#dark Peter Pan
anne-chloe · 19 days
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Imagine : They don’t realise that you can’t swim
Peter Pan x Reader
Summary : The Lost boys go swimming at mermaid lagoon, they toss you in and you nearly drown
Warning : Near death experience, drowning
“Come on, [Name]!”
You stood on the sidelines of the lagoon, fingers nervously twisting with the hem of your shirt. It was a bad idea for you to have even joined the Lost Boys in the mermaid lagoon, because you knew they’d want to swim deep and would drag you with them.
It was with this very thought that you resolved to back out, to announce that you were tired and you’d return to the camp.
But you were suddenly grabbed from behind.
You craned your head back to see Devin. His arms squeezed your waist as he lifted you up, your feet kicking wildly in protest. You gasped as he started to near the edge of the rocky slope, the deep water too close for comfort.
“No! Stop!” You shouted, wiggling your shoulders back and forth for release.
Devin snickered. “It’s a bit of water! Lighten up!”
Then, he threw you into the water.
The waters surface broke as you sank towards the bottom. Your entire body was stiff and tense, and you felt awfully like a rock in that moment. You let out a scream, air bubbles leaving your mouth as no sound came out.
You blinked, eyes stinging at the murky greens and blue of the lagoons depths. You couldn’t see the surface any more; you couldn’t see anything at all.
Surrounded and suffocated by the water, you felt your heart hammer wildly out of beat at the thought of dying in the mermaid lagoon.
A pair of arms wrapped around your waist before you felt the water rush past your skin. Within seconds, you broke the surface and let out a panicked gasp for air. You grabbed blindly at the person who had saved you; you were far too aware of the lack of ground beneath your feet.
“Calm down, calm down—“
Who was that talking?
You were pulled from the water and pushed onto the rocky slope. The hard ground brought immediate comfort and relief, and you couldn’t help but lie flat.
There was that terrible, salty taste of water on your lips, and your eyes stung horribly from the sea water. You coughed and panted for air, your lungs burning as water came rushing out your mouth.
“Look at me, [Name]— are you alright? Breathe!”
You squeezed your eyes shut, suddenly finding the afternoon sun too bright to handle. Then, when you reopened your eyes you found yourself staring into those familiar green ones. Instead of the usual mischief that you’d see, you found only worry and what appeared to be guilt.
“P-Peter…?” You stammered, another coughing fit cutting you off.
Peter sighed loudly and pulled you in for a hug. His arms around you gave the strange sense of ease and comfort. “Why didn’t you say that you couldn’t swim?”
“I-I didn’t think it was important,” you coughed again, watching in disgust as water dripped from your face. You couldn’t tell if they were tears or from the sea.
Peter glared harshly at you, his arms giving a small squeeze. “Of course it was important,” he scolded, “you could have died.”
You lowered your head, feeling awkward and ashamed that you had troubled Peter and the Lost Boys like that. “I’m sorry, Peter. I just didn’t think something like this would ever happen.”
Peter rolled his eyes. “The Lost Boys will think twice about doing something like that again,” he muttered.
As Peter held you close to his chest, you couldn’t help but wonder why he had been the one to pull you from the water. Usually, he was so cold and cruel with the Lost Boys, never stepping in to save them if they needed rescuing. His excuse was that “all Lost Boys should take care of themselves, if they can’t then they’re weak.” It was only fair to assume that the rule applied to you.
But with one subtle glance around the lagoon, you could see that the Lost Boys were just as stunned as you.
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f0odie · 2 years
Was I hallucinating? Cause Istg I know I read a super detailed dark Peter Pan smut. More specifically Peter Pan from Once Upon a Time. AND I CANT FIND IT ANYWHERE. PLZ I JUST WANNA READ IT AGAIN. IT WAS SO GOOD AND DETAILED. ITS ONE OF THE FEW GOOD LONG DARK PETER PAN SMUT
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pale-grunge-dark · 2 years
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sunni-yg · 1 month
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partywithponies · 1 year
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mdpthatsme · 2 months
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Seven years later, Peter Pan returns to collect the Darlings, but they're shocked to find he's aged into an adult. Upon their arrival to Neverland, Wendy and Peter confess their feelings for each other and fall madly in love. Their bliss is interrupted when the Lost Boys announce the pirates are attacking the natives. Flying to their rescue, Wendy is shot. When she revives, she is reunited with Captain Hook, but he isn't how she remembers him, and he says neither is Peter.
one bed
"knife" to throat
fae, pirates, and mermaids (oh my!)
illusionary magic
dark twist of fairytale reimagined
Get it HERE. (ebook, KU, paperback)
Any reblogs are greatly appreciated ♥♥♥
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inbarfink · 5 months
Random Tumblr Survey Time!
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smittenbyvillains · 9 months
DAY 14- NeverLeavingLand with Peter Pan
warnings: possessive, dark Peter Pan, yesh dark themes
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You were a lost girl but you didn't want to be anymore. You hated it. You didn't enjoy what the boys did and you missed your family. You heard the flute but you also hated it and didn't dance anymore.
Peter noticed and quickly questioned you.
"You aren't leaving." He said. "I am not letting you leave Princess. Now come on dance with me.
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melloween-candie · 11 months
Chaos [P.P & F]
Yandere Poly Peter/Felix X Gender Neutral Reader
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Requested // Request Rules
"Could we get poly yandere Peter and Felix x gender neutral reader? I’m thinking a reader who has kind of trickster/chaotic sort of personality.
I don’t know if this is too much for one request so ignore this part of it is but it would be really interesting if the reader was from/grew up in Neverland— maybe the kid of one of the pirates? I mean Hook and Tiger Lily are kind of implied be a thing so it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility. I just think it would be interesting because reader wouldn’t know anything but Neverland, so a lot of Peter’s usual tactics wouldn’t work."
A/n - AHHH!!! Gurlll! I love detailed requests so like keep it coming please! LoL 😂
Anyways when you said the reader would have a more trickster/chaotic personality- I pictured them being the child of Tiger Lilly more then Hook since Hook wasn't too wild in the show.
(Mind you, I haven't met Tiger Lilly yet in the show yet... I don't even know if she will make an appearance but let's just pretend she's an adult... if she isn't already... 😳😅)
1 Reply (If you want to know more about what you're going to read, then read this...)
A/n - Sorry in advance about Tiger Lilly and Hook's relationship... I've only made it to season 4 of the show so far. 😭 Also, I added a few things to this that weren't technically in the show just to cover up some plot holes... So again, sorry if this doesn't make sense entirely.
(All I know is that Tiger Lilly is a fairy??? And that she's Hook's ex... SO, WE ARE RUNNING WITH THAT!)
Submitted by Anon
Warning! Yandere behavior, Chaotic behavior, Mentions of death
Word Count: 1,083
[Dark love]
Once Upon a Time Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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***Narrator's Pov***
You never thought you'd see the day when your lips touched his...
He was your enemy! Or at least your father's enemy.
You were the offspring of Captain Hook and Tiger Lilly. All you've ever known was Neverland, and whose fault was it? That's right, it's all because of Peter Pan. The boy you kissed.
Your father hated him for so many reasons, but the main one was because he wouldn't let them leave. You weren't entirely sure why; Peter hated your father... So why not let them leave?
Personally, to you, you didn't want to leave. You loved Neverland. You considered it your home even though your father never thought of it that way. He'd always say things like-
"Neverland isn't a place; it's a cage! It's dangerous!"
What he didn't know was that you were a part of it... You grew to be a part of it.
Ever since you were little, he would tell you never to leave the Jolly Roger. That it's too dangerous for a little girl. He wasn't a horrible man, though. He was a great dad who taught you all you knew. But even he couldn't stop your curiosity.
You loved swinging from vine to vine. Traveling all around Neverland, fooling those who were foolish enough to listen to you. You loved playing tricks on people, especially the newcomers. And you couldn't help but laugh every time you saw someone drowning from a mermaid... it was such a foolish way to die. They were basically asking for it.
However, your father was never a big fan of your chaotic behavior. Because one, he was worried that you'd stubble into Pan and get yourself killed. And two, he would always fall for it every time, even when he thinks he hasn't, he has.
But he still didn't understand that you weren't afraid of Pan. That he already tried getting rid of you, and it always failed. You were more than capable of handling yourself. You're 16, after all.
[Flash Back to the Beginning of the Day]
***Y/n's Pov***
I escaped that floating rock on the sea once again. No matter how many times I tell my father Neverland isn't dangerous... he never listens but that doesn't matter.
By now, I knew every nick and corner of that boat. It isn't hard to escape it.
I grabbed on to a tree branch and pulled myself up.
It's a blessing and a curse knowing my father fears this place. A blessing because once I escape his wretched boat, he won't follow me... at least not necessarily. He tries but he never finds me.
It's like he never learns...
Though it's a curse cause when I return 'home,' he locks me up and grounds me. I've been grounded so many times it doesn't even affect me anymore. But that's that.
I grabbed onto a peach and started nibbling on the fruit when I heard something...
A smirk grew on my face.
"Hello, Pan~"
"Ha... I knew I'd find you here." He leans against my tree. "What's up with you and this peach tree anyways? I can always find you eating one...?
"Peach trees produce bitter fruits when they're stressed. I like the bitterness; that's why I use this tree for target practice." I touched the holes in the tree, the ones that were marked by my own arrows.
Peter just laughed as he stood up. "Now what?"
I scrunched my eyes at me questioningly. "What do mean?" I asked as I bit down on the peach once more.
"Well, there's always something with you." He arched his eyebrow and made that face he always makes again as he got closer. "No matter how many times I try, the harder I try, I can never get rid of you."
He grabbed a small twig from my tree, breaking it off. He swung it around for a bit, then poked me with it.
I backed up. "What will you do next?" He said in that smooth voice of his. He tilted his head. I could feel the twig pushing my chin up. I looked at him in the eye as he smirked.
Then quickly I moved, grabbing the arrow before it hit him. It was so close to his face, barely touching his nose. He smirked and dropped the twig.
"No nightshade? You aren't getting soft on me now, are you Pan?" I giggled as I stabbed my tree. "You can come out now, Felix!" I yelled.
"H-how did... I did everything right, so how did you dodge that?!" He asked as he climbed up, sitting on the big branch we all stood on.
"Simple, Pan made it obvious." That clearly irked him, and I only giggled at his reaction as I continued to carve my tree.
Do understand that Peter is my enemy and that won't change. He and I always had a strange relationship from the very beginning. At first, we simply hated each other but soon enough we grew close.
Enemies to lovers, you can say... just not with the lovey part. However, I have a feeling that Felix may feel something a little more nowadays.
It's whatever... it's fun, honestly.
Peter then did something I didn't expect. Mind you I still had my back behind them- he grabbed my wrist, twisting me around to face them and then he pinned me.
I looked at him up and down questioningly and then side-eyed Felix.
"What are you two- Uhm!" He kissed me! I, the offspring of Captain Hook, touched tongues with PETER PAN!
I could still feel his breath as he said, "Wouldn't it be a shame if your father never saw you again?" He mutters. His nose was still touching mine, and his eyes were deeply lost. I could see a tint of red spackling in it. Clearly, something was growing within him... something deep, bloody, and very passionate. I didn't know at the time...
I didn't even know what to say... Peter was pinning me against my own tree, and Felix was hovering over me... smiling. It was different, darker. His hoody covered his eyes. But I knew he had that red spark in it too.
Peter then kissed me again. Slowly and deeply. Call me crazy, but I kissed back this time. And Felix kissed me right after... I knew I was right about his feelings.
One thing's for sure, I didn't go home that night... or any other night for that matter.
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I actually really like this one, and I might even make a part 2... Though I really hope I captured everything that you wanted!
And sorry for the long wait. 😅
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queerfanfiction · 1 year
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anne-chloe · 21 days
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Imagine : You have just been kidnapped by Peter and his Lost Boys, but they’ve bit off more than they can chew with your modern attitude
“What is she yelling about now?” Peter asks while approaching his loitering boys, the distant yells of your voice infiltrating the main camp.
Devin looks to Peter and shrugs his shoulders, his confused expression mirroring Pans. “Something about… a message?” Devin repeats, unsure if he had even translated your words correctly. None of the boys were accustomed to the native tongue you spoke so fluently in.
“A message?” Peter echoes, his brow arching. “I shall find out what message it is that she has.”
Peter soon appears at the base of the tree, where two bamboo cages hang like trophies in the air. He tugs at a thick rope and begins lowering the cage downwards, ensuring it wouldn’t suddenly drop and harm the hostage inside: you.
He releases the rope and saunters over, a small whistle tune passing his lips as his shadow looms over your face.
You seem to perk up, but your momentary delight morphs into frustration. “About time!” You scoff loudly, waving your hand like a madwoman. In your hand you grip a device unknown to Peter, it’s metallic and sleek looking, otherworldly.
“I am told you have a message…” Peter starts slowly, deliberately drawing out his words to increase the fearful tension you should surely feel. But he is once again surprised as you do not react the way he desired.
“I want to send a message,” you correct, using your pointer finger to gesture to your phone. “There isn’t any signal here. What network does Neverland provide?”
Peter blinks rapidly. He understood almost every word you said individually, but all together they sounded far too much like gibberish. He knew, of course, that the other worlds had evolved over the years, but generally speaking he was able to make a connection with potential lost boys. You, on the other hand were something entirely new.
“Neverland does not support your modern lifestyle,” Peter explains flatly. He approaches the cage until he was leaning on the bars, his fingers wrapping around the bamboo until he swore it would snap between his fingers.
Bizarrely, you sigh and tuck your phone into your pocket before leaning as close as possible to Peter. “Count yourself lucky, magic-boy, or else I’d be calling the police immediately on your ass for kidnapping me.”
And it was with that strange threat that Peter realised how interesting you were as a hostage. Certainly more fascinating than the rest. In fact, you were such a curious being that Peter was debating whether or not he’d release you back to your world once he had gotten what he achieved.
Because who would lose a magnificent source of entertainment like you?
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Neverland Moodboards // John Darling
Pirates? Let us go at once!
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madame-helen · 11 months
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ichimakesart · 2 years
Modern Peter Pan
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Master post with links to all the comics about my Peter Pan modern Au...thingy.
In more or less chronlogical order.
Tick Tock
Welcome to Neverland
Fairy Dust
Peter’s Game
Little Darling’s Flying Lesson
Bonus - Character designs
The Lost Boys
The Pirates
The Neverland
Hope you enjoy.
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Child Rumple: Papa am i adopted?
Malcolm: of course not.
Malcolm: why would i ever choose you?
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fairydust-stuff · 2 months
Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall (feat. Tony Halliwell)
Whatever the Peter Pan horror movie does it won’t be as good as this. Honestly, Tink would be great as the horror cause she’s fae. Though I like to think this version of Tinkerbell still cares about Peter. She’s just dealing with a lot. 
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