#darkvlght: anna of arendelle.
hardsins-blog · 6 years
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 there  were  a  lot  of  worried  faces  in  one  room  and  it  made  him  oddly  calmer.  jesse  was  used  to  agitation,  frustration,  even  fear  surrounding  him.  he  didn't  particularly  enjoy  it  -  but  he  knew  it.  it  was  something  that  was  just  a  part  of  his  life  at  this  point.  his  boot  came  out  to  tap  against  the  girl  sitting  across  from  him,  the  look  on  her  face  read  like  a  book.  '  don't  worry  so  much,  darlin.  it's  just  a  little  bit  of  snow.  it'll  pass  soon.  '  his  lips  spread  into  a  small  sort  of  smile,  pulling  his  foot  back.  '  we  just  have  to  wait  it  out.  '    /    @darkvlght  for  anna:  from  jesse  mccree.
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irresistiibles · 6 years
@darkvlght / anna & elsa
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she hadn’t wanted to go out after the storm,not even fully convinced it wasn’t her fault. sure, the city seemed odd enough that maybe this stuff just happened here, but how could she prove that? eventually though elsa just couldn’t stay inside. it was too reminiscent of her childhood, locking herself away and thinking that was somehow better. it had been a slow careful walk, when a familiar face had her immediately moving to catch the red-haired girl. “anna?” she reached out, a gloved hand resting on her sister’s arm. “what are you doing here? you’re supposed to be in arendelle, safe.”
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