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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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Ok. One more oldie for the road/rail: 'Family Johansson'. Please enjoy! . . . . #wickedart #weirdartsociety #outsiderart #obscureart #weirdart #darkhumourcomicstrip #lowbrowartwork #weirdoart #surrealart #surrealart #oddart #comicsart #lowbrowartists #darkhumour #lowbrow #undergroundart #beautifulbizarre #bizarreart #weirdartwork #strangeart #darksurrealism #macabreartist #punkart https://www.instagram.com/p/CC1Hzk0p6Wk/?igshid=14ksegt4mcf8x
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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Ok, here's the deal: I'll disappear up into the Swedish mountains for a couple of weeks. I expect to get soaking wet, freeze my ass off and meet very few people. In other words - enjoy the perfect summer vacation. Anyway, I dump this batch of pure old ink love to make it easier for you to endure my absence. Tata! . . . . #artbrut #outsiderart #obscureart #weirdoart #experimentalart #surrealart #undergroundart #bizarreart #darkhumour #wickedart #comicsart #macabreartist #surrealart #punkart #darksurrealism #strangeart #beautifulbizarre #weirdart #darkhumourcomicstrip #lowbrowartists #bizarreart #oddart #lowbrowartist #weirdartwork #experimentalartist #lowbrowart #grotesque #weirdartsociety #lowbrowartwork https://www.instagram.com/p/CCzG4Fhp0aN/?igshid=1ucnnpae2njqo
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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LOOK AT IT . . . . #weirdart #lowbrow #surrealart #weirdartwork #surrealart #darksurrealism #weirdartsociety #lowbrowartwork #comicsart #bizarreart #macabreartist #strangeart #bizarreart #weirdoart #outsiderart #grotesque #experimentalartist #undergroundart #lowbrowartists #lowbrowart #darkhumourcomicstrip #artbrut #punkart #wickedart #beautifulbizarre #oddart #darkhumour #creaturedesign https://www.instagram.com/p/CCjtRUtnLfS/?igshid=dutkhmpm3hub
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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Salvation, my son . . . . #darkhumourcomicstrip #comicsart #weirdart #experimentalartist #weirdartwork #surrealart #experimentalart #salvation #lowbrowartists #undergroundart #grotesque #wickedart #strangeart #beautifulbizarre #punkart #darkhumour #macabreartist #surrealart #bizarreart #artbrut #bizarreart #darksurrealism #lowbrowartist #lowbrowartwork #weirdoart #oddart #lowbrowart #lowbrow #weirdartsociety #outsiderart https://www.instagram.com/p/CChM0kUnGTM/?igshid=1dgwwozn6vqex
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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"The DIY Owl Hat" Getting out of/avoiding The Shit often leads to being forced to eat it. But, there are tricks - tricks that no shitty reality can outsmart. The DIY Owl Hat is one of those. Success rate 100%. . . . . #lowbrow #weirdartsociety #weirdoart #bizarreart #weirdart #lowbrowart #grotesque #artbrut #lowbrowartist #darkhumourcomicstrip #punkart #bizarreart #obscureart #undergroundart #outsiderart #strangeart #darksurrealism #surrealart #lowbrowartists #comicsart #experimentalartist #oddart #darkhumour #surrealart https://www.instagram.com/p/CCMo5s4HI-x/?igshid=14l9xlemvyiyb
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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'Hurray for what has never been!' The Swedish Populist Neo-fascist Party (Sverigedemokraterna) leader's childish masturbation fantasies about the old warrior kings, the fascist ideals, inflated masculinity combined with poor moral and sexual self-awareness. This is to be the foundation of our new nation - the old glorious legacy of perverted illusions. Hurray to that! HURRAY TO THAT! . . . . #sverige #nationaldagen #sd #jimmieåkesson #6juni #weirdartsociety #experimentalartist #outsiderart #lowbrowart #macabreartist #darkhumourcomicstrip #punkart #bizarreart #wickedart #experimentalart #lowbrow #beautifulbizarre #obscureart #oddart #undergroundart #surrealart #lowbrowartwork #darkhumour #grotesque #weirdartwork #bizarreart #weirdart #lowbrowartists #strangeart #weirdoart https://www.instagram.com/p/CBGPSGjHOBW/?igshid=zjcgpf9qjpeh
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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You did it too . . . . #weirdoart #weirdartwork #darkhumour #macabreartist #undergroundart #experimentalartist #darkhumourcomicstrip #lowbrowart #bizarreart #artbrut #experimentalart #obscureart #weirdartsociety #lowbrowartwork #strangeart #lowbrow #wickedart #oddart #lowbrowartist #darksurrealism #weirdart #punkart #grotesque #lowbrowartists #bizarreart #beautifulbizarre #comicsart https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEew2ZHcQk/?igshid=1kuk66nw306t3
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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Guess who!! No don't. . . . . #artbrut #lowbrowartist #outsiderart #punkart #oddart #weirdart #obscureart #bizarreart #macabreartist #experimentalartist #bizarreart #darkhumourcomicstrip #surrealart #weirdartsociety #weirdartwork #lowbrowartists #lowbrow #beautifulbizarre #comicsart #undergroundart #weirdoart #darkhumour #lowbrowart #lowbrowartwork #golf #obama #trump #antifa #wickedart https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_THvSnOvq/?igshid=8xqp94su9894
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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End station . . . . #cartoon #weirdartwork #artbrut #lowbrowartists #lowbrowartist #obscureart #oddart #lowbrow #comicsart #outsiderart #wickedart #experimentalart #weirdoart #bizarreart #strangeart #beautifulbizarre #lowbrowartwork #punkart #darkhumourcomicstrip #darkhumour #lowbrowart #surrealart #darksurrealism #grotesque #bizarreart #weirdartsociety #macabreartist #weirdart https://www.instagram.com/p/CASkxobH6Pg/?igshid=1g97p4pfnxx9w
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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I NEED TO . . . . #weirdartsociety #weirdart #lowbrowartist #weirdartwork #beautifulbizarre #comicsart #undergroundart #experimentalartist #experimentalart #outsiderart #punkart #surrealart #darkhumourcomicstrip #oddart #wickedart #weirdoart #darkhumour #bizarreart #darksurrealism #lowbrowartwork #surrealart #macabreartist #lowbrowartists #lowbrow #obscureart #strangeart #bizarreart #lowbrowart #grotesque https://www.instagram.com/p/B_8h6RRn1aj/?igshid=1o5wrp0kprwng
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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Please suggest a title for this one. I... just don't know. . . . #lowbrowart #comicsart #macabreartist #lowbrowartwork #grotesque #weirdart #experimentalartist #outsiderart #punkart #darkhumourcomicstrip #undergroundart #strangeart #weirdartwork #surrealart #beautifulbizarre #bizarreart #experimentalart #lowbrow #obscureart #weirdartsociety #weirdoart #lowbrowartists #surrealart #darkhumour https://www.instagram.com/p/B_p5o4FJe7T/?igshid=1ogjtmkchh7ho
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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Bye-bye, I love you . . . . #oddart #psychoart #darkartistries #darktransmissions #darkartscollective #weirdart #strangeart #darkartist #darkartunion #comicsart #darkhumourcomicstrip #UndergroundArts #creepyart #lowbrowartwork #lowbrowartists #lowbroart #lowbrowart #experimentalart #darksurrealism #horror_sketches #darkhumour #darkartsociety #weirdartsociety https://www.instagram.com/p/B9NICk1nyvP/?igshid=1h5scmx6ylwnv
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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I forgot . . . . #weirdartsociety #weirdart #lowbrowartist #weirdartwork #beautifulbizarre #comicsart #undergroundart #experimentalartist #experimentalart #outsiderart #punkart #surrealart #darkhumourcomicstrip #oddart #wickedart #weirdoart #darkhumour #bizarreart #darksurrealism #lowbrowartwork #surrealart #macabreartist #lowbrowartists #lowbrow #obscureart #strangeart #bizarreart #lowbrowart #grotesque https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7muj3J37W/?igshid=1cqgjm16a1pia
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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'Presidential Butt Plug' Yes, I am well aware that we have our own problems with a neo-fascist populist political movement in Sweden, but the Swedish variant is so incredibly boring that one's brain kills itself just by giving it a thought. But, this is not a valid reason not to rub the poo in its ugly joyless face. Time to sharp the fuck up. . . . . #outsiderart #lowbrowartist #weirdartwork #beautifulbizarre #grotesque #oddart #wickedart #weirdart #weirdoart #undergroundart #punkart #lowbrowartwork #darkhumour #lowbrowart #lowbrowartists #lowbrow #bizarreart #weirdartsociety #darksurrealism #strangeart #artbrut #darkhumourcomicstrip #experimentalartist #bizarreart #trump #maga #cartoon #golf #usa #obscureart #comicsart https://www.instagram.com/p/CBF-Jy-HMvM/?igshid=h16bjrk6jaxs
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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My modest submission to the endless collective comic project @themegacrap . . . . #wickedart #lowbrowartwork #obscureart #lowbrowartist #comicsart #grotesque #surrealart #artbrut #strangeart #darkhumour #oddart #weirdoart #surrealart #weirdartwork #beautifulbizarre #outsiderart #lowbrow #experimentalart #bizarreart #darksurrealism #macabreartist #darkhumourcomicstrip #punkart #lowbrowart #weirdart #lowbrowartists https://www.instagram.com/p/B_f8v9knyaY/?igshid=1fu7w7ea8b85m
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tom-af-brockbrock-blog · 5 years ago
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Made this one specific for the swine flu 2009 but the message is undeniably universal/timeless. Please enjoy. . . . . #lowbrowartwork #strangeart #weirdartsociety #weirdartwork #wickedart #lowbrow #lowbrowart #weirdart #experimentalart #grotesque #darkhumour #darksurrealism #experimentalartist #artbrut #obscureart #outsiderart #oddart #bizarreart #undergroundart #lowbrowartist #beautifulbizarre #weirdoart #macabreartist #bizarreart #surrealart #darkhumourcomicstrip #lowbrowartists #surrealart https://www.instagram.com/p/B-5ccnXpo5i/?igshid=ea6xpnbmekcs
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