#darth vader x OC
raveszonee · 7 months
I will now be open to Star Wars Roleplay, The characters I'm willing to be is
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
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Luke Skywalker
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Kylo Ren
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Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Han Solo
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Darth Maul
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Din Djarin/The Mandalorian
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Boba Fett
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Keep in mind I am 18+ roleplay due to possible smut put into plot as well as violence, etc. Be an 18+ mun, I allow 18+ Muse as well as Au's. OC FRIENDLY!
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sithskywalkerr · 2 years
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characters: vader/sith oc count: 5.9k (approx) theme: mild angst. vader feeling Emotion. force choking, but with the wrong person (you'll read later hehe). brief hinting at sexual assault/spousal abuse. rating: t author's note: this piece is part one of many of exploring vader and keyti. it's inspired by this song as well as this piece of artwork for vader. also, ik that mustafar is highly toxic but shhhhhhhhhh. keyti's fine. keyti is my sith warrior oc who def has a lot of trauma of her own so i'm gonna explore her story a lot in the SW universe. this approximately takes place between episodes 4 & 5, following vader (2020) comic vol 3: the shu-torun war. I also know that Vader would absolutely kill her in .003 seconds after she opens her mouth, but this is for fun. I like making the funny lil warlord have feelings.
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Being assigned to Mustafar was strange for Keyti. She was expecting something with more action, not realizing the trust that was being placed on her for being stationed at Vader’s castle. The Sith warrior at least was able to direct those in the castle when the tunnels had begun to be worked through by a select team, making sure Sith artifacts were correctly taken care of. It was rare that other people were even within the castle, and even Vader’s assistant, Vaneé, had barely been seen lately. She knew that he had most likely brought the dark lord’s wrath upon himself, so she opted to lessen on her usual teasing and smart-ass quips on occasion.
He had noticed the change, but never addressed it to her. He truly wasn’t one for casual talking or being having those beneath his command open up to him. Still, Keyti still managed to weasel her way into his day when he was back on Mustafar. He didn’t know what to make of it when she started to make it a point to be in the landing dock when he returned, but he never inquired of it. As long as she was loyal to the Empire, he was not concerned with her actions.
Restless, the Sith moved to the lower tunnels of his fortress, silent on the dirt paths as he moved. He was aware that he was being followed, but the Force had let him know it was Keyti. She could be trusted with what resided down in these tunnels, he was sure of that. He paused at a junction, turning to look at her as she watched with a small tilt of her head.
“Couldn’t sleep either?” A grin started to spread on her lips, yellow eyes bright.
“Sleep is not required for me.”
Her yellow eyes glance over him, blinking as she pursed her black tattooed lips in thought. “Are you constantly running on caf?”
“No… is there a reason of you following me?”
Coming closer, the togruta lifted her hand to gesture down his towering frame,” you seemed like you needed a companion. I can be quiet.” The faint lighting of the tunnel bounced off her black and red frame, jewelry adorning her montrals and lekku as usual.
“Then cease your speaking.” Turning back, he headed down a corridor to get into one of the rooms that hadn’t been catalogued through yet. His cape brushed through the edges of the doorway as she watched, lowering her hand finally. He seemed to be on edge more this night than before, she noticed.
Keyti let out a gentle sigh, feeling brief pain shoot through her spine as well as the aching pain she had in her knees since the day had started. Kraffing hell. She would have to go to the med wing for her back — again. She reached beneath her robes, adjusting the brace she constantly wore before moving into the room where she saw Vader going through some books.
“Second-guessing your lingering,” he questioned, mask raising to her as he watched her tilt her head slightly.
“No. Just some pain.”
“Then you should go to the infirmary.” Simple response, nothing she hadn’t expected from him.
“I don’t want to. Not right now at least. The droids can be cranky sometimes when you wake them.” She joked weakly, moving to look over the shelves that held stored objects and texts. She didn’t touch anything, still feeling his lingering gaze on her as he watched to see for any indication of what the pain would be.
Nothing he could easily see, so his attention returned down to the book in hand. “You will be sure to go to the med wing before your next shift.” It wasn’t a suggestion.
“Yes, my Lord,” she smiled a little, glancing over to him,” careful. One might think you’re fond of me.” She grabbed a book to open, starting to flip through pages absently.
He didn’t look in her direction as she spoke, but he wasn’t even fazed by her boldness. She was always so bold around him and never frightened. Maybe he could change that, it wasn’t good for someone to be fond of him like she had started to become. That would only lead to her demise.
Within seconds of her speaking, Keyti noticed the tightness on her throat, slow and gradual as she looked over things. She didn’t seem bothered as she noticed his mask tilt slightly to look to her, maybe this was a test? “If you’re going to Force choke me, don’t be such a tease.”
Behind the mask, yellow eyes widened momentarily beneath the mask as his head snapped to look at her fully before she looked over with a small smile on her lips. “What? Did I actually shock you, Lord Vader? I simply prefer my torture and death to be—.”
The grasp was tightened abruptly as he moved closer to her causing her sentence to trail off as she watched him. Yet, there wasn’t any fear in her eyes as she looked at him even as she was hovering over him. Even a fool could have been able to see the pure adoration in her eyes at him.
Was he too curious? Perhaps so, and using the Force, he probed into her mind. When she felt him there, she struggled harder to not be as aroused as she was, small choked noises coming as she reached out to his arm instead of her throat.
Even more odd of her.
The helmet tilted as he looked to her touch, able to feel her warmth as her black nails dig slowly into the glove that shielded his cybernetic. He eased on the choking, getting her gently settled back on the ground as she inhaled deeply. She still held onto him as she caught her breath, watching him a moment,” was that a test, my Lord?” As she exhaled, she only smiled at the dark lord again, yellow eyes a light.
“You’re a very peculiar woman, Keyti.”
Finally, she let go of his arm, but still stood close to him. She looked into the lenses steadily, a corner of her mouth slightly lifting,” a good peculiar, or a bad peculiar?”
“I believe it is good…”  There was a heartbeat of pause before his voice continued to rumble out,“ Why did you let me choke you?”
“I knew you weren’t going to kill me.” She simply said, shrugging as she looked to the book again she had in her other hand. “You didn’t have annoyance or anger rolling off you. Your Force signature is very noticeable when you feed into the dark side.”
“You notice my signature?”
“It isn’t hard to brush off when you’re already irritated. It’s like…. Sticky darkness wanting to corrupt. If that makes sense.” She looked up at him,” but now, since you’re not irritated or angry, your signature is still dark, but softer… still full of anger, though. Always angry.”
He silently watched her then, thinking over her words. “Your anger also makes you noticeable within the Force. Especially around my Master, I have noticed.”
“I’m sure he has noticed as well.” She said bitterly then, shelving the book back. She couldn’t even bother trying to hide her disgust for the Emperor, not even from his right hand.
Ah. A sore spot. Perhaps that could be of use. “Should he not know of it?”
“No, I want him to know I hate him…. But don’t worry, my Lord. I don’t hate you.” She patted at the steel that covered his shoulders beneath the cape, giving him a small smile,” I could never hate you.” Moving from him then, he watched her leave the room only before he was soon following after her.
She paused, looking back to him with a small noise at her name as she moving to meet him between the distance between them. Too eager to talk to him. “Yes, my Lord?”
“Why are you…. fond…. Of me?” He searched over her face as she smiled at him, showing her sharp canines as she let out a soft laugh.
“Because you’re interesting.” She knew better than to confess feelings. She was a Sith warrior, not a common civilian that could say (mostly) what they truly desired and felt.
“I amuse you?”
“You captivate me, my Lord,” a hand moved to reach up to remove some dirt that had fallen onto his shoulder but he caught her hand. The leather was smooth against her skin, and she was only sure this set was newer than some of the battle worn gloves he had. Cracked from the elements, fraying from the remnants of the battles he fought in their seams. Instead of trying to free herself, she only moved closer, voice a soft purr. “There is dust on your shoulders.”
“It does not matter…. You keep reaching out to me, why?”
“Isn’t that the big ques—“”Keyti,” he interrupted, voice holding slight irritation. “Because I’m fond of you.”
“That is unwise,” he said simply.
She felt the traces of self-hatred more closely within his signature, curiosity starting to burn in her mind. How could a figure of his authority have so much hatred within himself? Instead of asking, she got her hand moved to hold onto his, kissing the soft leather of the knuckles. She heard the mechanical whirring of his prosthetic beneath the thick fabric, eyes watching the lenses of his helmet. “It might be, but I do not fear it.”
How long had it been since someone had touched his hand? Or even gave him such small affection? Well. If one counted one night rendezvous, then not too long. If not, then it had been almost two decades since his time with Padmé. It felt like a different lifetime ago to someone that wasn’t himself. Still, Keyti stood here holding his hand and kissing the knuckles as if it was just a normal day for them.
Her voice was soft from the silence that fell over the two of them, gently squeezing at his hand,” can you feel it?”
Another pause came from him, watching her step closer as her other hand went to gently rest on his forearm. “Yes. My touch sensors are like the piece is organic.”
“How well can you feel?” Her cheek moved to sweetly rest on his hand as she looked up at him. Slow, he lets his fingers curl into hers, intertwining leather and her calloused fingers together. “I can feel warmth… textures can be a hindrance on occasion.”
“Your gloves are softer than normal. New ones?”
“I need a pair to look pristine for meetings,” he said simply,” I have pairs for battle and pairs for other activities that take my time.”
She got that kraffing devious smile on her lips again,” do you have a specific pair for choking?”
A cracked noise erupted from the modulator and it took her a moment to realize he had scoffed at that. She only grinned wider, sharp canines exposed more,” you do, don’t you?”
“No, I do not have a specific pair for that.” Humor was in his voice as she looked at him with stars in her eyes, cheek leaning against his hand once again. “I think you should invest in it. Make them look more intimidating.”
“I do not need specific gloves to add intimidation.”
“No… you don’t. Your height and… broadness, I suppose, make up for that, my Lord,” she purred out rubbing his arm gently.
She was certainly too bold and too fond of him. Yet, it comforted him. Why would it comfort him? He didn’t need someone to be fond of him. He needed power. Control. Order. Keyti was nearly the opposite of order and control, but he recognized her power she often held back from showing. She was cunning, only using force when needed by means of obedience. He did admire that about her — she never rushed off to fight or cause fear unless necessary.
“You ‘suppose’?” He could entertain her a moment, curious of how she viewed him. It was clear she viewed him differently than the rest of the crew on any of his ships or on Mustafar.
“I know I cannot lie to you easily,” she said, earning a rumble of agreement from him before she continued,” but I do not want to speak freely then be punished.”
“I do not believe the usual method of punishment would teach you any lesson in insubordination,” Vader says, finally pulling his hand back to have his arm vanish beneath the thick cape around him. “… You may speak freely if we are alone, Keyti.”
“It wouldn’t, considering earlier.” Another purr escaped her, but this time she refrained from reaching out to him again. She always wanted to touch, touch, touch. That was dangerous in itself, especially with him. She knew the risks, how she could be murdered because of it. Still, her fingers craved to dig into the quilted fabric of his biceps or hold onto the wool of his cape.
His voice pulled her from her thoughts,” you are distracted.”
She lifted her eyes from the spot they had fixated on momentarily, looking up at him. “Forgive me, my Lord. What I meant to say, respectfully, is your size is what brings intimidation the most. Height and build.”
“The true horror is beneath the suit,” he mused, causing her to blink a few times.
“I don’t think so…. But… I have not had the privilege of seeing you out of the armor…. I hope one day, I possibly can. I’m sure your eyes are beautiful.”
Beautiful? Him? Beauty was a lifetime ago for him just as his wife was. Sometimes he struggled to remember details of her or even his own face. He could rarely be without his helmet, and meditation pods were in a very short supply.
She watched the stillness of the mask with the mechanical breathing from him being the sound between them. The longer he took, the more she wondered if she had overstepped a boundary somehow. “I apologize, Lord Vader,” she murmured, dipping her head.
That caught his attention and brought him back, helmet turning to her more as she watched him. “Apologize for what?”
“It seemed as if I stepped over a line… I know that it is highly unlikely I’ll have that privilege.”
It felt like it was a gentle suggestion in the Force, a soft, ethereal voice coaxing him to open up to her. Deliberating, he straightened up, not realizing he had even softened with her holding his hand. “Follow me.”
Oh. Okay, hopefully she wasn’t going to be murdered, but understood if it was happening. She watched him move past to head up to his chambers on the top level, and she moved into the elevator beside him as he held the door open.
As the doors closed, he only gave one sentence in warning to her of the evening to come. “You will never speak of this to anyone or it will be your undoing.”
She looked at the helmet that stared at the doors, voice soft,” I wouldn’t dream of it, my Lord.” After her words, the ride was silent as she watched the floors tick by, and the doors opened to the dark hall lit by red. He motioned her out first, and she gave a small smile as she moved out, curiously looking around the floor. “Is this floor where your office is?”
“Yes, and my chambers. Elevator and doors are secured by codes. Only I and a select few can enter.” He moved down the hallway to another room, keying in a code that caused the doors to whoosh open. A gloved hand signaled her to enter, and she did, eyes adjusting to the large room that she now entered.
Oh, it was beautifully decorated. Black, silver, and red adorned the room, windows around the top letting in the glow of the lava fill the room. A mini-medical wing was immediately in front of them as he entered, locking the door behind himself. Plenty of cabinets and storage units were around the room, but she noticed there was still a bed within the room despite the bacta tank suggesting otherwise. Maybe the trooper chatter might have been right after all…
She saw another angular structure to the right, nestled in a small cove of the room to keep it mostly out of the way. He moved into the pod, holding a hand to her. She curiously came over, gently taking the offered hand as she carefully navigated in. As he turned the pod on, she flinched at the bright lights momentarily, trying to give him as much space as possible as the pod closed. As the air became purified and stabilized, he pressed another button which caused a mechanical arm to come from the center of the top of the pod.
She watched in awe as the helmet was removed with the mask, exposing the pale, heavily scarred skin of the warlord. The large wound on his head gave her worry, moving to look closer to ensure it wasn’t open and a risk to him. He watched her closely, mechanical breathing still filling the space as she leaned over for a closer look. “Is it fresh?”
“No. It has been closed for some time… it simply never healed properly due to burned flesh.”
“Same with under your eye?” She gently motioned below his left eye which only caused him to nod before yellow eyes lifted to her. Hers were soft to him, still full of adoration as she could only form a soft smile. She managed to get crouched down on the side of his chair he rested in, getting carefully settled as she leaned her folded arms on the arm of the chair. She went to rest her cheek on her top arm only to have his hand gently catch her before she could.
She lifted her head up obediently, looking up at him with a soft noise. Leather clad fingers moved to hold her jaw, thumb brushing slowly against the markings tattooed over on her cheek. “Are you not frightened?”
“Should I be?” She closed her eyes, nuzzling into his hand as she let herself soften.
“I know I’m… unsightly without the armor.”
“Who told you that? I’ll tear them apart.” She murmured without hesitation, and she looked up at him as he let his thumb brush against her lower lip. While his face still held no emotion, his eyes had grown softer towards her, features weathered from him still emoting beneath the mask after all these years.
“Do not worry about that, Keyti.” His natural voice was audible now, softer, weak seeming, but she still heard it. She watched him as she nodded, pressing a kiss to the pad of this thumb softly. “If you’re sure, my Lord…. But I won’t hesitate.”
“I am aware you would not hold back, but that is what is captivates me. Why are you so willing to lay down your life for me?”
“Everyone needs someone in their corner. Even you, Lord Vader.” Her voice melts into a purr with his thumb returning to her cheek, rubbing the skin sweetly. She relaxed, leaning into the touch again with little purrs, tips of her canines peeking out from her upper lip.
“There is still too much light in you,” he warns, moving his hand from her finally to look ahead at panels of the pod.
“You as well. I can still sense it.” She murmured, hand slowly moving to rest on his arm. “What was your life like before the Empire?” She had an idea of his identity, but she didn’t want to say a name and be wrong. However, the fighting style was still unmistakable.
“Life then was…” He paused a moment to think of how to sum it up, exhaling slowly,” different.”
“Mine is for the better.” She murmured softly, nail absently tracing the carefully stitched lines of the fabric above his bicep.
He watched her hand move, then to her, prodding gently,” difficult life in the age of the Republic?”
“Yes…. Not that it would have been better if a former Jedi hadn’t found me to train. She got me out of an… interesting situation in Shu-Torun.”
“Yes, I heard. You slaughtered your husband,” he quirked a brow to her, the scarred skin still showing it despite the lack of brow hair.
She turned quiet then, mulling over everything. “He… wasn’t good to me… and I was a child-bride essentially.” She pulled her hand from him then, looking away from him entirely.
His brow relaxed, and eyes scanned over her, humming a moment,” did he harm you?” She only nodded, but her silence caught his attention the most,” physically?”
“Any way he could,” she said softer, messing with her robes, covering inked skin. Trying to hide the scars. Hide the past. Bury it, bury it.
Watching her, his eyes fall to her hands and his heart ached. She shouldn’t have had that experience, but Maker above, that man was lucky she had slaughtered him and not Vader. At his silence, she peeked up at him, catching his gaze. From her seat on the flooring, she could only see from his nose up, but his eyes were still soft. Oh, they still held ache for her, sorrow for the past she had been through.
He held his hand out to her again, and she took it, making a soft noise at feeling the Force flowing through the air around them as he got her to stand. He used his other hand to pat at his thigh twice, and she didn’t hesitate to move herself onto his lap. She sat sideways, legs leaning over the other arm of the chair before her right arm moved around his back to keep herself there. He settled back, voice soft,” rest yourself. I can feel the pain radiating from your back.”
“It’s just my condition.” She murmured, head softly resting on his shoulder,” my spine never developed properly. I’m in constant pain because of it. The brace only helps so much.”
“Nothing aids in the pain?”
“Pain is only an agent for divulging in the dark side.”
“…. Yes, but the best power from pain comes from your emotions, not your physical pain, Keyti.”
“And what about you? I’m sure you’re in some kind of pain.” She peeked at him as he glanced to her out of the corner of his eye,” it is nothing I have not deserved.”
“That isn’t fair to yourself, Vader.”
He hummed, head turning as much as it could within the gaiter,” Lord Vader.”
“Oh, now you’re pulling rank, hmm?” She smiled a little,” stop deflecting. It’s true. If I need to get out of physical pain, so do you.” She let her eyes close, causing her to miss the hint of a smile that ghosted on his lips just barely.
He let his eyes glance over her, noticing how comfortable she already seemed to be so close to him. He moved his arm from beneath her legs, a small hum of apology from her as she lifted them briefly before settling them against the arm. Watching her settle, he let his eyes shut as he stayed in place for her. He felt her body slowly relax as she began to doze so casually around him as if he wasn’t this imperial monster. She still managed to still see the humanity within him, even as he tried to bury it down. He was hesitant to let his arm rest between her knees, the motion waking her before she grabbed his arm n held onto his hand. She let the weight rest in the crook of her belly and thighs, letting out another soft sigh.
“You are too comfortable around me,” he rumbled out, and she made a small noise,” you need someone to be comfortable with.”
“I do not require this.”
She opened her eyes finally, tilting her head to see him better. His eyes slide to the corner to watch her before moving as her hand lifted up to poke at his nose. “You do.”
“You have gotten more bold.” He moved his head back from her touch as she lowered her arm down.
“Is that a bad thing, my Lord?”
There was that pause again from the Sith Lord as his eyes moved ahead, the bright lights straining the sensitive pupils. “It is acceptable only from you.” Softness. That lingering softness that was always there for Padmé had now shifted into softness for Keyti. That was dangerous and a weakness only his Master would find to exploit and dangle in front of him — most likely with an audience as well. He didn’t realize his hand had curled around hers more as he balled the other into a fist until she made a soft noise at the pain of the grip from the metal fingers beneath leather.
He loosened the grip on her hand, eyes moving to her face that was only soft and still holding adoration for him. His thumb moved across the back of her palm in silent apology as she gave a tired smile with a reassuring squeeze to his hand. She soon dozed again from the comfort, but she didn’t wake this time when he shifted beneath her ten minutes later. He watched her closely, opting to let her stay within the bed he rarely used. He got the helmet on and secured before opening the pod, getting her lifted up. As he had suspected, she was had in fact fallen asleep. He still wondered how she could be so soft with him.
He soon got her in the bed, gently placed in the black sheets as she slowly settled in. He watched a moment as his methodical breathing filled the space in the usual increments it was paced at, and she only seemed to melt in more slowly, bunching up some of the thick comforter in her arms to cuddle. Once she was truly settled in, he finally had let himself get disassembled and in the bacta tank, slowly relaxing in the murky liquid.
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Waking, Keyti took a moment to realize where she was, and another moment to recognize the tell-tale breathing coming from a chair within the room. Vader was absently to the side, tapping at the tablet here and there, analyzing data from his TIE. He felt her gaze on him, and his head lifted as the helmet turned towards her.
“Finally woken, hm?”
“I can’t help that your bed is so comfortable and warm.” She slowly moved to roll onto her belly, burying her face into the pillow as she held onto it more. She noticed her brace had been removed, peeking at him past her right lekku that settled over her arm and dropped over the edge of the large bed.
“You still have duties to attend to, and it is past eleven-hundred.” The tapping on the tablet resumed as his head tilted back down,” I had my med droid remove your brace and analyze it. You will be given a new one.”
That caused her to sit up, looking at him curiously now,” you let me sleep in?” She looked to find the other, seeing it on the dark nightstand beside the bed before she got it back onto her.
“Yes. You needed the rest. Your exhaustion was striking in the Force.”
“And you also got a new brace for me?” She tilted her head, feeling like she was in a dream.
“It is in development.” She moved to stand, fixing her robes up first as she came closer to him. She let her hand softly rest on his shoulder a moment,” thank you, my Lord.” She let her fingers brush his hand that held the tablet as she moved to the doors,” and I know. Last night never happened.”
“Wise decision.” He simply said as he let her go, but his eyes had lingered on where her fingers had brushed his glove. There was that burning within his heart again, yearning for more, for her. His voice betrayed him as he spoke her name.
She paused before keying in the last digit of the code to leave, looking at him curiously. A man of very few words usually held everything to say in actions, and as she watched him slowly move his free hand up and reaching out to her. She padded closer, hand moving to his as she let her fingers brushing onto the palm of his glove. Still as soft as yesterday, but his hand buzzed with the Force. His sheer power even when stagnant never ceased to surprise her. Moving the tablet down onto the arm, he looked up to her as he held onto her fingers more, thumb brushing her knuckles. “Return to my door at twenty-two hundred.”
A soft flush came to her cheeks, nodding,” for what, Lord Vader?”
“Shared meditation time.” He rumbled, letting her hand go. She took that as the silent waiving off of her to leave, and she nodded,” I’ll return.” Standing, he moved to the door’s lock, beginning keying his number in,” your code will be granted access to my chambers. Do not abuse this.”
She followed, stopping his hand from the second to last digit of the code which caused him to look to her. “I know your expectations, my Lord. Have some faith within me,” she smiled, hand moving up to squeeze his bicep. Maker, he was very toned beneath the quilted sleeve.
He watched her a moment, and she moved her hand back, thinking she might have overstepped too far now. Well, today might be the day she actually dies.
However, he was calculating what his next move would be. Of course, he rarely had physical contact with others, but she was so flippant about it. Always wanting to touch, touch, touch. She was unsure of what her fate was as she noticed his hand lift more to softly hold her cheek. The moment of shock melted into affection as she leaned her cheek into his hand,” I won’t tell anyone.” If only she could just confess to him then and there at the black doors of his chambers. I love you, I love you, I love you. She couldn’t let it erupt from her, she could only ever formulate what she expected him to want to hear.
“I know.” He pulled back to finish the code, doors sliding open as he motioned her to exit first.
Moving out, she took a moment to remember the path they had taken, heading down the hall to get herself into the medical wing of the fortress. She felt his lingering gaze on him, glancing back before she disappeared behind a corner.
The Sith Lord looked down at his hand, eyes studying the glove before balling into a fist. Affection would not be suitable to develop. Yet, he craved her. The craving was starting to claw it’s way out of his heart, wanting to escape his throat and lips. I care about you. You’ve made my survival more worth the time and effort.
Perhaps one day, he would address this in full. This day certainly wasn’t that fateful day, and he still had a meeting to attend to, after all. Life never stopped for him now. He was always within motion, always killing, and always bringing fear and ruin. He didn’t want that to seep into her. She needed to stay soft, not sharp, jagged and broken like he had grown.  
Moving his hand beneath his cape, he moved out of his room and locked it before he began to move down to the meeting room. As he walked, he was greeted by various troopers that passed him, to which all had not been reciprocated by the dark lord. Within the meeting that was a waste of time, he still stood at the chair saved for him, hands on the back as his mind was elsewhere through the boring meeting.
Keyti had gone to the medical wing, giving the med droid more accurate measurements of her body as well as seeing her spine better. Through the treatment, she only could think of the night they shared, softening on the table visibly at remembering his face. Oh, she wanted to kiss him. Bathe him in softness until he believed her, but that was simple hopes. She knew that. She would most likely be dead before she could even kiss the helmet. That was alright, she would always have her longing. Her silent, longing that never ended. She didn’t bother Corporal Amara anymore with her silly little feelings of the Dark Lord. She had felt like she always bothered her with her constant talking of him. Now, Keyti stayed silent, knowing it was for the best between her and Vader, but she could at least hold onto the softness that was the prior night.
Even if she never saw the softness and Light within him again, she would think about it a lot… too many times, really. She wanted to ignite her passion more, make it explode and feel like she no longer has to lie. The most feared man - save for the Emperor himself - had been willingly soft with her. Surely that had to mean something to her, but now there was a little voice it seemed in the back of her head. His face is familiar. Where had she seen him before? Shu-Torun? No. Nothing placed him there. Though, she did hear of the slaughtering of the royal family minus the youngest. No doubt he was involved. However, she would have loved the Sith to be there when she had been married.
She started to think of trying to place him now, the familiar eyes. He always had this air of familiarity to him, especially when she witnessed him fighting.
The droid pulled back from making adjustments, coming over to her to try the improved brace on. Getting it suited on her, she noticed that it was better than the other, basic brace she had. “Is there any way we can model it after the aesthetics of the other one?”
“Of course, my Lady. This is simply a fitting. How does it feel?”
“Better than the other. Significantly better. Thank you.”
“I am simply doing my job as instructed by Lord Vader.” The silver droid nodded to her, and she smiled,” yeah? What were his instructions?”
“To assure your comfort and support through the new brace while keeping it flexible for battle, my Lady. If you have further inputs, I can begin on enhancements.”
She stood, maneuvering around like she would when she’s fighting,” no, this seems good for now. I wouldn’t know for sure until I’m in a real battle… though, the pain is still there.”
“I could equip technology with micro needles to inject pain medication when needed.”
“Yes, do that please. I cannot falter on the battlefield.” Moving to get settled back down, Keyti exhaled softly.
This would be better…. Though, she still wanted to place the dark lord’s familiarity. Maybe one day she would. For now, she had to catch up on her duties from being allowed to sleep in. That thought was for another day.
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feelslksugar · 4 months
dumbification (older! anakin x reader)
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A/N; I’m so happy to be writing again. Anakin helped me get out of this writer's block I’ve had for months. I made a whole new blog for this, LMAO. Sorry if this isn't the best or if there are any errors it's late.
Warnings; Anakin is extremely toxic, LEGAL age gap (but an age gap nonetheless), reader is in college, extreme possessiveness, dumbification, afab reader, Anakin calls reader a good girl and Princess, spit, face slapping.
Older Toxic Boyfriend Anakin Drabble <3 ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
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Dating an older and possessive Anakin that’s utterly obsessed with you to an unhealthy degree is not for the faint of heart.
It’s not that he didn’t trust you, anything but that. At the start of your relationship at least. It’s those gross college boys he didn’t trust. He was once a college boy himself so he knows every dirty trick in the book. He can’t bear the thought of one of them trying to get their grimy hands on his Princess. 
He just wanted to take care of you and have you for his very own. Is that such a bad thing? He needed you to just need him and him alone. He would start small but he would slowly convince you to stay with him every weekend. Why do you need your friends? Isn’t he enough? Why do you have a password on your phone? What are you hiding? Are you cheating on him? 
No sweetheart, they just want to hurt and take advantage of you.
You know how dangerous the world is for little girls like you? 
And if you thought the dumbification didn’t seep into your sex life. You’d be sorely mistaken. 
One day you thought that you could finally tell your boyfriend that you didn’t need him to be with you all the time, and you could be an independent girl if you so pleased. 
Big mistake. 
“Aw, what’s wrong Baby? Come on, use your words.” He teased while shoving his long slender fingers down your throat until you felt yourself gag. He got a sick kick out of watching you struggle and choke on your own spit while throating his fingers. 
“You’re drooling all over me,” He huffs. “Such a messy girl.” Your eyes were rolling into the back of your head at this point. It was all too much, but still so good. 
“Think you’ve had enough?” His tone dripped with faux sympathy. 
You nodded eagerly, unable to use any words and that seemed to please your older boyfriend. Or so you thought. 
 He removed his fingers abruptly from your warm throat before admiring the wetness that coated them. “You did so well baby, come here.” He smiles before leaning in for an apologetic kiss.
Or so you thought.
Before you could process anything his strong hand strikes you across the face.
The sting overwhelmed your senses and made your eyes water even more than before.
Anakin swore he could cum looking at your shocked face while you impulsively held your reddening cheek. It was so delicious to him. Your tear filled doe eyes made him want to ravage you even more. 
“Sweet girl, I do this because I love you. Let this be a lesson.”
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shrenvents · 1 year
My Bounty.
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Warnings: Smut. Vaginal, unprotected sex, force play. Minors dni
Pairing: Clone Wars (single) Anakin Skywalker x Bounty Hunter reader
Summary: Anakin Skywalker goes above and beyond to make your life difficult, taking whatever he wants without explanation. So when reader confronts him, things don’t go exactly as planned.
Word count: 1.7k
The meddling nature of the Jedi was nothing compared to the nature of Anakin Skywalker. His darkness seeps its way into everything. His dark robe, gloves, boots, curls, eyes. He was the darkness enveloping me in a dizzying spiral of hate and desire. And he did it again. He stole my bounty just so he could give me that dark look.
His gaze observes the way my fists clench and how I chew my bottom lip. A wicked smirk dances on his face as clones praise and pat him on the back. He knew exactly what he was doing, watching me with an intensity, that had me shaking.
Finally, Anakin’s eyes move away from my figure, beckoned by his Master. He stalks towards Obi-Wan Kenobi and his mocking facade breaks instantly. I nearly scream at the sight. What was he hoping to achieve? Stealing my potential profits is certainly an interesting pastime, not one you would expect from “the chosen one.”
I huff out my frustration, deflating my tense shoulders. With his back now turned, I relax. Pivoting on my heel, I hurry away from the scene. On to the next hunt, before Skywalker gets the chance to take it from me.
Frankly, I have no clue how it started, his fixation with making me miserable. I almost feel paranoid, as if I’m making up the whole debacle. But from the way he looks at me, unspeaking, I know this truly is my reality. Anakin Skywalker hates me.
Now glaring at my reflection within the confines of my room, my restraint runs thin. I’m not gonna do it. I’m not gonna do it. I’m not gonna do it. I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna confront him because that sort of thing always goes well.
I head out towards the Jedi temple where Skywalker is most likely training his Padawan. While marching over, I contemplate the arguments I will bring up when face-to-face with him. How I will look into those comet-like eyes and not get distracted by his plump lips.
Moral of the story, I’m going to put an end to this one-sided game we play.
Once my vision connects with his broad back, his name escapes me without hesitation, “Anakin.” Saying it takes me by surprise, seeing as though I’ve never said it before. But clearly, it shocks him more, as when he turns around, his eyes are vaguely wider than I’ve ever seen them. “Y/n,” he says back flatly, face becoming neutral. Now I’m really taken aback by the way my name rolls off his tongue. Quickly, I collect myself and remember my well-thought-out points.
“What are you doing?” And out the window they go.
Anakin quirks his head quizzically. His silent reply to my rather stupid question ticks me off further. I’m practically vibrating with rage. “That was my mark you stole today Skywalker, you realize that?”
As if he’s finally understood my inarticulate speech, his lips part dumbly in “awe.” There he goes pushing my buttons, silently watching me unravel. “You think I wouldn’t notice?“ My face flushes red as I elaborate. “All the crooks you’ve miraculously caught are always the bounty that I’m after.”
There's a beat of silence where he inspects the way my chest heaves in exasperation. Then he speaks. “About time you did.” He states matter-of-factly. My jaw drops. “Excuse me? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I’ve been waiting for you to notice,” he remarks with a bored look.
“Notice what?” I spit out, scowling at him.
“Me,” he finishes plainly. Silence engulfs us again and I take note of how close we’ve become. “Why would you want that?” I question, utterly perplexed.
“What do you mean?” Anakin’s brows furrow.
“I mean you’ve never spoken to me before.”
“Neither have you.” He counters. My fists tremble.
“Why then? Why do you need me to notice you?” I demand.
“What other reason can there be?” He grumbles while giving me a once-over, and then something clicks. My face falls.
“Those looks you give me-”
“Say just how much I want you, more than words ever could.” He ends my sentence, his face remaining stoic. My heart hammers wildly. I suspect he’s now waiting for me to make a move, to say anything, maybe even reject him. Instead, I hastily circle my head around, surveilling for bystanders before frantically grasping at his robe and pushing him into a nearby room. His facade flatters once again and I see puzzlement consume his face.
After I awkwardly turn the door knob and take us into the empty room, I shove him away. Anakin staggers back, looking completely disoriented, almost regretful. “Y/n?” He trails off. My anger is radiating off my body, and I know he can feel it.
“You should’ve said something,” I assert, seething.
“I’m-“ Anakin is abruptly cut off by my lips smashing against his. With my arms reaching around his neck, I can feel his body freeze. After a short moment, I start to peel away, dejected by his stillness. But Anakin instantly chases after me, no longer shying away.
He gropes my waist, and one arm pulls around it, while the other slides up my spine to rest between my shoulder blades. A moan evades my throat and is met with a deep groan.
His palms carve out my figure and fist at my clothes. Whines rush out my mouth as his tongue mingles with mine. He vigorously makes work of me, and I have to pull away. Though his lips instinctively follow me, I’m out of reach, so he settles for my neck. Sucking fervently, one may fear the spots he’s making, but in this moment, truthfully, I couldn't care less.
“Ani,” I whimper, and he growls against my nape in response. “Fuck, I need you,” I whisper. I feel his movements lurch and he mumbles something, but I can't seem to hear it over my haggard breathing.
He tears himself away from my neck, still keeping my body pressed against his. He then shifts his gaze around the room. “There’s no furniture here, I’ll just have to fuck you standing.” An audible gasp flees my mouth as Anakin slings my body around his torso, legs straddling his hips. His hands clench around my thighs as he hoists me up, securing me in place.
Fortunately, the short gown I threw on this morning made it easy for Anakin's crotch to caress my core through his pants. I push down on him and he groans at our proximity. "I was wondering when you would snap," Anakin mutters into my ear as his grip tightens. I whimper. "Screw you."
"Be patient. You will." He soothes. Digging my front teeth into my bottom lip, I drop my forehead to his shoulder as our lower halves grind against one another.
The sounds of our moans crowd the room and I can't take it anymore. "Kriff patience, I'm done waiting, General," I command in the most sensual voice I can muster. Evidently, my attempt to provoke him works because one of his hands leaves my thigh and clutches my hair in a fist, tugging my head back so his lips can crash into mine again. His other hand shifts down to his slacks. His breath hitches when he releases his cock, and so does mine when it springs up to my clothed clit. "Oh maker," I just about scream, head falling back.
His hands make quick work moving my underwear aside, and his member brushes against my folds. I shudder and screw my eyelids shut. I feel Anakin's gaze fixate on me. "Look at me." Hearing his order, I immediately obey.
Eyes fluttering open, I look into his lust-filled ones. Getting flustered by their heat, I squirm. "Y/n." He hushes, breath blowing across my face. Glancing at his features briefly, I nod, communicating what we both desperately need.
We both hold our breaths as he brings me down on his length in a slow glide. His cock pierces my entrance, and I clamp down on my incoming yelp. He was big. I hear him distractedly repeat my name, face buried in my collar. My eyes look to the ceiling in prayer.
His movements dissipate midway, and I feel his stomach clench. "You take me so well." He mumbles almost to himself. All I can do is bob my head in response. In this short pause, the pain disperses and all I feel is him - pleasure, darkness. His arms snake around my waist while mine harden around his nape.
Suddenly, he plunges into me, filling me up completely. My cry echoes throughout the room and I instantly sink my teeth into the cartilage of his ear. The growl that leaves him is next to primal. His rhythmic pounding begins to pick up speed, and I can barely keep up with each stroke. "Kiss me," he stammers out. Reeling back, I lock eyes with him before diving my tongue into his mouth.
His hips snap into my own, over and over. His stomach clenches once more and he pants into my mouth, "I'm close." Though I feel incredible, I'm not quite close to my limit, and he senses it.
One of his palms unravels from my body, steadily hovering over my center. Thinking he's going to touch me, I arch my back away from his embrace to allow space for his digits to meet my clit. But, as I wait, an unexpected pressure attacks my core. I gasp away from his lips and I peer down, leaning my forehead on his.
His hand isn't physically touching me, yet I feel as though I'm close to climaxing. Bewildered, I shoot my eyes from his floating hand to his lewd expression. His grin is strangely smug as he watches me. Then it registers: he's using the force to make me cum. Completely stunned, I simply bore my eyes into him, mouth agape.
Our orgasms come at once and wash over us at his charge. He puffs out a loud sigh of relief and continues to hold me, pumping slower than before, til the action ceases.
"Maker," I huff, "Next time, just use your words, and I'm yours." A smile forms on his face. He sheepishly nods, "Next time."
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citysuk · 1 month
echoes of us | anakin skywalker
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pairing: anakin skywalker x fem!reader
summary: anakin has spent the last four years away from you, consumed by his duties as a jedi, trying to move past the pain of your departure. although seeing you again wasn't something that he was expecting, the reunion leads to a tense confrontation, where anakin's deep-seated feelings clash with his lover's sense of duty, highlighting the tragic consequences of their forbidden relationship.
words: 7,1k words (oops)
warnings: please, you already know me so ANGST. kinda manipulative anakin¿ only a little bit. stubborn reader for the sake of the plot, i'm sorry (i'm not). a little bit of spicy hehehhe. no smut tho. no use of y/n but no oc neither. no proofread. i won't say a word about the finale so read to know what happens at the end 😤
notes: i just- (SATURATED SCREAMS). i'm on a star wars binge and i just couldn't help myself, i needed to write this. all i want in life is someone to love me like anakin loves her.
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It's been four long years since you left, and Anakin Skywalker has tried to move on with his life. He throws himself into his duties as a Jedi, taking on more missions and responsibilities. He pushes himself to his limits and beyond, trying to forget about the pain of losing you. But no matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to shake the memories. You're always there, lurking in the back of his mind, a constant reminder of what he lost. His heart still aches for you, and he still feels a sense of emptiness inside him.
As the years have passed, he has become more stoic, more reserved. He barely smiles anymore, and his laugh is rare. His fellow Jedi see these changes in him and wonder what has happened to make him so serious and cold. But Anakin keeps his emotions buried deep inside, never letting them surface, never letting anyone see the pain he's feeling. He's become a shadow of his former self, the bright-eyed and carefree Padawan replaced by a hardened and withdrawn Jedi Knight.
As the Clone Wars rage on, Anakin throws himself into battle, fighting with a ferocity and intensity that borders on feral. He's become a skilled and feared warrior, known for his bravery and skill, but also for his ruthless efficiency and lack of mercy towards his enemies. Even his fellow Jedi, the ones who are closest to him, cannot penetrate the shell he’s built around himself. He hides his emotions so well that it’s as if they don’t exist anymore, and no one suspects the depth of the pain he’s carrying inside him. He still feels your loss like a physical wound, and he fears that it will never heal. But he cannot let himself think of it, cannot allow himself to dwell on the past. He has a duty to the Jedi Order and the Republic, and longing can distract him from that.
So he goes through the motions of being a Jedi, fighting in the war, protecting the innocent, and doing his best to serve the greater good. But deep down, he knows that he'll never be truly happy again, that he'll carry his pain to the grave.
There are times, when he’s alone in the darkness of night, that he lets his guard down, that is when he allows his emotions to surface. And in those moments, he allows himself to think of you, to remember the happy times you had together, to ache for what might have been. But then, as the night ends and the morning comes, he pushes those thoughts away, locking them back up inside him, and he goes back to being the stoic and reserved Jedi Knight that everyone expects him to be.
And the cycle of pain and loneliness continues day after day, year after year. He keeps on living, fighting, and serving, but deep down, he knows that a part of him will always be empty, the part that you took when you left.
He wonders sometimes if you ever think of him and if you ever reflect on your time together with the same sense of melancholy and regret that he does. But he doesn’t allow himself to hope for that. It’s better to just keep pushing forward, to keep fighting the war and doing his duty.
That's until he hears the news that your father is coming to visit the Order. His heart skips a beat it's the first thing that he feels. He knows that since you went back to your planet your father never travels without you by his side, and this won't be the exception. His mind reels at the possibility of seeing you again. It’s been four years since you left to help your father in his political arrangements. Four long and lonely years. The thought of being in your presence again, even for a brief moment, fills him with a mix of emotions. Anticipation and dread, hope and fear.
He tries to keep his emotions in check, not wanting to get his hopes up too high. The idea of seeing you again after all this time is too good to be true. Besides, he knows that there is a small chance that you will not come to the temple, but he decides to embrace the possibility of at least seeing you.
When the masters of the Order confirmed that you would arrive with your father, he couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline running through his whole body. There's gotta be some sort of catch in this whole situation. But the more he thinks about it, the more he wants it and needs it.
As the day of your arrival approaches, he can't help but feel anxious. He doesn't know what to expect, how he'll react when he sees you. Will he be able to keep his emotions in check? Or will they surface in a wave of longing and regret? He tries to prepare himself, to steel himself for the moment. He tells himself it's just a visit, that it doesn't mean anything. But deep down, he knows that's not true. He's been waiting for this moment for years, and he can't deny the excitement and anticipation that's building inside him.
When the day finally arrives, he waits anxiously in the Temple, trying to remain calm. But his heart is racing, his palms are sweaty, and he can barely keep still. He's acutely aware of every passing moment, every second that brings him closer to seeing you again. His fellow Jedi notice his change in demeanor. He's usually so stoic and collected, but now he's jittery and restless, out of character for him. They wonder what could be causing this change, and they eye him with curious and sometimes amused glances. But Anakin ignores them, his thoughts solely focused on the moment ahead. He rehearses different scenarios in his head, trying to figure out how he’ll act when he sees you. But no matter how he imagines it, he can’t quite predict what will happen. The thought of facing you again after so long both thrills and terrifies him.
And then, finally, the moment arrives. He sees you walking through the Temple, in the company of your father and a few other dignitaries. The sight of you takes his breath away. You’ve grown, your features more mature and defined. But the sight of you holding the hand of another young politician he heard being called Kenth Cardas it's what makes him feel sick to the stomach. His heart clenches as he watches you, a sudden realization hitting him like a knife to the heart. You’re with someone else. Another man. And the pain that washes over him is sharper and more intense than any pain he’s ever felt before.
It takes all his willpower to keep his composure, to keep the expression of his face neutral. But inside, he’s seething with jealousy and hurt. He had been hoping, even expecting, for you to be single.
The thought of another man’s hands on you, another man’s eyes taking in your beauty, it’s almost too much for him to bear. He watches as you, your father, and your companion make your way through the Temple, greeting the Jedi and discussing diplomatic matters. Every step you take, every word you utter, it feels like the knife is being twisted in his heart. He wants to walk up to you, to pull you away from the other man and take you for himself. But he knows that’s not an option. You’re not his. You never were.
The scene is too abhorrent for him, he cannot bear another second of seeing you with another man that isn't him. With a lump in his throat and tears of frustration pricking at his eyes, Anakin turns and strides away from the scene, the sound of your laugh following him as he goes. He can’t stay there, can’t watch you pretending to be happy with someone else. It’s too painful, too agonizing. He needs to get away, to be alone, and try to process the torrent of emotions that threatens to overwhelm him. He heads to one of the quieter parts of the Temple, a place where he can be alone and try to get his emotions under control. He leans against the cold stone wall, his hands clenching into fists. He tries to push the image of you with another man out of his mind, but it’s burned into his memory, seared into his eyeballs. He’s never felt this level of jealousy and hurt before, and he doesn’t know how to deal with it. He feels like he’s unraveling like everything he’s worked to keep under control is suddenly slipping through his fingers. He punches the wall in impotent rage, the pain in his knuckles a welcome distraction from the pain in his heart. He wants to scream, to shout, to let out all the emotions that are boiling inside him. He stays still there for a few minutes which seems like hours, until he feels a presence behind him.
He turns, his heart racing as he senses who it is. And sure enough, there you are, standing a few feet away from him, looking at him with a mixture of concern and uncertainty. An uncomfortable silence settles between them as they stare at each other. The air is thick with emotion and tension, and Anakin feels his heart thudding in his chest. He doesn’t know what to say, or how to react.
He studies you as you stand there, his eyes roving over your face, taking in every detail. You’re even more beautiful than he remembers, but there’s a sense of sadness and resignation in your eyes that he doesn’t quite understand. He wants to say something, to break the silence that hangs between you like a thick fog. But the words stick in his throat, and he can’t force them out. Instead, he just stands there, staring at you like an idiot.
Taking a deep breath, you break the silence, your voice soft and hesitant. “Ani... Can I talk to you? For a moment.”
Anakin nods, barely able to speak. His heart is racing, his mind spinning. He can’t believe you’re really standing here in front of him, that he’s actually talking to you again after all this time. “Of course,” he manages to say, his voice rough and raspy.
You take another step closer, the distance between you feeling like an eternity. You look up at him, your eyes searching his face as if you’re looking for something. “It’s been a long time, you've grown,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
He nods again, feeling a lump in his throat. He wants to tell you how much he’s missed you, how many nights he’s spent thinking of you, yearning for you. But the words won’t come. He’s scared, scared to show you the depth of his feelings, scared that you’ll reject him. “Yeah, it has,” he manages to reply, his voice flat and emotionless.
You notice his tone, the way he’s putting up his walls, trying to keep his emotions in check. You know him too well, you can sense how he was feeling, the storm of emotions raging inside him. But you also know how stubborn he can be, how he’s willing to suffer in silence rather than admit his true feelings. You take another step closer, closing the distance between you even further. You reach out to touch his arm, your hand tentative and gentle, like you’re handling a wild animal. He freezes at your touch, his breath catching in his throat. He can feel the heat of your hand through the fabric of his sleeve, the warmth of your touch seeping into his skin. He wants to reach out and pull you to him, bury his face in your hair, and breathe in your scent. But he stands still, frozen in the moment, unable to move. You can feel his tension, the way his body is coiled tight like a spring. But you can also see the flicker of emotions in his eyes, the way his walls are crumbling as he stares at you. You know that underneath the hard exterior, there’s a part of him that’s aching to be let out, yearning for affection and connection.
You move closer still, your hand still gently resting on his arm. You’re so close now that he can feel your breath on his skin, the warmth of your body almost touching his. He shivers involuntarily, overwhelmed by your proximity. He wants to pull you to him, to hold you tight, and never let you go. He looks down at you, his eyes roving over your face, taking in every detail. He notices the flecks of gold in your eyes, the slight blush on your cheeks, the curve of your lips. It’s all he can do to keep his composure, to keep his emotions in check. But seeing you this close to him, feeling your touch on his skin, it’s like a dam breaking inside him. He takes a shuddering breath, trying to steady himself. He wants to tell you how much he’s missed you, how much he’s still in love with you, and how much he’s been hurting since you left. But the words won’t come, stuck in his throat like they’re glued there.
He’s torn between the conflicting desires to push you away and to pull you closer. Part of him wants to protect himself from further hurt, but a greater part of him is desperate to have you close, to feel your touch, and to hear your voice. He stands there, caught in an agony of indecision, his heart and his mind warring with each other. He wants to do the right thing, the sensible thing. But when it comes to you, he’s never been able to do what’s smart or pragmatic. He’s always been guided by his emotions, and right now, his emotions are screaming at him to take what he wants, consequences be damned. He can feel his resolve weakening, the walls he’s built around his heart crumbling. He’s always been a man of action, but right now, he doesn't know what to do.
You look up at him, your heart racing in your chest. You can sense the turmoil inside him, the storm of emotions raging in his eyes. You know that he’s struggling to keep his composure, but you also know how much he’s hurting. You take a deep breath, summoning up the courage to say what you need to say. “Ani, I didn’t forget the time we spent together, the promises we made.”
His eyes widen at your words, his heart skipping a beat. He hadn’t expected you to say that, to admit that you’ve been thinking of him all this time. He feels a surge of hope and longing rise in his chest, his breath catching in his throat. You pressed on, your voice was soft but firm. “The friendship we maintained for so many years will always be marked in my mind, no matter where I am.”
He feels his heart skip a beat at your words. It’s what he’s wanted to hear for so long, the confirmation that you still think of him, that there’s still a chance for them.
He stands there, frozen in the moment, caught between the desire to pull you to him and the fear that if he does, it will only end in heartbreak. He doesn’t know what to say, or how to react. He feels like he’s in a dream like this isn’t happening.
He looks down at you, his eyes roving over your face. He sees the honesty and vulnerability you’re showing him. He wants to believe you, he wants to let himself hope. But he can’t shake the feeling that this is just a cruel trick, the vision of you holding that man's hand it's something that he can't shake off his head. He feels that he’s going to wake up any minute and find himself alone again.
He starts to pull away, his walls going up again. “I don’t believe you,” he says, his voice cold and distant.
Your eyes widen at his words, your heart sinking at the tone of his voice. You had expected some resistance, but you didn’t expect him to deny your feelings outright. "What I'm saying it's truthful, I never stopped thinking about you"
He shakes his head, his eyes hard and cold. He wants to push you away, to protect himself from the pain. “I don’t want to hear it,” he says gruffly. “It’s too late, it’s been four years. You made your choice when I asked you to stay but you left.”
You blink back tears at his words, the hurt and anger in his voice like a knife to your gut. You had hoped that he would understand, that he would see how much you still cared for him. “You know that what we were feeling exceeded friendliness and was wrong, the attachments are prohibited. This was for something bigger than you and me both,” you say, looking at him almost guilty.
He scoffs at your words, his anger rising. “Don’t talk to me about attachments. I know the Code, I know about the stupid rules. But don’t tell me that what we had meant anything to you since you come here now holding another man's hand.” Anakin is seething with jealousy now, his hands clenching into fists. The thought of you with another man, another man touching you and holding you, it’s more than he can bear. He wants to grab you and shake you, to make you understand how much the sight of you with someone else hurts him.
He takes a step closer, looming over you. He’s taller and stronger than you, and he towers above you, his presence intimidating. “Tell me the truth,” he growls. “Did you ever really love me, or was it all just a lie?”
Your heart is racing in your chest as he looms over you, his eyes flashing with anger and hurt. You can feel the tension in the air, the danger and volatility of the situation. “Of course I loved you,” you say, your voice shaking just a little. “I loved you with all my heart, and I still do.”
He sneers at your words, his face twisting into a cruel smile. He doesn’t believe you, doesn’t want to believe you. It’s easier to think that you’re lying, that you never really loved him at all. “Prove it,” he snaps. “Prove that you love me.”
You’re taken aback by his challenge, his demand. You didn’t expect him to ask you to prove your feelings, to put them to the test. “What… what do you mean, prove it?” you ask, your voice small and uncertain.
He takes another step closer, his body almost touching yours. He’s so close that you can feel the heat of his skin, the tension radiating off him in waves. “Kiss me,” he says, his voice low and dangerous. “Kiss me like you mean it. Show me that you’re not just playing with me.”
Your heart skips a beat at his words, the intensity of his gaze, and the heat of his body. You’re nervous and hesitant, but you also feel a pang of longing and desire. You want to prove to him that your feelings are real, that you’re not just toying with him. You can feel his breath on your lips, the heat of his mouth just inches away from yours. "I'm engaged." You blurt out.
His face darkens at your words, the mention of your engagement like a slap in the face. He feels a surge of irrational jealousy and anger, the idea of you marrying someone else infuriating him. “So what?” he snaps. “You’re engaged to someone else, but you’re still here, standing here in front of me, telling me that you love me. Kiss me. You said you still love me. Prove it.”
You're taken aback by his insistence, his refusal to listen to reason. "It's not that simple, Ani," you say, trying to maintain your composure. "I'm with another person now, and it wouldn't be right to-"
He cuts you off, grabbing you by the wrists and pulling you to him so that your bodies are pressed together. He’s breathing heavily, his chest heaving with emotion. He’s on the edge, barely holding it together. He can feel the warmth of your body pressed against his, the scent of your skin, the beat of your heart. “Damn the rules, damn the Code,” he says, his voice low and dangerous. “I want to feel your lips on mine. I want to taste you, I want to hold you. I don’t care about anything else.”
You can see the desperation in his eyes, the hunger and need. You’re torn, part of you wants to give in to his demand, to give yourself over to the passion and desire that always existed between you. But another part of you is wary, knowing that this is dangerous, that indulging in this could lead to nothing but pain and heartache. "Ani, stop," you say, your voice gentle but firm. "We can't do this. We can't let ourselves go down this path."
He scoffs at your words, his grip on your wrists tightening. He can’t believe you’re still resisting him, still holding back when you’ve already admitted that you still love him. “Why not?” he asks, his voice a low growl. “What’s stopping us? You said you love me. You can’t deny that you want this. I can see it in your eyes.”
You feel your resolve weakening, the heat of his body and the intensity of his gaze making it hard to think straight. "I can't do this to Kenth," you say, trying to hold onto your reasoning. "I can't just throw away what I have with him. I can't hurt him like that. He's a good man."
He scoffs again, his jealousy flaring at the mention of your fiancé. To him, he's nothing more than a rival, a hindrance to what he wants. "A good man," he sneers. "What does he have that I don’t? What can he give you that I can’t?"
You take a deep breath, feeling the weight of his question. You know that your fiancé is a good person, kind and respectful, but you also know that he’s not the same as Ani. There’s something about your history with Anakin, something about the passion and intensity of your connection, that’s unique and special. “It’s not about what he has or what he can give me,” you say, your voice quiet but firm. "It's about the future and following the rules for the sake of everyone."
He feels a pang of jealousy and bitterness at your words, the idea of you building a life with someone else it's like his biggest nightmare turning into reality.
“You’re mine,” he says through clenched teeth. “You will always be mine. I don’t care about your fiancé, your future, or anything else. I only care about you. So stop thinking about what you should do, and what you shouldn’t do, and just feel. For once in your life, just let yourself feel what you know you want.”
His words strike a chord within you, the intensity and possessiveness of his declaration igniting a spark of desire deep inside you. You can feel yourself weakening, your resolve cracking under the weight of his words. “Ani, please,” you say, your voice little more than a whisper. “This isn’t fair.”His words send a shiver down your spine, the heat of his body and the strength of his grip making it impossible to resist him. You’re caught between reason and emotion, torn between your loyalty to your fiancé and the deep-seated love you still feel for him. “Please…” you whisper, your voice breaking. “You’re not thinking straight. You don’t know what you’re doing.”
He looks down at you, his eyes burning with intensity. “I know exactly what I’m doing,” he says, his voice fierce and determined. “I’m claiming what should have always been mine. I’m taking what I want. You.” He leans down, his mouth hovering mere inches from yours, his breath hot against your skin. The tension between you is electric, the air thick with desire and need. Your breath catches in your throat, your heart racing in your chest. You can feel the heat and power radiating off of him, the primal force of his need and desire nearly overpowering your senses. You know that you should resist, that you should push him away and run before it’s too late. But you can’t bring yourself to do it. Your body is drawn to his, your mind consumed with the need to feel his lips on yours.
He can see the conflict in your eyes, the battle between your loyalty and your desires. He can tell that you’re close to breaking, close to giving in to what you both want. He leans in even closer, his lips practically touching yours. “Stop fighting it,” he whispers, his voice low and sultry. “Stop trying to be strong, and just let go. I know you want this. You’ve always wanted this.“ His words send a jolt of electricity through your body, the truth of them hitting you like a ton of bricks. You know that he’s right, that deep down you’ve always wanted this, always wanted him. You know that no matter how hard you try to deny it, there will be a part of you that will always belong to him. You can feel your resistance crumbling, your body and mind completely under his control.
He senses your surrender, the last of your resistance crumbling beneath the weight of his words and his touch. He can feel the heat and desire radiating off you, the air between you electric and charged. Without another word, he closes the tiny gap between you and captures your lips with his own. The moment his lips meet yours, it’s like a circuit is completed. The floodgates of long-suppressed desire burst open, and you kiss him back with a passion that takes your breath away. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before, the intensity and heat of it like a storm, crashing over you and consuming you whole. You respond to the kiss with equal hunger and fervor, his hands moving to cup your face, to pull you closer to him. He wants to devour you, to possess you completely. He can feel the tension building between you, the passion and need threatening to overwhelm you both.
You wrap your arms around him, pulling him towards you and molding your body against his. You can feel his strength, his power, the taut muscles of his back, and the heat of his skin beneath his robes. The kiss deepens, your mouths moving together in a dance of desire and need. Your hearts are racing, your bodies electrified by the heat of the kiss.
You feel the possessive urgency in his touch, the hunger and need in his every movement. You can feel the jealousy and the anger, the primal need to possess you completely. And despite yourself, you feel your body responding to his touch, igniting a fire deep within you that you thought was long extinguished.
He breaks the kiss, his eyes burning into yours, his body still pressing you against the wall. He’s panting, his breathing ragged and uneven, his body vibrating with need. “You’re mine,” he growls, his voice raw and hoarse. “No one else is ever going to touch you, no one else is going to have you. I want you to leave him.“
Your mind is hazy, your thoughts clouded by the heat and desire coursing through your body. You know that you should resist him, however, you want to tell him that he owns your body and soul completely. But your mind betrays you, your words coming out in little more than a breath. "I... I can't," you whisper, your voice trembling.
The words are like a cold bucket of water to his face, his eyes flashing with a mixture of hurt and anger. He pulls back from you slightly, his hands still on your hips, anchoring you to the wall. “Why not?” he bites out, his voice rough and sharp. “What’s stopping you?“
You try to find the words to explain, to tell him that it’s too much, that you’re still engaged to someone else. But before you can form the words, he’s leaning back in, his body pressing against yours once again. “Tell me,” he says, his voice a low growl in your ear. “Tell me why you can’t be mine. I want to hear you say it.“ The heat and desire that was coursing through you moments ago has faded, replaced by a sense of guilt and confusion. You know that you should put your foot down, that you should remind him of your engagement. But you’re finding it increasingly hard to think straight as he presses his body against yours, his voice a seductive whisper in your ear. “It's a political arrangement.” You manage to say, the words coming out in a shaky breath.
A low, possessive growl escapes his throat as he hears your words. "What do you mean, a 'political arrangement'?" he snaps, his hands tightening on your hips. "Explain."
You take a shaky breath, your body still pressed against the cool surface of the wall. The primal possessiveness of his touch sends a shiver down your spine. “My marriage. It’s an arrangement made by our families,” you explain, your voice barely above a whisper. “It’s meant to strengthen our families’ political relationships.”
His jaw clenches at your words. The thought of you entering into a political arrangement with someone else, someone who didn’t deserve you, is enough to make his blood boil. He moves his body impossibly closer, his hands shifting to cup your face, his voice a low growl. “So your family basically sold you to someone else for political gain?”
Your heart sinks at the harsh truth of his words. In the back of your mind, you’ve always known that the engagement was more about politics than love. But the truth hurts, especially hearing it said out loud. You can feel the tension and possessive anger in his body, the way his body is pressed against yours like a cage. You know he’s not going to let this go easily. You nod, your voice barely above a whisper. “Essentially, yes.“
His mind reels at your admission, his anger and jealousy growing even stronger. He can’t believe that your family would treat you like a bargaining chip like a possession to be traded away for political gain. “And you agreed to this?” he practically spits out, his voice thick with anger. “You agreed to marry someone you don’t even love?“
Your heart twists at the anger and hurt in his voice, but you can’t deny the truth of his words. You did agree to marry someone you don’t love, all because of your family’s political aspirations. You nod again, your eyes downcast. You’re ashamed and embarrassed, and guilt washes over you like a wave. You know you’ve hurt him by agreeing to marry someone else, but you don’t know how to fix it.
He pulls back slightly, his hands falling from your face. He feels a mix of anger, hurt, and jealousy coursing through him, the primal possessiveness warring with the need to protect you. “So you’re going to marry him?” he asks, his voice low and hoarse. “You’re going to spend the rest of your life with someone you don’t even love? Are you gonna be happy with that?“
You find yourself unable to meet his gaze. You’ve never thought about it that way before, but there isn't much that you can do. You shake your head slowly, your voice barely above a whisper. “It's the best outcome for everyone. For my family, the Order, the Force... and for you.“
His jaw clamps shut at your words, a surge of anger and frustration coursing through him. The thought of you marrying someone else, settling for a life that is anything less than what you deserve, is unbearable to him. “Best outcome for everyone?” he grits out, his voice raw with emotion. “Except for you. What about what you want? What about your happiness?“ His words sting bitterly, the shame and guilt you feel growing stronger. You know that your happiness is not a priority in this arrangement, that it never has been. But the truth hurts, especially when it’s said out loud. You shake your head again, your voice trembling. “It doesn’t matter. I have a duty, the responsibility to see this through.“
His heart aches at your words, the fact that you’re willing to sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of duty is something he can’t understand. It goes against everything he believes in, against everything he fights for. “Duty and responsibility be damned,” he snaps, his voice edged with anger and frustration. “You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be with someone who loves you, who worships the ground you walk on. Not some political arrangement.“
Your heart clenches at his words, the mix of anger and desperation in his voice bringing tears to your eyes. You know he’s right, deep down you’ve always known that you deserve more than you’re settling for. But duty and responsibility have always been pounded into you, and the thought of going against them is terrifying. “It’s not that simple,” you whisper, your voice thick with emotion. “It’s not just about me. It’s about the Republic, the Jedi Order…”
He scoffs at your words, the anger and frustration growing stronger. The fact that you’re still focusing on what's expected of you, even after everything you’ve just shared, is frustrating for him. “None of that matters if you’re not happy. You’re not some pawn to be used in someone else’s game.“
Your heart aches more with every word he says, the truth of them echoing in your head. You know he’s right, you know that your happiness should come first, but the years of conditioning and expectations are hard to break. “I can’t just... abandon everything...” you say, your voice weak. “I can’t disappoint them.“
His eyes flash with anger and disbelief, his patience wearing thin. “You’re more worried about disappointing them than about your happiness? That’s a load of Bantha poodoo and you know it. They don’t deserve your loyalty.”
He's right, you know he is. You've been putting everyone else's needs above your own for so long that it's become second nature. You look up at him, tears streaming down your face. "But what about you?" you whisper, your voice trembling.
“What about me?” he echoes, his voice hoarse with emotion. “You’re choosing someone else over me. You’re choosing a life of political duty over our happiness, over what we could have together.“ He steps closer to you again, his body once again pinning you against the wall. His hands reach out to cup your face, his touch gentle despite the storm of emotion raging within him. “We could have a life together. We could be happy.“
Your heart clenches at his words, the weight of the decision you’re facing hitting you like a ton of durasteel. You know what you want, deep down you know that you’d give anything to be with him. But responsibility, a lifetime of conditioning, is still weighing heavily on you. You lean into his touch, your eyes falling closed. Your voice is a whisper, choked with emotion. “Is that possible?” He feels a pang of pain at your question, the doubt in your voice makes him want to just keep you in his arms until you understand what you mean to him. He’s never been more sure of anything in his life. “Yes,” he says, his voice steady and firm, despite the emotions churning inside him. “It’s possible. It’s more than possible. It’s what I want, what I’ve wanted since I met you.“ His hands tighten on your face, his touch gentle yet possessive. “Please, don’t marry him. Choose me.“
His words and touch cut through the fog of doubt and confusion surrounding you. The thought of choosing him, of having a life with him, fills you with a sense of longing and hope that you’ve never known before. For the first time, the thought of your future isn’t shrouded in obligations, it’s filled with love and happiness. You let out a ragged breath, your body tense. “I don’t want to marry Kenth.” You whisper.
His heart nearly leaps out of his chest at your words, a surge of triumph and relief coursing through him. He pulls you closer, his arms wrapping around you like a vise, pulling you flush against him. His body is taut with need and desire, the primal possessiveness in him raging stronger than ever. “Then don’t.” he whispers into your ear, his voice a low growl. “Be with me.“
Your body melds against him, your trembling hands coming up to rest on his shoulders. You feel a mix of relief and desire and fear coursing through you as you look into his eyes, your voice a whisper. “What if they find out? What if they try to... stop us? Or worse, haunt us?“
He pulls back slightly to look at you, his eyes burning with a mix of passion and determination. The thought of anyone trying to stop or hurt you fills him with a fierce, protective rage. “They’ll try,” he says, his voice hard. “But I’ll never let anything happen to you. I’ll protect you, no matter what. And if anyone tries to stop us, they’ll have to go through me first.“
His words, full of certainty and strength, send a shiver down your spine. You’ve never felt so wanted, so desired, so protected. The thought of being with him, of having his love and loyalty, is both exhilarating and terrifying. You look into his eyes, searching for reassurance. “And what if it doesn’t work?” you ask hesitantly. “What if we can’t make it?“
He sees the doubt and fear in your eyes, and his heart clenches at the thought of losing you. He pulls you even closer, his body pressed against yours, his arms wrapped around you fiercely. “It will work,” he says, his voice firm and unwavering. “I’ll make sure it does. I won’t let anything come between us.“ He leans in, his lips brushing against your ear, his voice a low growl. “I love you. And I won’t let anyone or anything take you away from me.“
His words, spoken with such unwavering conviction, send a jolt of hope and love through you. You’ve never felt so safe, so cherished, so loved. You can feel the heat and strength of his body against yours, the possessiveness and determination radiating off him in waves. You close your eyes, leaning into him, his lips at your ear. “I love you too,“ you whisper, your voice cracking with emotion. “I’ve always loved you.“
Anakin for the first time in his life, feels complete, whole. He embraces you tightly, his hands roaming over your body, possessive and protective. “You’re mine,” he whispers, his voice rough with emotion. “And I’m yours. No one can keep us apart again. Not the Order, not the Republic, not the universe.“
You can feel the possessiveness in his touch, the way his hands roam over your body as though he owns it. And a part of you, a primal, feminine part of you, longs to be owned by him, to belong to him completely. You nod, your body molding against his, your voice a whisper. “I’m yours. Completely yours.“
His heart nearly bursts at your words, your surrender and acceptance igniting a primal, possessive need in him that nearly takes his breath away. He leans in, his lips against your neck, his voice a low, ragged growl. “Say it again. Say you’re mine.“
You tilt your head slightly, giving him better access to your neck, your body melting against his. You feel a shiver of desire run down your spine at his words, his possessive tone sending a wave of heat through you. You let out a shaky breath, your voice a ragged whisper. “I’m yours. I belong to you, completely and utterly.“
Anakin’s eyes lock onto yours, the intensity and determination in his gaze making your breath hitch. His hands coming up to cup your face, his touch achingly gentle. “There are so many words I want to say to you,” he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. “Words that will never do justice to how I feel about you. You’re the air that I breathe, the thought that consumes me, the obsession that drives me to the brink of madness.“ He leans in closer, his forehead pressing against yours. "You’re the reason I feel alive, the reason I’ll do anything, give anything, to be with you.“ His hands move to your back, his body pressed against yours, the raw need and desire in him almost feral. “I’ve tried to fight it for years, to deny it, but I can't. I can't pretend anymore that I don't want you, that I don't need you. Because I do. I need you more than anything. I’m obsessed with you, completely and utterly obsessed. Living without you it's like not having a soul inside of my body.“
He pulls back slightly, his eyes burning into yours, the force of his emotions like a tidal wave washing over you. “I will do whatever it takes, I will risk everything, I will defy the universe itself, to keep you by my side. You’re mine, and I will never let you go. You’re my love, my every thought, my every dream, my entire existence.“
Your heart is pounding in your chest, the intensity and passion in his words, his voice sending a shiver down your spine. Your hands reach up, touching his face, your fingers tracing over his features gently. “Ani…“ You whisper, your voice thick with emotion. “I… I don’t know what to say. You… you make me feel things I’ve never felt before. You make me feel loved, wanted, desired… worshipped.“
He leans into your touch, his eyes closing as he savors the feeling of your fingers on his skin. A small, vulnerable smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he looks at you. “Say you’ll be mine,” he whispers, his voice gruff with emotion. “Say you’ll stay with me, that you’ll be my everything. I need to hear it, I need to know that you want this as much as I do.“
His vulnerability in that moment, so different from the fierce and possessive man he usually is, makes your heart pound even harder. You look into his eyes, seeing the love, the fear, the need in them. You never knew he was capable of such emotion, such passion. “I’ll stay with you,” you murmur, your voice soft yet filled with conviction. “I’ll be yours, yours completely. For as long as you’ll have me.“
He lets out a ragged breath, his body visibly relaxing as your words sink in. The fear, the doubt, that had been lurking in his eyes vanishes, replaced by something wild and primal, something that nearly takes your breath away. “Forever,” he whispers, his voice hoarse and fierce. “I want you forever. I need you forever. You’re mine now, and I’m never letting you go. Together, we will defy the odds, we will fight fate, we will prove that love, true love, can conquer all."
His lips brush against yours, soft and gentle at first, but quickly turning hungry and demanding. His body presses against yours, the heat of his desire like a fever burning through you. The world around you falls away, leaving only you and him, lost in a moment of complete and utter obsession and love. You’re his and he's yours, and nothing else matters.
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269 notes · View notes
leons-lady · 4 months
I'm gonna hold yalls hand when I say this again
if you're gonna name the reader that isn't Y/N or (your name), or the character saying their name without those two I mentioned if it bothers you
tag it properly as oc x canon. not x reader. that is NOT my name.
(and yes, I will be blocking, but it's still gonna pop up everywhere so I need at least SOMEONE to try and get me.)
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councilofcastamere · 8 months
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no fics yet… but requests are always welcome 🪐
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no fics, but please feel free to request 🔪👻
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raccoonomicon · 4 months
Heyyy sorry this is an Oc x Canon safe space here's my Nighsister OC Aka-Fah x Maul
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Flats + Lineart - no Sketch because I cleaned it up and directly transformed it into lineart.
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I'm actually pretty proud of this :D I'm also developing her backstory a bit because I grew affectionate of her (this will end with a thousand-pages pdf I can feel it in my bones)
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heartofmortis · 2 months
❦ Navigation
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. *. ⋆ hope ! 🪐 she/her. 19. english. bi ace.
fandoms i write for: star wars, asoiaf, criminal minds, 9-1-1. some of my fics contain mature content and are 16+, some fics will contain more explicit content and will be marked as 18+. send me an ask or rq & i'll try my best!
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━━ star wars
EVENSTAR (anakin skywalker x oc), 14 chapters posted. on AO3 & WP.
WONDERLAND (ahsoka tano x oc), 12 chapters posted. on AO3 & WP.
MIRRORBRIGHT (captain rex x oc), no chapters yet. on WP.
EXILE (darth vader x reader), part 1 of 4 posted.
THE NIGHT WE MET (anakin skywalker x reader), one shot
━━ criminal minds
WAITING ROOM (emily prentiss x oc), draft
KITCHEN LIGHT (emily prentiss x reader), draft
THE ARCHER (spencer reid x male oc), draft
━━ game of thrones
LIONHEART (robb stark x oc), no chapters yet. on WP.
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blade-liger-4ever · 2 months
Rise and Shine
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Galen knocked on the door to Raya's room on their Paladin-class freighter New Horizon. "Raya, it's past o'eight hundred. C'mon, it's time for breakfast."
No return sound greeted him. Frowning, he knocked harder and repeated, "Raya? Raya, are you okay?"
He didn't hear a response, but he faintly heard a rustling sound on the other end. Stepping back, he glanced around, and once he was sure neither Tapi nor HK-77 were walking down the hall, he turned back to the door. Lifting his right hand, he focused on the door's inner mechanisms and used the Force to unlock it. There was a whoosh sound as the panel slid back, and quickly stepping in, he blinked to readjust to the dim lighting as the door shut behind him. Looking around, he opened his mouth to speak when a muffled snore caught him off-guard. Facing the direction of the cots, Galen felt his mouth hang open as his eyebrows shot up to his hairline.
Before him, lying half on and half off the bed in nothing but loose night clothing, lay Raya Karimi. An arm dangled off the side, her long brown-black hair obscuring the lower half of her face while her intricate braid trailed down her back. She was barefoot, and midway through a snore she subconsciously lifted her head to swipe at her nose before returning her arm to it's limp position. As she resumed snoring - the sound of which reminded Galen of a hoverbike with a small engine - one would hardly have guessed Raya were descended from the old Zakuulan nobility.
Galen stared at her, then reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose as another, though far quieter, snore escaped her. Apparently, she had stayed up later than he'd realized on decoding the old treasure maps they'd uncovered last week. To be fair to Raya, she was less interested in profit and more invested in the possibility of an uninhabited planet holding relics from the Old Republic Era from four thousand years ago. Her insistence on it being important finds against the Empire and a preservation of galactic history, coupled with her pleading kath hound puppy eyes, had made him relent in their debate on it last night.
Evidently, he should have known better than to leave her unsupervised with said historical artifacts. Or at least, Galen should have joined her in it. Then she would have been more susceptible to honest sleep when she had a partner's rest to account for.
Removing his hand, Galen sighed through his nose and walked around to the other side of the bed so that he was more or less face-to-face with her. He looked at her for a moment, briefly torn about waking her or not. Force only knew when she got to sleep, and they'd been run ragged for ages.
If I'm being honest, she looks kinda cute when sacked out that hard.
Okay, that did it. Galen had been thinking things about her that bordered beyond friendship for a while now, and after his - his loss, courtesy of Vader - he wasn't ready to dwell on those thoughts.
Time to give Raya a wake up call.
Crouching down, he reached over and tapped her shoulder. "Raya, it's morning. Wake up."
No response. Rolling his eyes, Galen lightly shook her shoulder. "Breakfast. Now. Or I'm giving Tapi yours," he threatened.
What sounded faintly like "get vacuumed" left her mouth before Raya turned her face away from him. For added effect, she hunched her shoulders as if attempting to bury herself under some nonexistent covers.
Galen set his jaw. Fine. If she wasn't gonna answer to her food going to the felico, he'd give her something to wake up to.
Standing up, he marched toward the wall that held the room control panel. Scanning it, he found that the light and air conditioning were right next to each other. Giving a mischievous smirk he hadn't shown since he'd reprogrammed PROXY to mock his first pilot, Galen half turned to look at Raya's prone form. He hovered his palm over the dual buttons, counted down from three, then slammed his hand on the controls.
Immediately, the room burst into bright light, followed by hard blasts of air from the vents directly above Raya and himself. No sooner had he squinted against it did Raya scream, and he saw her half jump up on the cot, her hanging arm suddenly gaining purpose and grabbing something from down below. His danger sense blared, and Galen's eyes widened as he saw her snap into a half defensive position and throw a tool right at him.
Letting out a shout of surprise, Galen dove for cover, the wrench clanging solidly against the wall. Scrambling up, he looked back to see Raya roll off the bed, then pop up and thrown an empty coke bottle at him. Galen moved his head to the side, the cold metal making a cartoon-ish whizz sound as it missed his ear before bouncing off the wall and noisily rolling across the floor.
In hindsight, this was probably not his wisest idea.
Moving to a stand, he ducked his head as Raya chucked a loose sock at him. "Raya, wait, it's me!" he yelped, then realized that the air was blowing loudly above them both.
Throwing out a hand, he quickly lowered both room settings to a reasonable rate as he saw Raya roll across the room in his peripheral vision. Instincts kicking in, he turned and saw her yank out a blaster, turning to him and hurriedly setting it to kill with wild-eyed fear.
Yeah, he was never doing this again.
"Raya, stop!" Galen shouted, reaching out and telekinetically pulling the blaster out of her hand and into his.
Raya shrieked as the weapon flew from her hand, though the grip she had managed to keep meant she stumbled forward a few feet. Fumbling, Raya braced her hands against the floor to keep from falling, then looked up at him as he turned the blaster back to stun. Blinking rapidly, her fear was soon replaced with exasperation and sheer frustration as he tossed the weapon onto her cot.
"Galen! What the kriff were you doing?!" she demanded, breathing hard as she staggered to her feet.
"You wouldn't wake up, and it's two hours beyond your usual routine," he shot back, though traces of sheepishness were evident in his voice. "You wouldn't wake up when I shook you, so I just...tried the room settings."
"Do you have ANY idea how many times I've woken up to enemies trying to break into my place?" Raya retorted vehemently as she straightened her shirt. She blinked and looked down at herself, then swallowed and pulled some of her hair foward so it covered her front. Realizing what she was doing, Galen quickly darted his gaze around the room before finding her eyes again. Although there was still a fair bit of indignation in her brown eyes, there was a hint of amusement in them as she hissed, "Seriously, I've had to do more duck and rolls and grandma throwing tactics than anyone just to keep my head attached."
Despite the absolute absurdity of the situation, Galen couldn't help but find her now broken facade of anger funny. And adorable.
Clearing his throat, he answered, "Sorry, I didn't think that far ahead. Um, anyway, HK was saying something about maintenance, and I made breakfast, so...I'll let you get changed."
Turning on his heel, he marched toward the door, stopping as it opened before looking back and adding sincerely, "Sorry about the uh, fiasco. Won't happen again."
"Thanks," Raya replied, her voice somewhere between flustered and pleased. Facing the doorway, Galen exited the room, but the door didn't close before he heard her muttering, "Ex-Imperials...Force, they're one of a kind."
Galen wasn't sure what to make of that, but he didn't fight the content smile it brought to his face.
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nevess · 1 year
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this is for anyone over 18 (18+) that’s interested in reading my star wars fanfic.
I’m planing on doing several chapters where Y/N & Anakin are eventually together. Tho, im thinking about making my own main character and change the whole narrative. The MC has She/her pronouns.
I just bawled my eyes out watching clone wars & episode iii ROTS, so we are not going through the pain of anakin becoming vader and order 66 anytime soon, so it’s an AU where somehow that doesn’t happen.
We don’t care how it works, we just care that he’s gonna be okey.
I don’t have much of a plan for the story yet, i’ll figure it out in the process. I’m half way through writing the first chapter, so if you are interested in being my beta reader just reblog or answer this. Preferably text me
I’ll be checking you prospects :p
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cinnamon303444 · 6 months
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Anakin Thoughts
I will be honest. Some of this is based on my oc, but there is no mention of her.
Thinking of being a princess / prince of some sort and meeting Anakin as he's out on a mission as a Padawan, he had been thinking of Padme all of the time but the moment he scoops you up into his arms he suddenly forgets about her. You end up choosing him and your guys, "Love" over your people who had been forcing you to marry to save their planet, you chose him over the lives of millions, and he knew, but the moment he saw Padme again, he forgot about you instead, and you were left thinking about how you killed your people, betraying them for a man who you now know, can't ever love you :(
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feelslksugar · 4 months
teasing (anakin x reader) + twt prn link
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A/N; it’s so fucking late but I needed to post this asap. Sorry if it's bad or I forget any tags.
Warnings; Dark content, Anakin is very mean, size kink, afab reader, pussy slapping, fingering, dubcon, female reader, recording/sextape, Anakin calls readers pussy she, teasing, name-calling, threats to leak videos.
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You had been testing Anakin’s patience all day. The relentless teasing words and touches that lasted just a little too long had him wanting to ravage you right then and there but, he had self-control. 
At least that’s what he thought. He could tolerate the teasing but one thing he wouldn’t stand for was the flirting. 
 The blatant flirting with his friends right in front of him really sent him over the edge, he knew he would make you regret it the moment you two were alone.
The minute the door shut behind him you knew your fate was sealed. He wasted zero time throwing your smaller body over his shoulder and taking you straight to the bedroom before slamming you into the plush bed face down. He immediately ripped the material of your thin stockings and pushed your pleated mini skirt up exposing your bare cunt.
Unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend knew exactly how he was going to teach you a lesson. Only HE knew how to put you in your place.
You stayed put, face down on the bed and the bedroom was eerily silent except for some soft rustling followed by a small ring. 
It sounded so vaguely familiar, but it was something you couldn’t identify for a moment until it hit you all at once.
He was fucking recording. 
You could feel his looming presence behind you before he immediately ripped the material of your thin stockings and pushed your pleated mini skirt up exposing your bare cunt.
“You wanna be a bad girl all day,” He mutters under his breath while kneading the fat of your ass in front of the camera. “N-no Ani. I’m sorry.” You squeak while he continues to manhandle your most sensitive parts. 
The cold air in the room made contact with your pussy.  It definitely didn’t help.
Whenever your boyfriend would spread you too wide and your sensitive pussy would involuntarily spread you felt the embarrassment. 
Knowing the camera was capturing every single detail made you involuntarily clench your thighs together. You felt like a cheap whore on display for all to see.
“It’s too late for that, you’ve been such a fucking tease all day.” He groans looking at your small hole clench around nothing, desperate to be filled with something, anything. 
“She’s so fucking pretty.” He says looking at your cunt in the camera before his strong hand makes contact with the soft flesh of your ass. “Aniii- Please no, I said sorryyyy-” You can't even form your next thought before his hand strikes you once more. And once more, again, again, and again.
“No? You don’t want this? You’re sorry?” He parrots your needy words in a higher pitch while continuing to tease you on camera for the world to see. “I don’t think you’re sorry baby.” The last loud smack makes contact with your reddening skin before he gives your pussy a rub with the tips of his thick fingers. “Fuck, you’re dripping Doll. I think you like this and you don’t want me to stop. I think you like being filmed. It makes you so wet. See?” 
The tips of his fingers rub up and down your soaking slit, spreading your sweet wetness around your puffy folds and occasionally making contact with your sensitive clit. “You’re so meannnnn.” You whine desperate for any more friction or contact with your sensitive nub.
You were desperate for anything. Anakin watched as your small hole clenched around nothing. He knew he was being cruel, but he didn’t care.
 He knew he could easily reduce you to a crying mess just by dipping his fingers in.  You were always so sensitive and delicate just for him. He could make you cry and squirt without even trying as he had many times before. 
The feeling your desperate moans and whines gave him was something otherworldly. He knew you deserved to be punished but he couldn’t help himself. 
The feeling of his thick fingers finally making contact and dipping into the warm heat of your pussy made you drool. “Such a slut, you’re fucking dripping everywhere. I thought you didn’t want this hm?” The end of his sentence was punctuated with a harsh slap to your wet cunt. “You clearly do, so sit pretty and let me do whatever I want, okay?” Before you could protest his weight shifts off of your shared bed. 
You heard the familiar sound of a zipper and the drop of pants before you felt his larger frame behind you, aligning himself with your slick entrance. “Stay still for me, yeah?” Anakin says, grabbing the base of his cock and giving it a few experimental strokes before sliding his pre cum covered tip up and down your puffy folds. “Be gentle please Ani.” You beg, knowing his large size always made your eyes water no matter how many times you’ve done it with him. 
But the sudden sensation of being split in half overwhelms your senses. 
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do.” He snarls before forcing half of his cock into your wet heat. “Ani! Fuck I can’t!” You cry out grasping at the sheets desperate for purchase. 
 He gave you no time to adjust to his big length causing a dull ache in your lower half. “Yes, you fucking can,” He taunted, digging his fingernails into your hips while biting his lip.
“You’re saying you can’t but you’re clenching so much around me and I’m not even all the way in yet. Giving the camera such a fucking show,” He moans before forcing the rest of his thick length inside your abused pussy. 
“Fuck, always so tight for me.” He feels like he could cum in just a few thrusts with the way your cunt gripped him like a vice. “‘M so full,'” You whine at the feeling of being filled to the brim. Full of Anakin, raw.
His hips begin to move, slowly at first. “Fuck, I love this fucking pussy. All mine too, isn’t that right baby?” He asked. You could feel Anakin’s spongey tip kiss your cervix over and over again while he waited for your response. “Yes! Fuck!” You cried out when his thrusts began to speed up when you took a little too long to answer him. “All yours Ani! I’m sorry!” You cry into the pillow desperate to hide your moans.
“The stupid slut is sorry now huh?” The sound of skin slapping on skin echoed on the walls of your shared bedroom while he abused your poor cunt. “Yeah? You’re fucking sorry? Apologize. Let them hear you.” His words were dripping with anger. He wanted you to be sorry. To cry and beg on camera. He wanted nothing else but to make a moaning drooling mess out of you. “They can’t hear you with your face buried in that fucking pillow now can they?” He spits, grabbing your hair from the roots and pulling your face out of the plush pillow. 
“No! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for being a slut! I’m sorry I’m Ani’s! I’m only his!” Your words were slurring and you swear you could see stars when he hit that bundle of nerves over and over again with his fat tip. “That's what I like to hear. That’s right baby, tell them.” He leaned forward and licked the shell of your ear. 
“You’re being such a good girl.” He whispered in your ear while not once slowing down. “Let this be a lesson. Whenever you even fucking think about disobeying me think about this.” He hisses while biting your ear. 
“I love you so much,” You could tell your boyfriend was getting closer. His thrusts became sloppier with each passing second. 
“Fuck, I love you so so much.” His tone was needy and his hands gripped and groped all over your soft body desperate to feel anything. “I’m gonna cum.” He whines before getting one last deep thrust in. “Cumming inside you.” 
The feeling of his long-awaited orgasm washed over him. He felt so weightless. You could feel his weight on your back while his labored breath tickled your shoulder. A thin layer of sweat covered you two while he slowly pulled out his softening cock. Thick globs began to spill out of your abused cunt before your boyfriend’s sweaty body was lifted off of yours.
 “Should I send this video out now baby?”
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Darth Waffle X Totoro, a meeting in the Hotsprings.
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Omninoxus, Goddess of the Abyss, the Void Eater
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Aliases: Omni, Omninox, the Queen, the Dark Empress, Mother of All Blackholes, World Devourer, Darkness Supreme, Mistress of the Void, the Silence, Diamond of the Abyss, Abysmal Ruler, All Devouring, Death
600 feet tall (with heels)
Omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent
Her eyes hold galaxies, nicknamed the “Twin Galaxies”
Known as the “All Devouring” by her people due to her insatiable appetite, consuming anyone and everything
She absorbs all light due to her dark form
Her eyes, nails, teeth, and aura glow pure white
Created her own subjects, called Noxians (or the Nox), and home planet named “Ateron”, which is double the size of our Jupiter
Omninoxus’ throne and temple/palace is located on the surface of Ateron, perfectly carved out of the largest mountain on the planet. In front of the giant throne is a grand arena for orchestrated performances and gladiator battles are held for the goddess’s entertainment
There is a hexagon-shaped platform near the throne that Omninoxus can lift using her telekinesis, used by people who came to her to have audience with the queen
Nox, or Noxian for singular, are intelligent, good-neutral beings created in Omninoxus’ image, each individual unique in appearance and personality
They live in an advanced society with order and peace, working together to further improve the present for the next generation
The Nox often trade with travellers who are brave enough to venture out into the outer reaches of the multigalaxy
She has a pair of long arms that reach the ground, and a normal length pair
She has a floor-length translucent black veil with two rings of white stars on top, and can disintegrate or change it into a solid black cloak
Based on black holes found in outer space
Callous, affectless, cautious, and arrogant
Due to her extreme reality bending powers, she is able to alter the timeline of events itself, including seeing/traveling to the past, present, and future
But she doesn’t bother changing it unless it directly affects her or her people
She is “younger than time itself”
Her subjects are highly immune to most, if not all, diseases and bacteria throughout all of outer space
Ateron is located beyond the edge of the abyss of space away from potential enemies
The Nox, however, do not live on the surface of the planet, but within it using underground tunnels and cities that are hundreds of miles long; only 25% of Ateron is discovered by its own native inhabitants
Ateron has rich soil and drinkable water, and is rich with a natural metal named “Noxite”, which is highly absorbent and durable—great for armors and weapons
Noxian botanists will study and crossbreed native plant species with foreign ones to create new and better subspecies
The Nox have been using highly durable camouflaged spaceships to travel all over the galaxies, and have built hidden portals on several planets to have easier and faster transportation (which needs DNA samples or “visitor chips”, microchips injected underneath the skin for non-Nox users, to use)
Despite being 600 feet tall, the goddess can make herself much, much, much bigger in order to consume beings larger than her
She is able to produce a physical copy of herself around 5”11 ft tall to walk among mortals in different parts of the galaxy
She actually had a lot of suitors during her lifetime. She ate all of them
She probably would eventually find companionship, but it has to be someone who is special, chosen by fate to alter the course of destiny. Like Anakin Skywalker or Abeloth.
She doesn’t mind the solitary lifestyle; the Nox, whom she views as her children, are all the company that she needs
Finds most diseased mortals to have a “fishy taste”
Most parasites end up disintegrating once they enter her or Noxian bodies
It has been found that the Nox have the ability to “breathe” in space for long periods of time, due to their bodies adapting to the harshness of their spacial and hostile environment
The Nox have been using Cortosis and other durable and absorbent metals along with Noxite for armor, piercing weapons, and building materials
The home planet has a breathable atmosphere created by the native flora
The Nox are omnivores, but most species (including Humans) are not part of their diet
The goddess is not a Force Sensitive user due to being “born” outside of the Force, gaining her powers from the cosmos themselves
However, the Nox can be Force Sensitive users, and have temples and gymnasiums designed for training and meditation
Starweirds avoid spacecrafts and Ateron in general; it is speculated that Omninoxus emits a powerful and petrifying aura that repels most enemies
Omninoxus can be sitting and staying still on her throne for long periods of time, appearing to be asleep or in deep thought
The Nox have a lifespan of 100 to 1,000 years, aging slowly
Before complete death, elder Noxians have their memories and experiences written down to place in an online archive for future generations to read. All knowledge is valuable.
Noxian bodies are great fertilizer, filled with nutrients and minerals for bountiful harvests, but consent from the deceased’s family is required in order to be used
Most industrial, fishing, agricultural, animal husbandry, and forestry jobs are located on the surface of Ateron while mining, business, research, educational, and other miscellaneous jobs are located in the underground cities and communities
Landing platforms and airports are also built on the surface
Ateron has its own army, which is made up of young and strong men and women who have undergone heavy training in the arts of hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, weapon handling, strategic planning, and guerrilla warfare. It is highly recommended for soldiers to be single and childfree, and to meditate on their choices before enlisting
Native fauna:
Aterdrogans: Massive serpentine-like space dragons with sleek muscular bodies covered in hard scales and thick skin, harden horns of various sizes and shapes, ten eyes, six limbs with sharp talons, long tails, sharp fangs, large leathery wings, and can breathe hot plasma instead of fire. In ancient texts, Aterdrogans are descendents of Omninoxus herself (who is said to take on the form of a colossal Aterdrogan abomination), created to be Ateron’s natural defense against galactic intruders. These magnificent beasts share the same intelligence as Noxians yet follow their instincts to survive in the wild. They share a special bond with the Nox, finding companionship with their smaller allies, even sometimes willingly train alongside the army. Aterdrogans are apex predators who live in the mountain ranges, where they mate for life and raise hatchlings.
Night Prowlers: Large Pantherinae and Mastiff-like beasts that hunt in the forests of Ateron. Their sleek black fur helps them stay hidden in the shadows during nightfall, with padded paws aiding them in stealth attacks. They leave very little remains of their prey, and larger Night Prowlers are known for devouring small prey whole to conserve energy. Due to their sensitive eyes, Night Prowlers stay away from bright lights and fires. They are hunted by the Nox for their tender meat, sturdy bones, and rich pelt.
Stalker Pythons: Long and thick constructor boas that can grow up to 50 feet long and four feet wide. Their scales can range from tones of green, brown, and on rare occasions, orange. They re found mostly in the tropical and swamp biomes of Ateron. Their infamous characteristic, and the one that makes them so terrifying, is the tendency to stalk their prey from a distance, using their strong sense of smell to track down prey and avoid predators. Unfortunately Stalker Python hide isn’t strong enough to protect itself from strong claws or weapons. They have adapted to avoid Noxian civilization, but go after foreign travelers. There is a harmless and docile subspecies of pythons that have been nicknamed as “Leather boas”, which are bred and raised for their thick skins.
Direboars: Huge wild boars that roam the forests and wetlands of Ateron, and are known to be extremely territorial and aggressive towards anyone and anything, even other direboars. They are muscular and have thick hide that is hard to pierce, but have soft underbellies that are susceptible to traps. Their tusks are very dense and don’t break off as easily. Known omnivores, they will eat anything that is edible, including poisonous flora that causes their saliva to become venomous if ingested or in contact with open wounds. A domesticated subspecies called “Mudboars” are raised for meat.
Singing Peacemakers: Elegant and beautiful birds that resemble hybrids of an eagle and white dove that are found in most forest habitats. Their melodies and sounds resemble the notes of a flute. Peacemakers are named after the calming and peaceful effect one feels when hearing its song. They are beloved by Noxians and are great pets for lonely and miserable souls.
Deathswallows: A mixture of raven, owl, and vulture, these massive birds often eat the remains of carcasses, including bones. Their black and grey feathers are often collected for designer clothing and jewelry. Despite being viewed as bad omens, the Nox don’t hunt deathswallows. These birds are simply the garbage collectors of the animal kingdom.
Abyssal Watchers: Massive aquatic creatures that resemble the hybrid of longer and fatter Liopleurodons and blue whales. Their bumpy skin is dark green to camouflage in the waters of Ateron’s ocean, and are silent hunters that prey on the planet’s more larger aquatic creatures. Thankfully, only few members of this species exist, and all appear to be female. They do have a habit of swallowing research submarines (don’t ask how they are retrieved). Reference 1 2 3
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leons-lady · 2 months
At the end of the day, I'm sexualizing myself not that one character I'm super into because I'm real and he's not.
Imagine not being real, what a loser. 😤
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