a-bluedream-posts · 2 years
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Darago by KatHairz
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musclebabes33 · 6 months
Erika Darago
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rivenharlow · 1 year
Doodled Daragos and Naia
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mariocki · 11 months
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Scary Tales (1993)
"Here I am at this red light, I'm on my way over here, and this asshole decides to carjack this lady in front of me - not knowing that I'm a cop."
"No shit."
"Yeah. Now, me being Dick fuckin' Tracy, I gotta apprehend this fucking idiot."
"Ah, one of Baltimore's finest."
"I tell you what, I deal with more assholes than a fucking proctologist."
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gardenofkore · 1 year
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Vere novo , priori jam mutato consilio , Alienora virgo regia , insignis facie , sed prudentia & honestate prestantior , futura Regina Sicilie , atque cum ea Nymphe obsequiis apte regalibus , accepta benedictione parentum , ab urbe Neapoli gloriosas discessit , per Calabriam , propter maris tedium , usque Regium iter agens : quam discedentem Neapolitane matres , quantum spectantes oculi capere potuerunt , effusis pre gaudio lacrimis affequute sunt.
Gregorio Rosario, Bibliotheca scriptorum qui res in Sicilia gestas sub Aragonum imperio retulere, I, p.456-457
Eleonora was born in Naples in the summer of 1289 as the tenth child (third daughter) of Carlo II lo Zoppo of Anjou, King of Naples, Count of Anjou and Maine, Count of Provence and Forcalquier, Prince of Achaea, and of Maria of Hungary.
Nothing, in particular, is known about her childhood, which she must have spent with her numerous siblings in the many castles of the Kingdom.
She is first mentioned in a Papal bull dated 1300 in which Boniface VIII annulled the marriage of 10 years-old Eleonora to Philippe de Toucy, Prince of Antioch and Count of Tripoli, (the contract had been signed the year before) on account of the bride’s young age and the fact that family hadn’t asked for the Pope’s dispensation.
Two years later, there were discussions of a match with Sancho, the second son (and later successor) of Jaume II of Majorca, but the engagement never occurred.
Finally, in 1302, Eleonora’s fate was sealed. On August 31st 1302 the Houses of Anjou-Naples and of Barcelona signed the Peace of Caltabellotta, which ended the first part of the War of the Sicilian Vespers and settled (or tried to) the problem of which House should have ruled over Sicily. Following this treaty, the old Norman Kingdom’s territory (disputed between the French and Spanish born ruling houses) was to be divided into two parts, with Messina Strait as the ideal boundary line. The peninsular part, the Kingdom of Sicily, now designed as citra farum (on this side of the farum, meaning the strait, later simply known as the Kingdom of Naples ), and the island of Sicily, renamed the Kingdom of Trinacria, designed as ultra farum (beyond the farum).
The Peace of Caltabellotta stipulated that Angevin troops should evacuate the island, while the Aragonese ones should leave the peninsular part. Foundation of the peace would have been the marriage between princess Eleonora of Anjou and King Federico III (or II) of Sicily (“e la pau fo axi feyta , quel rey Carles lexava la illa de Sicilia al rey Fraderich, que li donava a Lieonor, qui era e es encara de les pus savies chrestianes, e la millor qui el mon fos, si no tant solament madona Blanca, sa germana, regina Darago. E lo rey de Sicilia desemparava li tot quant tenia en Calabria e en tot lo regne: e aço se ferma de cascuna de les parts, e que lentredit ques llevava de Sicilia; si que tot lo regne nach gran goig." in Ramon Muntaner, Crónica catalana, ch. CXCVIII). The pact dictated also that once Federico had died, the two kingdoms would be reunited under the Angevin rule. This clause won’t be fulfilled.
The bridal party had to wait until spring 1303 before setting off for her new country since sea storms had damaged part of the fleet and thus delayed the departure. The voyage had cost 610 ounces, where the Florentine bankers Bardi and Peruzzi were asked to advance the payment, and the groom pledged to repay them 140 ounces.
By May 1303, Eleonora and her companions arrived in Messina where she was warmly welcomed and where on Pentecost, May 26th, of the same year she got married to Federico in Messina’s Cathedral (“E a poch de temps lo rey Carles trames madona la infanta molt honrradament a Macina, hon fo lo senyor rey Fraderich, qui la reebe ab gran solemnitat. E aqui a Macina, a la sgleya de madona sancta Maria la Nova, ell la pres per muller e aquell dia fo llevat lentredit per lola la terra de Sicilia per un llegat del Papa, qui era archebisbe, que hi vench de part del Papa, e foren perdonats a tot hom tots los pe cats quen la guerra haguessen feyts: e aquell dia fo posada corona en lesta a madona la regina de Sicilia, e fo la festa la major a Macina que hanch si faes.” in Ramon Muntaner, Crónica catalana, ch. CXCVIII).
After the wedding, most of the bridal party returned to Naples, while the newlyweds proceeded to Palermo.
On July 14th 1305 Eleonora gave birth to the heir, who was called Pietro in honour of the child’s paternal grandfather, Pere III of Aragon. To celebrate his son’s birth, Federico III gifted his bride of Avola castle and the surrounding land, to which will be added the city of Siracusa (in 1314), Lentini, Mineo, Vizzini, Paternò, Castiglione, Francavilla and the farmhouses in Val di Stefano di Briga. This gift would mark the creation of the Camera reginale, which would become the traditional wedding present given to Sicilian Queen consorts, and eventually would be abolished in 1537.
Including Pietro, she would give birth to nine children: Costanza (1304 – post 1344), future Queen consort of Cyprus, Armenia and Princess consort of Antiochia; Ruggero (born circa in 1305 - ?) who would die young; Manfredi (1306-1317) first among his brothers to hold the title of Duke of Athens and Neopatras; Isabella (1310-1349) Duchess consort of Bavaria; Guglielmo (1312-1338) Prince of Taranto and heir to the Duchy of Athens and Neopatras following the death of his brother; Giovanni (1317-1348) Duke of Randazzo, Count of Malta, later also Duke of Athens and Neopatras and Regent of Sicily; Caterina (1320-1342) Abbess of St. Claire Nunnery in Messina; Margherita (1331-1377) Countess Palatine consort of the Rhine.
Through these donations Eleonora became a full-fledged vassal, and had to pay homage to her husband the King. Thanks to official documents, we get the idea that Eleonora tried to manage her lands as much personally as she could do, naming herself vicars, administrators, and granting tariff reductions. Federico indulged his wife as much as he could, although in some cases (like the management of the city of Siracusa) his will was the only one taken into account.
Despite almost every time she was unsuccessful, Eleonora fully embraced her role as mediator between the Aragonese and Angevins. For example, in 1312 her brother-in-law, King Jaume II of Aragon, asked her to dissuade her husband (Jaume’s brother) to ally himself with the Holy Roman Emperor Heinrich VII of Luxembourg since this alliance could generate new friction with the Angevin Kingdom, as well as with the Papacy (with the risk of stalling the Aragonese occupation of Sardinia). After the King of Aragon, it was Pope Clemente’s turn to ask Eleonora to convince Federico to make peace with Roberto of Anjou. In both cases, though, her conciliatory efforts didn’t work.
In 1321 she witnessed her son Pietro being associated to the throne and thus crowned in Palermo (“Anno domini millesimo tricentesimo vicesimo primo, dum Johannes Romanus Pontifex contra Fridericum Regem, & Siculos propter invasionem bonorum Ecclesiarum precipue fulminaret, Fridericus Rex primogenitum suum Petrum, convenientibus Siculis, coronavit in Regem, & patris obitum, inopinatum premetuens, & ut filius qui purus videbatur & simplex, ab adoloscentia regnare cum patre affuesceret patrisque regnando vestigiis inhereret […]” in Gregorio Rosario, Bibliotheca scriptorum ..., I, p. 482). Pietro’s coronation publicly violated the Treaty of Caltabellotta (as the Kingdom should have returned to the House of Anjou), causing the pursuing of warfare between Naples and Palermo. Once again Eleonora’s attempts at peace-making failed miserably, with her nephew, Carlo Duke of Calabria, refusing to even meet her in 1325, after he had successfully raided the outskirts of Messina.
The Queen didn’t have much luck in internal policy too as she failed to appease her husband and her protegé, Giovanni II Chiaramonte. After gravely wounding Count Francesco I Ventimiglia of Geraci (his brother-in-law and one of the King’s trustees), all that Eleonora could do was advise Chiaramonte to flee to avoid the death penalty.
Nevertheless, the Pope still hoped to use the Queen (who, at that time and alone in her Kingdom,  was exempted from the Papal interdict) as mediator with her husband, promising to lift the excommunication in exchange for Federico’s backing down. Once again nothing happened.
On June 25th 1337 Federico III died near Paternò. He was buried in Catania since it was too hot for the body to be transported to Palermo (“Feretrum humeris nobiliores efferunt. Adsunt Regii filii, proceresque Regni. Exequias Regina, illustribus comitata matronis, prosequitur.” in Francesco Testa, De vita, et rebus gestis Federici 2. Siciliæ Regis, p.225). After the death of her husband, the now Dowager Queen turned to religion, following the example of those in her family who had consecrated themself to Christ (“At Heleonora certiorem fe de illa consolandi rationem inivit. Ipsa enim , ut Rex excessit e vita, ei, qui omnis consolationis fons est, fese in Virginum collegio Franciscanæ familiæ Catinæ devovit; in hoc Catharinan , & Margaritam filias imitata, quæ in ætatis flore, falsis terrestribus, contemptis bonis, Christ, cui fervire regnare est, in sacrarum Virginum Messanensi Collegio, de Basicò dicto, ejusdem Franciscanæ familiæ fese consecrarant; quod Collegium posteaquam Catharina fancte gubernavit, sanctitatis opinione commendata deceffit” in Francesco Testa, De vita..., p.226).
If Eleonora might have hoped to exert some kind of influence as many other Queen mothers did in the past and would do in the future over their weak-willed royal children, she would soon realize she had a powerful rival in the new Queen consort, her daughter-in-law, Elisabetta of Carinthia. Like Eleonora, the new Queen supported the Latin faction (a group of Sicilian noblemen who opposed the Aragonese rulership over Sicily, hoping the island would be returned under the influence of the Angevins instead). But, while Elisabetta had managed to raise the Palizzis to the highest positions at court, her mother-in-law still supported the Chiaramonte, making it possible for the exiled Giovanni II to return to Sicily, be pardoned by the King and see all his goods be returned. Soon though Chiaramonte resumed his personal feud against the Ventimiglia (also part of the Latin faction) and once again Eleonora's attempt to bring peace failed miserably. Only through Grand Justiciar Blasco II d'Alagona's intervetion, the crisis was averted.
In 1340, the Dowager Queen made a last attempt to appease the new Pope, Benedict XII. Unfortunately, the Sicilian envoys sent to Avignon to take an oath of vassalage (since Norman times Sicily theoretically belonged to the Papacy, who granted it to the Sovereigns who acted as Papal Legates) were treated roughly by the Pope, who declared Roberto of Anjou (Eleonora's brother) as Sicily's legitimate King.
Deeply distraught, the Dowager Queen resolved to definitely retire from public life. She spent what it remained on her life visiting the monastery of San Nicolo' d'Arena (Catania), joining the monks in their religious life. She died in one of the monastery's cells on August 10th 1341. Her body would be buried in the Church of San Francesco d'Assisi all'Immacolata (Catania), the construction of which she had personally promoted in 1329 to thank the Virgin Mary for protecting the city from one of many Mount Etna's eruptions.
AMARI MICHELE, La guerra del Vespro siciliano
CORRAO PIETRO, PIETRO II, re di Sicilia in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Vol. 83
DE COURCELLES JEAN BAPTISTE PIERRE JULLIEN, Histoire généalogique et héraldique des pairs de France: des grands dignitaires de la couronne, des principales familles nobles du royaume et des maisons princières de l'Europe, Vol. XI,
FODALE SALVATORE, Federico III d’Aragona, re di Sicilia, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Vol. 45
GREGORIO ROSARIO, Bibliotheca scriptorum qui res in Sicilia gestas sub Aragonum imperio retulere, I,
KIESEWETTER ANDREAS, ELEONORA d'Angiò, regina di Sicilia, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Vol. 42
de MAS LATRIE LOUIS, Histoire de l'île de Chypre sous le règne des princes de la maison de Lusignan. 3
MUNTANER RAMON, Crónica catalana
Sicily/naples: counts & kings
TESTA FRANCESCO, De vita, et rebus gestis Federici 2. Siciliæ Regis
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The Queen's Elemental Affirmations
Goddess Associated with Fire:
Oya, Sekhmet, Bastet/Ubasti, Brigid, Kali Ma, Pele, Wadjet, Hestia, Darago, Feronia, Vesta, Mahuea, Lalahon, Iansã, and Chantico.
Element: Fire 🔥🌋🕯✨
I am radiant, confident, and empowered by my ambitions .
I am grounded in my confidence as I live my life authentically.
If it doesn't serve me, I let it go.
I live in a state of awe and graditude
My shadows are worthy of love and acceptance
I open my heart to all possibilities of pleasure
I am divine love
I am a conduit and reflection of the divine and call on my higher self to use whenever, effortlessly
I Am Fire
Song Recs
Affirmations Sourced from
Bewitching the Elements
by author Gabriela Herstik
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fasa-umich · 6 months
Nicole Manalac || FASA's 2023-2024 Secretary
“You’re Filipino, I’m Filipino, let's be friends.” 
Those were my thoughts as I approached FASA’s table in Festifal. There I met my future ate, Ashley, who then invited me to the Buwan ng Wika Picnic. Later this week, I attended an athletics event, where my future kuya, Colin, would be sitting behind me. And on the way to the Picnic from Bursley, my future ate, Krystelle sat across from me.
Crazy how life works.
I can’t thank FASA enough for the unforgettable memories and the close knit community that it has given me. From being part of the best lineage ever, to having an amazing intern class, and working with such a driven board, it has been a great 2 years. 
Meeting my fellow 4th floor Burlodger Angelica at the Picnic and realizing we were right down the hall from each other
Taking a photo in front of Angelica’s door every morning at 6 am as I went to practice
Falling into a lake and showing up at Amanda’s house right before a football game
Having Amanda and Christian be my “Parents” for a day as they watched my rowing meet
Dressing up as Vector and meeting Alexa who coincidentally dressed up as a minion
Going absolutely insane while cooking for the intern project
Presentation night with Darago at NYPD 
Using the same Vector costume to then dress up as the Lorax (what will I be next year?)
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So anywhoosies, let's talk about being Secretary. 
When I first became Secretary, I honestly was not as confident as I should have been, but as I talked to more people like Justine, Prezzies, Core 4, and board, I started taking more initiative and being less worried about things. Deciding that it was easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission also really helped me, but I wouldn’t really recommend that strat for everyone. 
Being Secretary had its ups, like finally getting a big room for an event, ordering merch, or being able to organize everything using spreadsheets. But it also had its downs, like scrambling for a room because everything on that day was booked, waking up and booking mason hall classrooms to try to beat the other clubs from getting to them, or not being able to even get rooms at all. But if you asked me, I’d do it again - oh wait I am…  😼
So for the next next Secretary, here are my notes to you:
OMG Congrats! The role may be intimidating at first, but know that if you were elected, it is because people believe in you and want to succeed. Take initiative, and take risks. 
Frontload all the room bookings - it takes so much stress off your mind when you know that the room bookings are done, invest now so that you don’t have to sacrifice later (I myself could have done a better job of this)
Inventory… don’t forget about it. 
Have a plan A, B, and C
Spreadsheets - Use them, they’re amazing
Be vocal - if someone looks like they have something on their mind, they probably do and ask them to share. 
I (as well as all of board) will always be here if you need it. 
There’s honestly so much that I can say about Secretary, like how it developed my ability to anticipate needs and problem solve, how it was the perfect outlet to develop my administrative and excel skills, or simply just gave me a great group of friends to yap with. I’m keeping it short, sweet, and simple here because at the end of the day, maybe the real testimonial was the friends we made along the way. 
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adarlingmess · 3 years
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WIP/sketch drop even though it’s not Wednesday yet. I can’t post my commission WIPs because they’re confidential for now, so have more Trese Canon x OC interactions
My headcanon is after Magna Mall got blown up, Darago and Darangga got insurance pay and they rebuilt D&D’s Battleground somewhere else as a gaming cafe. Jobert is a regular, and so is one of my OCs, Izzie. She plays Eternos as an e-sports and almost got disqualified once because of excessive trashtalking and profanity.
Also more Sabsilio stuff because I have no self-control. This Canon X OC ship will be the death of me.
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domdarryjr · 4 years
Hey, babe. Did you know I love you? @theiagowalsh​
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hayleychristinexx · 3 years
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If I don’t look like I’m going to kill you, or like I’ve taken hella drugs on a photoshoot I don’t want it 😘 More photos from my shoot for @ravenyxbrand @ravenyxofficial I’m wearing the Darago top and if you use my code “Haylz” you get 40% off your shop. Just long legged people, buy oversized cause this shit is short, you know unless you want to be a slut like me of course 😘😏 Swipe for close ups and details along with a full length ❤️ #ravenyx #ooc #outofcosplay #modelling #photoshoot #model #editorial #editorialphotography #fashion #alt #altgirl #undercut #woof #heroinchic #darago #legharnesses https://www.instagram.com/p/COnt8oqsDBx/?igshid=l26wfb790o5w
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a12lmwbm · 2 years
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heyupyoursjr · 3 years
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Derg Squad group picture 2021
I finally finished a project that I've been working on for a while, this group picture is for a Discord server that I'm in & it's my way of saying thanks for letting me be part of an amazing little community full of really nice & awesome people.
One has a few Easter eggs, I wonder who can spot them all first?
-list of names-
Adrelyr Thefurryweeb, Sky Nour - Pandangerush Zcythe, Flameheart & Doodlederg, Hector LillaDraakon, Magenta Daragos TheHemikoWay, Hemiko AlsoIMainYoshi, Drake LuluchRoar Acaris Drako Wutizit, Willow Braix RogueKai, Rogue Kahvi, Kahvia HexDawn, Hex Jollyharp, Jolly SirZergi Me
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daragosdragon · 4 years
Dara as a sea serpent.
Forgot to upload, discord server art challenge from 3 weeks ago.
Turn your dragon into a different kind of dragon.
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amalgammuses · 4 years
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   I picture a very specific sound she makes with this expression, but no idea how to word it.
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melioramuses · 2 years
   Debating making a sideblog for the other MC of Kijonaia, Daragos. Bad pics of him from when I was brainstorming his design beneath the cut, but he’s a smart-mouthed smoothtalker who causes a bit of chaos everywhere he goes. Nothing catastrophic, but enough to keep him amused.
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fasa-umich · 6 months
₊✧‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✧‧My FASA Experiences as Boba🧋₊✧‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✧‧ || Zainab Ahmad, FASA's 2023-2024 Professional Development Chair
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Hi. My name is Zainab Ahmad (zay-nub eh-med), and I am a fiend for boba. That’s what everyone says, though, right? Yes, but dare I even call myself a connoisseur, I have the credentials to prove it:
I worked at CoCo in my junior and senior years of high school (yes, the one on north campus)
I worked at Sharetea my freshman year of college
I had 200 boba drinks in 2021 (I counted)
I won free boba for a year from Palgong
I have a private story (called bobruh 🧋) where I rate boba every time I get it
I absolutely demolished PASS in the boba drinking competition at Rice Bowl ‘23 (we still lost overall ʕ ´•̥̥̥ ᴥ•̥̥̥`ʔ )
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POV: you’re beating PASS @ the boba drinking section of the eating comp @ Rice Bowl ‘23
Thus, you can clearly see I have a(n) mild obsession. Thank God I don’t have diabetes!
Wait, what does any of this have to with FASA? Actually, for my testimonial, I will be comparing my experiences regarding FASA to boba drinks. Let’s get into it.
Taro milk tea ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Respectfully, taro milk tea is the most basic boba drink. It’s by no means bad if taro is your favorite, but it does mean your taste is basic (and that it completely ok ദ്ദിʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ). We all start somewhere on our boba journey, and more often than not it’s with taro (myself included)! How could this possibly intertwine with my FASA origin story?? You guessed it– like so many other FASA members, I went to one FASA event in freshman year and dipped until sophomore year.
Let’s run it back to winter 2021 of my freshman year– technically the first FASA event I went to was mass meeting. But guess what! I attended on Zoom and did not really engage with anything!
So, the first FASA event I truly attended was FAM/lin reveal. I honestly don’t know what compelled me to fill out the form to join a FAM, but I do recall going to Rackham, sitting at a table watching the lin reveals (at this point I did not know what a lineage was so I did not opt to be in one), then the FAM reveals began and I was on the edge of my seat. It was down to me either being placed in H.A.M. or $WAG and truthfully I was hoping for $WAG just because the possibility of the Muslim girl being in H.A.M. would be… interesting (for context, Muslims do not eat pork). Then lo and behold I was placed in $WAG ฅʕ⭑ﻌ⭑ʔฅ I thought it was cute how my new FAM members and I all sat together in a circle & introduced ourselves, and I left that event feeling a little bit closer to FASA.
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Taken after my first real FASA event! Idk why I called it a meeting tho!
Then I fell off the face of the Earth in regards to FASA events & didn’t go to anything until the fall mass meeting of my sophomore year (lol but nobody’s laughing)  ₊ ⊹ʕ – ᴥ – ʔ
Thai milk tea ʕづ๑•ᴥ•๑ʔづ♡
By thai milk I specifically mean Ding Tea’s thai milk tea  – my favorite milk tea! But only the version prior to Winter ‘24 (because they changed the recipe this semester ʕ ꆤ ᴥ ꆤʔ). Anyways, as I became more active in FASA as a general member in my sophomore year, I had so much fun! I finally got sorted into a lineage in Fall ‘22 (darago!) & enjoyed debriefing with people that I probably would have never spoken to if it weren’t for FASA.
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Darago @ PCN Centennial ୧ʕ•̀ᴥ•́��୨
I never considered myself a dancer (& still don’t tbh) but I learned tinikling for the first time, sucked at it, but eventually danced to Industry Baby at PCN
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+ learned to dance like an elegant lady through performing pag-apir at both PCN & Battle
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Chins up for pag-apir!
+ danced like a duck by doing itik-itik for Kalayaan.
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I wanted to dip my toes into being more integrated with FASA than just being a general member & a performer, so I joined the yearbook committee! I always thought graphic design was fun, & I enjoyed the creative liberties the yearbook gals & I took to make last year’s yearbook <3
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I designed the fit check page (right) ᵔᴥᵔ
I enjoyed the FASA community so much that I wanted to contribute to it more as a board member. Thus, I ended up running for both S’Advocacy & PD because I thought my prior experiences/skills aligned well with both roles (fun fact: I was the only applicant who ran for two positions last year). As you can see, I became the 2023 - 2024 Professional Development Chair, & I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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PD lin!
Wintermelon milk tea ⍝ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ⍝
I feel like not many people have gotten into wintermelon milk tea, but it’s really good and underrated. I would down it so fast when I worked at Sharetea. So good. But, as we all know, too much of a good thing is no longer a good thing. Woah, this seems like it’s about to go downhill. Let me explain.
Transitioning into when I became a full-fledged boardie & started being one of the people behind the scenes of the ever-loved FASA events, I learned a lot about myself as a leader & about my personal characteristics. A lot of time goes into being a boardie, & being on board made me get my planning skills down to a T– despite me thinking they were already good. I experienced a lot of ups & downs as a boardie, & I utilized my experiences as learning opportunities. I currently am on two other boards (shoutout NOiR & IMSA lol), but I have never seen on organization value community as much as FASA does, & I think that’s something to be treasured.
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Board @ senior farewell fresh outta the womb for one of our first events together
As I write this in my final month as your Professional Development chair, I feel ready to pass the baton off to the next. Being a FASA boardie has definitely been a good thing, but I have reached a point where I believe our organization could benefit from someone with a fresh perspective. Time for something new. I have had the great pleasure of being PD chair, & I hope that our members only continue professionally developing!
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Hands up, time’s over!
Kita kits,
Zainab Ahmad - ̗̀꒰ঌʕ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ໒꒱ ̖́-
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