlorpian for the signal and the Ultra Opposites began to do battle with the empress. Electra uses her wreaking ball and she uses it on Ophelia who dodges it.
Jesse/Electra: Go for it bro!
Psylock uses his mind reading power as she shocks Ophelia as she screams. She flies and then Ultra Man punches her down with his strength and then Super Cooke uses his laser eyes to shoot her to the ground. Ophelia tries to get up, only for a blade to hit near her feet as she screams. She looks up and is revealed by summoned by Shadow Lady as she screams.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Fuck you bitch!
Solar Flare then prepares to uses his fireballs but then, Ophelia punches him in the stomach. Legendary Super Shlorpian transforms into his Super Shlorpian but then, Ophelia hits him with a fireball at his arm as he screams in pain and kneels in pain. Solar Flare gasp in horror upon seeing his husband getting hurt.
Terry/Solar Flare: K-Korvo…
Then, Solar Flare closes his eyes and transforms back into his monster form as his clothes rip apart and he roars.
Ophelia: What the fuck?!
Monster Terry/Solar Flare: LEAVE MY KORVY ALONE!
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: crying tears of joy Terry...
Ophelia: What?! There’s two monsters now?! Unbelievable! Starts charging up her ball as she growls
Terry/Solar Flare: Eat this you fucking bitch!
And with that, Solar Flare charges up his hands as he finally snaps and creates lava surprisingly with a giant fist punch to the ground with two hands combine by his fireballs. Ophelia is sent flying away as she screams. The mob cheers as the Ultra Opposites fans. Solar Flare turns back to normal as the kids run up to hug him and Legendary Super Shlorpian walks up lovingly at him after he turns back into his normal Shlorpian self.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Thanks for saving me honey. kisses him on the cheek
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Nice job Solar Flare.
Randall/Ultra Man: Way to go buddy!
Aisha: Hell yeah! You really show that bitch a thing or two!
Terry/Solar Flare: No. We all did.
Eva: Hooray!
Pupa: Yay!
Shadow Lady walks up to the Ultra Opposites remorsefully.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: I am so sorry. I should’ve never treated you guys like shit all these years. You don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want to-
Mob Member #5: Hey! Are you guys gonna kick Shadow Lady out of-
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: interrupting It wasn’t her fault! She had nothing to do with this. She was being used the whole time.
Shadow Lady gasp in shock.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Because, I believe in second chances.
Shadow Lady hugs Legendary Super Shlorpian as he hugs her back. The Ultra Opposites fans then come up to them.
Kevin: Good news Ultra Opposites! The scanner’s fixed!
Janiz: Thank you. Hold still Terry. It’s time.
As Janiz scans Solar Flare’s body, it began show the results as it finishes scanning. Janiz’s face then goes into shock as she gasp quietly.
Janiz: Holy. Shit.
Terry/Solar Flare: What?
Janiz: Terry...you're half mundane monster!
Terry/Solar Flare and Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: WHAT?!
Yumyulack/Psylock: No way! What?!
Jesse/Electra: No way. I’m gonna turn into monster one day? Better get new puberty clothes later.
Pupa: gasp and faints
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Damn.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Oh Terry…
Randall/Ultra Man: No way!
Daryl: Aw dude.
Aisha: Terry’s family must’ve inherited it for a long time!
Eva: Terry, are you okay?!
Solar Flare began to have a panic attack as he started to breath in and out.
Terry/Solar Flare: No no no no no!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Honey. Honey! hugs Solar Flare Shh.
Terry/Solar Flare: started crying I don’t believe it. How? Why?! How did I inherited this monster inside of me?! Korvy! What am I gonna do? I am scared! I-
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh Terry. I don’t care if you’re a half Mundane. We’ll find out how your family had this. But, I just want you to know, I still love you. Even if you’re a half beast like I am. You’re my husband and always will be. Because, you’re my whole world Terry. No matter what.
Terry/Solar Flare: crying tears of joy Oh Korvy…
The two husband aliens kissed as the town began chanting the Ultra Oppisites’ names.
Mob: Ultra Opposites! Ultra Opposites! Ultra Opposites! Ultra Opposites!
The heroes stand proud as the job continue their name. But, Solar Flare is still worried about his Mundane form.
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eri-luvsyou · 4 days
pls pls share your yumyulack/daryl headcanons and or ship prompts i’m very interested :3333
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jazzyartsssss · 3 years
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Wallpaper bois
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zinkadear · 11 months
Yumyulack is so cute with both Mark and Daryl. 😊
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zinkadear · 11 months
Jesse totally ships them.
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zinkadear · 11 months
I see there's a Solar Opposites Valentine's Day special coming out next year. I'm sure the main focus will be Korvo and Terry, but please give Yumyulack some love too! If he doesn't get anything with Mark and/or Daryl I'm going to be so upset.
Probably won't happen, but fingers crossed! Even just a daydream with Mark imagining a wedding with Yumyulack would satisfy me. And yes, I realize he was high on alien pollen when he asked Yumyulack to marry him. 😆
But the show has a lot of LGBT characters, and Mark doesn't really seem like much of a bully compared to the others in the "Cool Kids" group, so I could see him actually developing feelings.
And Daryl's a total sweetheart. All I need in canon is for him to at least come back and be Yumyulack's best friend.
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zinkadear · 11 months
Yumyulack gets some love from his maybe future husband, and introverted sleepover buddy.
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Solar Opposites in: Ultra Opposites Episode #9: “Losing Yourself” (by @avaveevo)
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One fine night, another crystal orb, that is suddenly glowing both black and plum purple, flies to Daryl’s house where he is busy writing something down in his journal, writing about his daily life and how much he loves Yumyulack.
Daryl: What the?
Daryl notices the orb piece.
Daryl: What the fuck? An orb piece? suddenly notices some darkness in it The fuck?
Suddenly, the orb piece fuses with Daryl.
Daryl: feels something in his mind in pain Ugh! What’s happening to me?!
Then it cut to the next day at school. Human Yumyulack is worried about Daryl because he hasn’t shown up.
Human Yumyulack: Aw man, where is he?!
Human Jesse: What’s wrong bro?
Human Yumyulack: It’s Daryl. He didn’t show up yet and I’m worried.
Human Jesse: Yeesh. To be honest, I haven’t seen him in class either.
Human Yumyulack: You know what? It’s fine. He’s probably stuck in traffic or-
Suddenly, the two kids received a text from Korvo, which says. “TERRY RAN AWAY!”
Miss Frankie: Kids! What’s wrong?!
Human Jesse: It’s a message from Korvo. He says Terry ran away!
Miss Frankie: What?!
Principal Cooke: Oh my God!
Then it cut to the Solars’ house where Korvo is crying.
Korvo: crying Oh my God! Terry! My poor Terry! He must’ve be really scared! My poor sweetheart, where are you!
Janiz: What does the note say?
Korvo gives the note to Janiz. It says…
“My Beloved Korvy,
I’m sorry. But I have to leave! I need to find out how I am half mundane before I ended hurting other innocent people again! So, please don’t come looking for me! I don’t risk hurting you or the rest, just like I did with Frankie. I love you guys so much.
-Love, Terry”
Korvo: Oh, he must’ve still been feeling ashamed over what he did last week.
Korvo sniffs. Janiz hugs Korvo.
Korvo: Janiz, we have to go find him before he gets hurt. People might get scared by him, which will make him feel overwhelmed and lose control.
Janiz: Good idea.
Jesse and Yumyulack show up along with Miss Frankie and Principal Cooke.
Miss Frankie: Guys! We came as soon as we heard.
Korvo: Guys?! How did you get here so fast?
Principal Cooke: The kids shown us your text!
Korvo starts sobbing again.
Janiz: Really?
Yumyulack: Poor Terry…
Jesse: We gotta look for Terry!
Suddenly, the news turns on.
Miss Frankie: feeling remorseful Ugh! This is all my fault!
Jesse: How?
Miss Frankie: I made him hurt me! All because I wanted to get back to you guys… I let my awful beliefs get the best of me, and that really upsets Terry into scratching my eye… I made him feel like a monster, all because I had a bad life and took it out on you guys… why didn’t listen to you Korvo?
Korvo puts a hand on Miss Frankie’s shoulder.
Korvo: I know you didn’t mean to make Terry feel that way. Frankie, do you wanna know the main reason why I gave you a second chance? Because you never got the life you wanted and you didn’t mean to hurt us! You proven our trust by standing up for us. That’s why any brave person could’ve done.
Yumyulack: Guys, look! The news!
Korvo and Miss Frankie: Huh?
Cue the news report.
News Report: This is just in, a mysterious stranger, known as Dark Matter, is attacking the city and appears to have the same powers as one of the Ultra Opposites, Psylock!
Yumyulack looks closely at Dark Matter and recognizes him.
Yumyulack: gasp in horror and distraught Daryl?!
Jesse: There’s no way.
Yumyulack: I’m sorry Jesse. But it is him! I recognize that face anywhere. What happened to him?! You think an orb piece came but was tainted by something?!
Jesse: Probably!
Principal Cooke: We gotta go after him!
Korvo: Okay, then here’s the plan to beat. Cooke, Yumyulack, Jesse you three along with Randall go after Daryl! Janiz, Frankie, ASIHA, EVA and I will go find Terry.
Yumyulack: Okay. But I can’t fight him.
Korvo: I know. I’m afraid one of the orb pieces must’ve accidentally absorb some dark matter material making Daryl into someone he is not.
Yumyulack wipes away a tear.
Yumyulack: You’re right. But, we have to help Daryl, but we must away to remove the dark essence away before he is lost forever. Plus, he needs that stuff. It’s lifesource now, like us, but not the darkness essence. It might be poisoning him from the inside
Korvo: Okay. Let’s go kick ass!
All: Yeah!
The group transforms.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Come on guys, we got two lives to save!
We then cut to Dark Matter causing chaos.
Dark Matter: grunting because of the anger consume in him
Yumyulack/Psylock: DARYL!
Dark Matter looks at Psylock, Electra, Super Cooke and Ultra Man furiously as he growls with purple black eyes glowing.
Jesss/Electra: Uh, I don’t think that’s Daryl.
Daryl/Dark Matter: Who is this so-called Daryl? I am now Dark Matter!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Oh no…
Principal Cooke/Super Man: Shit. I think that poor boy’s lost it! We have to help before he gets himself hurt!
Jesse/Electra: You’re right! We can’t risk hurting Daryl!
Randall/Ultra Man: But I will!
Ultra Man flies up to Dark Matter.
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: annoyed Randall!
Randall/Ultra Man: Sorry. Got in the moment.
Super Cooke sighs in annoyance.
Randall/Ultra Man: On second, do you have a better plan Psylock?
Yumyulack/Psylock: I’ll talk to him.
Randall/Ultra Man: confused Really?
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: You sure that’s gonna work?
Yumyulack/Psylock: He’ll listen to me.
Jesse/Electra: Uh Yumyulack, I think you might you wanna duck!
Yumyulack/Psylock: What? Why?
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Boulder!
Psylock screams and flies out of the way. The other heroes duck while Ultra Man punches the boulder
Randall/Ultra Man: I wonder how the others are doing!
The scene cuts to a temple where Terry is at.
Terry: sigh Okay, time to find some answers… heads inside
Then, Legendary Super Shlorpian, Shadow Lady, Janiz, Pupa, AISHA, and EVA landed near the island.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: You sure Terry is here on this island Janiz?
Janiz: The tracker never lies, sister.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Touché.
Legendary Super Shlorpian notices a temple.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Wow. These temples look like the ones back on Shlorp. It must’ve inhabit here a long time ago during Shlorp. Most Shlorpians always build different temples on different planets.
EVA: It’s also super old.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Terry must be in there. We just follow him quietly because we don’t want him to see us and overwhelmed him more. He’s already feeling bad enough.
AISHA: Good idea!
The quintet heads inside the temple quietly. Then, it cuts back to Dark Matter uses mind waves that creates a shock that blows people away, but Psylock, Electra, Ultra Man and Super Cooke are still standing.
Randall/Ultra Man: Holy shit! He’s too strong!
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: And too powerful! Psylock, if you love him and believe what are you doing is right, then you go out there and do your plan!
Psylock wipes away his tears.
Yumyulack/Psylock: You got it!
Psylock flies up to Dark Matter.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Babe! Stop!
Daryl/Dark Matter: YOU stop! I’m trying to bring you back to me!
Yumyulack/Psylock: What are you talking about?! This isn’t you! I know you’re in there somewhere Daryl!
Daryl/Dark Matter: STOP IT! I can't deal with one more stupid thing you lied to me about, okay?!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Daryl...
Daryl/Dark Matter: I just want my BOYFRIEND BACK!!!
Dark Matter blasts Psylock away. Psylock however lands on his feet and bravely flies up to Dark Matter bravely, ready to use his mind reading powers
Yumyulack/Psylock: I’m so sorry about this.
Psylock uses his mind reading powers on Dark Matter, who screams in pain. But, then he sees good memories of him and Yumyulack and their friends and family as he shed tears. Then, the dark essence disappear a as the lifesource from the orb becomes much healthier. Dark Matter’s eyes turns back to normal as he and Psylock look lovingly into each other as they smile.
Daryl/Dark Matter: Hey.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Hey.
Daryl/Dark Matter: Babe, I am so sorry.
Yumyulack/Psylock: puts his fingers on Daryl’s lips seductively Shh… save your breath… smiles
Psylock chuckles and kisses Dark Matter on the lips as they moan lovingly.
Jesse/Electra: Yeah! Daryl’s back!
Randall/Ultra Man: Alright!
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Thank God!
Back at the temple, Terry looks around the place for Mundanes.
Terry: sees lava light Ah-ha!
Terry takes the lava light. Terry approaches the room with the lava light shown and gasp upon seeing drawings and artworks of Mundanes.
Terry: This is amazing…
He then sees his surname “WEARSPRADA” on the crest as he looks at it.
Terry: Holy shit…
Terry then sees the first Mundane gasp, because it looks like him.
Terry: The first Mundane… it looked like me…
Terry laughs.
Terry: There is no way that’s… oh…
As Terry looks around most of the Mundanes on the drawing looks like him as he becomes shock and terrified upon this discovery as he starts breathing in and out, he finally realized the most painful darkest secret of his family’s side… they’ve always been half Mundanes for years.
Terry: Holy. Shit.
Terry then looks at down at his fingers, that started turning black as he starts feeling the pain again.
Terry: moaning Okay. Let’s go.
But then, Terry drops to his knees in pain as he starts growing bigger and muscular and his skin finishes turning black. Terry couldn’t do anything. All he could do is break down into a sobbing mess as his clothes and shoes rip apart into pieces, begging for someone to help him and for the pain to go away as tears fall down like waterfalls from his eyes. But then he starts moaning in pleasure. But that couldn’t work. No. His sanity is now gone, as he cries out in pain and goes back to sobbing over the painful truth. Overwhelms and stressed out as his voice gets deeper, Terry begs for someone to help as he held his head. The quintet come in and see Terry transforming.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh no! We’re too late! He has started transforming!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Holy shit! Not again!
Terry: screaming tearfully as the inside of his mouth starts glowing HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! PLEASE! I WANT THIS PAIN! TO STOP! breaks down in tears
Legendary Super Shlorpian runs up to Terry.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Sweetie! It’s okay I’m here! Just relax! Transform into Solar Flare!
Terry did, but it didn’t help heal him from his newfound painful transformation. All Solar Flare could do is cry as he lost his sanity.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: No…Terry…
Terry/Solar Flare: weeping Korvo…. help… me…
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: I’m here. I’m here. I’ll help you, okay?
But it was too late, Terry has finished turning his Mundane form as his eyes glow orange and roars as tears burst from his eyes.
Janiz: Oh no Terry!
AISHA: No! Terry!
EVA: No!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Uh oh…
Korvo/The Legendary Super Shlorpian: Terry?
Mundane Solar Flare roars. Then, Psylock hears the roars and gasp.
Daryl/Dark Matter: What is it babe?! What’s wrong?!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Come with me.
Daryl/Dark Matter: Really? You guys want me, even after everything that has happened?!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Of course. I love you, boo. kisses Dark Matter on the cheek
Jesse/Electra: Besides, it wasn’t your fault! It was the dark essence that tainted you! We still believe in you man!
Randall/Ultra Man: Yeah! You’re one of us now!
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: You got awesome moves there kiddo!
Dark Matter smiles.
Daryl/Dark Matter: Thanks guys. So, where we heading babe?
Yumyulack/Psylock: An island.
Jesse/Electra: Oh my God! The others must’ve found Terry! Come on!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Ultra Opposites, roll out!
Psylock, Electra, Dark Matter, Super Cooke and Ultra Man arrived in the caves and gasp upon seeing Solar Flare in his Mundane form.
Daryl/Dark Matter: Holy shit! Is tha your dad?!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Yeah. And I think he lost his mind!
Mundane Solar Flare snarls at Psylock and Electra.
Jesse/Electra: Terry! Don’t, it’s us! Your son and daughter! Jesse and Yumyulack!
Yumyulack/Psylock: We have to get you home! You’re losing your sanity!
Legendary Super Shlorpian gasp upon hearing that, so does the rest.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Wh-what?!
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: If I hurt you like I hurt Frankie, I’d never forgive myself!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: to herself, quietly Oh Terry, what have I done to you?
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: God, I should just kill myself!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Oh no! He has been suicidal lately! That’s what those Shlorpians do as Mundanes. Once they feel suicidal, they become Mundanes! Janiz says!
Janiz: Terry, please! Snap out of it! You’re gonna lose yourself!
Legendary Super Shlorpian turns into his Super Shlorpian form and hugs Mundane Solar Flare.
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: Wh-what are you doing?
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Showing you how much you mean to me.
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: starts crying B-but… I’m a monster… I hurt people…
Super Shlorpian Legendary Super Shlorpian rubs Mundane Solar Flare’s back gently.
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: sobbing hysterically
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian Korvo: I know you won’t hurt me. I love you, Terald Wearsprada.
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: voice breaking through tears Y-you mean it? You still love me, even when I have dangerous monster form?
Super Shlorpian Legendary Super Shlorpian nods.
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: But, I am so scared. What if I lose control? What if I lose myself again?
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Because, I know you got this Terry. You were the best thing that has ever happen to me. You are still the Terry I know and love and always will be.
Jesse/Electra: We all will
Mundane Solar Flare smiles through his tears.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Now come here! kiss Mundane Solar Flare as they both moan
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady, Principal Cooke/Super Cooke, Randall/Ultra Man and Janiz: Aaaww!
Yumyulack/Psylock, Jesse/Electra and Daryl/Dark Matter: Aw gross. Eew. Disgusting. Oh come on booo!
Mundane Solar Flare kisses his husband’s neck.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: moaning Oh yes oh…
As the two husbands makeout, Legendary Super Shlorpian and Solar Flare turn back into their normal Shlorpian selves.
Jesse/Electra: Should we do something?
As they finish making out, Korvo gasp in joy and hugs Solar Flare, overjoyed that he is back to normal.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Terry! You’re you! cries with happiness
Terry/Solar Flare: Yeah! I am! laughs
Yumyulack/Psylock and Jesse/Electra: Yay! sees Solar Flare naked Oooohh…. yeesh…
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: So, should we go home now?
Terry/Solar Flare: Sure.
As the Gang head out of the cave, Solar Flare looks down remorseful.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Terry, what’s wrong?
Solar Flare apologizes for losing his sanity
Terry/Solar Flare: I’m sorry I almost lost myself. And for running away. I just didn’t want hurt you or the kids.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: You don’t have to apologize for anything. I forgive you.
Terry/Solar Flare: You mean it?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: kiss Solar Flare on the cheek Of course I do. Welcome home sweetheart…
Legendary Super Shlorpian nods.
Terry/Solar Flare: Come here, you sexy slut!
After Legendary Super Shorpian and Solar Flare kiss, the heroes fly home. Later, that night, Yumyulack is texting Daryl until he sees a text from his saying, “Turn into Psylock and look out the window”. Yumyulack is confused but does it anyway. Then, Psylock opens the curtains and sees Daryl, who has turned into Dark Matter. Psylock opens the door and Dark Matter pulls him close and the two teenage superhero boyfriends embrace in a kiss.
Yumyulack/Psylock: What are you doing here?
Daryl/Dark Matter: Just here to see my darling hero, which is you. I love you my beloved Psylock…
Yumyulack/Psylock smiles in tears of joy. Then, the two boyfriend kiss again as the background becomes a black and purple night romantic background as the screen fades to black.
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Solar Opposites in: Ultra Opposites Episode #10: “The Phenomenal Twins” (by @avaveevo)
The episode opens Korvo hugging the Pupa while holding a purse.
Korvo: hugging and giving Pupa a kiss on the forehead Okay Pupa, I’m going out now. I’ll see you soon.
Pupa: No. Stay.
Korvo: Oh I know Pupa. But, I have a lot of work to do now. But, I’m sure Terry will take great care of you.
Terry: That's right! Come here, buddy.
Pupa thought about it, and then hugs Terry as he smiles. Korvo laughs.
Pupa: waving goodbye Bye bye!
Korvo: Bye, Pupa. Be good. to Terry And take good care of him, my sexy Pupa specialist.
Terry: Sure will. kiss Korvo
Jesse: You two are disgusting.
Terry: Hey hey! No comments in Korvo and my kissing!
Jesse: It's true...
Korvo rolls his eyes but smiles.
Korvo: Bye guys. See you soon!
Korvo leaves after he transforms into his human form and close the door on the way out.
Yumyulack: So, what do we do, Terry?
Terry: Just relax. I’m sure Korvo will be back anytime soon. Right now, we got the house to ourselves. Come on Pupa!
But the Pupa is nowhere to be seen.
Terry: Uh oh.
Jesse: Where's the Pupa?!
Yumyulack: He was just here a minute ago
Terry hears the Pupa in the kitchen and sees him playing with his baby toys as Terry picks up Pupa.
Terry: Oh there you are.
The Pupa giggles.
Yumyulack: You know Korvo's gonna kill you if the Pupa goes missing, right?
Terry: Now how is this little Pupa doing- suddenly feels a sharp pain in his head
Jesse and Yumyulack: Terry?!
Terry starts breathing and out as his eyes starts glowing orange again.
Terry: Oh God! Oh God! No no no!
Pupa: Terry?
Yumyulack: Terry, are you-
Terry tries to control his form while grasping his hand.
Terry: Leave me alone!
Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa screamed and quickly hide while Terry leans down and growls.
Pupa: Oh no! Janiz! Help!
Janiz comes down.
Janiz: What's going on? sees Terry and gasps
Jesse: Do something! Terry is gonna lose it again!
Janiz: Don't worry! I have an idea!
Jesse: You do?
Janiz: Just follow my lead!
The kids follow Janiz while Terry continues growling. Janiz hugs Terry to comfort him.
Terry: H-huh?
Janiz: You're okay, Terry. You're okay.
Terry stops growling as his face starts to soften.
Terry: I'm sorry...
Pupa: Poor Terry
Jesse: Oh Terry...
Yumyulack: You haven’t been doing so good since you became a Mundane. We’re really starting to worry about you.
Terry: Fuck...
Pupa: Terry… cries
Terry comforts the sad Pupa.
Terry: Aw don’t cry Pupa. I’ll be okay.
Suddenly, a news report shows up on the screen.
News Reporter: Breaking news tonight! A pair of twins, known as the “Phenomenal Twins” have suddenly appear in the city!
Jesse gasps with excitement
Jesse: OMG! I've heard of them!
Yumyulack: You do? Who are they?
Jesse: They are famous internet media stars! Their names are Stacy and Casey, twin siblings who love to do livestream videos!
News Reporter: In other news, scientist Korey Opposites has been reported missing!
Blank terrified expressions spread upon the family’s faces.
Terry: No...
Yumyulack: Oh shit.
Jesse: Uh oh.
Janiz: notices Terry having a panic attack Terry?
Terry starts having a panic attack as his eyes starts flashing orange.
Terry: We gotta look for Korvo! We gotta!
Jesse: Does that mean what I think it means?
Terry: Pupa! Come on! We got work to do!
Pupa: What?
Janiz picks up the Pupa as the others transform.
Terry/Solar Flare: grabs the Pupa Come on Pupa!
Later, The Ultra Opposites find themselves outside a Big Top.
Yumyulack/Psylock: to Solar Flare Okay! Electra and I will go get the others! You stay here with Pupa and find Korvo!
Janiz: Sounds like a plan!
Terry/Solar Flare: Got it!
Electra and Psylock flies off to go get their friends while Solar Flare, Janiz and Pupa heads in there. Meanwhile, Korvo is unconscious on the ground and groans as he wakes up.
Korvo: Ugh. Where am I?
???: Welcome, Mr. Korvotron, to the performance of a lifetime!
Korvo: Oh shit. I know that voice anywhere!
The lights light up and it revels the person talking, Stacy, one of the Phenomenal Twins.
Stacy: Hello there, Mr. Korvotron! Or should I say, The Legendary Super Shlorpian.
Korvo gasp in silence.
Korvo: How do you-
Stacy: Simple, Casey and I have been watching you this whole time. turns on the tv
It shows footage of the Ultra Opposites fighting bad guys and crime and saving the day montage. Korvo growls and transforms into his Superhero form.
Korvo/The Legendary Super Shlorpian: Time to cool off!
But then, a cage falls down as it traps Legendary Super Shlorpian, who growls angrily.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: You were spying on me and family? And our friends?! Why?!
Stacy: Because we were interested in you and you're bloodline's amazing ability and we want it.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh my God. You two are not media stars! You’re a duo of fucking psychos!
Stacy: Well, that's rude. Now prepare to die!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh fuck no! You let me out of this cage immediately! This is so unhumanlike!
Stacy: Kinda rude. Now I don't wanna help you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some other heroes to capture.
Korvo/The Legendary Super Shlorpian: Other heroes? What are you planning on doing?!
Stacy: You'll see. DRAMATIC EXIT!
Stacy uses a smoke bomb and she and Casey disappears while Legendary Super Shlorpian rocks the cage back and forth as he tries to break free. He transforms into his Super Shlorpian form and attempts to break the cage but his tries are in vain.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: No no no! Oh, Terry! Kids! Guys, I hope you make it on time!
Meanwhile with Solar Flare, Janiz, and the Pupa...
Solar Flare: Okay Pupa, now to figure out a way to find Korvy!
Pupa: Korvo!
Terry/Solar Flare: That’s right Pupa! We won’t stop looking until we find Korvo!
Suddenly, someone appears. It's Casey!
Casey: Hello Solar Flare!
Solar Flare gasps.
Janiz: What the? Casey of the Phenomenal Twins?
Casey: That's right!
Terry/Solar Flare: Where's my husband?! What did you do to him?!
Casey: Oh don’t worry about him! We got him locked up in a strength-proof cage, unable for him to get out.
Solar Flare growls.
Janiz: Let my brother go!
Casey: Oh don’t worry. He’ll be fine once we take care of him… permanently
Casey leaves in a puff of smoke. Solar Flare realizes what Casey meant and gasps.
Terry/Solar Flare: Oh no! They’re gonna fucking hurt Korvy!
Pupa: Korvo!
Janiz: No! Not my little brother!
Terry/Solar Flare: We gotta go save him! Come on!
Pupa: Yay!
Meanwhile, Electra and Psylock have found their friends and are entering the Big Top.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: So what are we doing again?
Jesse/Electra: We are here to save Korvo.
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: WHAT?! He got kidnapped? How?
Yumyulack/Psylock: Long story. Now, come on!
Daryl/Dark Matter: Got it babe! kiss Psylock
Psylock laughs shyly and Electra rolls her eyes. But, she smiles as the Ultra Opposites find a hiding spot.
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: So, what's the plan here?
Yumyulack/Psylock: First, I think Shadow Lady should-
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: hears something Shh. Someone’s coming!
The Phenomenal Twins came back while the rest of the Ultra Opposites peek out to see what’s going on.
Randall/Ultra Man: Who the fuck are they?
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: What the? Are those the Phenomenal Twins
Jesse/Electra: Yep. We gotta-
Casey: Found you!
Ultra Opposites: HUH?!
The twins attack the Ultra Opposites and restrain them.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: What the fuck?!
Jesse/Electra: It was you two? But why?
Stacy: We have you right where we want you.
Jesse/Electra: How could you two?! You guys were amazing! Why are you doing this!
The twins explain how they were kicked out of the circus and became criminals.
Stacy: We were stars! Until, the circus kicked us out when newcomers came! So, we decided to get back at them for ruining our careers!
Casey: We killed them all! Just as we will kill you!
Dark Matter has an idea.
Daryl/Dark Matter: whispers to Psylock Babe, you and your sis escape and go find your father. The others and I got this.
Yumyulack/Psylock: But what about you?
Daryl/Dark Matter: We’ll be okay, I promised
Yumyulack/Psylock: Okay. kisses Dark Matter Jesse, we gotta go!
Jesse/Electra: Why?
Yumyulack/Psylock: Trust me! Guys, take care of these bastards while we go look for Solar Flare!
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Got it!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Be careful kids!
Psylock and Electra make a run for it. Back with Solar Flare, Janiz, and the Pupa…
Janiz: Okay so do we do know… suddenly notice Terry looking sadly at the Pupa
Terry however begins to feel guilty as he looks at Pupa, having not been able to spend time with him while babysitting.
Terry/Solar Flare: Oh Pupa, I'm so sorry. I feel like I’ve been a terrible helper today. All you wanted to do was play but I've barely been able to pay attention to you because of what happened today. But don’t worry, none of this is your fault. It's mine. So much for being the best babysitter ever. But I hope you know how much I love you.
Pupa: Aw Terry. hugs Solar Flare to cheer him up as he smiles.
Janiz smiles. Suddenly, his black fingertips from his Mundane form starts showing as Solar Flare starts to feel an intense pain in his head. Jesse/Electra and Yumyulack/Psylock then show up.
Jesse/Electra: Solar Flare! There you are! We’ve been looking for you and Pupa everywhere! You guys okay?!
Terry/Solar Flare: Kids! Stand back! I can’t hold it in!
Yumyulack/Psylock realizes what is going and tries to come up with a plan.
Yumyulack/Psylock: I got it! Terry, hold still!
Terry/Solar Flare: Why do I—
Yumyulack/Psylock uses his kind reading powers to see through Terry’s past. Solar Flare screams in pain. Psylock looks around Terry’s past as he starts to see it was nightime and it was back on Shlorp. Then he finds it.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Whoa? Is this Shlorp?
Just then, Psylock sees Terry with baby Jesse, whom Psylock recognizes.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Jesse?
Then, it shows Terry playing with baby Jesse while shaking her favorite toy.
Past Terry: That’s a good girl, Jesse…
Baby Jesse giggles as she picks on the pink part of the toy, while Past Terry smiles.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Woah.
Baby Jesse then yawns as Terry recognizes it and smiles as he puts her down in the crib. Terry suddenly heard something as baby Jesse falls asleep, but then turns his attention at her and smiles as he kisses her in the forehead softly. Past Terry then runs outside to see… A GIANT MONSTER! Yumyulack/Psylock recognizes the monster as Korvo’s Super Shlorpian form. Past Terry gasp and easily pet him on the head as Super Shlorpian Korvo calms down and begin to fall asleep. He then notice scratch masks on Super Shlorpian Korvo’s back as he covers him up with a blanket. But then, he then sees another monster, this time a giant horned one. Super Shlorpian Korvo starts whimpering in pain as Past Terry sees the horn monster heading up to his apartment.
Past Terry: Shit!
Past Terry runs off, only to turn back and see Super Shlorpian Korvo whimpering in pain. Past Terry can’t help he feel sorry for him as he puts a comforting soothing hand on his face.
Past Terry: Are you okay?
Super Shlorpian Korvo whimpers as he nods with tears in his eyes. But, Past Terry consoles him as he gets a bandage and wraps it around his bleeding back as he yelps in pain.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: in his thoughts Fuck! That hurts!
Past Terry: Sshh. It’s okay. Just lay there and rest, okay?
Super Shlorpian Korvo then grows tired, yawns and lies down as he falls asleep. Past Terry then smiles at Super Shlorpian Korvo and heads to his apartment. But then as Psylock looks closer in the past, he suddenly sees the horn monster heading towards baby Jesse, who is still asleep while cooing. Something in Terry snaps as he sees the same monster that took his parents’ lives heading towards baby Jesse, who starts crying. Then, Past Terry’s eyes starts glowing orange as he feels a spirit heading inside of him. Terry then roars as he starts growing bigger and muscular as his robes, boots and other clothe pieces tears passer into pieces while his skin turns black.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Whoa!
Past Terry turns into his Mundane form and mauls the monster as the two kept roaring. Past Mundane Terry breathes in and out as he bangs the monster back n forth with his fist as he kept roaring
Yumyulack/Psylock: Holy shit!
As Past Mundane Terry looks at the monster who murder who his parents years ago one last time, he roars and throws the beasts of the beast as the shards killed the horn monster that always attack Shlorp. Yumyulack then looks down and sees Korvo back to normal but with him sleeping as baby Yumyulack crawls to him and coos as he falls asleep in his arms.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Korvo…
Psylock starts crying. Korvo slowly wakes up a little but then smiles as he notices baby Yumyulack falling asleep in his arms and heads back to sleep while snuggling with baby Yumyulack. Psylock tearfully smiles, but then turns back and sees baby Jesse still crying as Mundane Terry kept growling at the beast below. Mundane Terry then snaps out of his rage and realizes what he did.
Mundane Terry: confused groaning
Mundane Terry gasps as he sees the dead monster.
Baby Jesse: crying
Mundane Terry: Jesse?!
Baby Jesse kept crying once she sees Mundane Terry and tries to reach for him.
Mundane Terry: No no no! Don’t be scared. It’s me. Your daddy…
Mundane Terry then sees baby Jesse trying to reach for him as he leans over to her.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Jesse…
Baby Jesse weeps as Mundane Terry puts her in arms and starts soothing her. Baby Jesse realizes Mundane Terry is Terry and reaches out to touch his face. Baby Jesse keeps weeping because of the monster attack that scared her while Mundane Terry began to console her and stroke her adorable baby back softly as the sun starts to rise. Mundane Terry then transforms back into his normal self. He then opens his eyes and sees baby Jesse cooing as she calms down
Past Terry: There we go.
Baby Jesse giggles as she touches Past Terry’s face and he smiles. Yumyulack/Psylock then returns to reality where Jesse/Electra is shaking him.
Jesse/Electra: Yummybear! Yummybear! Yummybear! Yumyulack screams Yumyulack! You good?
Yumyulack/Psylock: smiling Yeah I am and- gasp
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare has fully transformed into his Mundane as he bangs his chest and runs off to free Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian. He then sees Legendary Super Shlorpian in his cage and then he gasp upon seeing his husband.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/The Legendary Super Shlorpian: cries tears of happiness Terry!
Mundane Solar Flare roars as he rips apart the cage to free his hubby and then goes up to stop the twins. Mundane Solar Flare then reaches up and sees the rest of the Ultra Opposites in their own traps.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Oh Terry! It’s you! Thank God!
Randall/Ultra Man: We have a bit of an issue here!
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Those fucking twins trapped us with some kind of restraints around it! Get us the fuck out of here!
Mundane Solar Flare roars and breaks the traps.
Daryl/Dark Matter: suddenly sense something in Solar Flare’s mind Uh oh. I don’t think Solar Flare is here right now!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: What are you-
Mundane Solar Flare jumps up to face the twins in fury, but he isn’t talking.
Casey: What the hell?! She never said he could do that?!
Stacy: What the hell?!
Mundane Solar Flare knocks out the twins.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Alright! Showtime! gets out her katanas
Battle time!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Have a taste of these! throws her katanas at the twins
The twins gasp it almost land near them as they land on their feet
Stacy: The fuck is happening now!
Casey: I don’t know!
Jesse/Electra: Ahem! the twins turn to see her I can’t believe I looked up to you two!
The twins laugh. However, Electra finally snapped and use her wrecking ball to swing the twins over to Psylock and Dark Matter
Yumyulack/Psylock: Ready?
Daryl/Dark Matter: Let’s do it baby!
The two boyfriends combine their brain waves as it sends the twins flying. Then, Super Cooke uses his laser eyes to take apart a beam and hands it to Ultra Man, who swings it at the twins and KO them out that made them unconscious. Then the Legendary Super Shlorpian arrives.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: May I take it from here?
Jesse/Electra: Go ahead.
Legendary Super Shlorpian grins as he transforms into his Super Shlorpian and heads towards the twins, who awaken but are shock to see him free.
Stacy: Why you-
Smirking, Super Shlorpian Super Shlorpian Korvo grabs and flies them as he pummels them to the ground, as they lose unconscious and the now defeated twins moan.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Alright! That’s my dad!
The other cheer. But then, Legendary Super Shlorpian suddenly sees his husband Mundane Solar Flare falling as he lands on and his hands and feet and starts growling at everyone.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Terry?
Jesse/Electra: Um… why isn’t he talking?
Daryl/Dark Matter: Because, I think he found out how he received it and must be really scared right now!
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: No no no!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Oh shit. We have to something, or worse
then Mundane Solar Flare starts snarling but then starts whimpering as he backs away as tears appear in his eyes
Pupa: gasp
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Terry? Are you-
Mundane Solar Flare starts weeping softly as Legendary Super Shlorpian gasp and starts soothing his husband’s face as he looks in concern.
Jesse/Electra: Poor Terry…
Janiz comes and gasp as Legendary Super Shlorpian starts comforting his scared husband.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Damn, now he’s really scared of losing himself.
Mundane Solar Flare suddenly pummels his husband. But then, Mundane Solar Flare stops and puts his hands on his head as he began sobbing. Super Shlorpian Legendary Super Shlorpian gasp as he began to comfort his scared husband.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Man, he is really scared of hurting us right now.
Randall/Ultra Man: Yeah…
Legendary Super Shlorpian starts crying himself.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: tearfully Shh… Oh my poor Terry… you look so scared… but it’s okay. You save us now… I know you’re afraid for your monstrous form. But, you are still the Terry I know and love on the inside. And I will always love every part of you no matter what… kisses Mundane Solar Flare on the forehead, who starts to calm down I love you Terry Opposites… smiles and touches Mundane Solar Flare’s forehead with his
Mundane Solar Flare purrs.
Jesse/Electra: Aaaw… that’s so sweet
Mundane Solar Flare and Legendary Super Shlorpian kiss.
Ultra Opposites: Aaaawww…
Psylock, Dark Matter and Electra look away in nervous disgust. Then, Mundane Solar Flare returns to his sanity as he manage to recognize Legendary Super Shlorpian.
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: Korv?
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Hey, Terry.
Super Legendary Super Shlorpian smile as he touch Mundane Solar Flare’s face softly.
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: tearfully Korvy, I’m so sorry… I didn’t know what came over me and-
Super Legendary Super Shlorpian kisses his husband.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: It’s okay Terry. You were trying to rescue me. But, I am also sorry if it ruined your babysitting with the Pupa.
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: Korvy...
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: I know how much you wanted to be the best father to the Pupa. But you already were. I am so proud of you keeping an eye on Pupa while keeping him safe
Pupa then comes up and hugs his daddies.
Pupa: My heroes.
Mundane Solar Flare looks at his husband and smiles seductively.
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: So, do you think this form is hot?
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: seductively More than you can imagine.
The two then kiss while Psylock and Electra happily hugs their father.
Jesse/Electra: Thank God we didn’t lose you there.
Mundane Solar Flare laughs.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Thank goodness. But there is something you should. Terry, you had this form since Jesse was a baby
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: Wh-what?
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: How do you know?
Yumyulack/Psylock: I used my mind reading powers and saw through the past. You were the Mundane Jesse saw as an infant. You saved from the horn monster that killed your parents, Terry.
Mundane Solar Flare cries.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh my poor darling… comforts his husband what’s wrong…
Mundane Solar Flare says nothing and breathes in and out.
Jesse/Electra: Oh my God… all this time… the monster I saw when I was a baby… was my dad?
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: And that monster he fought with while protecting Jesse… was the same one who killed his parents…
Randall/Ultra Man: Oh my God.
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Sorry Terry…
Yumyulack/Psylock: Plus, you also killed that monster too.. just to save Jesse, Terry
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Terry?
Mundane Solar Flare looks down at his hands terrified over what he just found out as tears stream down his face.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: comforts Solar Flare Shh… it’s okay… it was in the past..
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: Korvy?
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Yes dear. What’s wrong?
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: Can I kiss you?
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh… what for?
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: I need to feel better right now.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian smiles, until Psylock says something else.
Yumyulack/Psylock: And Korvo, I saw you too with Terry…
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: What?
Super Shlorpian L.S.S. gasp in shock.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Are you sure?
Yumyulack/Psylock: Yes. I saw you. You were injured and hurt… and I know why… because you were fighting the horn monster.
Everyone gasps and Shadow Lady faints.
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: Wait a minute. Now I knew why I wasn’t scared of your form Korvo… because, I saw you for the first time in it.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Terry, what are you saying?
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: During that night, when I fought the horn monster, I saw you… shimmering in the light, wounded and then I healed you. You very hurt and scared. But, I can tell you were very brave. You must’ve been trying to protect Yumyulack too.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: I was.
Super Shlorpian Legendary Super Shlorpian touches Psylock’s face.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: I guess I was protecting you because I was scared you'd get hurt.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Wow. I was just a sproutling too when that happened. Huh?
Legendary Super Shlorpian nods. Mundane Solar Flare then smiles as he finally realized something as he looked at Super Shlorpian L.S.S.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: What is it darling?
Mundane Solar Flare kiss Super Shlorpian Legendary Super Shlorpian, which surprise him but he melts into it.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpain: Wow. What was that kiss for?
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: For being my favorite genius...
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: I-I was?
Mundane Solar Flare nods
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: Yes. Because during our mission, we already did choose each other. Because years ago, for the time, I met the Shlorpian who would later become my husband… you…
Super Shlorpian Legendary Super Shlorpian's wings flap.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: burst into tears of joy Oh Terry! kiss Mundane Solar Flare
The two superhero alien husbands moan in pleasure.
Ultra Opposites Adults: touched Aaaw…
Ultra Opposites Kids: Eeeew. Aw come on boo. Disgusting.
Pupa: Yucky.
Dark Matter laughs and kisses Psylock on the lips. Psylock smiles and kisses back. Suddenly, they heard police sirens as the Ultra Opposites grin and looks at the twins.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Shall we?
Mundane Terry/Solar Flare: Yep.
Jesse/Electra: Looks like you're headed for jail.
As Solar Flare and Legendary Super Shlorpian starts to turn back into their normal Shlorpian selves, the scene then cuts to Stacy begging the police about L.S.S.
Stacy: You don’t understand! That superhero alien, he is really Korey Opposites-
Human Korvo: offscreen Is there a problem sir?
The human Solars and their friends then appear as Stacy and Casey looks dumbfounded.
Police Officer: Korey, was it?
Human Korvo: Yes?
Police Officer Woman: Did these two try to cause you trouble?
Human Korvo: Yes, they did.
Stacy and Casey: What?!
Stacy: Yo-you don’t understand. He is the Legendary Super Shlorpian! His husband is Solar Flare! Their son and daughter are Psylock and Electra!
Human Jesse: What?! That’s crazy talk!
Police Officer Woman: Get in the car, you two!
Casey: to Human Korvo This is your fault.
Stacy: You’ll pay for this, Solars!
Casey: Fuck you Korey Opposites!
As the police car drives away, Human Pupa hugs Terry and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
Human Terry: Aw, thanks, little buddy.
Human Pupa: Best daddy ever
Human Terry laughs.
Human Korvo: D’aw. kiss Human Pupa on the forehead
Human Jesse: So Korvo did you miss us?
Human Korvo: Aw it’s true. I’m sorry if I led the twins into putting you guys in danger. Now that they’re gone, I am so glad you all came to rescue me.
Human Terry: Come here.
The gang then gets in a group hug while Human Korvo and Human Terry kiss.
Human Korvo: Now don’t you worry Terry. We’ll figure out a way to help you channel your Mundane powers so you can help control them.
Human Terry smiles.
Human Terry: Thanks boo. seductively fiddling his finger on Human Korvo’s chest So, you wanna have a little fun when you get home.
Human Korvo: Oh, do I?
Later that night, at home, Korvo and Terry, back in their Shlorpian selves, are now having sex as Korvo moans.
Korvo: Oh take me all the way you sexy fuck!
Terry: Bring it on, you beautiful slut!
Terry slaps Korvo's ass as Korvo moans in delight.
Korvo: Yes! Yes! Dominate me you sexy alien!
Terry: Aaah! Do it as we cut away!
Meanwhile, in the Replicants' room, the Replicants hear their dads having sex as they scream in their pillows in disgust. But then, the camera pans forward to the wall, where it shows a Bowinian heading outside and whispers something to a Wallian named Eric.
Eric: Yes?
The Bowinian whispers something closely to Eric’s ears as he grows shock.
Eric: What? She is a fraud? She’s gone now? The Wall is no longer frozen?
As the Bowinian finished, Eric gasp in joy as he runs off to tell the others right after the Bowinian left.
Eric: Everyone! My fellow Wallians! Great news! The Wall is no longer frozen! We’re saved!
But soon as he left, the Bowinian watches behind the hall as a tear falls from her face.
To Be Continued…
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Ultra Opposites in: “Feelin’ the Fire” Sneak Peek #1: The Birth of Psylock (for @avaveevo and @crazychanuwu77)
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Yumyulack was busy help cleaning the house roof until he heard Daryl crying out for help with his mind reading power.
Yumyulack: gasp Daryl?! Daryl!
Yumyulack growls and rushes to the fortress where he sees Solar Flare and Legendary Super Shlorpian still fighting Ophelia. He then gasp and sees Daryl lock in a cage.
Yumyulack: DARYL!
Terry/Solar Flare: Huh? Yumyulack?!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh shit! Yumyulack! Get out of here!
Ophelia: Grrr! Not you again! What are you doing here?!
Yumyulack: Let go of my boyfriend, you fucking monster!
Ophelia: Oh shut the fuck up! You stupid bitch!
As Yumyulack starts to growl, purple lightening starts to appear all over his body.
Yumyulack screams as he began to transform:
Yumyulack, now an Ultra Opposites give the empress a death stare as Solar Flare and Legendary Super Shlorpian gasp with joy in their eyes. Their son is now an Ultra Opposites. Daryl sighs lovingly at his boyfriend.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Prepare to meet the wrath of Psylock!
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