#dannyric being supportive
sinfully-yoursss · 1 year
what happened to being friends?
WARNING: violence against reader, she kinda gets the shit beaten out of her. sorry. 
a/n: sorry. this is a little longer than i thought it would be. i wrote this as a part of something else but thought this would be a good little blurb. heidi and max are siblings in this for some context.
Walking into Max’s, y/n had no idea what to expect when he said he wanted to talk. She wasn’t sure if something had happened between Heidi and Max and she wanted to be there for her friend, but she couldn’t lie that she felt nervous. 
Even though y/n and Max had been friends for years, they had never spent very much time together alone. Heidi was always here, or Daniel and his group. She looked around the living room, trying to spot any sign of Max. Not having any luck, she moved on to the kitchen. 
“Max?” She called out as she walked into the kitchen. Not hearing any kind of response, she turned down the hallway she knew led to the bathroom and his bedroom. She was starting to go from nervous to terrified, worried that something had happened to Max in the last twenty minutes. She faintly knocked on the door to his bedroom, pressing her ear to the door in hopes of hearing any sounds of life behind it. When she didn’t hear anything, she knocked again, a little louder while calling out, “Max? Are you here? Are you hurt?”
When she didn’t hear anything, she tested to see if the door was unlocked, silently panicking if she needed to call emergency services or Heidi. Should she call Lando? She wondered if he would even come and help her. He hadn’t been answering her texts or calls the last couple of days. The door opened with a creak as she stepped inside, relieved to see that Max was sitting on the bed, eyes already locked on hers. 
“Oh, my God! Max! You can’t scare me like that? Why weren’t you answering when I called your name? I was so worried. I thought I needed to call 911! What is wrong with you?”
The only thing that seemed to move were his eyes as she stalked closer to his bed. When she got about a foot away, she was startled as he jumped up, hands out and grabbed her by her shoulders, pushing her back. She screamed out of fear. She had no idea what was going on and why he wasn’t responding to her at all. 
He had pushed her back against the wall, closing the bedroom door in the process. She was terrified and she was right to be so. With her back against the wall, his hands had started to move towards her neck. Terror flashed across her eyes while Max’s remained blank. She had no idea what was happening and wished she could now get to her phone that had dropped on the floor to call someone. Anyone. Squeezing fingers blocked any air from entering her lungs as she started to push against his chest, hit his face. Anything to elicit some response from the man who was supposed to be her friend. Someone she was supposed to trust. 
Nothing seemed to be happening, so she started to kick her legs out. Finally, she had managed to kick him in the balls. That pulled him away from her long enough to open the door and start running back towards the front door. Before she had gotten to the end of the hallway, Max had caught up with her. Arms wrapped around her body as she fell to the floor. She cried out in pain as she landed, pinned beneath Max’s heavy figure. He had rolled her to her back, arm cranked back, and before she knew it, pain spread across her cheek as he landed a blow. She didn’t have time to cry out before another came down, and another, and another. 
Crying and trying to free herself from his ruthless grasp, she looked around to see if there was anything she could use to defend herself. She managed to spot a glass bowl sitting on a table within reach. Grasping it firmly, she brought it down with a crash against his head. It seemed to knock him out, or at least debilitate him long enough for her to run back into his bedroom and shut the door. She locked it as more tears slid down her cheeks, stinging the fresh bruises. She slid down onto the floor, silently crying, trying to figure out what the hell had happened in the last 5 minutes. Pounding on the other side of the door tore a shriek from her lips, sliding backwards away from the door so close to breaking. Max still hadn’t said a word, and she didn’t even care as she found her phone. Dialing 911, she found herself hiding beneath his clothes in his closet, trying to get as far away from him as possible. 
“Hello, 911. What is your emergency?”
She was too stunned to speak, not quite knowing how to handle the situation. 
“Hello? Are you there?” 
Raspily, she answered. “Hi, yes. I need help. My friend’s brother just attacked me. I don't know why.”
“Okay, what is the address of his house?”
Once she gave the address, the operator spoke again. “Miss, there are officers 3 minutes from the house. Do you need me to stay on the line with you?”
She just wanted to get out of here. She wanted to find Lando. She just wanted to go home. 
“No, it's fine. I’m hiding and I haven’t heard him in a minute. I think I’ll be fine.”
“Okay miss. Officers should be pulling up shortly. When they do you need to make your presence known so they know where you are.”
“I will. Thank you.”
When she hung up, she tried calling Lando, wanting his comfort more than anything right now. But he didn’t answer. She tried calling him again. And still no answer but she decided to leave a voicemail to see if he would at least care about what was happening. Crying even harder that the one person she wanted was ignoring her, she neglected to hear that the officers were finally in the home. She finally heard the shouting coming from the living room. Stepping out of her hiding spot, she hesitantly walked towards the bedroom door, opening it in time to see the officers tackling Max to the floor. One officer looked up to see her standing there. She walked towards y/n, hands held high to show she wasn’t a threat. 
“Ma’am, are you okay? Were you the one that called? Do you need help?” 
Y/n was half hiding behind the door, still scared out of her mind, but slowly started to shake her head yes, her tears falling more rapidly. The officer walked closer, reaching the bedroom door, finally able to see the condition that y/n was in. 
“It’s okay. I’m here to help. He’s not going to hurt you again. You’re safe.” The officer wrapped her arms around Y/n, hating the way she was flinching. “It’s okay. You’re safe. He’s leaving. You’re safe now.” Y/n looked up to see the other officers dragging a confused looking Max out the front door. 
“Why don’t you let the paramedics take a look at you. Just to make sure your neck is going to be okay, okay? I will be with you every step of the way.” She slowly nodded her head, too afraid to trust her voice. 
Y/n let the officer walk her outside, just in time to see Max being put into the back of a car. She sat silently in the back of the ambulance as the medics checked her out to ensure that she didn’t need to go to the hospital. When she was done, she tried calling Lando one more time, hoping that he would finally pick up. She needed someone, not wanting to call Heidi just yet. She hung her head in sorrow as his voicemail played for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last hour. A part of her was worried that he was hurt, that that was why he wasn’t answering his phone. Or maybe he was done with her. Maybe he finally realized how clingy and annoying she was and wanted nothing to do with her anymore. She was praying that wasn’t what was happening. She couldn’t handle someone else betraying her today. 
“Ma’am, would you mind walking me through what happened?” The officer seemed hesitant to ask due to Y/n’s quiet behavior since they came face to face. Y/n nodded her head, then began to recant the horrific events that took place 30 minutes ago. The officer didn’t rush her and let her take a break when it was getting too hard. 
Once she was free to leave, she got in her car and drove straight to Lando’s. She wanted to know why the one person she could rely on suddenly went silent. If only she could prepare herself for what was about to happen. 
Y/n was done. She tried to call him again, but he never responded. Not once. If he wanted to be friends, he needed to understand that this was not something you do. You don’t ignore someone who is helping you, someone who needs you.
As y/n got to his apartment, seething with rage, she didn’t bother knocking. It wasn’t like she hadn’t spent most of the last 3 months sitting in this apartment with him. She just wanted to figure out why he seemed to disappear.
“Lando!” She yelled, voice still scratchy, as she searched through each room. “Lando! What the hell? Where are you?”
Walking towards his room, she got nervous. What if he wasn’t home? What if he’s hurt somewhere and Daniel doesn’t know? What if he isn’t alone? Turning the handle, she was wracked with nerves but was relieved when she saw Lando sitting at the end of his bed. Thankfully alone.
“As relieved as I am to see you, you have to learn to answer your phone! I was so worried about you.” Y/n noticed he hadn’t moved while she was talking. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? What happened?” she knelt down between his knees, trying to see where his head was at.
“Hey. Talk to me. What’s going on?” She touched a hand to his face in an attempt to look him in the eyes. As she rested her hand, it seemed to pull him out of his trance.
Lando quickly stood from the bed, knocking y/n back in the process. “What are you doing here?”
In shock and confusion, y/n rose from the floor. “I needed to talk to you. Something happened, but you weren’t answering your phone. I didn’t know what to do, so I came over to make sure you were okay and to ask for he-”
Even though he was looking right at her, he didn’t seem to notice the split lip, the black eye, the bruising around her throat, or the tear tracks running down her cheeks. “I didn’t ask you to come, and I don’t want you here!” He stepped closer, so they were face to face. “You’re not my girlfriend. What do you want me to do?” He turned away.
“I want you to tell me what’s wrong, open up to me! You’ve forced me to open up to you without giving anything in return. I want you to trust me.” It had killed her to think he didn’t feel like they were as close as they were. Yes, this started out as an arrangement, but it had turned into so much more. At least, to her it did. What she didn’t know was that he was starting to feel the same way, but because of the example set by his father, he was so afraid of becoming the same. He would do whatever he needed to shove his feelings down far enough that they would never surface. He was afraid of the pain they may bring. 
With her heart cracking, he turned back, ready to spew more venom. “What the hell do you want me to do? It’s not like we’re together. It’s not like we would ever be together!” His words stilled her, stealing all the breath from her lungs, and shattering what was left of her heart into a million pieces. Y/n’s eyes rimmed again with tears as realization flew across his face and his whole body sagged.
The first tear dropped onto her bruised cheek, and she could feel every broken piece of her heart at that moment. “Right,” she murmured, head dropping to the floor.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-”
“Yes, you did,” she said solemnly. “It’s my fault. You told me at the start. You’re not someone I want as my friend. I just didn’t believe you until now. I thought things had changed.”
As he stood there, he could see her resolve start to disappear and the numbness take its place. It was also then that he finally took note of her appearance. Hurt added to the guilt that was overflowing inside him. It was clear that something terrible had happened, and instead of being the friend he told her he could be, he had failed her. His heart had started to splinter. She started to back away to leave before he could hurt her anymore. All she wanted to do was hide. Hide somewhere he couldn’t find her and never leave. He tried to step towards her, but she held up her hand. He instantly stilled.
“Please. Please don’t. Just let me leave.”
He stepped back, nodding his head. He never wanted to cause her pain and didn’t want to hurt her any more than he had. He watched as she walked through the bedroom door, standing with his head hung low. He could hear her start to sob and then hear the sound of the front door closing.
“Fuck,” he said as he sat on the bed. He couldn’t believe he had hurt the girl who meant everything to him, the girl he loved. He wanted to tell her. He would give anything to tell her that he loved her. The only thing holding him back was his fear of becoming his father.
He sat there for a while, head in his hands, as he yelled at himself. How stupid could he be to hurt one of the only people who seemed to care about him these days. He walked from his bedroom to his kitchen, immediately going to the vodka bottle hiding in the back of his fridge. Downing shot after shot, he wanted to do anything that would help numb the pain and guilt he was feeling. He wasn’t sure when, but he had moved to the living room, blankly staring at what was playing on TV while he finished the bottle. 
A knock sounded on the door, catching his attention. He stumbled his way over to the door, having a hard time turning the lock in his inebriated state. Half of him was hoping it was y/n, that she had come back to him. What he wasn’t expecting was Daniel, standing there with tear tracks running down his face. 
Lando was definitely not sober enough for the conversation that was about to happen. 
Daniel moved his way around his friend, stopping in the center of the living room. “Did Y/n come by? She hasn’t been answering anyone’s calls.”
Lando had definitely had way too much to drink. He moved past Daniel and stumbled his way back to the couch, falling down into his previous position. “Maybe. Why do you want to know?”
Daniel seemed a little taken back. “Did she tell you what happened or were you a jackass to her as well.”
Lando rolled his eyes. “Yes, she came over. She didn’t tell me what happened, but I saw her face. Something else happened and she left suddenly. Why does any of this matter to you anyway?”
“Because Max was the one who hurt her! She hasn’t talked to me or Heidi, and the only reason I know is because I had to go to the police station because they arrested Max. He still hasn’t said a word to anyone and the officer that helped y/n once the police got there was the only one who told me anything that happened.”
Every word coming out of Daniel’s mouth was adding more and more to the guilt wracking Lando’s body. He just hoped it wasn’t too late to apologize. 
Y/n waited a few days before she went back to work, not yet wanting anyone to see her so broken. She did, however, not want to spend her time cooped up in her apartment. Not when he could find her so easily. Instead, she went to the one place she knew no one could find or, or so she thought. 
Sitting in her hiding spot, in the back of the library, she was surprised to hear someone calling her name. Someone she believed never wanted to see her again. 
“Y/n, I thought I might find you here.” She glanced up at him but said nothing as he sat down across from her on the floor. “I want you to know how sorry I am for what I said the other night. For how I acted. It was a stupid thing to say, and I didn’t mean it.”
As he sat down, he was able to get a good look at her face. His stomach clenched in guilt, anger, fear, he couldn’t tell. He was still so angry at himself for not realizing sooner what had happened to her. Angry that he wasn’t there to protect her like he should have been, if only he would’ve picked up his phone. 
When she still didn’t say anything, he continued. “You’re clever, you’re smart, and funny, and beautiful, and kind, and weirdly good at puzzles. Anyone would be lucky to be with you.” he took a deep breath, “The truth is, I just don’t want to be a friend to you. I want to be a good one.”
Y/n tried to form a coherent sentence but all she could say was “friend?”
He nodded, “Yes, I want to be a good friend to you. We…” he trailed off, “We are friends. Aren't we?”
She looked at him closely and was surprised to see that he looked almost nervous for her response. “Yes,” she said at last. “Yes, we’re friends.” 
He let out a sigh of relief at her answer but was scared of what he said next. “I listened to the voicemail. I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there to protect you. I should have been, and this is all my fault.”
He could see her closing in on herself, wanting to avoid talking about what had happened. It wasn’t until then that she realized she never told him who had done this to her. She never said Max’s name in the voicemail. 
“What happened?”
She wished the floor would just open up and swallow her already. She had been trying so hard to get the events from a few days ago out of her mind only to have it all rushing back when she looked at herself in the mirror. 
When she still hadn’t answered, he reached out to touch her hand, letting her know that he wasn’t going anywhere, that she could trust him to be there this time. After a few moments, she looked up at him with tears gleaming in her eyes. 
Taking a deep breath, she began to tell him what had happened. With every word that left her mouth, he could feel himself getting more and more angry. With himself for being so stupid, at Max for doing this to someone so sweet, he didn’t know. 
When she was finished, he hung his head in shame. “I’m so sorry sweetheart. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there when you called. I was being stupid and thought…I don’t know what I was thinking, but I promise you I will never ignore you again. I will always be there when you call.”
She didn’t realize that she had been waiting for him to say those words until they had been let out into the universe. Tears started to run down her cheeks which caused Lando to panic as he wrapped his arms around her and cradled her against his warm chest. He sat there with her while she cried for what had happened. They stayed curled up in each other on the floor for a while before she lifted her head. 
“I don’t even know if Heidi knows what happened. I’ve been avoiding calling her. I-“
He could tell that she was panicking again so he took her face in his hands. “Hey, you don’t need to call her now if you don’t want to. You can take all the time you need. Why don’t you let me help you home and we can just hang out for now. How does that sound?”
She nodded her head, not trusting her voice whilst on the verge of another breakdown. Lando helped her off the floor and walked her out of the library with his arm around her shoulder. 
“Why don’t you let me drive and we can come back later if you want and get your car? You aren’t in any condition to drive.” She looked at him, finally seeing the man she had wanted, hoped for. As she nodded her head once more, he looked at her, making sure she was okay as they slid into his car. She didn’t care who drove, as long as he was with her, she felt safe.
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lilghostiequinni · 1 month
Different but Just the Same
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Main Masterlist Lando Masterlist
Pairing: Mom! Wife!female reader x Dad!Lando Norris
Warnings: Fluffy,
Summary: You've only ever felt scared and helpless when it was Lando in the car, behind the wheel of an F1 car, but it's different when it's your baby.
Requested: no / YES by Anon
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When Lando stopped being a driver for F1 to be there for your then 3-year-old son, 6-month-old son, and your little baby on the way, you thought that was that, and there was no more need to worry over Lando and him getting hurt or even dying.
But you and Lando never kept that part of your lives from your sons or your other children; of course, being the oldest, your son naturally wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, and your daughter too, but she's still a little too young.
Your second oldest also wanted to be like his father and to be in karting and F1, so you let the both of them do so.
You let them both kart, and it made you worry for the entire race or practice or anything that involved them being on track, exactly like how it was when it was Lando, but this time it was different; it was your babies.
The first time your eldest got hurt wasn't super serious, just a huge bruise.
The next injury was your second eldest, a broken arm and it broke you too.
You and Lando got into an agreement over it. You wanted to pull your sons from karting and keep them as far away from danger as possible.
But Lando never let you take them out of karting; he said that it was normal and a part of karting, of what made it fun.
He told you, your sons were fine and healthy and happy, then led you to bed and cuddled you the same as any other night, waiting to talk to you when you were of more sound mind and not histarical.
The next morning, you were calmer and allowed Lando to speak; he said, "We can't protect them from everything all the time, but we can support them in what they want to do. I know it's hard watching them put their bodies through what I did, and it's killing me inside, too, but they have to discover what they want to do for themselves."
Your lip quivered as you pressed yourself into Lando's chest, nodding to say you agreed and that your kids could continue to kart.
Then a knock came to your door, and your two eldest sons stood in the door; both you and Lando beckoned them over.
They said they would stop if you wanted them to, but you said, "No, you can continue to kart. It's what you want to do; it makes you happy. I will always support you, and I will worry, but I won't stop you."
Lando nodded and said, "I will support any decision you make."
Your sons hugged both of you and said they would be more careful.
It was the same worry as before, but it was also different.
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A/N: I hope this is to the satisfaction of the Anon and of the request, and sorry it's 2 weeks late
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @barcelonaloverf1life @tallrock35 @ellen3101 @llando4norris @mcmuppet @issi-loves-dannyric @hellothere9597
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striked through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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georgegraphys · 4 months
F1 Tag Game! Tag some people you'd like to get to know better!
Tagged by: @ablogtocheck
Who is your favorite driver?: RUS/VER/ALO! They are my fav trio. I really like RUS/VER communication ways and how they handle PR, they are really good on their own way. For ALO, I like the way he drives and his goofy personality tbh. His resilience are smthn 🙌🙌
Do you have other favorite drivers?: PIA and ZHO my beloved 🥹🥹
Who is your least favorite driver?: None. I just don't give a fuck about them but I don't invest my emotions too much to dislike them. Probably the one that ick me is DannyRic but again, i don't take him seriously after all those comments he made but I don't care about how he's doing on and off-track enough to dislike him. Aside from that, SAI and NOR fans do piss me off sometimes but I have no beef with the drivers themselves (sometimes but not every time).
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?: Teams. I enjoy Mercedes and Red Bull with the exception of their TPs
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?: I will support the team that treats my favs well and the team that my favs respect.
How long have you been into F1?: Not long not short? 😅 I lurk around for a long time before making these accounts
What got you into F1?: George Russell and Mercedes Benz
Do you enjoy Fanfic/RPF?: Why not?
How do you view new fans?: Welcome on board!
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: I'd take over Toto Wolff tbh. Mercedes got a lot of potential but it is currently being wasted so hard in the hands of his management. Too much is being wasted to the point the team kinda focuses too hard to do publicity to hide their failure and is slowly turning to a blot for the brand
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?: Friends yes but family no
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?: Of course! But i'm an introvert so i might be awkward or shy af in dms 😅
Tagging: @uniquelyme81 @im-probably-crying-rn-ngl @foul-milk
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charlewiss · 2 years
I see you bio/description says f1 football and nba fan so can I ask what teams? and what players?
yesss I've been wanting to talk about this!! more behind the cut cause the list is LONG I'm sorry I'm annoying
ok so f1 i think I have it in my bio (? its basically mercedes and ferrari. mostly lewis and charles tho. i'm in my mick era recently so he has a special place in my heart. shout out also to dannyric, seb, pierre and george cause I like them too <33
nba is a bit more difficult. as im not from the us I tend to watch many teams/games. I really like the mavs (luka doncic is everything to me and now they signed facu [I'm argentinian lol] so I'm the happiest!!!!) and I grew really close to the nuggets {after facu's previous seasons, but I really love jamal he's everything to me). finally, warriors, they're just the greatest and so fun to watch.
now finally, I'm sorry I made this so long, football. I meant as in, I guess you call it soccer? idk. so obviously being from argentina lmao my main team is river plate. basically I support every team that has an argentinian in it lmao so psg and messi, city and álvarez, they're my two main guys <33 but sometimes I see other teams too.
I watch american football too but not really too much. after last season's superbowl I stand close to bengals but don't know much about the sport lmao my brother always tries to explain it to me.
tysm for asking this! was so fun to answer.
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aston14s · 5 months
So High School (P3)- Fernando Alonso/Fem! Reader
— DESCRIPTION: fernando has always been that one constant thing in your life.
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liked by y/n’s username, lancestroll, 526,826,891
alooo_nando she’s just pretending that she understands what is happening
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y/n’s username u just mad that my paddock debut made more buzz than yours 🙄
↳ dannyric that’s really funny, btw heyyyy 😍
↳ alooo_nando nope, stay away from my bestfriend.
↳ y/n’s username nandooo u are scaring all the hoes (hey, i’m very single)
↳ user1 LMFAOOO did she just friendzoned fernando?! 😭 poor him.
y/n’s username
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liked by alooo_nando, aloynstan, 237,927,516 others
y/n’s username his time to fangirl 😎 (just launched my first book and aaaaaa just wanna say thank you to my family for always supporting me and to all those who believed in me thank u sm (you guys know who u are), and lastly thanks to this man for always being there for me on my journey. literally my #1 fan since we were kids 🥹)
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alooo_nando so proud of you, mi princesa. you deserve every good thing that happens in your life 💗
↳ y/n’s username can i just say that you are the best good thing that happened to me? 😓
↳ alooo_nando i can say the same for me.
↳ user3 they are literally my parents 😓
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note: i thought this would just be a short one-shot but i love them sm so i’d make this a multi-chapter instead 😭 so have these 3 first chapters 🤞
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lilghostiequinni · 25 days
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Main Masterlist Logan Masterlist
Pairing: McLaren reserve driver!female reader x Logan Sargent
Warnings: Fluffy,
Summary: You were a McLaren reserve driver as well as an Indy Car driver for McLaren, but then you met some American boy who's a reserve driver for Mercedes.
Requested: NO / yes
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Logan was a good driver with raw talent, but without the practice he needed to properly drive a Formula One car, and that was what being a reserve driver gave him.
The opportunity to practice in one of the best cars there was.
He took that opportunity.
But with that opportunity came meeting you, a female Indy Car driver who was also a reserve driver for McLaren.
You had an amazing relationship with both Lando and Oscar.
It took all but 2 months for Logan to tell you he liked you.
You only gave him a chance because Oscar said he was a good guy.
Within months, you and Logan began dating, and there was no way he was going to let you go now that he had you because you were the most beautiful person he knew.
By the end of the season, Logan had gotten to drive in 3 races because George was sick twice, and Kimi had gotten hurt minorly, enough to not race but just enough to be out for a week.
You supported him the most in those races, knowing he had been working extremely hard to get better at the sport than when he was with Williams.
He got within touching distance of a podium both times, proving he was a good driver, and he just needed the time and car to prove it.
But also the support from a team to prove it.
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A/N: From this poll, it was tied for first. I know this is really short, but I wanted to get this one out, and I started to feel bad.
Tags: @llando4norris @mcmuppet @issi-loves-dannyric @ellen3101 @barcelonaloverf1life @scopeiguess @01rrdbull
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striked through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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