#darcy lewis x loki
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nyxlaufeyson · 9 months ago
Gift from the Sky
Loki Oneshot Masterlist - Main Masterlist
POV: Third
Ship: Loki x Darcy Lewis
Type: Fluff... maybe a little crack as well? But that's just bc it's literally impossible to write this ship without just a bit of fun.
Warning: Lil bit of suggestive referencing but that's it
Wordcount: 1,769
Synopsis: It's not every day an angel ends up bleeding in your yard. But it did happen to Darcy Lewis.
A/N: This was originally part of my AU-gust shit last year, and well, yeah it just got finished. Slowly trying to crack my writers block. Tasertricks is so fun tho!!!
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“What the shitballs?” Darcy said, hearing a loud crash outside. Having some sort of self-survival skills, she grabbed her taser and headed outside, where she found a man laying on the ground. 
Darcy stared at the man for a second, who made no move to get up. “Uh, sir?” She called, but the man didn’t answer.
She contemplated calling the cops, as the man looked pretty beat up. He had several cuts and bruises adorning his face, and seemed to have taken a pretty big fall. Where he had fallen from, however, was not something Darcy knew.
“Are you ok?” She asked, and this time the man groaned in response. Baby steps, baby steps. “Do you want me to call the police?” She asked, and that seemed to get the man's attention. 
“No.” He responded, slowly sitting up. “No need for police. I apologize for the intrusion. I’m assuming I’m on Midg- Earth?” He asked, and Darcy stared at him. 
Maybe he she would need her taser after all. It was becoming increasingly clear that this man was either on drugs, or just batshit crazy. Darcy wasn’t taking any chances on either. “Yes, you are on Earth. New Mexico, to be exact.”
The man stood up, wiping some dirt off of his outfit. He was rather tall, and his black hair was loose around his face. He was dressed in some sort of white robe that faded to black at the bottom. 
Then it hit Darcy. There was a mental facility not too far from where she lived, and there was a chance that this man had somehow escaped.
“Look dude.” She said, still gripping her taser in the pocket of her jacket. “I don’t know where you’re from, or how you ended up here, but I don’t care. As long as you get off my property, I won’t snitch. There’s a gas station down the road you can go to if you want.”
He seemed to nod, and then he tried to rub his back with his hands. Darcy had no clue what he was doing, so she just stood there. “Got an itch or something?” 
He shook his head, frowning, before turning around so Darcy could see his back. “Is there anything there? Any pair of, perhaps, big objects on my back?” 
Darcy opened her mouth a little bit, confused as frick, before shaking her head. “Nope, just your back.” She said, before squinting a bit further. “Wait. You're bleeding.”
Darcy walked up closer to the man, still well aware of the heavy weight of her taser in her pocket, to get a closer look. “Holy guacamole, dude! What did you do to your back?” 
Blood was quickly seeping through the fabric of the man’s robes, and Darcy became increasingly concerned. “Ah.” He said, seemingly coming to a realization. “So that’s where the pain was coming from.”
Darcy contemplated her choices of actions before making a decision. Chances were, this guy wasn’t going to want to call an ambulance, for whatever reasons that might be. But, because Darcy was a decent human being, she didn’t want to send the man off to bleed out either. 
“Look, I’ve got some stuff I can bandage you up with inside, but you’ve gotta at least tell me who you are.” She finally said, and the man nodded. 
“I am Loki, angel of Alfheim.” He introduced, before tilting his head. “Well, was an angel of Alfheim. I suppose now I’d be considered fallen.”
“Right.” Darcy said, sighing. So this man was from the mental ward. Fantastic, really, since she had just offered to patch him up. 
She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, not letting her guard down, and helped him inside. She had him sit on a chair while she grabbed some antiseptics and bandages. “I’m going to need you to take the robe off your back, but please leave the bottom half on.” She said, and she heard the man laugh from the other room.
“So, how’d you get your black to bleed like that?” Darcy asked, taking in the two oddly shaped wounds. It was almost like… She chuckled to herself. “Let me guess, your wings fell off or something?”
Loki grimaced as Darcy began to wipe away some of the blood. “Something like that.” He replied, and Darcy silently shook her head as she applied some of the antiseptic to his skin. He hissed, but she continued her movements.
“I appreciate your hospitality…” Loki trailed off, and Darcy smiled. 
“Darcy.” She said, cutting off some of her bandage wrap to use. She had to walk around Loki, wrapping him up like a present. Luckily, the bandages managed to stop most of the bleeding, so that was good.
He grunted as the bandage rubbed up on his wound, but managed to pull off a tight smile. “Nice to meet you, Darcy.”
Darcy finished with the bandages and zipped them up in a first aid kit and put it up in the closet before tossing Loki a water bottle. “Drink this.”
Loki did as he was told, gulping down the water as Darcy checked the pantry. “You hungry?” She asked, digging around to find something she could offer him.
“Yes, actually.” Loki said, and Darcy pulled out a can of chicken noodle soup. 
“I have this.” She said, holding the can up. “I probably need to go grocery shopping, because I don’t have a whole lot.” 
Loki nodded, waving his hand in the air. “Yes, that will suffice, thank you.” He said, and Darcy threw the soup in the microwave, because she didn’t feel like waiting to heat it up in a pot.
Once it was done, she poured it into a bowl and grabbed a spoon, handing it to Loki. “Thank you.” He said, and Darcy grabbed a bag of chips for herself.
Once they were both done eating, they wallowed in silence for a few minutes before either of them said anything. Finally, Darcy broke the silence. “So who are you really?” She asked, catching Loki a bit off guard. 
“I am who I said I am. Loki, angel-fallen-of Alfheim.” He replied, but Darcy just raised her eyebrows.
“Right, so I’ve heard, but why have you fallen, or whatever you call it, to Earth?” She inquired, still convinced that this was probably an escaped patient. He didn’t seem to mean her any harm, though, so she figured it would be alright. She didn’t completely relax, since she wasn’t that stupid.
The man/angel shrugged. “I grew bored of such familiar scenes. After so long, there was nothing left for me there. Unfortunately, I could not leave without some,” he glanced at his bandages, “retaliation.”
Darcy nodded. She wasn’t believing his story one bit, but to humor herself, she popped a question to see what his response would be. “If you are who you say you are, can’t you prove it?”
Loki didn’t seem off put by her question. “How would you like me to prove it to you?”
This caused Darcy to stop and think about it. If he was really a fallen angel, what would she have him do? Then, she had it. “Summon me a chocolate milkshake with whipped cream and a cherry on top.”
This caused him to raise an eyebrow. “That’s how you ask me to prove my angelicness to you? A milkshake?” 
Darcy frowned. “Something wrong with that?”
Loki shook his head and held out his hand. Truth be told, he wasn’t entirely sure that his magic would work now that he was on Earth and his wings were gone. If he couldn’t summon anything, he would look like a major fool. Which, granted, wouldn’t be the worst problem he’d encountered, but still.
Low and behold, a chocolate milkshake appeared in his right hand, and he handed it to Darcy, who was dumbstruck.
“What the hell?!” She yelled, eyes wide. Maybe this guy wasn’t from the crackhouse. “How the hell?”
Loki chuckled. “From my realm, if you said that, they’d banish you.” 
Darcy, who had now grabbed the milkshake, rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well, this is the United States. First amendment, buddy.” 
That did nothing but confuse Loki, but Darcy didn’t even notice that he was confused. She was still focused on the fact that she had a frickin’ angel in her house. An angel! Her friend Jane would be all over this right now.
Loki shrugged. “I did try to tell you, in all fairness.” 
“Yeah, well, forgive me for not believing you! It’s not everyday that a bleeding fallen angel appears on your doorstep.” Darcy said with a roll of her eyes. “What are you even planning on doing here on Earth? It’s not a great place, I’ll tell you straight up. Especially America. We’ve got a lot of shit going on right now.” 
He scratched his neck. “I didn’t formulate much of a plan past getting out of there.” 
Darcy took a long sip of the milkshake. “Yeah, I get that.” She realized that the poor angel/guy was still halfway dressed in a weird, blood-stained gown. “Hey, do you want some clothes? I probably have something that will fit.”
Loki nodded. “That would be excellent, thank you, Darcy.” 
Okay, she could not have been getting butterflies from someone who literally fell from the sky. But she definitely was. Since when had her body ever listened to her?
She looked through her drawers and found one of her super-oversized shirts and a pair of sweatpants that one of her exes had left at some point. 
She went back into the living room and handed him the clothes. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome. Uhm, look, do you need a place to spend the night? I mean, it’s getting kinda late and I don’t want you to be wandering the streets. Especially if you’re not from… around here.” Darcy said. Great, go and offer him your home. That won’t be weird at all. Cohabitation with an angel.
He smiled. “I appreciate your hospitality, but I do not wish to be a burden on you. Surely such a beautiful woman has perhaps a… housemate? I do not wish to disrupt anyone else's realities more than I have here today.”
Housemate? And, hold on, did he just call her beautiful? “Ha! Nope, just me here.”
Loki tilted his head. “Well then, we must find a way for me to repay your hospitality…” 
She smirked. “Well, there is one thing I can think of, if you’re up for it.”
And that was the story of how Darcy Lewis fucked a fallen angel.
TAGS: (Comment or inbox me to be added/removed; along with what to be tagged for): @michief-dream @iceeericeee
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fairyringsandwings · 1 year ago
I have a desperate need for tasertrick fics where Darcy is Sigyn. Could anyone help a shipper out with fic recommendations? 😭
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roguespaceships · 6 months ago
So hey! I haven't updated TBMG in like 5 years lol
Anyways here's chapter 3, which has been sitting complete in my docs for nearly that whole 5 years.
Explanation in the authors notes on this chapter for why exactly it took so long.
Rated: E
Tasertricks They All Live in The Tower fic
Post Thor The Dark World
How Many Tropes Can I Throw At The Wall (and still have it make sense)
"Darcy Lewis was several shades of fucked. Coerced into SHIELD after the events of London, Darcy is given an assignment she ( and no one else) wants to touch. Specifically playing babysitter to Thor's Big Bad criminally insane brother Loki. If they don't kill each other, well SHIELD will set it up to look that way."
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traxusiv · 2 months ago
I Hope everyone had a very happy holiday
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And now I hope everyone can settle down for a long winter's nap.
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traxusiv · 3 months ago
I wish...
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Let us always find each other. (source)
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angelwings-crossbowstrings · 4 months ago
Official Commissions Post
I am opening commissions for the first time (I think) to help with the financial burden of missing work for a spinal surgery. Any help is appreciated beyond words 🩵
Who I write for:
Daryl Dixon
Murphy Macmanus
What I will write:
x Reader (Fem, Male, Gen)
Rickyl (I have never done it before, but I will attempt)
I will write smut but for 18+ only. We can discuss other things (kinks, etc) in private.
Story length:
Most will be less than 1,000 words but I get carried away sometimes.
Pay what you think it’s worth. This is pretty much a trust system deal. I’ll write for you and you can pay after.
I have PayPal, Cashapp, and Venmo.
Turn around time:
I will try to have your commission done within two days. If it will take longer, I will contact you personally.
I’ll add to this post as I think of things. Reblogs help! I love you all, no matter what. Thank you so much. - Murda🩵
Donations and tips can be given here!
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leftennant · 12 days ago
So I wrote a new tasertricks as a gift for the peerless amidtheflowers. It's called This Brilliant Madness, and you can find it on ao3 here
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thatsolacegirl · 2 months ago
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my loml <3
Loki Laufeyson & Darcy Lewis || What If...? 03x04
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oswildin · 3 months ago
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wheredafandomat · 2 years ago
Shrink | P4 - The heart wants what it wants
Avenger! Loki x Therapist! Reader
18+ | same warnings. Please don’t take this too seriously, it’s just a little fun 😁
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The following day, Loki was beyond excited for his date with Darcy considering that she was down to fun. He had a couple of small errands to run first including chasing up the forensic team who still hadn’t found any matches with the bullet. After speaking with Jane who was picking up Thor, she confirmed that Darcy would be meeting Loki at the compound and that she was excited. This excitement made Loki excited, barely able to contain his grin as he left the compound to pick up a bouquet of flowers for Darcy but not before asking if you wanted to go with him for the walk.
“Loki I-I don’t think that’d be appropriate.” You answered, almost frowning at him from your door.
“Of course not,” he tried to laugh, “my apologies.”
“No, don’t be sorry” you quickly spoke, not wanting him to feel guilty over the fact that his boyish charm and musky cologne were driving you insane and you were definitely not ovulating “the sooner I’m gone, the sooner we can return to our usual routine.” You smiled, knowing that things would return to normal once you weren’t practically living with him. This was just a temporary glitch, the chemicals in your body reacting positively to the man that saved your life.
“Yes.” He agreed, turning to leave.
“Loki wait” you called him back “enjoy your date.”
Loki replied with a curt nod and a small smile before continuing on his way to the florist where he picked up some flowers before heading back to the compound to wait for Darcy. Surprisingly, she was early.
“Loki.” She greeted sultrily, practically pushing him into his room.
“Hello Darcy” he replied, handing her the flowers “for you.”
“Thanks.” She answered, narrowing her gaze suspiciously at them for a moment before placing them on his dressing table and stepping towards him, a primal look in her eye as Loki stepped backwards, his demeanor nervous.
“There’s something I need you to know” he stopped, pausing her movements too “I’m down to fun as well.” He grinned, her brows knitting.
“Message received, I’m down to fun too. I like fun.” He spoke gleefully.
“Loki, what do you mean? What message about fun?” She queried.
“You told Jane who told Thor you were DTF.” Loki explained.
“Thanks Jane, making me look like a damn whore” she spoke to herself, rolling her eyes “down to fuck Loki, yeah, I was, but only because Thor told Jane who told me you were too.”
“Oh.” Loki gulped, he wasn’t expecting this to be so straightforward. He was nearing the end of the road to recovery.
“Well, are you?” She asked, her sultry voice returning. Eyes wide like a deer in headlights, Loki nodded before Darcy pounced, pushing him down onto the bed as she straddled him. She pressed her lips to his, claiming them in a messy kiss that Loki returned. Grabbing his hands, she placed them against her hips as they continued to kiss before she lifted her top off. Pushing him further down so that he was laying now, she stood up, pulling her skirt down causing Loki to swallow thickly as she walked towards the door, ensuring it was locked. He watched her as she walked, it felt wrong. She was sexy, he couldn’t deny that but there was something missing. He found himself realising that he didn’t feel the same now, watching her walk as he felt before, before when he watched—you?
Almost choking at the realisation, Loki sat up as Darcy approached him again.
“What’s the matter baby?” She spoke against his lips.
“I’m sorry but I don’t think I” he cleared his throat, searching for the words to say “I don’t want this with you.”
“What?” She gasped, covering her chest.
“I’m sorry Darcy” he apologised, grabbing her top and handing it to her “it’s not you it’s me, you’re perfect” he rambled causing Darcy to scoff, same old excuses “I just—I’m going through something right now.” He finished causing realisation to flood Darcy as she turned to Loki.
“Loki” she began, placing her hand against his cheek “it’s okay.” She smiled.
“I’m so glad you understand—” he began happily before he was cut off.
“Want me to set you up with some hot guy friends?” She offered.
“Would they be interested in fun?”
“Preferably poker or pranks.”
“GOODBYE LOKI!” Darcy yelled before storming out of Loki’s bedroom and bumping into you as you made your way to Natasha’s room after hearing she was back.
“Oh my god hunny, I heard what happened to you.” Natasha exclaimed, wrapping her arms around you as soon as you stepped into her room.
“Natasha” you spoke into the crook of her neck as she continued to squeeze you “there’s something strange happening to me.”
“What do you mean?” She asked worriedly, letting you go.
“Loki, he—he removed a spider from my office.” You answered anxiously.
“What do you mean?” Natasha snorted, confused before her eyes rounded, remembering the conversation you both previously had “OMG!”
“I knowww” you exasperated “I can’t stop thinking about him, I’m driving myself insane and I’m the one who told him he needs to get laid to try and relieve some of that tension he’s got and I’ve just seen a beautiful half naked woman leaving his room and I’m not sure howI feel. Half of me is proud, the professional side of me but the other side, the other fifty percent is burning Nat.” You sighed.
“When did this start?” She asked, sitting on her bed.
“I thought it was that day he saved me. He took out the spider and it instantly reminded me of our conversation and then he was on top of me and—”
“Spare me the details.” She interrupted.
“I think I’ve liked him for a while Nat” you exhaled hopelessly “which is awful because he’s my patient and I’m supposed to be helping him and—” you began to rant.
“Y/n, you can’t beat yourself up, the heart wants what it wants.” Natasha assured.
“Why does it have to want himmm?” You complained.
“Maybe it doesn’t want him, maybe it just wants a man and he’s the closest you’ve got to—”
“Do not therapize me, I’m the therapist.” You cut in playfully.
“Yeah, not a very good one.” She giggled.
“I’m telling you y/n, you can’t beat yourself up. You’re both two adults, maybe you should just tell him.” She suggested.
“WHAT?” You almost wheezed “casually tell my client that I want to sleep with him? Yeah Nat, not happening.”
“Then what are you going to do?” She sighed.
“I’m going to have to end this” you decided “but first, let me patch up that gash on your forehead.”
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Who even knows what’s going on at this point 😂 at least this mess is drawing to a close
@lokisgoodgirl @thenotoriouserg @chantsdemarins @donaweasley @xorpsbane @mcufan72 @loz-3 @evelyn-kingsley @sailorholly @lovingchoices14 @lokiedokiee @noideakitten @mochie85 @mischief2sarawr @lokiprompts @lulubelle814 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @gigglingtiggerv2 @tmilover1993 @lyds247 @dustychinchilla74 @lokis-dark-queen @november-rayne @12-pm-510 @vickie5546 @newtomofgods @eyesbluelikethetitanic @lokiestorch
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freckled-words · 6 months ago
Animal Transformation
This took way too long, but that tends to happen when you don't have a really strong idea for the plot. I'm also super rusty, but I think I got my swing back towards the end.
Hope you enjoy the read, and let me know if you spot any spelling mistakes.
Turns out even frost giants have allergies, and it has the funniest effects on a certain trickster’s shapeshifting control.
Darcy watches as Loki loses control of his shapeshifting magic, and she just can't resist a furry face.
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“Community service” was the polite term used to describe Loki’s return to Earth.
“Doing whatever the Hell we say” is the more accurate description, as coined by Director Fury during the initial meeting.
Thanks to a curse/spell from Odin, Loki’s magic and strength was moderated by whichever task Loki was assigned to at the time.
When he was sent out to clean up trash in Central Park (disguised and under Natasha’s supervision) he was as strong as an average citizen.
If he went out with the Avengers to deal with a threat, he was allowed just enough magic and strength as was needed to defend himself.
In-between his assignments, and back in the Tower, he was set to about mid-level Godly might (just in case a Hulk suddenly appeared or an accidental arrow went flying his way.) 
The combination of ‘cursed weakness’ and menial labor, unsurprisingly, lead to a consistently pissy Loki. The closest thing Darcy had seen to a smile on him was the trademark smirk, right before he said something snarky.
Even though Darcy hated Loki’s guts for all the death and destruction he’d brought to New York, she also couldn’t stop herself from adding him onto her ‘Take Care List.’ Much to most everyone’s surprise (Jane had long since accepted that Darcy couldn’t help herself.)
She didn’t go out of her way to kneel and curtsey around him or anything, but she did make sure he got a mug of tea or coffee when she was doing the rounds in the morning. As well as a decent portion of food like the other bottomless pits that had to be fed (with Thor back on Earth, the grocery bills knocked up another couple hundred.)
Anytime Loki bothered to acknowledge Darcy, it was never in a polite fashion, and Darcy made sure to give just as good as she got.
“I see Midgardian cuisine is just as lacking as the people.”
“I see your manners didn’t make the trip from Asgard.”
“If you’re going to offer me food, at least make certain it's cooked.”
“Gee why didn’t I think of that? Oh right, dumpster fires don’t get a say in what they get.”
It became something of a routine for them to exchange barbs at least once or twice a day, and by Loki’s second month in residence, the other members in the Tower stopped bracing for Loki to lash out at Darcy.
Darcy just came to accept this as part of her new normal, and rolled with whatever weirdness that came along with it.
Right up until the weirdness took a detour into ‘omg wtf’ territory.
“...Avengers were seen fighting against what was described as a hoard of mutated bi-pedal flowers.”
Anytime the Avengers were called out for a mission Darcy kept the TV on in the background so she could get updates on what kind of mess she might be helping to clean up later. JARVIS was great for giving her updates on everyone’s physical well being, but he couldn’t necessarily predict how the team’s mood was going to be once they got home.(When there was a HYDRA mission, it was home-made pizza night. Apparently slamming around a massive ball of dough was very therapeutic for Bucky.)
The news being a bit slower than actual events, Darcy wasn’t surprised when JARVIS announced the team was returning in the next 10 minutes, along with a cryptic note of, “No major injuries to report, however Dr.Banner does advise no immediate physical contact.”
The last time JARVIS passed on this kind of note, the Avengers had gone up against a T-Rex made of enchanted septic waste (sometimes D&D nerds manage to get their hands on blackmarket magic, and it never ends well for anyone.)
Having (barely) survived Death-By-Foul-Poo-Stank, Darcy figured her nose could handle some overly strong floral perfume coming from the team’s gear. With Jane’s blessing, she was ready and waiting for them in the kitchen 20 minutes later. She’d brought out multiple boxes of kleenex, a handful of neti pots, and every brand of allergy medication in existence.
The first waft of thick flowery perfume drifted in with Steve, and nearly had her choking as her eyes watered, “Cripes Steve, how is this almost worse than the Fecal-Rex?!” Grabbing a handful of kleenex she blew her nose and dabbed at her eyes.
“Just be lucky you’re getting this, and not the full bouquet. There was every kind of flower there, and everyone but me, Bucky, and Bruce nearly dropped from an immediate allergic reaction.” Steve grabbed one of the neti pots and looked over the instruction card that came with it.
Darcy could just imagine Tony having to flip up his face visor to keep from coating it with his sneezes, while Clint cursed trying to zero in on his target with his eyes burning and watering.
“Wait so even Thor -”
What had to be the loudest sneeze in existence went off, followed by the lights flickering erratically throughout the room.
Thor entered a moment later blowing his nose into a wad of paper towels. The skin around his nose and eyes were bright red, evidence that he’d been rubbing at them for a while already.
“I didn’t think anything on Earth would be able to infect your whole Godly-Alien-Race?” She asked while pushing a box of lotioned kleenex towards him. 
Thor accepted the softer tissues and yanked out ten to hold in his hand, ready for the next sneeze, his voice was congested when he answered, “Nor did we. Banner believes their mutated state amplified their pollen’s properties.” He blew his nose again, and Darcy winced at the sound of his tortured sinuses.
“What about Loki? He’s not human or Asgardian, how is he faring?” Thor had explained his brother’s origins to everyone over drinks the night before Loki had been brought to the tower. A couple members of the team concluded that Loki’s destructive behavior must have been a kind of psychotic break, what with his whole life being flipped upside down and dipped in ice water.
Thor and Steve exchanged a look, one that nearly had them both coughing back a round of laughter.
Squinting Darcy pressed, “What happened to Frosty the Snow Giant? It was something good wasn’t it? Give me the deets ~” She crept closer to Thor, wiggling her fingers towards the box of kleenex as though she were going to snatch it back.
Thor grabbed the box and turned away, his smile spreading, “During the fray, Loki was met with the misfortune of having his entire head swallowed by one of the flowers.”
Steve’s smile curled towards ‘I enjoy trouble’ and added on, “Turns out getting a nose of the stuff is worse than just breathing it in.”
“So Loki is…?” She prompted already knowing the answer had to be good.
“Hiding in his room.” Natasha supplied, slipping around Thor to grab a box of lotioned kleenex herself. Unlike Steve and Thor, she’d gone straight to her room to shower and change into clean clothes.
Images of Loki with a purple rash all over his face, or icicle snot hanging out of his nose popped into Darcy’s mind. 
“Well if he’s feeling that rough, then I’m sure he’d appreciate some tissues and allergy meds. I’m just gonna…” Darcy grabbed the extra strength Benadryl, the last box of lotioned Kleenex and one of the Neti pots.
Her arms full she made a beeline for the elevator, and chose to ignore Steve’s question of, “Is she still safe?”
One quick elevator ride, and a hop-skip down the hallway had Darcy standing in front of Loki’s door. 
Since her hands were full, Darcy called out,“Loki, you in and decent? I’ve got a sniffles care package for you.”
“Go away, Serf.” 
Darcy rolled her eyes. ‘Serf’ was Loki’s default nickname when he couldn’t be bothered to think of a better insulting name. 
Even through the door she could hear the rapid fire sneezes that followed, as well as a muffled cough. 
“You can either let me in, and choose what state of dress you’re in, or JARVIS opens the door and I get to see just how much of a rash you have on your ass right now.” It was a shallow bluff at best, but she couldn’t just walk away without trying first.
The annoyed noise that traveled through the door sounded an awful lot like a growl, more so than the usual one she was able to get out of him when she pushed his buttons.
A second later the door opened.
Biting down on her lips to try and not smile too smugly Darcy marched in, “Good choice Frosty. You’ll thank me later when you’re not missing three layers of ski…nnnnyah?” 
With all the apartments in the tower having the same layout Darcy had gone straight for Loki’s small living room to place her bundle on the coffee table. 
She’d glimpsed Loki from the corner of her eye as she’d breezed into the room, and hadn’t spotted any bright red or pink on him. When she straightened and faced him properly, her brain and mouth had a disconnect. 
Loki still stood by the door, which he was still holding open, his battle gear was gone and his hair was damp from his shower. Like Thor the skin around his nose was chaffed from blowing, and his eyes slightly puffy, and for reasons that Darcy’s brain couldn’t fathom there were two black, white tipped fuzzy ears on his head and a twitching, fluffy, black, white tipped fox tail peeking out from his back. 
“Make your jokes, then leave.” Even congested Loki’s tone was clear in his frustration.
Darcy held her hands up, “Hey there’s no shaming here, just confusion. Last time I checked, allergies didn’t turn people into furries.”
“I am not…” He broke into a fit of sneezes, “Whatever nonsense term that is. I’ve simply…” More sneezing, “Been struggling with my Seidr.”
Darcy hummed and nodded, not really understanding but didn’t think it smart to push him into a more in-depth explanation. His sneezes were so close together and harsh, she was getting worried about the amount of air he was getting into his lungs.
“Regardless, maybe some meds will help. I suggest taking like, 4 of the Benadryl. If it works it’ll knock you on your ass, but it’ll also stop the sneezing and congestion.” She was making her way towards the door as she spoke and stopped just by the opening, “Any chance I can-” She reached towards his twitching tail.
“I’ll come check on ya in a couple hours!” As badly as Darcy wanted to touch the fluffy tail, she was not ready to die for the attempt.
~~~~ THREE HOURS LATER ~~~~~~~~
Darcy juggled the three tupperware containers of food in one arm while she did her best to knock with the other, “Loki you good? I’ve got food.”
She didn’t hear any approaching footsteps, and was startled when the door was opened.
Darcy barely got clear of the door before Loki shut it. Turning to face him, she just about dropped the food.
“I can’t tell if this means the Benadryl helped or not.” She offered as an opening for him to explain.
Loki still had the ears and tail, but now there was fur around the edges of his face, covering his hands and feet, his nails had blackened into claws, and there were definitely whiskers growing out of his cheeks.
Loki blinked down at her, his nose twitched (was he about to sneeze or was he testing her scent?) and she saw something shift in his mind as his pupils widened then shrank, he blinked and his usual scowl returned to his face, “How did you get in here?”
Darcy cocked her head to the side, “You let me in, just now, and almost hit me with the door. Did fur grow inside your brain too? Do I need to call Bruce?”
Her concern crossed from surface level to genuine as she watched Loki look down at his hands and wiggle his clawed fingers, his expression was hard to read with his eyebrows blending into his new furry hairline but she was certain he was looking confused himself. “Damn.” The word was uttered so quietly Darcy might have missed it if she weren’t standing so close.
“Loki, you’re seriously worrying me dude.” Again his ears twitched in her direction.
“I’m touched.” Darcy took the dry sarcasm as a good sign, “The only thing you should be concerned about is keeping your blithering trap shut. It was bad enough when it was just the ears and tail. If The Oaf hears of this, there will be no end to his ridicule.”
The more Loki said, the more Darcy relaxed. It was a sad reflection on her life when she was happy to have the mass murdering alien give her a hard time.
Opting to ignore his bluff (she’d long since realized that he could bark all he wanted, if he ever hurt her he’d immediately be kicked back to Asgard) Darcy went to his kitchen and put down the tupperware containers, “Don’t worry your fuzzy little head, I won’t tell anyone…” Faster than Loki could anticipate, she whipped up her phone and snapped a picture, “I will show everyone though, unless you let me touch your ears or tail.” She shoved her phone down the front of her shirt and between her boobs, uncaring of the extra cleavage she was flashing him in the process.
Loki’s upper lip drew back revealing some rather pointy canines, “Impudent wench.”
Darcy smirked as she rocked on her heels, “Oh come on Fuzz Butt, you can’t tell me no one’s ever wanted to see what your transformed fur feels like.”
“None have ever been so brazen or foolish to try.” Loki bit back. He was becoming so agitated his tail was swishing, and his ears had flattened on his head.
‘Dammit, now he’s just looking cute.’ 
He was also looking a little unsteady. With each swish of his tail, Loki wobbled the slightest bit, and his eyelids seemed to be struggling to stay open.
“How many of those Benadryl did you end up taking?” She hadn’t heard him sneeze once since she came in, and the skin around his nose and eyes had returned to normal.
“The four you recommended had no effect, so I added another five. The sneezing stopped just before…” Loki caught himself before he could finish outing himself. Shaking his head he staggered off towards the couch, “Leave Serf. I require rest.”
She really, really wanted to push her luck and remind him about the whole Fuzzy Picture threat, but it wasn’t as much fun if the other member of the party was spiraling towards a crash. Cause damn, NINE?! If one Benadryl was enough to turn a regular human into a zombie, then nine must be bordering on a coma.
“Fine, but don’t think this isn’t over. I’ll come back in an hour and make sure you’re still breathing.” 
She saw a feeble, black fuzzy hand lift up to acknowledge he’d heard her.
Darcy left but made sure to leave the door unlocked. Quietly she called out, “JARVIS keep an eye on his vitals and let Bruce or Thor know if his heart stops or something.”
“Of course Ms.Lewis…Shall I let you know when it’s been an hour?” 
Unsurprised that JARVIS had been listening in on the conversation in Loki’s room, Darcy gave a thumbs up to the nearest camera she could see, “That’d be great J.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45 MINS LATER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Ms.Lewis, I thought I should inform you that there has been a change in Prince Loki’s condition.” Darcy tried not to cringe too much from having JARVIS say this directly into her bluetooth headphones (a welcoming gift from Tony.)
Glancing over to where she could see Bruce working at his station she figured this wasn’t a life threatening change to Loki’s condition. Not many realized just how much intelligence Tony’s AI had, but Darcy was no fool. She grew up worshiping the internet, and treating ‘The Matrix’ and ‘The Terminator’ like prophecies. 
If JARVIS thought this was something only she needed to know about then she’d take it as the gift that it was.
A quick elevator ride later and she was back at his door.
She knocked lightly and let herself in, “Loki? JARVIS says you might need help.”
There came a slight whimper (or was that a whine?) from the living room.
This late in the afternoon the sunlight had moved away from Loki’s windows, and none of the lights had been turned on. Everything was cast in shadows and patches of darkness, making it hard to see anything.
Darcy hit the switch for the kitchen light so she didn’t accidentally blind/enrage the half-transformed frost giant.
Able to see Darcy watched as what she had initially thought to be a deep pocket of shadows uncurled from the bottom of the coffee table. 
A black fox the size of a St.Bernard stretched out like a cat as unfocused green eyes blinked in her direction.
“Oh my Gods.” 
She wanted to take all the pictures, but she also wanted to try touching him. When he was still humanoid the fur had looked silky, as a full fox it looked absolutely luxurious and Darcy just had to get her fingers into it.
She had never interacted with foxes before though, and didn’t know how unhinged Loki’s brain was going to be with all that Benadryl in his system.
Finished stretching he ventured a couple steps closer, his nose to the air to scent the new presence in his home. Some of Loki’s consciousness must have been working, cause the fox’ ears went down and it spun around to hop onto the couch.
‘I’ve just been brushed off by a fox.’ Loki could brush her off a million times and she wouldn’t bat an eye, but Fox-Loki showing her such little interest just felt like a bitch slap.
Going over to the couch she watched as Loki laid down with his head resting between his two front paws. His eyes closed and a rather un-fox like sigh came out through his nose. 
Darcy crouched down to eye level and told him, “You know you make a very pretty fox.” Other than his ear twitching Loki didn’t acknowledge her.
“May I please pet you, your Foxiness?” Murderous Asshole or not, Darcy wasn’t going to touch without consent. 
His eye cracked open, regarding her for a moment then closed and another long sigh was released. Darcy took it as one of resignation and beamed. Finally she could get this out of her system!
As gently as she could she placed her hand on his head; he didn’t move away or twist around to snap at her, confirming that he had given in. 
She stroked down along his spine, marveling at the feel of his thick, silky fur. Bringing her hand back to his head she lightly scratched around the base of his ears, the fur there was much softer and she had to bite her lip to keep from gushing out more praises to him. 
Her petting was kept strictly to his back and the top of his head, areas that most animals considered to be safe zones. As much as she wanted to touch his tail she didn’t know how sensitive it was and didn’t want to push it. 
Darcy cut herself off after about five minutes, plus her legs were screaming in protest from holding that crouched position so long. 
A woman of her word Darcy dug out her phone and deleted the picture of Loki the Were-Fox. Satisfied she whispered to Loki, “There now no one but me and JARVIS knows what a half fox, half Frost Giant looks like. I also won’t tell anyone that you totally lost control due to overdosing on allergy medicine. You’ll be back to your entitled asshole self by tomorrow morning.”
This got her a small indignant huff. 
Darcy let herself out and made sure the door locked behind her. 
It was only after the door’s lock had clicked that Loki released his animal shape. It took a bit slower than usual, but he wasn’t quite back in focus just yet. 
Back in his usual form he resettled on the couch. With not a single piece of clothing on his body, the material didn’t feel quite as comfortable as it had in his fox shape. 
The Midgardian medicine had thrown his control off balance, just not as much as he’d let Lewis believe. He could have reverted back to his proper state a half hour ago, and gone back to his bed for a proper rest. 
Instead he couldn’t resist seeing what the woman would do when faced with the full transformation. He’d been somewhat hoping she would startle or scream and flee, calling for Thor’s protection. Instead she’d looked at him like he was the most beautiful animal in existence. It was a delicious boost to his ego.
Loki chuckled to himself, picturing her face when she might learn that her ‘petting’ along his fur had translated to the feeling of a lover’s touch on his skin. 
There would be sputtering, possibly some shrieking and all the threats and profanities. 
The image was so entertaining he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face. 
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traxusiv · 3 months ago
One of my favorite fics
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“Surely you jest?” He scoffed, because of course he did. No one that handsome could be anything but a jerk; it would’ve been unnatural. “There are few in all the realms who do not know of me.”
What was he, an Asgardian Kardashian?
It wasn’t like the Aesir had bothered to visit Earth in the last thousand years. Well, except for Thor of course, and Thor’s mad brother…
Oh crap.
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elleinmotion · 1 year ago
alright, but consider if you will the following: Loki, spending hundreds of years learning quantum physics and all the intricacies of science to get himself back to that one moment. and then, somewhere along the way, at the very end of his journey to learn everything, ending up at the same university as Darcy Lewis who is in her doctoral program.
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howdidthisevenhappenanyway · 8 months ago
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a million years ago I commissioned @soothsayerstale to draw darcy in mary poppins’ little waspie corset for my tasertricks story the things that bind us. actually it was going to go on my (non existent) follow up to that story, I never posted it due to muse issues, but someone mentioning a mary poppins au on discord jogged my memory
so, much belatedly, darcy lewis fans, come get your food
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afteriwake · 2 months ago
"You're drunk!" / "Yes, I'm drunk. And you're beautiful. And tomorrow morning I'll be sober…but you'll still be beautiful." Loki/Darcy
So this is part of my overarching series for answers to this particular prompt, but it's also a "Just Pieces On The Board" fic, since there's mention of Frigga/Mycroft. Enjoy!
A Little Sleepy Confession - Loki gets drunker than Darcy has ever seen him be drunk before, and so she takes care of him.
When Thor had sent the message that Loki needed Darcy right away, she had thought for sure Loki was near death or was deathly ill or something like that. What she hadn’t expected was a curled up, drunken Loki with a triumphant looking Brunhilde and smug looking Thor sitting nearby with flagons of something alcoholic in their hands.
“What did you give him?” Darcy asked, listening as Loki moaned slightly.
“A new variety of Asgardian mead,” Thor said. “My brother cannot hold his liquor.”
“Well, duh,” Darcy said, rolling his eyes. “I don’t drink much, and anything Earth-realm has is like water. It’s been a few years since he’s had the hard stuff, of course he’s going to pass right out after…” She paused. “How many cups did he have?”
“Three,” Brunhilde said. “I’m on my seventh, Thor on his sixth.”
“Well, help me get him to my apartment,” she said, glaring at the two of them. Brunhilde looked a bit cowed and Thor looked sheepish, and they set their flagons down and each got up, getting Loki to a standing position and half dragging him from Jane’s apartment.
“We were celebrating the betrothal of Queen Frigga and Mycroft Holmes,” Brunhilde explains. “The Strange Doctor is looking at ways to help them even out lifespans, but we all think they’re a good match.”
“They’ve been together for ages, haven’t they? Even though Mycroft is mainly in London and Frigga is in Norway?”
Thor nodded. “I accept him as a consort for my mother. He has proven himself to be a good man, and he loves her. It is a match well made.”
“She’s happy,” Loki said, flashing Darcy a grin. “I’m happy she’s happy.”
“Hey, you,” she said softly. “Gonna be sick?”
“No, no, just sleepy,” Loki said. “Need a dark room.”
“Put him in the bedroom. I’ll take care of him,” she said when they got to her apartment, which thankfully was on the same floor as Thor and Jane’s. Loki’s was on the same floor, too, but he spent all his time at her place so he might as well sleep off the drinking binge there too. Brunhilde and Thor maneuvered Loki around the sofa and into the bedroom, Darcy right behind them. They at least put him on the bed gently, and he stretched for a moment before curling up again. “I got it from here. Tell Frigga I’ll send an engagement gift later.”
Thor and Brunhilde both nodded and left the bedroom, and Darcy closed all the drapes so it was nice and dark. She was about to get him her sleep mask when his arm shot out and he grabbed her wrist. “Oh beautiful love, stay with me.”
Darcy pried his grip from her wrist, then sat down on the bed and toed off her flats before curling up next to him. He wrapped his arms around her and she had to admit, whatever brew he had it hadn’t given him beer breath. She snuggled in close and shut her eyes. “You must be really drunk if you’re busting out lines like ‘beautiful love,’” she said, her tone amused.
“But you are beautiful and you are my love.”
She chuckled. “You’re drunk drunk.”
“Yes, I'm drunk. And you're beautiful. And tomorrow morning I'll be sober…but you'll still be beautiful.”
“Tell me again when you’re sober.”
“If you insist.”
“I do.” She pulled his palm up and kissed it softly before she yawned. “Let’s get us some rest, big guy.”
“As you wish.”
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thatsolacegirl · 1 year ago
i miss those times :'(
sometimes self-care is going back to Darcy/Loki and 2012 Avengers fics with poptarts and Clint in the vents
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