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whencyclopedia · 23 days ago
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Hindu Architecture
Hindu Architecture evolved over the centuries from simple rock-cut cave shrines to massive and ornate temples which spread across the Indian sub-continent and beyond, forming a canonical style which is still adhered to today in modern Hindu temples across the globe.
Essential elements of Hindu architecture are precise and harmonious geometry when viewed from all four sides and above, the square form and grid ground plans, soaring towers, and elaborate decorate sculpture which includes gods, worshippers, erotic scenes, animals, and floral and geometric patterns.
Beginnings & Purpose
From the 1st century CE a new type of worship known as Bhakti or devotional Hinduism spread across the Indian sub-continent, and the old Vedic gods were replaced in importance by deities like Shiva, Vishnu, Krishna, Brahma, and Devi. These gods would become the central figures of Hinduism and their worship required temples where the devoted could offer their thanks and reveal their hopes for a better life.
Buildings were constructed which could house a sacred symbol of a particular god, which could be decorated with sculptural figures of them so recalling episodes from their mythological adventures, and which provided a space for worshippers to leave offerings and perform rituals such as bathing and dancing by professional female dancers (devadasi). The temple was considered the dwelling place of a particular god (devalaya). It was, therefore, a sacred place (tirtha) where heaven and earth meet and, as a god's home, it must be a suitably splendid palace (prasada). The needs of the god would, additionally, be supervised by a dedicated body of priests (pujaris) who attended the temple.
Hindus need not attend regular services, but an occasional walk around the temple interior (circumambulation), known as pradaksina and done in a clockwise direction, was considered auspicious. Further, they could say prayers, look at the god's representation – a specific act of piety known as darsan – and leave offerings of food and flowers (puja). Temples, inevitably, became the very centre of a community and, accordingly, their upkeep was guaranteed by land grants and endowments from the ruling class, as indicated by inscriptions on many temples.
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pagetgram · 1 year ago
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Paget Brewster & Darsan Solomon picket Warner Brothers Studios for the 2023 Writers Guild Strike
@darsansolomon: Dave and Frankie. Striking Human Beings #sixseasonsandamovie #wgastrike #wgastrong
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jagdish-chandra-dass · 2 years ago
Watch "Aaj mohe darsan diyo ji kabir || आज मोहे दर्शन दियो जी कबीर | Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Shabad" on YouTube
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mollisarts · 2 years ago
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Lord Vishnu Vishwarup darsan terracotta idol:
The sculpture "Vishnu Vishwarup Darshan to Arjun" is a magnificent representation of one of the most significant scenes from Hindu mythology. It depicts the moment when Lord Vishnu, the Hindu god of preservation and protection, reveals his cosmic form to Arjun, a warrior prince from the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata. COLLECT YOURS NOW.... Follow mollisarts for many more unique Indian art collectibles
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satish-girde · 2 years ago
Watch "Aaj mohe darsan diyo ji kabir || आज मोहे दर्शन दियो जी कबीर | Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Shabad" on YouTube
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consistantly-changing · 1 year ago
[Image descriptions in order: a tweet by @/missmaesmith "Mae Smith ✨ WGA..." Which says "Today I had lunch with a former boss who asked me if writers were getting desperate. I shrugged; most of us have had hiatuses waaaay longer than this. Crazy how the companies have accidentally trained us to be extremely formidable opponents. Morale remains high in Week 7!"
@/DanSigner "Dan Signer" replies "So many of us went from a long stretch of unemployment to a long stretch of unemployment with snacks. They made things so bad that a strike actually slightly improved the situation for many people."]
[A reply to the original tweet, by @/Dizzyidi... "Darsan Solomon 🐀" which says "Studios: You're going to go without work for a looong time
Writers: We already do but okay".]
[A reply to the original tweet, by @/AJMoorehead "AJ Moorehead" which says "First rule of relationships: don't train them to live without you. 😘"
Another reply, by @/aadip "AADIP is on Strike" which says "Good point! If they were nicer we'd be much softer haha."
"Turing Pest 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻" replies to the original tweet "quote "Ah you think the work is your ally? You merely visited the writer's room. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see regular work until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but temping! 😂" Unquote.
Attached is a gif from Bane from the movie The Dark Knight Rises (2012), giving his speech about darkness. The caption is a quote from him, which says "you merely adopted the dark, I was born in it".]
[A reply by @/Omnithea "Omnithea" which says "The sword cannot be broken by flames inferior to its forge."
A reply by @/Po... "Eff You Yankee Blue Jeans" which says "Execs: "...and the joke is on us"". Attached is a gif from Kung Pow! Enter the Fist, which shows a scene of two characters in an office, where the character sitting at the desk says "we have purposely trained him gif wrong, as a joke."
A reply by @/Gambitx... "GambitxRogue5102" which says "Meanwhile, they are seeing their new content dry up Weekly.😁"]
[A tweet by @/jonrog1 "John Rogers" which says "Probably shouldn't have turned our careers into a series of 10 week contacts with five months between 'em if you didn't want writers with endurance for a strike. They *trained* us for this."]
[A reply to John's post by @/KimBarra... "Kimberly Barrante" which says "Feature version:
"Yeesh, week seven. Are you getting discouraged?"
"I mean, I've survived bake-offs that lasted months while living off savings... now at least I'm getting vitamin D.""
John Rogers replies "Bingo."
A reply by @/tabula_rosa69 "zz switch" which says "if you want writers to be weak & incapable of striking, provide them with stable & consistent work. that way striking would have genuinely, huge impacts on their living conditions they want to have it both ways so badly quote "please pretend we don't make you go without work regularly", unquote."]
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dps75 · 5 months ago
sadhu darsan ram ka mukh me base suhag. darash unhin ko hot hai jinke puran bhag.
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anshika44 · 6 months ago
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rumahzakat-cilegon · 9 months ago
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Cigeulis, 12 April 2024
kegiatan majlis talim rutin pekanan jemaah mushola darussalam selalu diikuti dengan antusias dalam melaksanakannya. Apalagi pengajian diisi dengan kajian kajian islam yang menarik, sehingga jemaah pun senang mengikuti pengajiannya. Selain mendapat ilmu dari isi talimnya, juga sebagai ajang silaturahmi untuk memperkokoh ukhuwah islamiyah antar warga dan sebagai dasar hablumminannas. Lokasi majlis talim ini berada di kp cigeulis sabrang lor desa cigeulis tepatnya di mushola darussalam Rt 02 Rw 06.
Kegiatan ini adalah inisiasi sekaligus suport yang dilaksanakan setiap satu pekan sekali tepatnya setiap malam sabtu dan dimulai setelah solat magrib berjamaah. Dalam pelaksanaan kali ini jemaah yang hadir kini ada 35 orang. Talim ini diisi dengan kajian islami oleh bapak Ustad Darsan Panji. Materi kali ini melanjutkan materi yang kemarin yaitu : Pekerjaan Utama di muka bumi ada 3 :
Tolabul Ilmi
Memerangi Hawa Nafsu
Pekerjaan yang Halal Alhamdulillah kegiatan pengajian ini masih bisa dilaksanakan dengan antusias. Dan masyarakat bisa terbantu dalam setiap kegiatannya terutama dalam kegiatan pembinaan pekanan atau Pengajian rutin ini.
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ghumakkad-shastra · 1 year ago
Órcsha egyébként azért érdekes, mert ahhoz képest, hogy egy falu, van benne két királyi várkastélypalota, 2 vagy 3 irdatlan nagy templom és még vagy 5-6, kisebb kastély méretű királyi síremlék. Meg egy csudafa is, de arról már volt szó.
A templomok számában a következők miatt vagyok bizonytalan. Először is van ez a várkastély alakú templom:
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Ez úgy keletkezett, hogy a 16. században valamilyen konjunktúrának köszönhetően a helyi maharádzsa az egyes számú királyi vár felépítése után rögtön nekikezdett a kettes számú királyi vár építésének, és ezzel párhuzamosan egy szinte párját ritkítóan gigantikus méretű Ráma-templomnak is, közvetlenül a 2. sz. királyi vár mellett. Na de mi történt ekkor? Azt nem tudjuk, de a népi legenda úgy szól, hogy a hatalmas templomba szánt istenszobrot ideiglenesen a 2. sz. királyi várban helyezték el, majd amikor vitték volna a tervezett helyére, a templomba, az isten "nem akart átmenni", a szobrot nem lehetett megmozdítani. Mit volt mit tenni, a 2. sz. királyi várból lett Ráma-templom, a hatalmas templomépület meg évszázadokra üresen maradt. A Ráma-templom pedig nem akármilyen Ráma-templom lett, hanem idővel "Ráma király temploma" (Rámrádzsa mandir). Ez valószínűleg nem független attól sem, hogy a mogulok az 1630-as években úgy eltörölték a föld színéről az órcshai királyságot, mintha sose lett volna. Azóta a helyiek a várkastélytemplom Ráma szobrát tisztelik királyként. Ezt egyébként annyira komolyan veszik, hogy az esti darsan (személyes találkozó az isten és hívei között) konkrétan katonai tiszteletadás mellett történik, 5 díszegyenruhás, puskás katona közreműködésével (sajnos nemcsak szigorúan tilos fényképezni, de a felvigyázók szokatlanul éberek is).
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A várkastély alakú templom mellett meg ott van a város minden pontjáról látható, kb tíz emeletnyi magas üres templomépület.
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Szóval nem biztos, hogy ez templomnak tekinthető, bár az egyik hátsó ficakban valamikor kialakítottak egy béna kis szentélyt, amelyben egyetlen szomorú bráhmin várja a híveket, többnyire hiába :(
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profnarayanaraju · 1 year ago
Ankhiyan hari darsan, Bhramargeetsaar pad 42 | अँखियाँ हरि दरसन की भूखीं...
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aroundtirupati · 1 year ago
Tirumala information
Total pilgrims who had darshan on 28.11.2023: 58,874 Tonsures: 17,133 Hundi kanukalu : 3.50 Cr Waiting Compartments… 06 Approx. Darsan Time for Sarvadarshanam (with out SSD Tokens)….8H
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sillykoalalight · 1 year ago
Revealing New Charm: Denny Ja Create Andy Warhol's Painting which is famous for Ai
The 21st century artist, Denny Ja has re-created one of Andy Warhol's famous art with the help of artificial intelligence or AI. The painting created by Warhol, "Marilyn Monroe" has now experienced a massive change and shows amazing new charm when seeing it through Denny JA's work. Andy Warhol, known as a controversial artist in his time, painted many manifestations of Marilyn Monroe who used bright colors and black striped accents on the face. "Art for me is an explanation of life," said Warhol when expressing his opinion about art. While many people see Warhol's paintings as an embodiment of Hollywood glamor, Denny JA sees it as a new way to celebrate women. Denny JA, an artist from Yogyakarta, is one of the most creative artists in Indonesia. He decided to re -create Warhol's paintings using AI technology. He wants to create something new and unique. "I always look for new ways to enrich my art and I see artificial intelligence as an extraordinary new tool to achieve this," he said. In 2019, Denny began working on this project. He took the image of Marilyn Monroe used by Warhol in his art by using artificial intelligence to add new dimensions and make it different from the original work. He used AI technology to produce differential accents on Monroe's face, without leaving the classic side of the painting. In detail, Denny Ja did not do the editing itself. It develops a special algorithm that allows the machine to edit images in an appropriate way to achieve the desired results. Denny uses software that can enrich images, making paintings as representatives and also as a story. In working on this project, Denny Ja can not only re -create the famous Warhol painting, but he also succeeded in creating added value to the work. Darsan Inggrid, an art critic said that through his artwork 'Denny had raised a new charm in contemporary art'. The award was also given to Denny who had succeeded in combining classical art and AI technology in one work. In order to increase creativity, artists are always looking for new ways to develop their art. Denny Ja is one of the artists who uses technology as a tool and support to create a unique and different work from the others. Using artificial intelligence allows artistic to be used in a new way and create interesting new artwork. In creating his artwork, Denny uses AI software that produces very high quality photos, has a detailed, and has details in every existing pixel. In order to develop his artwork, Denny Ja has created several works of art inspired by the names of famous artists, such as Van Gogh, Monet and Picasso. He also captured his works in the form of contemporary design and fashion, where he created a collection of clothing inspired by famous paintings. Denny Ja is recognized as one of the best artists in Indonesia who is famous for his creative, simple and elegant work. He looks very concerned about the details and quality of his art, including when he re -created Warhol paintings with the help of artificial intelligence. The combination of classical arts and technology is one of the trends in contemporary art that is currently developing. Through his works, Denny Ja has succeeded in creating a bridge between two different eras and brings art to extraordinary aspects that have never been imagined before. Through his work, Denny Ja has opened the possibility that every artist can explore the beauty of contemporary art, open our eyes about new possibilities that have opened the way for the art to be more interesting and relevant.
Check more: revealing new charm: Denny JA re -created Andy Warhol's paintings famous for AI
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notationsworld · 1 year ago
Aarti Kunj Bihari Ki - Sargam, Harmonium And Flute Notes
Aarti Kunj Bihari Ki - Sargam, Harmonium And Flute Notes
                                        SCALE OF THE FLUTE IS A# BASS/MIDDLE Aarti kunj bihari ki D...D..D..P..D..S'..S'..N..D...P..M..G.. Shri girdhar krishna murari ki R..G..D..P..P..M...M..R..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Aarti kunj bihari ki D...D..D..P..D..S'..S'..N..D...P..M..G.. Shri girdhar krishna murari ki R..G..D..P..P..M...M..R..G..R..R..R(K)..R..                          (x2) Gale mein baijanti mala m..m...m..G..G...G..m..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Bajave murali madhur bala m..m...m..G..G...G..m..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Shravan mein kundal jhalakala m..m...m..G..G...G..m..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Nand ke anand nandlala m...m..m..G..G...G..m..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Gagan sam ang kanti kali m..m...m..G..G...G..m..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Radhika chamak rahi aali m...m..m..G..G...G..m..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Latan mein thadhe banamali m..m...m..G..G...G..m..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Bhramar si alak kasturi tilak D..D...N...D..D.. D...D..N...D..D.. Chandra si jhalak D...D..N...D..D.. Lalit chavi shyama pyari ki D..D..D..D..P..D..S'..S'..N..D...P..M..G.. Shri girdhar krishna murari ki R..G..D..P..P..M...M..R..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Aarti kunj bihari ki D...D..D..P..D..S'..S'..N..D...P..M..G.. Shri girdhar krishna murari ki R..G..D..P..P..M...M..R..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Aarti kunj bihari ki D...D..D..P..D..S'..S'..N..D...P..M..G.. Shri girdhar krishna murari ki R..G..D..P..P..M...M..R..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Kanakmay mor mukut bilse m..m...m..G..G...G..m..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Devata darsan ko tarse m...m..m..G..G...G..m..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Gagan so suman raasi barse m..m...m..G..G...G..m..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Baje murchang madhur mridang D..D...N...D..D.. D..D..D..N..D..D..D.. Gwaalin sang D...D..N...D..D.. Atual rati gop kumaari ki D..D..D..D..P..D..S'..S'..N..D...P..M..G.. Shri girdhar krishna murari ki R..G..D..P..P..M...M..R..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Aarti kunj bihari ki D...D..D..P..D..S'..S'..N..D...P..M..G.. Shri girdhar krishna murari ki R..G..D..P..P..M...M..R..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Aarti kunj bihari ki D...D..D..P..D..S'..S'..N..D...P..M..G.. Shri girdhar krishna murari ki R..G..D..P..P..M...M..R..G..R..R..R(K)..R.. Also Read This :- - OMG Flute tune (FULL VERSION) – Sargam, Harmonium And Flute Notes - Little Krishna Opening Sequence – Sargam, Harmonium And Flute Notes - Mahabharat Title Song – Sargam, Harmonium And Flute Notes - Gayatri Mantra – Sargam, Harmonium And Flute Notes - Mahamrityunjay Mantra – Sargam, Harmonium And Flute Notes Where DO -  SA       -    S RE  -  RE      -    R MI  -  GA      -    G FA  -   MA      -  M SO  -   PA         - P LA  -  DHA      - D TI    -  NI          - N LOW OCTAVE PA -  p DHA -  d NI -  n SHUDH MA - m        TIWAR MA - M HIGH OCTAVE SA -    S' RE -     R' GA -     G' MA -     M'   m' PA -       P' KOMAL SWAR DHA -  D(k) NI -       N(k) RE -       R(k) GA -      G(k) Read the full article
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dhaliwalmanjit · 1 year ago
Bapu Darsan Singh ਬਾਪੂ ਕਹਿੰਦਾ ਜਦੋ ਮੈਂ ਖੇਤ ਪਿਆ ਮਰ ਗਿਆ ਸੀਮੈਨੂੰ ਯਮਦੂਤ ਜਿੱਥੇ...
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maharanicabjpr · 2 years ago
Luxury Car Rental in India
The goal of India Taxi Services is to give their clients excellent transportation services. We are complete transportation, providing complete travel services in India and throughout Rajasthan, whether you need luxury car rental in Jaipur or a tempo traveler for a group vacation. when you are visiting India for the first time and looking for a way to save money while still enjoying a more opulent experience. 
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Hire a Luxury Car Rental in India for Various Purposes
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