petrovocative · 11 years
whoops,ask limit..shit. 
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selunesdream · 12 years
I dunno I usually prefer not to, but with the way Im portraying Elena at this point, some Katherine gifs work but I still try to limit it. I KNOW WHERE YOUR COMING FROM BB
hahaha i see. 
but still, idk it just irks me.
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Anonymously send me a url, and I’ll tell you what I think of them!
We haven't talked much, but she's a fantastic Elena. :p. I like seeing her on my dashboard. Very interesting to read.
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bewitchedbonnie · 12 years
The Christmas Song
Our characters doing Christmas Meal-time preparations together
Christmas is that time of year that you celebrated with family. You gave presents and you enjoyed the very holiday’s hour to hour amongst people you loved. Every year Bonnie would be joined by her father, early in the morning before he would leave again. With nothing more than a lame excuse and a goodbye peck on her cheek. Then she would be spending the rest of the event over at the Gilberts. Celebrating with Jeremy, Elena and Jenna. Nothing had changed this year. Except there was no Jenna, Elena wasn’t human and Jeremy was in his hunters mad-mind. But that one day, Elena would come back to the Gilbert Residence shortly after Jeremy would leave. The risk of killing his sister was too high of chance to take. Were Bonnie would be with a finished cup of tea and a present given by Jeremy in hand. Now here they stood. Seemingly back to normal. They were Bonnie and Elena. Not. The Vampire and the Witch. The cookies they made every year laid out on one counter. Cooling on their racks. A roast in the oven, slowly cooking to let the juices flow and seep through the pork. Desserts off all sorts rested against a spare counter that wasn’t covered in the snacks, the entrée and the main meal. A meal for a family. Bonnie smiled towards Elena as she let her magic seep into the batter and mix the mixture together. “Magic Cupcakes.” Elena stated. “The magic won’t affect us when we eat them will it?” Bonnie shook her head no as Elena began scooping the batter into the cupcakes. Measuring them out into their each individual cupcake tin, covered in little paper cups. “When are they going to arrive?” Bonnie finally asked. “Soon.” Elena stated with ease as she finished the measurements. “Well then we are just going to have to speed things up.” Bonnie moved over and bumped hips with Elena. Emanating a laugh from the young girl, as Bonnie too chuckled. Latching hands on both cupcake trays. Single digits, she titled her head to the side. “Watch this.” And then she muttered the simple heating spell she had learnt not too long ago. Heating the metal trays. As the heat rose, so did the cupcake mixture. Rising until it had completely risen into full blown cupcakes. Bonnie peeped a look at Elena who was looking on with wide eyes. She then turned over and lowered her eye lashes. A gust of wind flittered into the room and rushed over the cupcakes cooling them. “Don’t just stand there. Grab the whip cream and knife. And get to work.” And in that moment Bonnie felt a sprits of whip cream land on her nose. Wild emerald eyes latched onto her friends, as she fought to contain her corners of her lips from lifting. “What was that for?” “For making us slave all afternoon over cooking all this and you could have just magic your way through it all.” At this Bonnie laughed, soon Elena joined in when Bonnie whiped the cream of her nose and plopped it in her mouth. Licking it away. The two worked in silence in making the cupcakes turn into butterfly cupcakes. And as they placed little Christmas icing subjects onto each top. Little trees, Santa’s, elves and stars. The sound of the door opening and voices flittered in. Telling them that their guest have arrived. The Mystic Falls Gang.
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