#darling irl
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eighties-goth-suicide-note · 4 months ago
You think im actually creeped with your threats?? You better not go soft on me if you want to keep me.
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return-to-limbo · 5 months ago
I want you to hurt me. I want you to press your fingers into my flesh until I bruise, to make me cry out in pain and pleasure all at once. I want to feel your love like knives in my skin, like fire burning me from the inside out. But you won’t. You’re too gentle, too afraid of breaking me. Don’t you see? I want to be broken. I want to feel your anger, your passion, your desire, all wrapped up in the way you hurt me. I want you to destroy me, to tear me apart piece by piece, until there’s nothing left but your love. So why won’t you hurt me? Why won’t you show me just how much you need me?
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cutesycatinsurance · 2 months ago
I’ll become the perfect doll for you, just give me the chance. You’ll be my every thought, my only thought, the only thing I want in life. Let me love you, let me worship you, I’d do anything to prove myself to you. I’ll need your constant attention, just let me be your dumb little shut in, I’ll sit and wait for you everyday. I have no purpose, let my purpose be to serve you and only you please.
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zennotixs · 7 months ago
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fuzzi-fuzz · 10 months ago
If someone could just stumble across my blog and begin obsessively sending me asks/messages, I'd be incredibly grateful
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rebisobsessedwithyou · 9 months ago
You only need me.
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hundredpercentdarling · 4 days ago
Darlings and Yan Darlings! Please watch for the Heartbreakers ⚠️ MO + Red Flags 🛑
Chasers are people that collect Darlings for funsies/attention ⚠️🛑
They treat Yandere x Darling relationships like a game or status symbol. They collect multiple Darlings to boost their social image or for fun. They drop or replace Darlings quickly when they get bored. They might flirt with many people at once while claiming to be "loyal." They too fast—talk about deep commitment before knowing you. They already have multiple "Darlings" or openly seek more. They enjoy the attention of being chased but never fully commit. They say things like, "I just love having Yanderes fight over me!" If they don't say it, they probably think it. Take things slow and see if they lose interest when you don’t rush in. Watch how they treat past Darlings—do they abandon people often? If they flirt with others while calling you "the one," run.
Fakers are people that want a Darling because it's easier than a normal girl [incel behavior] ⚠️🛑
They want a Yandere Darling (Yan Darling) because they think it’s easier than a normal relationship. They expect instant, unconditional love with no effort. They often complain that "normal" partners reject them, so they turn to Yanderes. They can have an entitlement mindset—treating Darlings like an emotional crutch to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions. They also claim that they were always "second choice" for former Darlings or Yanderes but will not elaborate and keep things fairly vague. They would sadphish: they are always "abandoned" by their cruel heartless Darlings/Yanderes. They act like you should instantly be obsessed with them. They expect you to fix their self-esteem issues or past traumas at once. They say things like, "A Yandere or GoodDarling©️ would never leave me, unlike normal girls." They get upset when you set boundaries (because they thought you’d be "easier") and because they actually have to work harder for the relationship to work and they want to put little effort while you put most of the effort.
Fetishizers are people that just want the relationship for sex reasons ⚠️🛑
They see Yanderes as a fantasy roleplay for their kinks rather than real people. They reduce Yandere behavior to exclusively sexual themes. They get bored when the relationship has real emotional depth. They ignore your personality beyond their idealized version of a Yandere. They constantly sexualize every aspect of the Yandere dynamic. They only engage with you when it’s about their fetish or fantasy. They ignore or dismiss Yandere traits that aren’t "hot" to them. They say things like, "I want a Yandere to chain me up and do whatever they want!" but do not care about emotional intimacy. They are not in for it for the long run. They have little emotional investment in the relationship. Eventually they get sick of pretending.
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anonpuppywife · 9 months ago
If they ever fucking try to worm their way back into your life and hurt you again, I swear it’ll be the last move they ever fucking make.
The way you reacted to their abuse but turn around and tell them they’re still your friend and you care about them fucking worries me. You’re too sweet and kind for having been treated that way.
If they try again, they’re done.
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hermiasdreaming · 9 months ago
I‘ll be all yours to spoil and pamper <3 as long as you treat me nicely I’ll be all yours !!
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floralgraveyard · 1 month ago
tw like.. full on kidnapping fantasy. from the perspective of the victim. you have been warned. <3
thinking about them making me hot chocolate or something and smiling at me sweetly and sitting down next to me and kissing my forehead.
I slowly take a sip of the hot chocolate and it burns my tongue and I say ow and they giggle and tell me something like "you should've blown on it" or "you should've waited till it cooled down a little". they're keeping their soft and sweet and loving demeanour throughout all of this.
I put the hot chocolate down for a second and and hug my plushie and they slowly stroke my hair. I put my plushie down and take another sip. it's cooler now. I don't burn my tongue this time.
I put the drink down and yawn. kiss my cheek and ask me if I'm sleepy. I let out a mumbly "nuhuh" but they can obviously tell I'm tired.
I grab my plushie again. and lay my head against their shoulder. sure enough. I'm asleep in no time.
they caress my hair and kiss me once more before standing up and resting my head comfortably on a pillow. they pack a bag of everything they think I'm going to need. though they know. if I need anything else. they'll be happy to get it for me.
after a bag is packed and they put it in the car. they come back to me and put 2 sets of handcuffs on me. one on my ankle. one on my hands. they're fuzzy and pink too.
they pick me up and carry me to their car. the trunk is set up all nice for me. it's blackout. it's got blankets. and pillows and stuffed animals and everything to comfort me incase I wake up. which I won't but. just incase.
after a long long drive we arirve back at their place. I'm still sound asleep. they carry me inside. they have everything set up. everythings pink and pretty and frilly just how they know I like it. they tuck me into bed. still handcuffed. they hold me and caress me.
they know I'm going to be scared when I wake up. but that's okay. they'll be there to comfort me <3
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strawberry-kittens-world · 9 months ago
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I really badly want a stakler, one who is really obvious. Leaves little notes and gifts for me to find, hickies and love bites on various parts of my body, calls from and unkown number and seeing a shadowy figure standing by corners watching me but as soon as I avert my focus to them the figure disappears.
Waking up to see him laying down beside me, whispering: "Shh, love... It's going to be alright..." An overjoyed grin on his face, happy that I had finally noticed him. Now there is no escape.
(Not that I would ever want to escape my soulmates precious embrace (>_<) After all he is just pure perfection.)
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bloodgutangelcake · 1 year ago
I LOVE possessive people who aren't afraid to show their possessiveness. Like yes! Please tell me that I'm all yours and nobody else's! please let the world know I'm yours ♡𝅼 
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return-to-limbo · 6 months ago
Oh, to spoil you rotten, to dote on you so much that you’re lost without my guidance. I'd make you helpless, a pathetic little pet dependent on me for even the simplest of things. Watching you flounder without me would be so satisfying, your need for my affection making you weak and pitiful. But then, when you’ve grown too comfortable, I’ll take away the comfort. I’ll delight in your pain, in the bruises I leave behind, knowing that every cut, every wound that I inflict only binds you closer to me. And afterward, I’ll patch you up, shower you in affection , just to watch you fall apart all over again. Because you belong to me, and I’ll make sure you never forget it.
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zennotixs · 10 months ago
To be loved the way I love would fix me.
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fuzzi-fuzz · 10 months ago
One day I hope to find someone who understands my needs better then I do, so that they can make all of my decisions for me
I forever yearn to be controlled by a loving and gentle hand
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rebisobsessedwithyou · 9 months ago
You.         You.         You.           You. You.         You.         You.    
You.         You.         You.           You. You.         You.         You.           You.
          You.          You.         You. You.         You.         You.         You.  
You.         You.         You.           You. You.          You.         You.
          You.          You.         You. You.         You.         You.           You.
You.         You.         You.           You. You.          You.         You.
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