#danverssisters x baby danvers
oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Tempting Bad - Part II
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Authors Note: Way too long and a little rushed, but I wanted to put everything you asked me into this request. I tried to shorten it a bit but I didn't succeed. So sorry for that! Also parted in two parts because Tumblr did not let me post the whole thing :(
Trigger warning! This one-shot includes the topic of suicide and the plot is presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Summary: Life consists of small moments that shape us, stay in our memories and make us who we are. Often we don't even know what influence we have on other people, how we appear to the outside world and how we affect other people's lives. And this influence leaves traces
Your eyes were swollen, your cheeks red and hot from crying when you got to your apartment and slammed the door shut. Leaning against it, you painfully slid down along the wood before pulling your knees close to your torso and burying your head deep in your arms.
With multiple, deep sobs you let out your pent-up sadness that had accumulated deep inside you while you felt a noose tighten around your neck and the ground pull out from under your feet.
You tried to calm yourself, which was not easy. The only thoughts floating around in your head were thoughts of hanging your life on the hook and your own death. Sobbing and completely lost, you gave these thoughts the strength they carried within and let them win.
For weeks, you put up with everything life has thrown at you, but the ground had been torn from under your feet.
Desperate and almost in a state of panic, you got up on shaky legs and immediately searched for a pen in various drawers before ripping the paper out of the printer on your way to the coffee table.
Totally lost in your own anger and destruction, you cleared the things that were on the table with a simple sweep of your arms onto the floor. The cracking and clinking of the glasses on the parquet floor were absent in your ears, the only focus laying on the blank sheet of paper. You began to write absent-mindely and after the first word, the pen just flew across the paper.
<Hey my beloved sisters, Pen and paper have been lying in front of me, scraps of thoughts flying back and forth, but nothing useful that would help me put into words what is going on inside of my mind. My classmates call me different than the rest of humanity. It hurts to see the disgusted looks and hear the nasty names they call me. Every day, I have to endure the teasing. Comments that make me miserable. Both of you had suspected something as I withdrew myself from you, watched my development in the last year of high school with growing concern. I suffered in silence, did not want to drag you into a fight that I had to master alone. But I had lost this incessant fight, my time on this earth is up and you are not to blame. The price I had to pay for being myself torments me. Excruciating pain as the cold grips me and my innocent blood dries up in my veins. I just wanted to feel complete, but what remains are deep burns on scarred flesh. Embracing flames, expressed in the form of insults and contempt, pull me deeper. Their dominant psyche and their whispering voices behind my back stifle my cries for help while their words bring me to my knees, slaughter my defenseless body every second of my school days. I want to be free. Free from everything but above all from the unspeakable pain that infects me with incurable venom. And that is why I say take care and do not cry over me. Nothing can be worse than years of cold bullying leading a young person to commit suicide. Kara, Alex. I love you. Forever and always, your Y/n>
Tears had smeared the ink between the lines, stains of them waving the paper. By now you had slumped off the couch onto the floor, one hand cupped over your mouth as you gazed into the distance in silence. Hurt with words and harmless statements, hurt with actions that brought you down.
You were rarely hurt physically, but the emotional pain caused your body to suffer as well. Why you deserved it, was uncertain. But it was cruel and you knew that pain would never go away living that way.
Meanwhile, you hurried through the apartment, trying to find a suitable place for the letter before you put it on the dresser near a picture of your sisters and yourself on one of the happy days. "I hope you forgive me,"
Whispering the last words into the void, you said goodbye to your place of rest, love and protection before you set off to carry out your plan. Walking the streets of National City among crowds, with the hood low over your face, you made your way off to a place you usually went whenever you needed to think.
A bridge with train track below, on which departing and arriving trains passed, noted by their loud noises. For the first time in forever, you felt like you were entering a foreign district, even though you had been coming her for years.
Your legs were heavy as lead and you could feel your heart trying to find a way up into your throat. Completely out of breath and trembling, you remained at the barrier and ignored the few looks you drew from joggers or walkers.
The adrenaline rushed through your body before you climbed over the barrier and were now standing on top of a two inch wide metal beam that kept you from a twenty meter free fall. Your heart was beating fast, blood pounding in your ears while your hands were shaking and a lump was forming in your throat.
You slowly put one foot in front of the other. When you got to the edge of the bridge, you stopped and enjoyed the wind blowing through your hair while you spread your arms like a birds wings. "Do not do it, doll. Please"
You flinched, staggered on the iron beam, but managed to keep your balance. You cocked your head to the side to see the person standing back on the slope and studied them, quickly realizing who it was before a small smile crept onto your lips. It was one of the very few people in your life who could stop you from taking the final step. "Lee, what are you doing here?"
"Kara called me in panic, asked if you were with me.." began the CEO of L-Corp to speak, carefully taking small steps towards you. The raven haired knew exactly where to look for you, had she known the places you went when you needed space and distance. "Come down and talk to me, please"
"Talk about what? There is nothing to talk about, nothing matters anymore,"
"What is on your mind and what led you to this decision. Please, break your silence," she spoke to you urgently and pleadingly. Her usually strong and spiteful voice had dropped into a worried tone, and seemed almost choked as she whispered, "Let me help you"
A cold shiver ran down your back and made your body tremble again, but your tears had dried up. You stood still and silent, your gaze directed to the train that was approaching from afar. "The daily insults so full of hatred have destroyed my soul," your throat went dry, like you did swallowed sand while feeling a cold pressure in your chest. "I can not go on living like this"
"You have an entire family behind you that is willing to help. You just need to talk to us"
Lena´s firm words mingled with your interrupted thoughts and made you sob quietly. For a moment, you felt dizzy and though you were going to fall. But it was just an illusion that made you cling to the railing even tighter, yet it brought you to a realization.
You wanted to live. For your family but above all for what was still ahead of you.
"It will get better, Y/n…" a phrase you have been trying to convince yourself many times over the past few days but failed every time. When those words came out of her mouth, they sounded real. Honest.
Your thoughts faltered briefly and you looked up at emerald green eyes that seemed to glitter in the setting sun. "Really?" you doubted, and your trembling legs retreated to the center of the platform. Standing right on the boundary between solid ground and the abyss, you laid your cold-shivering hands on the iron concrete and looked up again, feeling the icy wind blowing through your hair and making your tears seem colder on your skin.
As soon as the raven haired saw the chance, she grabbed you with an incredible strength and pulled you over the parapet into her arms. Her arms wrapped tightly around your body, holding you close with a firm grip and breathed out a sigh of relief.
Lena laid her head on your shoulder before her eyes closed and focused on your trembling body, which seemed to shatter under her embrace. Your heartbeat seemed to slow, your breathing evened out with the steady rise and fall of your chest. There was only sobbing and a slight hiccup that broke the silence. "Shh, I am here"
And you were more than grateful for that. Grateful, that she saved you from a mistake you probably pulled through if she had not shown up.
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nymp21 · 5 years
Never I’ve ever. (Baby danvers reader x Lena Luthor.)
Summary : you’re secretly dating Lena for two months. You haven’t told your sisters (Kara and Alex) yet because you’re quite afraid of their reaction (because Lena is older and they are quite protective around you) even if Lena is okay with it, she respects your decision to wait. One day Maggie ran into the two of you making love. You made her swear to never tell anyone. She agreed but said that you have to tell your sisters, that they would completly undertand. Tonight is the night of revelation, you’re planning to tell your sisters, you and Lena are dating but you’re too afraid. So Maggie has got a devilish plan ! She is quite a tease you know.
Warnings : Gifs are not mine. Mention of sex. 
Enjoy ;). If you want me writing prequel where Maggie surprises the reader and Lena making love, or a part two, let me know :). 
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You were at the bar getting yours and Kara’s drinks and deep in your thoughts while the waiter was preparing them. You and Lena had planned to tell your sisters tonight, but you didn’t know how to bring the subject in the conversation. And you were scared of their reaction. You knew there wasn’t any reason to be, because, well they’re your sisters and you loved each others. Yet, you were sweating at the thought of it.
« So baby danvers ! » Maggie said making you jump. “Are you ready ?” 
She had a smile on her lips. Clearly she was enjoying it very much. Too much according to you. 
“No. I’m not. What if they tell Lena she is...”
“They won’t I can assure you.” She said putting a hand on your shoulder. There was a moment of silence as if she was thinking, then she spoke. “I may have an idea. Do you trust me ?” 
“Yeah ?” You wasn’t sure about that. 
Her smiled grown wide and it scared you a bit. 
“What do you have in mind ?” you said. 
“You’ll see little danvers !” She said as she returned at the table where Lena, your sisters, Winn, James and Mon El were sitting. You caught Lena’s glance at you and the smile she gave to you sent shivers in your spine and butterflies in your stomach. Yeah everything will be fine ! Then you saw Maggie winked at you and you had a bad feeling about all of this. 
“A Virgin Mojito and a Martini.” said the bartender giving to you two glasses. 
“Thank you !” 
You paid and you returned to your table. Kara welcomed you with cheers as you had her drink. 
“Thanks for the Mojito (Y/N). Even if alcool don’t really do anything to me, I must say this coktail is so delicious.”
You were about to sit between her and Alex but Maggie interrupted your move. 
“Oh (Y/N) there’s room between me and Lena.” 
You caught her wicked smile. What was on her mind ? You really started to worry. Then you sit between your almost sister in law and you secret girlfriend. Who discreetly entrelaced her fingers to yours under the table. Her soft touch was reassuring you as everyone started conversations.
“We should play a game !” Say Maggie suddenly. 
“Yeah ! Great idea !” Winn agreed. “Wich one ?”
“How about : Never I’ve ever ?”
“Are you sure about that ?” asked Alex with a frown. “I don’t really want to see my baby sister drunk after two sips.” 
“Hey !” you protested “I’m not that brittle. I can handle alcool !” 
“Yeah... Do you remember when you danced on the table last time. You only drank two beers (Y/N)” said Kara apologetically. 
And everyone in the table nodded, inclued Lena. 
“Come on you two ! She is an adult ! Let her live !” Maggie defended you and you were suprised. You found by the look of her that this was the part of her plan. “This game will prove you that your baby danvers is not a baby anymore. So who begins ? (Y/N) ?”
You thought for a moment before speaking again :
“Never I’ve ever lied to my parents.”
Everyone looked sternly at you. 
“What ?” 
“Seriously (Y//N) haven’t you got more boring question ?” said Winn. 
“Okay, okay, let me think... Never I’ve ever come home so drunk that my baby sister has to lie to my parents about me getting sick to cover me.”
“I hate you (Y/N)” Alex said drinking one sip, shoting you a furious glance and you chuckled. 
“Okay Lena your turn.” said Maggie. 
“Never i’ve ever be mad in love with someone.” 
“So cute.” Maggie commented and everyone drank. Lena caressing your hand and smiling at you. You smiled back getting her adorable message. 
Winn and Mon El went next with some question. Then it was Kara’s turn. 
“Never I’ve ever be afraid of high.” 
“That’s easy for you, you can fly !” you groaned drinking with Winn. You sister stick her tongue at you. 
“Never I’ve ever be a total baby when I am sick.” said Alex looking at you in the eyes. 
You sighed. Your sisters were really annoying tonight. 
“You guys plan to get me drunk or what ?” 
And you drank. 
“Ok, it’s my turn.” Said Maggie with the same wicked smile as ealier. “Never I ever had sex at work.”
Ok that wasn’t so bad, you thought. Then you saw Lena blush and drink one sip of her beer. Oh god. You remember now. 
“Hahaha I knew  that Lena Luthor has a thing for office sex !” said Maggie. 
Oh you have no idea you thought blushing too. 
Then you saw James drink too. 
“No way !” said Kara. “You ?!”
“Yeah... why not !” He told with a smirk. 
Then it was your turn again. 
“Never I’ve ever use my officer badge to have some free food.” you said. 
“Fair” Maggie conceed with fairplay driking her vodka.
You knew what she was planning but you’re totally in. You hasn’t be the one to suffer. You will make her regret her stupid idea. You were deeply in thought and it was Maggie’s turn again. Her Wicked smile was wide as ever. 
“Never I’ve ever call my girlfriend/boyfriend, Daddy during sex.” 
You went pale, then red. No she hadn’t dare... you watched her with disbelief and she smirked at you. Then you heard Alex groan and say. 
“Seriously baby... I didn’t need my sisters to know that” and she drank. 
And Kara made a sound of disgust.
“Totally worth the look of your face” responded Maggie but looking at you not at her girlfriend. 
She knew it of course, because when she caught you and Lena, she heard you. Oh God she promised never tell anyone. She was pure evil. You took you glass, hand trembling and face totally blushing and you drank earning silence at the table as everyone stared at you, mouth open. 
“... and I totally didn’t want to know that about my baby sister.” added Alex still in shock. 
“Me neither” murmured pale Kara. “ And I even can’t drink enough to make me forget about it.”
You were mortified and after your turn, Lena decided to avenge you. 
“Never I’ve never promising my friends that I would help themp and get to tease them at the end.” She said, looking Maggie in the eyes. 
Still, the inspector smiled and drink after murmuring that this was still totally worth it. 
A complete turn passed and then this was at Maggie again. And you knew what she was goign to say. 
“ Never I’ve ever be called daddy by my boyfriend/girlfriend during sex.” And she drank starring again at Lena who drank after her. 
“What ?!” Alex almost screamed looking between you and Lena as she seemed to understand. 
“ Oh I didn’t know you were a top Lena” Said Kara totally oblivious at the revelation. 
“Kara... you don’t understand.” Alex told her.
“What ?”
“And i’m going to ask a second question, because that’s my game and I do everything I want : Never I’ve never be, and still be, in love realtionship with someone at the table.” 
Kara, Mon El, Alex and her drank and then, Alex and her looked at you. You turn you head towards Lena. 
“Cheers ?” she said with her glass up. 
“Cheers...” you murmured and then drank with her. 
There were a silence as everyone figured out what juste happened and Maggie was smiled at you. 
“Wait... (Y/N) and Lena are together ?” realised Kara. “Like a couple ?”
Everyone nodded. 
“That’s great !” She said smiling at each of you. 
“Yeah this part is great.” Conceed Alex. “Kara... you DO realise that we’ve just learnt that our babysister and Lena had a dady kink in bed ?!”
“I told you she wasn’t a baby anymore.” Said Maggie with a smile. “Job’s done little danvers.” 
“Ahd how do you know about this ?” asked Alex suspciously. 
“Well...” sarted Maggie. 
“NO !” Lena interrupted her. “You don’t want to know about it Alex.”
Kara and Alex looked at each others. 
“Well... I think i’m going to get drunk to forget about the daddy kink part, but i am happy about you two. Really. I love you (Y/N) and I’m happy you choose someone as lovely as Lena.” 
“Yeah we are.” said Kara “Cheers to the two lovebirds.” 
Everyone cheers you up and Lena kissed you tenderly. 
“I knew everything was going to be fine.” She said to you. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” You answered. “And I think it’s my turn.”
You looked at Maggie. 
“Never I’ve ever used my handcuff in bed.”
“You’re dead little danvers” she said drinking again. 
“Payback is a bitch Sawyer”.  
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
ʜᴜɴɢᴇʀ ꜱᴛʀɪᴋᴇ ɪɪ - ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀɢɪʀʟ
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Trigger warning! This one-shot includes the topic of an eating disorder, illness and an unhealthy eating behavior. These plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle those subjects, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Authors note: Finally a little update on this story, yeay!
You leaned your forehead against the window before the train drove the last few meter into the station, seeking the comfortableness in it while calming your mind in a way. It was already dark when you arrived in National City and you got off exhausted. The nervousness and tension that had steadily increased along the way made your heart beat faster. The recurring dizziness forced you to get a small snack during the stop in Carthago.
A soft sigh left your lips as the native air crept into your nostrils. On the one hand you were happy to return home, but on the other hand you were afraid of it.
The first semester at Aetherford University had passed calmly but with a lot of stress. You had the chance to be mostly left alone by your and avoided engaging with them via video chat. Even Kara had avoided asking for a video call every third day of the week, otherwise she always had shaky hands just to see you again.
You needed this break, you had to think about a few things. A few months ago your body and mind had started playing against you. A trap had formed, which created more and more problems for you and also caused great fear.
At first you thought it was just happening because you were so stressed and everything was new, but it was not. You quickly found that trying to fight back was useless, because no matter what you did.. It got worse.
You were glad you were able to hide it; you did not know much people at university. At least not someone, who would really care. But it was slowly becoming clear to your professor and your room mate that you seemed emptier and weaker.
It started with just skipping breakfast, but over time it got worse. Breakfast turned into meals that were skipped and you started to survive only on snacks. Protein bars, apples, broccoli. Several times you came close to writing to your sisters, but immediately dismissed the idea. You were sure that they would immediately worry and take you out from university to bring you home.
At moments like this you wished Maggie back. The brunette would certainly have known a good solution or advice without telling Alex anything. But you could not ask her anymore, the contact broke apart.
Memories came flooding back of how Maggie and Alex had split up and you saw her boarding a train to another city right here where you were standing now. And even though you have been talked out of the fact that you could have done something about it, you still berated yourself for not at least trying. It had just been, on the whole, a heartbreaking disaster. Not just because Alex wanted to have children back then, no. Alex could not imagine a life without them and was forced to separate from her great love.
A final sigh left your lips and you took one step after the other in agony. Your head hurt and you did not know if it was because you had not eaten and drunk much today or if it was simply because you sat on a train for five hours straight with a baby crying almost non-stop.
But one thing was certain: It could not be because of the many books in the library.
Over the last six months you have been looking for answers and self-help in the library, but unfortunately you have not found any that helped you. Instead, it kept getting worse.
At first it was difficult for you to really take this problem seriously, as it was often unclear or you had suppressed it. It changed quickly, however, and the consequences became clearer and sharper over time, especially since spring.
That is why you were reluctant to let classmates touch or hug you. You also no longer voluntarily sought physical contact. You were afraid that others would be afraid of you.
A loud horn honk pulled you back to the here and now and you saw none other than Alex on her motorbike. You just hoped that the redhead would not get the idea to hug you right away. You did not want to let it happen until you got your illness under control.
"Look who we have here, the missing Danvers!" mocking, her voice cut through the street noise. You closed your eyes briefly and took a deep breath; now it was going to get serious and you had to be careful at everything. "C´mere, kiddo."
You quickly raised a hand in front of your body, and held it in place. "No hugs please. I, eh… pinched two of my ribs and it hurts like hell," you lied and in the same moment you could have slapped yourself for this statement.
Your sister eyed you intently. You looked ill in her eyes and even though she could not see your face directly because of the darkness, she still noticed how pale and tired you looked.
For several months, Alex Danvers wondered what was wrong with her youngest sister. He had noticed the rapid change in you, even when you were miles away. After all, she was not a DEO agent for nothing. And she wondered why you did not talk to her, you always did.
"Well, can I give you at least a kiss on your cheek?" she asked with a slight smile on her lips. You nodded and mirrored her facial expressions. Putting on a mask, a smiling face. A breathy laugh escapes my mouth so she can not see my pain. The redhead quickly leaned down and gave you three small kisses on the cheek before placing a helmet in your hands and gently wrapping an arm around you.
You felt her hand on your shoulder and instinctively wanted to shake it off when she pulled it back on her own to get her keys out of her leather jacket. You knew from her lingering eye contact that she was not satisfied with your previous answer and that she suspected something. Nevertheless, you were glad that she left you alone without forcing any questions on you.
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
HI!! Could you do a suicidal baby danvers oneshot? they're in highschool, probs the final year, and they're getting bullied really badly. One day when they walk into one of their classes they find their desk with things (like "f*g" or "fatass"). They skip the rest of their school day after that and go straight home, they write a suicide note and leave it for Alex and Kara. Make it super angsty, maybe a happy ending?:) I hope you have an amazing day, I love your page<33
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Authors note: Way too long and a little rushed, but I wanted to put everything you asked me into this request. I tried to shorten it a bit but I didn't succeed. So sorry for that! Also parted in two parts because Tumblr did not let me post the whole thing :(
Trigger warning!This one-shot includes the topic of suicide and the plot is presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Summary: Life consists of small moments that shape us, stay in our memories and make us who we are. Often we don't even know what influence we have on other people, how we appear to the outside world and how we affect other people's lives. And this influence leaves traces
When the alarm clock woke you up at 6am sharp, a hand grabbed the annoying troublemaker and slammed it against the wall. Grumbling, you whispered some swear words under your breath and piled the covers back over your head to avoid the outside world.
Unfortunately, the night always passed too quickly for you. You did not want to go back to school, lost all desire to return to your classroom every morning. For you, school was not a pleasure or an increase in your knowledge, but a single struggle for survival.
The knock on your door made you roll your eyes in annoyance. You quickly pushed the covers back against the end of the bed and sat up, rubbing a hand across your face to wipe the rest of sleep out of your eyes.
"Sleepyhead, are you awake?" your sister´s female voice asked muffled through the thick wood and you hesitated a moment with your answer, thinking about telling her that you were sick so you could stay at home, but you decided against it. "I am awake, I will be right there"
When you heard the footsteps moving away from your door, you slowly got in motion to get out of bed, leaving your small but beautiful kingdom to march into hell instead. In your room, you felt like you were in a glass box that shielded you from the outside world like a protective bubble. Here you were safe and at peace with all the people who loved you.
With a thoughtful face, you made your way to the open kitchen where Kara had already started conjuring up your breakfast. Throwing your backpack onto one of the free chairs at the dining table, you sat down on the bar stool opposite the blonde. Your head dropped to the wooden counter as your finger silently traced the texture.
"Is everything okay?" she murmured between pursed lips. Her head was cocked to the side, her long, honey blonde hair that was tied in a loose ponytail hanging down one of her shoulders. The knife that had recently been used loosely standing in her fist as she gazed at you intently. "You seem so calm to me lately"
Kara had suspected that something was on your mind, her sisterly instincts told her that something was very wrong. For weeks, there was something in your life that bothered you. You have been acting differently lately. Your behavior became withdrawn and calmer. You did not seem to have an appetite- you hardly ate anything anymore. However, she refrained from forcing you into a confession and possibly pushing you further away from her than you have been since your character transformation.
You looked over your shoulder and faltered, clearly uncomfortable at being asked the question. You did not want to tell her the truth, nor did you want to lie to your sister. Yet you were not ready to tell her what was going on in your life.
The blonde would drag the redhead into this situation and both of them might want to talk to your teacher or even your classmates. But that would probably make the situation worse, trigger further harassment.
"Yes. Yes, I am fine," you said quietly and turned your gaze to an imaginary point. Kara, on the other hand, kept her direct gaze strictly on you while an affirmative growl escaped her lips. "Actually, I am not hungry at all. Can you pack it for me?"
She sighed and walked around the kitchen counter to get to you. Her hands grabbed your shoulders and gently stroked them before she pulled you back and gently hugged you from behind. The sudden, loud pounding of your heart and the nervous playing with your fingers, made it clear to the young woman that you seemed to be struggling with yourself. "You can always talk to me, okay? I am here for you"
You snuggled into her arms, which hugged you tightly and full of strength into her body while one of them gently stroked your hair. "I know," you assured her, your voice breaking slightly as you tilted your head up to look at her. "You are always there when I need you"
Despite getting up and leaving the house on time, you missed fifteen minutes of the first lesson. You had dawdled your way to school, getting more nervous each time you took a step further into the building.
Walking up the last few steps to your classroom and turning left down the hallway, you reached the first door of the corridor where math had already started. You nervously wiped your sweaty hands on your jeans and mentally prepared yourself for the impending confrontation. Then, you opened the door and the noise level in the class dropped significantly.
"You are late," your teacher spoke as he sat down at his desk and wrote an entry into the register. You paused at the door and surveyed the nineteen other teenagers before he looked at you warningly and you knew that because of all your delays, the crosses behind your name lined up like on a cementary. "Will not happen again"
On the way to your seat in the back row, the most famous girl tripped you and you stumbled, but managed to catch yourself before you hit the floor. Laughter filled the room and a lame joke was made about you. "Too stupid to walk, Danvers?"
You pained facial expression smoothed out and with an inconspicuous sideways glace, you looked appraisingly at Cindy before your teacher´s loud voice called for order. He ordered you to finally sit down and not disturb the class further than you already did.
Before you even sat down, you saw the doodled on your table that you had not noticed before. They had been re-scribed into the surface of the wood and highlighted with black marker. There is one word you were particularly sad to read about: fag.
Tears welled up in your eyes, which you tried to hold back as your stomach began to cramp up. You made no secret about your sexuality and were relatively open on the subject, yet you did not think it would ever be used against you.
"Who was that?" your trembling voice made it´s way between quiet laughter and silenced them completely. All eyes were on you, but they were by no means pitiable. With that, you turned around and left the room straight away.
The school hallway was not the widest construction and even with few students it seemed to be bursting at the seams. Other teenagers walked past you, it got a little cramped, and you were jostled and pushed against the wall.
Shortly thereafter, you fist collided with the wall, repeatedly hitting the white plaster in short frequencies. Tears rolled down your cheeks and mixed with the blood that smeared on your knuckles as you wiped them from your eyes.
But you did not care, you were fed up. The barrell overran and drowned your energy below zero.
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Can you do a oneshot where B!D has been unwell and having a lot of weird symptoms lately. She, her sisters, and Eliza are at the hospital when they find out she has lupus, and B!D just breaks down.
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Addition from another request: Also in the lupus one shot can you have B!D tell her sisters she feels like a burden and they tell her shes not?
You felt like you were floating. The next moment your felt like your chest was buried and crushed. Overwhelmed by an heat that ran through your entire system and made your blood vessels boil. You tried to relax to banish the heat but you could not and felt your strength ebbing away. You felt defeated, you had to endure it.
"She has a fever of 102.2 degrees. Y/n never has been so sick before," Eliza informed her two girls, who she had called and asked to come back home. She was bent over your battered body and placing a cold rag on your sweaty neck.
Kara and Alex nodded briefly to let their mother know they were listening before the redhead moved to the other side of your bed and sat down next to you. "How long has she had this fever? Have you noticed anything about her lately?"
"She has been very tired lately and has often taken naps. She has lost weight due to the lack of appetite, which I have labeled as stress," Eliza reflected on the last few weeks before nodding. "She has also complained of extreme hair loss."
"What do we do now?" taking your limp hand and placing it in hers, she turned to the bio-engineer and gave her a serious look.
You opened your eyes for a moment, only to close them back shortly after. The dim light on your bedside table pierced through your skull and set your eyes ablaze. You wanted to say something, but no sound came out of your throat. You found yourself too weak to form words. "Hey, it is all good."
"Lexie," you croaked, knowing that it probably came out as an unintelligible noise, but also knowing that she understood you anyway. But she interrupted you with her soothing and deep voice, "Kara and I are here, you will be better soon."
"She needs treatment, she need medication," Eliza shook her head at your condition. She had noticed weeks ago that you had changed, but she never saw a possibility of a serious illness slowly taking hold of you.
Not a second after your mother said that sentence, Alex grabbed her car keys and handed them to Kara before carefully scooping you out of bed into her arms and carrying you out of your room to the car. You groaned out in pain during the movements, your whole body radiating pain in all directions. "Everything will be fine, kiddo. Just hold on to me, alright?"
When you came to, you did not feel much better than before. You could not move properly, all your joints ached like fire burning inside them and your head was throbbing so hard, you thought it was going to explode. Everything hurt.
"It was a good decision to bring your daughter here," the voice, echoing in the far distance, you identified as a man. Confused, you did not quite understood where you were- your eyes still closed. "She has an elevated blood sedimentation reaction, which has led us to conclude that it is something that is not exactly harmless."
"Mom?" you asked in a hoarse voice and interrupted the young man in his speech, amazed that you got any words out at all. You tried to open your eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the unfamiliar brightness. You slowly became aware of a dark figure leaning over you, holding something in her hand. "What happened?"
"You are in the hospital, sweets. We brought you here after Mom could not get your fever down. You probably dozed off and feel asleep on the drive." Kara already had an arm behind your back to support you, helping you to sit up a little before holding a glass of water to your dry lips.
The blonde stroked your hair soothingly after laying you back down and held your hand in her other, gently rubbing the back of your hand with her thumb. She had been disturbed by the doctor´s statement that something was wrong with you.
She was the only one next to you who could not do anything with this information. But the pronunciation of some of the things said, sounded audibly bad. "She has low white and red blood cells and platelet counts. Also, her body uses an unusual amount of complement factors C3 and C4,"
The doctor continued to talk, handling the eldest Danvers the handheld tablet with your chart showing your blood results. Alex, too, now joined her mother at her side and scanned the various criteria that the laboratory had examined.
"I talked to the chief physician and we then extended the blood tests. We noticed that she has auto antibodies with the specific AntidsDNA and the Anti-Smith antibody," you whole family waited anxiously for the doctor to continue, who had meanwhile sat down on the small stool that had been under the computer desk.
Curious, Kara´s blue eyes locked on him, breaking the awkward silence that permeated the room. "And what does that mean?" Eliza and Alex turned to her almost in unison. The redhead bit her lip inexorably while looking at your sleepy figure buried in the blondes sight as your mother caught the speech. "She has systemic lupus erythrocytes. In short, lupus."
"In normal language please,"
"Y/n has an autoimmune disease in which her immune system attacks her healthy body cells and causes inflammation. It damages her organs." Alex had taken the word and felt the fear that spread in the blondes faltering voice.
Kara looked up at the doctor again, who just gave her a sad nod in confirmation of what her sister had said. Silence drowned out the movements and sounds in the hallway. Nobody would have thought that silence could be so uncomfortable. The blonde sank onto your bed and looked down at you while pulling you closer to her chest.
"Can it be cured?" Your eyes had meanwhile filled with tears that were spreading down your cheeks. Fear filled your entire body and made you shiver, drawing the redheads attention to you. She quickly got up from the foot end of the bed and turned to your free side. She carefully pulled the duvet up to your chin and sat down next to you. "Or will I die?"
"Sadly, this cannot be cured," the man in the white coat picked up the conversation and smiled slightly at you. "But the goal is to prevent organ damage and relieve symptoms. If you take the medication that we will put you on after a few more tests, than you can live with it."
You nodded and closed your eyes, a small stone wandering away from your heart. While your mother went outside with the doctor to discuss more things, your siblings stayed close to you and held you tight. "God, I am one of a burden"
"Hey," Alex whispered before you opened your eyes and looked straight into her brown ones. "Hey, Alex.." even to your own ears, you sounded weak and broken.
You tried to squeeze even closer to Kara´s body, liking the sheer warmth she was radiating. She wrapped her arms around your exhausted one. The blonde did not have to ask how you were. She senses how vulnerable you felt at the moment. "You are never a burden to us. Never,"
The redhead also hid under your covers and snuggled into your side, her head resting on your shoulder. "We are here for you, always." she planted a gentle kiss on your cheek and immediately, it was like she was charging your energy with her closeness. She moved even closer and placed more kisses on your nose and temple, bringing a smile to your lips. "There is my girl."
It was reassuring that there was someone with you, protecting you, caring and loving you just the way you were. With all your flaws and your mistakes.
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Can you write a oneshot where Kara is taking care of B!D after she breaks her ankle? Its over doing something really clumsy like falling down satirs.
A/N: Why am I so unsatisfied with all my works at the moment? ---
Stressed and racked with pain, you turned the key in the door to the apartment you shared with Kara and slipped your head throught the small gap between the door and the frame. Through the sun-drenched room and examined the entire apartment to look for your blonde-haired sister. "Kara, are you home?"
"I am in the bedroom, Y/N." someone replied from the said room and you smiled once just before your foot reminded you that it was still there, throbbing in pain. "I need urgent help."
With superspeed, she was in front of you in a few seconds and the gust of wind literally knocked you on your hopefully only sprained foot and you screamed out. Panicked, she looked you from top to bottom and stopped at your ankle, it was swollen and already bruised blue.
Immediately she put her left arm under the back of your knees, the other on your back and pulled you up from the floor into her arms. "What the hell happened?"
Carefull not to bump you anywhere, but still at a reasonable speed, she walked to the couch and placed you safely on it. Pressing a pillow under your foot as an elevated position, she took off your show and sock before disappearing back into the kitchen. "Stupidity, that happened."
With your hands you pressed yourself a little off the couch to sit more comfortably and examined your ankle from far before you put your head back and let yourself fall into the couch pillow.
Annoyed you closed your eyes and hoped the pain to be gone only to open them again with even more pain than before. You felt sharp flashes in your ankle that run through your entire leg and ended up with a cold shiver down your spine. "Damn it, Kara. That shit really hurts!"
"Hey, you know how Alex hates it when you talk like that!" she said and pulled the cooling pad down to see with her X-ray vision what was going on in the inner of your body. "What she doesn't know, doesn't make her hot."
You laughed before you pinched your eyes in pain for a moment and scolded again, but this time in a way that Kara couldn't hear. "How did that happen besides stupidity, Y/N?"
"Oh, I wanted to get down the stairs from university as soon as possible to get home so I took two or three steps instead of one and then I tripped over my own foot and la down straight on my face."
Totally shocked that you walked home with one foot like that without calling Alex or her to ask for help, she looked at you and started laughing. "Congratulations you clumsy noodle, you broke your ankle."
You hit the palm of your hand against your forehead and rolled your eyes. You have always been chaotic, but only ever won the wars unscathed with only a few bruises or scratches, and now you were lying here and you would probably lie here for quite a while longer. "I will call Alex and she should take a look at the whole thing and continue to patch up, by broken bones my first aid is ending."
"No, don't call her" you stopped Kara from removing herself from the couch by holding her arm. "If you call now she will worry about something that is not worth it. Let's cool it down, keep holding it up and wait for her to come home. Broken bones stay broken even after two hours."
"Then at least let me cool it down properly and not with those useless things." Kara said and threw the cool pads behind her on the floor before kneeling on it and waited for your answer until she started using her cold breath.
You drew in your breath sharply as you clenched your teeth.
After a few minutes of pain, she disappeared again and came back with some delivery service cards that she threw at your stomach. You chose something from the huge selection while she put some more pillows under our foot and moved you a little to the side to carefully squeeze herself next to you. "I want lasagna.
Laughing, she was already typing on her cell phone and started ordering for the three of you while you somehow tried to hug yourself into her and put your arms around her waist. Accidentally you bumped her slightly and she lost the grip of her cell phone, which then flew on her face.
Now it was you who laughed at her, if unwanted, chaotic way.
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Like what if Kara came home and found B!D sick on the couch?
combined with: can you do some more stuff with Kara looking after b!d?
The sun was already about to set behind the hills of National City and you were still on the couch; you hadn't moved from it since this morning. Your head was pounding and you felt like your skull would break, your whole body felt heavy and destroyed, almost like you had been run over by a truck.
You weren't often sick, but when you were, you were immediately violated with the pleasure that no pain pills would help, no blanket could calm the cold inside you and a warm bath didn't automatically move your tense muscles and quivering bones to hurt less.
The only thing you could do was endure it all, at least for the first 24 hours.
The darkened living room, the pillow that you had pressed over your eyes to banish the rest of the daylight and the fresh air that made it's way into the apartment through the open balcony door let the headache subside, at least a little. The hot water bottle on your back also helped you to relax a little and made everything a little more comfortable.
At least before you felt a huge impact in front of you that chased shock waves through your body and made you whine in pain. "Y/N, I am home!" shouted the blonde in her luscious bright and high voice. "Oh Rao, I am so hungry!"
You winced at the volume of her voice and clung to the pillow with both hands before throwing it to the side in annoyance. "You are always hungry and now don't be angry with me but shut up."
She walked back the last few meters she had already started to the kitchen and looked down over the back of the couch to your lying figure. "I am sorry, I didn't know... Did I wake you?"
"No but thanks to my Kryptonian sister which flew through the window like dumbo instead of taking the door like a normal human being I am in more pain than I was thirty seconds ago." you tried to roll your eyes but let it be when a spasm ran through your head and you paused for a moment. You hated headaches more than anything.
"It's way easier and faster for me and you know that!" she laughed confused. The blonde didn't know exactly what was wrong with you and why you reacted this way, she didn't saw you since yesterday evening and you were perfectly fine then.
With one quick movement of her hand she switched on the small standing lamp on the table next to the couch and you immediately flinched while crossing your arms in front of your face.
She raised her eyebrows and frowned her nose before dropping the bags of food on the coffee table and kneeling in front of you while one hand of hers found its way to your knee. "Hey, sweetheart. What's going on?"
"Nothing Kara and I am really sorry but my head hurts as if there are stones inside and I am in so much pain that I can't even breathe properly." you mumbled in the pillow and she let out a heavy breath before she switched off the light next to you and gently pulled the pillow out of your hands.
She knew how bad your headaches could hit you.
"I am so sorry, baby girl. If I had known, I would have been quieter." you waved with one hand as to say her that it was fine as you tried to sit up. The imagine before your eyes trembled and your head felt like a jackhammer. You pressed on the sides of your skull to ease the pain. "Have you already took pills for the pain?"
"Three times the normal dosage and nothing helped. I think I nodded off briefly or several times, but I am not sure." you admitted and looked at her sadly. "Why didn't you call Alex or me so we could come and take care of you?"
"My phone is in the kitchen and I didn't have the strength to move my body, risking I could faint or else."
She nodded in understanding and gently stroked her thighs before she fished a stranded hair piece out of your face and placing her hand on your forehead. You leaned into her cool hand and stayed like that for some time before she took it away and looked at you worriedly. "You have a high fever, kid."
There was a short pause before she got up and sat down next to you on the couch. Only now did she notice the hot water bottle and felt it to see if it was still warm enough. When she realized it wasn't anymore, she pulled it out from behind you and placed it on her thighs. "Have you already eaten something today? Drank?"
You shook your head slowly, careful not to aggravate the pain. "Didn't ate, drank only this little bottle of water." Kara rubbed her forehead a few times and sighed before getting up, taking the food and the bottle with her while going into the kitchen. "You should have called, Y/N."
You ignored your older sister's answer; you just didn't want to bother her and take her away from work if nothing bad had happened. With this thought, you lay back again and closed your eyes. Inside, you were glad that she was finally home and you were no longer alone as you had someone who was with you and took care of you.
After she made you some tea and managed to get some food down your throat, she lay down with you and watched your favorite movie while holding you firmly and protective, giving you more warmth than the precious hot water bottle. At least she was watching the film, the second she lay down on the couch, you turned away from the television and were now facing her; your leg on her thigh while both arms wrapped around her body and your head resting on her chest. "Try to sleep a little, you need to rest."
"You gonna stay?" you whispered.
"Don't worry, I will stay right were I am. I will be here." she paused and gave you a kiss on your hair. "Now close your eyes, baby girl."
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Supergirl x Metahuman Chapter IV
A/N: I didn't even know I already wrote a fourth part about eight months ago and didn't post it. Probably because I didn't liked it but I haven't had the energy to write anything today and I still wanted to put out something so.. Hope you still like it :)
(Again, this was five months ago, my writing skills weren't that good to that time. Sorry)
You have been branching out in this procedure for a while and the longer, the stronger the stinging pain in your chest became.
Again and again dizziness came over you and you couldn’t see the buttons of your keyboard if you wouldn’t already memorize the keyboard perfectly.
You reposition yourself in your chair over and over again. Your head was still hurting and the pain was getting worse by the minute. No matter how you sat, your ribs took your breath away.
And that hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“Are you okay?” someone asked from your left side and you looked up from the computer, totally lost in your thoughts.
“Hm? Yeah, I’m good but I can’t really sit comfortably because of this.” You said, pointing to your aching side. “It sucks.”
He stopped banging on the keys on his computer, straightened up in his chair and turned himself to you. “How about I help you to go to the med bay so you rest a bit? Alex said you shouldn’t work so hard but you’ve been sitting in this uncomfortable place for over an hour now.”
You sighed and raised your hand as a token of ‘let-it-sink’ and continued to work against the advice, even if you really felt worse than before and you promised Alex that you would stop.
A few minutes longer wouldn’t hurt.
But little did you know that Winn already took out his phone and secretly texted your red haired sister that you were not looking good and that you didn’t want to hear.
He knew there was going to be a fight with you if you would find out but it didn’t stop him from wanting the best for you.
You didn’t know exactly how many minutes or hours passed but suddenly it got dark in front of you and several agents, including you sister, stood with a trapped alien on the balcony, followed by your other sister and J’onn.
“How are you feeling sweetheart?” asked the blonde worriedly while she came walking towards you.
You wanted to get up, but you were too weak. Also you felt two hands on your shoulders, gently rubbing small circles on them as you looked up.
To the surprise, Alex had come behind you without you noticing it.
“I’m fine, a bit dizzy but okay.” You lied.
She wrinkled an eyebrow and you knew she had seen through you like she always did. Little did you know that she was looking at Winn who clearly showed her with a shake of his head that you were not feeling well.
Kara was not better either. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked you dead in the eyes. “I don’t think you are alright, you’re pale and really look not even close to good.”
“Please don’t stop, Lexie.” You said while closing your eyes and savoring the closeness and warmth of your sister.
“Maggie is on her way. She will take you home and take care of you while Kara and I are her at the DEO and when we come home, there is gonna be your favorite food and lots of cuddles, alright?”
“What? No. I want to stay here!” you spoke, annoyed by this statement.
“No you don’t. You’re going to change now, I’ll help you with this and then you will go home with Maggie. Alex is right, you need to rest and tonight there will be lots of Danvers sisters activities.”
“You texted them, didn’t you?” you asked as you turned around to face your best friend, your eyes narrowed as you started into his.
Instantly, he moved further down in his chair, his shoulders pressed against his ears as he looked at you and then quickly back to his computer. He knew that as soon as you would be back at the DEO, there would probably be a lot of stress and he could get a smack on the back of his head, but it was only about your well-being and he being worried about you.
You rolled your eyes as you stood up slowly. "Traitor!" you spoke and played hurt by putting a hand to your heart and looking at him sadly. But he and everyone else were right.
They didn’t want you to hurt yourself even more.
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oneshotnewbie · 4 years
so B!D's been having a lot of stomach pain lately so Alex takes her to her friend who's a specialist where they find out that she has a bunch of tumors in her uterus. She has to have them surgically removed they luckily find out there not cancerous, but her sisters care for her in recovery.
A/N: This request was quite overwhelming and traumatising because I felt the same way a year ago but I was all alone with it and didn’t know what to do. It’s a little trauma that I’m still trying to recover of so I’m sorry if it’s not quite as you imagined. It is my story I decided to bring on paper and decided to tell off my chest. This will also be a two or three liner, which means that it will have more than this part, this is kind of the prequel.
Your alarm clock ripped you out of your dreams and you let out a sigh while tapping on your cell phone and turning to the other side. With the pillow placed over both ears, you rested there for a little while longer until you started to wake up. You sat up and stretched yourself up to the ceiling with a yawn. A tug in your abdomen made your eyes roll and almost automatically you put a hand on the said area. Great, another day of pain. When will this finally come to an end? - you thought, throwing the blanket aside and pushing your weak and aching body into your bathroom.
The pain grew severe and pulled you down, but you tried to continue your day and took a shower.
The steam that brewed, mixed with your favorite shampoo and you enjoyed the warmth until a stinging tore you out of our thoughts and made you cry out. You leaned forward and were no longer able to stand up, the cramps went from your abdomen along the sides of your back and took your breath away.
*knock* *knock*  
“Y/N are you okay? I thought I heard you scream” your eldest sister asked behind the closed door and you knew by her voice she was concerned and worried.
Slowly and without answering her question, you slumped on the tile floor of your shower and pulled your legs up to your chest. You never cried over pain, never have they been as bad as they are now. Tears rolled freely and silently down your cheeks and mixed with the hot water that was still falling at you.
*knock* *knock*
„Y/N, if you don’t answer me right away, I will pick the lock and come in.“
„Alex, help me.“ You said desperately and as soon as these words came out, the door fell to the side and the redhead stood immediately above you.
She stood in the middle of the still running shower, turning off the tap and then turning to you. She was kneeling in front of you in a puddle of not yet drained water and foam and you looked at her painfully.
Her hair was wet, same as half of her shirts and pants. She stretched an arm to the towel holder and fished for one to wrap you in so that you didn’t freeze.
„What happened?“ she asked in shock as she took your face in her hands and looked at you worriedly. „My abdomen, it hurts so much again!“ you cried out and she carefully scooped you in her arms.
Her chin resting on your head, she held you for a moment before loosening and looking at you sensitively. „I’m going to lift you up now. I’m not going to lie, it may be very painful but I have to get you out of here before you get sick and you have to get dressed in something warm okay?“
You nodded and prepared for the pain ahead. The agent counted to three and picked you up as carefully as possible. You cried out with every move she took and she apologized every time, even i fit wasn’t her fault. She put you back on your bed, got some jogging pants and a wide shirt out of your closet and helped you in it.
„I have a friend who is specializes in gynecology.“ She started talking to you while helping you in pants and shirt. „I’ll call her right away and make an appointment for tomorrow so she can exaine you. It can’t go on like this.“ She spoke sternly and gently laying you back on the bed.
Immediately you lay down in the fetal position which simplified and took away the pain a bit and Alex had to let go a little smile. It was just cuted how you layed there, even i fit was because of pain.
„How do you want to know it’s nothing else?“ you asked and turned your head to her.
She was standing at your door now, watching at her cell phone, already looking for her friend’s number. She looked up and saw you yawn. The pain wore you out and took away all your energy.
„In my opinion, it can’t be anything else. Your appendix is already outside, your kidneys cannot be, and you can’t have inflammation either because your clood values from the last doctor’s appointment showed nothing.“ She noticed and watched your eyelids grow heavier.
„I’ll be right back, please stay there okay?“ you nodded again and the door closed.
Some time later, the redhaired came back to your room to tell you when you both had an appointment but you were fats asleep. She quietly slipped on her shoes and lay down gently besides you so that you were not alone. She was terribly worried about you and was afraid that it was more serious than just cramps. She thought a little further before falling asleep with you in her arms
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oneshotnewbie · 5 years
Alex is annoyed by the bloodwork of b!d since every week it gets better and she makes herself hope until the next week it gets bad again. She is frustrated and let's not out in the DEO (youvcan decide why). Kara needs to calm her down. After that a cute sister moment? Please
A/N: Probably ended not like you wanted but I did what I could.
Words: 1.144
Once again her baby sister’s bloodwork came back and another fallout came. Even though she played the strong one on the outside and just didn’t wanted to show everyone how she really felt, especially in front of her younger two sisters, the disappointment slowly pulled over her inner self and tore her apart.
The fear that her little sister might soon be gone, Alex had lost her for a short time because of the kids kidney failure, gnawed at her with a kindled sadness that she carried almost every day for the past months.
But today the border was crossed, the redhead had simply enough of being constantly fooled by the results. Sometimes they came back better, then worse next week. And it hurt her to drag her baby sister through so much pain and experience her phobia of needles over and over again.
The iPad with the latest results was thrown across the small lab room and at the same time some test tubes also fell to the ground. Shards shone across the floor, followed by a flicker on the screen until the colorful imagine turned into a dark black.
Startled by her action, she raised her arms. A clenched fist lay on her head while one hand was held over her mouth.  She let out a big sigh, but she didn’t shed tears, she wasn‘t allowed to cry here at her workplace.
The door tore open and she looked up from the mess she made, terrified. „What happened?“ the blonde spoke quietly and stood in front of her eldest sister.
She rubbed her upper arms and looked at her with worried ice-blue eyes. But before the red-haired could answer, Kara had kneeled down and picked up the individual, larger pieces of broken glass from the floor. Her gaze kept turning tot he older one, who was still shaking, still tembling and holding back her tears.
„Alex, what’s up? Talk to me!“ the blonde said in a somewhat louder voice, she had never seen the oldest Danvers like this.
„I’m fine.“ The DEO agent swallowed, clenching her hands into fists.
Kara had now eliminated everything through her superpower and was about to go back to Alex and take her into a hug but she blocked, disappeared from the room as quickly as possible and left the blonde alone, questioning and worrying about her.
Throughout the day, she tried to repress her anger and grief as best she could, the slip-up this morning had been embarrassing enough for her.  Kara hadn’t asked many questions after that which made Alex lucky, she had been on patrol almost all day and had no time to talk to her sister.
When Supergirl entered the DEO, her eyes scanned first for the red-haired but she was nowhere to be found. Confused, she walked up to J’onn at the table, which had his head in both hands and seemed to be fixed on nothing but the light emanating from the round table.
„J’onn where’s Alex? I need to talk to her.“
„You really should. She is at home, I had to send her home after today’s mission.“ He said sadly and sighed heavily.
The blonde’s arms crossed over her chest and her facial expressions changed. She bit her lip, her eyebrow raised and her eyes dull, almost enveloped in question marks. „What? Why?“
The Martian told her that Alex was unstoppable after the mission, beating up and alien after she had recently locked them in a cell. He had to drag her away from him, she was aggressive and would have gone after him yet again if he hadn’t been between the two.
Shocked, she put one hand over her mouth and the other on her hip. She briefly considered what might have happened with her sister before apologizing to J’onn for the redhead’s behaviour and flying off.
When she got home, she slowly opened the door tot he dark apartment she shared with her two sisters and hoped Alex was here. The television was still running and shining some light into the apartment. She looked over at the couch and saw the red-haired head sticking out over the couch.
„Alex“ she said carefully and sensitively, but walked quickly to her and stopped shortly before her as she looked at the picture that was in front of her.
Alex was sitting on the couch, her eyes red and glassy while some tears still left her eyes. Her makeup was smeared and she was hugginh a small fragile body. The youngest Danvers.
She seemed tob e sleeping in Alex’s arms, murmured. Her upper body moved slightly up and down and her arms were tightly wrapped around the red-haireds waist while her face was hidden in Alex’s neck.
Kara knelt down in front of them after giving each a kiss on the hair and wiped the tears from the cheeks of the eldest. The redhead looked up at her sisters, her gaze met the blondes and the younger one could tell that she was in a lot of pain. „Tell me what’s wrong with you.“
The sensitive words made Alex collapse again. She pressed her baby sister even closer and began to sob. Kara immediately got up and sat on the free side next to her. One arm wrapped the red haired shoulder while the other arm rested lightly on the youngest hips. She easily spread kisses on Alex’s temple, and she leaned slighlty into the side of the alien. „I’m afraid to lose her, she can’t go.“ She sobbed again and Kara hugged her tighter.
„The doctors are at the end and don’t know what to do. They checked her all the way down and everything seems okay, but her blood levels and well-being are still bad.“ She shared the pain with her eldest sister, but knew that the youngest Danvers was one of the strongest in the world and also a fighter.
They stayed that way for some time before something started moving in Alex’s arms. The youngest raised her hands and rubbed her eyes. She smiled at the sight of her two sisters beside her but the smile vanished as soon as she saw the tears and sad looks. „What happened?“ she said in a harsh voice and yawned sleepily.
„Nothing, babygirl. Go back to sleep. It’s all good.“ Said Kara, brushing a few strands of hair from her face.
The younger one nodded wearily and hid her face again in Alex’s sweater. She straightened itself to find a comfortable place before she pressed her baby again to herself. The DEO agent’s cheek rested on the back oft he sleeping girl’s head and looked at Kara.
She hugged her tightly and spoke softly to her to gave her some hope. „She is a fighter, we will get her through it. She is a Danvers.“ Over and over again.
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oneshotnewbie · 5 years
Supergirl x Stomach Inflammation (Part 3)
A/N: Lena knows that Kara is Supergirl and she is fine with it, that’s why Kara could use her powers in front of her. 
Request: please please please do a part 3 of stomach inflammation!
Request 2:  I was wondering if you havent already written it yet (if so dont worry). If you could include B!D throwing up again in the stomach inflammation but have Lena and her sisters helping/comforting her?
The night for you wasn’t easy for you at all. You hated hospitals and you couldn’t sleep with all the pain, even the painkillers didn’t work and the fluid you became a two hours earlier made you nauseous. The moon didn’t really helped you with it either.
He was shining right in your small private room which Lena probably had gotten you, and painted the whole four walls in a bright white. Only now you saw what the room had because you had fallen asleep in the emergency room in Kara’s arms.
In the small room was a length brown table with a flower vase and several leaflets directly in front of the bed which was framed by a few uncomfortable-looking chairs. In two of them slept the brunette woman who made you stay here and your oldest sister.
Three different pictures of nature and trees stretched out on the wall in front of you. The bright colors that emanated from it gave the bald white walls at least something beautiful.
Your gaze turned to the door, which was illuminated with a green light. On the wall, disinfectants and gloves hung in a sterile box.
On the right side, next to the door, was a small closet of a light color which didn’t match with the other things standing in the room and another door to your own bathroom. Across to your left was a huge window front that allowed you to look out onto a small beautiful forest, not to forget your blonde sister sleeping half in a chair and half on your bed, her head resting on her forearm while one of her hands intertwined with yours.
Your thoughts made you tired for a moment and you were about to close your eyes when a wave of dizziness and nausea surprise you and made you sit up.
It seemed that Kara had notices as she woke up slowly from her sleep, with one hand rubbing the tiredness from her eyes. Immediately she was awake when she saw you, pulling your face slightly and holding your stomach.
“What’s happening?” she asked in a soft but tired voice, her vocal cords still not quiet awake.
Almost immediately she understood and gotten up from the chair in which she had previously sat, making him squirming back across the floor.
The ladies at the table startled from their sleep, still not quite aware of what was happening.
The blonde wanted to risk time to explain them both, she simply threw the blanket aside that covered you, put one hand on your back while the other took her place under your knees. With super speed she flew you to the bathroom where you threw up right away.
While Kara held your hair up, Lena and Alex had come around. Instantly Alex was at your side, sitting on the bathtub and Lena, who sat down behind you and put her arms at your back, stroking your back reassuringly.
“Should we call a doctor?” Kara asked, worried behind her voice.
“From the liquid she has gotten to make the reflection in the morning, many people feel sick. That’s nothing to worry about.” Alex said softly, giving you and the blonde a quick smile before she concentrated all on you again.
A few minutes later, your agony was over again and the tiredness started.
Completely out of energy, you let yourself fall slightly backwards and Lena took you right in her arms.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice was rough.
“You don’t have to be sorry kid, you’re having a hard time but it’s over soon. We’re here for you.” Alex said softly and stroked a few strands of hair from your face.
“I love you all.” You stated tired and just before you fell asleep, you felt like the brunette behind you lifted you up and brought you back to your bed.
“We love you too, Y/N.”
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Could you write a b!D where b!D comes homes home with part of her arm being prosthetic and the Danvers sisters don't nocie until there's like and alien attack and the aliens has magnetic powers or something?
A/N: Hope you like it.
You were a soldier in the German Armed Forces for four years and fought on fronts like Iran, Afghanistan and Somalia, but your career ended abruptly last year after you were hit by a shrapnel bomb in an enemy attack and lost your arm.
Alex and Kara didn't know about your loss and the near death experience, you kept it secret and pretended that you couldn't make a video call because your base was attacked or something else intervened. You acted as if you were still at war even though you were flown to a nearby hospital and stayed there for some time.
You even had to beg your boss and best friend to lie for you so they wouldn't find out.
But now the time had come; a few months ago you got your prosthetic arm, which had been built from false skin on your stump, and learned to use and move it before you stood in front of the apartment door of your blonde sister and were ready to come home.
Shakily you knocked on the white wood and patiently waited for the footsteps that slowly got louder and closer, followed by a laughter that you could assign to your oldest sister. The door popped open and her eyes widened while her pink lips formed to a large circle. "Y/n!"
"Surprise!" you screamed and opened your arms in a gesture of joy. Immediately the redhead jumped up from her seat on the couch and ran towards you before she happily fell around your neck and kissed you on the cheek as a greeting. Kara also joined in, her face buried deep in the area between your neck and shoulder. "I've missed you both so much!"
"We missed you too!"
Grinning over both ears, they pulled you into the familiar apartment where you would spend the next weeks and months before you would find something on your own. You stood in the middle of the living room, your eyes closed as you breathed in the scent from the past.
There was nothing better than coming back home after a long time of being away.
"You have to tell us as much as you can!" said Kara eagerly and pulled you by the shoulders to the kitchen while Alex brought your suitcases into your old room. "Kara, let her come home and relax first. She's still in her uniform!" the redhead giggled and walked back to the fridge to offer you a cold flask of beer.
You looked down at yourself; after you said goodbye to the army life, your boss had allowed you to secretly take an uniform with you as a memorial and you put it on for the trip, trying to appear as if you had just arrived from the war zone.
You had to be careful from now on.
A few days passed during which you meticulously made sure that the two oldest Danvers didn't notice your missing forearm; in the evening you locked your room with the key to avoid someone crushing in while you were sleeping and seeing your prosthesis lying on the dresser. You also blocked the bathroom as soon as you were inside.
You paid attention to small details like the side with the prosthesis were always away from them as soon as the three of you made yourself comfortable on the couch, so that no one accidentally touched it and noticed it was steel. You only used the arm when it was absolutely necessary to prevent them from seeing the lack of grip.
And it had worked, at least until now.
An alien made the city unsafe - Alex and Supergirl were called to put an end to this and to protect people from worse. You wanted to help; you had many years of fighting experience and even while that wasn't exactly what helped by an alien attack, you could serve as a support to Alex and make sure, she was okay and safe.
When the blonde sat you down on the floor so that you could first take care of the fearful and panicked people, you already felt a violent pull in your prosthetic arm; however, you waved it off as a rebuilding blister on your stump and carried on with the work that was meant for you.
It didn't took long for the buckles around the last part of your severed arm pressing into your flesh - each time a bit tighter as you got closer to the alien, almost pulling it out and you bit your lip, not knowing if the phantom pain took over you or something messed with it.
The scream of your eldest sister for your name made you emerge briefly from the pain and the thoughts as you scanned for her between the crowd that had formed. As if you had an X-Ray vision, you found her immediately and ran over to her while you looked up and saw J'onn and Kara still trying to put an end to the alien.
Alex, who tried to shoot at him from below, only managed to cause tiny damage for a short time, but she took all his attention and he was punched to the ground by Supergirl's fist. Immediately the impact and the strong forces forced you to your knees and your body started to tremble while you cried out in pain - holding your prosthesis.
The redhead didn't understood what was happening next to her and she let herself fall next to you, her hands hovering over your body. She looked at you and tried to feel if you had any injuries before the leather buckles snatched and your artificial limb made it's own way and got stuck on the alien's chest.
You closed your eyes in relief and supported yourself with your hand that was still there while at the same time becoming aware of what you had just pushed yourself into.
You certainly didn't mean to confess it to them like that.
"Y/n.." a voice stammered above you and you slowly but hesitantly raised your head. Kara now hovered over you and the eldest Danvers, slowly let herself back onto the floor. She had a shocked look on her face and her eyes glittered in the sunlight as they started to fill with tears. "What happened.."
"A bomb." you answered in a whisper and let yourself fall on your bum, pulling your legs to your body as you tried to hold back the tears yourself.
Alex moved a bit closer to you, her arm around your shoulder while she slowly pulled you towards her, also visibly overwhelmed with this situation and the secret that you were carrying around with you. "Since when?"
"At the time I was in Iraq."
Both drew in a sharp breath and the blonde put a hand over her mouth to suppress her sobs as she desperately looked at the redhead. The eyes of Alex got bigger, the more she realized how long you had been hiding it and under how much pain and pressure you must have been, how you had to deal with it alone all the time.
One question arose in her head - why you had never said anything about it and why she hadn't noticed anything.
"I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid; afraid that you would reject me because-"
"Woah, sweetheart. Stop. Now." Kara's voice was now serious, but still soft. She stepped up to you and crouched down, her fingers under your chin so that she could catch your lost and tearful looks while the other hand intertwined with yours. "No matter how you look, what happened to you or anything else. We would never dismiss you - for nothing. You are our sister, nothing in the world could change that."
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Baby danvers is Maggie's partner and try to help a young teenage girl that is a suspect in a homicide. They find her on a bridge and Reader tries to convince her that she knows that she isn't the murder after she goes over the ledge too (the girl is trying to jump). She falls and Reader tries to save her by jumping after her, letting Maggie alone and desperate.
Maggie watched nervously as you climbed over the railing of an old bridge with shaking hands, throwing aside your fear of heights, to save a seventeen year old girl from jumping into the freezing water of the lake. She couldn't say anything against your skills, you were one of the best detectives in her department, but sometimes you just didn't appreciate your limits.
"Y/n, don't!" she stuttered, her hand already reaching out to you to help you back on the safe side.
But you refused to, with one hand you simply waved her away. The brown-haired looked closely at every step you took, hoping you didn't slip and fall. While you were talking to the girl and trying to convince her that everything was going to get better and that the path she was taking was wrong, Maggie took a few steps closer to be able to grab you in an emergency.
But that never happened.
The girl had seen your point of view and wanted to climb back over the fence when she slipped and couldn't hold on with her hands in time. You kept shouting her name, but she just wouldn't come up to the surface.
Your instinct to save a life won the fight against your head yelling and commanding you not to do it before you jumped after her. You heard the brunette scream your name again before the cold water surrounded you and the only thing you could hear was the bubbling of it after your impact with it.
The darkness of the night didn't made it easier for you to find the girl in the water. You found it difficult to emerge because of the strong waves of the current and the water that you drank while looking around in a slight panic had made it's way into your lungs.
Coughing, you took a deep breath before dipping your head under the water again and allowing the flow to carry you away.
It didn't take long before you saw what looked like a body swim in front of you and you started to swing your arms so you could gain speed. Your hand grabbed the lifeless and cold body and pulled it to you, your arm wrapped around her chest so that she lay with her head on your shoulder.
You looked around again, but this time for something where you could swim to pull both of you to the shore - your strength dwindled with every movement and every attempt to stay afloat, your whole body shaking in adrenaline and the coldness of the wet, your lips already turning blue of the freezing as they shivered.
But you made it to a dock and crawled with one arm along the wood to the sand bank where you could stand again. Powerless you pulled the blonde girl under her armpits onto the stones and carefully put her head down before kneeling next to her and holding an ear to her mouth.
When you felt desperately that she was longer breathing, you started a heart massage and accelerated pressing on her chest. Repeating it thirty times before stopping, your head swung towards her head, pulling it backwards to clear her airway. While one hand grabbed her chin and pulled it down slowly, you other hand was able to cover her nose.
You ended up repeating this until she leaned up and started coughing the water out of her lungs. Tired and shivering from the cold, you put her on her side to help her before you heard your name from above you, followed by two flashlights that shone on you.
Squinting your eyes together, you followed the light to the end where it came from and your eldest sister and your partner emerged. Relieved, you let your head fall to your chest while your hands fell on your knees and you began to cough out the remaining water that you still had in your throat.
Kara, who was flying overhead and looking at the whole situation from above, was happy to have found you. She slowly started to land behind you while Maggie and Alex ran to you and tried to warm you up in their jackets. "I am okay, take care of her." you spoke in a whisper while your whole body trembled in the embrace of your bigger sister.
The confused and also hypothermic girl was picked up by Kara and flown to the hospital while the two women in front of you sat you with difficulty in your partner's car and drove home to warm you up and give you a lecture.
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑽
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⚠️Trigger warning! ⚠️ This series will include the topics of leaving birth parents, swear words, depression, alcohol use and possible eating disorder. This plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Authors note: I don't know if I will continue to upload this series or complete it privately so here is the fifth chapter. Have fun reading it ❣
Pairing: Alex and Kara Danvers x Baby!Danvers (Reader)
Summary: Reader is a girl with a traumatic past and is struggling with her future. She is the girl left behind by those who should love her the most until she gets adopted into the Danvers family. Due an unexpected appearance of her mother, that is trying to crawl back into her life, Reader struggles with the extent of this visit. Can Reader be saved by her sisters and friends? Will she forgive her mother and find peace or will she lose all hope and find herself slipping towards the darkness?
Everyone sat at the dinner table and had a great time. Everyone enjoyed the meal, everyone had a few drinks and everyone laughed and talked about God and the world and had fun. Only you didn’t.
You played around with your food, had no appetite and were completely occupied with the thought of your mother. The numbness that you feared and that feeling in the pit of your stomach that made you feel sick all the time was coming back. It was egging it’s way up again and you felt your eyes sting with tears.
A hand on your thigh dropped you back to the present, your tears covering back into their ducts and the numbness disappearing into a small hurtful point in your chest.
It was Lena. Her eyes pierced yours and you could almost feel her checking you up with the bright green emerald eyes. She always knew when you were spacing out, when you were not in the center of the moment and you could swear that she was a psychic hiding her abilities.
“Are you okay?” She whispered, there was a small spark of concern in her voice. You looked at her, tried to form a small smile on your lips that hopefully looked real. You didn't wanted her to know what had happened, you couldn't bother her with your family problems, she had her own to solve for now.
“I’m going to get another drink, does anyone else want another glass?” You skipped the question, knowing damn well that you couldn't lie to the billionaire. You looked at the others and waited for an answer but as nothing came towards you, you stood up a bit shaky and left for the kitchen.
You probably already had a few glasses too much when your sight became like a swaying ship in the ocean.
-Thank you mother for making me drunk and fucking up the whole holiday- you thought to yourself as you shook your head, walking towards the kitchen and pouring yourself another glass of wine.
You stood there alone, howering your look at the table with everyone around, acting like a family and laughing while they enjoyed their meal. But you didn’t feel like sitting at the table and pretending that everything was perfect because it wasn’t at all.
With two huge sips, the glass was empty for the repeated time and you could feel the buzz. Trying to pour the rest of the bottle into your cup, someone gently laid her hand on yours that was resting on the bottle and tried to take it away from you. “I think you already had enough.”
Looking up and meeting the emerald green eyes, you realized Lena was in front of you. The green bright eyes looked worried and sad. But you didn’t care. You felt that void in you again and you had to do something with that anger and pain inside.
You felt your anger egging it’s way up and you firmly squeezed your hand into a fist, your fingernails biting into your palms as your knuckles became white.
Firm taps on your clenched fist made your look up and dissolve your fist. Lena could always tell when you were slipping away and she always helped you back. But this time she couldn’t. It was all too much. Too many people, too many gestures and smiles & too much family.
You felt your throat tighten as you tried to suppress a sob.
“Tell the others I’m gonna get some air, Lee.” You said without emotion as you walked to the door, the jacket of your eldest sister hanging over your arm.
While closing the door, you saw Kara standing up and wanting to ran after you but Lena holding her back with a gentle tug on the blondes arm before you headed out of the apartment onto the cold streets of National City.
A few seconds after you left the building, the door of the entrance squeaked open and let you startle for a moment before the brunette CEO stood behind you. With a small encouraging smile on her painted red lips she shifted next to you and looked down the streets that were just lightened by some lamps.
You rocked on your balls of your feet towards the streets back and forth and Lena knew that motion too well. You were tense, your mood that evening showed agitation, and your behavior indicated unchecked anger.
You somehow figured out on your own that Kara must have told her something or at least had to text her before she came over. The whole evening you noticed that she was staring at you, watching your emotions and facial features, trying to decipher what you felt.
“Kara or Alex?” you simply asked, coldly, slowly turning to her.
“Kara. She told me what happened." she straightened her voice and continued. "She figured, maybe I could help you getting through that situation or at least give you someone to vent if you don't want to talk to them.”
You let out a sharp sarcastic laugh while glancing at her, your cold eyes with small tears that had formed in your eyes fixating her. “Tell Kara I have my emotions under perfect control.”
„Are you?” She placed her arms crosswise under her breast and looked at you with her serious look, her one eyebrow slightly furrowed with worry. “You know you can’t lie to me sweetheart.“
She was so damn right.
Opening and closing your mouth made you wonder where to start. You had no idea what you were feeling except anger, how you were aware of the situation and how to deal with it. "She just stood in the door frame and..was there." you uttered and started to wipe the fallen watery drops from your eyes.
You didn't even know if it was the rain or your emotions.
"And how do you feel about it?" the raven hair asked and looked upwards towards the crying sky. "I don't know.." you said almost inaudible as your voice cracked and disappeared into your mind again, hoping to find an answer. "I think, I feel... Irritated I guess."
The smell of the rain falling was heavy in the cool night air.
"I felt the same when everything started," she stated, looking down to you again, putting an arm around your shoulder to simply show you affection in a lovingly gesture. "I've distracted myself with work and I didn't even realized that it was two days later, I hardly slept and time had just passed by. I've turned into a heartless human because I didn't wanted to be hurt again."
"Maybe that's what I want. Becoming heartless and shutting people down so no one could or would ever hurt me." you whispered as you started to walk away. "I promise you it's going to change. One day, you won't want that anymore and I will be there to keep you from becoming a monster as long as I have to."
She said the last words louder than she wanted so you could hear it and ran up the last few meters until she was in sync with you again. She wouldn't let you alone and you were more than thankful for that.
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
B!ds sisters and superfriends can't come to her birthday because of duties they say but the truth is they have a secret birthday Party planned with everyone, even a special guest?
A/N: Well.. Since today is actually my birthday and I am 'celebrating' alone because I don't have any friends.. I thought about how I wanted to be surprised with the whole Supergirl family.
You came tired and completely exhausted to a darkened and empty apartment. Actually you thought you would at least spend the evening of your birthday with your sisters after you didn’t even saw each other in the morning but they had cancelled you recently; they had more to do in the DEO than actually planned and so you stayed alone.
The door slammed shut behind you and your keys flew into the key tray on the dresser next to you. Immediately when you heard the clacking sound as they hit the glassy layer, the light went on and the apartment turned into a bright yellow.
“Happy birthday, Y/N!!” yelled a pack and instantly you were wrapped up in some party snakes.
At first you were blinded and folded your arms protectively in front of your face before you got used to it quickly when you looked around. Garlands and balloons were hung on the ceiling, the Superfriends gathered around you and not to mention your sisters.
When they greeted you one by one and took you to the fully set table, you couldn't even say a word. Pressed into the seat, you investigated every single face with the wildest smile you had.
"Come on, blow out the candles!" called the blonde while she held her cell phone in front of her to take photos of it; her eyes shone with joy at the successful surprise.
You nodded and closed your eyes to think about a wish. Before you could take your breath together and blow out the candles on the cake, the loud voice of your oldest sister interrupted you and made you startle.
"Stop, before you do that.." the redhead acknowledged and took a step forward. She grinned and walked past you to Kara's bedroom while you looked after her confused and tried to follow her movements. "I think there is someone here who wants to see that."
Her hand pulled the door handle down and pushed the wooden door back slightly before a shadow appeared. Tensed, you slid back and forth on your chair - anticipation and tension took over your body.
You couldn't believe your eyes, it was like they were playing a stupid prank on you. Your smile escaped for a brief moment and your mouth was wide open in shock. Confused, you slowly got up from the chair and circled the table. All guests went to the side to clear a path for you unhindered, you couldn't believe it. "Sam.."
With slow steps you walked towards her, still not really understanding what was happening here. You looked around you at the enthusiastic faces once more before you turned back to the brunette. She beamed and her eyes sparkled at your sight and you had put a hand on her arm, looking if it was all reality and not just a bad dream. "Happy birthday, baby girl."
Immediately you hugged her and her arms wrapped around your back as one held your head close to her chest. You had missed the warmth feeling that she radiated since she moved away and you were grateful that she managed to come after three years.
At that time she was like another sister to you and everyone always said that you were more of Sam than Kara or Alex. You had such a strong bond and you had so much to tell her. After a while you broke away from her and just hung on the side of her body while staring at her grinning face.
"How? I mean, when and who? What?" you stuttered while you were utterly confused about what had just happened. "Alex is the mastermind behind this."
You now looked at Alex with pinched eyes who had leaned on the armrest of the sofa and watched you two. Her gift was a success and her heart blossomed to see you so happy.
You ran up to her with quick steps and also hugged her tightly after you gave her a kiss on the cheek and a punch on her upper arm. “Finally, something that isn’t socks!”
Each of the guests started laughing out loud and Alex got up. While she gave you a kiss on your hair, she pulled you by the shoulders back to the table where she sat you down and now allowed you to blow out the candles.
But you refused to.
"Why aren't you blowing out the candles, baby Danvers?" Now Winn, your best friend, intervened and crossed his arms over his chest. Raising his eyebrow, he looked at you intently and waited for an answer. But you just shrugged your shoulders and looked into the little flames on the cake. "Well, I don't have a wish."
"What? How can someone like you not have a wish?"
"My wish already came true. You're all here."
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Next part of "meta humans" ??
A/N: This will be the last and final part of this series! If you find any wrong terms or some mistakes in my writing beware - I am still on medical drugs.
--- It had been a few days since you could set foot in the DEO. You were practically banned from your work and you were also given strict bed rest by your sisters, of course under the observation of Lena, who occasionally came by to check on you and Maggie who took a few more breaks at work.
Your mood was getting worse by the hour; you were bored of the series and films that Netflix had to offer, you felt like you had seen through all of them and lying on the couch without moving didn't made it any better - you wanted to go out and save the world with your sisters.
"Ughh!" you sighed and took the pillow in your hands that was on your upper abdomen, threw it up and knocked it away from you with a strong punch. "I will die of boredom!"
"It is physically not possible to die from boredom, darling." someone chuckled behind you and for a moment you thought you were halucinating from the pain meds. "If you are bored you could get up and pick up the the pillow that you threw on the floor."
Startled, you straightened up with a swing and looked into the emerald green eyes of your sister's wife. While she laughed and went to unpack the food she had brought with her on the counter, you looked after her in amazement; how did she manage to open the door so quietly?
"Watch me die of it when I am not allowed to go back to work soon." You sat up and pulled the covers off your legs while turning off the television and standing up. Taking steps and walking still hurt you, but it was no longer a hideous stabbing pain. With gritted teeth, you leaned over to Kara's favorite pillow and picked it up before you tossed it where you lay before.
"You ever think you might be a bit dramatic?"
"No, drama sustains me." you giggled sarcastically and walked over to her. With her warm hands she pulled you into a tight hug and you could smell her parfume mixed with the lavendar shampoo she was using. You put your arms around her waist and lean your head on her chest, closing her eyes. "Nice to have you here, Lee."
"I am also happy to be here and spend time with you." cheered the black-haired one and held you in her arms for another moment before she pulled away and grabbed you softly by the shoulders. "Let's eat something."
During lunch, Lena told you everything about the last exhausting days, which she had spent commuting between L-Corp and DEO to build a weapon that is immune to the forces of the Dark Matters and can eliminate or even kill them. She also told you about the Legends and Flash group rushing to the rescue, working by your sisters sides and preparing for a fight.
You pricked up your ears and your interest was piqued. The fork took it's place next to the plate and your elbows rest on the table in front of you. You listened intently to her and asked her questions about questions, she didn't even have time to chew her food when you heard a loud bang behind you, followed by a gigantic shock wave that made your body shake.
Contorted with pain, your arms fell around your chest and you screamed and whimpered. Lena immediately jumped to your side and helped you to get up before she pulled you to her side protectively and looked out of the balcony window with you.
A thick cloud of smoke emerged increasingly in the direction of the DEO and immediately your thoughts jumped to your siblings. You quickly released yourself from the firm grip of the black-haired one and hobbled over to the coffee table where your cell phone was laying.
You tried in vain to reach Alex and Kara, but also J'onn and Winn, but only the mailbox answered. While the people ran onto the street in panic, you saw your sister and J'onn fighting against something black in the sky.
Your gaze sharpened and you realized that the Dark Matter Humans had arrived back on your earth, Kara was losing the battle. "Lena, is the gun ready for use?"
"Yes, but what do you want to do?" she stammered back nervously while walking after you. "You can't even stand on your own!"
Another big thud let you fall forward slightly and you winced before taking a sharp breath and standing up again. You now had to grit your teeth and gather your strength to help your family.
As soon as you could, you put on a firming rib bandage and changed into your work clothes before you waited impatiently in front of the door for Lena, ready for the fight while she just looked at you in disbelief and would like to defend herself again your idea. But she knew that it was hopeless - you were stubborn and if she didn't support you and wouldn't go with you, you would do it alone.
And she didn't accept that.
When you and Lena ran onto the streets through the crowds, you split up. While she was running into the L-Corp building to get the gun, you ran to the battlefield in the park. With your bo (long stick from the martial arts Bojutsu), you stopped for a moment and overlooked the situation.
Alex, Winn and James fought together against two enemies while the Legends fought with three others and J'onn and Kara were still busy with the boss. Your gaze shifted back to the Legends group and noticed that Sara was missing.
You turned a little further and saw the blonde, penned alone in the middle against five others. The air between her and the Dark Matters was getting tighter.
Full of adrenaline, you jumped into the battle and quickly reached the blonde's side. "Y/n, what are you doing her? I thought you were hurt?!"
"I am saving your ass, Lance. The pain can wait."
The pain in your costal arch got worse by the minute, your chest burned and the tightness that bored from your back into your front part of the body was indescribable. However, you didn't stop fighting, you were still waiting for Lena's weapon.
"Alex." you screamed hoping that she heard you through the noise. But she didn't, she kept fighting too. Instead, Winn had heard you and turned around in confusion until his gaze caught on you. "Alex!"
In panic, you saw his mouth moving and talking to your sister before she delivered the last powerful blow and the alien fell to the ground in front of her. She made Winn repeat everything again before she caught your figure and stared at you.
Her brow furrowed and she bit her lip, pissed off and surprised to see you here. "Sara, we're slowly walking back to get to the others. Bigger group, bigger chances."
She just nodded concentrating before you started moving. You didn't even noticed how long you were walking until you heard your sister curse and suddenly feeling her at your side, forming a circle with the others to be protected from all sides and to give each other cover. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Heard you needed help."
Moments passed in which your strength waved and you came close to a breakdown. The corners of your vision slowly blurred and the blackness crept in, but you fought against it. You had to, at least for a little bit more. "Alex, tell Supergirl to get ready."
"For what?" she asked shouting towards you out of breath. She too had no more strength, there were too many and they were too strong.
"She has to keep my back free." you belted back at her and took a deep breath, the air slowly trickling out of your lungs. "I will have to run right back there. Lena will wait there to give me the gun that I will use to kill the boss and to end this all."
The redhead looked at you in surprise and just nodded before speaking to Supergirl into her hearing aid and giving you a sign that she copied that. With one huge last swing, you knocked out the guard in front of you, let your stick drop to the ground and jumped over him.
Your ribs neglected, you fell to the ground and cried out in pain before you pulled yourself to your feet with your last breath and started running.
When you got to Lena, you took the gun out of her hand and told her to hide. You walked into the middle of the field and aimed at the boss in the sky, but the view blurred in front of your eyes and the world briefly turned 180 degrees. Again you fell to the ground on your knees, throwing the gun in front of you and holding your aching ribs.
"Come one, don't give up now. Everyone is counting on you." you coughed to yourself and shook your head vigorously before you took the gun in your trembling hands and started aiming again.
"Supergirl, now!" you screamed for the very last time before Kara held the boss tight and your shot him right in the heart. You watched as the henchmen in front of your family exploded in black smoke one after the other before your eyes closed and you sagged to the ground, unconcious.
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