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kullencoble · 1 year ago
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Awkward Autographs
Woodward held this Peace Park event with Danny Davis, Red Gerard and Jamie Anderson and as I approached them to get their autographs, I immediately picked up on the fact that there was drama at the table. Red & Jamie were having an intense exchange about something, and I could tell Danny was like WTF. I was scared to get their autographs. My dad got pictures of the whole exchange, which is funny cause you can see how awkward it all was. He asked me “don’t you want to get Jamie’s autograph” and I was like “NO WAY” I could sense Red was pissed off. I just wanted to get out of there! Danny Davis was still cool, he tried to talk to me, but I was to freaked out by the vibe to respond. I think he could sense I was weirded out. My dad was like everyone has bad days. It was hilarious and weird all at the same time. It was really like whatever, I don't even know why I bothered with it, getting autographs is stupid anyways.
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budaallmusic · 5 years ago
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Sun Ra And His Arkestra ‎– My Favorite Things #ElSaturnRecords 1977 🇺🇸 US Alto Saxophone, Flute – #MarshallAllen Bass – #RichardRaduWilliams aka Richard Williams (tracks: 1) Bass Clarinet – #EloeOmoe Bassoon, Flute – #JamesJacson Congas – #Atakatune Drums – #LuqmanAli Flute, Alto Saxophone – #DannyDavis Liner Notes – #MichaelAnderson Piano – #SunRa Saxophone – #JohnGilmore Trumpet – #AkhTalEbah https://www.instagram.com/p/CCymE_mp7jK/?igshid=1xl4e4gvt9vlk
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cardioplus · 4 years ago
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My cousin #brandonbing Brandon Bing #newyorkgiants #superbowlchampion with the #birdgang🦅 #birdgang #birdgang4life #trainer #businessman #owner #probingelite. Trains #champions🏆 If you are in #philly , I also recommend #davidmiller #damgoodbodies Dam Good Bodies #dannydavis Danny Davis #joehandboxing #gym Joe Hand Boxing Gym. #great #phillytrainers also #naazimrichardson Naazim Richardson (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnbmNhEAJTQ/?igshid=nrp8qjncx9z4
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betaboards · 5 years ago
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2 der besten Boards aller Zeiten: @burtonsnowboards FREE THINKER & DEEP THINKER. @travelindan weiß was er will und das Design für nächste Saison ist auch wieder typisch #dannydavis auch wenn viele meinen, daß das allererste Design von #markgonzes das schönste sei. Ich will es fahren, nicht anschauen 😜 #betaboardssnowboardshop #wearesnowboarding #deepthinker #freethinker #dannydavis (hier: Betaboards Snowboardshop 24/7/365) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAc3XG7guUM/?igshid=1ck633m7gtils
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peopleskateandsnowboard · 5 years ago
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Come to @alpinevalleyskiarea Tomorrow @ 1pm for the Merry Mitten Classic hosted by @travelindan @burton @burtonmidwest @fattire @eddiewall This annual banked slalom event hand dug by the @alpinevalleyterrainparks crew and is sure to be tons of fun! Try to put down your best time on the banks or of just come party! Its gonna be tons of fun🎅 #peoplesnowboard #burton #dannydavis #alpinevalley #weslashharder (at Alpine Valley Terrain Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6TMwPUl5qV/?igshid=me7c7epbbx9m
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peaksnowboarding · 8 years ago
“Being out here is a type of meditation” - @travelindan
Who agrees? Snowboarding is definitely something special.
🎥: @graythompson_ @warpwave
#PeakSnowboarding #Snowboard #Snowboarding #Snowboarder #Mountain #Gnarly #Shredding #Snow #VideoOfTheDay #DannyDavis #SnowboardMovie
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latinboxsports · 7 years ago
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👊🏽💥 IT FIGHT WEEK‼️💥👊🏽 We making history! 👏🏽👏🏽 This Saturday on @hboboxing !!! LETS GOOOO!!! #reisbraekhus #hbo #womensboxing #KO #welterweightchampionship #Nativestrong #mixednative #Philly #Joehandgym #Dannydavis #providence #capeverde #bigsixboxingacademy #Wampstrong #weready #letsgetreadytorumble Repost 📸 #CaneloGolovkin2 Lineal and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (49-1-2, 34 KOs) @canelo and WBC/WBA/IBF/IBO Middleweight World Champion Gennady "GGG" Golovkin (37-0-1, 33 KOs) @gggboxing get set for there highly anticipated 12-round rematch at T-Mobile Arena @tmobilearena on Cinco de Mayo and presented live by HBO Pay-Per-View beginning at a special time of 8:00 p.m. ET/5:00 p.m. PT. @HBOBoxing #PPV @goldenboyboxing @oscardelahoya @makeawar @marylynaceves @monicasears @class56ramiro @gaberivas03 @janeymurcia @janinegarcia @primorosa1014 @willyvideo @tattootheone ‪@Micheladatime ‬ @tomloeffler1 @360boxingpromotions @wbcboxing @wbaboxingofficial @ibfboxing @ibo_boxing
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concertsintheclassroom · 8 years ago
Students from Dawson Elementary visit Tangled Strings Studio and Green Pea Press at Lowe Mill
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MDMEF President Evan Billiter and Tangled Strings Studio owner Dany Davis.On February 28th, 2017, The Microwave Dave Music Education Foundation hosted a very exciting addition to the "Concerts in the Classroom" project for 6th grade students from Dawson elementary.
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 Tangled Strings Studio owner Danny Davis explaining the science behind making guitars and sound frequencies using math and science.
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The workshop with Danny was another example of art integration, utilizing music as a tool to teach the students, within their specific standards, about math and science.
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Students were split into two groups and had the opportunity to visit Green Pea Press where they learned the art and science behind screen printing.
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The “Frequency Meter!”
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Inquiring Minds
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Local musician and songwriter Alan Little performing a few of his original songs while playing a handcrafted guitar made at Tangled Strings Studio
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Students from Dawson Elementary listening to musician-songwriter Alan Little
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Musician - songwriter Alan Little closing the “Concert in a Classroom” series at Tangled Strings Studio
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federationforever · 3 years ago
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Overhead View  WWF Monday Night Raw  Macho Man Randy Savage vs Yokozuna August 14th 1993
#WWF #WorldWrestlingFederation #MondayNightRaw #RAW #ClassicWWF #NewGeneration #MachoManRandySavage #Yokozuna #MrFuji #DannyDavis #WWE 
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thedannydavies · 8 years ago
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FLIP! 20% off + free postage out of my #Society6 shop today! FANCY!!! https://society6.com/dannydavies
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budaallmusic · 4 years ago
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Sun Ra And His Arkestra ‎– Somewhere Over The Rainbow #ElSaturnRecords 1977 🇺🇸 US Alto Saxophone, Flute, Percussion – #DannyDavis, #MarshallAllen Baritone Saxophone, Flute, Percussion – #DannyRayThompson Bass – ShooBee Doo [Reginald J. Fields] Aka #ReggieFields Bass Clarinet – #EloeOmoe Bassoon, Flute, Drum [Infinity drum] – #JamesJacson Congas, Percussion – #Atakatune Drums – #LuqmanAli [Edward Skinner], #TommyHunter Piano, Organ, Vocals – #SunRa Tenor Saxophone, Timbales, Vocals – #JohnGilmore Trumpet – #AhmedAbdullah Trumpet, Flugelhorn, Vocals – #AkhTalEbah Vocals – #JuneTyson https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNs7_1pWID/?igshid=vcevypsx704r
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cardioplus · 5 years ago
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#throwbackthursday #hboboxing #trainingcamp #bernardhopkins #naazimrichardson #dannydavis #leighsteinberg #69thstreetgym #upperdarbygym (at Allentown, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC-waLulDr5/?igshid=q9eaxwl36osy
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betaboards · 6 years ago
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Unserer Meinung nach DAS beste Snowboard am Markt: @burtonsnowboards Deep Thinker im legendären Safari Design aus 1988. Wenn du ein Board für jeden Tag suchst, das dich fordert, egal ob Eispiste, Slush, Carven, Powder, Park oder Pipe, lässt dich der Deep Thinker einfach NIE im Stich. Frag Burton Teamfahrer @sepplramsbacher und er wird dich nur angrinsen 😊 Mein Deep Thinker steht neben meinem Bett, wenn ich es nicht fahre. Ja. Kein Witz. #betaboardssnowboardshop #wearesnowbaording #burtonsnowboards #deepthinker #burton #endlesswinter #snowboarding #snowboards #dannydavis #safari #betaboards #snowboardingisnotcoolitisawesome (hier: Betaboards Snowboardshop 24/7/365) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2gija1igIl/?igshid=yt10blz5t9wh
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peopleskateandsnowboard · 6 years ago
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@travelindan 's new 2020 @burtonsnowboards Free Thinker features the artwork of #keithharing If you're looking for a fast lightweight camber board that can hold a solid edge, give the Free Thinker a look. #peoplesnowboard #burtonsnowboards #burtonfreethinker @keithharingfoundation #dannydavis (at People Skate & Snowboard) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2cLao9FVh3/?igshid=sg6j8pmfdau0
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peaksnowboarding · 8 years ago
Who loves The Lion King & snowboarding? 😂😂😂
🌎: @thepeacepark
🏂: @travelindan
🎥: @jackmitrani
#PeakSnowboarding #Snowboard #Snowboarding #Snowboarder #Mountain #Gnarly #Shredding #Snow #PicOfTheDay #HandPlant #DannyDavis #SnowboardTrick #Winter
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rinrinp42 · 5 years ago
Hey @dannydavie I fucking well said that I wasn't interested in any of that, that I'm happily in a relationship, and yet you still responded.
You are absolute scum.
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