#dare u to chug a bottle of listerine jesse ...
mstique-blog1 · 7 years
“Can you see through a wall? Can you see through human skin? ”
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       “Duh... but not with your mammoth ass in the way.” Her lips pull back into a girl’s grin, casting a sideward glance usually employed to down-size boys in the mall who stare too long. “You gotta eclipse all the good lighting, huh? Eat it all up for yourself. You just as vain as the rest of us in that Stetson, skulkin’ everywhere ‘cause you don’t gotta look up at anyone under there.” Refuting her own aggrievance, her head tilts on her palm while she squints up at him for a dragging measure of seconds…
She shoots up from her cross-legged perch on the  bench, hand pressing down on a carved poem from an unread poet, five-inch heels sweeping over the seat in an arc as she graciously spins around and exclaims,“Whatever! I’m bored with the metaphor talk now.” Hair flicks over her shoulder. “’S high time someone bought you a toothbrush... They let you in any of the drugstores here?”
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