hardsins-blog · 6 years
💬  /  cassian & jyn
CASSIAN: are you alright?
JYN: as well as i can be, i'm just stuck in what they call the capitol building.
JYN: are you okay? do you know where you are?
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
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 eleven  needed  something  to  do.  she  looked  through  her  backpack,  desperately  trying  to  find  anything  to  take  her  mind  off  things.  her  smile  only  grew  wider  when  she  found  the  yo-yo  that  was  tucked  away  in  the  pocket.  it  was  a  toy  that  she  grew  some  random  interest  in.  standing  up,  she  let  the  toy  fall  slowly  with  the  string  wrapped  around  her  finger.  it  was  disappointing  to  see  the  yo-yo  just  fall  pathetically.  looking  at  around,  she  just  walked  over  to  the  boy  around  her  age  that  wasn't  doing  much.  '  hey,  you  know  how  to  use  one  of  these?  '  she  offered  the  yo-yo  out,  pulling  it  off  her  finger  entirely.    /    @lcxstsouls for kevin: from eleven. 
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
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nagito’s  attention  had  been  focused  solely  on  the  book  in  his  hands  ,  having  had  it  packed  away  in  his  backpack  for  his  classes  ,  an  avid  reader  he  was  ,  since  reading  quietly  was  the  time  his  luck  was  less  likely  to  mess  with  him.  he’d  hardly  been  paying  attention  to  the  other  until  his  second  statement  ,  to  which  nagito  looks  up  and  gives  a  smile.  ❝ i’m  more  of  a  chocolate  guy  myself  ,  but  strawberry  is  good  too  !! ❞  flashing  a  soft  smile  to  the  other  ,  nagito turns  in  his  chair  for  a  moment  ,  sitting  down  his  book  on  the  table.
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 dipper  was  happy  to  see  that  the  other  didn't  retreat  back  into  his  book  when  the  boy  tried  to  reach  out.  the  twin  knew  that  he  wasn't  the  best  at  communicating  with  other  people  at  times  -  but  it  never  stopped  him  from  trying.  '  oh  god,  do  you  think  they  have  pudding?  i  feel  deceived  if  they  only  offered  me  jello.  '  he  sat  up  a  little  straighter,  trying  to  look  for  the  employee  that  offered  them  food,  before  relaxed  back  into  his  chair  a  bit  defeated.  '  watcha  reading?  i  wish  i  brought  a  book,  i  only  have  my  laptop  but  it  died.  '  
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
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claus  can’t  help  but  smile  at  the  sight  of  the  other’s  arm.  his  own  metallic  arm  brought  up  horrible  memories  from  his  time  as  the  masked  man  ,  but  he’d  learned  to  live  with  his  prosthetic  arm  and  be  completely  natural  with  it.  he  was  almost  surprised  to  meet  someone  else  with  a  metal  arm  ,  but  it  was  a  pleasant  surprise.  taking  a  few  steps  closer  to  the  other  ,  claus  holds  out  his  prosthesis  for  a  shake  of  the  hand.  ❝ i’m  claus.  people  with  metal  arms  like  us  should  stick  together  ,  yeah  ??  i’m  sure  we  can  share  a  lot  of  the  same  problems. ❞
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 maybe  it  was  cheesy  as  hell,  but  it  was  nice  to  have  the  moment  of  metal  connecting  to  metal.  maybe  it  was  because  back  in  jesse's  world,  it  was  only  omnics  that  he  could  share  this  moment  with  and  he  wasn't  the  biggest  fan.  nothing  personal,  he  just  preferred  the  living.  '  claus,  jesse  mccree.  pleasure.  '  that  got  the  southern  man  to  actually  laugh  a  little,  a  soft  noise  that  filled  the  space  around  them  and  shrugging.  '  metal  dectors  are  not  my  friend,  i'm  sure  you  can  attest  to  that.  can  i  ask  what  got  you  the  metal  attachment?  '  
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
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 jyn  didn't  like  to  be  confined  to  a  room  with  people  she  didn't  know.  she  wanted  to  get  home,  wanted  to  get  back  to  her  little  bubble  of  safety  that  she  made  in  this  weird  world.  she  sat  down  in  one  of  the  chairs,  arms  crossing  over  her  chest  much  like  a  petulant  child,  before  relaxing  back  in  the  chair  and  letting  her  head  fall  back  on  the  headrest.  a  small  sigh  escaping  her  lips,  she  turned  her  head  to  the  side  to  look  at  the  boy  sitting  next  to  her.  '  do  you  think  if  we  all  start  going  stir  crazy  at  the  same  time,  they'll  let  us  go?  '    /    @ghcstliness  for  anakin:  from  jyn  erso.  
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
a quick little update for the event: 
dipper pines: group eight ( medstar georgetown university hospital ) 
jesse mccree: group four ( the supreme court building ) 
eleven: group one ( the white house ) 
jyn erso: group three ( the capitol building ) 
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
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Was that [ AYCA AYSIN TURAN ]? Oh no no, that was just [ JYN ERSO ], a [ CANON CHARACTER ] from [ STAR WARS ]. They are [ TWENTY SEVEN ] years old and [ ARE ] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here?
jyn has been in washington dc for a month. 
what is your character’s job?
the woman turned to the one thing that she understood in her life before which was being a thief. jyn took care of herself by stealing her way through life for twenty seven years before joining the resistance so it’s what she understands. 
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom?
jyn has been pulled right from the last moment on the beach. she remembers clutching to cassian so tightly and that she was going to die knowing that she saved something in her life for once, then.. it was just dc from then on out. there is some sort imbalance in her brain knowing that she was just about to die, but she has to figure out what to do from here. 
has any magic affected your character?
while jyn understood that the force ran through her, not as a user, but something calling her and eventually going to claim her in death - there is some uncertainty if it exists in this world. so she craves it, but nothing else has affected her.  
i’m stoked to bring another character to dc and i love star wars so i’m real real excited to bring jyn here. hopefully i can do her justice! lmk if you wanna plot or anything <3 
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
tag  drop  for  JYN  ERSO  !
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
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        being swept into the hospital of all places when the storm hit had seemed to be nothing less than a miracle. if stella HAS to be stranded somewhere away from her apartment , this is certainly the best place for her. much like everyone else , she has very little idea of how long it’ll be before she can safely return home. so , with her body being so dependent on her regimen to keep working , it’s extremely important that the teen have access to the necessary equipment  &  medications in the meantime. the problem however , as she  s o o n  finds out , is that everything she needs is kept secure within a locked room. which , of course , makes sense , but now stella isn’t sure of what she can possibly do. she can’t get into the room herself. the staff on duty is hesitant to help her , wary of her just trying to  s c a m  her way to drugs. there aren’t MANY options left. frustrated  &  a bit afraid of what’s going to happen to her as a result , she tries the door one last futile time. it’s then that she slams her hand against the obstacle , the piece of wood preventing her from obtaining what keeps her alive. ❝  it’s no use ,  ❞ she mutters , DEFEATED. she pauses to take a deep breath , something she will never take from granted. she then turns with a dry laugh to face anyone that might have gathered following her disruption. her next words aren’t necessarily directed to them , however , but rather is meant to be rhetorical. ❝  what am i  S U P P O S E  to do now  ?  ❞
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 dipper  found  himself  wandering  the  halls  of  the  hospital  just  for  something  to  do.  anything  to  keep  himself  moving  and  his  brain  from  making  him  go  insane.  that  meant  that  when  he  rounded  a  corner  to  a  girl  that  seemed  to  be  dancing  on  the  line  of  desperate,  he  really  had  no  where  to  hide.  but  it  was..  strange  watching  her.  that  he  believed  it,  even  if  he  didn't  even  know  what  she  needed  from  that  room.  looking  over  his  shoulder  to  make  sure  they  were  truly  alone,  '  hey  um,  here  let  me.  '  maybe  it  was  probably  one  of  the  worst  ideas  that  he's  ever  had  -  but  dipper  wasn't  one  to  leave  someone  without  any  options.  the  pines  twin  move  to  kneel  in  front  of  the  door,  taking  out  a  small  tool  from  his  pocket.  something  that  he  bought  himself  for  his  eighteenth  birthday  years  ago  -  A  LOCK  PICKING  TOOL.  it  was  better  than  stealing  mabel's  bobby  pins  all  the  time.  once  he  heard  a  satisfying  click,  he  pushed  open  the  door  for  the  girl.  '  hopefully  that  helps?  just  don't  tell  anyone  i  can  do  that,  they  might  think  i'm  a  thief  or  something.  '  
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
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 there  were  a  lot  of  worried  faces  in  one  room  and  it  made  him  oddly  calmer.  jesse  was  used  to  agitation,  frustration,  even  fear  surrounding  him.  he  didn't  particularly  enjoy  it  -  but  he  knew  it.  it  was  something  that  was  just  a  part  of  his  life  at  this  point.  his  boot  came  out  to  tap  against  the  girl  sitting  across  from  him,  the  look  on  her  face  read  like  a  book.  '  don't  worry  so  much,  darlin.  it's  just  a  little  bit  of  snow.  it'll  pass  soon.  '  his  lips  spread  into  a  small  sort  of  smile,  pulling  his  foot  back.  '  we  just  have  to  wait  it  out.  '    /    @darkvlght  for  anna:  from  jesse  mccree.
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
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 there  was  something  comforting  looking  across  at  all  the  people  and  seeing  another  flash  of  metal  connected  to  a  body.  maybe  he  didn't  have  to  feel  so  alone  in  the  world  with  other  people  like  him,  maybe  he  just  wanted  another  robot  lookin'  friend.  '  hey,  '  he  lifted  his  arm,  purposely  the  metal  one  with  a  little  bit  of  a  grin.  '  this  means  we  should  be  something  like  pals,  huh?  '    /    @lovesoar  for  claus:  from  jesse  mccree.
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
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 the  ex-cowboy  found  himself  a  seat  near  one  of  the  windows,  only  occupied  by  the  woman  that  got  diagnosed  with  a  concussion  earlier.  he  felt  for  her  -  those  weren't  easy  to  come  back  from  even  minor  ones.  his  eyes  followed  the  snow  flakes  falling  from  the  sky  slowly  before  looking  over  at  her,  '  how  you  feeling?  '  even  as  strangers,  he  had  to  ask.    /    @rainbowmuses  for  laurie:  from  jesse  mccree.
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
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 jesse  needed  to  stretch  his  legs.  only  his  arm  was  something  metal  which  meant  that  his  legs  were  very  human  and  very  restless.  there  wasn't  anything  good  about  keeping  a  mercenary  locked  up.  bad  things  come  from  idle  minds.  he  tucked  his  hand  in  his  pockets,  reading  the  random  posters  that  were  on  the  walls  of  the  court  building.  '  should  have  become  a  law  man  if  they  made  it  this  easy  for  this  marshmallow  lookin'  dude  is  one.  '    /    @ghcstliness  for  james:  from  jesse  mccree. 
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
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 eleven  didn't  know  much  outside  of  her  own  brain  so  if  she  didn't  understand  something,  she  wasn't  afraid  to  ask.  with  a  book  propped  in  her  lap,  given  to  them  for  anything  to  do  so  they  won't  roam  she  guessed,  she  looked  up  at  the  nearest  individual  stuck  in  the  building  with  her.  '  why  is  this  place  so  important?  i  know  it  houses  the  leader,  but  people  act  like  the  leader  is  here  with  us.  are  they?  '    /    @lovesoar  for  bill:  from  eleven. 
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
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 the  male  pines  twin  was  happy  to  grab  the  container  of  jello  being  offered  to  him,  '  nice,  strawberry.  '  he  quickly  grabbed  the  spoon  that  was  offered  after,  opening  it  up  and  immediately  spooning  the  weird  consistency  into  his  mouth  without  a  second  though.  it  was  something  close  to  embarrassing  the  way  he  ate,  looking  up  at  the  other  person  seated  in  the  hall  with  him  and  feeling  his  cheeks  heat  up.  '  sorry...  i  just  really  love  strawberry  jello.  '    /    @lovesoar for nagito: from dipper pines.
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
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 dipper  didn't  know  what  else  to  do.  he  sat  down,  back  pressed  against  the  cold  wall  of  the  hospital,  and  could  feel  himself  getting  antsy.  he  hated  being  in  hospitals,  especially  hated  being  stuck  in  one.  a  soft  sigh  next  to  him  made  him  look  over,  head  resting  against  the  wall  while  doing  so,  and  offered  a  minuscule  smile.  something  close  to  comfort  he  hoped,  '  at  least  we're  not  stuck  in  here  as  patients,  you  know?  '    /    @ghcstliness for  zuko:  from  dipper  pines.
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hardsins-blog · 6 years
a quick little update for the event: 
dipper pines: group eight ( medstar georgetown university hospital ) 
jesse mccree: group four ( the supreme court building ) 
eleven: group one ( the white house ) 
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